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MultiMedia Tools

Lesson Idea Name: Money

Content Area: Math
Grade Level(s): Kindergarten
Content Standard Addressed: CD-MA1.4b Recognizes numerals and uses counting as part of play and as a
means determine quantity.

Technology Standard Addressed: Knowledge Constructor

Selected Technology Tool:

☒ Movie (list application):
☐ Audio (list application):
☐ Other: (list)
URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☒ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☒ Analyzing ☒ Evaluating ☐ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Exploration ☐ Level 3: Infusion ☒ Level 4: Integration
☐ Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): The video ignites student’s curiosity while covering Kindergarten
standards. Discovery Education videos are school appropriate and great for furthering education on the topic
of money. The video supports different learning styles and engages all students such as visual learners and
auditory students. The video can be viewed as many times as needed to support a student’s learning.

Lesson idea implementation:

The video immerses students in the production. The video is a model that can act as a guide for the children’s
personal creations in the future. It stimulates activities as in the video, students will experience the coins
worth and counting equivalents. The video brings more information that is easier for students to consume in
a fun manner. The engagement with videos integrates the outside world into the classroom. For many
different learning types, the video will be easier to understand by all students.

I would introduce the lesson with the video. It would also be included on the home screen at computer
stations so the students can watch it over and over as needed. Other rotations in the station would have
activities reflecting the video of counting coins and exploring with them. With teacher support, children will
be able to create their own videos about money which will reflect what they have learned. The videos can be
shared in a classroom blog or app for caregivers and students to play at home.

Importance of technology: The multimedia provides a deeper understanding of the material. The brain can
make connections between verbal and visual representations of the content. It aids in higher-level thinking,
problem solving, and collaborative skills. Videos put student’s in better moods about learning which a positive
attitude equals proactive learning. For some students, the content is not available in their own life
experiences. Videos connect world exploration and provides access to a vast variety of information. This gives
children opportunities to lean about materials they have not experienced before.

Spring 2018_SJB
MultiMedia Tools

Internet Safety and Student Privacy: Discovery Education’s Privacy policy page explains how student privacy
and data security is taken very seriously. Personal information is safe and will not be sold to third parties.

Reflective Practice: The lesson will positively impact the students learning by engaging them through a video.
Introducing the content through a video engages the students in a fun way to learn. After centers and
experiences with money. Creating a classroom play store for students to buy and sell items and work with
money will put their learning in action.

Spring 2018_SJB

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