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1 Preparation of pure sample of ferrous ammonium sulphate and potash alum


2 Preparation of acetanilide from aniline AND P- Nitro acetanilide from acetanilide

3 To study the variation of cell potential in Zn/Zn2+//Cu2+/ Cu cell with change in concentration of
electrolytes at room temperature.

4 To study the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and
Hydrochloric acid

5 Preparation of colloidal solution of starch , egg albuin , Ferric hydroxide and Aluminium

6 Determination of molarity and strength of KmnO4 solution using M/20 solution of ferrous
ammonium sulphate
7 Determination of molarity and strength of KmnO4 solution using M/40 solution of oxalic acid


8 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 1[ ]

9 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 2[ ]

10 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 3[ ]

11 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 4[ ]

12 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 5[ ]

13 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 6[ ]

14 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 7[ ]

15 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 8[ ]

16 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 9[ ]

17 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 10[ ]


18 Identify the functional group present in organic compound


19 Differentiating tests for ethanol and ethanoic acid

Differentiating tests for acetaldehyde and acetone

Differentiating tests for phenol and amine

Differentiating tests for phenol and ethanoic acid


To study simple test for carbohydrates, fats and proteins
21 Detection of presence of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in given food stuffs
Expt No : 1 Date:

Aim :

To prepare pure sample of Ferrous ammonium sulphate (Mohr’s salt) [FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O]


Mohr’s salt is prepared by dissolving an equimolar mixture of hydrated ferrous sulphate and ammonium
sulphate in water containing a little sulphuric acid and then subjecting the resulting solution to crystallization
when light green crystals of ferrous ammonium sulphate separate out.

FeSO4.7H2O + NH4)2SO4 FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O + H2O

Materials Required

 Ferrous sulphate, Ammonium sulphate,m Dil. Sulphuric acid, Ethyl alcohol,Beakers, China
dish, Funnel, Glass rod, Tripod stand, Wire gauze, Wash bottle , Measuring jar


1. First take 7g ferrous sulphate 3.5g ammonium sulphate in a clean 250ml beaker.
2. To this add about 2-3ml of dil.sulphuric acid to prevent the hydrolysis of ferrous sulphate.
3. In another beaker, boil about 20ml of water for 5 minutes.
4. Add the boiling hot water to the contents in the first beaker in small quantities at a time.
5. Stir the contents of the beaker with a glass rod until the salts have completely dissolved.
6. Filter the solution into a china dish.
7. Now heat the solution in the china dish until its crystallisation point is reached. Then transfer
the solution into a crystallising dish and keep it undisturbed.
8. On cooling, crystals of Mohr’s salt separate.
9. Decant the mother liquor and wash the crystals with a small quantity of alcohol and then dry
the crystals by placing them between filter paper pads.
10. Find the weight of the crystals.


1. Weight of the crystals obtained = ...6.g

2. Colour of the crystals . .Green.
3. Shape of the crystals ..Monoclinic
Aim : To prepare pure sample of potash alum (Fitkari) [K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O]


Potash alum is prepared by dissolving an equimolar mixture of hydrated aluminium sulphate in minimum
amount of water containing a little of sulphuric acid anfd then subjecting the solution to crystallization , when
octahedral crystals of potash alum separate out.

K2SO4 + Al2(SO4)3 18H2O + 6H2O K2SO4Al2(SO4)3. 24H2O

Materials Required

Potassium sulphate, Aluminium sulphate, Dil. Sulphuric acid, Distilled water, Beakers, China
dish, Funnel,Glass rod, Tripod stand, Wire gauze, Burner, Wash bottle, Measuring jar


1. Take 2.5g potassium sulphate crystals in a clean beaker.

2. To this add 20ml of distilled water and stir using a glass rod until the crystals completely
3. Take 10g aluminium sulphate in another beaker.
4. Add about 20ml of distilled water and 1ml of dil.sulphuric acid to it.
5. Heat the contents of the beaker for about 5 minutes.
6. Mix the two solutions in a china dish.
7. Heat the solution in the china dish for some time to concentrate it to the crystallisation point.
8. Transfer the solution into a crystallising dish and do not disturb it.
9. On cooling crystals of potash alum separate.
10. Decant the mother liquor and wash the crystals with a small quantity of ice-cold water.
11. Dry the crystals by placing them between filter paper pads.
12. Find the weight of the crystals.


1. Weight of the crystals obtained = 5g

2. Colour of the crystals Colour less.
3. Shape of the crystals Octahedral.
Expt No : 2 Date:

Aim : To prepare acetanilide from aniline.


Acetanilide is prepared by acetylating aniline with acetic anhydride in the presence of glacial acetic

Materials Required

 Aniline ,Acetic anhydride ,Glacial acetic acid ,Conical flask,RB flask,Funnel,Filter

paper,Buchner funnel,Water condenser,Wire gauze,Tripod stand,Burner,Measuring jar


1. Take 5ml of acetic anhydride in a clean dry 250ml RB flask and add 5 ml of glacial acetic
acid and shake the contents thoroughly.
2. To this mixture add 5ml of aniline and fit a water condenser.
3. Boil this mixture over a sand bath for 10min.
4. Pour the liquid from the RB flask into 200ml ice-cold water taken in a beaker. While adding
stir the contents of the beaker vigorously using a glass rod.
5. Filter the white precipitate formed and wash it with cold water.
6. Recrystallise from hot water containing a few drops of etanol . Weigh the crystals and record
the yield
7. Determinre the melting point of the compound.

The weight of acetanilide = 3g
Melting point = 1130c


 Handle the chemicals with care.

 Freshly distilled aniline should be used to get good results.
 Prolonged heating and use of excess of acetic anhydride should be avoided.
 Reaction mixture should first cooled and then poured in ice-cold water otherwise hydrolysis
of acetanilide may take place.
Aim :

To prepare p- nitro acetanilide from acetanilide.


The nitration of aniline is difficult to carry out with nitrating mixture since –NH2 gets oxidized . So the amini
group is first protected by acetylation to form acetanilide which is then nitrated to give p- nitroacetanide as
amajor product. And o – nitro acetanide as a minor product. Recrystallisation from ethanol readily removes
the more soluble ortho compound .

Materials Required

Acetanilide- 5g ,Glacial acetic acid- 5ml,Conc.sulphuric acid -10ml, Fuming nitric acid -2ml

Methylated spirit -20ml, Test tubes, Glass rod, Beaker


1. Take 5g powdered acetanilide and 5ml of glacial acetic acid in a conical flask and stir the
mixture using a glass rod.
2. Take 2ml of fuming nitric acid in a clean test tube and cool it in a freezing mixture taken in a
beaker. Carefully add 2ml of conc.sulphuric acid drop by drop while constantly shaking and
cooling it.
3. Add 8ml of conc.sulphuric acid drop by drop into the conical flask containing acetanilide and
glacial acetic acid and cool it in a freezing mixture. Stir the contents and wait until the
temperature becomes less than 5oC.
4. To the cooled contents in the flask, add the nitrating mixture prepared in the 2nd step, drop
by drop while stirring constantly. While adding the nitrating mixture, the temperature of the
mixture in the flask should not rise above 25oC. Remove the conical flask from the freezing
mixture and allow it to stand for 30min at room temperature.
5. Pour the contents of the flask into a beaker containing crushed ice. Stir it well and filter the
precipitate obtained and wash it thoroughly with cold water.
6. Recrystallisation of p-Nitro acetanilide: Dissolve the precipitate obtained above in 20ml
methylated spirit. Warm it to get a clear solution. Filter the hot solution and cool the filtrate
in ice. P-Nitro acetanilide is obtained as colourless crystals. Wash the crystals with cold
water and then dry the crystals and measure the weight of the crystals.

The weight of p-nitroacetanilide = 3.5 g
Melting point : = 2140c


 Handle the chemicals with care.

 During the addition of nitrating mixture, the temperature of the reaction mixture should not
rise above 25 oC.
 Addition of fuming nitric acid should be done drop wise.
 Do not inhale the vapours of nitric acid as they are very corrosive in nature. Addition of
nitrating mixture may preferably be done in a fume cupboard.
Expt No :3 Date:


Aim : To study the variation of cell potential in Zn/Zn2+//Cu2+/ Cu cell with change in concentration of
electrolytes at room temperature.

Reduction potential of an electrode increases with increase in concentration of the electrolyte.
Mn+(aq)+ne– ———->M(s)
In the zinc-copper electrochemical cell zinc electrode acts as anode while copper electrode acts as cathode.


1. Take copper sulphate solution in a clean beaker.

2. Clean the copper strip with the help of sand paper and dip it into copper sulphate solution.
3. Take zinc sulphate solution in a porous pot.
4. Clean the zinc strip with the help of sand paper and dip it into zinc sulphate solution.
5. Keep the porous pot in the beaker.
6. Connect the copper strip with the positive terminal and zinc strip with the negative terminal of
a voltmeter as shown in Fig.
7. Note the position of the pointer in the voltmeter and record the reading in your notebook.

Repeat the experiment by taking different concentrations of zinc sulphate and copper sulphate solutions.

EMF of the cell increases with decrease in cone, of the electrolyte around anode and increase in cone, of the
electrolyte around cathode.
( To be done on the left hand side )

Concentration of ZnSO4 Concentration of CuSO4 Emf of the cell

solution solution

1M 1M 1.1V

1M 0.5M 1.091V

1M 0.025M 1.052V

1M 0.0125M 1.043V

0.5M 1M 1.108V

0.025M 1M 1.147V

0.0125M 1M 1.156V
Expt No 4 Date:



To study the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate
and hydrochloricacid.


According to the law of mass action, rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the
product of the molar concentrations of the reactants. In other words, the rate of reaction increases
with the increase in the concentration of the reactants. The effect of concentration of reactants on
rate of a reaction can be studied easily by the reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric
Na2S203 + 2HCl ——–> S(s) + 2NaCl(aq) + SO2(g) + H2O(l)
The insoluble sulphur, formed during the reaction, gives a milky appearance and makes the solution
opaque. Therefore, rate of reaction can be studied by measuring the time taken to produce enough
sulphur to make some mark invisible on a paper kept under the conical flask in which the reaction is
carried out.


Pipette (10 ml), stop-watch, two burettes and five conical flasks (100 ml).


0.1 M Na2S2O3 solution and 1 M HCl solution.


1. Wash the conical flasks with water and label them as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively.
2. With the help of a burette, add 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 ml of 0.1 M Na2S2O3 solution to the
flasks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively.
3. Now add 40, 30, 20 and 10 ml of distilled water to the flask 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively so that
volume of solution in each flask is 50 ml.
4. Take 10 ml of 1M HCl in a test tube with the help of a burette.
5. Add 10 ml of hydrochloric acid taken in a test tube to the conical flask No. 1 containing 10 ml
of 0.1 M Na2S2O3 and 40 ml of distilled water and start the stop-watch.
When half of the hydrochloric acid solution has been added. Shake the contents of the conical
flask and place it on the tile with a cross mark as shown in Fig.
6. Go on observing from top to downwards in the flask and stop the stop-watch when the cross
mark just becomes invisible. Note down the time.
7. Repeat the experiment by adding 10 ml of 1M HCl to flasks 2, 3,4 and 5 and record the time
taken in each case for the cross to become just invisible.

From the graph, it is clear that 1/t is directly proportional to the cone, of Na2S2O3 solution. But y is a
direct measure of rate of the reaction, therefore, rate of the reaction between Na2S2O3 and HCl is
directly proportional to the cone, of Na2S2O3 solution taken. Hence, rate of this reaction is directly
proportional to the concentration of Na2S2O3, which is one of the reactants.
Note. It may be noted that the reaction rate also increases when the amount of sodium thiosulphate is
kept constant but the concentration of hydrochloric acid is increased.


1. The apparatus must be thoroughly clean. If the same conical flask is to be used again and
again, it should be thoroughly washed with cone. HNO3 and then with water.
2. Measure the volumes of sodium thiosulphate solution, hydrochloric acid and distilled water
very accurately.
3. Use the same tile with the same cross-mark for all observation,
4. Complete the experiment at one time only so that there is not much temperature variation.
5. Start the stop-watch immediately when half of the hydrochloric acid solution has been added
to sodium thiosulphate solution.
6. View the cross-mark through the reaction mixture from top to bottom from same height for all
( To be done on the left hand side)


Flask No Volume Volume Total Conc . Volume Time 1/t ( s-1)

of of water Volume ofNa2S2O3 of 1 M taken for
Na2S2O3 in mL of solution HCl cross to
solution solution become
imn mL in mL just

1 10 40 50 0.02 10 12.5 0.02

2 20 30 50 0.04 10 27.3 0.036

3 30 20 50 0.06 10 35.1 0.028

4 40 10 50 0.08 10 60 0.0167

5 50 0 50 0.10 10 159

Plot a graph between 1/t (in seconds) and the concentration of sodium thiosulphate by taking 1/t along
ordinate (vertical axis) and cone, of Na2S2O3 along abscissa (horizontal axis). It should be a straight sloping
Expt No : 5 Date :


Aim : To prepare colloidal solution of starch

Starch forms a lyophilic sol when water is used as the dispersion medium. The formation of sol is accelerated
by heating. The starch sol can be prepared by heating starch and water at about 100°C. It is quite stable and is
not affected by the presence of any electrolytic impurity.

Beakers (250 ml and 50 ml), glass rod, funnel, filter-paper, pestle and mortar, tripod stand, wire-
gauze and burner.

Materials Required
Soluble starch (500 mg) and distilled water.


1. Take 500 mg of starch in a mortar and add few ml of distilled water.

2. Grind the starch to make a thin paste and transfer this paste to a 50 ml beaker.
3. Take about 100 ml of distilled water in a 250 ml beaker and heat the beaker so that water starts
4. Pour the paste slowly with stirring into boiling water in the beaker (Fig. 2.1).
5. Continue boiling for about 10 minutes and there allow the beaker to cool.
6. Filter the contents of the beaker through a filter-paper, fixed in a funnel.
Label the filtrate ‘Starch Sol’.


1. The apparatus used for preparing sol should be properly cleaned.

2. Distilled water should be used for preparing sols in water.
3. Starch should be converted into a fine paste before adding to boiling water.
4. Starch paste should be added in a thin stream to boiling water.
5. Constant stirring of the contents is necessary during the preparation of the sol.
( To be done on the left hand side )

Aim: To prepare colloidal solution of egg albumin


Egg albumin which is obtained from eggs forms lyophilic sols with cold water. The sol is quite stable and is
not affected by the presence of traces of impurities.

Beakers (250 ml and 50 ml), glass rod, funnel, filter-paper, pestle and mortar, tripod stand, wire-
gauze and burner.

Material required

An egg and distilled water.


 Break the outer shell of an egg by striking it with a glass rod.

 Collect the colourless liquid along with the yellow yolk in a beaker.
 Decant the colourless liquid into another beaker. This colourless liquid is known as egg albumin.
 Take 100 ml of 5% NaCl solution in a 250 ml beaker.
 Add egg albumin into the NaCl solution in small proportions while constantly stirring.
 Filter the contents of the beaker through a filter paper fixed in a funnel and collect the filtrate.
 Label the filtrate as Egg-Albumin sol.


 The apparatus used for preparing the sol should be properly cleaned.
 Distilled water should be used for preparing sols in water.
 Egg albumin sol is prepared at room temperature because in hot solution the precipitation of egg albumin
takes place.
 The yellow yolk should be separated completely from the egg albumin before using the later in the
 Addition of egg albumin should be done very slowly and while constantly stirring so as to disperse the
colloidal particles well in the solution.
Aim : To prepare ferric hydroxide sol

Ferric hydroxide forms a lyophilic sol. The substance such as metal hydroxides or sulphides are insoluble and
do not really give colloidal solutions on treatment with water are called hydrophobic colloids.

Ferric hydroxide is prepared by the hydrolysis of ferric chloride with boiling distilled water.

FeCl3 + 3H2O boil Fe(OH) 3 + 3 HCl

Hydrochloric acid which is produced during tries to destabilize the sol and hence must be removed from the sol by
dialysis .


 Take a 250 ml conical flask and clean it using the steaming out process.
 To this cleaned conical flask, add 100 ml of distilled water using a measuring cylinder.
 Bring the water to boil by placing the flask over a Bunsen burner.
 Add ferric chloride solution dropwise to the boiling water using a dropper.
 Continue heating until a deep red or brown solution of ferric hydroxide is obtained.
 Note: Replace the water lost by evaporation during boiling at regular intervals.
 Keep the contents of the conical flask undisturbed for some time at room temperature.
 Label the solution as Ferric Hydroxide Sol.


 Since ferric hydroxide sol is affected by impurities, the apparatus required for the preparation of sol should
be thoroughly cleaned by the steaming out process.
 Add ferric chloride solution dropwise.
 Heating is continued till the desired sol is obtained.
 Hydrochloric acid formed as a result of hydrolysis of ferric chloride is removed by dialysis process
otherwise it would destabilise the sol.
( To be done on left hand side )
Aim : To prepare aluminium hydroxide sol

Aluminium hydroxide sol is lyophobic in nature.It is obtained by the hydrolysis ofaluminium


AlCl3 + 3 H2O Al(OH) 3+ 3 HCl

Dialysis is done to remove hydrochloric acid because aluminium hydroxide solis affected by the
presence of ionic impurities.

Materials Required

 2% solution of aluminium chloride

 Distilled water


 Take a 250 ml conical flask and clean it using the steaming out process.
 To this cleaned conical flask, add 100 ml of distilled water using a measuring cylinder.
 Bring the water to boil by placing the flask over a Bunsen burner.
 Add aluminium chloride solution dropwise to the boiling water using a dropper.
 Continue heating until a white coloured solution of aluminium hydroxide is obtained.
 Note: Replace the water lost by evaporation during boiling at regular intervals.
 Keep the contents of the conical flask undisturbed for some time at room temperature.
 Label the solution as Aluminium Hydroxide Sol.


 The apparatus required for the preparation of the sol should be thoroughly cleaned through
the steaming out process.
 Add aluminium chloride solution dropwise.
 Heating is continued till the desired sol is obtained.
 Hydrochloric acid formed as a result of hydrolysis of aluminium chloride is removed by
dialysis process otherwise it would destabilise the sol.
Expt No ____6_____ Date ___________



To determine the molarity and strength of KMnO4 solution by titrating it against 1/20 M standard solution
of ferrous ammonium sulphate.





Colourless to pale pink colour.


A. Preparation of 0.05 M, standard solution of ferrous ammonium sulphate

(Molar mass of FeSO4 (NH4 ) 2 SO4 . 6H2O = 392 g mol–1).

(i) Weigh 1.96 g of ferrous ammonium sulphate and transfer it into a 100 mL measuring flask through a
funnel. Transfer the solid sticking to the funnel with the help of distilled water into the flask and add 3 mL of
Conc H2SO4 into the flask drop wise to get the clear solution. Shake the flask till the substance dissolves and
make the solution up to the mark.

B. Titration of ferrous ammonium sulphate against potassium permanganate solution

(i) Rinse and fill the clean burette with potassium permanganate solution. Remove air bubbles if any, from
the burette tip by releasing some solution through it.
(ii) Rinse the pipette with M/20 Mohr’ s salt and pipette out 10 mL of 0.05 M ferrous ammonium sulphate
solution in a conical flask and add half test tube (≈ 5 mL) full of (2.0 M) H2SO4 to it.

(iii) Titrate the above solution with potassium permanganate solution till the colour of the solution changes to
permanent pink. Swirl the content of the flask during the titration.

(iv) Repeat the titration, until three concordant readings are obtained.


1) Molarity of KMnO4 =
2) Strength of KMnO4 =
OBSERVATION AND CALCULATION( To be done on the left hand side )

Sl NO Volume of FAS Burette Readings Volume of

pipetted in Ml KMnO4 Used in
Initial Final
1 10

2 10

3 10

Concordant value = Y mL =

From the overall balanced chemical equation ., it is clear that 2 moles of KMnO4 react with 10 moles of
Mohr’s salt.

MKMnO4 x VKMnO4 = 2/10 = 1/5



MKMnO4 = molarity of KMnO4

VKMnO4 = Volume of KMnO4 = y mL = mL

MFAS = molarity of ferrous ammonium sulphate

VFAS = volume of ferrous ammonium sulphate

MKMnO4 x = 1/5

0.05 x 10

MKmnO4 = 1 x 0.05 x 10 =

5 x _______

Strenghth of KMnO4 = Molarity x Molar mass =

= ______ X 158

__________ g/ L
Expt No ____7_______ Date : ______________


To determine the concentration/molarity of KMnO4 solution by titrating it against a 1/40 M standard solution
of oxalic acid.


Molecular equation



Ionic equation






Colourless to pale pink colour.


B. Preparation of 0.025 M, standard solution of oxalic acid

(Molar mass of oxalic acid = 126g mol–1).

(i) Weigh 0.315 g of oxalic acid and transfer it into a 100 mL measuring flask through a funnel. Transfer
the solid sticking to the funnel with the help of distilled water into the flask. When the oxalic acid in the flask
is completely dissolved , add enough water and make the solution up to the mark.

(i) Rinse and fill a clean burette with potassium permanganate solution. Remove the air bubble, if any, (ii)
Take 10 mL of 0 .025 M oxalic acid solution in a conical flask and add half of the test tube full ( ≈ 5 mL) of
2.0 M H2SO4 to it to prevent the formation of any precipitate of manganese dioxide during the course of the

(iii) Heat the oxalic acid solution upto 50°– 60°C before titrating it with potassium permanganate solution
taken in the burette.
(iv) Note the initial reading of the volume of permanganate solution in the burette and add it in small
volumes to the hot oxalic acid solution while swirling the contents of the flask gently. The end point is
indicated by the appearance of permanent light pink colour

(v) Repeat the titration till three concordant readings are obtained.


1) Molarity of KMnO4 =
2) Strength of KMnO4 =
OBSERVATION AND CALCULATION( To be done on the left hand side )

Sl NO Volume of oxalic Burette Readings Volume of

acid pipetted in KMnO4 Used in
mL mL
Initial Final
1 10

2 10

3 10

Concordant value = y = mL

From the overall balanced chemical equation ., it is clear that 2 moles of KMnO4 react with 5 moles of oxalic
acid .

MKMnO4 x VKMnO4 = 2/5

M oxalic acid x Voxalic acid


MKMnO4 = molaritiy of KMnO4

VKMnO4 = Volume of KMnO4 = y mL = mL

MFAS = molarity of oxalic acid

VFAS = volumes of oxalic acid

MKMnO4 X = 2/5

0.05 x 10

MKmnO4 = 2 x 0.025 x 10 =

5 x _______

Strenghth of KMnO4 = Molarity x Molar mass =

= ______ X 158

__________ g/ L
Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

Mn2+ may be present

Pale pink

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Amorphous solid CO32- may be present

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be

Insoluble CO32- may be present

4) Smell
Take a pinch of the salt Ammoniacal smell NH4+, may be present
between the fingers and rub it
with a drop of water. Vinegar like smell CH3COO- may be present

Smell like rotten egg S2- may be present

Flame Test: Brick red color Presence of Ca2+

Take a small amount of salt on

a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame Crimson red color Presence of Sr2+

Grassy green color Presence of Presence of Ba2+

Green flashes Presence of Zn2+ orMn2+

Dull bluish white Presence of Presence of Pb2+

No characteristic colour to the Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+

flame orMn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube
i) Gas evolved Colorless odorless gas turning Presence of CO32-
lime water milky

Pungent smelling gas which

gives white fumes with Presence of Cl-
hydroxide./Greenish yellow

Characteristic vinegar smell is Presence of CH3COO-


Characteristic smell of
ammonia gas is obtained
which gives white fumes when Presence of NH4+
glass rod dipped in Dil HCl is
brought near the mouth of the
test tube.

Reddish brown gas which

turns ferrous sulphate solution Presence of NO3-

Reddish brown gas which Presence of Br-

turns starch paper orange

Sublimate formed White sublimate Presence of NH4+

iii) Residue Yellow when hot , white when Presence of Zn2+


Brown when hot , yellow Presence of Pb2+

when cold

White salt becomes black on Presence of CH3COO-


White residue glows on Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,

heating Mg2+,Al3+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4 Brisk effervescence with the Group I acid radical is
liberation of colorless odorless is present (CO32-)

No Brisk effervescence Group I acid radical is

is absent

Confirmatory Test

1) Salt + Dil HCl , pass the Lime water turns milky Presence of CO32- is
gas through lime water. confirmed

Ca(OH)2(aq)+ CO2(g)→ CaCO3(s)+ H2O(l)

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. A colorless pungent smelling Group II acid radical Cl- may
H2SO4 gas which gives a dense white be present
fumes with glass rod dipped in
ammonium hydroxide is
exposed to the mouth of the
test tube

Reddish brown vapors with Group II acid radical Br- may

pungent smell be present

Colourless vapors , vinegar Group II acid radical

smell turns blue litmus red CH3COO may be present

No characteristic observation CH3COO-,Cl- ,Br- are absent

If no reaction in cold, add a Reddish brown fumes are Group II acid radical NO3-
piece of Cu or paper ball to evolved may be present.
the test tube containing salt
and heat.

Confirmatory Test for Br-

1) Silver nitrate test: Pale yellow ppt is formed Presence of Br- is confirmed.
which is sparingly soluble
Salt solution + dil HNO3 , in ammonium hydroxide.
boil for some time , cool
and add silver nitrate

2) Chlorine water test Carbon di sulphide layer Presence of Br- is confirmed.

Salt solution + dil HCl acquires orange
and1-2 ml of carbon di- colouration.
sulphide and then
chlorine water. Shake
vigorously and allow to

Silver nitrate test:

KBr + AgNO3 KNO3 + AgBr

( pale yellow ppt)

Chlorine water test

2KBr + Cl2 2KCl + Br2

Confirmatory Test for NO3-

Brown ring Test A brown ring is formed at the Presence of NO3- is confirmed
Salt solution + equal volume junction of layers of acid and
of freshly prepares ferrous the solution
sulphate solution.Add a drop
of Conc H2SO4 slowly along
the sides of the test tube.

KNO3 + H2SO4 K2SO4 + HNO3

FeSO4 + 3H2SO4 + 4HNO3 Fe2(SO4)3 + 4 H2O + 2NO

FeSO4 + NO + 5H2O [Fe( H2O)5(NO)]SO4

Confirmatory Test for Cl-

1) Chromyl chloride Test:

Salt + solid potassium

dichromate in a test tube + Orange red vapors are evolved
Conc. H2SO4 .

Presence of Cl- is confirmed.

Pass the vapours through
NaOH solution taken in Solution turns yellow.
another test tube.

To the above yellow solution,

add acetic acid and lead Yellow ppt is obtained.
acetate solution.

2) Silver nitrate test:

White ppt is formed which is Presence of Cl- is confirmed.
Salt solution + dil HNO3 , boil soluble in NH4OH
for some time , cool and add
silvernitrate solution.

