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Lab Experiment | 3

LAB # 3:
Design the combinational circuit using library building technique of VHDL programming


 To learn to utilize the library functions in VHDL

 To learn how to create own library in VHDL

Part 1 – Creating your own library components

Frequently used pieces of VHDL code are usually written in the form of
COMPONENTS, FUNCTIONS, or PROCEDURES. Such codes are then placed inside
a PACKAGE and compiled into the destination LIBRARY. The importance of this
technique is that it allows code partitioning, code sharing, and code reuse.
We start by describing the structure of a PACKAGE. Besides COMPONENTS,
FUNCTIONS, and PROCEDURES, it can also contain TYPE and CONSTANT
definitions, among others. Its syntax is presented below

PACKAGE package_name IS
END package_name;
[ PACKAGE BODY package_name IS
(FUNCTION and PROCEDURE descriptions)
END package_name; ]

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The syntax is composed of two parts: PACKAGE and PACKAGE BODY. The first part
is mandatory and contains all declarations, while the second part is necessary only when
one or more subprograms (FUNCTION or PROCEDURE) are declared in the upper
part, in which case it must contain the descriptions (bodies) of the subprograms.
PACKAGE and PACKAGE BODY must have the same name.
The declaration list can contain the following COMPONENT, FUNCTION,
The example below shows a how to use PACKAGE called my_components. It contains
three components inverter, nand_2 and nand_3 in it.

---------------------Code for myinverter.vhd

library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity myinverter is
inv_in: in std_logic;
inv_out: out std_logic
end myinverter;
architecture bhv of myinverter is
inv_out <= not inv_in;
end bhv;

---------------------Code for nand_2.vhd

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library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity nand_2 is
nand2_in1: in std_logic;
nand2_in2: in std_logic;
nand2_out: out std_logic
end nand_2;
architecture nand_2 of nand_2 is
nand2_out <= NOT (nand2_in1 AND nand2_in2);
end nand_2;

---------------------Code for nand_3.vhd

library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity nand_3 is
nand3_in1: in std_logic;
nand3_in2: in std_logic;
nand3_in3: in std_logic;
nand3_out: out std_logic
end nand_3;
architecture nand_3 of nand_3 is
nand3_out <= NOT (nand3_in1 AND nand3_in2 AND nand3_in3);
end nand_3;
---------------------Code for my_components.vhd
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

package my_components is
component myinverter is
port( inv_in: in std_logic; inv_out: out std_logic);
end component;

component nand_2 is
port ( nand2_in1: in std_logic;
nand2_in2: in std_logic;
nand2_out: out std_logic
end component;

component nand_3 is
nand3_in1: in std_logic;
nand3_in2: in std_logic;
nand3_in3: in std_logic;
nand3_out: out std_logic

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end component;
end my_components;

Complete the VHDL code for

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.my_components.all;

entity my_package is
port( a,b,c,d : in std_logic;
x,y: out std_logic);

end my_package;

architecture bhv1 of my_package is

signal w: std_logic;
U1: myinverter PORT MAP (b,w);
U2: nand_2 PORT MAP(a,b,x);
U3: nand_3 PORT MAP(w,c,d,y);
end bhv1;

a b c d x y

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Lab Tasks

Part 2 -ALU implementation using your library components

Using the techniques, you learned from Part 1, implement a single bit ALU shown below
using VHDL codes and components in your library.

Your library should include

 Orgate
 Andgate
 Nandgate
 Halfadder
 Fulladder
 mux.

The Mux code is given below.

entity MUX_4_1 is
port (
s: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); --Mux selector
A, B, C, D: in std_logic; --Mux input data lines
Z: out std_logic); --result
end MUX_4_1;

architecture Behav of MUX_4_1 is

Z <= A when s = “00” else
B when s = “01” else
C when s = “10” else
End behav;

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Implement the given ALU by writing VHDL modules and storing in the library. Connect the inputs
in1, in2, C_in, and Selector to switches and the outputs, result and C_out, to LEDs as

S1 S0 C_in In2 In1 x y


Lab Assessment

Pre-Lab /1

Performance /3

Results /2

Viva /2

Lab Report /2

Instructor Signature and Comments

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Lab Experiment | 4

LAB # 4:
Design the sequential circuit using VHDL programming techniques

 To design sequential circuit using VHDL.

