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1. What are chemtrails?

According to (Bakalaki, 2016), chemtrails is short for chemical trails. Chemtrails are those
trails which are left behind by airplanes presumably spraying the atmosphere with chemicals
which destroys the environment and all life forms. They are constantly shifting ideoscapes.
Ideoscapes by means of combinations of audio, text, images, and the outcome of the ideas
expressed within.

Bollinger, (2015) stated “Chemtrails are geo-engineered aerosols that are loaded with toxic
chemicals, including but not limited to: barium, strontium 90, aluminum, cadmium, zinc, viruses
and chaff.” Chaff is more like snow however, it is in fact Mylar fibers (like in fiberglass) covered
with aluminum, desiccated blood cells, plastic, and paper.

Bakalaki explains chemtrails in a much understandable way. It breaks the word chemtails into
chemical trails. Now one can ask which chemicals are in the chemtrails. This is where Bollinger
lists the chemicals and other viruses.

Aerosols are particles which stay for a minute up in the air. When they become large, they are
visible and they distribute themselves in the sky and absorb sunlight. The sunrises and
sunsets are reddening due to the scattering of sunlight which reduces the visibility (haze).
Aerosols act together as directly and indirectly with the Earth's radiation budget and climate.
For example, a direct effect is when the aerosols scatter sunlight directly back into space
whereas with indirect effect aerosols in the lower atmosphere, they can transform the size of
cloud particles which leads to changing how the clouds reflect and absorb sunlight, in this
manner disturbing the Earth's energy budget. Aerial spraying causes earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions and it is used to introduce diseases that destroy plants, animals, and
humans. It is said to be “the largest crime against humanity in human history” (Cairns

Figure 1: Normal clouds and chemtrails (fake clouds)

How Chemtrails Are Polluting the air and the Environment

According to (Klotter, 2005), the only chemtrails in the sky were thin lines, high in the air, that
quickly disappeared. These chemtrails formed when the warm vapor trail produced by airplane
engines meets the cold air found at high altitudes, over 30,000 feet. Since the early 1990s, a
different type of vapor trail has become common place around the world. These chemtrails,
reportedly released from unmarked air force tankers, typically create varying patterns of X’s, grids,
and parallel lines. They look like regular contrails at first but quickly expand in width instead of
disappearing. They spread across the sky, forming a thin, white veil or 'fake cirrus-type cloud' that
remains for hours.

Figure 2: (Klotter, 2005)

According to (Klotter, 2005), Eyewitnesses report respiratory problems and other physical
complaints after being exposed to chemtrails as they are created by aerosolizing the atmosphere,
weakens rainfall, traps the heat, and increases humidity so This leads to an outbreak of pests,
mildews, molds, fungi, diseases, and ultimately the shredding of ozone layer that protects people
from dangerous UV rays, (Bollinger, 2015).

Chemicals released in the atmosphere by the chemtrails poses great dangers to the environment as
well as to the health of people, because cause respiratory problems, the polymers produced are
silica fibers and inhalation of silica causes silicosis. They produce Aluminum dust which has a short
term negative effect on memory and concentration, it Causes symptoms similar to Alzheimer’s in the
long term, also produces Barium dust that causes chronic fatigue and Suppression of the immune
system, which increases the possibility of illness. (n/a, 2007).

According to (n/a, 2007), chemtrails have short and long effects son our health. The following table
indicates long and short-term effect of chemtrail on people’s health.

Table 1: Long and short effects of chemtrails to people.

Long term effects Short term effects

Alzheimer's Disease Chronic sore or raspy throat

Allergies Anxiety Allergies

Eye problems Panic attacks

Asthma Dizziness

Cancer (linked to many types of cancers) Breathing difficulties (Unexplained)

Chronic Fatigue skin irritations

Easy Bruising Stomach aches

Heart Disease Flu-like symptoms

High Cholesterol Headaches

The effects chemtrails has on water.

The white lines in the sky trailing behind jet planes are puffy plumes of water vapor. When a jet
engine is discharging out hot, humid air into an atmosphere that is so cold and has low vapor
pressure, the result is condensation. The water vapor coming out of the engine condenses quickly
into water droplets and then crystalizes into ice. The ice crystals are the clouds that we see forming
behind the engine. Chemtrails are secretly filling the sky and whatever goes up, must come down
and we are being bombarded daily with a chemical and radioactive fallout. The reality is that this
toxic cloud shield created by aerosolizing the atmosphere increases the humidity and this has an
effect on the water that we drink daily.

How are Chemtrails affecting the food we eat

These Chemtrails fill the sky with megatons of aluminum, strontium 90, barium reflect the suns
dangerous rays back into space causing a great affect to human kind.

