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Student: Kenzie Teel School: Sweetser Elementary

IWU Supervisor: Professor Schuler Co-op Teacher: Mrs. Fagan

Teaching Date: November 15, 2019 Grade Level: 4th Title 1
Audit Trail:
 Emailed with Mrs. Fagan on November 2, 2019 to set a date for the second lesson plan on November 15,
 On November 6, 2019, Mrs. Fagan and I talked about the content for the lesson and settled on an
overview on the Indian tribes (Miami, Potawatomi, Lenape, and Shawnee).
 November 7, 2019, I emailed Dr. Karr the ideas for the lesson and the direction I wanted to take the
 November 7, 2019, I took Dr. Karr’s input and edited the content to accommodate to both goals.
 November 8, 2019, I talked with Mrs. Fagan to fine tune the details of the lesson plan and made
adjustments that night.

 The reasoning behind this lesson is to engage students in exploring different aspects of identity and
make connections about how each person has an identity; also to provide ways to recognize different
parts of identity.

I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
a. Goal: The students will be able to understand explain the aspects of identity for their Native
American tribe including clothing, transportation, food, and housing.

B. Objective:
a. Each student will be able to efficiently contribute his or her assigned part of the research to the
overall poster board representing the identity of their Native American tribe by writing down
the findings and then presenting the information.

C. Standards:
b. NCSS: #4: Individual Development and Identity
c. IAS: Identify and describe historic Native American Indian groups that lived in Indiana at the
time of early European exploration, including ways these groups adapted to and interacted with
the physical environment. Examples: Miami, Shawnee, Potawatomi and Lenape (Delaware)

II. Management Plan

a. Materials:
 Reading articles (6 copies of each tribe—22 total copies)
 Poster boards (4x)
 Markers
 Pencils
 Highlighters
 Paper person outline (8 total)
 Google Slides (used through iPads on Google Classroom)
 Construction Paper
 Research papers (each one will research a different topic- 4 sets of 4 and 1 set of 8)

b. Time: 1 hour
c. Space:
 Anticipatory Set:
 Students will be working on their lists at their assigned seats. During the whole
group discussions the students will stay at their seats to talk to their partners and
then the whole class.
 Lesson:
 For the input of the lesson, the students will be at their seats will I (the teacher)
explain identity and what aspects of a person are influenced by identity.
 For the output section of the lesson, the students will either start at their seats if
they are the reading levels of the 3 or 4; if the students are the reading level of 1
or 2 they will be in the back corners of the room for the article reading section.
 The next station will be the independent section done at their individual desks,
each student will have a section in the article they are looking at to find
information about their part in the overall project.
 Then, the students will bring their findings to one of the four corners depending
on their Native American tribe.

d. Behavior
 During the anticipatory the students will be talking in their seats in the groups, the
students will use quiet inside voices so only their group members are able to hear. This
voice level will allow other students to not be distracted by the other groups around them.
. When students are asked to response to a question, they will raise their hands and sit
quietly until called upon. When the students are transitioning between the different spots
in the room for the sections of the lesson they will use quiet voices and move directly
from one place to another. In the sections, the students will respect others opinions,
quietly read their articles, and write answers by themselves. In the poster creating part of
the lesson, students will use low level speaking voices and respect when others are
talking about their information. Students will discuss disagreements and hear the other
person’s side of the situation before coming to a solution. At the end when students are
presenting, the students will sit quietly at their seats and listen to the groups that are

III. Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners:

a. The reading article will be modified depending on the reading levels; there are four reading levels
in the class. Reading levels of 1 and 2 will be modified while the reading articles for Groups 3
and 4 will not be modified because those students can read the content as is and understand the
b. For Groups 1 and 2, I will place them at the two back corners to read the article with either Mrs.
Fagan or Mrs. Philips to allow the students to read the article sentence by sentence and allow the
teachers to ask questions about importance to make sure the students are understanding the
c. I will provide a visual of what the posters are supposed to look like; I will create it representing
myself so students are not able to copy the content but can understand the concept of the project.
This will benefit visual learners who could not picture the poster in their minds.
d. My Group 3, is the group of students that like to get off task quickly. I will provide extra support
while walking around to make sure they are completing each part of the lesson. I will ask them
questions and about what they are reading and ask them to explain the information they are
writing down.


