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C. S.

(Main) Exam : 2011


Paper I

ITime Allowed : Th(ee Hours I I Maximum Marks : 300 I

Each question is printed both in Hindi and
in English.
Answers must be .written in the medium
specified in the Admission Certificate issued
to you, which must be stated clearly on the
cover of the answer~book in the space
pr:ovided for the purpose. No marks will be
given for the answers written in a medium
other than that specified in the Admission
Candidates should attempt Questions no. 1
and 5 which are compulsory, and any three
of the remaining questions selecting at least
one question from each Section.
Assume suitable data if considered necessary
and indicate the same clearly.
The number of "'marks carried by each
question is indicated at the end of the

tz<R ;f : 3/jdWi W ~ Ml'rN ~ w.r-q:r ~ fi:im'l ~ fR:

fJflT if I

1. Answer the following in about 150 words each : 15x4=60

(a) How do you use the concept of revenue recognit ion

in the determin ation of income of a business
concern ? Explain, giving example s.
(b) Discuss the effectiveness of monetar y policy of
a Central Bank to control (i) Inflation , and
(ii) Recession, citing. example s from Indian
expenen ces.

(c) "SEBI has failed to effectively control the capital •

market m India." Criticall y examine this
statemen t.
(d) How will you segregat e fixed cost element from the
semi-var iable cost ? Explain wit)l example s.

2. (a) Pass necessar y journal entries in the account books

of a company from the following : ;

Also mention the im;act of each transact ion on the ,,

Balance Sheet of the company. 5x6=30

(i) Issue of Bonus shares in the ratio of 1 : 1.

The share capital at the beginnin g of the year
stood at ~ 12,50;000. Adequat e retainea
earnings in the form of general reserve and
Profit & Loss (Cr.) were present on the date
of Bonus issue.

C-DTN-L-DBA 2 [Contd.]

1. A"'"If<!'I R!l M it it ~ R1 Cfi CfiT ('flfl11T 150 ~ it ~

<!Jf:.i!~ : 15x4;,_60
(Cfi) fi!imClii<-HHfl!Cfi ~ ~ awt ~ ~ it ·31T'l11
- fCI(Cfi(O I q,'t ~ CfiT wTirr 3Wi ~ ~ ?
dC:JI;(OI ~. f\4~1~1!: I
(~) 'IJI(d'i"l. ~ it di;IQ(OI ~ ~' (i) ~5\lflf>lf<'l,
~ (ii) 1M!] 'lit foi<ifSIM CflB. ~ ft;rQ: Ch~"l ~ q,'t
4~fS::Cfi -;j)ftr q,'t ~IClCfiiRMI q,'t M~i:l"ll ChlMQ> I
('T) "'l1m f it' t;ft iii Iiii I( 'lit >NTcft iTT it A48! (j CfiB
it 00 (SEBI) 3:ifllfi(1 WI ~ I"· ~. Cfi2R CfiT
31 Ictl i:l 'i Ii"l Cfi ~ Chl Ri1 ~ I
(er) 3'/!,f-qf{qcf"J~ft('j ('li'IW it ~ <'ii'IM m<1 'lit a:m
~ 'JI!f<!i ·~ ? d<(II;(OI ~' @~I~Q> !

2. (Cfi) A'"'i f0 R!l M it , ~ Cfi""" ..n ctt <9Rll iii fi1 <i'i it
3'/ICl~"lCfi :;r;ffi llfctf!!'"ll 'li\f"t~. :
CfiN1l ~ Wf-1 'l'f 'R ll R1 Cfi "#A-~ ~ m 'lit
'!ft. iii('li~Q> I 5x6 ;30
(i) 1 : 1 ~ 3:J:!ql('l
it, ijl"Jfl arnT CfiT A1f4"1 I
q1'f ~ 31R'Il A, .mT t;ft < 12,5o,ooo ey I
~ ahiT ~ f.llf4"1 q,'t fuf2i 'R +1141 ;<j
~ ~ BT!f ~ m <¢1>Rl2) ~ ~ it
q'"ll~ >rfumftf. awt ey I

C-DTN-L-DBA 3 [Con td .]
(ii) Comp any bough t back its own 25,000 share s
@ ~ 135 each. Such share s have not been

cancelled. Face value of each share is ~ 10.

(iii) Comp any's net block amou nted to~ 7,25,750.
Mana geme nt decide to reval ue it at
~ 9,50,0 00 and show it at revise d value .

(iv) An asset 62,500 was lost in fire and


the comp any could realiz e ~ 45,00 0 only from

the insur ance company.
(v) Bad debts amou nting to ~ 15,50 0 were
recov ered durin g the year.
(vi) Issue of 10,00,000 share s of~- 10 each at a
prem ium of ~ 65. (Money receiv ed by the
comp any).· ·I

(b) Do you agke with the view that Activ ity Based
Costi ng is not very practi cal ahd usefu l ? Discu ss
its limita tions. 30

' .

C-DTN-L-DBA 4 [Cont d.]

