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WANTED: A CHAPERON FRANCISCO (Without looking at him). What?

Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero ROBERTING. Father-

To the memory of Amalia B. Reyes FRANCISCO. Well?

First Performance: The Filipino Players, under
the author’s direction, at St. Cecilia’s Hall, ROBERTING. Father-
November 21, 1940
ROBERTING. Well, you see it's like this-
DON FRANCISCO (the father)
FRANCISCO. Like what?
DOÑA PETRA (the mother)
ROBERTING. It's not easy to explain, Father
NENA (their daughter)
FRANCISCO. If it isn't then come back when
ROBERTING (their son) I'm through with the paper

DOÑA DOLORES ROBERTING. Better now, Father. It's about-

FRED (her son)
FRANCISCO. Money! What money?
FRANCISCO (the servant)
ROBERTING. Well, you see-
PABLO (the mayordomo)
FRANCISCO (imitating his tone). Well, you
__________GROUP 6________________ see-I'm busy!

TIME : One Sunday morning, at about eleven. ROBERTING. I need money.

SCENE: The living-room. Simply furnished. A FRANCISCO (Dropping the paper). Need
window on the right. At the rear, a corridor. A money! Aren't you working already?
door on the left Sofa, chairs, etc. at the
discretion of the director. ROBERTING. Yes, but-it isn't enough.

FRANCISCO. How much are you earning?

When the curtain rises, DON FRANCISCO,
about sixty, is seen sitting on the sofa, smoking ROBERTING. Eight hundred, Father.
a cigar He wears a nice-looking lounging robe.
Presently ROBERTING, his twenty-year old FRANCISCO. Eight hundred! Why, you're
son, good-looking, well-dressed, enters. He earning almost as much as your father!
wants to ask something from his father, but
before he gathers enough courage, he maneuvers ROBERTING. You don't understand, Father.
about the stage and clears his throat several
times before he finally approaches him. FRANCISCO. Humph! I don't understand!

ROBERTING (Clearing his throat). Ehem- ROBERTING. Don't misunderstand me, Father.
FRANCISCO. Aba! You just said I don't
FRANCISCO (Looking up briefly). Ehem understand-that means I'm not capable of
understanding. Now you say not to
ROBERTING. -Father- misunderstand you-meaning I'm capable of
understanding pala. Make up your mind, FRANCISCO. Aba! How ilustrada you are,
Roberting! Petra!

ROBERTING. You see, Father, what I'm PETRA. (To ROBERTING). You're not going
driving at I~ I want-er -I want-my old to get a centavo.
ROBERTING. But, Mother-
FRANCISCO (jumping). Diablos! You want
your old allowance! You’re working and earning PETRA If you've no money to ride in a taxi,
eight hundred, you don't pay me a single centavo take a jeepney.
for your board and lodging in my house-and
now you re asking for your old allowance! ROBERTING. Jeepney to visit a girl! Ay!

ROBERTING. I have so many expenses, Father. PETRA.. (imitating him). Ay what?

(ROBERTING goes out mumbling.)
FRANCISCO. How much have you got saved
up in the bank? PETRA. (Calling). Francisco!

ROBERTING. How can I save anything? FRANCISCO. Ha?

FRANCISCO. So you have nothing in the bank! PETRA. I'm calling the servant!
What kind of gifts do you give your girl-friend?
FRANCISCO. Demontres with that Servant!
ROBERTING (Embarrassed). I-I- Having the same name as the owner of the
Twenty-or thirty-peso flowers? (ROBERTING PETRA. I'm going to kick him out soon. He
nods again.) Que hombre este! When I was broke your plate again.
courting your mother I used to give her only
mani or balut. FRANCISCO. Again! I don't know why he
always breaks my plates. He never breaks your
(DONA PETRA, about fifty-five,. enters and plates, or Roberting's, or Nena's. No, he breaks
catches his last words.) only my plates?