Chromyl chloride Test:

4NaCl + K2Cr2O7 + 3 H2SO4 Na2SO4 + K2SO4 + CrO2Cl2 + 3H2O

(chromyl chloride)

CrO2Cl2 + 4 NaOH Na2CrO4 + NaCl + 2H2O

Sodium chromate

Na2CrO4 + CH3COO)2Pb PbCrO4 + 2 CH3COONa


Silver nitrate test

NaCl + AgNO3 AgCl + NaNO3

AgCl + 2NH4OH [AgNH3)2]Cl + 2H2O

Soluble complex
Confirmatory Test for CH3COO-

Oxalic acid Test Vinegar smell Presence of CH3COO-

Take a small quantity of the confirmed
salt on a watch glass, mix it
with solid oxalic acid and
form a paste with water, smell

Ester test:
Salt + iml of Conc. H2SO4and Presence of CH3COO-
warm. Add C2H5OH . Add Pleasant fruity smell confirmed
contents in to a beaker full of

Oxalic acid test




Ester TeST

2CH3COONa + H2SO4 Na2SO4 + Na2SO4 + 2 CH3COOH


fruity smell

III) Analysis of group III acid radical:

Test for SO42-

Barium chloride Test:

1) Salt solution + Barium White precipitate insoluble in Presence of Group III acid
chloride Dil HCl radical SO42- is confirmed

2) Lead acetate Test

Salt solution + Lead acetate + White precipitate is obtained Presence of Group III acid
Aetic acid radica SO42- is confirmed

Barium chloride Test

Na2SO4 + BaCl2 BaSO4 + 2 NaCl


Lead acetate Test

Na2SO4 + Pb(CH3COO)2 PbSO4 + 2CH3COONa

White ppt

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

i) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Insoluble Not original solution
Dil. HCl Soluble Original solution
Insoluble Not original solution
Dil. HNO3 Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals

Salt + NaOH, boil Pungent smelling ammonia Group 0 is present (NH4+ )
gas is evolved.

No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent


O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl White precipitate is formed Group I is present (Pb2+)

No white precipitate is Group I is absent


Pass H2S gas through the Black precipitate is formed Group II is present (Cu2+,
above solution Pb2+)

No black precipitate is Group II is absent


O.S + Solid Ammonium Reddish/ White gelatinous Group III is present (Al3+,
chloride + Ammonium precipitate is formed Fe3+)
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic.

No precipitate Group III is absent

Pass H2S gas through the Black precipitate / buff

above solution colored / white precipitate is Group IV is present
formed Black (Ni2+, CO2+)
Buff (Mn2+)
White (Zn2+)
No precipitate
Group IV is absent

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + White precipitate is formed

NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 Group V is present (Ba2+,
Solution Sr2+, Ca2+)
No precipitate
Group V is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium White precipitate

Chloride + Ammonium Group VI (Mg2+) is present
Hydroxide + Ammonium
Hydrogen Phosphate

Confirmatory test for Group 0

Nessler’s reagent test Reddish brown precipitate is Presence of NH4+ is

O.S + Nessler’s reagent + formed confirmed.
2[K2HgI4] + NH3 + 3KOH H2N.HgO.HgI 7KI + 2H2O

Confirmatory test for Group I

Boil the white precipitate with

5-10 ml of water and divide it
into 3 parts.

Part 1 – cool under tap White crystalline precipitate Presence of Pb2+ confirmed

Part 2 + KI solution Yellow precipitate Presence of Pb2+ confirmed

Part 3 + Potassium chromate Yellow precipitate Presence of Pb2+ confirmed

1) On cooling precipitate settles down as PbCl2 is less soluble in cold water

2) PbCl2 +2 KI PbI2 + 2KCl
3) PbCl2 + K2CrO4 PbCrO4 + 2KCl
Yellow ppt

Confirmatory test for II

If the precipitate is black,

dissolve it in 50% HNO3 and
divide it into 2 parts.

Part 1+ Dil. H2SO4 + Alcohol White precipitate Pb2+ is present

Dissolve white precipitate in

hot ammonium acetate
solution and divide it into 2

Part 1 + KI solution
Yellow precipitate is formed Pb2+ confirmed
which dissolves in boiling
water crystalizes on cooling
Part 2 + K2CrO4 solution
Yellow precipitate soluble in Pb2+ confirmed

Confirmatory test for Al3+

Lake test :

Dissolve white precipitate in Blue precipitate floating in Al3+ confirmed

Dil.HCl, add 2 drops of blue colourless solution
litmus solution. To this add,
NH4OH solution dropwise

Lake test

Al(OH)3 + 3HCl AlCl3 + 3H2O …… soluble

AlCl3 + 3NH4OH 3NH4Cl + Al(OH)3

Blue colour absorbs on this.

Confirmatory test for of Group IV Basic radical (Zn2+)

Dissolve the white precipitate

in dil HCl , boil off H2S and
divide in to two parts.

Part I + Dil. NaOH dropwise

and add excess of NaOH White precipitate soluble in
excess of excess of dil NaOH Zn2+ is confirmed
is formed.

Part II + Potassium Ferro

Cyanide White or bluish white Zn2+ is confirmed
precipitate is formed

ZnS + 2 HCl ZnCl2 + H2S


ZnCl2 + 2NaOH Zn(OH)2 + 2NaCl

White ppt
2) Zn(OH)2 + 2NaOH Na2ZnO2 + 2H2O

Confirmatory test for Mn2+

1) Dissolve buff coloured White precipitate turns black Mn2+ confirmed

precipitate in dil HCl , boil off or brown.
H2S.To the above solution add
NaOH . Then add Br2 water.

2) To the black precipitate add

Conc HNO3 and lead Pink coloured solution is Mn2+ confirmed
peroxide.Boil ,cool and allow obtained.
to settle.
Confirmatory test for Group V

Dissolve the precipitate in hot

dil acetic acid. Divide it in to
three parts.
Part I + potassium chromate Yellow precipitate. Ba2+ confirmed

Part II+Ammonium sulphate White precipitate. Sr2+ confirmed


Part III + Ammonium oxalate White precipitate. Ca2+ confirmed

solution + Ammonium
hydroxide and scratch the
sides of the test tube.


BaCO3 + 2CH3COOH CH3COO)2Ba + CO2 + H2O

CH3COO)2Ba + K2CrO4 2CH3COOK + BaCrO4

STRONTIUM yellow ppt

SrCO3 + 2 CH3COOH (CH3COO)2Sr + CO2 + H2O

(CH3COO)2Sr + (NH4)2SO4 CH3COONH4 + SrSO4

CALCIUM White ppt

CaCO3 + 2CH3COOH (CH3COO)2Ca + CO2 + H2O

(CH3COO)2Ca + (NH4)2C2O4 CH3COONH4 + CaC2O4

Analysis of Group VI

O.S + Solid Ammonium White precipitate is formed Mg2+ confirmed.

Chloride + Ammonium
Hydroxide + Ammonium
Hydrogen Phosphate
MgCl2 + NH4OH + (NH4)2HPO4 Mg(NH4)PO4 + 2NH4Cl + H2O

RESULT: Acid radical present is ________ Acid radical present is ___________

The given salt is _______________________

Expt No _________________ Date: ___________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell Ammoniacal smell NH4+, may be present

Take a pinch of the salt
between the fingers and rub it
with a drop of water.

Flame Test:
Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+
Take a small amount of salt on No characteristic colour to the orMn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+
a watch glass and make a flame
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube

iv) Gas evolved Reddish brown gas which

turns starch paper orange Presence of Br-

Sublimate formed White sublimate Presence of NH4+

Detection of acid radicals:
I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4

No Brisk effervescence Group I acid radical is
is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. Reddish brown vapors with Group II acid radical Br- may
H2SO4 pungent smell be present

Confirmatory Test for Br-

2) Silver nitrate test: Pale yellow ppt is formed Presence of Br- is confirmed.
which is sparingly soluble
Salt solution + dil HNO3 , in ammonium hydroxide.
boil for some time , cool
and add silver nitrate
Carbon di sulphide layer Presence of Br- is confirmed.
2) Globule Test acquires orange
Salt solution + dil HCl colouration.
and1-2 ml of carbon di-
sulphide and then
chlorine water. Shake
vigorously and allow to

Note : chemical equations for the confirmatory tests should be written on un ruled page in
pencil for both acid and basic radicals.

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

ii) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals

Salt + dil NaOH , boil Pungent smelling ammonia Group 0 is present (NH4+ )
gas is evolved.

Confirmatory test for Group 0

Nessler’s reagent test Reddish brown precipitate is Presence of NH4+ is
O.S + Nessler’s reagent + formed confirmed.


Acid radical present is ______Br-___________

Basic radical present is _ NH4+_________________

The given salt is ___NH4Br____________________

Expt No _________ Date : _________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell No characteristic smell NH4+,CH3COO-,S2- may be

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it
with a drop of water.

No characteristic colour to the

Flame Test: flame Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+
orMn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+
Take a small amount of salt on
a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube

Gas evolved No gas evolved

Absence of of CO32- ,Cl-
CH3COO-, NH4+ ,NO3- , Br-

Sublimate formed No sublimate formed Absence of NH4+

Residue White residue glows on Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,
heating Mg2+,Al3+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4

No Brisk effervescence Group I acid radical is

is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. Group II acid radicals Cl- l

H2SO4 Br- CH3COO- are absent
No characteristic observation

If no reaction in cold, add a No Reddish brown fumes are Group II acid radical NO3- is
piece of Cu or paper ball to evolved absent
the test tube containing salt
and heat.

III) Analysis of group III acid radical:

Test for SO42-

Barium chloride Test:

1) Salt solution + Barium White precipitate insoluble in Presence of Group III acid
chloride Dil HCl radical SO42- is confirmed

2) Lead acetate Test

Salt solution + Lead acetate + White precipitate is obtained Presence of Group III acid
Aetic acid radical SO42- is confirmed
Detection of Basic radical:
Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

iii) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals

Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is absent
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl No white precipitate is

Pass H2S gas through the No black precipitate is

above solution formed Group II is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium / White gelatinous precipitate Group III is present (Al3+,
chloride + Ammonium is formed Fe3+)
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic.

Confirmatory test for Al3+

Lake test :

Dissolve white precipitate in Blue precipitate floating in Al3+ confirmed

Dil.HCl, add 2 drops of blue colourless solution
litmus solution. To this add,
NH4OH solution dropwise


Acid radical present is ________SO4 2-

Basic radical present is ____Al3+

The given salt is _____Al2(SO4)3

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell No characteristic smell

Take a pinch of the salt NH4+,CH3COO-
between the fingers and rub it S2- etc are present
with a drop of water.

Flame Test:

Take a small amount of salt on Green flashes

a watch glass and make a Presence of Zn2+ orMn2+
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube
No gas evolution Absence of of CO32- ,Cl-
Gas evolved CH3COO-, NH4+ ,NO3- , Br-

No sublimate Absence of NH4+

Sublimate formed

Yellow when hot , white when Presence of Zn2+

v) Residue cold

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4

No Brisk effervescence

Group I acid radical is

is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. Group II acid radicals

H2SO4 No characteristic observation CH3COO-,Cl- ,Br- are absent

If no reaction in cold, add a No Reddish brown fumes are Group II acid radical NO3- is
piece of Cu or paper ball to evolved absent
the test tube containing salt
and heat.

III) Analysis of group III acid radical:

Test for SO42-

Barium chloride Test:

1) Salt solution + Barium White precipitate insoluble in Presence of Group III acid
chloride Dil HCl radical SO42- is confirmed

2) Lead acetate Test

Salt solution + Lead acetate + White precipitate is obtained Presence of Group III acid
Aetic acid radica SO42- is confirmed

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

iv) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals

Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is absent
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl No white precipitate is

Pass H2S gas through the

above solution No black precipitate is Group II is absent t (Cu2+,
formed Pb2+)

O.S + SolidAmmonium
chloride + Ammonium Group III is absent
hydroxide in excess till the No precipitate
solution become basic.
Pass H2S gas through the / white precipitate is formed Group IV is present
above solution White (Zn2+)

Onfirmatory test for of Group IV Basic radical (Zn2+)

Dissolve the white precipitate

in dil HCl , boil off H2S and
divide in to two parts.

Part I + Dil. NaOH dropwise

and add excess of NaOH White precipitate soluble in
excess of excess of dil NaOH Zn2+ is confirmed
is formed.

Part II + Potassium Ferro

Cyanide White or bluish white Zn2+ is confirmed
precipitate is formed


Acid radical present is ___SO4 2-

Basic radical present is _____ Zn 2+

The given salt is _______ZnSO4

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Amorphous CO3 2- present

Solubility in water In soluble CO3 2- present

4) Smell No characteristic smell NH4+,CH3COO-

Take a pinch of the salt S2- etc are absent.
between the fingers and rub it
with a drop of water.

Flame Test:

Take a small amount of salt on Green flashes Presence of Zn2+ orMn2+

sa watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube
presence of of CO32-
Gas evolved Colour less , odourless gas
turning lime water milky .

Sublimate formed No sublimate Absence of NH4 +

Residue Yellow when hot , white when Presence of Zn2+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4 Brisk effervescence with the Group I acid radical is
liberation of colorless odorless is present (CO32-)

Confirmatory Test

1) Salt + Dil HCl , pass the Lime water turns milky Presence of CO32- is
gas through lime water. confirmed

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

v) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) In Soluble Not Original solution

Dil HCl Soluble Original Solution
Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is absent
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl No white precipitate is

Pass H2S gas through the

above solution No black precipitate is Group II is absent t (Cu2+,
formed Pb2+)

O.S + Solid Ammonium

chloride + Ammonium Group III is absent
hydroxide in excess till the No precipitate
solution become basic.

Pass H2S gas through the white precipitate is formed Group IV is present
above solution White (Zn2+)

Confirmatory test for of Group IV Basic radical (Zn2+)

Dissolve the white precipitate

in dil HCl , boil off H2S and
divide in to two parts.

Part I + Dil. NaOH dropwise

and add excess of NaOH White precipitate soluble in
excess of excess of dil NaOH Zn2+ is confirmed
is formed.

Part II + Potassium Ferro White or bluish white Zn2+ is confirmed

Cyanide precipitate is formed

Acid radical present is ___CO32-

Basic radical present is _____ Zn 2+

The given salt is _______Zn CO3

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Colsor Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell
Take a pinch of the salt NH4+, CH3COO- S2- are
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell absent
with a drop of water.

Flame Test: No characteristic colour to the Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+

flame orMn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+
Take a small amount of salt on
a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube

vi) Gas evolved No gas is evolved Absence of of CO32- ,Cl-

CH3COO-, NH4+ ,NO3- , Br-
Sublimate formed No white sublimate formed
Absence of NH4+

Residue White residue glows on Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,

heating Mg2+,Al3+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4

No Brisk effervescence Group I acid radical is
is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. Group II acid radical

H2SO4 No characteristic observation CH3COO-,Cl- ,Br- are absent

If no reaction in cold, add a No Reddish brown fumes are Group II acid radical NO3-
piece of Cu or paper ball to evolved may be present
the test tube containing salt
and heat.

III) Analysis of group III acid radical:

Test for SO42-

Barium chloride Test:

1) Salt solution + Barium White precipitate insoluble in Presence of Group III acid
chloride Dil HCl radical SO42- is confirmed

2) Lead acetate Test

Salt solution + Lead acetate + White precipitate is obtained Presence of Group III acid
Aetic acid radica SO42- is confirmed
Detection of Basic radical:
Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

vi) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil .

No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent


No white precipitate is
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl formed Group I is absent

Pass H2S gas through the

above solution No black precipitate is Group II is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium

chloride + Ammonium
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic. Group III is absent
No precipitate

Group IV is absent
Pass H2S gas through the No precipitate
above solution

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + Group V is absent

NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 No precipitate
O.S + Solid Ammonium White precipitate Group VI (Mg2+) is present
Chloride + Ammonium
Hydroxide + Ammonium
Hydrogen Phosphate

Analysis of Group VI

O.S + Solid Ammonium White precipitate is formed Mg2+ confirmed.

Chloride + Ammonium
Hydroxide + Ammonium
Hydrogen Phosphate


Acid radical present is ___SO4 2-

Basic radical present is __Mg2+

The given salt is ______MgSO4

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Amorphous CO3 2- may be present

Solubility in water In soluble

CO3 2- may be present

4) Smell NH4+, CH3COO- S2- are

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell
with a drop of water.

Flame Test:

Take a small amount of salt on Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+

a watch glass and make a No characteristic colour to the Mn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+
paste with con. HCl. Heat the flame
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube
Colorless odorless gas turning Presence of CO3 2-
Gas evolved lime water milky

Sublimate formed
No White sublimate Absence of NH4+

Residue White residue glows on

Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4 Brisk effervescence with the Group I acid radical is
liberation of colorless odorless is present (CO32-)

Confirmatory Test

1) Salt + Dil HCl , pass the Lime water turns milky Presence of CO32- is
gas through lime water. confirmed

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

vii) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil .

No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent


No white precipitate is
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl formed Group I is absent

Pass H2S gas through the

above solution No black precipitate is Group II is absent
O.S + Solid Ammonium
chloride + Ammonium No precipitate
hydroxide in excess till the Group III is absent
solution become basic.

Group IV is absent
No precipitate
Pass H2S gas through the
above solution

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + No precipitate Group V is absent

NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3

White precipitate
O.S + Solid Ammonium Group VI (Mg2+) is present
Chloride + Ammonium
Hydroxide + Ammonium
Hydrogen Phosphate
Analysis of Group VI

O.S + Solid Ammonium White precipitate is formed Mg2+ confirmed.

Chloride + Ammonium
Hydroxide + Ammonium
Hydrogen Phosphate


Acid radical present is ___CO32-______________

Basic radical present is _____Mg2+_____________

The given salt is ______MgCO3____________

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell NH4+, CH3COO- etc may be

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell
with a drop of water.

Flame Test: Grassy green color Presence of Presence of Ba2+

Take a small amount of salt on

a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube

vii) Gas evolved Pungent smelling gas which

gives white fumes with Presence of Cl-
hydroxide./Greenish yellow
Sublimate formed No White sublimate Abesence of NH4+

viii) Residue White residue glows on Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,

heating Mg2+,Al3+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4

Group I acid radical is
No Brisk effervescence is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. A colorless pungent smelling Group II acid radical Cl- may
H2SO4 gas which gives a dense white be present
fumes with glass rod dipped in
ammonium hydroxide is
exposed to the mouth of the
test tube

Confirmatory Test for Cl-

1) Chromyl chloride Test:

Salt + solid potassium

dichromate in a test tube + Orange red vapors are evolved
Conc. H2SO4 .

Presence of Cl- is confirmed.

Pass the vapours through
NaOH solution taken in Solution turns yellow.
another test tube.

To the above yellow solution,

add acetic acid and lead Yellow ppt is obtained.
acetate solution.

2) Silver nitrate test:

White ppt is formed which is Presence of Cl- is confirmed.
Salt solution + dil HNO3 , boil soluble in NH4OH
for some time , cool and add
silvernitrate solution.

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

viii) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Insoluble Not original solution
Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is absent
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl No white precipitate is
Pass H2S gas through the
above solution No black precipitate is
formed Group II is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium Group III is absent

chloride + Ammonium No precipitate
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic.

Pass H2S gas through the Group IV is absent

above solution No precipitate

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + White precipitate is formed Group V is present (Ba2+,

NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 Sr2+, Ca2+)
Confirmatory test for Group V

Dissolve the precipitate in hot

dil acetic acid. Divide it in to
three parts.
Part I + potassium chromate Yellow precipitate. Ba2+ confirmed

Part II+Ammonium sulphate No White precipitate. Sr2+ is absent


Part III + Ammonium oxalate No White precipitate. Ca2+ is absent

solution + Ammonium
hydroxide and scratch the
sides of the test tube.


Acid radical present is ______Cl-

Basic radical present is ___Ba2+

The given salt is __________BaCl2

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell NH4+, CH3COO- etc may be

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell
with a drop of water.

Flame Test: Grassy green color Presence of Presence of Ba2+

Take a small amount of salt on

a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube

ix) Gas evolved Pungent smelling gas which

gives white fumes with Presence of Cl-
hydroxide./Greenish yellow
Sublimate formed No White sublimate Abesence of NH4+
xi) Residue White residue glows on Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,
heating Mg2+,Al3+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4

Group I acid radical is
No Brisk effervescence is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. A colorless pungent smelling Group II acid radical Cl- may
H2SO4 gas which gives a dense white be present
fumes with glass rod dipped in
ammonium hydroxide is
exposed to the mouth of the
test tube
Confirmatory Test for Cl-

1) Chromyl chloride Test:

Salt + solid potassium

dichromate in a test tube + Orange red vapors are evolved
Conc. H2SO4 .

Presence of Cl- is confirmed.

Pass the vapours through
NaOH solution taken in Solution turns yellow.
another test tube.

To the above yellow solution,

add acetic acid and lead Yellow ppt is obtained.
acetate solution.

2) Silver nitrate test:

White ppt is formed which is Presence of Cl- is confirmed.
Salt solution + dil HNO3 , boil soluble in NH4OH
for some time , cool and add
silvernitrate solution.

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

ix) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil No Characteristic smell is
observed Group 0 is absent

No white precipitate is Group I is absent

O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl formed
Pass H2S gas through the No black precipitate is
above solution formed
Group II is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium No precipitate Group III is absent

chloride + Ammonium
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic.

Pass H2S gas through the No precipitate Group IV is absent

above solution

White precipitate is formed

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + Group V is present (Ba2+,
NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 Sr2+, Ca2+)

Confirmatory test for Group V

Dissolve the precipitate in hot

dil acetic acid. Divide it in to
three parts.
Part I + potassium chromate No Yellow precipitate. Ba2+ is absent

Part II+Ammonium sulphate White precipitate. Sr2+ is confirmed


Part III + Ammonium oxalate No White precipitate. Ca2+ is absent

solution + Ammonium
hydroxide and scratch the
sides of the test tube.

Acid radical present is _____Cl-

Basic radical present is ____Sr2+

The given salt is __________SrCl2

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Amorphous CO3 2- may be present

Solubility in water In soluble

CO3 2- may be present

4) Smell NH4+, CH3COO- S2- are

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell
with a drop of water.

Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+

Flame Test: No characteristic colour to the orMn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+
Take a small amount of salt on
a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Presence of CO3 2-
Dry heating test
Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube Colorless odorless gas turning Absence of NH4+
lime water milky
i) Gas evolved
Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,

No White sublimate

Sublimate formed White residue glows on

ii) Residue

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4 Brisk effervescence with the Group I acid radical is
s liberation of colorless odorless is present (CO32-)

Confirmatory Test

1) Salt + Dil HCl , pass the Lime water turns milky Presence of CO32- is
gas through lime water. confirmed

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

i) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) InSoluble Not Original solution

Dil HCl Soluble original solution
Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is absent
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl No white precipitate is

Pass H2S gas through the

above solution No black precipitate is
formed Group II is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium Group III is absent

chloride + Ammonium No precipitate
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic.

Pass H2S gas through the Group IV is absent

above solution No precipitate

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + White precipitate is formed Group V is present (Ba2+,

NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 Sr2+, Ca2+)

Confirmatory test for Group V

Dissolve the precipitate in hot
dil acetic acid. Divide it in to
three parts.
Part I + potassium chromate Yellow precipitate. Ba2+ confirmed

Part II+Ammonium sulphate No White precipitate. Sr2+ is absent


Part III + Ammonium oxalate No White precipitate. Ca2+ is absent

solution + Ammonium
hydroxide and scratch the
sides of the test tube.


Acid radical present is ________CO3 2-__________

Basic radical present is _____Ba2+ _____________

The given salt is __________BaCO3____________

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Amorphous CO3 2- may be present

Solubility in water In soluble

CO3 2- may be present

4) Smell NH4+, CH3COO- S2- are

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell
with a drop of water.

Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+

Flame Test: No characteristic colour to the orMn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+
Take a small amount of salt on
a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube
Colorless odorless gas turning Presence of CO3 2-
iii) Gas evolved lime water milky

Sublimate formed No White sublimate Absence of NH4+

iv) Residue White residue glows on Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,
heating Mg2+,Al3+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4 Brisk effervescence with the Group I acid radical is
liberation of colorless odorless is present (CO32-)

Confirmatory Test

1) Salt + Dil HCl , pass the Lime water turns milky Presence of CO32- is
gas through lime water. confirmed

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

ii) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) InSoluble Not Original solution

Dil HCl Soluble original solution
Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is absent
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl No white precipitate is
Pass H2S gas through the
above solution No black precipitate is
formed Group II is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium Group III is absent

chloride + Ammonium No precipitate
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic.

Pass H2S gas through the Group IV is absent

above solution No precipitate

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + White precipitate is formed Group V is present (Ba2+,

NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 Sr2+, Ca2+)

Confirmatory test for Group V

Dissolve the precipitate in hot

dil acetic acid. Divide it in to
three parts.
Part I + potassium chromate No Yellow precipitate. Ba2+ absent

Part II+Ammonium sulphate No White precipitate. Sr2+ is absent


Part III + Ammonium oxalate White precipitate. Ca2+ is confirmed

solution + Ammonium
hydroxide and scratch the
sides of the test tube.

Acid radical present is ________CO3 2-__________

Basic radical present is _____Ca 2+ _____________

The given salt is __________CaCO3____________

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell NH4+, CH3COO- S2- may be

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell
with a drop of water.

Dull bluish white Presence of Presence of Pb2+

Flame Test:

Take a small amount of salt on

a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube
Reddish brown gas which Presence of NO3-
Gas evolved turns ferrous sulphate solution

Abesence of NH4+
Sublimate No White sublimate
Residue Brown when hot , yellow Presence of Pb2+
when cold

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4 Group I acid radical is

No Brisk effervescence is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc.

H2SO4 Group II acid radicals
CH3COO ,Cl ,Br- are absent
- -

No characteristic observation

If no reaction in cold, add a Reddish brown fumes are Group II acid radical NO3-
piece of Cu or paper ball to evolved may be present.
the test tube containing salt
and heat.

Confirmatory Test for NO3-

Brown ring Test A brown ring is formed at the Presence of NO3- is confirmed
Salt solution + equal volume junction of layers of acid and
of freshly prepares ferrous the solution
sulphate solution.Add a drop
of Conc H2SO4 slowly along
the sides of the test tube.
Detection of Basic radical:
Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

x) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is Present
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl white precipitate is formed

Confirmatory test for Group I

Boil the white precipitate with

5-10 ml of water and divide it
into 3 parts.

Part 1 – cool under tap White crystalline precipitate Presence of Pb2+ confirmed

Part 2 + KI solution Yellow precipitate Presence of Pb2+ confirmed

Part 3 + Potassium chromate Yellow precipitate Presence of Pb2+ confirmed


Acid radical present is ___NO3 -

Basic radical present is ________Pb2+

The given salt is _____________Pb(NO3) 2


Expt No _____18________ Date : _________________

Aim : To Test the presence of Alcoholic Group in the given sample of organic compound

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take about 1 ml of the give liquid in a clean dry test
tube, add about 1 ml glacial acetic acid and 2-3 drops of Presence of
A fruity smell
conc. sulphuric acid. Warm the mixture on a water bath alcoholic
is produced.
Ester Test for about 10 minutes. Pour it into about 20 ml of cold group.
water taken in a beaker and smell.
Ceric Take about 1 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test Pink or red Presence of
ammonium tube and add few drops of ceric ammonium nitrate colour is alcoholic
nitrate Test reagent and shake it well. developed. group.
Take about 2 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test
tube, add 1 g of anhydrous calcium sulphate and shake
well to remove water. Filter the liquid into another Presence of
Acetyl White fumes
clean dry test tube and to the filtrate, add 2-3 drops of alcoholic
chloride Test are produced.
acetyl chloride. Shake the test tube well and bring a group.
glass rod dipped in ammonium hydroxide solution near
the mouth of the test tube.

The given sample of organic compound has alcohol group in it.

