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Jacob Wooten

Professor Hatton

Humanity 1130


Technology has affected many aspects of our lives today and in the past, with very little

things it has not. Of these things that it has, personal time and time we are working has been

influenced greatly. Let’s start with the time while we work. It doesn’t matter if you are a

construction worker, a school teacher, or an underwater wielder, your line of work has been

touched by technology. Construction worker used to drag cord around and use heavy, bulky

drills in order to screw down a door. Now they can use a battery-operated drill. They now have

the option to use an impact driver instead of the drill as well with advanced technology to

mechanically drive the screw down while turning it. Their drill or driver is much lighter than

their ancient corded ancestors, not to mention low profiled and with better ergonomics. They

now longer are tethered with a cord, and with battery advances in recent years, work up to 6

hours of continuous work on some mainstream battery options. Leisure time due to technology is

just as dramatic. Instead of having to setup a board table with the game of your choice and keep

track of all the cards, you can now play this on your smartphone. There is almost an unlimited

amount that you can install on your phone. You can play these games without needing to carry

around boxes and doesn’t require near as much space as the other board games. You also don’t

have to always have a person next to you to play. With the internet, you can play with people

around the world at a moment notice. With this you can discover new games and raise your skill

in these said games. Play games no longer takes hours. You can decide how long to play and
personally customize them. Not to mention the ability to create your own game through preset

game drafts.

I personally believe that technology’s greatest effect is in fact with work. Most of the

population would like if their job could be easier and quicker with less of their input involved. I

believe therefore we have adapted technology as we have. Not just because we think it’s cool,

but because it’s effective and it works in our benefit, people really seem to enjoy it. How would

the construction worker feel if the next day he had to go back to the older style equipment? It

would be light and day, he probably couldn’t even deal with it himself. Having a taste of it, he

would seek other jobs that had the newer technology. I think that’s a testament of just how much

technology has already influenced us. Whenever I personally use a new piece of technology, I

get excited and like to explore it in detail. It has become a vital part of our everyday live, without

it, who knows what would happen. Hopefully in 40 years we will see just how primitive the

technology of today is and see just how far we have come.

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