PETRA. Yes, I remember quite well, If you only (FRANCISCO, the servant, enters. He is a dark,
knew what my mother used to say after you used tall, thin boy. He looks foolish and is. He has his
to give me mani or balut. "Ka kuriput naman!" mouth open all the time.)
she'd say.
SERVANT. Opo, senora.
FRANCISCO. Pero, Petra, this son of ours is
earning eight hundred. He doesn't give us a PETRA. Did you make that sign I told you?
centavo for house expenses, and on top of that
he's asking for his old allowance. Where in the SERVANT. The one you told me to make?
world have you heard such a thing?
PETRA. (Emphatically). Of course!
PETRA I know a place where the children work
and don't give their-parents any money and still SERVANT. The one you told me to write:
ask for their allowance. "Wanted: a Muchacho?"

FRANCISCO. Were? PETRA. (irritated). Yes, Don Francisco!

PETRA. In the Philippines. FRANCISCO. Ha?

PETRA. I'm talking to the servant. Well, did you
do it? PETRA. Are you through with that? So soon?

SERVANT. No, senora. I didn't make it yet. SERVANT. I finished it last night, senora.

PETRA. Last night!

_____________GROUP 5_________________
PETRA. And why not? SERVANT. Opo, señora, but I forgot where I
placed it.
SERVANT. I forgot how it should be worded. I
suddenly remember now., PETRA. Estupido itong taong ito! Let me see it.
(She takes hold Of the sign, reads aloud.)
PETRA. Que estupido! Hala, go out and make it Wanted: A Muchacho." All right, hang it out
immediately! (SERVANT goes out.) there at the window. (The SERVANT hangs it
out side the window sill but with the sign facing
FRANCISCO. Where's Nena? inside.) I said outside-not inside!

PETRA. Asleep in her room. FRANCISCO. Ay, Francisco, he had to be my

namesake! (The SERVANT, after placing the
FRANCISCO. At this time? It's eleven o'clock. sign, stays by the window, making signs and
faces to somebody outside.)
PETRA Anyhow it's Sunday.
PETRA. As I was saying. Francisco--
FRANCISCO. Has she heard Mass?
FRANCISCO. Were you talking to me, Petra, or
PETRA. I suppose she did at four to the servant?

FRANCISCO, And so Nena went to the party PETRA (Addressing the SERVANT).
last night without a chaperon? Francisco! What are you still doing here? Go
back to the kitchen! (SERVANT goes out.)
PETRA. It was the first time.
FRANCISCO. You were saying, Petra-
FRANCISCO. I hope nothing happened.
PETRA. As I was saying, I think you're being
PETRA. What could have happened? We very unfair to Nena. After all, she's grown up
discussed this already yesterday.
FRANCISCO. Petra, my dear, virtue is ageless.
FRANCISCO. Yes, I know, but imagine a
Filipino girl going to a party without a chaperon. PETRA. I know that, Francisco, but chaperoning
is rather old-fashioned.
PETRA. After all, she didn't go out with Fred
alone. She went with her friends, Lolita and FRANCISCO. Old-fashioned, maybe, in some
Luding. other civilized countries.

FRANCISCO. Yes, those two girls, since they PETRA. But isn't the Philippines civilized?
arrived from abroad, they've been trying to teach
our daughter all the wrong things they learned FRANCISCO. In many ways, yes,-but in some
from those places. ways it's uncivilized.

PETRA. Wrong things? Ay, you exaggerate, PETRA. Ay. Francisco, if Saturnino Balagtas,
Francisco! our great patriot, should hear you now!

(FRANCISCO, the servant enters with a sign in

his hands.)
FRANCISCO. Where did you get the idea that FRANCISCO. Hoy- you!
Balagtas' first name is Saturnino? You mean
Francisco. SERVANT. Yes, senorito.

PETRA. Saturnino-Francisco-both end in o. FRANCISCO. I'm married to the senora,

therefore I'm not the senorito anymore, but the
FRANCISCO. Yes, that's why when you call out senor, understand?
my name, Francisco the muchacho rushes in.
SERVANT. Opo, senorito.
PETRA. Anyhow our women can take care of
themselves., FRANCISCO. I'm going to change your name.
From now on you'll be called Francis.
FRANCISCO. Are you sure?
SERVANT. Francis, po?
PETRA. Especially if they've received an
education. For instance, our Nena is, in her FRANCISCO. Yes, Francis, understand?
senior year in education at the University of
Santo Tomas. She's even taking some courses in SERVANT. Why not Paquito, senor? Or Paco or
home economics. Francisquito?