CHEMICAL EQUATIONS ( To be written on the un ruled page)




C2H5OH + (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6 [(C2H5OH)2Ce(NO3)4] + 2NH4NO3

Pink or red complex



HCl + NH4OH NH4Cl + H2 O

white fumes
Aim : To Test the presence of a for phenolic Group in the given sample of organic compound

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take about 1 ml of neutral ferric chloride solution in a
Ferric chloride Violet colour is of
clean test tube and add 2-3 drops of the given liquid (or
Test seen. phenolic
crystal i solid).
Take a small quantity of sodium nitrite in a clean dry
test tube and add about 1 ml of the given liquid (or A deep blue or
crystal if solid). Heat the test tube very gently for half a green
minute and allow it to cool. Then add about 1 ml of colouration is
conc. sulphuric acid and shake the test tube to mix the seen. Presence
Liebermann’s contents. of
Test phenolic
Colour turns to
Add distilled water carefully to the test tube. group.
Deep blue or
Add excess of sodium hydroxide solution to the test
green colour
Take 1 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test tube
and add 0.1 g of phthalic anhydride and add 1-2 drops Presence
Pink colour is
Phthalein Dye of conc. sulphuric acid. Heat the test tube for about 1 of
Test minute in an oil bath. Cool and pour the reaction phenolic
mixture carefully into a beaker containing 15 ml of dil. group.
sodium hydroxide solution.

The given organic compound has phenolic group in it.


FeCl3 + C6H5OH Fe(OC6H5)6]3- + 3HCl

violet complex

Phthalein dye test

Liebermann’s Test
Aim : To Test the presence of a for Aldehydic Group in the given sample of organic compound

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take a small quantity of the given compound in a
clean dry test tube, add rectified spirit until the Yellow or
2,4- Presence of
compound just dissolves. Now add few drops of 2, orange
Dintrophenyl carbonyl
4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine solution. Cork the test precipitate is
hydrazine Test group.
tube, shake the mixture and allow it to stand for 5 formed.

Take about 2 ml of saturated solution of sodium White

Presence of
Sodium bisulphite in a clean test tube and add a small crystalline
bisulphite Test quantity of the given compound. Cork the test tube, precipitate is
shake and leave it for 15-20 minutes. formed.
Presence of
Dissolve a small quantity of the given compound in
Pink colour is aldehydic
Schiff’s Test a clean test tube and add about 1 ml of Schiff’s
seen. group is
reagent and shake it well.
Take about 1 ml of silver nitrate solution in a clean
test tube and add 2-3 ml of dilute NaOH solution.
A brown precipitate of silver oxide forms. Now add Presence of
Tollen’s Test Shining silver
dilute ammonia solution dropwise until the brown aldehydic
(Silver mirror mirror is
precipitate of silver oxide just dissolves. To this group is
test) formed.
add 3-4 drops of the given liquid (or 0.1 g if solid) confirmed.
and warm the test tube on a water bath for about 5
Take 1 ml each of Fehling’s solution A and B in a Presence of
test tube. Add 4-5 drops of the given organic liquid Red precipitate aldehydic
Fehling’s Test
(or 0.2g if solid) and warm the test in a water bath is formed. group is
for 4-5 minutes. confirmed.

The given sample of organic compound has aldehydic group in it.

Tollens test

2gA(NH3)2 -
+ CH3CHO + 3 OH- CH3COO + 2Ag + 4NH3 + 2H2O
Fehling’s test

CH3CHO + 2Cu2+ + 5 OH - Cu2O + CH3COO- + 3 H2O

Aim : To Test the presence of a for ketonic Group in the given sample of organic compound

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take a small quantity of the given compound in a
clean dry test tube, add rectified spirit until the Yellow or
2,4-Dintrophenyl compound just dissolves. Now add few drops of 2, orange Presence of
hydrazine Test 4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine solution. Cork the test precipitate is carbonyl group.
tube, shake the mixture and allow it to stand for 5 formed.

Take about 2 ml of saturated solution of sodium White

Sodium bisulphite in a clean test tube and add a small crystalline Presence of
bisulphite Test quantity of the given compound. Cork the test precipitate is carbonyl group.
tube, shake and leave it for 15-20 minutes. formed.
Take a small quantity of the given compound in a
colour is
m- clean test tube and add about 0.1g of finely Presence of
Dinitrobenzene powdered m-dinitrobenzene. Now add about 1 ml ketonic group
Test of dilute sodium hydroxide solution and shake it is confirmed.
slowly fades
Dissolve a small quantity of sodium nitroprusside
Sodium in about 1 ml of distilled water in a clean test tube Presence of
nitroprusside and then add a small quantity of the given ketonic group
Test compound. Shake the test tube well and add is confirmed.
sodium hydroxide solution dropwise.

2, 4 DNPH Test

Nitro prusside Test

Aim : To Test the presence of a for carboxylic acid Group in the given sample of organic compound

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Brisk Presence of
Hydrogen Take 1 ml of the given organic compound in a test tube
effervescence carboxylic
Carbonate and add a pinch of sodium bicarbonate to it.
is observed. group.

Take a small quantity of the given organic compound in

a clean test tube, add 1 ml of ethyl alcohol and 1-2 Presence of
You get a
Ester Test drops of conc. sulphuric acid into it. Heat the reaction carboxylic
fruity smell.
mixture on a water bath for about 5 minutes. Pour the group.
mixture into a beaker containing water.

The given sample of organic compound has carboxylic acid group in it.




Aim : To Test the presence of a for Amino Group in the given sample of organic compound

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take a small quantity of the given compound in a Compound is
Solubility Compound may
clean test tube and add 2-3 ml of dil.HCl and shake soluble in
Test be amine.
the test tube well. dil.HCl.
Take a small quantity of solid KOH in a clean dry
test tube and add about 2 ml of ethanol. Warm the
Carbylamines An offensive smell is produced.
test tube until the pellets dissolve. To this add a few
Test Presence of primary amine.
drops of chloroform and small amount of the given
compound and warm gently.
Take three test tubes A, B and C. In test tube A,
dissolve a small quantity of the compound in 2 ml
of HCl. In test tube B, prepare an aqueous solution Presence of
Formation of a
of sodium nitrite. In test tube C, dissolve a small aromatic
Azo-Dye Test red or orange
quantity of β-naphthol in dilute sodium hydroxide. primary amine
Place all the three test tubes in an ice bath. Now is confirmed.
add sodium nitrite solution into test tube A and the
resulting solution is added to test tube C.

The given sample of organic compound has amino group in it.

Solubility Test

C6H5NH2 + HCl C6H5NH3+Cl-

Carbyl amine test

C6H5NH2 + CHCl3 + 3KOH C6H5NC + 3KCl + 3H2O

Azo dye test

C6H5NH2 + HNO2 + HCl C6H5N+ NCl- + 2H2O

Expt No: 19 Date:


Aim : To identify the functional group present in the given compound with relevant chemical

SET A: Ethanol and Ethanoic acid

Tests for Carboxylic Group

Physical Tests:

Smell : Vinegar Smell

Solubility : Miscible with water.

Physical state: Liquid

Chemical Tests:

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Brisk Presence of
Hydrogen Take 1 ml of the given organic compound in a test tube
effervescence carboxylic
Carbonate and add a pinch of sodium bicarbonate to it.
is observed. group.

Take a small quantity of the given organic compound in

a clean test tube, add 1 ml of ethyl alcohol and 1-2 drops Presence of
Ester Test of conc. sulphuric acid into it. Heat the reaction mixture fruity smell. carboxylic
on a water bath for about 5 minutes. Pour the mixture group.
into a beaker containing water.

Tests for Alcoholic Group

It is a clear, volatile liquid with a characteristic pleasant odor, and a burning taste. It is completely miscible
with water in all ratios and with organic solvents. Melting point: -117 °C and Boiling point: 78 °C

Chemical Tests:

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take about 1 ml of the give liquid in a clean dry test
tube, add about 1 ml glacial acetic acid and 2-3 drops of Presence of
A fruity smell
conc. sulphuric acid. Warm the mixture on a water bath alcoholic
is produced.
Ester Test for about 10 minutes. Pour it into about 20 ml of cold group.
water taken in a beaker and smell.
Ceric Take about 1 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test Pink or red Presence of
ammonium tube and add few drops of ceric ammonium nitrate colour alcoholic
nitrate Test reagent and shake it well. developed. group.
Take about 2 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test
tube, add 1 g of anhydrous calcium sulphate and shake
well to remove water. Filter the liquid into another clean Presence of
Acetyl White fumes
dry test tube and to the filtrate, add 2-3 drops of acetyl alcoholic
chloride Test are produced.
chloride. Shake the test tube well and bring a glass rod group.
dipped in ammonium hydroxide solution near the mouth
of the test tube.
SET B: Acetaldehyde and Acetone

Test for Aldehyde

Physical Tests:


Solubility : Soluble in water

Physical state: Liquid

Chemical Tests

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Presence of
Dissolve a small quantity of the given compound in
Pink colour is aldehydic
Schiff’s Test a clean test tube and add about 1 ml of Schiff’s
seen. group is
reagent and shake it well.
Take about 1 ml of silver nitrate solution in a clean
test tube and add 2-3 ml of dilute NaOH solution. A
brown precipitate of silver oxide forms. Now add Presence of
Tollen’s Test Shining silver
dilute ammonia solution dropwise until the brown aldehydic
(Silver mirror mirror is
precipitate of silver oxide just dissolves. To this add group is
test) formed.
3-4 drops of the given liquid (or 0.1 g if solid) and confirmed.
warm the test tube on a water bath for about 5
Take 1 ml each of Fehling’s solution A and B in a Presence of
test tube. Add 4-5 drops of the given organic liquid aldehydic
Fehling’s Test precipitate is
(or 0.2g if solid) and warm the test in a water bath group is
for 4-5 minutes. confirmed.

Test for Ketone

Physical Tests:

Smell : Smell

Solubility : Soluble in water

Physical state: Liquid

Chemical Tests

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take a small quantity of the given compound in a
Violet colour
m- clean test tube and add about 0.1g of finely Presence of
is formed
Dinitrobenzene powdered m-dinitrobenzene. Now add about 1 ml ketonic group
which slowly
Test of dilute sodium hydroxide solution and shake it is confirmed.
fades away.
Dissolve a small quantity of sodium nitroprusside
Sodium in about 1 ml of distilled water in a clean test tube Presence of
nitroprusside and then add a small quantity of the given ketonic group
Test compound. Shake the test tube well and add is confirmed.
sodium hydroxide solution dropwise.
SET C : Phenol and Aniline

Tests for Amino Group

Physical Tests:

Smell : Fishy smell

Solubility : Soluble in dil HCl

Physical state: Liquid

Chemical Tests

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take a small quantity of the given compound in a Compound is
Solubility Compound may
clean test tube and add 2-3 ml of dil.HCl and shake soluble in
Test be amine.
the test tube well. dil.HCl.
Take a small quantity of solid KOH in a clean dry
test tube and add about 2 ml of ethanol. Warm the
Carbylamines An offensive smell is produced.
test tube until the pellets dissolve. To this add a few
Test Presence of primary amine.
drops of chloroform and small amount of the given
compound and warm gently.
Take three test tubes A, B and C. In test tube A,
dissolve a small quantity of the compound in 2 ml
of HCl. In test tube B, prepare an aqueous solution Presence of
Formation of a
of sodium nitrite. In test tube C, dissolve a small aromatic
Azo-Dye Test red or orange
quantity of β-naphthol in dilute sodium hydroxide. primary amine
Place all the three test tubes in an ice bath. Now is confirmed.
add sodium nitrite solution into test tube A and the
resulting solution is added to test tube C.

Tests for Phenolic Group

Physical Tests:

Smell :

Solubility : Soluble in Water

Physical state: Liquid

Chemical Tests

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Neutral Take about 1 ml of neutral ferric chloride solution in a
Violet colour is of
Ferric chloride clean test tube and add 2-3 drops of the given liquid (or
seen. phenolic
Test crystal is solid).
Take a small quantity of sodium nitrite in a clean dry
test tube and add about 1 ml of the given liquid (or A deep blue or
crystal if solid). Heat the test tube very gently for half a green
minute and allow it to cool. Then add about 1 ml of colouration is
conc. sulphuric acid and shake the test tube to mix the seen. Presence
Liebermann’s contents. of
Test phenolic
Colour turns to
Add distilled water carefully to the test tube. group.
Deep blue or
Add excess of sodium hydroxide solution to the test
green colour
Take 1 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test tube (or
crystal if solid) and add 1-2 drops of conc. sulphuric Presence
Pink colour is
Phthalein Dye acid. Heat the test tube for about 1 minute in an oil of
Test bath. Cool and pour the reaction mixture carefully into phenolic
a beaker containing 15 ml of dil. sodium hydroxide group.

Tests for Phenolic Group

Physical Tests:

Smell :

Solubility : Soluble in dil HCl

Physical state: Liquid

Chemical Tests

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take about 1 ml of neutral ferric chloride solution Presence of

Neutral Violet colour is
in a clean test tube and add 2-3 drops of the given phenolic
Ferric seen.
liquid (or crystal is solid). group.
chloride Test
Take a small quantity of sodium nitrite in a clean
dry test tube and add about 1 ml of the given liquid
A deep blue or
(or crystal if solid). Heat the test tube very gently
green colouration
for half a minute and allow it to cool. Then add
is seen.
about 1 ml of conc. sulphuric acid and shake the Presence of
Liebermann’s test tube to mix the contents.
Colour turns to group.
Add distilled water carefully to the test tube.
Deep blue or
Add excess of sodium hydroxide solution to the
green colour
test tube.
Take 1 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test Presence of
tube (or crystal if solid) and add 1-2 drops of conc. phenolic
Pink colour is
Phthalein Dye sulphuric acid. Heat the test tube for about 1 group.
Test minute in an oil bath. Cool and pour the reaction
mixture carefully into a beaker containing 15 ml of
dil. sodium hydroxide solution.
Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Brisk Presence of
Hydrogen Take 1 ml of the given organic compound in a test
effervescence is carboxylic
Carbonate tube and add a pinch of sodium bicarbonate to it.
observed. group.

Take a small quantity of the given organic

Presence of
compound in a clean test tube, add 1 ml of ethyl
Ester Test fruity smell. carboxylic
alcohol and 1-2 drops of conc. sulphuric acid into
it. Heat the reaction mixture on a water bath for
about 5 minutes. Pour the mixture into a beaker
containing water.



1 Preparation of pure sample of ferrous ammonium sulphate and potash alum


2 Preparation of acetanilide from aniline AND P- Nitro acetanilide from acetanilide

3 To study the variation of cell potential in Zn/Zn2+//Cu2+/ Cu cell with change in concentration of
electrolytes at room temperature.

4 To study the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and
Hydrochloric acid

5 Preparation of colloidal solution of starch , egg albuin , Ferric hydroxide and Aluminium

6 Determination of molarity and strength of KmnO4 solution using M/20 solution of ferrous
ammonium sulphate
7 Determination of molarity and strength of KmnO4 solution using M/40 solution of oxalic acid


8 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 1[ ]

9 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 2[ ]

10 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 3[ ]

11 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 4[ ]

12 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 5[ ]

13 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 6[ ]

14 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 7[ ]

15 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 8[ ]

16 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 9[ ]

17 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 10[ ]


18 Identify the functional group present in organic compound


19 Differentiating tests for ethanol and ethanoic acid

Differentiating tests for acetaldehyde and acetone

Differentiating tests for phenol and amine

Differentiating tests for phenol and ethanoic acid


To study simple test for carbohydrates, fats and proteins
21 Detection of presence of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in given food stuffs
Expt No : 1 Date:

Aim :

To prepare pure sample of Ferrous ammonium sulphate (Mohr’s salt) [FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O]


Mohr’s salt is prepared by dissolving an equimolar mixture of hydrated ferrous sulphate and ammonium
sulphate in water containing a little sulphuric acid and then subjecting the resulting solution to crystallization
when light green crystals of ferrous ammonium sulphate separate out.

FeSO4.7H2O + NH4)2SO4 FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O + H2O

Materials Required

 Ferrous sulphate, Ammonium sulphate,m Dil. Sulphuric acid, Ethyl alcohol,Beakers, China
dish, Funnel, Glass rod, Tripod stand, Wire gauze, Wash bottle , Measuring jar


11. First take 7g ferrous sulphate 3.5g ammonium sulphate in a clean 250ml beaker.
12. To this add about 2-3ml of dil.sulphuric acid to prevent the hydrolysis of ferrous sulphate.
13. In another beaker, boil about 20ml of water for 5 minutes.
14. Add the boiling hot water to the contents in the first beaker in small quantities at a time.
15. Stir the contents of the beaker with a glass rod until the salts have completely dissolved.
16. Filter the solution into a china dish.
17. Now heat the solution in the china dish until its crystallisation point is reached. Then transfer
the solution into a crystallising dish and keep it undisturbed.
18. On cooling, crystals of Mohr’s salt separate.
19. Decant the mother liquor and wash the crystals with a small quantity of alcohol and then dry
the crystals by placing them between filter paper pads.
20. Find the weight of the crystals.


4. Weight of the crystals obtained = ...6.g

5. Colour of the crystals . .Green.
6. Shape of the crystals ..Monoclinic

Aim : To prepare pure sample of potash alum (Fitkari) [K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O]


Potash alum is prepared by dissolving an equimolar mixture of hydrated aluminium sulphate in minimum
amount of water containing a little of sulphuric acid anfd then subjecting the solution to crystallization , when
octahedral crystals of potash alum separate out.

K2SO4 + Al2(SO4)3 18H2O + 6H2O K2SO4Al2(SO4)3. 24H2O

Materials Required

Potassium sulphate, Aluminium sulphate, Dil. Sulphuric acid, Distilled water, Beakers, China
dish, Funnel,Glass rod, Tripod stand, Wire gauze, Burner, Wash bottle, Measuring jar


13. Take 2.5g potassium sulphate crystals in a clean beaker.

14. To this add 20ml of distilled water and stir using a glass rod until the crystals completely
15. Take 10g aluminium sulphate in another beaker.
16. Add about 20ml of distilled water and 1ml of dil.sulphuric acid to it.
17. Heat the contents of the beaker for about 5 minutes.
18. Mix the two solutions in a china dish.
19. Heat the solution in the china dish for some time to concentrate it to the crystallisation point.
20. Transfer the solution into a crystallising dish and do not disturb it.
21. On cooling crystals of potash alum separate.
22. Decant the mother liquor and wash the crystals with a small quantity of ice-cold water.
23. Dry the crystals by placing them between filter paper pads.
24. Find the weight of the crystals.


4. Weight of the crystals obtained = 5g

5. Colour of the crystals Colour less.
6. Shape of the crystals Octahedral.


Expt No : 2 Date:

Aim : To prepare acetanilide from aniline.


Acetanilide is prepared by acetylating aniline with acetic anhydride in the presence of glacial acetic

Materials Required

 Aniline ,Acetic anhydride ,Glacial acetic acid ,Conical flask,RB flask,Funnel,Filter

paper,Buchner funnel,Water condenser,Wire gauze,Tripod stand,Burner,Measuring jar


8. Take 5ml of acetic anhydride in a clean dry 250ml RB flask and add 5 ml of glacial acetic
acid and shake the contents thoroughly.
9. To this mixture add 5ml of aniline and fit a water condenser.
10. Boil this mixture over a sand bath for 10min.
11. Pour the liquid from the RB flask into 200ml ice-cold water taken in a beaker. While adding
stir the contents of the beaker vigorously using a glass rod.
12. Filter the white precipitate formed and wash it with cold water.
13. Recrystallise from hot water containing a few drops of etanol . Weigh the crystals and record
the yield
14. Determinre the melting point of the compound.

The weight of acetanilide = 3g
Melting point = 1130c


 Handle the chemicals with care.

 Freshly distilled aniline should be used to get good results.
 Prolonged heating and use of excess of acetic anhydride should be avoided.
 Reaction mixture should first cooled and then poured in ice-cold water otherwise hydrolysis
of acetanilide may take place.
Aim :

To prepare p- nitro acetanilide from acetanilide.


The nitration of aniline is difficult to carry out with nitrating mixture since –NH2 gets oxidized . So the amini
group is first protected by acetylation to form acetanilide which is then nitrated to give p- nitroacetanide as
amajor product. And o – nitro acetanide as a minor product. Recrystallisation from ethanol readily removes
the more soluble ortho compound .

Materials Required

Acetanilide- 5g ,Glacial acetic acid- 5ml,Conc.sulphuric acid -10ml, Fuming nitric acid -2ml

Methylated spirit -20ml, Test tubes, Glass rod, Beaker


7. Take 5g powdered acetanilide and 5ml of glacial acetic acid in a conical flask and stir the
mixture using a glass rod.
8. Take 2ml of fuming nitric acid in a clean test tube and cool it in a freezing mixture taken in a
beaker. Carefully add 2ml of conc.sulphuric acid drop by drop while constantly shaking and
cooling it.
9. Add 8ml of conc.sulphuric acid drop by drop into the conical flask containing acetanilide and
glacial acetic acid and cool it in a freezing mixture. Stir the contents and wait until the
temperature becomes less than 5oC.
10. To the cooled contents in the flask, add the nitrating mixture prepared in the 2nd step, drop
by drop while stirring constantly. While adding the nitrating mixture, the temperature of the
mixture in the flask should not rise above 25oC. Remove the conical flask from the freezing
mixture and allow it to stand for 30min at room temperature.
11. Pour the contents of the flask into a beaker containing crushed ice. Stir it well and filter the
precipitate obtained and wash it thoroughly with cold water.
12. Recrystallisation of p-Nitro acetanilide: Dissolve the precipitate obtained above in 20ml
methylated spirit. Warm it to get a clear solution. Filter the hot solution and cool the filtrate
in ice. P-Nitro acetanilide is obtained as colourless crystals. Wash the crystals with cold
water and then dry the crystals and measure the weight of the crystals.

The weight of p-nitroacetanilide = 3.5 g
Melting point : = 2140c


 Handle the chemicals with care.

 During the addition of nitrating mixture, the temperature of the reaction mixture should not
rise above 25 oC.
 Addition of fuming nitric acid should be done drop wise.
 Do not inhale the vapours of nitric acid as they are very corrosive in nature. Addition of
nitrating mixture may preferably be done in a fume cupboard.
Expt No :3 Date:


Aim : To study the variation of cell potential in Zn/Zn2+//Cu2+/ Cu cell with change in concentration of
electrolytes at room temperature.

Reduction potential of an electrode increases with increase in concentration of the electrolyte.
Mn+(aq)+ne– ———->M(s)
In the zinc-copper electrochemical cell zinc electrode acts as anode while copper electrode acts as cathode.


8. Take copper sulphate solution in a clean beaker.

9. Clean the copper strip with the help of sand paper and dip it into copper sulphate solution.
10. Take zinc sulphate solution in a porous pot.
11. Clean the zinc strip with the help of sand paper and dip it into zinc sulphate solution.
12. Keep the porous pot in the beaker.
13. Connect the copper strip with the positive terminal and zinc strip with the negative terminal of
a voltmeter as shown in Fig.
14. Note the position of the pointer in the voltmeter and record the reading in your notebook.

Repeat the experiment by taking different concentrations of zinc sulphate and copper sulphate solutions.

EMF of the cell increases with decrease in cone, of the electrolyte around anode and increase in cone, of the
electrolyte around cathode.
( To be done on the left hand side )

Concentration of ZnSO4 Concentration of CuSO4 Emf of the cell

solution solution

1M 1M 1.1V

1M 0.5M 1.091V

1M 0.025M 1.052V

1M 0.0125M 1.043V

0.5M 1M 1.108V

0.025M 1M 1.147V

0.0125M 1M 1.156V
Expt No 4 Date:



To study the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate
and hydrochloricacid.


According to the law of mass action, rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the
product of the molar concentrations of the reactants. In other words, the rate of reaction increases
with the increase in the concentration of the reactants. The effect of concentration of reactants on
rate of a reaction can be studied easily by the reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric
Na2S203 + 2HCl ——–> S(s) + 2NaCl(aq) + SO2(g) + H2O(l)
The insoluble sulphur, formed during the reaction, gives a milky appearance and makes the solution
opaque. Therefore, rate of reaction can be studied by measuring the time taken to produce enough
sulphur to make some mark invisible on a paper kept under the conical flask in which the reaction is
carried out.


Pipette (10 ml), stop-watch, two burettes and five conical flasks (100 ml).


0.1 M Na2S2O3 solution and 1 M HCl solution.


8. Wash the conical flasks with water and label them as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively.
9. With the help of a burette, add 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 ml of 0.1 M Na2S2O3 solution to the
flasks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively.
10. Now add 40, 30, 20 and 10 ml of distilled water to the flask 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively so that
volume of solution in each flask is 50 ml.
11. Take 10 ml of 1M HCl in a test tube with the help of a burette.
12. Add 10 ml of hydrochloric acid taken in a test tube to the conical flask No. 1 containing 10 ml
of 0.1 M Na2S2O3 and 40 ml of distilled water and start the stop-watch.
When half of the hydrochloric acid solution has been added. Shake the contents of the conical
flask and place it on the tile with a cross mark as shown in Fig.
13. Go on observing from top to downwards in the flask and stop the stop-watch when the cross
mark just becomes invisible. Note down the time.
14. Repeat the experiment by adding 10 ml of 1M HCl to flasks 2, 3,4 and 5 and record the time
taken in each case for the cross to become just invisible.

From the graph, it is clear that 1/t is directly proportional to the cone, of Na2S2O3 solution. But y is a
direct measure of rate of the reaction, therefore, rate of the reaction between Na2S2O3 and HCl is
directly proportional to the cone, of Na2S2O3 solution taken. Hence, rate of this reaction is directly
proportional to the concentration of Na2S2O3, which is one of the reactants.
Note. It may be noted that the reaction rate also increases when the amount of sodium thiosulphate is
kept constant but the concentration of hydrochloric acid is increased.


7. The apparatus must be thoroughly clean. If the same conical flask is to be used again and
again, it should be thoroughly washed with cone. HNO3 and then with water.
8. Measure the volumes of sodium thiosulphate solution, hydrochloric acid and distilled water
very accurately.
9. Use the same tile with the same cross-mark for all observation,
10. Complete the experiment at one time only so that there is not much temperature variation.
11. Start the stop-watch immediately when half of the hydrochloric acid solution has been added
to sodium thiosulphate solution.
12. View the cross-mark through the reaction mixture from top to bottom from same height for all
( To be done on the left hand side)


Flask No Volume Volume Total Conc . Volume Time 1/t ( s-1)

of of water Volume ofNa2S2O3 of 1 M taken for
Na2S2O3 in mL of solution HCl cross to
solution solution become
imn mL in mL just

1 10 40 50 0.02 10 12.5 0.02

2 20 30 50 0.04 10 27.3 0.036

3 30 20 50 0.06 10 35.1 0.028

4 40 10 50 0.08 10 60 0.0167

5 50 0 50 0.10 10 159

Plot a graph between 1/t (in seconds) and the concentration of sodium thiosulphate by taking 1/t along
ordinate (vertical axis) and cone, of Na2S2O3 along abscissa (horizontal axis). It should be a straight sloping
Expt No : 5 Date :


Aim : To prepare colloidal solution of starch

Starch forms a lyophilic sol when water is used as the dispersion medium. The formation of sol is accelerated
by heating. The starch sol can be prepared by heating starch and water at about 100°C. It is quite stable and is
not affected by the presence of any electrolytic impurity.

Beakers (250 ml and 50 ml), glass rod, funnel, filter-paper, pestle and mortar, tripod stand, wire-
gauze and burner.

Materials Required
Soluble starch (500 mg) and distilled water.


7. Take 500 mg of starch in a mortar and add few ml of distilled water.

8. Grind the starch to make a thin paste and transfer this paste to a 50 ml beaker.
9. Take about 100 ml of distilled water in a 250 ml beaker and heat the beaker so that water starts
10. Pour the paste slowly with stirring into boiling water in the beaker (Fig. 2.1).
11. Continue boiling for about 10 minutes and there allow the beaker to cool.
12. Filter the contents of the beaker through a filter-paper, fixed in a funnel.
Label the filtrate ‘Starch Sol’.


