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Elements of a Short Story

A short story’s plot is its series of events. Throughout the plot, events unfold, build to a climax, and are brought to a conclusion
during the resolution. There are two methods of plot development; you will be in charge of creating a visual for the first:

 Authors use linear plot development when they reveal events in the order in which they occur.
 Authors use non-linear plot development when they interrupt the sequence of events in a plot. Flashbacks, sub-plots,
and parallel plots can be used within non-linear plots.

The plot of a short story usually focuses on a conflict, or struggle. There are two main types of conflict in literature; you will be
in charge of creating a visual for the first:

 An external conflict is a struggle between two characters, between an individual and a group, or between a character
and a force of nature.
 An internal conflict is a struggle within the mind of one character.

The characters in a story are the personalities who participate in the action. Usually, story characters are human beings, but
they can also develop complex yet believable characters:

 Describing characters’ appearances, words, and actions

 Showing characters interacting with one another
 Sharing characters’ thoughts and feelings

The setting of a story is the time and place of the action.

 The time of a setting can be past, present, or future, and it may also include a specific year, season, or hour of day.
 Place can refer to the cultural and historical setting as well as to a specific geographic location in a country, town, or

In some stories, the setting not only provides a backdrop for the action, but can also shape the characters, plot, and conflict.
For example, cultural expectations may cause characters to take specific actions. The setting can also help create a mood—the
atmosphere of the story.

A symbol is a person, place, or object that has a literal meaning and also stands for something larger, such as an idea or an
emotion. Symbols may be particular to a specific literary work or universal idea.

The theme of a short story is its central message or insight into life. This message may be stated or implied.

 A stated theme is expressed directly by the author.

 An implied theme is suggested indirectly through the experiences of the characters or through the events and the
setting of the work.
Elements of a Short Story
A short story’s plot is its series of events. Throughout the plot, events unfold, build to a climax, and are brought to a conclusion
during the resolution. There are two methods of plot development; you will be in charge of creating a visual for the first:

 Authors use linear plot development when they reveal events in the order in which they occur.
 Authors use non-linear plot development when they interrupt the sequence of events in a plot. Flashbacks, sub-plots,
and parallel plots can be used within non-linear plots.

The plot of a short story usually focuses on a conflict, or struggle. There are two main types of conflict in literature; you will be
in charge of creating a visual for the first:

 An external conflict is a struggle between two characters, between an individual and a group, or between a character
and a force of nature.
 An internal conflict is a struggle within the mind of one character.

The characters in a story are the personalities who participate in the action. Usually, story characters are human beings, but
they can also develop complex yet believable characters:

 Describing characters’ appearances, words, and actions

 Showing characters interacting with one another
 Sharing characters’ thoughts and feelings

The setting of a story is the time and place of the action.

 The time of a setting can be past, present, or future, and it may also include a specific year, season, or hour of day.
 Place can refer to the cultural and historical setting as well as to a specific geographic location in a country, town, or

In some stories, the setting not only provides a backdrop for the action, but can also shape the characters, plot, and conflict.
For example, cultural expectations may cause characters to take specific actions. The setting can also help create a mood—the
atmosphere of the story.

A symbol is a person, place, or object that has a literal meaning and also stands for something larger, such as an idea or an
emotion. Symbols may be particular to a specific literary work or universal idea.

The theme of a short story is its central message or insight into life. This message may be stated or implied.

 A stated theme is expressed directly by the author.

 An implied theme is suggested indirectly through the experiences of the characters or through the events and the
setting of the work.

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