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Jakarta, September 27, 2019

Subject: Babysitter Workshop

Dear Parents,
We will have a workshop for babysitters on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 9:30 to
11am. The venue is in Multi-Purpose Room. This workshop will be conducted in Bahasa

The topic of the workshop is:

“Sensory Activities In Early Childhood”
(Aktivitas Sensori untuk anak-anak usia dini)
Please inform if your babysitter will attend the workshop. We hope to see all
babysitters there.

Ms. Titi

BABYSITTER WORKSHOP “Sensory Activities In Early Childhood”

on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 9:30 to 11am

_________ Yes, my babysitter will join.

_________ No, my babysitter will not join.

Child’s name /class : _____________________

Parent’s name : ______________________
Signature : ______________________

Please return the form no later than Tuesday, October 1, 2019

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