FRANCISCO. I suppose that makes her immune FRANCISCO. Because I don't want it! Now get
from any moral falls. out!

PETRA. Moral falls, Francisco! Ay, que (SERVANT goes out. ROBERTING comes in.)
exagerada naman tu! No,. what I mean is that
Nena is better educated and more enlightened to ROBERTING. Father, I couldn't get a taxi.
take care of herself.
FRANCISCO. Your mother told you to take a
FRANCISCO. (Annoyed). This Petra naman! jeepney.
You don't see the point. Education, even a
university education, with all the letters of the ROBERTING. But I'm visiting my girl-friend.
alphabet after a graduate's name AB, BSE LLB,
PhD, is not moral education. Training the mind FRANCISCO. Visiting girls at this time of the
is not training the heart. day? It's nearly lunch time

PETRA. But if the mind is trained, why, the ROBERTING. She called me up. She says I
heart will be ruled by the mind. must see her, right away. It's very important.

FRANCISCO. No, Petra, if a person is FRANCISCO. Roberting, you went to the party
intellectual, it doesn't ipso facto make' him last night?
ROBERTING. Yes, Father, with Lia.
PETRA. Ipso facto. That's very. deep for me
naman, Francisco. FRANCISCO. You went to the party
FRANCISCO. Very deep! Our daughter Nena
will fall in deep water if you don't watch out! PETRA. Does Roberting need a chaperon?

PETRA (Exaggeratedly, just like a woman). Ay, FRANCISCO. I'm not talking about Roberting!
you're so apprehensive, Francisco,. (The I'm talking about the girl he took out!
SERVANT rushes in.)
PETRA. Well, if you're going to lose your
SERVANT. Did you call me, senora? temper, I might as well be in the kitchen. (She
goes out.)
ROBERTING. Yes, Father. SERVANT. Yes, senorito.

FRANCISCO. Yes, what? FRANCISCO. No, no, my son Roberting here is

the senorito, but I'm the senor! See who is
ROBERTING. I took Lia to the party alone. knocking. Tell him to sit down.

(SERVANT goes out. ROBERTING and

____________GROUP 4_________________ FRANCISCO go to their rooms. Presently
SERVANT comes in, followed by PABLO. He
FRANCISCO. You young modern people. Do is a fat, dark fellow. He is all dressed up-- wears
you realize that in my time when I was courting a tie and everything He smokes a cigar. PABLO
your mother, her father, her mother, her three and the SERVANT stare at each other, the
sisters, her young brother., her grandmother, five SERVANT open-mouthed as usual.)
first cousins and two distant relatives sat in the
sala with us? SERVANT. what do you want?

ROBERTING. But why so many, Father? PABLO What do I want? Haven't you got any
FRANCISCO, Because in those days we were
more careful about a woman's reputation. SERVANT. I said whom do you want to we?

ROBERTING. But in those days- PABLO. Why don't you speak more dearly?.

FRANCISCO. Don't tell me those days were SERVANT. What shall I tell the owner of the
different. Outward things change, like the styles hour?
of women's dresses and men's ties, but the
human heart remains the same. PABLO. Who's the owner of the house?

ROBERTING. But in other countries, Father- SERVANT. The senora, of course.

FRANCISCO. There you go, in other countries. PABLO. Why, is she a widow?
The Philippines is different, my son. Our
climate, our traditions, our innate psychology-- SERVANT. Not yet.
all these make our people different from
foreigners. PABLO. Tell your senora I want to see her.