6. The apparatus used for preparing sol should be properly cleaned.

7. Distilled water should be used for preparing sols in water.
8. Starch should be converted into a fine paste before adding to boiling water.
9. Starch paste should be added in a thin stream to boiling water.
10. Constant stirring of the contents is necessary during the preparation of the sol.
( To be done on the left hand side )

Aim: To prepare colloidal solution of egg albumin


Egg albumin which is obtained from eggs forms lyophilic sols with cold water. The sol is quite stable and is
not affected by the presence of traces of impurities.

Beakers (250 ml and 50 ml), glass rod, funnel, filter-paper, pestle and mortar, tripod stand, wire-
gauze and burner.

Material required

An egg and distilled water.


 Break the outer shell of an egg by striking it with a glass rod.

 Collect the colourless liquid along with the yellow yolk in a beaker.
 Decant the colourless liquid into another beaker. This colourless liquid is known as egg albumin.
 Take 100 ml of 5% NaCl solution in a 250 ml beaker.
 Add egg albumin into the NaCl solution in small proportions while constantly stirring.
 Filter the contents of the beaker through a filter paper fixed in a funnel and collect the filtrate.
 Label the filtrate as Egg-Albumin sol.


 The apparatus used for preparing the sol should be properly cleaned.
 Distilled water should be used for preparing sols in water.
 Egg albumin sol is prepared at room temperature because in hot solution the precipitation of egg albumin
takes place.
 The yellow yolk should be separated completely from the egg albumin before using the later in the
 Addition of egg albumin should be done very slowly and while constantly stirring so as to disperse the
colloidal particles well in the solution.
Aim : To prepare ferric hydroxide sol

Ferric hydroxide forms a lyophilic sol. The substance such as metal hydroxides or sulphides are insoluble and
do not really give colloidal solutions on treatment with water are called hydrophobic colloids.

Ferric hydroxide is prepared by the hydrolysis of ferric chloride with boiling distilled water.

FeCl3 + 3H2O boil Fe(OH) 3 + 3 HCl

Hydrochloric acid which is produced during tries to destabilize the sol and hence must be removed from the sol by
dialysis .


 Take a 250 ml conical flask and clean it using the steaming out process.
 To this cleaned conical flask, add 100 ml of distilled water using a measuring cylinder.
 Bring the water to boil by placing the flask over a Bunsen burner.
 Add ferric chloride solution dropwise to the boiling water using a dropper.
 Continue heating until a deep red or brown solution of ferric hydroxide is obtained.
 Note: Replace the water lost by evaporation during boiling at regular intervals.
 Keep the contents of the conical flask undisturbed for some time at room temperature.
 Label the solution as Ferric Hydroxide Sol.


 Since ferric hydroxide sol is affected by impurities, the apparatus required for the preparation of sol should
be thoroughly cleaned by the steaming out process.
 Add ferric chloride solution dropwise.
 Heating is continued till the desired sol is obtained.
 Hydrochloric acid formed as a result of hydrolysis of ferric chloride is removed by dialysis process
otherwise it would destabilise the sol.
( To be done on left hand side )
Aim : To prepare aluminium hydroxide sol

Aluminium hydroxide sol is lyophobic in nature.It is obtained by the hydrolysis ofaluminium


AlCl3 + 3 H2O Al(OH) 3+ 3 HCl

Dialysis is done to remove hydrochloric acid because aluminium hydroxide solis affected by the
presence of ionic impurities.

Materials Required

 2% solution of aluminium chloride

 Distilled water


 Take a 250 ml conical flask and clean it using the steaming out process.
 To this cleaned conical flask, add 100 ml of distilled water using a measuring cylinder.
 Bring the water to boil by placing the flask over a Bunsen burner.
 Add aluminium chloride solution dropwise to the boiling water using a dropper.
 Continue heating until a white coloured solution of aluminium hydroxide is obtained.
 Note: Replace the water lost by evaporation during boiling at regular intervals.
 Keep the contents of the conical flask undisturbed for some time at room temperature.
 Label the solution as Aluminium Hydroxide Sol.


 The apparatus required for the preparation of the sol should be thoroughly cleaned through
the steaming out process.
 Add aluminium chloride solution dropwise.
 Heating is continued till the desired sol is obtained.
 Hydrochloric acid formed as a result of hydrolysis of aluminium chloride is removed by
dialysis process otherwise it would destabilise the sol.
Expt No ____6_____ Date ___________



To determine the molarity and strength of KMnO4 solution by titrating it against 1/20 M standard solution
of ferrous ammonium sulphate.





Colourless to pale pink colour.


C. Preparation of 0.05 M, standard solution of ferrous ammonium sulphate

(Molar mass of FeSO4 (NH4 ) 2 SO4 . 6H2O = 392 g mol–1).

(i) Weigh 1.96 g of ferrous ammonium sulphate and transfer it into a 100 mL measuring flask through a
funnel. Transfer the solid sticking to the funnel with the help of distilled water into the flask and add 3 mL of
Conc H2SO4 into the flask drop wise to get the clear solution. Shake the flask till the substance dissolves and
make the solution up to the mark.

B. Titration of ferrous ammonium sulphate against potassium permanganate solution

(i) Rinse and fill the clean burette with potassium permanganate solution. Remove air bubbles if any, from
the burette tip by releasing some solution through it.
(ii) Rinse the pipette with M/20 Mohr’ s salt and pipette out 10 mL of 0.05 M ferrous ammonium sulphate
solution in a conical flask and add half test tube (≈ 5 mL) full of (2.0 M) H2SO4 to it.

(iii) Titrate the above solution with potassium permanganate solution till the colour of the solution changes to
permanent pink. Swirl the content of the flask during the titration.

(iv) Repeat the titration, until three concordant readings are obtained.


3) Molarity of KMnO4 =
4) Strength of KMnO4 =
OBSERVATION AND CALCULATION( To be done on the left hand side )

Sl NO Volume of FAS Burette Readings Volume of

pipetted in Ml KMnO4 Used in
Initial Final
1 10

2 10

3 10

Concordant value = Y mL =

From the overall balanced chemical equation ., it is clear that 2 moles of KMnO4 react with 10 moles of
Mohr’s salt.

MKMnO4 x VKMnO4 = 2/10 = 1/5



MKMnO4 = molarity of KMnO4

VKMnO4 = Volume of KMnO4 = y mL = mL

MFAS = molarity of ferrous ammonium sulphate

VFAS = volume of ferrous ammonium sulphate

MKMnO4 x = 1/5

0.05 x 10

MKmnO4 = 1 x 0.05 x 10 =

5 x _______

Strenghth of KMnO4 = Molarity x Molar mass =

= ______ X 158

__________ g/ L
Expt No ____7_______ Date : ______________


To determine the concentration/molarity of KMnO4 solution by titrating it against a 1/40 M standard solution
of oxalic acid.


Molecular equation



Ionic equation






Colourless to pale pink colour.


D. Preparation of 0.025 M, standard solution of oxalic acid

(Molar mass of oxalic acid = 126g mol–1).

(i) Weigh 0.315 g of oxalic acid and transfer it into a 100 mL measuring flask through a funnel. Transfer
the solid sticking to the funnel with the help of distilled water into the flask. When the oxalic acid in the flask
is completely dissolved , add enough water and make the solution up to the mark.

(i) Rinse and fill a clean burette with potassium permanganate solution. Remove the air bubble, if any, (ii)
Take 10 mL of 0 .025 M oxalic acid solution in a conical flask and add half of the test tube full ( ≈ 5 mL) of
2.0 M H2SO4 to it to prevent the formation of any precipitate of manganese dioxide during the course of the

(iii) Heat the oxalic acid solution upto 50°– 60°C before titrating it with potassium permanganate solution
taken in the burette.
(iv) Note the initial reading of the volume of permanganate solution in the burette and add it in small
volumes to the hot oxalic acid solution while swirling the contents of the flask gently. The end point is
indicated by the appearance of permanent light pink colour

(v) Repeat the titration till three concordant readings are obtained.


3) Molarity of KMnO4 =
4) Strength of KMnO4 =
OBSERVATION AND CALCULATION( To be done on the left hand side )

Sl NO Volume of oxalic Burette Readings Volume of

acid pipetted in KMnO4 Used in
mL mL
Initial Final
1 10

2 10

3 10

Concordant value = y = mL

From the overall balanced chemical equation ., it is clear that 2 moles of KMnO4 react with 5 moles of oxalic
acid .

MKMnO4 x VKMnO4 = 2/5

M oxalic acid x Voxalic acid


MKMnO4 = molaritiy of KMnO4

VKMnO4 = Volume of KMnO4 = y mL = mL

MFAS = molarity of oxalic acid

VFAS = volumes of oxalic acid

MKMnO4 X = 2/5

0.05 x 10

MKmnO4 = 2 x 0.025 x 10 =

5 x _______

Strenghth of KMnO4 = Molarity x Molar mass =

= ______ X 158

__________ g/ L
Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

Mn2+ may be present

Pale pink

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Amorphous solid CO32- may be present

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be

Insoluble CO32- may be present

4) Smell
Take a pinch of the salt Ammoniacal smell NH4+, may be present
between the fingers and rub it
with a drop of water. Vinegar like smell CH3COO- may be present

Smell like rotten egg S2- may be present

Flame Test: Brick red color Presence of Ca2+

Take a small amount of salt on

a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame Crimson red color Presence of Sr2+

Grassy green color Presence of Presence of Ba2+

Green flashes Presence of Zn2+ orMn2+

Dull bluish white Presence of Presence of Pb2+

No characteristic colour to the Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+

flame orMn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube
xii) Gas evolved Colorless odorless gas turning Presence of CO32-
lime water milky

Pungent smelling gas which

gives white fumes with Presence of Cl-
hydroxide./Greenish yellow

Characteristic vinegar smell is Presence of CH3COO-


Characteristic smell of
ammonia gas is obtained
which gives white fumes when Presence of NH4+
glass rod dipped in Dil HCl is
brought near the mouth of the
test tube.

Reddish brown gas which

turns ferrous sulphate solution Presence of NO3-

Reddish brown gas which Presence of Br-

turns starch paper orange

Sublimate formed White sublimate Presence of NH4+

xiv) Residue Yellow when hot , white when Presence of Zn2+


Brown when hot , yellow Presence of Pb2+

when cold

White salt becomes black on Presence of CH3COO-


White residue glows on Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,

heating Mg2+,Al3+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4 Brisk effervescence with the Group I acid radical is
liberation of colorless odorless is present (CO32-)

No Brisk effervescence Group I acid radical is

is absent

Confirmatory Test

1) Salt + Dil HCl , pass the Lime water turns milky Presence of CO32- is
gas through lime water. confirmed

Ca(OH)2(aq)+ CO2(g)→ CaCO3(s)+ H2O(l)

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. A colorless pungent smelling Group II acid radical Cl- may
H2SO4 gas which gives a dense white be present
fumes with glass rod dipped in
ammonium hydroxide is
exposed to the mouth of the
test tube

Reddish brown vapors with Group II acid radical Br- may

pungent smell be present

Colourless vapors , vinegar Group II acid radical

smell turns blue litmus red CH3COO may be present

No characteristic observation CH3COO-,Cl- ,Br- are absent

If no reaction in cold, add a Reddish brown fumes are Group II acid radical NO3-
piece of Cu or paper ball to evolved may be present.
the test tube containing salt
and heat.

Confirmatory Test for Br-

1) Silver nitrate test: Pale yellow ppt is formed Presence of Br- is confirmed.
which is sparingly soluble
Salt solution + dil HNO3 , in ammonium hydroxide.
boil for some time , cool
and add silver nitrate

2) Chlorine water test Carbon di sulphide layer Presence of Br- is confirmed.

Salt solution + dil HCl acquires orange
and1-2 ml of carbon di- colouration.
sulphide and then
chlorine water. Shake
vigorously and allow to

Silver nitrate test:

KBr + AgNO3 KNO3 + AgBr

( pale yellow ppt)

Chlorine water test

2KBr + Cl2 2KCl + Br2

Confirmatory Test for NO3-

Brown ring Test A brown ring is formed at the Presence of NO3- is confirmed
Salt solution + equal volume junction of layers of acid and
of freshly prepares ferrous the solution
sulphate solution.Add a drop
of Conc H2SO4 slowly along
the sides of the test tube.

KNO3 + H2SO4 K2SO4 + HNO3

FeSO4 + 3H2SO4 + 4HNO3 Fe2(SO4)3 + 4 H2O + 2NO

FeSO4 + NO + 5H2O [Fe( H2O)5(NO)]SO4

Confirmatory Test for Cl-

1) Chromyl chloride Test:

Salt + solid potassium

dichromate in a test tube + Orange red vapors are evolved
Conc. H2SO4 .

Presence of Cl- is confirmed.

Pass the vapours through
NaOH solution taken in Solution turns yellow.
another test tube.

To the above yellow solution,

add acetic acid and lead Yellow ppt is obtained.
acetate solution.

2) Silver nitrate test:

White ppt is formed which is Presence of Cl- is confirmed.
Salt solution + dil HNO3 , boil soluble in NH4OH
for some time , cool and add
silvernitrate solution.

Chromyl chloride Test:

4NaCl + K2Cr2O7 + 3 H2SO4 Na2SO4 + K2SO4 + CrO2Cl2 + 3H2O

(chromyl chloride)

CrO2Cl2 + 4 NaOH Na2CrO4 + NaCl + 2H2O

Sodium chromate

Na2CrO4 + CH3COO)2Pb PbCrO4 + 2 CH3COONa


Silver nitrate test

NaCl + AgNO3 AgCl + NaNO3

AgCl + 2NH4OH [AgNH3)2]Cl + 2H2O

Soluble complex
Confirmatory Test for CH3COO-

Oxalic acid Test Vinegar smell Presence of CH3COO-

Take a small quantity of the confirmed
salt on a watch glass, mix it
with solid oxalic acid and
form a paste with water, smell

Ester test:
Salt + iml of Conc. H2SO4and Presence of CH3COO-
warm. Add C2H5OH . Add Pleasant fruity smell confirmed
contents in to a beaker full of

Oxalic acid test




Ester TeST

2CH3COONa + H2SO4 Na2SO4 + Na2SO4 + 2 CH3COOH


fruity smell

III) Analysis of group III acid radical:

Test for SO42-

Barium chloride Test:

1) Salt solution + Barium White precipitate insoluble in Presence of Group III acid
chloride Dil HCl radical SO42- is confirmed

2) Lead acetate Test

Salt solution + Lead acetate + White precipitate is obtained Presence of Group III acid
Aetic acid radica SO42- is confirmed

Barium chloride Test

Na2SO4 + BaCl2 BaSO4 + 2 NaCl


Lead acetate Test

Na2SO4 + Pb(CH3COO)2 PbSO4 + 2CH3COONa

White ppt

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xi) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Insoluble Not original solution
Dil. HCl Soluble Original solution
Insoluble Not original solution
Dil. HNO3 Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals

Salt + NaOH, boil Pungent smelling ammonia Group 0 is present (NH4+ )
gas is evolved.

No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent


O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl White precipitate is formed Group I is present (Pb2+)

No white precipitate is Group I is absent


Pass H2S gas through the Black precipitate is formed Group II is present (Cu2+,
above solution Pb2+)

No black precipitate is Group II is absent


O.S + Solid Ammonium Reddish/ White gelatinous Group III is present (Al3+,
chloride + Ammonium precipitate is formed Fe3+)
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic.

No precipitate Group III is absent

Pass H2S gas through the Black precipitate / buff

above solution colored / white precipitate is Group IV is present
formed Black (Ni2+, CO2+)
Buff (Mn2+)
White (Zn2+)
No precipitate
Group IV is absent

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + White precipitate is formed

NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 Group V is present (Ba2+,
Solution Sr2+, Ca2+)
No precipitate
Group V is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium White precipitate

Chloride + Ammonium Group VI (Mg2+) is present
Hydroxide + Ammonium
Hydrogen Phosphate

Confirmatory test for Group 0

Nessler’s reagent test Reddish brown precipitate is Presence of NH4+ is

O.S + Nessler’s reagent + formed confirmed.
2[K2HgI4] + NH3 + 3KOH H2N.HgO.HgI 7KI + 2H2O

Confirmatory test for Group I

Boil the white precipitate with

5-10 ml of water and divide it
into 3 parts.

Part 1 – cool under tap White crystalline precipitate Presence of Pb2+ confirmed

Part 2 + KI solution Yellow precipitate Presence of Pb2+ confirmed

Part 3 + Potassium chromate Yellow precipitate Presence of Pb2+ confirmed

4) On cooling precipitate settles down as PbCl2 is less soluble in cold water

5) PbCl2 +2 KI PbI2 + 2KCl
6) PbCl2 + K2CrO4 PbCrO4 + 2KCl
Yellow ppt

Confirmatory test for II

If the precipitate is black,

dissolve it in 50% HNO3 and
divide it into 2 parts.

Part 1+ Dil. H2SO4 + Alcohol White precipitate Pb2+ is present

Dissolve white precipitate in

hot ammonium acetate
solution and divide it into 2

Part 1 + KI solution
Yellow precipitate is formed Pb2+ confirmed
which dissolves in boiling
water crystalizes on cooling
Part 2 + K2CrO4 solution
Yellow precipitate soluble in Pb2+ confirmed

Confirmatory test for Al3+

Lake test :

Dissolve white precipitate in Blue precipitate floating in Al3+ confirmed

Dil.HCl, add 2 drops of blue colourless solution
litmus solution. To this add,
NH4OH solution dropwise

Lake test

Al(OH)3 + 3HCl AlCl3 + 3H2O …… soluble

AlCl3 + 3NH4OH 3NH4Cl + Al(OH)3

Blue colour absorbs on this.

Confirmatory test for of Group IV Basic radical (Zn2+)

Dissolve the white precipitate

in dil HCl , boil off H2S and
divide in to two parts.

Part I + Dil. NaOH dropwise

and add excess of NaOH White precipitate soluble in
excess of excess of dil NaOH Zn2+ is confirmed
is formed.

Part II + Potassium Ferro

Cyanide White or bluish white Zn2+ is confirmed
precipitate is formed

ZnS + 2 HCl ZnCl2 + H2S


ZnCl2 + 2NaOH Zn(OH)2 + 2NaCl

White ppt
4) Zn(OH)2 + 2NaOH Na2ZnO2 + 2H2O

Confirmatory test for Mn2+

1) Dissolve buff coloured White precipitate turns black Mn2+ confirmed

precipitate in dil HCl , boil off or brown.
H2S.To the above solution add
NaOH . Then add Br2 water.

2) To the black precipitate add

Conc HNO3 and lead Pink coloured solution is Mn2+ confirmed
peroxide.Boil ,cool and allow obtained.
to settle.
Confirmatory test for Group V

Dissolve the precipitate in hot

dil acetic acid. Divide it in to
three parts.
Part I + potassium chromate Yellow precipitate. Ba2+ confirmed

Part II+Ammonium sulphate White precipitate. Sr2+ confirmed


Part III + Ammonium oxalate White precipitate. Ca2+ confirmed

solution + Ammonium
hydroxide and scratch the
sides of the test tube.


BaCO3 + 2CH3COOH CH3COO)2Ba + CO2 + H2O

CH3COO)2Ba + K2CrO4 2CH3COOK + BaCrO4

STRONTIUM yellow ppt

SrCO3 + 2 CH3COOH (CH3COO)2Sr + CO2 + H2O

(CH3COO)2Sr + (NH4)2SO4 CH3COONH4 + SrSO4

CALCIUM White ppt

CaCO3 + 2CH3COOH (CH3COO)2Ca + CO2 + H2O

(CH3COO)2Ca + (NH4)2C2O4 CH3COONH4 + CaC2O4

Analysis of Group VI

O.S + Solid Ammonium White precipitate is formed Mg2+ confirmed.

Chloride + Ammonium
Hydroxide + Ammonium
Hydrogen Phosphate
MgCl2 + NH4OH + (NH4)2HPO4 Mg(NH4)PO4 + 2NH4Cl + H2O

RESULT: Acid radical present is ________ Acid radical present is ___________

The given salt is _______________________

Expt No _________________ Date: ___________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell Ammoniacal smell NH4+, may be present

Take a pinch of the salt
between the fingers and rub it
with a drop of water.

Flame Test:
Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+
Take a small amount of salt on No characteristic colour to the orMn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+
a watch glass and make a flame
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube

xv) Gas evolved Reddish brown gas which

turns starch paper orange Presence of Br-

Sublimate formed White sublimate Presence of NH4+

Detection of acid radicals:
I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4

No Brisk effervescence Group I acid radical is
is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. Reddish brown vapors with Group II acid radical Br- may
H2SO4 pungent smell be present

Confirmatory Test for Br-

2) Silver nitrate test: Pale yellow ppt is formed Presence of Br- is confirmed.
which is sparingly soluble
Salt solution + dil HNO3 , in ammonium hydroxide.
boil for some time , cool
and add silver nitrate
Carbon di sulphide layer Presence of Br- is confirmed.
2) Globule Test acquires orange
Salt solution + dil HCl colouration.
and1-2 ml of carbon di-
sulphide and then
chlorine water. Shake
vigorously and allow to

Note : chemical equations for the confirmatory tests should be written on un ruled page in
pencil for both acid and basic radicals.

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xii) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals

Salt + dil NaOH , boil Pungent smelling ammonia Group 0 is present (NH4+ )
gas is evolved.

Confirmatory test for Group 0

Nessler’s reagent test Reddish brown precipitate is Presence of NH4+ is
O.S + Nessler’s reagent + formed confirmed.


Acid radical present is ______Br-___________

Basic radical present is _ NH4+_________________

The given salt is ___NH4Br____________________

Expt No _________ Date : _________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell No characteristic smell NH4+,CH3COO-,S2- may be

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it
with a drop of water.

No characteristic colour to the

Flame Test: flame Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+
orMn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+
Take a small amount of salt on
a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube

Gas evolved No gas evolved

Absence of of CO32- ,Cl-
CH3COO-, NH4+ ,NO3- , Br-

Sublimate formed No sublimate formed Absence of NH4+

Residue White residue glows on Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,
heating Mg2+,Al3+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4

No Brisk effervescence Group I acid radical is

is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. Group II acid radicals Cl- l

H2SO4 Br- CH3COO- are absent
No characteristic observation

If no reaction in cold, add a No Reddish brown fumes are Group II acid radical NO3- is
piece of Cu or paper ball to evolved absent
the test tube containing salt
and heat.

III) Analysis of group III acid radical:

Test for SO42-

Barium chloride Test:

1) Salt solution + Barium White precipitate insoluble in Presence of Group III acid
chloride Dil HCl radical SO42- is confirmed

2) Lead acetate Test

Salt solution + Lead acetate + White precipitate is obtained Presence of Group III acid
Aetic acid radical SO42- is confirmed
Detection of Basic radical:
Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xiii) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals

Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is absent
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl No white precipitate is

Pass H2S gas through the No black precipitate is

above solution formed Group II is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium / White gelatinous precipitate Group III is present (Al3+,
chloride + Ammonium is formed Fe3+)
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic.

Confirmatory test for Al3+

Lake test :

Dissolve white precipitate in Blue precipitate floating in Al3+ confirmed

Dil.HCl, add 2 drops of blue colourless solution
litmus solution. To this add,
NH4OH solution dropwise


Acid radical present is ________SO4 2-

Basic radical present is ____Al3+

The given salt is _____Al2(SO4)3

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell No characteristic smell

Take a pinch of the salt NH4+,CH3COO-
between the fingers and rub it S2- etc are present
with a drop of water.

Flame Test:

Take a small amount of salt on Green flashes

a watch glass and make a Presence of Zn2+ orMn2+
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube
No gas evolution Absence of of CO32- ,Cl-
Gas evolved CH3COO-, NH4+ ,NO3- , Br-

No sublimate Absence of NH4+

Sublimate formed

Yellow when hot , white when Presence of Zn2+

xvi) Residue cold

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4

No Brisk effervescence

Group I acid radical is

is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. Group II acid radicals

H2SO4 No characteristic observation CH3COO-,Cl- ,Br- are absent

If no reaction in cold, add a No Reddish brown fumes are Group II acid radical NO3- is
piece of Cu or paper ball to evolved absent
the test tube containing salt
and heat.

III) Analysis of group III acid radical:

Test for SO42-

Barium chloride Test:

1) Salt solution + Barium White precipitate insoluble in Presence of Group III acid
chloride Dil HCl radical SO42- is confirmed

2) Lead acetate Test

Salt solution + Lead acetate + White precipitate is obtained Presence of Group III acid
Aetic acid radica SO42- is confirmed

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xiv) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals

Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is absent
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl No white precipitate is

Pass H2S gas through the

above solution No black precipitate is Group II is absent t (Cu2+,
formed Pb2+)

O.S + SolidAmmonium
chloride + Ammonium Group III is absent
hydroxide in excess till the No precipitate
solution become basic.
Pass H2S gas through the / white precipitate is formed Group IV is present
above solution White (Zn2+)

Onfirmatory test for of Group IV Basic radical (Zn2+)

Dissolve the white precipitate

in dil HCl , boil off H2S and
divide in to two parts.

Part I + Dil. NaOH dropwise

and add excess of NaOH White precipitate soluble in
excess of excess of dil NaOH Zn2+ is confirmed
is formed.

Part II + Potassium Ferro

Cyanide White or bluish white Zn2+ is confirmed
precipitate is formed


Acid radical present is ___SO4 2-

Basic radical present is _____ Zn 2+

The given salt is _______ZnSO4

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Amorphous CO3 2- present

Solubility in water In soluble CO3 2- present

4) Smell No characteristic smell NH4+,CH3COO-

Take a pinch of the salt S2- etc are absent.
between the fingers and rub it
with a drop of water.

Flame Test:

Take a small amount of salt on Green flashes Presence of Zn2+ orMn2+

sa watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube
presence of of CO32-
Gas evolved Colour less , odourless gas
turning lime water milky .

Sublimate formed No sublimate Absence of NH4 +

Residue Yellow when hot , white when Presence of Zn2+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4 Brisk effervescence with the Group I acid radical is
liberation of colorless odorless is present (CO32-)

Confirmatory Test

1) Salt + Dil HCl , pass the Lime water turns milky Presence of CO32- is
gas through lime water. confirmed

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xv) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) In Soluble Not Original solution

Dil HCl Soluble Original Solution
Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is absent
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl No white precipitate is

Pass H2S gas through the

above solution No black precipitate is Group II is absent t (Cu2+,
formed Pb2+)

O.S + Solid Ammonium

chloride + Ammonium Group III is absent
hydroxide in excess till the No precipitate
solution become basic.

Pass H2S gas through the white precipitate is formed Group IV is present
above solution White (Zn2+)

Confirmatory test for of Group IV Basic radical (Zn2+)

Dissolve the white precipitate

in dil HCl , boil off H2S and
divide in to two parts.

Part I + Dil. NaOH dropwise

and add excess of NaOH White precipitate soluble in
excess of excess of dil NaOH Zn2+ is confirmed
is formed.

Part II + Potassium Ferro White or bluish white Zn2+ is confirmed

Cyanide precipitate is formed

Acid radical present is ___CO32-

Basic radical present is _____ Zn 2+

The given salt is _______Zn CO3

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Colsor Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell
Take a pinch of the salt NH4+, CH3COO- S2- are
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell absent
with a drop of water.

Flame Test: No characteristic colour to the Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+

flame orMn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+
Take a small amount of salt on
a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube

xvii) Gas evolved No gas is evolved Absence of of CO32- ,Cl-

CH3COO-, NH4+ ,NO3- , Br-
Sublimate formed No white sublimate formed
Absence of NH4+

Residue White residue glows on Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,

heating Mg2+,Al3+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4

No Brisk effervescence Group I acid radical is
is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. Group II acid radical

H2SO4 No characteristic observation CH3COO-,Cl- ,Br- are absent

If no reaction in cold, add a No Reddish brown fumes are Group II acid radical NO3-
piece of Cu or paper ball to evolved may be present
the test tube containing salt
and heat.

