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Rosa Parks

“You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is


The Defining Bus Ride

Starting the Montgomery Bus Boycott

Rosa Parks’ Part in Civil Rights

Rosa Parks’ Later Years

- Born on February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee, Alabama.

- Married Raymond Parks in 1932, an active member of the NAACP.

- Worked as a seamstress and secretary.

- Early experiences with racial discrimination shaped her perspective.

- Joined the NAACP* in 1943, actively engaging in the fight against

racial discrimination.

- Became a prominent figure in Montgomery, Alabama, through her

work for social justice.

- Formed a close friendship with E.D. Nixon, a local civil rights activist.

*(National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)

The Defining Bus Ride

December 1, 1955

. Historic day in Montgomery, Alabama.

Refusal to surrender her seat.

Its Consequences:

. Arrest, community reactions Boycott


- Her biography reflects a consistent commitment to equality and social justice.

- Rosa Parks' life path laid the foundation for her later role in the civil rights
Starting the Montgomery Bus Boycott
How the African American Community Reacted

. People were really upset and stood together after Rosa Parks was arrested.

. A sense of coming together to fight against what was wrong.

Martin Luther King Jr. and Making the Boycott Happen

. Martin Luther King Jr. led the way and asked for peaceful resistance.

. They formed a group called the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA).

How It Affected Money and Society

. The boycott affected the bus company’s money because fewer people were riding.

. People started seeing racial separation and disobeying it in a new way.

Rosa Parks’ Part in Civil Rights
Being a Symbolic Figure

. Rosa Parks became a symbol of standing up against unfairness.

. She was really important in the Civil Rights Movement.

Helping in More Civil Rights Work

. Kept helping in different ways to make things fair.

. Was part of many civil rights projects and actions.

Rosa Parks’ Effect on Equality

. Her work had a big effect on the Civil Rights Movement.

. She inspired people who came after her.

Rosa Parks’ Later Years
After the Bus Boycott

. Kept on fighting for what was right.

. Moved to Detroit and worked in different jobs.

Getting Awards and Recognition

. Many organisations thanked her for her hard work. 🏆

Her Legacy and How She Still Influences Us

. Rosa Parks keeps inspiring people to keep going for equality

. Even after her death (2005), her way of fighting for fairness is still with us.

Her biography reflects a consistent commitment to equality and social justice.

The bus ride was a historical moment and example

Rosa Parks' life path laid the foundation for her later role in the civil rights

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