ROBERTING. But my girl friend has studied SERVANT. Which senora?

abroad-- Columbia University pa. Filipino girls
who have studied in other countries acquire the PABLO. How many senoras do you have In this
outward customs and mannerisms of people with home?
traditions and temperament different from ours.
But a Filipino girl can't easily change her SERVANT. There's senora Petra, senorita Nena-
temperament. It is inborn. (A knock is heard.)
PABLO. Gago! Call senora Petra then.
FRANCISCO. Somebody's at the door.
Francisc-er-Francis! Francis! SERVANT. Opo. Sit down. Here are some
ROBERTING. Who's Francis? (SERVANT goes out. PABLO, looking about,
gets one cigar-then a second--when about to get
FRANCISCO. The servant. I gave him a new a third, PETRA comes in.)
name. (Calling again.) Paquito! (No answer)
Francisquito! (The SERVANT tip pears. PETRA. Yes?
FRANCISCO stares at him.)
PABLO. Good morning.
PABLO. A mayordomo. You know-
PETRA. Good morning.
PETRA. Oh. You mean-?
PABLO. I saw that sign at the window.
PABLO. Yes, that's what I mean.
PETRA (After giving him a dirty look). Well,
PABLO. It says "Wanted: A Muchacho." for a minute I mistook you for an hacendero or a
movie actor.
PETRA. Why, yes. Are you by any chance a
detective? PABLO. That's right. I don't look like a
muchacho~ er-mayordomo My mother always
PABLO. (Giggling). You flatter me, senora! A used to say I would amount to something.
girl told me now that I am very good-looking. (Cupping his hand towards PETRA's ears.)
Confidentially, my mother wanted me to marry
PETRA. Really? That is very interesting. one of the President's daughters.

PABLO.Women sometimes tell the sweetest PETRA. President's daughters? You mean the
lies. President of the Philippines?

PETRA. Do you mind if- PABLO. Yes, why not? Is there anything wrong
in that?
PABLO. Of course I don't mind. Go ahead and
ask any questions PETRA. And you wish to work here as a-er-as a
PETRA. Do you mind if I ask what I can do you
– PABLO. That's it!

PABLO (Blushing). I'm applying- PETRA. What can you do?

PETRA. Applying for what? PABLO. I can watch the house when you're out,
accompany the children, if you've any, to the
PABLO (After mustering enough courage). I’m movies or to parties.
applying for the job!
PETRA. What else?
PETRA. What job?
PABLO. I can do many other things. I can even
PABLO (Pointing at the sign outside, sing.
significantly). That.
PETRA. Never mind your social
PETRA (Looking towards the sign and at accomplishments. What's your name?
PABLO. Incredulous). You mean-
PABLO. I was baptized Marcelino, but my
PABLO (Joyfully). Yes, I'm offering my mother calls me Pablo because I remind her of
services her brother who spent two years jail. But my
friends that is, my intimate friends. call me Paul.
PETRA. You mean-you wish to be a muchacho?
PETRA. I'll pay you eighty pesos. including
PABLO. I wish you wouldn't be so insulting, board and lodging.
senora, but I want to be what they call in Europe
a mayordomo. PABLO (Jumping). I'll take the job! (PETRA
stands up and looks at him frigidly.)
PETRA. A what?
PETRA. Good. You Can start by washing the FRANCISCO. Undoubtedly. You must be a man
dishes. of means.

PABLO. The dishes! But it's time for lunch. PABLO. Of means? Well, sort of- Hm, I wonder
Haven't the dishes you used for breakfast been what's delaying Francisco.
washed yet?
FRANCISCO. Francisco? I am Francisco.
______________GROUP 3____________
PABLO (Laughing). You are Francisco?
PETRA. No, because our servant Francisco
always breaks the plates. So I told him this FRANCISCO. Yes.
morning after breakfast not to wash them yet.
PABLO. Well, if you're Francisco, the senora
PABLO. I wish I had come after the dishes had told me to ask you for the instructions.
been washed.
FRANCISCO. Instructions? What kind of
PETRA. All right, ask Francisco for instructions?
PABLO. I suppose she meant the instructions
(PETRA goes out. PABLO lights a cigar and for washing the dishes and all that sort of thing
throughout the following scene drops the ashes
everywhere. FRANCISCO enters.) FRANCISCO (Puzzled). Dishes-all that sort of
thing? What do you mean?
FRANCISCO. Oh, good morning. Have you
been waiting long? PABLO. Aren't you the servant here?