III) Analysis of group III acid radical:

Test for SO42-

Barium chloride Test:

1) Salt solution + Barium White precipitate insoluble in Presence of Group III acid
chloride Dil HCl radical SO42- is confirmed

2) Lead acetate Test

Salt solution + Lead acetate + White precipitate is obtained Presence of Group III acid
Aetic acid radica SO42- is confirmed
Detection of Basic radical:
Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xvi) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil .

No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent


No white precipitate is
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl formed Group I is absent

Pass H2S gas through the

above solution No black precipitate is Group II is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium

chloride + Ammonium
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic. Group III is absent
No precipitate

Group IV is absent
Pass H2S gas through the No precipitate
above solution

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + Group V is absent

NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 No precipitate
O.S + Solid Ammonium White precipitate Group VI (Mg2+) is present
Chloride + Ammonium
Hydroxide + Ammonium
Hydrogen Phosphate

Analysis of Group VI

O.S + Solid Ammonium White precipitate is formed Mg2+ confirmed.

Chloride + Ammonium
Hydroxide + Ammonium
Hydrogen Phosphate


Acid radical present is ___SO4 2-

Basic radical present is __Mg2+

The given salt is ______MgSO4

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Amorphous CO3 2- may be present

Solubility in water In soluble

CO3 2- may be present

4) Smell NH4+, CH3COO- S2- are

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell
with a drop of water.

Flame Test:

Take a small amount of salt on Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+

a watch glass and make a No characteristic colour to the Mn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+
paste with con. HCl. Heat the flame
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube
Colorless odorless gas turning Presence of CO3 2-
Gas evolved lime water milky

Sublimate formed
No White sublimate Absence of NH4+

Residue White residue glows on

Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4 Brisk effervescence with the Group I acid radical is
liberation of colorless odorless is present (CO32-)

Confirmatory Test

1) Salt + Dil HCl , pass the Lime water turns milky Presence of CO32- is
gas through lime water. confirmed

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xvii) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil .

No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent


No white precipitate is
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl formed Group I is absent

Pass H2S gas through the

above solution No black precipitate is Group II is absent
O.S + Solid Ammonium
chloride + Ammonium No precipitate
hydroxide in excess till the Group III is absent
solution become basic.

Group IV is absent
No precipitate
Pass H2S gas through the
above solution

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + No precipitate Group V is absent

NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3

White precipitate
O.S + Solid Ammonium Group VI (Mg2+) is present
Chloride + Ammonium
Hydroxide + Ammonium
Hydrogen Phosphate
Analysis of Group VI

O.S + Solid Ammonium White precipitate is formed Mg2+ confirmed.

Chloride + Ammonium
Hydroxide + Ammonium
Hydrogen Phosphate


Acid radical present is ___CO32-______________

Basic radical present is _____Mg2+_____________

The given salt is ______MgCO3____________

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell NH4+, CH3COO- etc may be

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell
with a drop of water.

Flame Test: Grassy green color Presence of Presence of Ba2+

Take a small amount of salt on

a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube

xviii) Gas evolved Pungent smelling gas which

gives white fumes with Presence of Cl-
hydroxide./Greenish yellow
Sublimate formed No White sublimate Abesence of NH4+

xix) Residue White residue glows on Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,

heating Mg2+,Al3+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4

Group I acid radical is
No Brisk effervescence is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. A colorless pungent smelling Group II acid radical Cl- may
H2SO4 gas which gives a dense white be present
fumes with glass rod dipped in
ammonium hydroxide is
exposed to the mouth of the
test tube

Confirmatory Test for Cl-

1) Chromyl chloride Test:

Salt + solid potassium

dichromate in a test tube + Orange red vapors are evolved
Conc. H2SO4 .

Presence of Cl- is confirmed.

Pass the vapours through
NaOH solution taken in Solution turns yellow.
another test tube.

To the above yellow solution,

add acetic acid and lead Yellow ppt is obtained.
acetate solution.

2) Silver nitrate test:

White ppt is formed which is Presence of Cl- is confirmed.
Salt solution + dil HNO3 , boil soluble in NH4OH
for some time , cool and add
silvernitrate solution.

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xviii) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Insoluble Not original solution
Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is absent
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl No white precipitate is
Pass H2S gas through the
above solution No black precipitate is
formed Group II is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium Group III is absent

chloride + Ammonium No precipitate
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic.

Pass H2S gas through the Group IV is absent

above solution No precipitate

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + White precipitate is formed Group V is present (Ba2+,

NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 Sr2+, Ca2+)
Confirmatory test for Group V

Dissolve the precipitate in hot

dil acetic acid. Divide it in to
three parts.
Part I + potassium chromate Yellow precipitate. Ba2+ confirmed

Part II+Ammonium sulphate No White precipitate. Sr2+ is absent


Part III + Ammonium oxalate No White precipitate. Ca2+ is absent

solution + Ammonium
hydroxide and scratch the
sides of the test tube.


Acid radical present is ______Cl-

Basic radical present is ___Ba2+

The given salt is __________BaCl2

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell NH4+, CH3COO- etc may be

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell
with a drop of water.

Flame Test: Grassy green color Presence of Presence of Ba2+

Take a small amount of salt on

a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube

xx) Gas evolved Pungent smelling gas which

gives white fumes with Presence of Cl-
hydroxide./Greenish yellow
Sublimate formed No White sublimate Abesence of NH4+
xxii) Residue White residue glows on Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,
heating Mg2+,Al3+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4

Group I acid radical is
No Brisk effervescence is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. A colorless pungent smelling Group II acid radical Cl- may
H2SO4 gas which gives a dense white be present
fumes with glass rod dipped in
ammonium hydroxide is
exposed to the mouth of the
test tube
Confirmatory Test for Cl-

1) Chromyl chloride Test:

Salt + solid potassium

dichromate in a test tube + Orange red vapors are evolved
Conc. H2SO4 .

Presence of Cl- is confirmed.

Pass the vapours through
NaOH solution taken in Solution turns yellow.
another test tube.

To the above yellow solution,

add acetic acid and lead Yellow ppt is obtained.
acetate solution.

2) Silver nitrate test:

White ppt is formed which is Presence of Cl- is confirmed.
Salt solution + dil HNO3 , boil soluble in NH4OH
for some time , cool and add
silvernitrate solution.

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xix) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil No Characteristic smell is
observed Group 0 is absent

No white precipitate is Group I is absent

O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl formed
Pass H2S gas through the No black precipitate is
above solution formed
Group II is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium No precipitate Group III is absent

chloride + Ammonium
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic.

Pass H2S gas through the No precipitate Group IV is absent

above solution

White precipitate is formed

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + Group V is present (Ba2+,
NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 Sr2+, Ca2+)

Confirmatory test for Group V

Dissolve the precipitate in hot

dil acetic acid. Divide it in to
three parts.
Part I + potassium chromate No Yellow precipitate. Ba2+ is absent

Part II+Ammonium sulphate White precipitate. Sr2+ is confirmed


Part III + Ammonium oxalate No White precipitate. Ca2+ is absent

solution + Ammonium
hydroxide and scratch the
sides of the test tube.

Acid radical present is _____Cl-

Basic radical present is ____Sr2+

The given salt is __________SrCl2

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Amorphous CO3 2- may be present

Solubility in water In soluble

CO3 2- may be present

4) Smell NH4+, CH3COO- S2- are

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell
with a drop of water.

Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+

Flame Test: No characteristic colour to the orMn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+
Take a small amount of salt on
a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Presence of CO3 2-
Dry heating test
Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube Colorless odorless gas turning Absence of NH4+
lime water milky
v) Gas evolved
Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,

No White sublimate

Sublimate formed White residue glows on

vi) Residue

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4 Brisk effervescence with the Group I acid radical is
s liberation of colorless odorless is present (CO32-)

Confirmatory Test

1) Salt + Dil HCl , pass the Lime water turns milky Presence of CO32- is
gas through lime water. confirmed

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

iii) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) InSoluble Not Original solution

Dil HCl Soluble original solution
Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is absent
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl No white precipitate is

Pass H2S gas through the

above solution No black precipitate is
formed Group II is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium Group III is absent

chloride + Ammonium No precipitate
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic.

Pass H2S gas through the Group IV is absent

above solution No precipitate

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + White precipitate is formed Group V is present (Ba2+,

NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 Sr2+, Ca2+)

Confirmatory test for Group V

Dissolve the precipitate in hot
dil acetic acid. Divide it in to
three parts.
Part I + potassium chromate Yellow precipitate. Ba2+ confirmed

Part II+Ammonium sulphate No White precipitate. Sr2+ is absent


Part III + Ammonium oxalate No White precipitate. Ca2+ is absent

solution + Ammonium
hydroxide and scratch the
sides of the test tube.


Acid radical present is ________CO3 2-__________

Basic radical present is _____Ba2+ _____________

The given salt is __________BaCO3____________

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Amorphous CO3 2- may be present

Solubility in water In soluble

CO3 2- may be present

4) Smell NH4+, CH3COO- S2- are

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell
with a drop of water.

Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+

Flame Test: No characteristic colour to the orMn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+
Take a small amount of salt on
a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube
Colorless odorless gas turning Presence of CO3 2-
vii) Gas evolved lime water milky

Sublimate formed No White sublimate Absence of NH4+

viii) Residue White residue glows on Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,
heating Mg2+,Al3+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4 Brisk effervescence with the Group I acid radical is
liberation of colorless odorless is present (CO32-)

Confirmatory Test

1) Salt + Dil HCl , pass the Lime water turns milky Presence of CO32- is
gas through lime water. confirmed

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

iv) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) InSoluble Not Original solution

Dil HCl Soluble original solution
Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is absent
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl No white precipitate is
Pass H2S gas through the
above solution No black precipitate is
formed Group II is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium Group III is absent

chloride + Ammonium No precipitate
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic.

Pass H2S gas through the Group IV is absent

above solution No precipitate

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + White precipitate is formed Group V is present (Ba2+,

NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 Sr2+, Ca2+)

Confirmatory test for Group V

Dissolve the precipitate in hot

dil acetic acid. Divide it in to
three parts.
Part I + potassium chromate No Yellow precipitate. Ba2+ absent

Part II+Ammonium sulphate No White precipitate. Sr2+ is absent


Part III + Ammonium oxalate White precipitate. Ca2+ is confirmed

solution + Ammonium
hydroxide and scratch the
sides of the test tube.

Acid radical present is ________CO3 2-__________

Basic radical present is _____Ca 2+ _____________

The given salt is __________CaCO3____________

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell NH4+, CH3COO- S2- may be

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell
with a drop of water.

Dull bluish white Presence of Presence of Pb2+

Flame Test:

Take a small amount of salt on

a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube
Reddish brown gas which Presence of NO3-
Gas evolved turns ferrous sulphate solution

Abesence of NH4+
Sublimate No White sublimate
Residue Brown when hot , yellow Presence of Pb2+
when cold

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4 Group I acid radical is

No Brisk effervescence is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc.

H2SO4 Group II acid radicals
CH3COO ,Cl ,Br- are absent
- -

No characteristic observation

If no reaction in cold, add a Reddish brown fumes are Group II acid radical NO3-
piece of Cu or paper ball to evolved may be present.
the test tube containing salt
and heat.

Confirmatory Test for NO3-

Brown ring Test A brown ring is formed at the Presence of NO3- is confirmed
Salt solution + equal volume junction of layers of acid and
of freshly prepares ferrous the solution
sulphate solution.Add a drop
of Conc H2SO4 slowly along
the sides of the test tube.
Detection of Basic radical:
Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xx) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is Present
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl white precipitate is formed

Confirmatory test for Group I

Boil the white precipitate with

5-10 ml of water and divide it
into 3 parts.

Part 1 – cool under tap White crystalline precipitate Presence of Pb2+ confirmed

Part 2 + KI solution Yellow precipitate Presence of Pb2+ confirmed

Part 3 + Potassium chromate Yellow precipitate Presence of Pb2+ confirmed


Acid radical present is ___NO3 -

Basic radical present is ________Pb2+

The given salt is _____________Pb(NO3) 2


Expt No _____18________ Date : _________________

Aim : To Test the presence of Alcoholic Group in the given sample of organic compound

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take about 1 ml of the give liquid in a clean dry test
tube, add about 1 ml glacial acetic acid and 2-3 drops of Presence of
A fruity smell
conc. sulphuric acid. Warm the mixture on a water bath alcoholic
is produced.
Ester Test for about 10 minutes. Pour it into about 20 ml of cold group.
water taken in a beaker and smell.
Ceric Take about 1 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test Pink or red Presence of
ammonium tube and add few drops of ceric ammonium nitrate colour is alcoholic
nitrate Test reagent and shake it well. developed. group.
Take about 2 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test
tube, add 1 g of anhydrous calcium sulphate and shake
well to remove water. Filter the liquid into another Presence of
Acetyl White fumes
clean dry test tube and to the filtrate, add 2-3 drops of alcoholic
chloride Test are produced.
acetyl chloride. Shake the test tube well and bring a group.
glass rod dipped in ammonium hydroxide solution near
the mouth of the test tube.

The given sample of organic compound has alcohol group in it.

CHEMICAL EQUATIONS ( To be written on the un ruled page)




C2H5OH + (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6 [(C2H5OH)2Ce(NO3)4] + 2NH4NO3

Pink or red complex



HCl + NH4OH NH4Cl + H2 O

white fumes
Aim : To Test the presence of a for phenolic Group in the given sample of organic compound

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take about 1 ml of neutral ferric chloride solution in a
Ferric chloride Violet colour is of
clean test tube and add 2-3 drops of the given liquid (or
Test seen. phenolic
crystal i solid).
Take a small quantity of sodium nitrite in a clean dry
test tube and add about 1 ml of the given liquid (or A deep blue or
crystal if solid). Heat the test tube very gently for half a green
minute and allow it to cool. Then add about 1 ml of colouration is
conc. sulphuric acid and shake the test tube to mix the seen. Presence
Liebermann’s contents. of
Test phenolic
Colour turns to
Add distilled water carefully to the test tube. group.
Deep blue or
Add excess of sodium hydroxide solution to the test
green colour
Take 1 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test tube
and add 0.1 g of phthalic anhydride and add 1-2 drops Presence
Pink colour is
Phthalein Dye of conc. sulphuric acid. Heat the test tube for about 1 of
Test minute in an oil bath. Cool and pour the reaction phenolic
mixture carefully into a beaker containing 15 ml of dil. group.
sodium hydroxide solution.

The given organic compound has phenolic group in it.


FeCl3 + C6H5OH Fe(OC6H5)6]3- + 3HCl

violet complex

Phthalein dye test

Liebermann’s Test
Aim : To Test the presence of a for Aldehydic Group in the given sample of organic compound

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take a small quantity of the given compound in a
clean dry test tube, add rectified spirit until the Yellow or
2,4- Presence of
compound just dissolves. Now add few drops of 2, orange
Dintrophenyl carbonyl
4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine solution. Cork the test precipitate is
hydrazine Test group.
tube, shake the mixture and allow it to stand for 5 formed.

Take about 2 ml of saturated solution of sodium White

Presence of
Sodium bisulphite in a clean test tube and add a small crystalline
bisulphite Test quantity of the given compound. Cork the test tube, precipitate is
shake and leave it for 15-20 minutes. formed.
Presence of
Dissolve a small quantity of the given compound in
Pink colour is aldehydic
Schiff’s Test a clean test tube and add about 1 ml of Schiff’s
seen. group is
reagent and shake it well.
Take about 1 ml of silver nitrate solution in a clean
test tube and add 2-3 ml of dilute NaOH solution.
A brown precipitate of silver oxide forms. Now add Presence of
Tollen’s Test Shining silver
dilute ammonia solution dropwise until the brown aldehydic
(Silver mirror mirror is
precipitate of silver oxide just dissolves. To this group is
test) formed.
add 3-4 drops of the given liquid (or 0.1 g if solid) confirmed.
and warm the test tube on a water bath for about 5
Take 1 ml each of Fehling’s solution A and B in a Presence of
test tube. Add 4-5 drops of the given organic liquid Red precipitate aldehydic
Fehling’s Test
(or 0.2g if solid) and warm the test in a water bath is formed. group is
for 4-5 minutes. confirmed.

The given sample of organic compound has aldehydic group in it.

Tollens test

2gA(NH3)2 -
+ CH3CHO + 3 OH- CH3COO + 2Ag + 4NH3 + 2H2O
Fehling’s test

CH3CHO + 2Cu2+ + 5 OH - Cu2O + CH3COO- + 3 H2O

Aim : To Test the presence of a for ketonic Group in the given sample of organic compound

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take a small quantity of the given compound in a
clean dry test tube, add rectified spirit until the Yellow or
2,4-Dintrophenyl compound just dissolves. Now add few drops of 2, orange Presence of
hydrazine Test 4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine solution. Cork the test precipitate is carbonyl group.
tube, shake the mixture and allow it to stand for 5 formed.

Take about 2 ml of saturated solution of sodium White

Sodium bisulphite in a clean test tube and add a small crystalline Presence of
bisulphite Test quantity of the given compound. Cork the test precipitate is carbonyl group.
tube, shake and leave it for 15-20 minutes. formed.
Take a small quantity of the given compound in a
colour is
m- clean test tube and add about 0.1g of finely Presence of
Dinitrobenzene powdered m-dinitrobenzene. Now add about 1 ml ketonic group
Test of dilute sodium hydroxide solution and shake it is confirmed.
slowly fades
Dissolve a small quantity of sodium nitroprusside
Sodium in about 1 ml of distilled water in a clean test tube Presence of
nitroprusside and then add a small quantity of the given ketonic group
Test compound. Shake the test tube well and add is confirmed.
sodium hydroxide solution dropwise.

2, 4 DNPH Test

Nitro prusside Test

Aim : To Test the presence of a for carboxylic acid Group in the given sample of organic compound

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Brisk Presence of
Hydrogen Take 1 ml of the given organic compound in a test tube
effervescence carboxylic
Carbonate and add a pinch of sodium bicarbonate to it.
is observed. group.

Take a small quantity of the given organic compound in

a clean test tube, add 1 ml of ethyl alcohol and 1-2 Presence of
You get a
Ester Test drops of conc. sulphuric acid into it. Heat the reaction carboxylic
fruity smell.
mixture on a water bath for about 5 minutes. Pour the group.
mixture into a beaker containing water.

The given sample of organic compound has carboxylic acid group in it.




Aim : To Test the presence of a for Amino Group in the given sample of organic compound

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take a small quantity of the given compound in a Compound is
Solubility Compound may
clean test tube and add 2-3 ml of dil.HCl and shake soluble in
Test be amine.
the test tube well. dil.HCl.
Take a small quantity of solid KOH in a clean dry
test tube and add about 2 ml of ethanol. Warm the
Carbylamines An offensive smell is produced.
test tube until the pellets dissolve. To this add a few
Test Presence of primary amine.
drops of chloroform and small amount of the given
compound and warm gently.
Take three test tubes A, B and C. In test tube A, Presence of
Formation of a
dissolve a small quantity of the compound in 2 ml aromatic
Azo-Dye Test red or orange
of HCl. In test tube B, prepare an aqueous solution primary amine
of sodium nitrite. In test tube C, dissolve a small is confirmed.
quantity of β-naphthol in dilute sodium hydroxide.
Place all the three test tubes in an ice bath. Now
add sodium nitrite solution into test tube A and the
resulting solution is added to test tube C.

The given sample of organic compound has amino group in it.

Solubility Test

C6H5NH2 + HCl C6H5NH3+Cl-

Carbyl amine test

C6H5NH2 + CHCl3 + 3KOH C6H5NC + 3KCl + 3H2O

Azo dye test

C6H5NH2 + HNO2 + HCl C6H5N+ NCl- + 2H2O

Expt No: 19 Date:


Aim : To identify the functional group present in the given compound with relevant chemical

SET A: Ethanol and Ethanoic acid

Tests for Carboxylic Group

Physical Tests:

Smell : Vinegar Smell

Solubility : Miscible with water.

Physical state: Liquid

Chemical Tests:

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Brisk Presence of
Hydrogen Take 1 ml of the given organic compound in a test tube
effervescence carboxylic
Carbonate and add a pinch of sodium bicarbonate to it.
is observed. group.

Take a small quantity of the given organic compound in

a clean test tube, add 1 ml of ethyl alcohol and 1-2 drops Presence of
Ester Test of conc. sulphuric acid into it. Heat the reaction mixture fruity smell. carboxylic
on a water bath for about 5 minutes. Pour the mixture group.
into a beaker containing water.
Tests for Alcoholic Group

It is a clear, volatile liquid with a characteristic pleasant odor, and a burning taste. It is completely miscible
with water in all ratios and with organic solvents. Melting point: -117 °C and Boiling point: 78 °C

Chemical Tests:

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take about 1 ml of the give liquid in a clean dry test
tube, add about 1 ml glacial acetic acid and 2-3 drops of Presence of
A fruity smell
conc. sulphuric acid. Warm the mixture on a water bath alcoholic
is produced.
Ester Test for about 10 minutes. Pour it into about 20 ml of cold group.
water taken in a beaker and smell.
Ceric Take about 1 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test Pink or red Presence of
ammonium tube and add few drops of ceric ammonium nitrate colour alcoholic
nitrate Test reagent and shake it well. developed. group.
Take about 2 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test
tube, add 1 g of anhydrous calcium sulphate and shake
well to remove water. Filter the liquid into another clean Presence of
Acetyl White fumes
dry test tube and to the filtrate, add 2-3 drops of acetyl alcoholic
chloride Test are produced.
chloride. Shake the test tube well and bring a glass rod group.
dipped in ammonium hydroxide solution near the mouth
of the test tube.

SET B: Acetaldehyde and Acetone

Test for Aldehyde

Physical Tests:


Solubility : Soluble in water

Physical state: Liquid

Chemical Tests

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Presence of
Dissolve a small quantity of the given compound in
Pink colour is aldehydic
Schiff’s Test a clean test tube and add about 1 ml of Schiff’s
seen. group is
reagent and shake it well.
Take about 1 ml of silver nitrate solution in a clean
test tube and add 2-3 ml of dilute NaOH solution. A
brown precipitate of silver oxide forms. Now add Presence of
Tollen’s Test Shining silver
dilute ammonia solution dropwise until the brown aldehydic
(Silver mirror mirror is
precipitate of silver oxide just dissolves. To this add group is
test) formed.
3-4 drops of the given liquid (or 0.1 g if solid) and confirmed.
warm the test tube on a water bath for about 5
Take 1 ml each of Fehling’s solution A and B in a Presence of
test tube. Add 4-5 drops of the given organic liquid aldehydic
Fehling’s Test precipitate is
(or 0.2g if solid) and warm the test in a water bath group is
for 4-5 minutes. confirmed.

Test for Ketone

Physical Tests:

Smell : Smell

Solubility : Soluble in water

Physical state: Liquid

Chemical Tests
Experiment Procedure Observation Inference
Take a small quantity of the given compound in a
Violet colour
m- clean test tube and add about 0.1g of finely Presence of
is formed
Dinitrobenzene powdered m-dinitrobenzene. Now add about 1 ml ketonic group
which slowly
Test of dilute sodium hydroxide solution and shake it is confirmed.
fades away.
Dissolve a small quantity of sodium nitroprusside
Sodium in about 1 ml of distilled water in a clean test tube Presence of
nitroprusside and then add a small quantity of the given ketonic group
Test compound. Shake the test tube well and add is confirmed.
sodium hydroxide solution dropwise.

SET C : Phenol and Aniline

Tests for Amino Group

Physical Tests:

Smell : Fishy smell

Solubility : Soluble in dil HCl

Physical state: Liquid

Chemical Tests

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take a small quantity of the given compound in a Compound is
Solubility Compound may
clean test tube and add 2-3 ml of dil.HCl and shake soluble in
Test be amine.
the test tube well. dil.HCl.
Take a small quantity of solid KOH in a clean dry
test tube and add about 2 ml of ethanol. Warm the
Carbylamines An offensive smell is produced.
test tube until the pellets dissolve. To this add a few
Test Presence of primary amine.
drops of chloroform and small amount of the given
compound and warm gently.
Take three test tubes A, B and C. In test tube A,
dissolve a small quantity of the compound in 2 ml
of HCl. In test tube B, prepare an aqueous solution Presence of
Formation of a
of sodium nitrite. In test tube C, dissolve a small aromatic
Azo-Dye Test red or orange
quantity of β-naphthol in dilute sodium hydroxide. primary amine
Place all the three test tubes in an ice bath. Now is confirmed.
add sodium nitrite solution into test tube A and the
resulting solution is added to test tube C.

Tests for Phenolic Group

Physical Tests:

Smell :

Solubility : Soluble in Water

Physical state: Liquid

Chemical Tests

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Neutral Take about 1 ml of neutral ferric chloride solution in a
Violet colour is of
Ferric chloride clean test tube and add 2-3 drops of the given liquid (or
seen. phenolic
Test crystal is solid).
Take a small quantity of sodium nitrite in a clean dry
test tube and add about 1 ml of the given liquid (or A deep blue or
crystal if solid). Heat the test tube very gently for half a green
minute and allow it to cool. Then add about 1 ml of colouration is
conc. sulphuric acid and shake the test tube to mix the seen. Presence
Liebermann’s contents. of
Test phenolic
Colour turns to
Add distilled water carefully to the test tube. group.
Deep blue or
Add excess of sodium hydroxide solution to the test
green colour
Take 1 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test tube (or Pink colour is Presence
Phthalein Dye
crystal if solid) and add 1-2 drops of conc. sulphuric seen. of
acid. Heat the test tube for about 1 minute in an oil phenolic
bath. Cool and pour the reaction mixture carefully into group.
a beaker containing 15 ml of dil. sodium hydroxide


Tests for Phenolic Group

Physical Tests:

Smell :

Solubility : Soluble in dil HCl

Physical state: Liquid

Chemical Tests

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take about 1 ml of neutral ferric chloride solution Presence of

Neutral Violet colour is
in a clean test tube and add 2-3 drops of the given phenolic
Ferric seen.
liquid (or crystal is solid). group.
chloride Test
Take a small quantity of sodium nitrite in a clean
dry test tube and add about 1 ml of the given liquid
A deep blue or
(or crystal if solid). Heat the test tube very gently
green colouration
for half a minute and allow it to cool. Then add
is seen.
about 1 ml of conc. sulphuric acid and shake the Presence of
Liebermann’s test tube to mix the contents.
Colour turns to group.
Add distilled water carefully to the test tube.
Deep blue or
Add excess of sodium hydroxide solution to the
green colour
test tube.
Take 1 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test Presence of
tube (or crystal if solid) and add 1-2 drops of conc. phenolic
Pink colour is
Phthalein Dye sulphuric acid. Heat the test tube for about 1 group.
Test minute in an oil bath. Cool and pour the reaction
mixture carefully into a beaker containing 15 ml of
dil. sodium hydroxide solution.
Experiment Procedure Observation Inference
Brisk Presence of
Hydrogen Take 1 ml of the given organic compound in a test
effervescence is carboxylic
Carbonate tube and add a pinch of sodium bicarbonate to it.
observed. group.

Take a small quantity of the given organic

compound in a clean test tube, add 1 ml of ethyl
Presence of
alcohol and 1-2 drops of conc. sulphuric acid into
Ester Test fruity smell. carboxylic
it. Heat the reaction mixture on a water bath for
about 5 minutes. Pour the mixture into a beaker
containing water.