However, what goes up, must come down and we’re being bombarded daily with a chemical and
radioactive fallout surpassed only by Agent Orange, the defoliating chemicals developed by
Monsanto to wipe out the jungles during the Vietnam War.

Since aluminum has an affinity for water, all life forms attract these oxides. This causes
contamination of even organic fruits, vegetables, and livestock if they’re exposed to the open air,
because plants readily absorb aluminum salts from the soil into their vascular systems. Everything
absorbs aluminum salts and it’s in the air.

Processed foods are filled with aluminum salts and aluminum sulfate is added to water to make it
clear. Apparently, we are in the “Aluminum Age” and it’s everywhere, but so unhealthy according to
Dr. Christopher Exley, Professor of Bioinorganic Chemistry at Keele University in the UK.

(irmedeaca, 2012)

How are chemtrails affecting our brains

Some people would say that Chemtrails do not exist and they are just a conspiracy theory buy
according to (Russell L. Blaylock, 2016) Curt Linderman speaks with Dr. Russel Blaylock about the
devastating health effects of the chemtrails and geoengineering policies, which have been
implemented in secret without public consent. We as the public do dot have much information
about chemtrails and we tend to think that they do not exist, meanwhile they are affecting our
brains and causing disease.

According to (Russell L. Blaylock, 2016) These chemtrails are on the sky and they tend to make a
certain pattern covering the earth’s atmosphere. These chemtrails spray toxin polluting into the sky
such as nanosized Aluminum compounds. These particles tend to go inside our nose as we break in,
they travel through the skull to the nerve system to that part of the brain that has memory and

Studies have shown that these particles pass along the olfactory neural tracts, which connect
directly to the area of the brain that is not only most effected by Alzheimer’s disease, but also the
earliest affected in the course of the disease. It also has the highest level of brain aluminum in
Alzheimer’s cases. Says (Russell L. Blaylock, 2016)

How do chemtrails affect our bodies?

According to 2016, chemtrails can be referred as solar radiation management.

This is international program that involves spraying barium, strontium and other toxic
chemicals from airplane at high altitude that then fall to the ground, ending up in our
bodies, our water, our soul and air we breathe.

Nearly everyone on the Earth is unsafe with air that we breath. More people are coming
down with illnesses related to chemtrails, but nothing is being said or done. These effects

start by persistent cough, accompanied by aches, pains and fever. Lots of bacterial
infection are going around and chemtrails are the heart of widespread lung problem right
now. All this toxic gases, chemicals, virus particles, heavy metals and other gases being
spread being sprayed into the atmosphere leads to problematic levels of respiratory
infection. (, 2017).

Figure 1: effect of chentrails

(Source: Bakalaki, 2016)

Chemtrails are constantly being strayed in our skies above our heads which rain down
poison in our air, food and water. They contain many heavy metal toxins like aluminum and
barium. It may also be that we are being infected with non-fibers.

This aluminum laden ‘chaff’ falling from the sky it enters lungs causing upper respiratory
disease, lung cancer, breast cancer, and is the gateway to vulnerable areas of the body
including arterial walls where it accumulates like a plaque.

Aluminum toxicity generates a number of neurological disorder and brain cancer, while
radium and zinc cadmium sulfide synergistically cause bone cancer.

These are disease we get from chemtrails: fatigue, headaches, sinus pain, muscle pain, join
point, frequently cracking joint, depression, panic attack, anxiety, hyperactivity, insomnia,
tooth decay, (especially at the gumline), anger issues, inability to focus or concentrate,
swelling/inflammation and stomach pain.


Demand public investigation of Chemtrails spraying

Demand an immediate cease to all chemtrails spraying until we know the short and long term affects
of chemtrails on the general population.

Give immunity and protection to anyone willing to blow the whistle on chemtrail operations.

Boycott products made by any companies who make or produce chemtrails related products. I
dentify who is respondible for allowing us to be sprayed on the city/country/state/global level.

Demand that each city/country/state be given a 72hour warning before spraying so people can
choose to protect themselves.

Deman an explanation for chemtrails spraying on the city/county/state/congress/senate levels and

do not accept the denial that spraying is going on.

Prosecute anyone who continues to aid these illegal chemtrail operations and hold those companies
responsible that produce toxic chemicals, toxic metals, biological toxins, and any other submicron


Bollinger, T., 2015. What are Chemtrails and How Are They Harming Our Food and Water?. The Truth
About Cancer.

Klotter, J., 2005. Chemtrails: another source of pollution. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients,.

Klotter, J., 2005. Chemtrails: another source of pollution. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients.

n/a, 2007. Chemtrails - experiments in weather control, n/a: Technology, Education.

Russell L. Blaylock, M., 2016. What Chemtrails Are Doing To Your Brain Is Shocking.

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