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I. Very Short answer type questions:

1. What is phrase?

A. A group of words that are used together .

2. Define Visual perception?

A. Visual perception is the brain’s ability to make sense of what we see through
our eyes. For example, completing partially drawn pictures with visual perception
whereas they may be
Something else.

3. Write Advantages of verbal communication?

A. Verbal communication is easy and quick. One can say what you want and get a
quick response. It is an easier form of communication when you have to exchange
ideas. You keep changing your communication as per the other person’s reply.


A. Hand movements (gestures) and body language

• Raising a hand to greet
• Pointing your finger in anger
• Smiling to show happiness
• Making a sad face when you are upset

5.What is noun?

A . Nouns are words that refer to a person, place thing or idea.

6.What are the type of objects?

A. they are two types

direct object, indirect object.

7.Define paragraph?

A. A group of sentences forms a paragraph.

8. What is full form of SMS?

A. SMS (Short Message Service ).

9. What is communication feed back?

A. The observation of the receiver’s response is called feedback. In other words,

the part of the receiver’s response communicated back to the sender is called

II. Short Answer Questions:

1. What is Commuication Skills ?

A. Communication skills are those skills which are needed to speak and write
properly. A person who is able to speak appropriately by maintaining eye
contact with the audience, uses varied vocabulary. Similarly, an effective
writer should be able to use written words in various styles and techniques to
communicate his/her message and ideas to the readers. One should have the
ability to listen carefully and write and speak clearly in any situation.
Therefore good reading, writing, speaking and listening skills are essential
for effective communication


A. Effective communication can happen if we follow the basic principles of
professional communication skills. These can be abbreviated as 7 Cs, i.e., Clear,
Concise, Concrete, Correct,
➢ COHERENT, Complete and Courteous.
➢ CLEAR: Be clear about what you want to say.
➢ CONCISE: Use simple words and say only what is needed.
➢ CONCRETE: Use exact words and phrases.
➢ CORRECT: Use correct spellings, language and grammar.
➢ COHERENT: Your words should make sense and should be related to the
main topic.
➢ COMPLETE: Your message should have all the needed information.
➢ COURTEOUS: Be respectful, friendly and honest.

3. Write something about public speaking?

A. Speaking in front of a large group makes most people nervous. You can use the
3Ps (Prepare, Practice, Perform) method to get over your fears, and become a
confident and effective speaker.
PREPARE: Think about your topic Think about what your listeners need to know
about the topic Think about the best way to make your listeners understand your
topic Write what you plan to say.
PRACTICE: Practice by yourself first, talk in front of a mirror Talk in front of
your family and friends and ask them what they think Speak clearly, loudly and at
the right speed (not very fast nor very slow)
PERFORM: Take a few deep breaths if you are feeling nervous Think about what
you have prepared and start speaking confidently.

4.write a short notes on eye contact and Paralanguage?

A .Eye Contact Maintaining an eye contact •Look at the person who is

with the person you are speaking
talking indicates interest, • Keep a relaxed, pleasant
whereas, looking away can look
make the other person feel •Break the look every few
ignored. seconds
Paralanguage Paralanguage is the tone of • Use a proper tone and
our voice, speed and volume while speaking
volume that makes a • Maintain a moderate rate
difference in the meaning (speed) of talking
of the communication.
Speaking too fast may
show excitement or
nervousness. Speaking too
slow may show
seriousness, sadness or
making a point.
5. what is visual communication?

A. Another important method of communication is visual communication, which

involves sending and understanding messages only through images or pictures. The
main advantage of this type of communication is that you do not need to know any
particular language for understanding it. It is simple, easy to understand and
remains same across different places.

EX: Traffic Lights—Red for Stop; Yellow for Wait and Green for Go

No Parking

Sign showing railway crossing

6 . Give example of active voice and passive voice?


7. What is MINTS. Explain briefly about word ‘MINTS’?

A. MINTS is a set of simple rules that help you capitalize words correctly. Each
letter in the word MINTS refers to one capitalization rule as shown below figure:

Alphabet M I N T S
What it Months The letter Names Titles Starting
shows: letter of
Rule Capitalise Capitalise Capitalise Capitalise Capitalise
the the the the the first
first letter letter ‘I’ first letter first letter letter in
in when in in every
all the it is used the names the titles sentence.
names to of used
of months begin a people, before
word places people’s
and days. name.
Example I will go to I play This Dr Shah The cat
college in tennis Tuesday, and ran
June. with him Vidya will Mr Patel out of the
every day. be work house
in together.