Anticipatory Set (4 minutes)
The students will be sitting at their seats which are in groups of four. I will ask a question and they will talk
about the answer at their table with the members for twenty (20 sec.) seconds. The teacher will be
walking around to hear what each small group is say during the time period.
“ How are you guys doing today? To start off we are going to be talking in your small groups. So I will ask
a question and then give you twenty seconds to talk. Does anyone have any questions? First question,
what is your family like? Are you a brother or sister, maybe an only child. Talk amongst your group
members, starting now.
Give the students twenty seconds to talk to their group members about what they are in order of their family.
“Okay, second question, what does your house look like? Do you live in a one-story, two-story, apartment?
Talk in your group, starting now.”
Give the students twenty seconds to talk to their group members about what style of housing they live in.
“Now, come back to me, the third question is, what types of clothing do you like to wear? You may discuss
with your groups now.”
Give the students twenty seconds to talk to their group members about what types of clothing they like to
“Okay, fourth question is, what types foods do you prefer to eat? Talk in your groups starting now.”
Give the students twenty seconds to talk to their group members about what types of foods they like to eat.
“Come back to me, the final question is cars do you ride around in with your parents? Do they drive a van,
a car, maybe a truck. Talk in your groups about what cars and how many are in your family.”
Give the students twenty seconds to talk to their group members about what kinds of cars their family drives
and how many they have.

IV. Purpose: “The purpose of this lesson is to get you all as students thinking about identity as a whole and the
identity of specific groups of people like the Native American tribes and how this is shaped by the lives
they live.”

V. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)

Input: (5 minutes)
“So, the questions that I had you discussing in your groups started to get you thinking about your
identity. Identity by definition is, the individual characteristics used to describe a person or object. When I
asked you what your family order was, or what types of foods you eat, or what styles of clothes you wear I asked
those question to see what words you would use to describe yourself. Now we are going to look at my identity to
help explain the group project you will be doing later.”
I will present a poster board that shows my identity; my housing, my food choices, my family order, my
clothing choices, and my transportation.
“What is something that you notice about the board?”
Allow students time to respond and choose someone who is quietly sitting and raising his or her hand.
“Yes, my name is the title on both pieces of paper. What else is noticed?”
Allow students time to respond and choose someone who is quietly sitting and raising his or her hand
“Yes, there are four subheadings that we talked about with the questions at the beginning. So, I wanted
to take a little time so you guys can learn about my identity and start thinking about other things that have
identity. First off, my name is Ms. Teel and as you can see that is my title. My first subheading is I have housing,
so I live in a ranch style house which means there is only a first floor and a basement. You can see that I wrote
some facts about my house like it was built in 2004 and I live in the basement. My next subheading is what?”
Point to the subheading you want the students to answer. Choose a student who is sitting quietly and
raising his or her hand.
“Yes, my second subheading is transportation. I drive an Escape which is a type of SUV and it is gold. I
also wrote about how I walk to my classes when I do not have to leave IWU’s campus. These are my types of
transportations that describe how I get around. My third subheading is clothing, I wear professional clothing
when I come to the school because this is my future job and I want to make a good impression, but when I go
home I wear jeans and sweatshirt because I love to be comfy. Now who can help me find what my fourth
subheading says?”
Point to the subheading and allow students time to respond then choose someone who is quietly sitting and
raising his or her hand.
“Correct, my last subheading is food choices. One thing that you may not know about me is that I am a
vegetarian which means I do not eat meat. So, I eat fruits, vegetables, and grains like pasta for most of my
meals. So, by looking and reading this board I made, you could learn a lot about my identity. Now I am going to
explain the directions of the next part of the lesson.”

