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Rosa Parks was a civil rights activist who refused

to surrender her seat to a white passenger on a
segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Her
defiance sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott;
its success launched nationwide efforts to end
racial segregation of public facilities.

“ -Rosa Parks
She lead millions in a boycott
against the buses and after
months of the Montgomery bus
company losing thousands of
dollars, they finally brought an
end to bus segregation.
Rosa Parks
Parks began
began her her activism
activism in
opposition to
to injustices
injustices committed
against African
African Americans
Americans inin the

“I have learned over the years that

when one's mind is made up, this
diminishes fear; knowing what
must be done does away with fear.”
Mrs. Parks founded the Rosa and Raymond Parks
Institute for Self-Development. The Institute sponsors
an annual summer program for teenagers called
Pathways to Freedom. The young people tour the
country in buses, under adult supervision, learning
the history of their country and of the civil rights

As NAACP member, among other things,

Parks and her allies used the networks they
had stitched together during the Scotts-
boro case to protect black women from
sexual assaults perpetrated by white men.

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