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Maddy - : (sighing) just put your hands on the desk!

Entice- : (laughing a loud) Yes! I heard that the new teacher is so weird.

Law - : I hope that she don’t have big eyeglasses.

Students are so excited for the new teacher and they wanted to make good impression towards to

Sorreu- : Good morning class! (she is trying to copy out their new teacher).

: (she is laughing) Hey! (pointing her finger) miss smarty stop reading that book, who do
you think you are?

Samantha - : what’s the problem when I read this book?

Sorreu- : (she feel angry) just stop! Reading it!

Samantha- : (feel that she is inferior) (gradually put down the books she is holding).

Sorreu- : (didn’t notice that the new teacher is behind her)

: (a few seconds, she get the book to the teacher’s table)

: (she go beside Samantha) (and whisper to Samantha ears)

: it is your fault!

Samantha- : (looking sorreu face) (feel so afraid) I’m sorry, I owned you that!

Sorreu- : after this class, and you see!

Teacher Stella- : (looking to every students in the class) so okay, I am your new teacher in Philosophy,
and I will tell you a story about inter subjectivity.

Samantha- : Ma’am? ( smiling to the teacher and stand up)

Teacher Stella- : Yes?

Samantha- : is that all about socialization?

Teacher Stella- : Yes, and I will tell you a story about PWD’s

Samantha- : ( she sat down and fall to the floor because sorrue moves her chair).

(meanwhile all students laugh) HAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHA!

Teacher Stella- : ( go to the students Samantha and help him to get up)

: stop laughing class, do you know why?

(all the students stop laughing, and there was a long silence)
Music plays…………. The story begins: on the life of Stephen

Stephen- : (He was walking in silence) (trying to count his steps)

Tristan- : hey! What’s that? ( while he was putting a sign to Stephen back) (Abnormal Here!)

Stephen- : huh? What? (he was scared)

Tristan- : nothing ( he is smiling fake to Stephen)

Stephen- : ( he continue walking without knowing others are laughing at him).

Stephen- : Dad! I’m here ( he was carrying his test paper) ( he was smiling out loud)

Stanlee- : Let me see that?

: WOW! You’re doing great son, ( he was smiling)

(on the sofa, (Shane) was sitting and holding her cellphone)

Stanlee- :How about you? Can you do something that can make you in progress?

Shane- : (she was in silence).

Stanlee- : Hey? Are you listening to me?

Shane- : Wow! You told me that Dad? That your attention is only for Stephen.

Stanlee- : I told you that your brother has a autism, and his heart so weak.

Emma- : Please! Understand the situation.

Shane- : I do this anymore dad, I feel that I am not important to you (she crying)

(Shane go out and hand to call) to Liza her friend

Shane- : Liza please go here

Liza- : what happen? (so worried)

Shane- : I will tell you when you are here! ( still she was crying)

Back to classroom

Emma- : What happen to Stephen ma’am?

Teacher Stella- :I think I forget about him (smile haftly)

(At the school ) everyone go home, but Stephen left inside the room.

Stephen- : ( he was sleeping) (without knowing that its late to go home)

Tristan- :Grab his bag. (Danny)

Danny- (Laughing evily) how about his money?

Tristan- :Guys, Hurry, Hurry, (Danny)

(the 2 boys run and left Stephen inside the room)

Stephen- : ( so scared) Please Help! Please!

:(he was crying ) mom! dad! Help.

:Anybody. Somebody help me,

Stephen father was so worried and was so panic then, he think Stephen his son lost

Stanlee- : Its late, where’s my son, Shane call his teacher

: And I will find him!

( so worried and go out to the house)

Sound effect

Teacher Stella- : the father of Stephen was bumped by a car. ( teacher is so sad in this part)

Carlotte- :ma’am? Are you okay?

Teacher Stella- :Yes I’m okay, I remembered something

Carlotte- : so, what is the next part ma’am?

(the student are sad because of the story)

Doc. Aliza- I’m sorry, your father is dead, I found that she has heart failure and due to the that was
happened it was triggered.

Shane- : (wild because of that happen)

: (she was crying) ( and blamed Stephen)

: it is all your fault! If you didn’t go home late, dad would not go out to find you,
(crying a loud)

On the phone

Shane- :mom? Can you give money?

Mom : (response no.)

Shane- : why mom? Why you can’t give me want I want?

: why your so biased?

Why it is always Stephen, Stephen, Stephen.

( she was angry and crying )

After 1 month that Shane father was died, she recover and try to live in an inappropriate way.
Teacher Stella- :she go in the club and her body

Alisa- :what happen to him ma’am?

Maddy- :yes ma’am? What happen to the boy?

All the student are trying to guess what happen to him

Samantha- :she suicide ma’am?

Teacher Stella : (remember negative thoughts)

She grab her bag and go home)…………..

Teacher Stella- :what happened to him?

:why? She cried, (as the saw his son Stephen without a breath)

:(he was alone, cyring for help)

:closing her eyes, not to see the situation of his son.

: (slap shane) (while she is crying)

:if you are here, this would not happen

Shane- : (she realize everything)

Agupo, altan brett- Xavier

Ballerta, Cyril- Danny

Cornelio, John Rey- Father Stanlee

Deramas, Niel Christian - Stephen

Ortiz, Deither- Tristan

Arac, Danica- Law

Dela torre, Erika- Maddy

Demapelis, Stephany- Shane

Estoya, Aira- Emma

Madredio, Maria Carla- Entice

Maguad, Ma. Teressa- Teacher Stella

Mission, Novy- Alisa

Napiere, Key Ann- Liza

Orano, Camille- Samantha

Samperoy, Ma. Lota- Carlotte

Tagnia, Elizabeth Jane- Sorreu

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