Expt No: 20 Date:

To study simple tests for carbohydrates

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take 1-2 ml of aqueous solution of carbohydrate

. A red violet ring is Presence
Molisch’s (suspension in case of starch) and add few drops of of
produced at the
Test Molisch’s reagent. Put one ml of cone. carcarbohydrate
junction of two layers
H2SO4 slowly along the side of the test tube..

Take 2 ml of aqueous solution of carbohydrate

(nearly 5%) and add 1—2 ml each of Fehling’s
. Fehling’s solution A and Fehling’s solution B. Keep the
Reddish ppt. indicates
Test test tube in boiling water bath.. Presence of
the presence of a
reducing sugar

Benedict’s To 1-2 ml of aqueous solution of carbohydrate in a presence of

Reddish ppt.
Test test-tube add 1-2 ml of Benedict’s reagent. Keep the reducing sugar
test-tube in a boiling water bath..
Take 2-3 ml of aqueous solution of carbohydrate in
Tollen’s Test presence of
a test tube. Add to it 2-3 ml of Tollen’s reagent. A shining silver
Keep the test tube in a boiling water bath for 10 mirror

Appearance of blue presence of

Iodine Test To the aqueous suspension of the sample, add 1- colouration starch
2 drops of iodine solution.
To study simple test for proteins

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

To the dispersion of the substance to be tested (say 5%
solution of egg albumin) add about 2 ml of NaOH solution.
Bluish violet . presence
Buret test Now add 4-5 drops of 1% CuS04 solution. Warm the
colouration of protein
mixture for about five minutes.
indicates the.

Take about 2 ml of egg albumin dispersion in a test-

Xanthoproteic tube and add a few drops of conc HNO3 and heat A yellow presence
Test.. colouration of protein

Take about 2 ml of egg albumin dispersion in a test-tube Intense blue presence

Ninhydrin Test..
and add 3-4 drops of Ninhydrin solution colouration of protein
To study simple test for Fats and oils.

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

On unfolding the
Press a little of the substance in the folds of the filter paper. filter paper, the
Transluscent indicates the The spot grows larger on heating and drying the appearance of
of fat or
Spot Test filter paper. transluscent or
greasy spot on the
filter paper is seen

Heat a little of the sample with some crystals of presence

Acrolein KHS04 in a test-tube A pungent irritating
of fat or
Test odour of acrolein

This test is based on the fact that oils and fats are soluble in
organic solvents like chloroform, alcohol, etc., but are
insoluble in water. Shake a small amount of given sample
with 5 ml each of water, alcohol and chloroform in three test-
tubes and observe the solubility

1)Water i) Sample is
Test immiscible

2) Alcohol 2)Sample forms presence

lower layer, which of fat or
dissolves on heating oil.

3) Sample is
3)Chloroform miscible


Expt No 21 Date :

Aim : To detect the presence of carbohydrates ,fats and proteins in different samples of food

Food sample Sample A Sample B Sample C Sample D

Taste Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet
Solubility Soluble Soluble Soluble In soluble
Molisch’s Test Purple ring Purple ring Purple ring Purple ring
Fehling Test Red ppt Red ppt No Red ppt No Red ppt
Tollens test Shining silver Shining silver No silver mirror No silver mirror
mirror mirror
Iodine Test No blue No blue No blue blue colouration
colouration colouration colouration


All food stuff contain carbohydrate.

Sample A contains reducing sugar

Sample B contains reducing sugar

Sample C contains non- reducing sugar

Sample D contains starch

Aim : To detect the presence of proteins in different samples of food stuffs

Food sample Sample E Sample F

Biuret test Blue colour Blue colour
Ninhydrin test Blue colour Blue colour
Xanthoprotic test White ppt White ppt


The given food stuffs contain protein.

Aim : Aim : To detect the presence of fats in different samples of food stuffs

Food sample Sample G Sample G

Solubility Test
i) With bwater Insoluble Insoluble
ii) With alcohol
Sample forms lower Sample forms lower layer,
layer, dissolves on dissolves on heating

iii) With CCl4 Miscible Miscible

Traslucent spot test Traslucent spot Traslucent spot formed

Acrolein test
Sample + KHSO4 + heat Pungent smell Pungent smell
Result :

The food stuffs contain fat.



1 Preparation of pure sample of ferrous ammonium sulphate and potash alum


2 Preparation of acetanilide from aniline AND P- Nitro acetanilide from acetanilide

3 To study the variation of cell potential in Zn/Zn2+//Cu2+/ Cu cell with change in concentration of
electrolytes at room temperature.

4 To study the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and
Hydrochloric acid

5 Preparation of colloidal solution of starch , egg albuin , Ferric hydroxide and Aluminium

6 Determination of molarity and strength of KmnO4 solution using M/20 solution of ferrous
ammonium sulphate
7 Determination of molarity and strength of KmnO4 solution using M/40 solution of oxalic acid


8 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 1[ ]

9 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 2[ ]

10 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 3[ ]

11 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 4[ ]

12 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 5[ ]

13 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 6[ ]

14 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 7[ ]

15 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 8[ ]

16 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 9[ ]

17 Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt No : 10[ ]


18 Identify the functional group present in organic compound


19 Differentiating tests for ethanol and ethanoic acid

Differentiating tests for acetaldehyde and acetone

Differentiating tests for phenol and amine

Differentiating tests for phenol and ethanoic acid


To study simple test for carbohydrates, fats and proteins
21 Detection of presence of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in given food stuffs
Expt No : 1 Date:

Aim :

To prepare pure sample of Ferrous ammonium sulphate (Mohr’s salt) [FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O]


Mohr’s salt is prepared by dissolving an equimolar mixture of hydrated ferrous sulphate and ammonium
sulphate in water containing a little sulphuric acid and then subjecting the resulting solution to crystallization
when light green crystals of ferrous ammonium sulphate separate out.

FeSO4.7H2O + NH4)2SO4 FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O + H2O

Materials Required

 Ferrous sulphate, Ammonium sulphate,m Dil. Sulphuric acid, Ethyl alcohol,Beakers, China
dish, Funnel, Glass rod, Tripod stand, Wire gauze, Wash bottle , Measuring jar


21. First take 7g ferrous sulphate 3.5g ammonium sulphate in a clean 250ml beaker.
22. To this add about 2-3ml of dil.sulphuric acid to prevent the hydrolysis of ferrous sulphate.
23. In another beaker, boil about 20ml of water for 5 minutes.
24. Add the boiling hot water to the contents in the first beaker in small quantities at a time.
25. Stir the contents of the beaker with a glass rod until the salts have completely dissolved.
26. Filter the solution into a china dish.
27. Now heat the solution in the china dish until its crystallisation point is reached. Then transfer
the solution into a crystallising dish and keep it undisturbed.
28. On cooling, crystals of Mohr’s salt separate.
29. Decant the mother liquor and wash the crystals with a small quantity of alcohol and then dry
the crystals by placing them between filter paper pads.
30. Find the weight of the crystals.


7. Weight of the crystals obtained = ...6.g

8. Colour of the crystals . .Green.
9. Shape of the crystals ..Monoclinic

Aim : To prepare pure sample of potash alum (Fitkari) [K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O]


Potash alum is prepared by dissolving an equimolar mixture of hydrated aluminium sulphate in minimum
amount of water containing a little of sulphuric acid anfd then subjecting the solution to crystallization , when
octahedral crystals of potash alum separate out.

K2SO4 + Al2(SO4)3 18H2O + 6H2O K2SO4Al2(SO4)3. 24H2O

Materials Required

Potassium sulphate, Aluminium sulphate, Dil. Sulphuric acid, Distilled water, Beakers, China
dish, Funnel,Glass rod, Tripod stand, Wire gauze, Burner, Wash bottle, Measuring jar


25. Take 2.5g potassium sulphate crystals in a clean beaker.

26. To this add 20ml of distilled water and stir using a glass rod until the crystals completely
27. Take 10g aluminium sulphate in another beaker.
28. Add about 20ml of distilled water and 1ml of dil.sulphuric acid to it.
29. Heat the contents of the beaker for about 5 minutes.
30. Mix the two solutions in a china dish.
31. Heat the solution in the china dish for some time to concentrate it to the crystallisation point.
32. Transfer the solution into a crystallising dish and do not disturb it.
33. On cooling crystals of potash alum separate.
34. Decant the mother liquor and wash the crystals with a small quantity of ice-cold water.
35. Dry the crystals by placing them between filter paper pads.
36. Find the weight of the crystals.


7. Weight of the crystals obtained = 5g

8. Colour of the crystals Colour less.
9. Shape of the crystals Octahedral.


Expt No : 2 Date:

Aim : To prepare acetanilide from aniline.


Acetanilide is prepared by acetylating aniline with acetic anhydride in the presence of glacial acetic

Materials Required

 Aniline ,Acetic anhydride ,Glacial acetic acid ,Conical flask,RB flask,Funnel,Filter

paper,Buchner funnel,Water condenser,Wire gauze,Tripod stand,Burner,Measuring jar


15. Take 5ml of acetic anhydride in a clean dry 250ml RB flask and add 5 ml of glacial acetic
acid and shake the contents thoroughly.
16. To this mixture add 5ml of aniline and fit a water condenser.
17. Boil this mixture over a sand bath for 10min.
18. Pour the liquid from the RB flask into 200ml ice-cold water taken in a beaker. While adding
stir the contents of the beaker vigorously using a glass rod.
19. Filter the white precipitate formed and wash it with cold water.
20. Recrystallise from hot water containing a few drops of etanol . Weigh the crystals and record
the yield
21. Determinre the melting point of the compound.

The weight of acetanilide = 3g
Melting point = 1130c


 Handle the chemicals with care.

 Freshly distilled aniline should be used to get good results.
 Prolonged heating and use of excess of acetic anhydride should be avoided.
 Reaction mixture should first cooled and then poured in ice-cold water otherwise hydrolysis
of acetanilide may take place.
Aim :

To prepare p- nitro acetanilide from acetanilide.


The nitration of aniline is difficult to carry out with nitrating mixture since –NH2 gets oxidized . So the amini
group is first protected by acetylation to form acetanilide which is then nitrated to give p- nitroacetanide as
amajor product. And o – nitro acetanide as a minor product. Recrystallisation from ethanol readily removes
the more soluble ortho compound .

Materials Required

Acetanilide- 5g ,Glacial acetic acid- 5ml,Conc.sulphuric acid -10ml, Fuming nitric acid -2ml

Methylated spirit -20ml, Test tubes, Glass rod, Beaker


13. Take 5g powdered acetanilide and 5ml of glacial acetic acid in a conical flask and stir the
mixture using a glass rod.
14. Take 2ml of fuming nitric acid in a clean test tube and cool it in a freezing mixture taken in a
beaker. Carefully add 2ml of conc.sulphuric acid drop by drop while constantly shaking and
cooling it.
15. Add 8ml of conc.sulphuric acid drop by drop into the conical flask containing acetanilide and
glacial acetic acid and cool it in a freezing mixture. Stir the contents and wait until the
temperature becomes less than 5oC.
16. To the cooled contents in the flask, add the nitrating mixture prepared in the 2nd step, drop
by drop while stirring constantly. While adding the nitrating mixture, the temperature of the
mixture in the flask should not rise above 25oC. Remove the conical flask from the freezing
mixture and allow it to stand for 30min at room temperature.
17. Pour the contents of the flask into a beaker containing crushed ice. Stir it well and filter the
precipitate obtained and wash it thoroughly with cold water.
18. Recrystallisation of p-Nitro acetanilide: Dissolve the precipitate obtained above in 20ml
methylated spirit. Warm it to get a clear solution. Filter the hot solution and cool the filtrate
in ice. P-Nitro acetanilide is obtained as colourless crystals. Wash the crystals with cold
water and then dry the crystals and measure the weight of the crystals.

The weight of p-nitroacetanilide = 3.5 g
Melting point : = 2140c


 Handle the chemicals with care.

 During the addition of nitrating mixture, the temperature of the reaction mixture should not
rise above 25 oC.
 Addition of fuming nitric acid should be done drop wise.
 Do not inhale the vapours of nitric acid as they are very corrosive in nature. Addition of
nitrating mixture may preferably be done in a fume cupboard.
Expt No :3 Date:


Aim : To study the variation of cell potential in Zn/Zn2+//Cu2+/ Cu cell with change in concentration of
electrolytes at room temperature.

Reduction potential of an electrode increases with increase in concentration of the electrolyte.
Mn+(aq)+ne– ———->M(s)
In the zinc-copper electrochemical cell zinc electrode acts as anode while copper electrode acts as cathode.


15. Take copper sulphate solution in a clean beaker.

16. Clean the copper strip with the help of sand paper and dip it into copper sulphate solution.
17. Take zinc sulphate solution in a porous pot.
18. Clean the zinc strip with the help of sand paper and dip it into zinc sulphate solution.
19. Keep the porous pot in the beaker.
20. Connect the copper strip with the positive terminal and zinc strip with the negative terminal of
a voltmeter as shown in Fig.
21. Note the position of the pointer in the voltmeter and record the reading in your notebook.

Repeat the experiment by taking different concentrations of zinc sulphate and copper sulphate solutions.

EMF of the cell increases with decrease in cone, of the electrolyte around anode and increase in cone, of the
electrolyte around cathode.
( To be done on the left hand side )

Concentration of ZnSO4 Concentration of CuSO4 Emf of the cell

solution solution

1M 1M 1.1V

1M 0.5M 1.091V

1M 0.025M 1.052V

1M 0.0125M 1.043V

0.5M 1M 1.108V

0.025M 1M 1.147V

0.0125M 1M 1.156V
Expt No 4 Date:



To study the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate
and hydrochloricacid.


According to the law of mass action, rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the
product of the molar concentrations of the reactants. In other words, the rate of reaction increases
with the increase in the concentration of the reactants. The effect of concentration of reactants on
rate of a reaction can be studied easily by the reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric
Na2S203 + 2HCl ——–> S(s) + 2NaCl(aq) + SO2(g) + H2O(l)
The insoluble sulphur, formed during the reaction, gives a milky appearance and makes the solution
opaque. Therefore, rate of reaction can be studied by measuring the time taken to produce enough
sulphur to make some mark invisible on a paper kept under the conical flask in which the reaction is
carried out.


Pipette (10 ml), stop-watch, two burettes and five conical flasks (100 ml).


0.1 M Na2S2O3 solution and 1 M HCl solution.


15. Wash the conical flasks with water and label them as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively.
16. With the help of a burette, add 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 ml of 0.1 M Na2S2O3 solution to the
flasks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively.
17. Now add 40, 30, 20 and 10 ml of distilled water to the flask 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively so that
volume of solution in each flask is 50 ml.
18. Take 10 ml of 1M HCl in a test tube with the help of a burette.
19. Add 10 ml of hydrochloric acid taken in a test tube to the conical flask No. 1 containing 10 ml
of 0.1 M Na2S2O3 and 40 ml of distilled water and start the stop-watch.
When half of the hydrochloric acid solution has been added. Shake the contents of the conical
flask and place it on the tile with a cross mark as shown in Fig.
20. Go on observing from top to downwards in the flask and stop the stop-watch when the cross
mark just becomes invisible. Note down the time.
21. Repeat the experiment by adding 10 ml of 1M HCl to flasks 2, 3,4 and 5 and record the time
taken in each case for the cross to become just invisible.

From the graph, it is clear that 1/t is directly proportional to the cone, of Na2S2O3 solution. But y is a
direct measure of rate of the reaction, therefore, rate of the reaction between Na2S2O3 and HCl is
directly proportional to the cone, of Na2S2O3 solution taken. Hence, rate of this reaction is directly
proportional to the concentration of Na2S2O3, which is one of the reactants.
Note. It may be noted that the reaction rate also increases when the amount of sodium thiosulphate is
kept constant but the concentration of hydrochloric acid is increased.


13. The apparatus must be thoroughly clean. If the same conical flask is to be used again and
again, it should be thoroughly washed with cone. HNO3 and then with water.
14. Measure the volumes of sodium thiosulphate solution, hydrochloric acid and distilled water
very accurately.
15. Use the same tile with the same cross-mark for all observation,
16. Complete the experiment at one time only so that there is not much temperature variation.
17. Start the stop-watch immediately when half of the hydrochloric acid solution has been added
to sodium thiosulphate solution.
18. View the cross-mark through the reaction mixture from top to bottom from same height for all
( To be done on the left hand side)


Flask No Volume Volume Total Conc . Volume Time 1/t ( s-1)

of of water Volume ofNa2S2O3 of 1 M taken for
Na2S2O3 in mL of solution HCl cross to
solution solution become
imn mL in mL just

1 10 40 50 0.02 10 12.5 0.02

2 20 30 50 0.04 10 27.3 0.036

3 30 20 50 0.06 10 35.1 0.028

4 40 10 50 0.08 10 60 0.0167

5 50 0 50 0.10 10 159

Plot a graph between 1/t (in seconds) and the concentration of sodium thiosulphate by taking 1/t along
ordinate (vertical axis) and cone, of Na2S2O3 along abscissa (horizontal axis). It should be a straight sloping
Expt No : 5 Date :


Aim : To prepare colloidal solution of starch

Starch forms a lyophilic sol when water is used as the dispersion medium. The formation of sol is accelerated
by heating. The starch sol can be prepared by heating starch and water at about 100°C. It is quite stable and is
not affected by the presence of any electrolytic impurity.

Beakers (250 ml and 50 ml), glass rod, funnel, filter-paper, pestle and mortar, tripod stand, wire-
gauze and burner.

Materials Required
Soluble starch (500 mg) and distilled water.


13. Take 500 mg of starch in a mortar and add few ml of distilled water.
14. Grind the starch to make a thin paste and transfer this paste to a 50 ml beaker.
15. Take about 100 ml of distilled water in a 250 ml beaker and heat the beaker so that water starts
16. Pour the paste slowly with stirring into boiling water in the beaker (Fig. 2.1).
17. Continue boiling for about 10 minutes and there allow the beaker to cool.
18. Filter the contents of the beaker through a filter-paper, fixed in a funnel.
Label the filtrate ‘Starch Sol’.


11. The apparatus used for preparing sol should be properly cleaned.
12. Distilled water should be used for preparing sols in water.
13. Starch should be converted into a fine paste before adding to boiling water.
14. Starch paste should be added in a thin stream to boiling water.
15. Constant stirring of the contents is necessary during the preparation of the sol.
( To be done on the left hand side )

Aim: To prepare colloidal solution of egg albumin


Egg albumin which is obtained from eggs forms lyophilic sols with cold water. The sol is quite stable and is
not affected by the presence of traces of impurities.

Beakers (250 ml and 50 ml), glass rod, funnel, filter-paper, pestle and mortar, tripod stand, wire-
gauze and burner.

Material required

An egg and distilled water.


 Break the outer shell of an egg by striking it with a glass rod.

 Collect the colourless liquid along with the yellow yolk in a beaker.
 Decant the colourless liquid into another beaker. This colourless liquid is known as egg albumin.
 Take 100 ml of 5% NaCl solution in a 250 ml beaker.
 Add egg albumin into the NaCl solution in small proportions while constantly stirring.
 Filter the contents of the beaker through a filter paper fixed in a funnel and collect the filtrate.
 Label the filtrate as Egg-Albumin sol.


 The apparatus used for preparing the sol should be properly cleaned.
 Distilled water should be used for preparing sols in water.
 Egg albumin sol is prepared at room temperature because in hot solution the precipitation of egg albumin
takes place.
 The yellow yolk should be separated completely from the egg albumin before using the later in the
 Addition of egg albumin should be done very slowly and while constantly stirring so as to disperse the
colloidal particles well in the solution.
Aim : To prepare ferric hydroxide sol

Ferric hydroxide forms a lyophilic sol. The substance such as metal hydroxides or sulphides are insoluble and
do not really give colloidal solutions on treatment with water are called hydrophobic colloids.

Ferric hydroxide is prepared by the hydrolysis of ferric chloride with boiling distilled water.

FeCl3 + 3H2O boil Fe(OH) 3 + 3 HCl

Hydrochloric acid which is produced during tries to destabilize the sol and hence must be removed from the sol by
dialysis .


 Take a 250 ml conical flask and clean it using the steaming out process.
 To this cleaned conical flask, add 100 ml of distilled water using a measuring cylinder.
 Bring the water to boil by placing the flask over a Bunsen burner.
 Add ferric chloride solution dropwise to the boiling water using a dropper.
 Continue heating until a deep red or brown solution of ferric hydroxide is obtained.
 Note: Replace the water lost by evaporation during boiling at regular intervals.
 Keep the contents of the conical flask undisturbed for some time at room temperature.
 Label the solution as Ferric Hydroxide Sol.


 Since ferric hydroxide sol is affected by impurities, the apparatus required for the preparation of sol should
be thoroughly cleaned by the steaming out process.
 Add ferric chloride solution dropwise.
 Heating is continued till the desired sol is obtained.
 Hydrochloric acid formed as a result of hydrolysis of ferric chloride is removed by dialysis process
otherwise it would destabilise the sol.
( To be done on left hand side )
Aim : To prepare aluminium hydroxide sol

Aluminium hydroxide sol is lyophobic in nature.It is obtained by the hydrolysis ofaluminium


AlCl3 + 3 H2O Al(OH) 3+ 3 HCl

Dialysis is done to remove hydrochloric acid because aluminium hydroxide solis affected by the
presence of ionic impurities.

Materials Required

 2% solution of aluminium chloride

 Distilled water


 Take a 250 ml conical flask and clean it using the steaming out process.
 To this cleaned conical flask, add 100 ml of distilled water using a measuring cylinder.
 Bring the water to boil by placing the flask over a Bunsen burner.
 Add aluminium chloride solution dropwise to the boiling water using a dropper.
 Continue heating until a white coloured solution of aluminium hydroxide is obtained.
 Note: Replace the water lost by evaporation during boiling at regular intervals.
 Keep the contents of the conical flask undisturbed for some time at room temperature.
 Label the solution as Aluminium Hydroxide Sol.


 The apparatus required for the preparation of the sol should be thoroughly cleaned through
the steaming out process.
 Add aluminium chloride solution dropwise.
 Heating is continued till the desired sol is obtained.
 Hydrochloric acid formed as a result of hydrolysis of aluminium chloride is removed by
dialysis process otherwise it would destabilise the sol.
Expt No ____6_____ Date ___________



To determine the molarity and strength of KMnO4 solution by titrating it against 1/20 M standard solution
of ferrous ammonium sulphate.





Colourless to pale pink colour.


E. Preparation of 0.05 M, standard solution of ferrous ammonium sulphate

(Molar mass of FeSO4 (NH4 ) 2 SO4 . 6H2O = 392 g mol–1).

(i) Weigh 1.96 g of ferrous ammonium sulphate and transfer it into a 100 mL measuring flask through a
funnel. Transfer the solid sticking to the funnel with the help of distilled water into the flask and add 3 mL of
Conc H2SO4 into the flask drop wise to get the clear solution. Shake the flask till the substance dissolves and
make the solution up to the mark.

B. Titration of ferrous ammonium sulphate against potassium permanganate solution

(i) Rinse and fill the clean burette with potassium permanganate solution. Remove air bubbles if any, from
the burette tip by releasing some solution through it.
(ii) Rinse the pipette with M/20 Mohr’ s salt and pipette out 10 mL of 0.05 M ferrous ammonium sulphate
solution in a conical flask and add half test tube (≈ 5 mL) full of (2.0 M) H2SO4 to it.

(iii) Titrate the above solution with potassium permanganate solution till the colour of the solution changes to
permanent pink. Swirl the content of the flask during the titration.

(iv) Repeat the titration, until three concordant readings are obtained.


5) Molarity of KMnO4 =
6) Strength of KMnO4 =
OBSERVATION AND CALCULATION( To be done on the left hand side )

Sl NO Volume of FAS Burette Readings Volume of

pipetted in Ml KMnO4 Used in
Initial Final
1 10

2 10

3 10

Concordant value = Y mL =

From the overall balanced chemical equation ., it is clear that 2 moles of KMnO4 react with 10 moles of
Mohr’s salt.

MKMnO4 x VKMnO4 = 2/10 = 1/5



MKMnO4 = molarity of KMnO4

VKMnO4 = Volume of KMnO4 = y mL = mL

MFAS = molarity of ferrous ammonium sulphate

VFAS = volume of ferrous ammonium sulphate

MKMnO4 x = 1/5

0.05 x 10

MKmnO4 = 1 x 0.05 x 10 =

5 x _______

Strenghth of KMnO4 = Molarity x Molar mass =

= ______ X 158

__________ g/ L
Expt No ____7_______ Date : ______________


To determine the concentration/molarity of KMnO4 solution by titrating it against a 1/40 M standard solution
of oxalic acid.


Molecular equation



Ionic equation






Colourless to pale pink colour.


F. Preparation of 0.025 M, standard solution of oxalic acid

(Molar mass of oxalic acid = 126g mol–1).

(i) Weigh 0.315 g of oxalic acid and transfer it into a 100 mL measuring flask through a funnel. Transfer
the solid sticking to the funnel with the help of distilled water into the flask. When the oxalic acid in the flask
is completely dissolved , add enough water and make the solution up to the mark.

(i) Rinse and fill a clean burette with potassium permanganate solution. Remove the air bubble, if any, (ii)
Take 10 mL of 0 .025 M oxalic acid solution in a conical flask and add half of the test tube full ( ≈ 5 mL) of
2.0 M H2SO4 to it to prevent the formation of any precipitate of manganese dioxide during the course of the

(iii) Heat the oxalic acid solution upto 50°– 60°C before titrating it with potassium permanganate solution
taken in the burette.
(iv) Note the initial reading of the volume of permanganate solution in the burette and add it in small
volumes to the hot oxalic acid solution while swirling the contents of the flask gently. The end point is
indicated by the appearance of permanent light pink colour

(v) Repeat the titration till three concordant readings are obtained.


5) Molarity of KMnO4 =
6) Strength of KMnO4 =
OBSERVATION AND CALCULATION( To be done on the left hand side )

Sl NO Volume of oxalic Burette Readings Volume of

acid pipetted in KMnO4 Used in
mL mL
Initial Final
1 10

2 10

3 10

Concordant value = y = mL

From the overall balanced chemical equation ., it is clear that 2 moles of KMnO4 react with 5 moles of oxalic
acid .

MKMnO4 x VKMnO4 = 2/5

M oxalic acid x Voxalic acid


MKMnO4 = molaritiy of KMnO4

VKMnO4 = Volume of KMnO4 = y mL = mL

MFAS = molarity of oxalic acid

VFAS = volumes of oxalic acid

MKMnO4 X = 2/5

0.05 x 10

MKmnO4 = 2 x 0.025 x 10 =

5 x _______

Strenghth of KMnO4 = Molarity x Molar mass =

= ______ X 158

__________ g/ L
Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

Mn2+ may be present

Pale pink

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Amorphous solid CO32- may be present

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be

Insoluble CO32- may be present

4) Smell
Take a pinch of the salt Ammoniacal smell NH4+, may be present
between the fingers and rub it
with a drop of water. Vinegar like smell CH3COO- may be present

Smell like rotten egg S2- may be present

Flame Test: Brick red color Presence of Ca2+

Take a small amount of salt on

a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame Crimson red color Presence of Sr2+

Grassy green color Presence of Presence of Ba2+

Green flashes Presence of Zn2+ orMn2+

Dull bluish white Presence of Presence of Pb2+

No characteristic colour to the Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+

flame orMn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube
xxiii) Gas evolved Colorless odorless gas turning Presence of CO32-
lime water milky

Pungent smelling gas which

gives white fumes with Presence of Cl-
hydroxide./Greenish yellow

Characteristic vinegar smell is Presence of CH3COO-


Characteristic smell of
ammonia gas is obtained
which gives white fumes when Presence of NH4+
glass rod dipped in Dil HCl is
brought near the mouth of the
test tube.

