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Current Address
Contact details

THE German Embassy

New Delhi, India (change according to your need)

Dear Sir or Madam,

Re: Application for jobseeker visa to GERMANY

You will introduce yourself… Give details about your education and jobs… Where you studied ? when?
When you started job ? till when?

You will give info about your language. Where you studied german. Form when to when? When did you
clear your language exam ? Which level certificate do you have?

Tell something about your work and experience in India. What procedures you know… which cases you
have seen… etc.. just general idea in two or three lines may be…

Why are you contacting german embassy ? What is the reason/purpose of visit? Why Germay?

What will you do in Germany? How will you apply?

For how many months do you need visa?(six months)

I am working and will work sincerely to improve my language skills.

If my search for job will not workout properly and I can’t find it within given timing; I will return to
India, and join some Hospital for further opportunities. (This is important to write, just use different
words and keep the same meaning!)

Do not copy any lines.. This is just to get a concept of letter.

Please find enclosed the following documents to support my visa application:

List all documents here… It will help you to find them out afterwards

I trust you will find that everything is in order, but please feel free to contact me should you need any
additional details or documents.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Yours sincerely,

Your name
Current address
Contact details

If your permenant address is different, you can write it here

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