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Serial Number: _____________

Senior High School Department

Directions: Read the following question(s)/statement(s) carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer that

1. It is a communication that involves three or more people.

a. One to one communication c. Public Communication
b. Group Communication d. Mass Communication
2. It is a speaker-audience communication which is used when you wish to address a large number of audience.
a. One to one Communication c. Public Communication
b. Group Communication d. Mass Communication
3. A communication that manages from simple thinking, meditating, reflecting or talking to oneself.
a. Public b. Intrapersonal c. Mass d. Interpersonal
4. It is a noise that comes from the environment.
a. Internal Noise b. Semantic Noise c. External Noise d. Children Noise
5. It is a process of exchanging information or ideas from one person to another.
a. Reading b. Communication c. Writing d. Listening
6. It is the response or reply in communication process.
a. Feedback b. Backless c. Throwback d. Low back
7. It refers to someone whom the message is directed.
a. Sender b. Receiver c. Barrier d. Observer
8. It refers to the source or the one who initiates the message.
a. Sender b. Receiver c. Barrier d. Channel
9. Anything we communicate without using words such as gestures, signs etc.
a. Verbal Symbol b. Feedback c. Non-verbal Symbol d. Channel
10. It is the idea, feeling, opinion or belief, conveyed by the sender to the receiver.
a. Channel b. Volume c. Message d. Massage
11. It is a major type of communication that involves people.
a. Interpersonal b. Intrapersonal c. Non-personal d. Personal
12. Verbal communication refers to ________ communication.
a. written b. drawn c. spoken d. sign
13. An interference that keeps a message from being understood or accurately interpreted.
a. Conflict b. Problem c. Noise d. Pain
14. It is the ability to understand and recall the spoken words.
a. Listening b. Reading c. Viewing d. Writing
15. This communication is used when you want to reach a bigger audience in
different places at the same time.
a. Dyadic b. Public c. Mass Com d. Small Group
16. Attending a seminar is a __________ type of speech context.
a. Public b. Intrapersonal c. mass d. interpersonal
17. Sweetheart I miss you so much is an example of ___________type of speech style.
a. Intimate b. Frozen c. formal d. consultative
18. Honorable Judge, I am presenting to you another evidence which is labelled Exhibit D. This is an
example of _________ type of speech style.
a. Formal b. Consultative c. intimate d. frozen
19. Discussing the school’s marketing strategy is ______ type of speech context.
a. Public b. Interpersonal c. intrapersonal d. personal
20. Making reflection is a _______type of speech context………
a. Interpersonal b. Intrapersonal c. mass d. public
21. Presenting a progress report to the supervisor is __________ type of speech context.
a. Public b. Interpersonal c. Intrapersonal d. mass
22. “You are the right person to the job” is an example of __________type of speech style.
a. formal b. Frozen c. intimate d. mass
23. Discussing a committee report is _________type of speech context.
a. Public b. Interpersonal c. intrapersonald. mass
24. Having a group discussion is ___________ type of speech context.
a. Public b. Intrapersonal c. Interpersonal d. mass
25. In purposive listening, it would be easier if we listen with.
a. Willingness b. Eagerness c. open mind d. open ears
26. Listening obviously demands immediate _______ with speaker.
a. Reaction b. Participation c. recognition d. response
27. Critical thinking may be classified into three except one.
a. Appreciative b. Conversational c. courteous d. social
28. Which of the following demonstrates a positive nonverbal message?
a. A smiling face b. Sticking out of tongue c. blushing d. long drawn breaths
29. Which gesture indicates feelings?
a. using one arm to indicate height b. Throwing up arms to indicate disgust
c. Raising one hand to stop d. Crossing fingers
30. Listening for pleasure, entertainment or enjoyment refers to ________.
a. Appreciative b. Comprehensive c. critical d. active
3l. Most people gave normal hearing but their ears are not that ______.
a. Attentive b. Alert c. alive d. active
32. Why is listening important?
a. To achieve active communication b. To express your own thoughts
c. To relax your own body and mind d. All of the above
33. What is true about listening?
a. If people stop listening, it is useless to talk
b. It is natural process of receiving aural and visual stimuli
c. Try to note down everything what the speaker says.
d. All of the above
34. Which is an intrinsic barrier to effective listening?
a. Noisy seatmates b. Loud generator c. Speaker’s style d. feeling of pain and hunger
35. Which of the following are not nonverbal skills?
a. Movements, eye contact, voice b. words, sounds, frown c. none of these d. all of these
36. Which of the following is true?
a. Speakers reflect their feelings by their nonverbal actions in front of the audience.
b. Nonverbal signals are barriers to effective speech.
c. Nonverbal symbols are not as important as verbal symbols
d. All of these
37. Which of the following is an effective nonverbal communication Behavior?
a. frowning b. Biting of nails c. yawning d. looking into another’s eye
38. The study of space and distance is called _______.
a. Gestures b. Kinetics c. paralanguage d. proxmics
39.Which is poor listening habit?
a. has eye contact with speaker b. Believes that listening involves no work
c. gives honest feed back d. Gives full attention to the speaker
40. It is the speed of speaking.
a. Emphasis b. volume c. rate d. poise
41. The rise and fall of voice is called________.
a. Communication b. Volume c. intonation d. posture
42. The force or loudness of tone is called ________.
a. volume b. Emphasis c. intensity d. rate
43. The clearness with which a speaker form his words.
a. Emphasis b. Enunciation c. pronunciation d, voice
44. Stress placed upon any syllable, word, or group of words.
a. Emphasis b. Rate c. volume d. delivery
45. The correct utterance of word.
a. rate b. Pronunciation c. volume d. enunciation
46. All the way in which you as a speaker show self control.
a. Posture b. Delivery c. poise d. inflection
47. Any bodily movement expressing an idea.
a. Vocal qualityb. Delivery c. Gesture d. Verbal
48. The ability of the voice to modulate or very within a pleasant range of tone.
a. inflection b. Volume c. flexibility d. volume
49. It refers to the highness or lowness of voice when speaking.
a. Volume b. Gesture c. rate d. pitch
50. The distinctive characteristics of the voice that makes it pleasant or unpleasant.
a. Vocal quality b. Emphasis c. rate d. intensity

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