(ii) 'f)Uj;{1 ~ 31""'f.t 25, 000 atW 'lit
~ 13 5 >1<"-li<t>
cfi't Gt it ~•HsHl c:: <R fWrr I ~ miT it ~
;:® ~ 'fl:lT ~ I 51<"-li<t> ~ "'hf ~
~ 10 ~ I
(iii) 'f)UJ;{1 'fiT ~ ~ (ne t block)~
7,2 5,7 50
I'IT I >fiii'tff. "3it ~ 9,5 0,0 00 it Tf'
<rn "'hf f.luf'l Wft ~ W1T ~ ~ ~
'R f<;GHI i".lh!(1l ~· I

(iv) ~ 62 ,50 0 ~ cfi't ~ qf{~UJRJ 31fT.:r

it ~
m ~ (12[[ <Wrr if)Uj.n it, 'h'"4'1l it
~ 45 ,00 0 Cf¥1 ~ I

(v) ~ 15,500 'lft ~FHI~r il; ~ 'WlT Cf'f il; ~


(vi } ~ 65 lilf'l'l'"l 'R ~ 10 51<"-li<t> il; 10 ,00 ,00

f.l•lfild ~ 1Jl; I (<t>UJ•il it ~FHi~l >1T1:{1 WT
~) I
c~> 'f<lT 311'! ~ <;m<hlwu
~t;'"ld ~ fili fui<rr anmft(f
<11'1(1 <?1\!li'll.., ~ ~ &~IC!QIR'
h (12[[ <wn•n
;:® ~ ? ~ -mmw
C!i\ f<t~i".l<il 'h"if'"!l!> 1 3o

5 [Co ntd .]

3. (a) The ledge r balan ces extra cted from the books
of Prefe ct Publi c Ltd. for the year ended on
31st Marc h, 2011 are as follows :

~ -
Share Capit al 50,00 ,000
12% Debe nture s 37,50 ,000
Land & Build ing 38,40 ,000
Profi t & Loss (Cr.) 3,28,1 25
Stock -in-tr ade (1-4-2 0iO) 9,37,5 00
Sund ry Debto rs 20,25 ,000
Cash Balan ces 3,12,5 00
Purch ases 23,12 ,500
Preiim inary Expe nses 62,50 0
Bills Payab le 4,62,5 00
·Inter im ,Divid end ' '
4,90,0 00
Wage s 12,50 ,000
Gene ral Expe nses 1,05,0 00
Salar ies 2,27,0 00
Credi tors 5,00,0 00
Sales , 50,50 ,000
Gene ral Reser ve 2,75,0 00

C-DT N-L-D BA 6 [Cont d,]
3. ("<li) 31 l1fif, 2011 <liT <Jq It{ l ~ em't 'f'f it full:,
l!'lt};"R qf~Cfl fu. <tr iil~'<'i it full:
1N: m 'iri
f.l Y f\1 P!l ct "@' :
~ 1
5 0 ,0 0 ,0 0 0
12% oftOJq~
3 7 ,5 0 ,0 0 0
. 3 8 ,4 0 ,0 0 0
~ ~ m <ffi~n 3 ,2 8 ,1 2 5
o<H41r;'l> l:t!~<ll
(l -4 -2 0 1 0 )
9 ;3 7 ,5 0 0
f~f<r<< ~;j ~"
2 0 ,2 5 ,0 0 0
3 ,1 2 ,5 0 0
2 3 ,1 2 ,5 0 0
mtf% 01l'1
6 2 ,5 0 0
4 ,6 2 ,5 0 0
3'1 '"11 r:l1 ~
4 ,9 0 ,0 0 0
1 2 ,5 0 ,0 0 0
-HI q I""! 01l'1 .
1 ,0 5 ,0 0 0
2 ;2 7 ,0 0 0
5 ,0 0 ,0 0 0
5 0 ,5 0 ,0 0 0
-H 1111""! ~
2 ,7 5 ,0 0 0

C -D T N -L -D B A
[C o n td .]
Bad deb ts pro visi on (Cr.) 55, 000
Bad deb ts 35,0 00
Inte res t on deb ent ure s 2,25 ,000
Cap ital loss wri tten off - 4,00 ,000
Cal ls in Arr ear s 95,0 00
Div iden d Equ aliz atio n Fun d. 10,5 0,00 0
Deb ent ure Red emp tion
Res erv e . . 20,0 0,00 0

Unc laim ed div iden d 5,62 5

.Ma ke adj ustm ent s for the following and pre
par e
Bal anc e She et, as per req uire men ts of
Com pan ies Act, 1956 :

(i) Dep reci ate Lan d & Bui ldin g by 10%.

(ii) Pro vid e Bad deb ts Res erv e @. 5%.

(iii) Wri te off pre lim ina ry exp ens es, ~ 50,000. I
(iv) Deb ent ure inte rest for half -ye ar due.

(v) Uns old stock, ~ 12;50,000.

(vi) Pro visi on for Tax @ 40%.

(vii) Con ting ent liability,·~ 10,50,000. 45
(b) Give you r sug ges. tion s rela ted to acc oun ting
stan dar ds on dep reci atio n and inv ent orie s.

C-DTN-L-DBA 8 [Co ntd. ]
~ ~ >!1<mH
5 5 ,0 0 0 .
~~ '
,. 3 5 ,0 0 0
:Q0 14'11 1:
2 ,2 5 ,0 0 0
3lqfto!ftm toft mf.:! 4 ,0 0 ,0 0 0
i 1 ot>l <II <!I"'' ;=jl
9 5 ,0 0 0
~ *!IJcMOI
<i)"q- .
~o~q~ m~R ~
2 0 ,0 0 ,0 0 0
W li R lo ~
5 ,6 2 5
f.p:;=j fc;1 f«:~ o ~
full: '1111 <ft;;H <i1 f-ll q:
~. 1956
<lit awi~<~<MiaTI ~
om C!J'"4 ;:fl
.'1 '[ W:m: <l>lr"' l1: : 3 lj li '4 ~
(i ) ~ ~ 'l1<R' '<R
10% -ft ~ e'i'
ll~ll: I
(i i) ~ 'lfOT ~ ~ full:
< il M ll :l
5% '1ft ;<: -ft mclm.1
(i ii ) ~ ~ ·'i.Jit
ifilf'>m: I , < 5o,ooo ~ .wlF0ftlo
(i v ) 3lTil" qq ~ full: ::ti:Ofq~ 1R ~ ~
~ I
(v ) 3lf<"B:6lo l<f:Rl<il, <
12,50,000 I
(Vi) q;<: ~ full: >l1<mH 40% <lit
G\. ~ I
!.lHiflli.ll <;lf'l?'l,
< 10,50,000 I
('&) ~ (!~ ~« 45
l•{l ~ ~
ft@iC!J<i l1Hi.ll ~
~· 3l'R 'j$1'1 $ fcP1'1
f-l!q : I
[C o n td .]
4. (a) O n 31st M ar ch . 2011,
th e B al an ce Sh ee t of
Lt d. stood as follows :