 To design a finite state machine using VHDL
Part 1 -Familiarize yourself with Sequential Circuit

Combinational circuits and systems produce an output based on input variables only. Sequential
circuits use current input variables and previous input variables by storing the information and
putting back into the circuit on the next clock (activation) cycle.

Fig 4.1 Sequential Circuit

Types of Sequential Circuit:

There are two types of sequential circuit, synchronous and asynchronous.
Synchronous Circuit:
Synchronous types use pulsed or level inputs and a clock input to drive the circuit (with restrictions
on pulse width and circuit propagation).

Fig 4.2 Synchronous

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Lab Experiment | 4

Asynchronous Circuit:

Asynchronous sequential circuits do not use a clock signal as synchronous circuits do. Instead the
circuit is driven by the pulses of the inputs. You will not need to know any more about
asynchronous circuits for this course.

Fig 4.3 Asynchronous

Part 2 –Introduction of Latches and Flip Flops

D Latch:
Latch is an electronic device that can be used to store one bit of information. The D latch is used to
capture, or 'latch' the logic level which is present on the Data line when the clock input is high. If
the data on the D line changes state while the clock pulse is high, then the output, Q, follows the
input, D. When the CLK input falls to logic 0, the last state of the D input is trapped and held in
the latch.

Fig 4.4 Latch Timing

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Lab Experiment | 4

D Flip Flop:

The working of D flip flop is similar to the D latch except that the output of D Flip Flop takes the
state of the D input at the moment of a positive edge at the clock pin (or negative edge if the clock
input is active low) and delays it by one clock cycle.

Fig 4.5 Flip Flop Timing

Part 3 – Using 50MHz Clock of Quartus Cyclone IV FPGA board

The clock provided by the board is 50MHz, which is too fast for seeing the sequential circuit
output through LEDs for verification. Therefore, we need to divide this clock into a slow clock.
For this, we define two temporary signals.

The slow clock, sclk, is generated through a process and a current statement as shown below:

Note that the 24-bit signal called “clkdiv” is incremented by one per every mclk clock cycle. The
slow clock, sclk, is generated by only copying the 24-th bit of the signal clkdiv. Write a code to

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Lab Experiment | 4

use “sclk” to run the arbitrary sequential circuit. This would allow you to see the changes of
sequential circuit through LEDs.

When you run “Implement Design”, it will give a warning message “… have excessive skew” for
the clock division. Ignore this warning message and generate the bit file. When this bit file is
downloaded to the FPGA, you should see the sequential circuit bit patterns on assigned LEDs.
Don’t forget to test the reset button of this circuit

Lab Tasks
Task 1: The complete code for D- Flip Flop (asynchronous) is given below- test it

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Lab Experiment | 4

D Btn Mclk Reset Q

Switch Push Button FPGA clock Push Button LED


Task 2: Write the code for D- Flip Flop (Synchronous) in the space given below.

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Lab Experiment | 4

Task 3: Sequence 1101 Detector:

One of the interesting aspects of using VHDL for implementing a state diagram on a FPGA is
that it does not require the knowledge of flip-flops and the complicated minimization procedures.
The state diagram can be directly implemented using if-then-else (or case-when) constructs,
based on a finite state machine (FSM). For this lab, a counter and a simple sequence detector are

A sequence “1101” detector can be designed using the following state diagram.

Figure 4.6 Sequence Detector

In1 Btn Mclk LED

Switch Push Button FPGA clock LED


Important Note:

Notice that you are using a push button switch to generate a slow clock. It is normally zero and
becomes one when pushed. Since the button switch is a mechanical device, it creates oscillation
of signals, called key bouncing, when it is pushed and released. A bouncing waveform is showing
below. The oscillation period is typically less than 20ms.

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Lab Experiment | 4

The routine that filters the bouncing waveform is called a debouncing routine. If you do not
debounce the button signal, a single push of a button sometimes will cause to go through multiple

states, equivalent to multiple pushes. Implement the button debouncing by adding the debounce
routine provided in the link to your library and then calling it. An example of debouncing that
rotates LED lights per each push of a button is shown below’.

In the future, use this debouncing routine whenever a mechanical switch is used.

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Lab Experiment | 4

Write your VHDL Code for to detect 1101 sequence in Figure 4.6:

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Lab Experiment | 4

Lab Assessment

Pre-Lab /1

Performance /3

Results /2

Viva /2

Lab Report /2

Instructor Signature and Comments

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