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nteractive Lecture Demonstrations

This material is replicated on a number of sites as part of the SERC Pedagogic Service Project
Author Profiles
Created by Dorothy Merritts, Robert Walter (Franklin & Marshall College), Bob MacKay (Clark
College). Enhanced by Mark Maier with assistance from Rochelle Ruffer, Sue Stockly and Ronald

Interactive Lecture Demonstrations engage students in activities that confront their prior
understanding of a core concept. The activity can be a classroom experiment, a survey, a
simulation or an analysis of secondary data.

What is an Interactive Lecture Demonstration?

Interactive Lecture Demonstrations introduce a carefully scripted activity, creating a "time for
telling" in a traditional lecture format. Because the activity causes students to confront their
prior understanding of a core concept, students are ready to learn in a follow-up lecture.
Interactive Lecture Demonstrations use three steps in which students:

1. Predict the outcome of the demonstration. Individually, and then with a partner, students
explain to each other which of a set of possible outcomes is most likely to occur.

2. Experience the demonstration. Working in small groups, students conduct an

experiment, take a survey, or work with data to determine whether their initial beliefs
were confirmed (or not).

3. Reflect on the outcome. Students think about why they held their initial belief and in what
ways the demonstration confirmed or contradicted this belief. After comparing these
thoughts with other students, students individually prepare a written product on what was

More on what is an Interactive Demonstration

Why Use Interactive Lecture Demonstrations
Research shows that students acquire significantly greater understanding of course material
when traditional lectures are combined with interactive demonstrations. Each step in Interactive
Demonstrations--Predict, Experience, Reflect--contributes to student learning. Prediction links
new learning to prior understanding. The experience engages the student with compelling
evidence. Reflection helps students identify and consolidate that they have learned.

More on why use interactive demonstrations

How to Use Interactive Lecture Demonstrations in Class

Effective interactive lecture demonstrations require that instructors:

 Identify a core concept that students will learn.

 Chose a demonstration that will illustrate the core concept, ideally with an outcome
different from student expectations.

 Prepare written materials so that students can easily follow the prediction, experience and
reflection steps.
More on how to use Interactive Demonstrations in class

Examples of Interactive Lecture Demonstrations

 Ready to use examples are available and can be browsed by topic.

References and Resources

 A compilation of references and resources about Interactive Lecture Demonstrations.

What are Interactive Lecture

Interactive Lecture Demonstrations introduce a carefully scripted activity, creating a "time for
telling" in a traditional lecture format. The activity can be a classroom experiment, a survey, a
simulation, or an analysis of secondary data. Because the activity causes students to confront
their prior understanding of a core concept, students are ready to learn in a follow-up lecture.

Unlike most other active learning techniques Interactive Lecture Demonstrations include three
scripted steps without which students often revert to their initial incomplete or faulty
understanding when they leave the classroom. Learn more about research on Interactive Lecture

The three steps require students to:

1. Predict.

Click for larger image

After the instructor describes the problem or shows the demonstration, students make a
prediction about the result. In this step, students articulate their understanding, even if it
is ill-formed or incorrect. Students explain their choice to a partner, changing their
answers if they like. The instructor polls student answers without revealing which are
Learn more about ways for students to make predictions

2. Experience.

The demonstration can be a survey using student data, a simulation, an analysis of data
from a secondary source, or a lab experiment. The demonstration may be conducted by
the instructor in front of the class or by students in small groups.
See examples of demonstration formats
3. Reflect.

After the demonstration, students record and report the results, identifying differences
between what they predicted and what occurred in the demonstration. In the rush to end
a class meeting, it may be tempting to skip the reflection step. However research on
learning shows that it is important for students to think explicitly about what they have
learned, making connections to what they knew before, and identifying what specifically
has changed in their thinking. Also, in order to understand a concept deeply, students
need practice using it in a variety of contexts.
Learn more about techniques to encourage reflection and transfer

Types of Demonstrations
Classroom experiments
In many disciplines, there are extensive sets of appropriate classroom experiments that allow
students to see concepts in action. These experiments can benefit from the Interactive Lecture
Demonstration format. Before taking part in an experiment, students can predict the outcome
so that attention will be focused on the main concept to be learned. Reflection after the
experiment can help students appraise what was learned and transfer this understanding to
other contexts.

Classroom surveys
Survey data from students' own lives can show the application of concepts. Because everyone's
data is needed, surveys involve all students. And, because the outcome is not predetermined,
surveys create a sense of uncertainty that may be absent in textbook presentations. The
Interactive Lecture Demonstration format focuses student attention on the underlying concept,
often revealing contradictions between student prediction and what the data actually show.
Data analysis
Analysis using data is most effective if the data show a surprising result. Data analyses can be
relatively straight-forward, asking students to graph or otherwise manipulate a given set of
data, while more sophisticated data analyses may require students to find data on their own, or
to conduct statistical analyses.