A ut ho ri se d Sh ar e
C ap it al : 2, 50 ,0 00
Sh ar es of t 10 ea ch N et B lo ck 9, 50 ,0 00
25 ,0 0, 00 0
Is su ed , ca lle d up an d
pa id up C ap it al : .
1, 30 ,0 00 E qu it y Sh ar In ve st m en ts
of '( 10 ea ch , ~ 8 ca lle at co st
d 8, 50 ,0 00 .
up & pa id up
10 ,4 0; 00 0

G en er al R es er ve C ur re nt
6, 50 ,0 00
A ss et s 4, 27 ,0 00

Pr of it & Lo ss (Cr.) B an k an d
. 2, 50 ,0 00 C as h
B al an ce s 1, 11 ,0 00
Sh ar e Pr em iu m N c
1, 75 ,0 00
A ss et s R ev al ua tio n N
c 1, 00 ,0 00
In ve st m en t Fl uc tu at io
Fu nd
73 ,0 00
St at ut or y R es er ve
25 ,0 00
O th er lia bi lit ie s
25 ,0 00

23 ,3 8, 00 0
23 ,3 8, 00 0

---- ,_,....

4. ('11) 31 ~. 2011 'fit, 31 q "· fu. Cflf, ~ 1:f:r

RklfMf@'1 ~ :
~ ~

~am~:~ 10

~ "<''I i'fi
~<ili'fi ih 2,5o,ooo am 25,00,000 (Net Block)

f.l•ff"'rl' <11Rlrl ~ ~ fqf.i<i'l•i'

~: ~ 10 ~ ('lj i'f) it; <'"[[l[(j 'R 8,50,000
1,30,000 Bl1rll am, ~ 8
4ifi1rl ~ ~ 10,40,000' ,/
BIIii «1 wr<r 6,50,000 "i:R'I qrtwtt R14 r 4,27,000

&ll ~ m <Msc;) ~ 11:Cf-~.

m 1,11,000

am mf"'ll '"~ ~ '


qftwttfu g•Ff.<:'4ii'fi'"l ~ 1,00,000

Mf.i<il•t 3 '6i'1[i'j T.[ ., cfi'tq- 73,000

. '
"Bifclf!.Ti'fi ~ 25,000

31"'<1 ~<1 rl I~ 25,000

23,38,000 23,38,000
. .

C-DTN-L-DBA 11 [Contd.]
'U' u

The comp any has passe d neces sary resolu tion and
comp lied with other forma lities to issue Bonu s
Share s to its share holde rs in the ratio of 3 : 5. You
are requi red to give effect to the Bonu s schem e
and show the Balan ce Sheet after issue of Bonu s
Share s. 25
(b) Mr. Shan is a salari ed emplo yee. Durin g the year
ended on 31st March , 2011, the detail s of his
incom e and other inform ation were as follows :

Annu al salary < 35,00 0 x 12 = 4,20,0 00

Pay Arrea rs 80,00 0
Leave trave l conce ssion provi ded
by emplo yer 21,00 0

Hous e Rent Allow ance < 10,00 0 per mont h

·Divi dend on Inves tmen t in Share s 1,500
LIC Prem ium paid on his life by
emplo yer 18,00 0

Medi cal Allow ance @ < 1,200 p.m. 14,40 0

Mr. Shan inves ted in NSC 25,00 0
Inves tmen t in Mutu al Fund (ELS S) 10,00 0
Depo sit in Publi c Provi dent Fund 15,00 0
Admi ssion fees of the child 6,000
Dona tion to a local priva te schoo l 1,000

