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These days, more people would like to know what the best martial art for self defense is, or at least which ones make
the best options to learn. If you ever find yourself in a survival situation, it will be important to know how to defend
yourself. During times of natural or human-made disasters, there may be a breakdown in law and order and people may
resort to looting.

Physical benefits of martial arts

One of the benefits that just about all martial arts will provide is a stronger and faster physique. Physical fitness and a
more capable body are going to be a huge advantage in a self-defense situation. If you are able to move faster, that
gives you a better chance of getting away, in case the odds are against you. Or if you have greater endurance, you’re
more likely to leave your pursuers panting for breath behind you. Those are just some of the benefits of speed and

There’s also the increased toughness that comes with martial arts training. Ideally, you’ll be quick enough to avoid or
have blows glance off of you. Or if an attacker manages to land a punch or a kick, your body will be strong enough so
that you can shake off the impact.

And then, the increased strength that comes from more well-developed muscles should allow you to hit your attackers,
with more effective results. Your quicker reflexes and ability to snap punches or kicks will also allow you to land your
attacks more often. So these are some of the general advantages that come from martial arts training.

Mental benefits of martial arts

One other advantage to consider involves changes in the mind. Being able to defend yourself from attackers requires
you to be open to the possibility that you may have to inflict serious or even fatal damage on others. This is something
that many people are not able to do or consider, even if their own lives are put at risk.

Martial arts training allows a person to practice, through sparring, the various moves and techniques which are designed
to defend as well as cause damage. Over time, this continued training and practice can help to overcome any lingering
hesitation or resistance.

Types of martial arts

One of the best martial art for self defense is Arnis. This is a martial art which teaches the use of stick weapons from the
very beginning of the training process. The sticks are generally made of wood and are around 26 inches long. Arnis
teaches people how to fight with either one stick in one hand, or one stick in each hand (2 sticks).

This martial art focuses on the flow of the various techniques so that movements are smooth and strikes are effective.
People learn how to parry an attacker’s weapon with the sticks, as well as how to disable or disarm an attacker by
striking that person’s limbs.

Arnis is particularly useful in a survival situation because of the type of weapon that people are instructed on. Since
these are simple sticks of light wood, it is actually possible for an arnis practitioner to have these handy at all times.
Sticks can be kept at home or in the place of work. It is also easy to carry around sticks in a bag or other holder. Even if
disaster were to strike suddenly and without warning, this person would never be caught in a situation without a

One additional benefit of Bojutsu is the increased reach that you are given with the weapon. Whether the
staff is being used to strike, slash or stab, you’re more likely to damage your attacker without incurring injury
yourself, simply because of the distance your weapon can cover. It also helps that long sticks or staves are
something that can be found in the wild or scavenged from all around, even in a post-disaster scenario. So
there will be no reason to go without a weapon. However, there are some downsides to the use of such a long
One good place to start is with straightforward boxing training. This martial art does a number of things that
are very effective in terms of protecting yourself. Just watch the best boxers in action. One of the things that a
person will learn is the right defensive stance. This involves multiple layers of protection. The arms and fists
are up, which will help to protect both the torso and face from incoming blows.

Judo can also be considered the best martial art for self defense when it comes to learning how to deal with a
situation where an attacker has managed to latch onto you, and is pulling you around or attempting to force
you to the ground. These are actually very common scenarios in real life fights. There’s a lot more pulling,
pushing, grappling and pinning, as opposed to elegant strikes and flying kicks. Learning judo will give you
insight in how to get out of a situation where an opponent is attempting to choke the life out of you, or has
you pinned to the ground.

While kickboxing is relatively lighter on defensive techniques compared to other martial arts, it does offer a
number of benefits for the survivalist. The general idea is that, if you are forced into unarmed combat, the
disadvantage of attacking with fists is that your reach will be limited. This is a problem if your attacker is
armed with a weapon that has a longer reach like a pole, chain, piece of wood or a cleaver. There is something
to be gained by being able to attack with your legs and feet. At the very least, the increased range that these
offer will help to keep attackers at bay.

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