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wat taip ev treicibility yuu going tu juz acording your projekt?

a) wi wil be a compani that an loyalti end rileichenchips wit coustumers sou daded
junion wit cliend is crieidied ,provaiding oll informeichon ebaut de prauses as wel
as atenchion tu it product transfer end clarifikeinchon of daouts

b. wat olternetiv wei ar yu going tu implement regarding yur pradjeck ?alternitiv

of automaic treisibility wit pradjeck koud (i-pi-si) wil bi implemented wer
altought e hai investment is necesari dis wil bi recovered shortli afterwards, di
aidia is tat pepol jab di imprechien tat di compani spendz a lot an saidis sfaiin

c. wich Benefits wil di imple mented trese biliti would brind te jer pradjeckt ?
Treisi biliti wil help mi sou dad kastemerz ken salv er dauts, nou hau, wen, wer
deir merchen daiz wil e raiv, it fe sile teits le llistiks proceses a voids mis
teiks end alsou allauz errers end set baks tu bi ri zalved mor izeli

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