' C-DTN-L-DBA 12 [Cont d .]
'hUI '1l ~ 3WH '"l'h JH<il'''l '!Tfur "iii\ fi.'r1n ~ d?.!T
3 , 5 ill 3lj41<1 ii, 31'f.t ~mwrr <!iT <11~" ~
f.pff'"l<1 ~ ill a:p:[ 31'14iilf1:'h<11~ ~ "iii\ "ffi
~ I am '1i) <fi ~ B <ihH I <f<m: ~ ~ d?.!T <!!I~ B
3tiif q;) f.pff'"l {1 ~ ill 3 q{l '"f1' ~ 1f;! <f<m:
~~~~ ~

(<9) lJft ~ 1l:i!i ~ 'h4i'IID ~ I 31 ~. 2011 <!iT

w11 C{'l m;t ~ <r'f ill ~, 3 '1 'hl 31m cF'lT a:p:r
~iHI3TI CfiT fqq{UI Hl<1f~fuld 2fT :

qlf'1i!i ~ ~ 35,000 X 12 = 4,20,000

Cl'hl'"ll ~ 80,000

H<41 'ih I &:m ~ 1J<lT 3l Cl'hl ~I "lff'!T

11:'"11 '"I {1
4'h H f<h {I '"II 'l'R'IT ~ 10, 0 00 "l!fu l11Q
3tiif ii f<'lf.j 'll' I it ~ 1,500

f.1 <7i'ihl &:m ~ '5'\1 Cl '1 'R ~ 18,000

~-~-m. 5\1fil~:~4
r~fc!ictll 'l'R'IT ~ 1,2oo "l!fu l11Q <tt ~ it 14,400

lJft ~ ~ f<'l f.1 <71 r"' {1 fo!;<rr ll'."1'. ~. m. ii 25;000

~ Clit1'l' (Mutual Fund) ii fc:lH'll•l

(ELSS) 10,000

BI<f"l Hili """fc:l "'1-Rm ii ""1"41 15,000

~ CfiT >rim W'li 6,000

<"'~14l 1:1 M ~ <!iT GB 1,000

C-DTN-L-DBA 13 [Contd.]
-.~·- -~

He OW!lS a house which has been let out on annu al

rent of'( 96,00 0.
Paid Muni cipal Charg es on Hous e Prope rty, '( 6,000 .
Deter mine the Total Incom e of Mr. Shan and the
tax payab le by him as per the rates applic able for
2011 -201 2 Asses smen t year. 35


C-DTN-L-DBA 14 [Cont d.[
CfW ~ 'R ~ lliF<:'t<li ~ ;;it ~ 96,000 ~ CJifli<'ll f<n\14
'!UO T ~I

<R '"~'''1Ri '!'( 9fim'1<'1 CO'( fc::l<:. ~ 6,ooo 1

f.r!:lhur '
CO'( qtf 2011 -201 2 ~ ft;rQ: ·~ ~ ~
~jfll\, lJft m "1f>1 ¥'f 311"11 ~ #!; mr ~CO'(
q,1 'I"HI ~lf"'ll; I . 35


C-DTN-L-DBA 15 [Con td.]
5. Answ er the following in about 150 words each : 15x4= 60
(a) "Divid end canno t be paid out of capita l." Expla in it.
Is there any except ion to this rule oflaw ? How will
you, as an audito r, ensure that the divide nd has not
been paid out of capita l?
(b) Can a compa ny issue sweat equity share s? Discus s
variou s regula tions for issue of such shares .
(c) Give a list of items of expen ses whiCh are not
. .
allowe d to be deduc ted from incom e in the
determ inatio n of Profits and Gains from Busin ess
or Profession.
(d) Critica lly exami ne MM-T hesis.
6. (a) A compa ny is contem platin g to expan d its busine ss
for which it will need a capita l expen diture of( 1·50
crores and workin g capita l of ( 0·50 crore. The
existin g capita l of the compa ny consis ts of
30,00, 000 shares of ( 10 each.,
The additi onal invest ment may" be financ ed by
issue of fresh share capita l or borrow ings @ 15%
intere st per annum from fiminc ial institu tions or a
combi nation of share capita l and loan. The
earnin gs before intere st and taxes are likely to go
up to ( 1,10,0 0,000 after the imple menta tion of
expan sion plan. The compa ny pays tax @ 35 per
cent on earnin gs after paying intere st.
Which source of financ ing should the compa ny use
for raisin g additi onal capita l ? Advise the compa ny
keepin g in mind the EPS and financ ial risk. 35
C-DTN-L-DBA 16 [Contd.]

GO:S ~

5. Rl<if~f<S~I1 · i'i it *ilifi 'ifiT wm 15o ~ i'i ~

<(lf.Jlq: : 15x4=60
('fl) "~ it ~ 'ifiT ::!'1111'1 ~ fcn<.rr ~ '8ifil11 ~ I"
~ 0111&11 cfilf"'q: I mit~ Rlll1 'ifiT cp:rr ~
3W11 C:: ~ ? 'l!>ifi ~ ·~ it ~ i'i, 3ll"l 'llQ tB
~Rf.ii111 'ifi'tiT ·f&i ~ 'ifiT :!'111H ~it~ fcn<.rr
7fliT ~· ?
(<9) cp:[f 'l!>ifi ifi 111 ;:fl ~ (Sweat) fl 11\11 3hf R 'ffi111 'ifi1:
