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La glandula pituitaria fabrica 7 hormona.

- The pituitary gland is composed of ty=wo (2) different parts: Anterior lobe and posterior
- Both are very different; sometimes we considerer that they are 2 different and
independent glands.
- The anterior lobe of Pituitary gland produce 7 main types of hormones. Some of them
are “TROPIC HORMONES” which stimulate other endocrine glands.
- It is not rare to refer to the “ANTERIOR LOBE” as the “MASTER GLAND” because its
hormones control the activities of the thyroids, adrenal cortex, ovaries and testes
glands, and in addition, regulates the growth of the entire body and performs others
important body’s functions.

Growth Hormone:
- Controls general body growth causing body cells to grown. It increments glucose
concentration in blood.
- Secretion of GH does not vary from childhood to adulthood and can be increased or
decreased within minutes in relation to the client’s nutrition status.
- Prolactin: Stimulates breast development during pregnancy and milk secretion of


- Acts on the skin pigmentation, especially after exposure to the sunlight, stimulation
synthesis and dispersion of melanin pigment on the skin.


- Stimulates the thyroid gland to increase secretion of thyroid hormones, which regulate
the body’s metabolism.


- Stimulates the Adrenal Cortex to increase in size and to secrete larger amounts of its


- (F) Stimulates ovaries to convert androgen to estrogen. (M) Stimulates testes to grow
and produce sperm.

LUTEINIZING HORMONE: LH (Tropic Hormone- pq estimula otras hormonas del Sistema

- (F) Increased LH secretion results in ovarian hyperactivity thus hyperandrogenism and
the development of hirsutism.
- (M) Stimulates testes to produce testosterone (es el androgeno mas fuerte)
Posterior lobe: Is an hypothalamus’s extension. Contains terminal ends of axons whose cells lie
within hypothalamus. This gland stores and deliveries two (2) hormones which are produced by
the hypothalamic neurons.
- OXYTOCIN: Stimulates uterus contradiction of the pregnant and is believed to initiate
and help maintain labor.
- ADH: Antidiurectic Hormone or Vasopressin: Prevents excessive urine production. ADH
in high concentration has a very potent effect of constricting arteries and increasing
blood pressure. (Ej de su excrecion, es cuando el cuerpo necesita hacer una hemostasia
por Perdida sanguinea para reestablecer la Perdida de presion y sangre)

THYROID GLAND: located in the neck secretes the following types of hormone:
- TRIIODOTYRONINE (T3): Contains 3 atoms of iodine (I) and
- THYROXINE (T4): Contains 4 atoms of Iodine.
T3 y T4 are known as thyroid hormones which have the main function of control the rate of
the all body cells metabolism.

- IODINE: is an essential element that enables the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones.

Especial cells of the thyroid gland, called C-cells, produce another hormone calcitonin, with
reduces the calcium level in the blood when it be too high.


- Are 4 small glands embedded in the posterior of the thyroid gland, 2 on each lobe which
produce Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) or Parathotmone.
- Plays a role in the regulation of calcium levels in the blood. Precise calcium levels are
important in the human body, since small deviations can cause muscle and nerve
- The PTH increases blood calcium level when it be too low.


- Are situated atop each kidney. Composed of the: Medulla and Cortex wich are so
different that often are considered 2 independent glands.
- The ADRENAL MEDULLA is called “The emergency gland”. It performs sympathetic
system’s similar functions.
- The ADRENAL MEDULLA together witch the sympathetic nervous system, control the
blood circulatory system.
- It produces, stores and delivers Epinephrine (Adrenaline – estimula la circulacion de la
sangre en gran medida).
- Adrenaline: is vital to prepare the way for a quick action in case of sudden dangers and
emergencies, prepare the body to fight and flight (pelear y volar). It is a neurohormone.


