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The rooster mounts the hen and they touch cloacae (or vents). The
sperm packet is moved from the rooster to the hen. The sperm
travels up the ova duct to the ovum (egg that does not have a shell at
this point) where the egg is fertilized. The shell and bloom then coat
the fertilized egg as it travels down the ova duct. The whole process
of “making’ an egg takes about 25 hours.

After a fertilized egg is laid, it can remain in stasis for about 7

days. If during that time, the hen gets ‘broody’ and sits on the eggs
to incubate them, they will then develop into embryos. After 21 days
the embryos develop enough to hatch into chicks.

In domestic dogs, sexual maturity (puberty) occurs between the

ages of 6 to 12 months for both males and females, although this
can be delayed until up to two years of age for some large
breeds.[1] Pregnancy is possible as soon as the first estrus cycle, but
breeding is not recommended prior to the second cycle.As with other
domesticated species, domestication has selectively bred for
higher libido, and earlier and more frequent breeding cycles in dogs
than in their ancestors.

To attract a mate, the female horse, or mare, urinates, raising her tail
and revealing her vulva. An interested male horse, or stallion,
approaching with a high head and tail and ears drooped backwards,
will nicker, nip and nudge her, as well as sniff her urine to determine
her sexual maturity.
The mother horse, or mare, carries her foal for 11 months. Most
mares give birth in the spring to a single baby (foal), sometimes
twins. Mares produce milk for their young and will feed them for
several months. Within 1 – 2 hours of birth a foal is able to stand up
and walk.

For crocodiles the mating season usually will begin in July or

August. They are ready to mate when they are about 8-10 years of
age. But that is calculated according to its size. Both sexes can be
very territorial as well as aggressive in nature during this period of
time. The females are going to make sure that other females aren’t
coming into their area to find a place to put their nest. They are
very picky when it comes to the male they will mate with. All others
will be driven out of their location, forcefully if necessary.
Crocodiles offer nests of eggs. The females will dig at least 10 feet
into the ground. They want to make a burrow where they can
deposit their eggs and prevent other predators from consuming
them. They will hide the entrance as well so that they can get back
in there when they need to. These animals have a remarkable
memory which helps them to successfully do so.

They release their gametes (eggs and sperm) through an opening

right in front of their anal fin.
Fertilization occurs as the salmon eggs and milt mix. The
fertilized egg then settles into the redd (just below grade so that the
flow of the stream does not move the fertilized egg).
Female salmon release orange eggs. She may lay two to ten
thousand eggs. Each of these is about the size of a small pea.
Salmon eggs are rich in yolk - the material used as the food for the
developing fish.

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