flifi<il ~ ? ~ 3hif it f.p[q'"! it full:~ f<1Rll4l
'lit f<1 ~ i1 '11 '11l f"'Q; I
('T) 011 Cl '81<1 <IT ifit it '('fN (?l] '!'114il (gai~s) it Rm<:ur i'i
C<fli'f it~ 'lit 'l!>ifi ~ <(lf.Jlq:, ~ 3WT it .'ifif2T ~
~ flifil11 I
('El") ~. ~.- 4J fB fl 'ifiT iiilctl '<1'11 ,-11ifi ~ 'hl f"'Q; I
6. ('fl) 'l!>ifi ifil'q;fj 31tR 011Ciflll1 'ifiT fgf<il\ q;f.t 'lit ~ Wt
t f"'fiCh full: ~ <1·50 ~ f'i\1•111 0':1<[ it (?l]
~ 0·50 ~ ifil<hil<'l ~'lit 3liCI~l1Cill11 &it I ifil'q;:fl
'lit f<1?li1H ~ ~ 10 ~it 30,00,000 3hf ~ I
3l rct rtt; R1 f.l 4l' 1 'lit m
01:!CWn 'lit ~ fl ifi<il ~ <rr -at
~ 3hr ~ 'ifiT f.ll[q '1 '!l\it <IT k<ill1 md it 15%
Cll ~Cil ~ 'lit G\ it <l"W ~ 'ifi1: 'IT· 3hr ~ (?l] ~
it fi<iJ"''1 it I fc1 f<il\ 41"1'1 I it Cllll1f'"'1 '1'1 it q ~'<11'L
~ (?l] 'ifi1: it ¥ 3WT ~ 'ifi1: ~ 1,10,00,000 ~
~ ~ I ~ 'ifiT ::!' 111 H 'lif.t it d q\1 'f1, Cllll1 ;:fl 3WT
'1<:35% 'lit G\ 'ifi1: tit~ I -
3lf.ctfhti ~ mt\1' q;f.t it full:, ifil'q;fj o@ P.rfcj-;fr.<J~<i='i it
fcli'fl' ~ o@ m 'ifiV!i-? J1fu 3hf 3WT (EPS)
(?l] f<1-iill1 'iilf.<Sil1 o@ 'Ol[H i'i & 'ifi1: ifil'q;fj o@ q(lq~[

~f"'Q; I 35

C-DTN-L-DBA 17 [Contd.]
.• J

(b) Wh at is a Qua lifie d Aud it Rep ort ? Pre pare

. a
qua lifie d aud it repo rt highlightiJ?-g atle ast thre '
qua lific atio ns.
7. (a) Usin g· app rop riat e Acc oun ting Rat ios, com men t
(i) Liqu idity , (ii) Cur ren t peri od solv
enc y and
(iii) Lon g-pe riod fina ncia l risk of a company.
Bal anc e She et as on 31 5 tMa rch, 2011 is as foll ows
Bal anc e She et as on 3113/2011

Lia bili ties Am oun t Am oun t

Ass ets
~ ~

Sha re Cap ital 75,0 0,00 0 Lan d & 85,0 0,00 0

Bui ldin gs
. Pla nt &
Gen eral Res erve 15,0 0,00 0
Ma chin ery 60,5 0,00 0
14% Deb entu res 50,0 0,00 0 Fur nitu re 5,50 ,000
. Inv estm ent
Bor row ings from
IFC I 55,0 0,00 0 (Ma rket valu e 30,5 0,00 0
~ 28;0 0,00 0)
Sha re Pre miu m Nc 15,0 0,00 0 Sto ck-i n-tr ade 20,9 0,00 0
Deb entu re
Red emp tion Res erve 12,5 0,00 0 Deb tors 20,0 0,00 0.
Cre dito rs 28,5 0,00 0 Bill s 1,90 ,000
Bill s Pay able 1,50 ,000 Cas h Bal anc e 25,0 0,00 0
Out stan din g liab ility 1,00 ,000 Pro fit & Los s 16,0 0,00 0
Tax Pay able 11,8 0,00 0
2,65 ,30, 000 2,65 ,30, 000
. .
C-D TN- L-D BA 18 [Co ntd. ]

c~> q~ff<;(i msn--~ ftliTi <FIT ~ ? 'fil1--B-'fil1 "ffR
q~f<;laTI 'l>f a&!& crut ~. ~ q~ifc;<J
msrr-~ ftliTi Wm cNM t; I 25

7. (<"ll) aq::!,<~> P!&i<"ll"i 31 :J:ql<fi 'l>f m crut ~. ~

i"j)l'q;:fj 'lit (i) d\<:1<11, (ii) ~ ~ m~R-a;fl
~ (iii) e) >:f<"lll <.11"1 fcl"ti)~ ;ffi ftlq '11:, RUJOTI
'!i1N!t; I 31 ~. 2011 cit, ~ l."i<"lll ' ¥R 'I'[
f.l1<1f~ftlM ~ :

31/3/2011 '11: ¥R 'I'[

\lfu urn
~~(il~ < qFt l."i '"'-~ F<J ~ r <
am~. 75,00,0 00 ~1l!'i'li'R 85,00,0 00'
l."il41«1 ~ . 15,00,0 00 rn 11!'1 4~n'1D 60,50,0 00
14% 'fiOiq~ 50,00,0 00 4l;ffi•H 5,50,00 0
~.1;41.-.IT.~. rq r"~ <fP1 c"'I iJ1 "
. -B "fiUT 55,00,0 00
~ < 28,00,0 00) 30,50,0 00

am l1WF~"' ~ 15,00,0 00 6!1Jqtft<"ll \t~Pi<il 20,90,0 00

'li"lq~ m~R ~ 12,50,0 00 ~"i<;R 20,00,0 00
M"i<:F 28,50,0 00 fiTq;r 1,90,00 0
~firq;r 1,50,00 0 ~~ 25,00,0 00
~ <::1Mii1 1,oo;oo o ffi'll 11!'1 m c~ > 16,00,0 00

~"" 11,80,0 00 •

2,65,30 ,000 2,65,30 ,000

. .
C-DTN-L-DBA 19 [Contd. )


No tes :
(i) Sto ck wo rth < 50, 000 is not sal eab le.
(ii) De bto rs to the tun e of< 1,5 0,0 00 are
like ly
to become bad .
(iii) De bts not ack now led ged as deb ts, <' 2,50,000.