Reddish brown gas which

turns ferrous sulphate solution Presence of NO3-

Reddish brown gas which Presence of Br-

turns starch paper orange

Sublimate formed White sublimate Presence of NH4+

xxv) Residue Yellow when hot , white when Presence of Zn2+


Brown when hot , yellow Presence of Pb2+

when cold

White salt becomes black on Presence of CH3COO-


White residue glows on Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,

heating Mg2+,Al3+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4 Brisk effervescence with the Group I acid radical is
liberation of colorless odorless is present (CO32-)

No Brisk effervescence Group I acid radical is

is absent

Confirmatory Test

1) Salt + Dil HCl , pass the Lime water turns milky Presence of CO32- is
gas through lime water. confirmed

Ca(OH)2(aq)+ CO2(g)→ CaCO3(s)+ H2O(l)

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. A colorless pungent smelling Group II acid radical Cl- may
H2SO4 gas which gives a dense white be present
fumes with glass rod dipped in
ammonium hydroxide is
exposed to the mouth of the
test tube

Reddish brown vapors with Group II acid radical Br- may

pungent smell be present

Colourless vapors , vinegar Group II acid radical

smell turns blue litmus red CH3COO may be present

No characteristic observation CH3COO-,Cl- ,Br- are absent

If no reaction in cold, add a Reddish brown fumes are Group II acid radical NO3-
piece of Cu or paper ball to evolved may be present.
the test tube containing salt
and heat.

Confirmatory Test for Br-

1) Silver nitrate test: Pale yellow ppt is formed Presence of Br- is confirmed.
which is sparingly soluble
Salt solution + dil HNO3 , in ammonium hydroxide.
boil for some time , cool
and add silver nitrate

2) Chlorine water test Carbon di sulphide layer Presence of Br- is confirmed.

Salt solution + dil HCl acquires orange
and1-2 ml of carbon di- colouration.
sulphide and then
chlorine water. Shake
vigorously and allow to

Silver nitrate test:

KBr + AgNO3 KNO3 + AgBr

( pale yellow ppt)

Chlorine water test

2KBr + Cl2 2KCl + Br2

Confirmatory Test for NO3-

Brown ring Test A brown ring is formed at the Presence of NO3- is confirmed
Salt solution + equal volume junction of layers of acid and
of freshly prepares ferrous the solution
sulphate solution.Add a drop
of Conc H2SO4 slowly along
the sides of the test tube.

KNO3 + H2SO4 K2SO4 + HNO3

FeSO4 + 3H2SO4 + 4HNO3 Fe2(SO4)3 + 4 H2O + 2NO

FeSO4 + NO + 5H2O [Fe( H2O)5(NO)]SO4

Confirmatory Test for Cl-

1) Chromyl chloride Test:

Salt + solid potassium

dichromate in a test tube + Orange red vapors are evolved
Conc. H2SO4 .

Presence of Cl- is confirmed.

Pass the vapours through
NaOH solution taken in Solution turns yellow.
another test tube.

To the above yellow solution,

add acetic acid and lead Yellow ppt is obtained.
acetate solution.

2) Silver nitrate test:

White ppt is formed which is Presence of Cl- is confirmed.
Salt solution + dil HNO3 , boil soluble in NH4OH
for some time , cool and add
silvernitrate solution.

Chromyl chloride Test:

4NaCl + K2Cr2O7 + 3 H2SO4 Na2SO4 + K2SO4 + CrO2Cl2 + 3H2O

(chromyl chloride)

CrO2Cl2 + 4 NaOH Na2CrO4 + NaCl + 2H2O

Sodium chromate

Na2CrO4 + CH3COO)2Pb PbCrO4 + 2 CH3COONa


Silver nitrate test

NaCl + AgNO3 AgCl + NaNO3

AgCl + 2NH4OH [AgNH3)2]Cl + 2H2O

Soluble complex
Confirmatory Test for CH3COO-

Oxalic acid Test Vinegar smell Presence of CH3COO-

Take a small quantity of the confirmed
salt on a watch glass, mix it
with solid oxalic acid and
form a paste with water, smell

Ester test:
Salt + iml of Conc. H2SO4and Presence of CH3COO-
warm. Add C2H5OH . Add Pleasant fruity smell confirmed
contents in to a beaker full of

Oxalic acid test




Ester TeST

2CH3COONa + H2SO4 Na2SO4 + Na2SO4 + 2 CH3COOH


fruity smell

III) Analysis of group III acid radical:

Test for SO42-

Barium chloride Test:

1) Salt solution + Barium White precipitate insoluble in Presence of Group III acid
chloride Dil HCl radical SO42- is confirmed

2) Lead acetate Test

Salt solution + Lead acetate + White precipitate is obtained Presence of Group III acid
Aetic acid radica SO42- is confirmed

Barium chloride Test

Na2SO4 + BaCl2 BaSO4 + 2 NaCl


Lead acetate Test

Na2SO4 + Pb(CH3COO)2 PbSO4 + 2CH3COONa

White ppt

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xxi) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Insoluble Not original solution
Dil. HCl Soluble Original solution
Insoluble Not original solution
Dil. HNO3 Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals

Salt + NaOH, boil Pungent smelling ammonia Group 0 is present (NH4+ )
gas is evolved.

No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent


O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl White precipitate is formed Group I is present (Pb2+)

No white precipitate is Group I is absent


Pass H2S gas through the Black precipitate is formed Group II is present (Cu2+,
above solution Pb2+)

No black precipitate is Group II is absent


O.S + Solid Ammonium Reddish/ White gelatinous Group III is present (Al3+,
chloride + Ammonium precipitate is formed Fe3+)
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic.

No precipitate Group III is absent

Pass H2S gas through the Black precipitate / buff

above solution colored / white precipitate is Group IV is present
formed Black (Ni2+, CO2+)
Buff (Mn2+)
White (Zn2+)
No precipitate
Group IV is absent

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + White precipitate is formed

NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 Group V is present (Ba2+,
Solution Sr2+, Ca2+)
No precipitate
Group V is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium White precipitate

Chloride + Ammonium Group VI (Mg2+) is present
Hydroxide + Ammonium
Hydrogen Phosphate

Confirmatory test for Group 0

Nessler’s reagent test Reddish brown precipitate is Presence of NH4+ is

O.S + Nessler’s reagent + formed confirmed.
2[K2HgI4] + NH3 + 3KOH H2N.HgO.HgI 7KI + 2H2O

Confirmatory test for Group I

Boil the white precipitate with

5-10 ml of water and divide it
into 3 parts.

Part 1 – cool under tap White crystalline precipitate Presence of Pb2+ confirmed

Part 2 + KI solution Yellow precipitate Presence of Pb2+ confirmed

Part 3 + Potassium chromate Yellow precipitate Presence of Pb2+ confirmed

7) On cooling precipitate settles down as PbCl2 is less soluble in cold water

8) PbCl2 +2 KI PbI2 + 2KCl
9) PbCl2 + K2CrO4 PbCrO4 + 2KCl
Yellow ppt

Confirmatory test for II

If the precipitate is black,

dissolve it in 50% HNO3 and
divide it into 2 parts.

Part 1+ Dil. H2SO4 + Alcohol White precipitate Pb2+ is present

Dissolve white precipitate in

hot ammonium acetate
solution and divide it into 2

Part 1 + KI solution
Yellow precipitate is formed Pb2+ confirmed
which dissolves in boiling
water crystalizes on cooling
Part 2 + K2CrO4 solution
Yellow precipitate soluble in Pb2+ confirmed

Confirmatory test for Al3+

Lake test :

Dissolve white precipitate in Blue precipitate floating in Al3+ confirmed

Dil.HCl, add 2 drops of blue colourless solution
litmus solution. To this add,
NH4OH solution dropwise

Lake test

Al(OH)3 + 3HCl AlCl3 + 3H2O …… soluble

AlCl3 + 3NH4OH 3NH4Cl + Al(OH)3

Blue colour absorbs on this.

Confirmatory test for of Group IV Basic radical (Zn2+)

Dissolve the white precipitate

in dil HCl , boil off H2S and
divide in to two parts.

Part I + Dil. NaOH dropwise

and add excess of NaOH White precipitate soluble in
excess of excess of dil NaOH Zn2+ is confirmed
is formed.

Part II + Potassium Ferro

Cyanide White or bluish white Zn2+ is confirmed
precipitate is formed

ZnS + 2 HCl ZnCl2 + H2S


ZnCl2 + 2NaOH Zn(OH)2 + 2NaCl

White ppt
6) Zn(OH)2 + 2NaOH Na2ZnO2 + 2H2O

Confirmatory test for Mn2+

1) Dissolve buff coloured White precipitate turns black Mn2+ confirmed

precipitate in dil HCl , boil off or brown.
H2S.To the above solution add
NaOH . Then add Br2 water.

2) To the black precipitate add

Conc HNO3 and lead Pink coloured solution is Mn2+ confirmed
peroxide.Boil ,cool and allow obtained.
to settle.
Confirmatory test for Group V

Dissolve the precipitate in hot

dil acetic acid. Divide it in to
three parts.
Part I + potassium chromate Yellow precipitate. Ba2+ confirmed

Part II+Ammonium sulphate White precipitate. Sr2+ confirmed


Part III + Ammonium oxalate White precipitate. Ca2+ confirmed

solution + Ammonium
hydroxide and scratch the
sides of the test tube.


BaCO3 + 2CH3COOH CH3COO)2Ba + CO2 + H2O

CH3COO)2Ba + K2CrO4 2CH3COOK + BaCrO4

STRONTIUM yellow ppt

SrCO3 + 2 CH3COOH (CH3COO)2Sr + CO2 + H2O

(CH3COO)2Sr + (NH4)2SO4 CH3COONH4 + SrSO4

CALCIUM White ppt

CaCO3 + 2CH3COOH (CH3COO)2Ca + CO2 + H2O

(CH3COO)2Ca + (NH4)2C2O4 CH3COONH4 + CaC2O4

Analysis of Group VI

O.S + Solid Ammonium White precipitate is formed Mg2+ confirmed.

Chloride + Ammonium
Hydroxide + Ammonium
Hydrogen Phosphate
MgCl2 + NH4OH + (NH4)2HPO4 Mg(NH4)PO4 + 2NH4Cl + H2O

RESULT: Acid radical present is ________ Acid radical present is ___________

The given salt is _______________________

Expt No _________________ Date: ___________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell Ammoniacal smell NH4+, may be present

Take a pinch of the salt
between the fingers and rub it
with a drop of water.

Flame Test:
Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+
Take a small amount of salt on No characteristic colour to the orMn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+
a watch glass and make a flame
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube

xxvi) Gas evolved Reddish brown gas which

turns starch paper orange Presence of Br-

Sublimate formed White sublimate Presence of NH4+

Detection of acid radicals:
I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4

No Brisk effervescence Group I acid radical is
is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. Reddish brown vapors with Group II acid radical Br- may
H2SO4 pungent smell be present

Confirmatory Test for Br-

2) Silver nitrate test: Pale yellow ppt is formed Presence of Br- is confirmed.
which is sparingly soluble
Salt solution + dil HNO3 , in ammonium hydroxide.
boil for some time , cool
and add silver nitrate
Carbon di sulphide layer Presence of Br- is confirmed.
2) Globule Test acquires orange
Salt solution + dil HCl colouration.
and1-2 ml of carbon di-
sulphide and then
chlorine water. Shake
vigorously and allow to

Note : chemical equations for the confirmatory tests should be written on un ruled page in
pencil for both acid and basic radicals.

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xxii) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals

Salt + dil NaOH , boil Pungent smelling ammonia Group 0 is present (NH4+ )
gas is evolved.

Confirmatory test for Group 0

Nessler’s reagent test Reddish brown precipitate is Presence of NH4+ is
O.S + Nessler’s reagent + formed confirmed.


Acid radical present is ______Br-___________

Basic radical present is _ NH4+_________________

The given salt is ___NH4Br____________________

Expt No _________ Date : _________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell No characteristic smell NH4+,CH3COO-,S2- may be

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it
with a drop of water.

No characteristic colour to the

Flame Test: flame Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+
orMn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+
Take a small amount of salt on
a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube

Gas evolved No gas evolved

Absence of of CO32- ,Cl-
CH3COO-, NH4+ ,NO3- , Br-

Sublimate formed No sublimate formed Absence of NH4+

Residue White residue glows on Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,
heating Mg2+,Al3+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4

No Brisk effervescence Group I acid radical is

is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. Group II acid radicals Cl- l

H2SO4 Br- CH3COO- are absent
No characteristic observation

If no reaction in cold, add a No Reddish brown fumes are Group II acid radical NO3- is
piece of Cu or paper ball to evolved absent
the test tube containing salt
and heat.

III) Analysis of group III acid radical:

Test for SO42-

Barium chloride Test:

1) Salt solution + Barium White precipitate insoluble in Presence of Group III acid
chloride Dil HCl radical SO42- is confirmed

2) Lead acetate Test

Salt solution + Lead acetate + White precipitate is obtained Presence of Group III acid
Aetic acid radical SO42- is confirmed
Detection of Basic radical:
Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xxiii) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals

Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is absent
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl No white precipitate is

Pass H2S gas through the No black precipitate is

above solution formed Group II is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium / White gelatinous precipitate Group III is present (Al3+,
chloride + Ammonium is formed Fe3+)
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic.

Confirmatory test for Al3+

Lake test :

Dissolve white precipitate in Blue precipitate floating in Al3+ confirmed

Dil.HCl, add 2 drops of blue colourless solution
litmus solution. To this add,
NH4OH solution dropwise


Acid radical present is ________SO4 2-

Basic radical present is ____Al3+

The given salt is _____Al2(SO4)3

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell No characteristic smell

Take a pinch of the salt NH4+,CH3COO-
between the fingers and rub it S2- etc are present
with a drop of water.

Flame Test:

Take a small amount of salt on Green flashes

a watch glass and make a Presence of Zn2+ orMn2+
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube
No gas evolution Absence of of CO32- ,Cl-
Gas evolved CH3COO-, NH4+ ,NO3- , Br-

No sublimate Absence of NH4+

Sublimate formed

Yellow when hot , white when Presence of Zn2+

xxvii) Residue cold

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4

No Brisk effervescence

Group I acid radical is

is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. Group II acid radicals

H2SO4 No characteristic observation CH3COO-,Cl- ,Br- are absent

If no reaction in cold, add a No Reddish brown fumes are Group II acid radical NO3- is
piece of Cu or paper ball to evolved absent
the test tube containing salt
and heat.

III) Analysis of group III acid radical:

Test for SO42-

Barium chloride Test:

1) Salt solution + Barium White precipitate insoluble in Presence of Group III acid
chloride Dil HCl radical SO42- is confirmed

2) Lead acetate Test

Salt solution + Lead acetate + White precipitate is obtained Presence of Group III acid
Aetic acid radica SO42- is confirmed

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xxiv) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals

Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is absent
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl No white precipitate is

Pass H2S gas through the

above solution No black precipitate is Group II is absent t (Cu2+,
formed Pb2+)

O.S + SolidAmmonium
chloride + Ammonium Group III is absent
hydroxide in excess till the No precipitate
solution become basic.
Pass H2S gas through the / white precipitate is formed Group IV is present
above solution White (Zn2+)

Onfirmatory test for of Group IV Basic radical (Zn2+)

Dissolve the white precipitate

in dil HCl , boil off H2S and
divide in to two parts.

Part I + Dil. NaOH dropwise

and add excess of NaOH White precipitate soluble in
excess of excess of dil NaOH Zn2+ is confirmed
is formed.

Part II + Potassium Ferro

Cyanide White or bluish white Zn2+ is confirmed
precipitate is formed


Acid radical present is ___SO4 2-

Basic radical present is _____ Zn 2+

The given salt is _______ZnSO4

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Amorphous CO3 2- present

Solubility in water In soluble CO3 2- present

4) Smell No characteristic smell NH4+,CH3COO-

Take a pinch of the salt S2- etc are absent.
between the fingers and rub it
with a drop of water.

Flame Test:

Take a small amount of salt on Green flashes Presence of Zn2+ orMn2+

sa watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube
presence of of CO32-
Gas evolved Colour less , odourless gas
turning lime water milky .

Sublimate formed No sublimate Absence of NH4 +

Residue Yellow when hot , white when Presence of Zn2+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4 Brisk effervescence with the Group I acid radical is
liberation of colorless odorless is present (CO32-)

Confirmatory Test

1) Salt + Dil HCl , pass the Lime water turns milky Presence of CO32- is
gas through lime water. confirmed

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xxv) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) In Soluble Not Original solution

Dil HCl Soluble Original Solution
Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is absent
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl No white precipitate is

Pass H2S gas through the

above solution No black precipitate is Group II is absent t (Cu2+,
formed Pb2+)

O.S + Solid Ammonium

chloride + Ammonium Group III is absent
hydroxide in excess till the No precipitate
solution become basic.

Pass H2S gas through the white precipitate is formed Group IV is present
above solution White (Zn2+)

Confirmatory test for of Group IV Basic radical (Zn2+)

Dissolve the white precipitate

in dil HCl , boil off H2S and
divide in to two parts.

Part I + Dil. NaOH dropwise

and add excess of NaOH White precipitate soluble in
excess of excess of dil NaOH Zn2+ is confirmed
is formed.

Part II + Potassium Ferro White or bluish white Zn2+ is confirmed

Cyanide precipitate is formed

Acid radical present is ___CO32-

Basic radical present is _____ Zn 2+

The given salt is _______Zn CO3

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Colsor Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell
Take a pinch of the salt NH4+, CH3COO- S2- are
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell absent
with a drop of water.

Flame Test: No characteristic colour to the Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+

flame orMn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+
Take a small amount of salt on
a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube

xxviii) Gas evolved No gas is evolved Absence of of CO32- ,Cl-

CH3COO-, NH4+ ,NO3- , Br-
Sublimate formed No white sublimate formed
Absence of NH4+

Residue White residue glows on Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,

heating Mg2+,Al3+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4

No Brisk effervescence Group I acid radical is
is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. Group II acid radical

H2SO4 No characteristic observation CH3COO-,Cl- ,Br- are absent

If no reaction in cold, add a No Reddish brown fumes are Group II acid radical NO3-
piece of Cu or paper ball to evolved may be present
the test tube containing salt
and heat.

III) Analysis of group III acid radical:

Test for SO42-

Barium chloride Test:

1) Salt solution + Barium White precipitate insoluble in Presence of Group III acid
chloride Dil HCl radical SO42- is confirmed

2) Lead acetate Test

Salt solution + Lead acetate + White precipitate is obtained Presence of Group III acid
Aetic acid radica SO42- is confirmed
Detection of Basic radical:
Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xxvi) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil .

No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent


No white precipitate is
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl formed Group I is absent

Pass H2S gas through the

above solution No black precipitate is Group II is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium

chloride + Ammonium
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic. Group III is absent
No precipitate

Group IV is absent
Pass H2S gas through the No precipitate
above solution

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + Group V is absent

NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 No precipitate
O.S + Solid Ammonium White precipitate Group VI (Mg2+) is present
Chloride + Ammonium
Hydroxide + Ammonium
Hydrogen Phosphate

Analysis of Group VI

O.S + Solid Ammonium White precipitate is formed Mg2+ confirmed.

Chloride + Ammonium
Hydroxide + Ammonium
Hydrogen Phosphate


Acid radical present is ___SO4 2-

Basic radical present is __Mg2+

The given salt is ______MgSO4

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Amorphous CO3 2- may be present

Solubility in water In soluble

CO3 2- may be present

4) Smell NH4+, CH3COO- S2- are

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell
with a drop of water.

Flame Test:

Take a small amount of salt on Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+

a watch glass and make a No characteristic colour to the Mn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+
paste with con. HCl. Heat the flame
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube
Colorless odorless gas turning Presence of CO3 2-
Gas evolved lime water milky

Sublimate formed
No White sublimate Absence of NH4+

Residue White residue glows on

Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4 Brisk effervescence with the Group I acid radical is
liberation of colorless odorless is present (CO32-)

Confirmatory Test

1) Salt + Dil HCl , pass the Lime water turns milky Presence of CO32- is
gas through lime water. confirmed

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xxvii) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil .

No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent


No white precipitate is
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl formed Group I is absent

Pass H2S gas through the

above solution No black precipitate is Group II is absent
O.S + Solid Ammonium
chloride + Ammonium No precipitate
hydroxide in excess till the Group III is absent
solution become basic.

Group IV is absent
No precipitate
Pass H2S gas through the
above solution

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + No precipitate Group V is absent

NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3

White precipitate
O.S + Solid Ammonium Group VI (Mg2+) is present
Chloride + Ammonium
Hydroxide + Ammonium
Hydrogen Phosphate
Analysis of Group VI

O.S + Solid Ammonium White precipitate is formed Mg2+ confirmed.

Chloride + Ammonium
Hydroxide + Ammonium
Hydrogen Phosphate


Acid radical present is ___CO32-______________

Basic radical present is _____Mg2+_____________

The given salt is ______MgCO3____________

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell NH4+, CH3COO- etc may be

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell
with a drop of water.

Flame Test: Grassy green color Presence of Presence of Ba2+

Take a small amount of salt on

a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube

xxix) Gas evolved Pungent smelling gas which

gives white fumes with Presence of Cl-
hydroxide./Greenish yellow
Sublimate formed No White sublimate Abesence of NH4+

xxx) Residue White residue glows on Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,

heating Mg2+,Al3+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4

Group I acid radical is
No Brisk effervescence is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. A colorless pungent smelling Group II acid radical Cl- may
H2SO4 gas which gives a dense white be present
fumes with glass rod dipped in
ammonium hydroxide is
exposed to the mouth of the
test tube

Confirmatory Test for Cl-

1) Chromyl chloride Test:

Salt + solid potassium

dichromate in a test tube + Orange red vapors are evolved
Conc. H2SO4 .

Presence of Cl- is confirmed.

Pass the vapours through
NaOH solution taken in Solution turns yellow.
another test tube.

To the above yellow solution,

add acetic acid and lead Yellow ppt is obtained.
acetate solution.

2) Silver nitrate test:

White ppt is formed which is Presence of Cl- is confirmed.
Salt solution + dil HNO3 , boil soluble in NH4OH
for some time , cool and add
silvernitrate solution.

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xxviii) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Insoluble Not original solution
Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is absent
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl No white precipitate is
Pass H2S gas through the
above solution No black precipitate is
formed Group II is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium Group III is absent

chloride + Ammonium No precipitate
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic.

Pass H2S gas through the Group IV is absent

above solution No precipitate

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + White precipitate is formed Group V is present (Ba2+,

NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 Sr2+, Ca2+)
Confirmatory test for Group V

Dissolve the precipitate in hot

dil acetic acid. Divide it in to
three parts.
Part I + potassium chromate Yellow precipitate. Ba2+ confirmed

Part II+Ammonium sulphate No White precipitate. Sr2+ is absent


Part III + Ammonium oxalate No White precipitate. Ca2+ is absent

solution + Ammonium
hydroxide and scratch the
sides of the test tube.


Acid radical present is ______Cl-

Basic radical present is ___Ba2+

The given salt is __________BaCl2

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell NH4+, CH3COO- etc may be

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell
with a drop of water.

Flame Test: Grassy green color Presence of Presence of Ba2+

Take a small amount of salt on

a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube

xxxi) Gas evolved Pungent smelling gas which

gives white fumes with Presence of Cl-
hydroxide./Greenish yellow
Sublimate formed No White sublimate Abesence of NH4+
xxxiii) Residue White residue glows on Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,
heating Mg2+,Al3+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4

Group I acid radical is
No Brisk effervescence is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc. A colorless pungent smelling Group II acid radical Cl- may
H2SO4 gas which gives a dense white be present
fumes with glass rod dipped in
ammonium hydroxide is
exposed to the mouth of the
test tube
Confirmatory Test for Cl-

1) Chromyl chloride Test:

Salt + solid potassium

dichromate in a test tube + Orange red vapors are evolved
Conc. H2SO4 .

Presence of Cl- is confirmed.

Pass the vapours through
NaOH solution taken in Solution turns yellow.
another test tube.

To the above yellow solution,

add acetic acid and lead Yellow ppt is obtained.
acetate solution.

2) Silver nitrate test:

White ppt is formed which is Presence of Cl- is confirmed.
Salt solution + dil HNO3 , boil soluble in NH4OH
for some time , cool and add
silvernitrate solution.

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xxix) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil No Characteristic smell is
observed Group 0 is absent

No white precipitate is Group I is absent

O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl formed
Pass H2S gas through the No black precipitate is
above solution formed
Group II is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium No precipitate Group III is absent

chloride + Ammonium
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic.

Pass H2S gas through the No precipitate Group IV is absent

above solution

White precipitate is formed

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + Group V is present (Ba2+,
NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 Sr2+, Ca2+)

Confirmatory test for Group V

Dissolve the precipitate in hot

dil acetic acid. Divide it in to
three parts.
Part I + potassium chromate No Yellow precipitate. Ba2+ is absent

Part II+Ammonium sulphate White precipitate. Sr2+ is confirmed


Part III + Ammonium oxalate No White precipitate. Ca2+ is absent

solution + Ammonium
hydroxide and scratch the
sides of the test tube.

Acid radical present is _____Cl-

Basic radical present is ____Sr2+

The given salt is __________SrCl2

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Amorphous CO3 2- may be present

Solubility in water In soluble

CO3 2- may be present

4) Smell NH4+, CH3COO- S2- are

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell
with a drop of water.

Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+

Flame Test: No characteristic colour to the orMn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+
Take a small amount of salt on
a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Presence of CO3 2-
Dry heating test
Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube Colorless odorless gas turning Absence of NH4+
lime water milky
ix) Gas evolved
Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,

No White sublimate

Sublimate formed White residue glows on

x) Residue

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4 Brisk effervescence with the Group I acid radical is
s liberation of colorless odorless is present (CO32-)

Confirmatory Test

1) Salt + Dil HCl , pass the Lime water turns milky Presence of CO32- is
gas through lime water. confirmed

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

v) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) InSoluble Not Original solution

Dil HCl Soluble original solution
Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is absent
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl No white precipitate is

Pass H2S gas through the

above solution No black precipitate is
formed Group II is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium Group III is absent

chloride + Ammonium No precipitate
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic.

Pass H2S gas through the Group IV is absent

above solution No precipitate

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + White precipitate is formed Group V is present (Ba2+,

NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 Sr2+, Ca2+)

Confirmatory test for Group V

Dissolve the precipitate in hot
dil acetic acid. Divide it in to
three parts.
Part I + potassium chromate Yellow precipitate. Ba2+ confirmed

Part II+Ammonium sulphate No White precipitate. Sr2+ is absent


Part III + Ammonium oxalate No White precipitate. Ca2+ is absent

solution + Ammonium
hydroxide and scratch the
sides of the test tube.


Acid radical present is ________CO3 2-__________

Basic radical present is _____Ba2+ _____________

The given salt is __________BaCO3____________

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Amorphous CO3 2- may be present

Solubility in water In soluble

CO3 2- may be present

4) Smell NH4+, CH3COO- S2- are

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell
with a drop of water.