PABLO Staring at him insolently). No, I just FRANCISCO (Flabbergasted). Servant! I am the
talked to the senora. owner of the house!

FRANCISCO. Oh, yes. why don't you sit down? PABLO (Jumping). Oh-the owner! Excuse me!
(Gliding away.) I suppose this is the way to the
PABLO. I will. (And PABLO sprawls kitchen! (He runs out to the kitchen)
Cleopatra-like on the sofa.)
FRANCISCO. Petra! Petra! (He exits, PETRA
FRANCISCO. Did you come on some business? enters and arranges the chairs. NENA comes in.
NENA is about eighteen, and she's wearing a
PABLO. Business? Oh, business of a sort. nice-looking Pair of slacks. She obviously has
just risen from bed for she keeps yawning
FRANCISCO. That's good. atrociously.)

PABLO. That's a nice lounging robe you're NENA. Where’s the Sunday paper?
PETRA. Oh, so you're awake. How was the
FRANCISCO. You like it? party last night?

PABLO. I certainly am going to buy one exactly NENA. (Sitting on sofa). So-so. Mother, where's
like that the movie page?

FRANCISCO. Thank you. Imitation, they say, is PETRA. Probably your brother Roberting is
the subtlest form of flattery. looking at it. -(FRANCISCO enters.)

PABLO. Of course mine will be more FRANCISCO. You're awake at last. Have you
expensive. had breakfast?
PETRA. Breakfast when it's nearly twelve?
ROBERTIlNG. Anyhow I can see her this
FRANCISCO. How was the party? afternoon. Incidentally I met Fred's mother a
short while ago.
NENA. So-so. (FRANCISCO looks for some
cigars on the table.) NENA. Fred's mother?

FRANCISCO. Aba! Where are the cigars, Petra? ROBERTING. She was near Martini's taxi
PETRA. Why, I placed half a dozen there this
morning! PETRA. What were you doing at the taxi
FRANCISCO. Half a dozen! I've smoked only
one s6 far! FRANCISCO. Trying to get a taxi on credit, I
PETRA. I wonder.
ROBERTING. Anyhow Fred's mother-
FRANCISCO. Hm- I'm wondering, too!
NENA. What about her?
NENA. (Standing and yawning). I'm still sleepy.
ROBERTING. She said she was coming today.
FRANCISCO. Wait a minute, Nena. Sit down.
PETRA. What for?
NENA. What is it, Father?
ROBERTING. She didn't tell me.
FRANCISCO. So you went to the party alone
last night? FRANCISCO. Fred's mother? You mean the
young fellow Nena went out with last night?
PETRA. This Francisco naman! I told you she
was out with Fred. ROBERTING Yes, Father.

FRANCISCO. Anyhow I hope that’s the first NENA Did she say why she was coming?
and last time you go to a party unchaperoned.
ROBERTING. No.. But she seemed sore at me.
NENA. But there's nothing wrong, Father. After In fact she seemed sort at you, too, Father.
all I’m an educated girl. (NENA yawns so
desperately that she looks like an acrobat. FRANCISCO. At me?
PETRA and FRANCISCO stare at each other.)
ROBERTING (Imitating Dolores' voice) . She
PETRA. Yes, Francisco. She can take care of said, "Tell your father Kiko I'm going to see
herself. Can't you see she's educated? him!"
(FRANCISCO gulps and wonders if his wife is
crazy. ROBERTING enters.) FRANCISCO. She called me Kiko?

ROBERTING. (To NENA.) So you're awake! ROBERTING. Yes—

How was the party last night?
FRANCISCO. Didn't she say Don Kiko at least?
NENA. So-so.
ROBERTING. No. She simply said Kiko.
FRANCISCO. Why are you here?
FRANCISCO. Aba! (PABLO's head is seen
ROBERTING. I couldn't hire a taxi. No money. sticking out by the door)

PETRA. I told you to take a jeepney.