(iv) A liab ilit y of< !JO,OOO left to be rec ord
ed. 40
(b) Ho w will you han dle risk and unc
ert ain ty in
Ca pit al Bu dge ting ? Exp lain .

8. (a) Th e fin anc ial rec ord of a ma nuf act uri

ng com pan y
has pro vid ed the following cos t dat a :
Ma ter ial cos t per uni t <' 45
Lab our cos t <' 12
Ov erh ead s < 20
< 77 per uni t
Pro fit < 23
· Sel lin g Pri ce < 100. per uni t

Ad dit ion al Inf orm atio n :

(i) Th e ave rag e sto rag e per iod for raw '!'-a
is one month.

(ii) Pro duc tion cycle las ts for .! mo nth .

(iii) Av era ge sto rag e per iod for fin ish ed goo
ds is
one mo nth .

C-DTN'L-DBA 20 [Contd .]
Cil. ~ 50,000 ~ i'!iT •u;f<Fll fCI¢11'1 <itnr ~ ~ I

Cii) ~ 1,5o,ooo it ~""~'* it ~ ·<tr ~ ~ ,

(iii) ~ 2,50,000 it ~ t ~ ~ it 0':r 1'i
fCi1 'f. 1\1 . ~ lfl!T ~ I '

(iv) ~ 50,000 i'!iT <;Jfllfi'l f<fll!l~ ~ ~ lfl!T ~ I 40

(<9) ~ "1'*''~ <!~ 31f-if.i~<"1<"11

"i'i, "1l[ol!ll1 'lit 3l]t[ ~-
RYe I~~ ? 01ll&ll q,]f'illl: 1 _ 20

8. ('h) ~- fc1Rl1fofl ij)AJ;j) it fc1'<ft<1 ~ ~ <.11.'1<"1

'1k1;:Jtft foi"'if<flf@d ~ 1?;Q: TT1l: ~ :
'11'141 <.11'1<"1; ;ffif ~ ~ 45
'>11'1 <.11'1<"1 ~ 12

aqft01J'1 ~ 20
~ 77 ;ffif ~
~ 23

3/f?tHrti fi# "'I 1.( :

• (i) ~ l1T<.1" ~ 31Tm1 BJl~OI ~ ~ ~
' ~I
(ii) d (<1) <;"'! 'i'f>!i _! "lj]Q. WdT ~.

(iii) f.lfli<"l l1T<.1" ~ ~ *'~"I ~ ~ "ll1Q


C-DTN-L-DBA 21 [Contd .]

(iv) Company sells goods on 2 month's credit

whereas it avails only one month's credit
facility. 80% of the stock is ,sold for credit.

( v) Time lag for payment of wages is ~ month

and for payment of overheads the time lag is
one month.

(vi) Cash is expected to remain at< 20,000.

The company proposes to manufacture 2000 units

for the next year and asks you to determine
working capital needs for this level of output.
Calculate it. 35
(b) How is Gordon's model an improvement over other
dividend models ? Discuss its limitations. 25


(iv) Cj)JOq;:j) :2 ~ it 61W: 1R lW'f ~i'iffi ~ "1iilf41

CfQ~ ~ ~ ~ fffil: ~ 61W: ~ -ffift
~ I ~ q;r 80% 61W: ~ "'lill ~ I
(v) ·~ it :J> 11<1H q;r "@j<f 3HHI<.1 ~ ~ ~
~ aqf{oq~'j it :J>1 1<1H q;r "@j<f 3H1@ ~

(vi) ~ it ~ 20,000 ~ i'fit ~ ~ I

~ Cff:f it ft;m:, Cj)JOq;:j) q;r 2000 ~ f-ifi'i8 'liB
ci;r Qf<i 1'l ~ <rm at<ll ~'i ~ ~ ~ it fffil:
311 q ~ "l Cll 4114~11 (1 ~ f.!mftr q;f.t it fffil: ~
~ I ~ 1101"11 q,]f-'11!; I 35
("&) ~•IT:i'i 11ls<.1 ar;<~ ~ '11Mi'i 1R ~ ~ ?
~ tftl:rrai'f i'fit fcl ~ i'i 'i I <tl f-'11!; I 25


alfDIJ4 'd' &'i'<S1Rifa

~-tr?r I

1?144 , cft;r ElVtl 1 gulfq; , 300 1

udictJ J:r8 ~ :Jtk 3iitJfT ciJ;ff # fJflT ~ I

"Jff.if &> :Trff :mT 11T1Wf # frRff "J1F't w&e

fJt?tctJJ Jdil/9 3fTrrcis ·-~ #~ Tf<lT ~'
3tk ~ 4/V-/4 (fjJ ?flfC Jdi 1/9 !J
;)rff- @(fj &>
1fi/9"·'1G" rrr Jifiim Ptzce ~ rrr ~ JfRT
w&e 1 wm-
~ rrr JtffiR.!Jd 11T1Wf &> 31frtRw
3R1 ~ 1/Tmli" # fuff IJI! :Trff rT'( CtJTt 3fqs
;:rif frlc'fil I
J:rB ?1.&11 1 3tk 5 31Pt<wi t I ifiTct5t Jff.if #
it udictJ ?!fO"S it (f51{-it-(fj1{ l!CtJ" J:rB g"'ctJ<
fct;Off}" cft::r Jff.if &> :Trff <f/Dte l
4fa" 3/Jct~4(fJ eir cit JqgrtJ 3/ictJ$} (fjJ "fl<Ff•
iJJI&e ff2!T J"'cbJ Af& iJJ7Dle 1
udictJ J:rB &> fffi! Pt4d 3icJs J:rB &> 3icr # Zl!
IJI! t I

Note : English version of the Instructions ·is printed on

the front cover of this question paper. . .•
Pape r II

ITime Allowed : Three Hours I IMaximum Marks : 300 I


Each quest ion is print ed both in Hind i and

in Engli sh.
Answ ers must be writte n in the medi um '