Show advantages of small group work for data analysis

Classroom instructors often ask "what if" questions that are then answered by a simulation.
[add link here to simulations module when live] The Interactive Demonstration approach can be
used to engage students in this analysis, first asking them to make a prediction, including, if
possible, a description of their underlying economic model even if it is not well specified. The
simulation demonstration then will offer concrete results, prompting the student to revise or
make for specific their prior view.

Why Use Interactive Lecture


Interactive Lecture Demonstrations improve student learning

Students acquire significantly greater understanding of course material when traditional

lectures are combined with Interactive Lecture Demonstrations. In a traditional approach,
students are told correct answers and then expected to repeat them on the assessment, usually
a test. By contrast, the Interactive Lecture Demonstration approach sets up an environment in
which students are able to apply those concepts in new contexts.

Podcast explaining the rationale behind Interactive Lecture Demonstrations.

Each step in an Interactive Lecture Demonstration contributes to student learning.

 The prediction step connects the in-class demonstration with the student's prior
experience. Couch et al (2004) conclude, "students who predict the demonstration
outcome before seeing it display significantly greater understanding." Learn more about
the prediction step

 The experience step is especially effective if it has a surprise effect, challenging an

assumption or prior conception. Research on learning suggests that it is more effective
for students to experience a dissonant moment rather than simply to be told that their
initial understanding is inadequate. (National Research Council 2005 How Students Learn)

Students may have limited prior knowledge and thus may have only quite fuzzy pre-
conceptions. In these cases, the activity may present contrasting cases with apparently
contradictory outcomes.

o Schwartz and Bransford 1998 show that demonstrations focused on contrasting

cases help students achieve expert-like differentiation.

o Schwartz and Martin 2004 found that carefully-prepared demonstrations "help

students generate the types of knowledge that are likely to help them learn" from
subsequent lectures.

o This step can create a 'time for telling,' so that students will be able learn from direct
instruction such as a lecture. Listen to a podcast on a 'time for telling'.

 The reflection step (students thinking about their experience) enhances student
achievement and develops in students the ability to learn independently Bransford et al
1999. Lectures without such preparation often cause students to fall back on
memorization rather than understanding (Mestre 2005).

Additional research showing that Interactive Lecture Demonstrations improve

Physics education research groups have conducted the most extensive investigations of
Interactive Lecture Demonstrations. Learn more about physics education research groups from
the University of Maryland Physics Education Research Group.

 Using the Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation, Ronald Thornton reports normalized
gains of 30% - 90% using ILDs (see the summary of data (Microsoft Word 63kB Jan24 10)).
 In addition to gains on concept inventories, Redish and Hammer 2009 found that:

o in a split-survey, students more often chose the correct answer as both the one "a
scientist would give," and also the one that "makes the most intuitive sense." Without
the new labs, students were more likely to split their answer, correctly identifying
what a scientist would think, but still holding the incorrect answer as the one that
"makes the most intuitive sense."

o Videotapes of student talk during the demonstrations showed an increase in "sense-

making" discussion--as opposed to logistical or off-task conversation--from about
5 minutes of traditional lab time to more than 20 minutes of a two hour Interactive
Lecture Demonstration.

o In the Maryland Physics Expectations survey, student attitudes typically show

a decline by 5-10% after taking a physics course, student. After the new labs, the
survey showed an increase in the appreciation of "big ideas" in physics as opposed
to memorization of information, and the relevance of physics to the students'
personal experiences.

 K-12 instruction has used a technique similar to Interactive Lecture Demonstrations at

least since the 1970s. Usually it is called Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) summarized in
the Handbook of Educational Psychology. For research on POE also see Palmer 1995.

How to Use Interactive Lecture


Before the class meets

1. Choose the learning goal for the class. Interactive Lecture Demonstrations are most
effective if they focus on a single or related concept that is frequently misunderstood by
students. For example, concepts in which:

o student misunderstanding often persists after traditional instruction.

o contrasting cases yield different interpretations that are often not recognized by

o abstract principles need concrete examples.

2. For this concept, what demonstration will generate the greatest enhancement in student

o Learn more about types of demonstrations.

3. Decide if the demonstration will be conducted by the instructor or if it will be feasible for
small groups of students to undertake their own demonstrations. The obvious time-
saving advantage in showing the demonstration is often out-weighed by the greater
engagement and learning potential when students conduct their demonstrations. As a
course progresses, consider a combination of the two approaches.

4. Have the demonstration ready to go so that student will not be distracted by the
preparatory steps. Learn more about using small groups in class.

Interactive Lecture Demonstrations include three steps:


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1. Before students make a prediction, clearly indicate what will take place in the
demonstration. Usually it is best to show all the steps in the demonstration without, of
course, revealing the outcome.