Output: (2 sets of 8 minutes and 1 set of 20 minutes (40 total minutes with transitions))
“So, just like I made a poster about my identity, you will be making a poster about your Native American
tribe’s identity. So, I am going to explain the directions and then point out where you will be going for the first
section. Okay, for the first part we will be doing a reading of an article about the Native American tribe your
group has been assigned. The tribes will be Miami, Potawatomi, Lenape, and the Shawnee. One group will be
reading with Mrs. Fagan, one group will be reading with Mrs. Philips, and the other two groups will be reading
independently or by yourself at your desk. I will give you ten minutes to complete the reading.
I will raise up the different articles of reading, so the students know what they look like.
“Next, is the second part of the lesson, this will be the research part. Each of you will be given a sheet
telling you about the research topic I want you to find. You will fill out the information on the piece of paper I
will be giving you. Some of you will be finding information about clothing, or housing. Some of you will be
doing research on transportation or food choices. There is a link in your Google Classroom that is under your
Native American tribe; use the link to find other information about your topic or to view pictures to help create
mental images. The research will be done independently or by yourself at your seats.
The final section will be meeting with your team to discuss the information you found about your section
on the identity of your tribe. You will talk about the information that needs to be included on the poster and be
creating the poster to describe the identity. At the end, each group will be presenting their identity findings of
their tribe to the class; the important things to remember are to include a title, subheadings, and information.
Pictures can be added if there is time at the end. Does anyone have any questions?”
Allow students time to process the information and asks questions if needed.
“So, now we are going to start the first portion of the lesson, I need Group 1 students which is Calvin,
Paige, Joshlynn, Trinity, and Kloey to back in the reading corner with Mrs. Fagan. Then Group 2 which is
Sydney, Chloe, Bently, Rossi, and Keagon A., I need you to go back to the math corner with Mrs. Philips. The
articles on your Native American tribes are at the back corners. Now, I need Group 3 to come up to me, grab
your paper, then go back to your seat and start reading. I need Donavan, Brynley, Fenway, Caleb, Keonna, and
Keegan E. Finally, I need Group 4 to come up and get your article and do the same thing; Keyan, Kayln, Paul,
Braylon, Brooklynn, and Lilly.
Now, that you are at your seats I am going to set a timer for 9 minutes that you will get to complete the
reading. You may start now!”
The teacher will be walking around to each group and individual desks during the work time. I will answer
questions or provide support to students who need a little more guidance.
For the first eight minutes, the students will be in groups based off their reading ability; groups 1 and 2
will be with a teacher or aide because they are the lowest groups and will need support. While groups 3 and 4
will be reading independently at their seats. The article the students are given will depend on their Native
American tribe. Each article will tell key points about housing, clothing, and transportation. There will also be
interesting facts provided throughout the article. The students will be able to highlight, mark up the text, or
quick jotting to help them remember the information.

“Okay, the first eight minutes is up, I need all students to come back to their desks and I am going to pass
out papers that are specific to you so I wrote your names on them. You will have 9 minutes to look back in the
article of your tribe or use the Google Classroom document for your tribe to find the information to fill out your
paper. Does any one have any questions?”
Allow 30 seconds for students to think and respond appropriately to questions if asked.
“Okay, then your eight minutes starts now.”
For the second set of eight minutes, all the students will go back to their desks and they will be given a
sheet that is designed specifically to what they are supposed to be finding information on. Some students may
be finding information on clothing and transportation, while other students may be finding research on housing
and food. Each students will have something different to find so that way there is more content to add to the
posters and each students is able to specifically identity what they contributed to the poster. Students will be
encouraged to use the Google Classroom link that gives extra information and visuals about their specific tribe.
The two resources the students will be using to find information is the reading article and the Google slides.

“Okay, the eight minutes is over, now I need each group to go meet in their corner of the room. They are
labeled so look at the top of your paper and find the same tribe name on the wall. Potawatomi will be in the left
back corner, Miami will be in the right back corner, the Lenape will be in the front left corner, and the Shawnee
will be in the right front corner. Once your whole tribe gets there, start talking about the information you found
and then start working on the poster. Remember I have my poster up at the front of the room as a reference for
you to use. I will be walking around if you have questions to ask me. Your 20 minutes starts now.”
Finally, the students for the last twenty minutes will get up and go their tribes’ corner of the room and
bring their information along to collaborate what new details they found and start creating their posters. The
students will have a guide to follow by looking at the part of the poster I used to create mine. The students will
have markers, colored pencils, construction paper, rulers, pencils, tape/glue to use at their disposal for the
creativity element of the poster. The posters are divided into two pieces to allow more students to work at a time
instead of only one being able to work on the poster at a time. Each side of the poster will have two pieces of
information and the other half will have the other two pieces of information.

“Okay class, the 15 minutes is up, I need you to clean up your station and walk quietly back to your
desks. Once everyone is back to their seats well will start the presentations.”

VI. Check for understanding.

a. I will check for understanding of the content by walking around to each group and asking
questions about the information they are reading. I will also check to make sure the students are
on task during their reading sections since half the students will not be in groups.
b. I will check during the research section of time to make sure the students are filling out their
information sheets and that they are marking up the text by using a highlighter or pencil and
jotting down notes.
c. I will check for understanding by looking at the posters and seeing if they added the correct
information either from the article or the Google slides they had as resources.
d. I will also check to make sure they understood the directions during each section by making sure
they are reading, responding to the research, and creating the poster as I have designed mine at
the front of the room.