- Is the outer portion of the adrenal gland and secretes three different types of hormones
called Steroids which are synthesized from cholesterol. They are: -Mineralocorticoids. –
Glucocorticoids and – Sex hormones.
o Mineralocorticoides: Regulate concentration of electrolytes as sodium (NA) and
potassium (K), and – Maintain suitable volume of water in the body. (Main
hormones: Aldosterone – controla el potasio).
o Glucocorticoids: Increase glucose-level in the blood (If stress), - Reduce
inflammation within the body, and – Inhibit allergic responses. (Main hormones:
Cortisone or cortisol).
o Sex Hormones: For both sexes they are a source of estrogen (F hormone) and
androgens (M hormone). The proportion of these hormones determines the
individual’s secondary……….

- Who is located behind the stomach is a gland organ in the digestive and endocrine
system. Contain the scattered Islets of Langerhans which are microscopic groups of
alpha cells which secrete glucagon and beta cells which secrete insulin. Both the use and
storage of glucose.
- INSULIN is the only hormone that can decrease blood glucose concentation, while: -
Glucagon, - Growth Hormone, and – Cortisone increase it. (Together maintain an
adequate blood glucose level).

Ovaries secrete 2 types of F hormones and 1 type of M hormone:

- ESTROGEN: Primary female sex hormone.
o Female secondary sex characteristics
o Stimulates menstruation and ovulation.
- PROGESTERONE: female sex hormone
o Prepares female body for pregnancy
- ANDROGEN: Male sex hormone in minor quantity.

The testes are located within the scrotum and secrete:

- TESTOSTERONE: the stronges type of androgen, and
- ESTROGEN: in minor cantidad
- ANDROGEN: Circulate in the bloodstream bound mostly to SHBG (Sex Hormone-Binding
Globulin). Only a small fraction is “free”, and is able to activate the cells of the hair
follicle. If concentration of free androgen change, hair pattern change.
Intersticial cells in the testes secrete the male sex hormone called testosterone directly into
the blood. These cells of the testes are therefore the male endocrine glands.


- Testosterone production increases rapidly at age 11 – 13 and last throughout the

remainder of adult life.
- Testosterone increases body hair over the pubic region, face, chest, back and in other
places of the body.
- Testosterone decreases the growth of hair on the top of the head. A man who does not
have functioning testes does not usually become bald.
- Testosterone increases the thickness and robustness of the skin over the entire body
and increases the rate of secretion of the sebaceous glands, which may result in acne.
Therefore acne is a common problem in adolescence.

- Lies at the exact center of the brain which it is associated.
- The pineal gland produces a number of hormones in very small quantities, with
melatonin being the most significant.
- Melatonin: Inhibits the hormones that affect the ovaries (FSH and Lh). Melatonin levels
increase during the day, therefore it helps to regulate the sleep cycles and theses
variations is thourght to be an important timekeeping mechanism for the body’s
internal clock.

The thymus Gland

- Is located atop the heart. This gland plays a critical part in the body’s defendense against
infections, it is composed largely of lymphocytes (white blood cells).
- The homone thymosin has been isolated from thymus tissue and is actually a group of
several hormones that together play an important role in the development and function
of the body’s immune system.


Hyposecretion, Hypersecretion and Abnormal responsiveness from target cells leads to
abnormal concentration of hormones in the blood stream, which may leads to: -health
disorders, - endocrine system imbalances or to, exccesive hair groeth.

(**insulina distribui la glucose en la sangre)

- Glands disorders, hormonal disturbances or endocrine system imbalances are linked to

excessive hair growth.


- Dwarfism: Patient of age 20 may look like age 7 years. This is caused by under secretion
of growth hormone.
- Gigantism (Symmetric Acromegaly): Caused by over secretion of GH before puberty.
Patients grow to be 8-9 feet tall.
- Acromegaly: (Asymmetric Acromegaly): Caused by over secretion of GH after puberty.
Bones grown in width, not legth. Big hands, feet, face and spine.
Disease involving THYROXINE (T4)
- Hypothyroidism: occurs when the thyroid does not make enough T4. This causes many
of the body’s functions to slow down.
- Most common causes of hypothyroidism: - Deficient intake of iodine (Goiter) and, Low
levels of TSH (no goiter).
- GOITER: is an abnormally enlarged thyroid gland, present in hypothyroidism &
hyperthyroidism resulted from deficiency or excess of iodine in the diet.

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