PABLO (Shouting at the top of his lungs).
Dinner is served! PABLO. (Threatening him with the cigar he
holds) Don't let me catch you using that word
FRANCISCO. Hay! Don't shout that loud! again!
(PABLO exits.)
SERVANT. Soplado! (PETRA enters.)
ROBERTING. Who's he, Mother?
PETRA. What are you two doing here? Don't
___________GROUP 2______________ you know we're already eating? (PABLO and
SERVANT go out. Presently NENA comes in
PETRA. The new mayordomo. and goes to the window She sees somebody
coming, and runs out. Several knocks are heard.
ROBERTING. Mayor what? PABLO is seen crossing the corridor Then
PABLO enters first trying to cover his face,
PETRA. He's the new servant! followed by DONA DOLORES, a fat arrogant
woman of forty, wearing the Filipina dress and
(They all go out. But NENA lingers for a. while, sporting more jewels than a pawn shop. Her
and there's an expression of worry on her face. twenty-year-old son FRED follows hen FRED is
Then she exits. PABLO and the SERVANT so dumb 'and as dumb-looking nobody would
come in.) believe it. PABLO is still trying to hide his
DOLORES (Fanning herself vigorously).
PABLO. What do you mean hay? My name is Where's Dona Petra?
Pablo. You may call me Paul.
PABLO. She's eating. Sit down.
SERVANT. My name is Francisco. The senor
calls me Francis, but I prefer Paquito. I once had DOLORES. Call the senora-and 'mind your own
another amo who used to call me Frankie. business! (Recognizing him.) Che! So it's you!
You-you! Working here! How much are you
PABLO. What do you. want? earning?

SERVANT. The senora wants you in the dining PABLO (Insolently). Why?
DOLORES. After treating you so well at home
PABLO. What for? as a muchacho, now you come to work here
without even leaving me a farewell note. Che!
SERVANT. To serve the dishes.
PABLO (With arms akimbo). I'm not a
PABLO. That's your job. I'm not a muchacho! muchacho! I am a mayordomo!
I'm a mayordomo!
DOLORES. Mayordomo! Mayor tonto! Che!
SERVANT. Didn't you. answer that sign over i(PABLO, who is now all sprinkled with
there at the window-"Wanted: A Muchacho"? DOLORES' saliva, gets his handkerchief.
PABLO. Yet why?
PETRA. You may go, Paul.
SERVANT. Then you're a muchacho, like me!
DOLORES. Paul? (PABLO leaves.)
PABLO. (Threatening him with his fist) I want
you to understand that I am not a muchacho! PETRA. Good morning.

SERVANT. Hal You look like a common FRANCISCO. You wanted to see me?
muchacho to me
DOLORES. Yes! You and Petra! FRANCISCO. Nena, this lad? wants to talk to
PETRA. Won't you sit down?
DOLORES (Nudging FRED). Tell her!
DOLORES. I'd rather remain standing! Che?
FRED Ten: her what?
FRANCISCO. This-this is your son Fred, I
imagine. PETRA What is all the mystery about?

DOLORES. Don't imagine-He is my son! DOLORES (Ominously). My son-and your

PETRA. Ah! So he is your son!
FRANCISCO. They went to the patty last night,
DOLORES. Supposing he is- what's that to you? didn't they?.

FRANCISCO. I was just thinking he doesn't DOLORES. Of course they went to the party.
look a bit like you. But how did they go?

DOLORES. Certainly not. He's the spitting FRANCISCO. Has your son a car? Maybe they
image of my third husband! went in his ear.

PETRA. Do sit down. DOLORES. My son has a car, and it's all paid
for. But that isn't the point!
DOLORES. Are you trying to insult me by
implying I've no chairs at home? Che! FRANCISCO. What's the point then?

FRANCISCO. What can we do for you? DOLORES. That's what I came to find out!

DOLORES (Pointing to FRED). Ask him! PETRA. Nena, what happened?

PETRA What is it, Fred? NENA. Happened?

FRED (Pointing to his mother). Ask her! DOLORES. Yes, last night!

FRANCISCO. Speak up; my son! NENA. What happened?