VII. Review learning outcomes / Closure (9 minutes)

Allow students time to walk quietly back to their seats after they have cleaned up their areas.
“So, now we are going to present our Native American tribe Identities. After a group presents their
information, I am going to ask one students to tell the group something he or she liked about their
poster. So, you could say ‘ I liked how you colored the clothing!’ With that being said, can I have the
Potawatomi Group (Group 1) come up and present.”
Allow Group 1 to present their findings.
“Yes, Brynley what would you like to compliment on?”
Allow Brynley to say her compliment.
“Now, can I have the Lenape Group (Group 2) come up and present their information.”
Allow Group 2 to present their findings.
“Lilly what would you like to compliment on their poster?”
Allow Lilly time to compliment.
“Now can I have the Miami Group (Group 3) come up and present their findings to the class?”
Allow Group 3 to present their findings.
“Keagon A., what would you like to compliment about their poster?”
Allow Keagon A. to compliment the poster.
“Finally, can I have the Shawnee Group (Group 4) come up and present their poster to the class?”
Allow Group 4 to present their findings.
“Calvin, what would you like to compliment on their poster?”
Allow Calvin time to compliment.

“Now, after looking at those impressive posters, they all taught you about identity. They talked about
transportation, clothing, housing, and food along with interesting facts about the tribes. They parts
described the tribe which is what identity does. Identity takes a person or thing and allows the thing to
be described so someone else can understand what you are talking about. So, the most important piece
of information to take away from this lesson is that each person or group has an identity and that
describes who they are and how to find those parts of identity.”


A. Formative:
a. For the formative assessment, this will be looking to see if the students are highlighting
information within their articles and jotting down key points. The assessment will also be
checked by looking at their research sheets, each student has a different topic they are looking at
for their tribe, so it will check to make sure they are able to understand and locate the
information needed about the identity aspect.
B. Summative:
a. The summative assessment will be the students presenting their posters. The students will be
working on these posters about their tribes’ identity and then will present their findings to the
class showing the knowledge they learned about the tribe. They will present on the
transportation, clothing, housing, and food that was unique to the tribe.
1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
a. 21/21 student completed the objective. Each students was assigned a portion of identity that
they were supposed to find in the research. The students were given a record sheet and while
walking around I checked each sheet to make sure they had the information written down.
Then while creating the poster each student had to add one fact from their research page to the
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
a. I think splitting the groups up by reading ability and with an aide was a strength because each
group got the attention they needed, and I was able to focus on the two groups who did not
have an aide. A weakness I would say was keeping their attention during the input part of the
lesson where I shared about myself.
3. How should I alter this lesson?
a. I would alter the lesson by making the anticipatory set a couple minutes shorter so that way the
students can have a couple more minutes in each station.
4. How would I pace it differently?
a. I would pace the lesson differently by adding a couple more minutes to each station to make
sure the students are able to get each section of the lesson completed. Instead of 8 minutes, I
would move it up to 10 minutes. This would give the students more time to not feel so rushed.
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
a. At each section of the lesson, the students were actively participating. At the beginning the
students were talking in groups about their answers; during the lesson the students were
assigned different tasks that they needed to complete like a checklist. At the end for the poster,
each students had to take one of their identity points and add it to the poster.
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
a. For the learning abilities, I split the groups up based on their reading levels and then modified
the two lowest reading articles so they would be able to understand and finish within the time
period. I also provided a list of direction of my visual learners during each station so they could
remember what to do. I also used group discussions, individual time, and active movement to
keep all students engaged.
7. What percent of students included all the parts to the poster: title, 4 subheadings, and facts?
a. 100% of the students in each group completed their posters correctly by adding all the
requirements needed. Some groups had more time to work on pictures or practice once their
completed the necessary requirements.
8. What percent of students fill the information sheets correctly by describing the aspect of identity they
needed to research?
a. While I was walking around, I checked each student to make sure that they included 2 facts per
each section of identity. 100% of students either used the reading article or the google slides to
completely fill out their worksheets.
9. How would I reorganize the groups if this lesson was done again?
a. If I had to do this lesson again, I would spread out my Group 3- Miami groups. These students
are the ones who lack determination and discipline when accomplishing tasks. They do not
care about getting work done one time, so I would spread their group out that way each group
has to handle two of these students and hopefully they would accomplish more.


Describe the aspects of Identity by looking in the article that you read and the Google
Classroom slides about your tribes. Use this information when creating the poster!

What kinds of TRANSPORTATION did they use? (cars, trucks, canoes, waking):

What types of FOOD did they grow or eat?:



Describe the aspects of Identity by looking in the article that you read and the Google
Classroom slides about your tribes. Use this information when creating the poster!

What kinds of HOUSING did they live in? (Apartments, teepees, 2-story houses)

What types of CLOTHING did they wear? (t-shirts, jeans, deer skin dresses or pants)
You have learned about the clothing your tribe wore by the research
above. Now use this blank person below to draw what those clothes would
have looked like on the person. *Use the pictures as references
Google Slides that will be on Google Classroom:

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