speci fied in the Admi ssion Certificate issue d
to. you, which must be stated clear ly on the
cover of the answe r-boo k in the space
provi ded for the purpo se. No mark s will be
given for the answ ers writte n in a medi um
other than that speci fied in the Admi ssion
Cand idate s shoul d attem pt Ques tions no. 1
and 5 which are compulsory, and any three
of the rema ining quest ions select ing at least
one quest ion from each Becti on.
Assu me suitab le data if consi dered neces sary
and indic ate the same clearly.
All quest ions· carry equal 'marks.

fZlR ;j : 31jd!?Tf CPT ff;.<fT 'fiql'i'i 'l ~ m-rr :f <); ftioo !?'0 'H
00 it I

1. Wri te shor t note s on the following in abou t .150 wor

·eac h :
15x4 =60
(a) Kur t Lew in's chan ge mod el
(b) Path -goa l theo ry ofle ader ship
(c) Rati onal e of Qua lity Circ les (QC)
(d) Achieve mod el of perf orm ance

2. (a) "Org anis atio n desi gn may invo lve stra tegi c
deci sion s but IS prop erly viewed as a path to
effective stra tegy exec utio n." Exp lain it and disc uss
the basi c prin cipl es of orga nisa tion al desi gn.
3" !
(b) "The Neo-classical theo ry of orga nisa tion '
emb arke d on the task of com pens atin g for som e
deficiency in clas sica l doct rine ." Exp lain it and
disc uss the sali ent feat ures of mod ern conc ept of
orga nisa tion theo ry.

3. (a) "Au thor ity is the cem ent of orga nisa tion al
stru ctur e .and a thre ad that mak es it possible."
Eluc idat e it and disc uss the role of pow er of
know ledg e. 30
(b) Exp lain inte rnal and exte rnal fact ors whic h
influ ence perc epti on and disc uss the role and
appl icati on of perc epti on in an orga nisa tion .

C-D TN-L -DBB 2 [Contd.]
1. f.1 kj r&<5l<1 ·'R ~ r;: lil ru 1<il r~ fulq:, ~ >~ fi1 Cfj
B"'J'l'l'lT 150 ~ if ~ Oqll%1!> : 15x4=60

(Cfi) Cfii t'ifcH CfiT 4R<'ld"l 4T-st1

(&) ~ CfiT ~-~ f*l<G:H1
( lT) 2" ICh11 'iffi'i CfiT 3jj fi-1 fll
(~) R""ll<::"l CfiT aqt'lfo>.r 4Ti5t1

2. (Cfi) "B'kBI<-4'11 ~ if {DI;jlf8q:; f.1of<H Bf'11%ct

' QT BCiictl ~ ~ t«ft trf· it >r<M<tiiU {DHlf<l
f-i""ll<!>"l if; "4"21 if; ~ if ~ -;;mrr ~ 1" ~
""l I&II 'Ill Mil> om fi '1<3"11 ,4q:; ~ it; >l¥f
f*i <>&J <J\ 'lit f<"l ~ il "11 'Ill f-J~ II> I 30

(&) "fi•lo"l CfiT ~ >1f<1f18ct f*l<G:H1 >1f<1f'e>ct ft1<6:H1 'lit

¥§ q:;fip~) 'lit 8Jf<1'{ffi .Cfi"B "Cfj[ q;rf CfitctT ~ I"
~ 6<l 1&11 'Ill f-J~ II> om B'1<3"1 fB <;<;:HI 'lit
~ ~ <tt >l¥f f<1~1~111an 'lit fq~il"ll
'hl Mil> 1 30

a. (cn) "a:rfW.m fi•lo"llii"l<ti fi{il"ll CfiT 4\~""" ~ n~ ·ll:Cii

m>lT ~ olt ~ tl'l1c! <H 111 I ~ I" ~ ~ 'Ill f-J~ !!>
om ~ 'lit m 'lit ~ 'lit fq~il"ll i!llf-J~V> I 30

(&) 311 'f1 Rifl ~ 'llW Cfj I{<h\ 'lit Olll &II 'Ill f-J~ II> oiT
awJl1 <it ~ cnm ~ om fi•lo"l i:i awJl1 'lit
~ il~ 31 jl'l <{l 'I 'lit fq ~ il "11 'Ill f-J~ II> I 30

C-DTN-L-DBB 3 [Contd.]

4. (a) Distinguish between substantive and affective

conflict. Examine Rahim's' · Criteria for conflict
. . ·' 30
.. ·.~...... :. ...
(b) "Every business needs a strategy to take care of
changes both expected and unexpected." Comment.
. .
How do you think resistance to change .can be
overcome? 30
• •


' -..:'I' ~ li!; ..• ' i -.;,.:..;. ..

I •

• :r....-..= .... ····.":.. ·.- • .. • .. ... •

7 • lo Y~l ~."

' .'

C-DTN-L-DBB 4 [Contd.]-

4. (C!i) '8RCIH ~ "liCII,-4C!i ~ i'f 3RR "4<11~1!, I ~

. ~ it ~ wm it 4HI!>O$l CfiT ~
~~~~ 30