DOLORES. Your son!. Your son, eh? So you DOLORES. I'm asking you!
and your daughter Nena have designs on my
son, eh? Well, you won't hook him! PETRA. What happened, Nena?

PETRA. What are you. talking about? NENA. Why. nothing, Mother

FRANCISCO. Call Nena! (Aloud) Nena! Nena! PETRA. Nothing?

(ROBERTING appears.) Roberting, call Nena!
(ROBERTING goes out.) NENA. Nothing, Mother

FRANCISCO. If you don't mind, I will sit down. DOLORES. Nothing. che! A girl going to a
party unchaperoned and nothing happened!
PETRA I will sit down, too. I'm tired. (FRED
tries to sit down too but his mother yanks him PETRA. What really happened, Nena?
out of the chain. NENA, wearing a sports dress,
comes in; followed by ROBERTING) NENA (Approaching DOLORES and practically
screaming at her). Nothing happened and you
know it!
_____________GROUP 1_________________ DOLORES. People are talking about last night-

PETRA. But what happened?

DOLORES. Che! How dare you shout at mc!
DOLORES. (To FRED). What happened, Fred
FRED. Don't talk to my mother like that, Nena! dear?

NENA (Approaching FRED). Bobo! Estupido! FRED (Tearfully). Nothing, mama!

Standing there like a statue!
DOLORES. Try to think!
FRED. Statue? What statue? Something must have happened!

NENA. The statue of a dumb-bell, dumb bell! FRED. Nothing. nothing! (DOLORES notices
that the group's hostile eyes are fastened on her)
FRED. Gaga!
DOLORES (Pinching FRED, but hard). Torpe!
ROBERTING. (Approaching FRED and holding
him by the neck) Hey, you! Don't start calling FRED. (Twisting with pain). Aruy!
my sister names!
DOLORES. You-you-you son of my third
FRED. She started it! husband! Why didn't you tell me nothing
PETRA (Approaching DOLORES). Your son
took my daughter out to the party last night FRED. I’ve been trying to tell you since this
morning, but you gave me no chance.
DOLORES. Why do you allow your daughter to
go out alone? (Embarrassed, DOLORES tries hard to regain
her dignity.)
FRED. Nena insisted there was nothing wrong!
But my intuition told me it might be wrong. FRANCISCO. (Approaching DOLORES). You
mean to tell me you came here and raised all this
DOLORES. Shut up, Fred! rumpus when nothing, absolutely nothing,
FRED. Why, mama?
DOLORES. Well! I wouldn't be too sure about
DOLORES. (To PETRA). Why do you allow absolutely nothing! Besides, I have to be
your daughter to go out alone with my careful- yes, very careful-about my beloved
respectable son? son's upbringing.

NENA. What's respectable about him? FRANCISCO. Your son! Your Son is very
(DOLORES gives her a poisonous look.) stupid!

DOLORES. People saw them come and go FRED. What!

unchaperoned. Yes, unchaperoned! Imagine-
imagine a girl going to a party alone! DOLORES. My son stupid!

FRANCISCO. (Advancing). She was with your PETRA (Shouting). And definitely!
son, wasn't she?
FRANCISCO. As stupid as you are!
DOLORES. Unfortunately!
FRANCISCO. Then if my daughter was with
your son, what danger was there? PETRA. And positively!
FRED. (Approaching NENA). It's your fault! PABLO (Touching DOLORES on the shoulder).
Hoy, I am no muchacho! I'm a mayordomo!
NENA. What do you mean my fault, dumbbell! Furthermore, Dona Petra gives me eighty pesos
a month while you used to give me fifty pesos
FRED. I'd slap your face if I weren't a only!
gentleman; (ROBERTING flies across the stage
and faces FRED.) DOLORES. Eighty a month! Where will they
get that much!
ROBERTING. I'll slap you even if Mother says
I'm no gentleman at times! PETRA. Dona Dolores! Dolores de cabeza!