Absence of Ba2+, Pb2+, Zn2+

Flame Test: No characteristic colour to the orMn2+, Ca2+ ,Sr2+
Take a small amount of salt on
a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube
Colorless odorless gas turning Presence of CO3 2-
xi) Gas evolved lime water milky

Sublimate formed No White sublimate Absence of NH4+

xii) Residue White residue glows on Presence of Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,
heating Mg2+,Al3+

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4 Brisk effervescence with the Group I acid radical is
liberation of colorless odorless is present (CO32-)

Confirmatory Test

1) Salt + Dil HCl , pass the Lime water turns milky Presence of CO32- is
gas through lime water. confirmed

Detection of Basic radical:

Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

vi) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) InSoluble Not Original solution

Dil HCl Soluble original solution
Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is absent
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl No white precipitate is
Pass H2S gas through the
above solution No black precipitate is
formed Group II is absent

O.S + Solid Ammonium Group III is absent

chloride + Ammonium No precipitate
hydroxide in excess till the
solution become basic.

Pass H2S gas through the Group IV is absent

above solution No precipitate

O.S + Solid NH4Cl + White precipitate is formed Group V is present (Ba2+,

NH4OH + (NH4)2CO3 Sr2+, Ca2+)

Confirmatory test for Group V

Dissolve the precipitate in hot

dil acetic acid. Divide it in to
three parts.
Part I + potassium chromate No Yellow precipitate. Ba2+ absent

Part II+Ammonium sulphate No White precipitate. Sr2+ is absent


Part III + Ammonium oxalate White precipitate. Ca2+ is confirmed

solution + Ammonium
hydroxide and scratch the
sides of the test tube.

Acid radical present is ________CO3 2-__________

Basic radical present is _____Ca 2+ _____________

The given salt is __________CaCO3____________

Expt No _____________ Date : _________________


Preliminary tests
Experiment Observation Inference
Color Colorless/White Fe2+, Fe3+,Mn2+,Co2+,Cu2+may
be absent

2) Physical state Crystalline solid NH4+, Cl-, Br-, NO3- Al3+,Ba2+

may be absent

Solubility in water Soluble NH4+, Cl-,Br-, NO3- may be


4) Smell NH4+, CH3COO- S2- may be

Take a pinch of the salt absent
between the fingers and rub it No characteristic smell
with a drop of water.

Dull bluish white Presence of Presence of Pb2+

Flame Test:

Take a small amount of salt on

a watch glass and make a
paste with con. HCl. Heat the
mixture strongly in the flame

Dry heating test

Heat a pinch of the salt in a
dry test tube
Reddish brown gas which Presence of NO3-
Gas evolved turns ferrous sulphate solution

Abesence of NH4+
Sublimate No White sublimate
Residue Brown when hot , yellow Presence of Pb2+
when cold

Detection of acid radicals:

I) Analysis of group I acid radical:

Salt + Dil H2SO4 Group I acid radical is

No Brisk effervescence is absent

II) Analysis of group II acid radical:

Salt in a dry test tube + Conc.

H2SO4 Group II acid radicals
CH3COO ,Cl ,Br- are absent
- -

No characteristic observation

If no reaction in cold, add a Reddish brown fumes are Group II acid radical NO3-
piece of Cu or paper ball to evolved may be present.
the test tube containing salt
and heat.

Confirmatory Test for NO3-

Brown ring Test A brown ring is formed at the Presence of NO3- is confirmed
Salt solution + equal volume junction of layers of acid and
of freshly prepares ferrous the solution
sulphate solution.Add a drop
of Conc H2SO4 slowly along
the sides of the test tube.
Detection of Basic radical:
Preparation of original solution(O S)

About one spatula of the salt is dissolved in the minimum amount of the solvent in a boiling tube in
the following order.

xxx) Water ii) Dil. HCl iii) Dil. HNO3

Water (Cold) Soluble Original solution

Identification of basic radicals
Salt + NaOH, boil
No Characteristic smell is Group 0 is absent

Group I is Present
O.S + 1 to 2 ml of Dil. HCl white precipitate is formed

Confirmatory test for Group I

Boil the white precipitate with

5-10 ml of water and divide it
into 3 parts.

Part 1 – cool under tap White crystalline precipitate Presence of Pb2+ confirmed

Part 2 + KI solution Yellow precipitate Presence of Pb2+ confirmed

Part 3 + Potassium chromate Yellow precipitate Presence of Pb2+ confirmed


Acid radical present is ___NO3 -

Basic radical present is ________Pb2+

The given salt is _____________Pb(NO3) 2


Expt No _____18________ Date : _________________

Aim : To Test the presence of Alcoholic Group in the given sample of organic compound

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take about 1 ml of the give liquid in a clean dry test
tube, add about 1 ml glacial acetic acid and 2-3 drops of Presence of
A fruity smell
conc. sulphuric acid. Warm the mixture on a water bath alcoholic
is produced.
Ester Test for about 10 minutes. Pour it into about 20 ml of cold group.
water taken in a beaker and smell.
Ceric Take about 1 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test Pink or red Presence of
ammonium tube and add few drops of ceric ammonium nitrate colour is alcoholic
nitrate Test reagent and shake it well. developed. group.
Take about 2 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test
tube, add 1 g of anhydrous calcium sulphate and shake
well to remove water. Filter the liquid into another Presence of
Acetyl White fumes
clean dry test tube and to the filtrate, add 2-3 drops of alcoholic
chloride Test are produced.
acetyl chloride. Shake the test tube well and bring a group.
glass rod dipped in ammonium hydroxide solution near
the mouth of the test tube.

The given sample of organic compound has alcohol group in it.

CHEMICAL EQUATIONS ( To be written on the un ruled page)




C2H5OH + (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6 [(C2H5OH)2Ce(NO3)4] + 2NH4NO3

Pink or red complex



HCl + NH4OH NH4Cl + H2 O

white fumes
Aim : To Test the presence of a for phenolic Group in the given sample of organic compound

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take about 1 ml of neutral ferric chloride solution in a
Ferric chloride Violet colour is of
clean test tube and add 2-3 drops of the given liquid (or
Test seen. phenolic
crystal i solid).
Take a small quantity of sodium nitrite in a clean dry
test tube and add about 1 ml of the given liquid (or A deep blue or
crystal if solid). Heat the test tube very gently for half a green
minute and allow it to cool. Then add about 1 ml of colouration is
conc. sulphuric acid and shake the test tube to mix the seen. Presence
Liebermann’s contents. of
Test phenolic
Colour turns to
Add distilled water carefully to the test tube. group.
Deep blue or
Add excess of sodium hydroxide solution to the test
green colour
Take 1 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test tube
and add 0.1 g of phthalic anhydride and add 1-2 drops Presence
Pink colour is
Phthalein Dye of conc. sulphuric acid. Heat the test tube for about 1 of
Test minute in an oil bath. Cool and pour the reaction phenolic
mixture carefully into a beaker containing 15 ml of dil. group.
sodium hydroxide solution.

The given organic compound has phenolic group in it.


FeCl3 + C6H5OH Fe(OC6H5)6]3- + 3HCl

violet complex

Phthalein dye test

Liebermann’s Test
Aim : To Test the presence of a for Aldehydic Group in the given sample of organic compound

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take a small quantity of the given compound in a
clean dry test tube, add rectified spirit until the Yellow or
2,4- Presence of
compound just dissolves. Now add few drops of 2, orange
Dintrophenyl carbonyl
4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine solution. Cork the test precipitate is
hydrazine Test group.
tube, shake the mixture and allow it to stand for 5 formed.

Take about 2 ml of saturated solution of sodium White

Presence of
Sodium bisulphite in a clean test tube and add a small crystalline
bisulphite Test quantity of the given compound. Cork the test tube, precipitate is
shake and leave it for 15-20 minutes. formed.
Presence of
Dissolve a small quantity of the given compound in
Pink colour is aldehydic
Schiff’s Test a clean test tube and add about 1 ml of Schiff’s
seen. group is
reagent and shake it well.
Take about 1 ml of silver nitrate solution in a clean
test tube and add 2-3 ml of dilute NaOH solution.
A brown precipitate of silver oxide forms. Now add Presence of
Tollen’s Test Shining silver
dilute ammonia solution dropwise until the brown aldehydic
(Silver mirror mirror is
precipitate of silver oxide just dissolves. To this group is
test) formed.
add 3-4 drops of the given liquid (or 0.1 g if solid) confirmed.
and warm the test tube on a water bath for about 5
Take 1 ml each of Fehling’s solution A and B in a Presence of
test tube. Add 4-5 drops of the given organic liquid Red precipitate aldehydic
Fehling’s Test
(or 0.2g if solid) and warm the test in a water bath is formed. group is
for 4-5 minutes. confirmed.

The given sample of organic compound has aldehydic group in it.

Tollens test

2gA(NH3)2 -
+ CH3CHO + 3 OH- CH3COO + 2Ag + 4NH3 + 2H2O
Fehling’s test

CH3CHO + 2Cu2+ + 5 OH - Cu2O + CH3COO- + 3 H2O

Aim : To Test the presence of a for ketonic Group in the given sample of organic compound

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take a small quantity of the given compound in a
clean dry test tube, add rectified spirit until the Yellow or
2,4-Dintrophenyl compound just dissolves. Now add few drops of 2, orange Presence of
hydrazine Test 4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine solution. Cork the test precipitate is carbonyl group.
tube, shake the mixture and allow it to stand for 5 formed.

Take about 2 ml of saturated solution of sodium White

Sodium bisulphite in a clean test tube and add a small crystalline Presence of
bisulphite Test quantity of the given compound. Cork the test precipitate is carbonyl group.
tube, shake and leave it for 15-20 minutes. formed.
Take a small quantity of the given compound in a
colour is
m- clean test tube and add about 0.1g of finely Presence of
Dinitrobenzene powdered m-dinitrobenzene. Now add about 1 ml ketonic group
Test of dilute sodium hydroxide solution and shake it is confirmed.
slowly fades
Dissolve a small quantity of sodium nitroprusside
Sodium in about 1 ml of distilled water in a clean test tube Presence of
nitroprusside and then add a small quantity of the given ketonic group
Test compound. Shake the test tube well and add is confirmed.
sodium hydroxide solution dropwise.

2, 4 DNPH Test

Nitro prusside Test

Aim : To Test the presence of a for carboxylic acid Group in the given sample of organic compound

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Brisk Presence of
Hydrogen Take 1 ml of the given organic compound in a test tube
effervescence carboxylic
Carbonate and add a pinch of sodium bicarbonate to it.
is observed. group.

Take a small quantity of the given organic compound in

a clean test tube, add 1 ml of ethyl alcohol and 1-2 Presence of
You get a
Ester Test drops of conc. sulphuric acid into it. Heat the reaction carboxylic
fruity smell.
mixture on a water bath for about 5 minutes. Pour the group.
mixture into a beaker containing water.

The given sample of organic compound has carboxylic acid group in it.




Aim : To Test the presence of a for Amino Group in the given sample of organic compound

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take a small quantity of the given compound in a Compound is
Solubility Compound may
clean test tube and add 2-3 ml of dil.HCl and shake soluble in
Test be amine.
the test tube well. dil.HCl.
Take a small quantity of solid KOH in a clean dry
test tube and add about 2 ml of ethanol. Warm the
Carbylamines An offensive smell is produced.
test tube until the pellets dissolve. To this add a few
Test Presence of primary amine.
drops of chloroform and small amount of the given
compound and warm gently.
Take three test tubes A, B and C. In test tube A, Presence of
Formation of a
dissolve a small quantity of the compound in 2 ml aromatic
Azo-Dye Test red or orange
of HCl. In test tube B, prepare an aqueous solution primary amine
of sodium nitrite. In test tube C, dissolve a small is confirmed.
quantity of β-naphthol in dilute sodium hydroxide.
Place all the three test tubes in an ice bath. Now
add sodium nitrite solution into test tube A and the
resulting solution is added to test tube C.

The given sample of organic compound has amino group in it.

Solubility Test

C6H5NH2 + HCl C6H5NH3+Cl-

Carbyl amine test

C6H5NH2 + CHCl3 + 3KOH C6H5NC + 3KCl + 3H2O

Azo dye test

C6H5NH2 + HNO2 + HCl C6H5N+ NCl- + 2H2O

Expt No: 19 Date:


Aim : To identify the functional group present in the given compound with relevant chemical

SET A: Ethanol and Ethanoic acid

Tests for Carboxylic Group

Physical Tests:

Smell : Vinegar Smell

Solubility : Miscible with water.

Physical state: Liquid

Chemical Tests:

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Brisk Presence of
Hydrogen Take 1 ml of the given organic compound in a test tube
effervescence carboxylic
Carbonate and add a pinch of sodium bicarbonate to it.
is observed. group.

Take a small quantity of the given organic compound in

a clean test tube, add 1 ml of ethyl alcohol and 1-2 drops Presence of
Ester Test of conc. sulphuric acid into it. Heat the reaction mixture fruity smell. carboxylic
on a water bath for about 5 minutes. Pour the mixture group.
into a beaker containing water.
Tests for Alcoholic Group

It is a clear, volatile liquid with a characteristic pleasant odor, and a burning taste. It is completely miscible
with water in all ratios and with organic solvents. Melting point: -117 °C and Boiling point: 78 °C

Chemical Tests:

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take about 1 ml of the give liquid in a clean dry test
tube, add about 1 ml glacial acetic acid and 2-3 drops of Presence of
A fruity smell
conc. sulphuric acid. Warm the mixture on a water bath alcoholic
is produced.
Ester Test for about 10 minutes. Pour it into about 20 ml of cold group.
water taken in a beaker and smell.
Ceric Take about 1 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test Pink or red Presence of
ammonium tube and add few drops of ceric ammonium nitrate colour alcoholic
nitrate Test reagent and shake it well. developed. group.
Take about 2 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test
tube, add 1 g of anhydrous calcium sulphate and shake
well to remove water. Filter the liquid into another clean Presence of
Acetyl White fumes
dry test tube and to the filtrate, add 2-3 drops of acetyl alcoholic
chloride Test are produced.
chloride. Shake the test tube well and bring a glass rod group.
dipped in ammonium hydroxide solution near the mouth
of the test tube.

SET B: Acetaldehyde and Acetone

Test for Aldehyde

Physical Tests:


Solubility : Soluble in water

Physical state: Liquid

Chemical Tests

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Presence of
Dissolve a small quantity of the given compound in
Pink colour is aldehydic
Schiff’s Test a clean test tube and add about 1 ml of Schiff’s
seen. group is
reagent and shake it well.
Take about 1 ml of silver nitrate solution in a clean
test tube and add 2-3 ml of dilute NaOH solution. A
brown precipitate of silver oxide forms. Now add Presence of
Tollen’s Test Shining silver
dilute ammonia solution dropwise until the brown aldehydic
(Silver mirror mirror is
precipitate of silver oxide just dissolves. To this add group is
test) formed.
3-4 drops of the given liquid (or 0.1 g if solid) and confirmed.
warm the test tube on a water bath for about 5
Take 1 ml each of Fehling’s solution A and B in a Presence of
test tube. Add 4-5 drops of the given organic liquid aldehydic
Fehling’s Test precipitate is
(or 0.2g if solid) and warm the test in a water bath group is
for 4-5 minutes. confirmed.

Test for Ketone

Physical Tests:

Smell : Smell

Solubility : Soluble in water

Physical state: Liquid

Chemical Tests
Experiment Procedure Observation Inference
Take a small quantity of the given compound in a
Violet colour
m- clean test tube and add about 0.1g of finely Presence of
is formed
Dinitrobenzene powdered m-dinitrobenzene. Now add about 1 ml ketonic group
which slowly
Test of dilute sodium hydroxide solution and shake it is confirmed.
fades away.
Dissolve a small quantity of sodium nitroprusside
Sodium in about 1 ml of distilled water in a clean test tube Presence of
nitroprusside and then add a small quantity of the given ketonic group
Test compound. Shake the test tube well and add is confirmed.
sodium hydroxide solution dropwise.

SET C : Phenol and Aniline

Tests for Amino Group

Physical Tests:

Smell : Fishy smell

Solubility : Soluble in dil HCl

Physical state: Liquid

Chemical Tests

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take a small quantity of the given compound in a Compound is
Solubility Compound may
clean test tube and add 2-3 ml of dil.HCl and shake soluble in
Test be amine.
the test tube well. dil.HCl.
Take a small quantity of solid KOH in a clean dry
test tube and add about 2 ml of ethanol. Warm the
Carbylamines An offensive smell is produced.
test tube until the pellets dissolve. To this add a few
Test Presence of primary amine.
drops of chloroform and small amount of the given
compound and warm gently.
Take three test tubes A, B and C. In test tube A,
dissolve a small quantity of the compound in 2 ml
of HCl. In test tube B, prepare an aqueous solution Presence of
Formation of a
of sodium nitrite. In test tube C, dissolve a small aromatic
Azo-Dye Test red or orange
quantity of β-naphthol in dilute sodium hydroxide. primary amine
Place all the three test tubes in an ice bath. Now is confirmed.
add sodium nitrite solution into test tube A and the
resulting solution is added to test tube C.

Tests for Phenolic Group

Physical Tests:

Smell :

Solubility : Soluble in Water

Physical state: Liquid

Chemical Tests

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Neutral Take about 1 ml of neutral ferric chloride solution in a
Violet colour is of
Ferric chloride clean test tube and add 2-3 drops of the given liquid (or
seen. phenolic
Test crystal is solid).
Take a small quantity of sodium nitrite in a clean dry
test tube and add about 1 ml of the given liquid (or A deep blue or
crystal if solid). Heat the test tube very gently for half a green
minute and allow it to cool. Then add about 1 ml of colouration is
conc. sulphuric acid and shake the test tube to mix the seen. Presence
Liebermann’s contents. of
Test phenolic
Colour turns to
Add distilled water carefully to the test tube. group.
Deep blue or
Add excess of sodium hydroxide solution to the test
green colour
Take 1 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test tube (or Pink colour is Presence
Phthalein Dye
crystal if solid) and add 1-2 drops of conc. sulphuric seen. of
acid. Heat the test tube for about 1 minute in an oil phenolic
bath. Cool and pour the reaction mixture carefully into group.
a beaker containing 15 ml of dil. sodium hydroxide


Tests for Phenolic Group

Physical Tests:

Smell :

Solubility : Soluble in dil HCl

Physical state: Liquid

Chemical Tests

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take about 1 ml of neutral ferric chloride solution Presence of

Neutral Violet colour is
in a clean test tube and add 2-3 drops of the given phenolic
Ferric seen.
liquid (or crystal is solid). group.
chloride Test
Take a small quantity of sodium nitrite in a clean
dry test tube and add about 1 ml of the given liquid
A deep blue or
(or crystal if solid). Heat the test tube very gently
green colouration
for half a minute and allow it to cool. Then add
is seen.
about 1 ml of conc. sulphuric acid and shake the Presence of
Liebermann’s test tube to mix the contents.
Colour turns to group.
Add distilled water carefully to the test tube.
Deep blue or
Add excess of sodium hydroxide solution to the
green colour
test tube.
Take 1 ml of the given liquid in a clean dry test Presence of
tube (or crystal if solid) and add 1-2 drops of conc. phenolic
Pink colour is
Phthalein Dye sulphuric acid. Heat the test tube for about 1 group.
Test minute in an oil bath. Cool and pour the reaction
mixture carefully into a beaker containing 15 ml of
dil. sodium hydroxide solution.
Experiment Procedure Observation Inference
Brisk Presence of
Hydrogen Take 1 ml of the given organic compound in a test
effervescence is carboxylic
Carbonate tube and add a pinch of sodium bicarbonate to it.
observed. group.

Take a small quantity of the given organic

compound in a clean test tube, add 1 ml of ethyl
Presence of
alcohol and 1-2 drops of conc. sulphuric acid into
Ester Test fruity smell. carboxylic
it. Heat the reaction mixture on a water bath for
about 5 minutes. Pour the mixture into a beaker
containing water.


Expt No: 20 Date:

To study simple tests for carbohydrates

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take 1-2 ml of aqueous solution of carbohydrate

. A red violet ring is Presence
Molisch’s (suspension in case of starch) and add few drops of of
produced at the
Test Molisch’s reagent. Put one ml of cone. carcarbohydrate
junction of two layers
H2SO4 slowly along the side of the test tube..

Take 2 ml of aqueous solution of carbohydrate

(nearly 5%) and add 1—2 ml each of Fehling’s
. Fehling’s solution A and Fehling’s solution B. Keep the
Reddish ppt. indicates
Test test tube in boiling water bath.. Presence of
the presence of a
reducing sugar

Benedict’s To 1-2 ml of aqueous solution of carbohydrate in a presence of

Reddish ppt.
Test test-tube add 1-2 ml of Benedict’s reagent. Keep the reducing sugar
test-tube in a boiling water bath..
Take 2-3 ml of aqueous solution of carbohydrate in
Tollen’s Test presence of
a test tube. Add to it 2-3 ml of Tollen’s reagent. A shining silver
Keep the test tube in a boiling water bath for 10 mirror

Appearance of blue presence of

Iodine Test To the aqueous suspension of the sample, add 1- colouration starch
2 drops of iodine solution.
To study simple test for proteins

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

To the dispersion of the substance to be tested (say 5%
solution of egg albumin) add about 2 ml of NaOH solution.
Bluish violet . presence
Buret test Now add 4-5 drops of 1% CuS04 solution. Warm the
colouration of protein
mixture for about five minutes.
indicates the.

Take about 2 ml of egg albumin dispersion in a test-

Xanthoproteic tube and add a few drops of conc HNO3 and heat A yellow presence
Test.. colouration of protein

Take about 2 ml of egg albumin dispersion in a test-tube Intense blue presence

Ninhydrin Test..
and add 3-4 drops of Ninhydrin solution colouration of protein
To study simple test for Fats and oils.

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

On unfolding the
Press a little of the substance in the folds of the filter paper. filter paper, the
Transluscent indicates the The spot grows larger on heating and drying the appearance of
of fat or
Spot Test filter paper. transluscent or
greasy spot on the
filter paper is seen

Heat a little of the sample with some crystals of presence

Acrolein KHS04 in a test-tube A pungent irritating
of fat or
Test odour of acrolein

This test is based on the fact that oils and fats are soluble in
organic solvents like chloroform, alcohol, etc., but are
insoluble in water. Shake a small amount of given sample
with 5 ml each of water, alcohol and chloroform in three test-
tubes and observe the solubility

1)Water i) Sample is
Test immiscible

2) Alcohol 2)Sample forms presence

lower layer, which of fat or
dissolves on heating oil.

3) Sample is
3)Chloroform miscible


Expt No 21 Date :

Aim : To detect the presence of carbohydrates ,fats and proteins in different samples of food

Food sample Sample A Sample B Sample C Sample D

Taste Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet
Solubility Soluble Soluble Soluble In soluble
Molisch’s Test Purple ring Purple ring Purple ring Purple ring
Fehling Test Red ppt Red ppt No Red ppt No Red ppt
Tollens test Shining silver Shining silver No silver mirror No silver mirror
mirror mirror
Iodine Test No blue No blue No blue blue colouration
colouration colouration colouration


All food stuff contain carbohydrate.

Sample A contains reducing sugar

Sample B contains reducing sugar

Sample C contains non- reducing sugar

Sample D contains starch

Aim : To detect the presence of proteins in different samples of food stuffs

Food sample Sample E Sample F

Biuret test Blue colour Blue colour
Ninhydrin test Blue colour Blue colour
Xanthoprotic test White ppt White ppt


The given food stuffs contain protein.

Aim : To detect the presence of fats in different samples of food stuffs

Food sample Sample G Sample G

Solubility Test
i) With bwater Insoluble Insoluble
ii) With alcohol
Sample forms lower Sample forms lower layer,
layer, dissolves on dissolves on heating

iii) With CCl4 Miscible Miscible

Traslucent spot test Traslucent spot Traslucent spot formed

Acrolein test
Sample + KHSO4 + heat Pungent smell Pungent smell

Result :

The food stuffs contain fat.


Expt No: 20 Date:

To study simple tests for carbohydrates

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

Take 1-2 ml of aqueous solution of carbohydrate
. A red violet ring is Presence
Molisch’s (suspension in case of starch) and add few drops of of
produced at the
Test Molisch’s reagent. Put one ml of cone. carcarbohydrate
junction of two layers
H2SO4 slowly along the side of the test tube..

Take 2 ml of aqueous solution of carbohydrate

(nearly 5%) and add 1—2 ml each of Fehling’s
. Fehling’s solution A and Fehling’s solution B. Keep the
Reddish ppt. indicates
Test test tube in boiling water bath.. Presence of
the presence of a
reducing sugar

Benedict’s To 1-2 ml of aqueous solution of carbohydrate in a presence of

Reddish ppt.
Test test-tube add 1-2 ml of Benedict’s reagent. Keep the reducing sugar
test-tube in a boiling water bath..
Take 2-3 ml of aqueous solution of carbohydrate in
Tollen’s Test presence of
a test tube. Add to it 2-3 ml of Tollen’s reagent. A shining silver
Keep the test tube in a boiling water bath for 10 mirror

To the aqueous suspension of the sample, add 1-

Iodine Test 2 drops of iodine solution. Appearance of blue presence of
colouration starch

To study simple test for proteins

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

To the dispersion of the substance to be tested (say 5%
solution of egg albumin) add about 2 ml of NaOH solution.
Bluish violet . presence
Buret test Now add 4-5 drops of 1% CuS04 solution. Warm the
colouration of protein
mixture for about five minutes.
indicates the.

Take about 2 ml of egg albumin dispersion in a test-

Xanthoproteic tube and add a few drops of conc HNO3 and heat A yellow presence
Test.. colouration of protein

Ninhydrin Test.. Take about 2 ml of egg albumin dispersion in a test-tube Intense blue presence
and add 3-4 drops of Ninhydrin solution colouration of protein

To study simple test for Fats and oils.

Experiment Procedure Observation Inference

On unfolding the
Press a little of the substance in the folds of the filter paper. filter paper, the
Transluscent indicates the The spot grows larger on heating and drying the appearance of
of fat or
Spot Test filter paper. transluscent or
greasy spot on the
filter paper is seen
Heat a little of the sample with some crystals of presence
Acrolein KHS04 in a test-tube A pungent irritating
of fat or
Test odour of acrolein

This test is based on the fact that oils and fats are soluble in
organic solvents like chloroform, alcohol, etc., but are
insoluble in water. Shake a small amount of given sample
with 5 ml each of water, alcohol and chloroform in three test-
tubes and observe the solubility

1)Water i) Sample is
Test immiscible

2) Alcohol 2)Sample forms presence

lower layer, which of fat or
dissolves on heating oil.

3) Sample is
3)Chloroform miscible


Expt No 21 Date :

Aim : To detect the presence of carbohydrates ,fats and proteins in different samples of food
Food sample Sample A Sample B Sample C Sample D
Taste Sweet Sweet Sweet Sweet
Solubility Soluble Soluble Soluble In soluble
Molisch’s Test Purple ring Purple ring Purple ring Purple ring
Fehling Test Red ppt Red ppt No Red ppt No Red ppt
Tollens test Shining silver Shining silver No silver mirror No silver mirror
mirror mirror
Iodine Test No blue No blue No blue blue colouration
colouration colouration colouration


All food stuff contain carbohydrate.

Sample A contains reducing sugar

Sample B contains reducing sugar

Sample C contains non- reducing sugar

Sample D contains starch

Aim : To detect the presence of proteins in different samples of food stuffs

Food sample Sample E Sample F

Biuret test Blue colour Blue colour
Ninhydrin test Blue colour Blue colour
Xanthoprotic test White ppt White ppt

The given food stuffs contain protein.

Aim : To detect the presence of fats in different samples of food stuffs

Food sample Sample G Sample G

Solubility Test
iv) With bwater Insoluble Insoluble
v) With alcohol
Sample forms lower Sample forms lower layer,
layer, dissolves on dissolves on heating

vi) With CCl4 Miscible Miscible

Traslucent spot test Traslucent spot Traslucent spot formed

Acrolein test
Sample + KHSO4 + heat Pungent smell Pungent smell

Result :

The food stuffs contain fat.

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