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The impact of artificial intelligence of HR profession as been discussed. The articles has
collected opinions of various industry leaders from HR area and enumerates their point of
view. Author has taken care to include both sides of opinions -potential downsides for HR
as an employing field and the benefits which the stream can yield due to the very nature of
artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is a sophisticated mathematical model of algorithms with the ability

to refine its decision making criteria on the basis of the data it gets feeded. This essentially
means that, to a great extent, it can self-adjust to take care of emerging trend. This property
of the model has been highlighted to be of an extraordinary value to the profession. David
Mallon and Kurt Heikkinen hold opinion that this ability of AI systems will help HR to
automate non-constructive tasks of repetitive nature. For example, this will enable
recruiters to automate the process of shortlisting of candidates for the recruitment. Add to
this the ability of machines to identify moods, cognitive behaviour and education level, AI
is ready to take care of many needs of HR profession. However, not all fully agree on
substitutability of AI for people. Alan Stukalsky, for example, believes that cultural fit
(abstract skills) can not be, currently, handled by algorithms and require human

While AI poses great benefits, we need to understand the rate of development of AI itself.
Currently, AI is expected to (and in some places already has) replaced workforce which did
not require creativity. Given the rate of advancement of technology, it is excited that many
tasks of today will be automated within next 5-10 years. And this statement, due to
continuous advancement of AI, shall hold true at any point of time in the future. What is
required is therefore a careful analysis of HR’s HR affairs so that organizations are able to
get optimal benefits from the technology and human resources.

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