DOLORES. (To ROBERTING). Don't you dare DOLORES. Eighty a month! Che! (Going to the
touch my son! Che! door.) Che! (Turning again.) Che! (She comes
back to recover her son who has remained like a
NENA. (To DOLORES). You can have that statue.)
human jellyfish! Coming here to say what might
have happened! (NENA grunts so savagely that PETRA. Can you imagine! The insolence! Che!
DOLORES retreats in terror.) (Everybody stares at her.)

DOLORES. (To FRANCISCO). You should FRANCISCO. That's what Nena got for going
advise your daughter to stop going to parties out unchaperoned. I was already telling you,
unchaperoned! People gossip and include my Petra-
PETRA. How could I, know this Dolores would
FRANCISCO. Mind your own business! make all that awful fuss?
(Raising his fist to her head) Tell your son to
stop looking dumb! ROBERTING. You want me to break Fred's
DOLORES. Che! I never saw such people, che!
FRANCISCO. You should -have done that when
FRANCISCO. Get out of here before I call the he was here. Your muscle reflexes are tardy in
police! working, my son.

FRED. The police! Mama, the police! ROBERTING (Unconsciously). Che!, (They all
look at him. NENA has sat on the so/a and
DOLORES. We're going, che! begins to cry.)

PETRA. Paul! Paul! PETRA. Don't cry, Nena. It’s over.

FRANCISCO. Who's Paul, Petra? (PABLO NENA (Between sobs). Making all that fuss for
appears.) nothing! The truth is that I quarreled with Fred
during the party and left him.
PABLO. Yes, Don Francisco?
PETRA. Left him! Where did you go?
PETRA. Paul, kindly escort these-- these people
to the door! NENA. I came home with Luding and Lolita.
Fred's mother had been trying to interest me in
FRANCISCO. Roughly, Paul, roughly! her son-that's why-he told his mother-and—

DOLORES. (Facing PABLO). Canalla! (To FRANCISCO. Ay, hija mia, go in now and let
PETRA.) I suppose you enticed my muchacho to this be a lesson to you.
come here!
NENA (As she's near the door-unconsciously)
Che! (They all stare at her and at each other.)
FRANCISCO. No! Make another and put
PETRA. Finish eating. Roberting. "Wanted: A Chaperon"!

FRANCISCO. Incidentally, Roberting, I hope PETRA. Wanted a Chaperon?

nothing happened with you last night.
FRANCISCO. Yes, for our daughter Nena.
ROBERTING. Last night?
PETRA. Que verguenza! I, her mother, will
FRANCISCO. You went out with Lia, didn't chaperon Nena (She stares out the window. She
you? sees somebody coming.) Roberting! Roberting!
(ROBERTING appears.)
ROBERTJNG. Yes, but nothing happened-- I
think. ROBERTING. What is it, Mother?

PETRA. You think! (PABLO comes in, PETRA (Pointing outside). Isn't that your girl-
smoking a cigar.) friend Lia?

PABLO. I escorted them out already. senora. ROBERTING. Why, yes?

What do I do now?
PETRA. And who is that old man along with
PETRA. You may wash more dishes. her?

PABLO. Ha? (He is about to go.) ROBERTING (Swallowing). That's-er-that's her

FRANCISCO. Hoy! Where did you get that
cigar? PETRA. And he's carrying something!

PABLO. Ha? Er-why, somebody gave it to me. ROBERTING. Yes-yes! He's Carrying-a gun!!
(Running outside.) Tell them I'm out!
FRANCISCO. Ay, Petra! We need two
PABLO. Francis, senor. chaperons! Che! (PETRA stares at him.)

FRANCISCO. So! Mayordomo smokes owner's

cigars. Owner kicks mayordomo out. (He makes
a gesture of kicking PABLO, but the latter runs
outside into the street. The SERVANT is seen
coming in from the corridor. He disappears and
comes back with a coat which he throws out of
the window.)

SERVANT. Hoy-- your coat! Mayordomo-

mayor yabang!

PETRA. Get back to the kitchen, Francis!

SERVANT. Am I still the servant here, senora?

PETRA. Yes, I suppose we'll have to bear with

you for a while.

SERVANT. I won't have to put out the sign

anymore-"Wanted A Muchacho"?

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