("&) ">~fiOIIF.ild ~ 3151f1011F.ild -ey;rr mqfl:q<f;:jj 'R 't2lR

00 it ~' Q('ilq; OllCI'8111 qiT ·~ {Oioflfrl <t'f
311CI~ll'hdl ~· ~ 1" fllllofl <tl~~ I 31J'iit M'i1R
it, qfl:Cict'i it ~ >1R1~m 'R ~ f<l"lll ~ "'T
B'hffi ~ ? 30

C-DTN-L-DBB . 5 . [Contd.]

.. -. . .

5. Wri te sho rt note s on th~ following in abo ut 150 wor ds

each : 15x4 =60
(a) Tho mas prof iling hirin g tech niqu e
(b) Eme rgin g pers pect ive on train ing in Indi a
(c) Obje ctiv es of orie ntat ion prog ram mes
(d) Stra tegi es to curb abse ntee ism

6. (a) Exp lain how hum an reso urce man agem ent boos ts
solvency, prof itab ility and efficiency of an
(b) "Employees' welf are sche mes are to crea te efficient,
heal thy, loya l and satis fied labo ur force for the
orga nisa tion ." Eluc idat e this stat eme nt and
sugg est som e welf are mea sure s for the bene fit of
the emp loye es.

7. (a) "Th e prim ary func tion of perf orm ance app rais al is
to help each employee to hand le the curr ent job
bett er." Exp lain . Which met hod wou ld you
reco mm end for app rais ing man ager ial pers onn el in
Ind ia?
(b) Exp lain the circ ums tanc es und er whi ch job
eval uati on has a good chan ce to succ eed and
desc ribe the proc edur e for job eval uati on. . 30
C-DTN-L-DBB 6 [Con td.]


"€1115 ~

s. f.11•<1f~f<Sld 'R ~ fcll1fill'il f~f<Sl~, ;;IT l>lfll<"ll

<.'flNlT 150 ~ -q m illfi;~ : 15x4=60

(<"ll) l'.jf'Rf 'lit ql~<f<"ll ~ d<"ll-il<"ll

(<9) "lOfl"@ -q >lftre:TuT CJiT <l"lOJ\cff 3ij't~'l
(1!) ~ <"lll41'fl'il it ~
(<!) 3ijqffl'1fd 'lit R~fSI(i q;f.t 'lit {UHlfii'll

6. (<"ll) 0111&11 'l>lFil~, ~ Wfi1\ it 10fRCf ~ ~

fi•ld<i -?i <;[UI~ii!R !l:T'l<ll, ~ WIT
<"lli41J ~I i.1 d I CJiT ~ <"ll\(!T ~ I 30

(<9) "<"ll4il H] <"lll.''"ll oI '"ll"H I~ fi 11d<i it ft.;rtl:, <"lll41i~ It"',

B"l~, H&31'1H WIT ~ W1 $ CJiT 'PR W
-"'Q I" ~ <"ll~ ...o. 'A
'lll ~ 'hi "!~ WIT <"ll 4ill ft '4,.
1 "'"

W<f it ft.;rtl:, ¥9 <"lll"lll"l<"lliU aq14\ CJiT ~~ICl

~f"'~ I 30
7. (<"ll) "H "'11 <;<i 'ii.""l i<"ll<i CJiT >rr>!! f'1 <"ll <"llT4 5l fll <"ll <"ll4ill {l
'lit '1 ct"1 H CJiT4 'lit ~ <i1! it 'Ei ill t"' <i <"llf.t -?i
BQI4dl <"llBT ~ I" ~ q,]f-J~~ I "lOfl"@ if ~
'Ill fi'i <1i\ it 'ii.""l i <"ll <i it ft.;rtJ: ~ m 'lit 31T'!
3ij~iBI <WJ" ? 30

(<9) <R" qftffl'1fli<fi 'lit 'l>lFil~ f-J~"lil

0111&11 <"llT4
'ii.""l i<"ll"l it B q>i_1 ~ CJiT a:r;:rn 3'!Cim ~ WIT CJiT4
'ii.""l i<"ll <i 'lit 5l fBI> 41 CJiT Cl"Uf;r 'Ill f"' ~ I 30

C-DTN-L-DBB 7 [Contd.]
8. (a) "I nd us tri al Re la tio ns in
In di a is a dy na m ic an d
ev ol vi ng concept." Ex pl ai n
it an d su gg es t m ea su re s
for im pr ov in g in du st ria
l re la tio ns in pu bl ic
en te rp ris es in In di a.
(b) Ho w fa r ha s In te rn at io na
l La bo ur O rg an is at io n
in flu en ce d th e In di an la
bo ur si tu at io n ? Su gg es t
su ita bl e m ea su re s in th is
re ga rd .


C- DT N- L- 08 8

s. (q;) "~ .q 3110\Riill ~-flkl'*l
~ 'lfl ll« lill T!;Cf
f<1<'1ilfl-31f~ ~ ~ 1" ~
oq l&ll chlf"li!>
wrr ~ .q 'ffiq; ~ .q ai1wrl''fi ~-flk1.-..TI .q
W.W: <'!H ~ fu'!> 3GI~l "<'Iii ti~ICl c:lf"l~J> I 30
• ("l!l") Flrt1 WIT (f<1; 31RRh;il'l .wr {"i•ic"l .;r "ll\il1'l .wr
Wlfn 'lit W11fcffl WIT ~ ? ·~ fll<1'*1 .q 34~'ffi

a1f01Jll 'd" ch~1RIIU

1 ~UJfd.> , 300 1 1

9ri!dJ JrR ~ 3/k 3iitJfT c:RJ if FNf '&' I

w;:ff <};" 3fR'· J?fT 11l~A if fffiff 'JI'R wffle

!Jt'fldJJ Jcili!JJ srrrri};"
Ww~ra if ~ 7J<rT "t,
3lk ~ lflm dJJ ~ Ji'fli!JJ 3fR'-!f<11dJ <};"
lji!JJ'-f[tO fR' ~ Ptfiftt ?I!JR fR' ~ JfFfT '
'CIIflie I Ww-ra fR' JfffiRitn lflm <};" 31frtRw
3RJ ~ 11lezJ11 if fffiff 7TI! 3fR' fR' <!5T{ :Wp
~'fAiiiJ I
JrR ?"i'&l! 1 3lk 5 31Hc114l1 mct5t w;:ff if
?'!' 9rildJ 'i!lJUS ?'!' ijjq'-?f-ijjq ' l!C5 JrR ~'fliP'<
/dJ-il' ctR w;:ff <};" 3fR' cfi!Jte 1
~ 317ii~4ib lfr cit Jqgw 31Jib,t?Y (])[ fl7R'
ii>7!Jte am Jotibl P!fifre ii>7!Jte 1
?fflt w;:fi <};" 3iq) 'HAH '! I
Note : English version of the Instruction s is printed on
the front cover of this question paper. ~

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