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Summary of Findings

The following are salient finding summarized from the results of the gathered data.

1. Summary of findings on Question no.1

In terms of using Lumiere Lampshade properly the respondents are also relying on the

given instructions of the researchers on how to operate or use it and for them it is easy to


2. Summary of findings on Question no.2

Most of our respondent’s comments about the proposed product, Lumiere Lampshade has

a lot of benefits that is helpful not only for students but for everyone and also the unique

styles and designs and that are not usually see on the other Lampshades like Traditional


3. Summary of findings on Question no.3

In terms of their room ambience after using of those two Lampshades (lumiere lampshade

Traditional Lamshade) , Lumiere Lampshade is more effective for eye relaxation that has

a different lightning vision compare to the traditional Lampshade and also it gives them

calming and warm feels of ambience that may also help them for their school paper works.
4. Summary of findings on Question no.4

All of the respondents answered that the innovative functions of the Proposed Product

which is Lumiere Lampsahde are the different calming colors of the lights and the Scenery

Design of the lampshade, one of our respondents said that the Alarm Clock on the Lumiere

Lampshade is way more different and innovative than the other lamp which is Traditional

Lampshade. And also respondents gives positive feedback on th built in study lamps of the

luniere which helps them study during night.

5. Summary of findings on Question no.5

Lumiere lamp is much more efficient and cooler to use because of its vibrant color of LED

lights as of their age and in terms of Time checking Lumiere Lampshade’s Alarm Clock is

very helpful to wake them up in the morning aside from the traditional lampshade. For

study lamps unlike traditional fluorescent tubes or light bulbs, an LED light bulb does not

use mercury, minimizes ultraviolet rays and does not heat up – thus making it child-

friendly; it is more durable and provides a constant and steady source of light that neither

flashes nor flickers. As such opt for LED lamps which is also a cheaper alternative in the

long run as compared to fluorescent lamps as they have a longer lifespan.

6. Summary of findings on Question no.6

The respondents helps them to cope their stress and pressure that they get from school and

also it soothes them so they can do their school works calmly and get a enough amount of

sleep every night. Helps also the respondents to study better at night with a good lightings

since the study lamps were built in the lumiere lampshade.

7. Summary of findings on Question no.7

Most of them answered that they would definitely buy the Proposed Product which is the

Lumiere Lampshade, because of its uniqueness and modernized design that is perfect for

the millennial ages and for people having difficulties with sleeping, Researchers must

improve it by brightening up the color or the lighting and adding more art depicting the

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

Lumiere lampshade has an efficient functions rather than the traditional lampshade, the

lumiere with comparison on the traditional lampshade gives the consumer a satisfaction level based

on its functions benefits.

In other way lumiere lampshade helps students to have a good lightings whenever they are studying

at night wherein according to Insha (2017) “I am that type of student who prefers to sit on my

Study Table with my Lamp on while studying. Using Lamp while switching off the other lights of

the room is beneficial or else you can light a small CFL or Bulb in the room . Doing so will make

you to concentrate on what is there on the table and this also doesn't diverts your mind to other

distracting things. I study like this only. Doing so your sitting while studying will increase. This has

no harmful effects on eye either.” and also helps students to reduce their pain from paper works

since it has a relaxing scenery in the lampshade which helps them to relaxed and sleep soundly at

night because according to Health Org. (2013) “Dim the lights while you get ready for bed, or

turn off bright overhead lamps and switch to a soft, bedside lamp. Your body is programmed to

sleep when it's dark, so you can encourage that rhythm by easing into nighttime. “ Based on the

given general problem , different grade 12 students from NCBA answered the questions based on

what they experience and sees on the both products. It actually states on respondent's answers the

positive feedback about the product, some respondents highly recommend and willing to pay for

it because it gives them much benefits they couldn't ever expected for a lampshade like that. Also

on respondent's answers were given the differences on the both products, others says that lumiere

lampshade gives them lots of benefits in terms of its function not just for their satisfaction but also
for their selves while other says that traditional lampshade just give them a little bit satisfaction

because theres no other functions given on traditional lampshade rather than the lumiere


The findings that the researchers gathered where used to prove this research and to have a

concrete and accurate information that the researchers may used to defend the general problem.

The result from the gathered answers were another factor in order for this research to sustain a fact

information from the introduction.

In conclusion, with regards in the general problem the researcher gets the sections from

grade 12 NCBA students since they are the major respondents. The researcher randomly chose

grade 12 students in NCBA-Fairview because the researcher will provide lamps for the

respondents. As in the general problem states which lampshades is more beneficial in terms of its

functions, is that lumiere lampshade has is more efficient in rather than the traditional.
The following are recommendation offered based on the findings and conclusions of the


1. The lumiere lampshade should try more color combinations and different styles, and

custom made ones for the consumers.

2. The researchers should think of ways on how the Lumiere Lampshade will hit the market

and encourage people to buy it.

3. The researchers should make the functions and the performance of the Lumiere

Lampshade consistent.

4.The researchers should be open for more suggestions and opinions about the Lumiere

lampshade for its better good.

5.The researchers should make the lumiere lampshade more appealing and attractive to the

eyes, in a way that it will catch the attention of the buyers

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