III. Easy Answer Questions:

1. Explain about Parts of Speech?

A. A. There are eight basic parts of speech in the English language. These are
noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction and
interjection. The part of speech indicates how the word functions in meaning
as well as grammatically within the sentence.
B. A noun is a word for a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns are often used
with an article (the, a, an), but not always. A pronoun is a word used in
place of a noun. A verb expresses action or being. An adjective modifies or
describes a noun or pronoun. An adverb modifies or describes a verb, an
adjective, or another adverb. A preposition is a word placed before a noun or
pronoun to form a phrase modifying another word in the sentence. A
conjunction joins words, phrases or clauses. An interjection is a word used
to express emotion. You should be able to use these parts of the speech in
making sentences.
C. The different types of words we use in sentences are called parts of speech.
Some examples are nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs, as
shown below:
2. Tell something about parts of a sentence and types?
A. Parts of a sentence
all English sentences have a subject and a verb. Some also have an object.
A subject is the person or thing that does an action.
A verb describes the action. Object is the person or thing that receives the
action. For example, read a loud the simple sentence “Divya reads a book”. Let us
see the different parts of the sentence in
Types of sentences
Active and passive sentences
1. Sanjay broke the glass.
2. The glass was broken by Sanjay.

The action (verb) in both the sentences is breaking of the glass. But the ‘subject’ of
both sentences is different. In the first sentence, the subject (Sanjay) does the
action. In
the second sentence, the subject (the glass) receives the action.
IV True or false:.

1. Keep your face relaxed is comes under non verbal communication (true).
2. Is coherent is a visual communication (false).
3. Is oral or Spoken Communication is a type a verbal communication (true).
4. Classroom teaching, business discussion and public speeches are other
examples of written communication (false).
5. Using email to share news, thoughts, documents and files (including photos,
videos, music, etc.). Can be used to send messages to a person or to a group.

V. Fill in the blanks:

1. Verbal communication is easy and …………. .(Quick)

2. Did you …………. your project (work on)
3. Abdul ………. gift to his mother (gave a )
4. I love going to school and ……….. new lessons( learning).
5. My school has a playground where I play cricket with my……….(friends)

VI. Multiple choice questions:

Read the questions carefully and circle the letter (a),(b), (c) or (d) that best
answers the

1. Identify the subject in the sentence, “The children played football.” (a)
(a) The children
(b) Children played
(c) Played
(d) Football

2. Identify the object in the sentence, “The children played football.” (b)
(a) The children
(b) Children played
(c) Played
(d) Football

3. Which of these sentences has both indirect and direct objects? (d)
(a) I am watching TV.
(b) She bought a blue pen.
(c) The girls played cricket.
(d) He wrote his sister a letter.

4. Which of these sentences is in passive voice? (b)

(a) They are watching a movie.
(b) The clock was repaired by Raju.
(c) He is sleeping in the room.
(d) My pet dog bit the postman.

5.Which of the following behaviors are part of active listening? (d)

a. maintain eye contact

b. nodding and making eye contact.
c. asking for clarification
d. all of the above.
6.Evaluative listening is successful when we: (c)

a. accurately distinguish stimuli in a message.

b. understand the intended meaning of a message.
c. make critical assessments of the accuracy of the facts in a message.
d. all of the above.

. 7. According to your text (d)

a. There can be many correct definitions for communication.

b. Every definition is partially right and partially wrong.
c. Each definition lets us see a phenomenon in a slightly different way.
d. All of the above


Match the following phrases given under column A with their meanings under
column B

1. Column A Column B
a) Put on for 1) Remove
b) Look for 2) Extinguish
c) Take off 3) Search
d) Put off 4) wear

A.1 2 3 4
B. 3 2 1 4
C. 4 3 1 2
D. 4 2 3 1

Answer- C. 4 3 1 2
2. Column A Column B
a) Plenty of 1) regret
b) Worry about 2) a lot of
c) In a half 3) rest
d) Take a vacation 4) in anger

A. 2143
B. 3124
C. 4231
D. 1423

Answer- A. 2 1 4 3

3. Column A Column B
a) Lazy 1) deep admiration
b) Shouted 2) unwilling to work
c) Learn 3) speak loudly
d) Respect 4) acquire knowledge
A. 3 1 4 2
B. 2 4 1 3
C. 2 3 4 1
D. 4 1 3 2

Answer- C 2 3 4 1

4. Column A Column B

a) 1. Classroom teaching

b) 2. Face-to-face conversation:
c) 3. Talking on a phone

A. 123
B. 213
C. 321
D. 231

Answer- D. 2 3 1

5. Column A Column B

a) Touch 1.

b)Writing letters,
notes, email, etc.


c) Gestures or Body Language 3.

d)Facial Expression 4.

A. 1234
B. 2143
C. 3142
D. 4321

Answer- B. 2 1 4 3

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