2. Have students record their individual predictions for the demonstration. It is helpful to
have a worksheet where students record their predictions. Especially in large classes, it is
important to make certain that all students have completed this step, perhaps by
requiring students to submit a copy of their prediction before moving to the next step.

3. Students can discuss their individual predictions with their nearest neighbor or with their
group members and change their predictions if they like.

4. Predictions are reported to the class. Ask students to explain their responses, but be
careful not to praise or criticize student predictions; instead record all student predictions
without evaluating them. A few students may be called on, or results can be tabulated for
the entire class using a show of hands or a classroom response system (clicker). Learn
more about using clickers
Learn more about the prediction step


Click for larger image

1. Run the demonstration (led either by the instructor or by students working in small
groups). Learn about types of demonstrations

2. Students note differences and similarities between their predictions and the
demonstration outcome.

3. During the demonstration, don't be tempted to describe exceptions, assumptions and

extensions. Such discussion could distract attention from the core concept under study.

Click for larger image

1. After the demonstration is complete, have students consider ways in which the
demonstration challenged their prior beliefs (or not), and how the new results can be
explained. Such reflection may be conducted as a whole-class discussion, or students
may write individually or in pairs about their changed thinking.

2. The instructor helps the students transfer their learning to new situations for which the
concept applies. For example, the instructor may introduce variations of the
demonstration: how will the results vary if the initial conditions are changed? What other
situations would illustrate the same principles? These variations may be illustrated during
the class, or left as thought experiments. Learn more about activities that promote
reflection and transfer

The Prediction Step

A key feature of Interactive Lecture Demonstrations is the requirement that students predict the
outcome before they begin an activity.

Why it matters
Research on in-class demonstrations shows that "students who predict the demonstration
outcome before seeing it display significantly greater understanding." (Crouch 2004) For
descriptions of the prediction step to create a "time for telling" in a variety of disciplines
see Derek Bruff, Teaching with Classroom Response Systems
Students are more engaged

 Begin the lesson with a story based on real-life experience, but stop before the end,
asking students "what will happen if..."

 Show the demonstration in front of the classroom, stopping before the end, asking
students what will happen next.

 Describe a real-life problem for which an answer is needed that will be provided by the
upcoming demonstration.

Students connect their in-class work with prior experiences

 In addition to the prediction, ask students if they have seen similar demonstrations. What
happened? Why?

 Or, ask students if they have studied similar problems. What were the answers? Why?

Students are required to document their prior thinking explicitly

 Make certain that students put their prediction in writing with a brief explanation why.

 Ask students to share their prediction and explanation with other students. By doing so,
students often will be more articulate about their prior understanding and they will be
able to hear other student viewpoints. Learn more about group work
Techniques for student predictions

 Encourage students to be as specific as possible about their prediction by requiring them

to make a choice from possible answers. For example: Instead of predicting whether the
target variable will increase or decrease, ask students to choose from a range of
percentages or other numerical answers. Also ask students to explain their choices in

Require students to choose from a selection of graphs the one that best represents their
predictions. For example, students can choose between a linear, exponential, or cyclical
function. Choosing a graph helps students think in a more expert manner, gaining
practice with choice of variables to be studied, the choice of variables to hold constant,
and their representation in a graphical form. Also, choosing among several graphs can
challenge students at various skill levels. For some students, selecting between a positive
and negative relationship will be a learning experience. For others, who know that, say,
the relationship is positive, the choice can be between a linear and non-linear function.
For an examples of prediction graphs see Predicting GDP growth (Microsoft Word 28kB Oct10 09).

 Interactive Lecture Demonstrations sometimes require students to complete two separate

pages, one with their prediction, and one with their thinking after the demonstration.
However, Redish and Hammer 2009 advocate the use of single page in order NOT to
"send students the message that that their intuitions about the physical world are
generally misleading and irrelevant to the physics class." They prefer for students to
refine their intuitive knowledge rather than set it aside.

Group Work with Interactive Lecture

Although Interactive Lecture Demonstrations can be completed by students working
individually, group work encourages students to talk about their thinking. As a result, students:

 Correct each other's mistakes. Research shows that more-skilled students are less likely
to make distracting errors if they must explain their work to other students.

 Verbalize their thinking. Research shows that metacognition--thinking about thinking--

is important for learning that will persist beyond the classroom.

Forming groups
Pair work is the simplest way for students to compare predictions and conduct a

 Ask students to work with someone they do not know, or at least do not know well. This
will give students permission to not work with a friend, a likely distracting partner but one
whom students will choose in order not to insult the friend.

 If pair work is done often, find ways to move students around the classroom so that the
same students don't always work together. For example: ask students in the back of the
room to find a partner from the front.

 Watch out for students who are left without a partner. Connect these students with others
in need of a partner.

 As a last resort, allow three students to work together.

 The think-pair-share module has more advice for working in pairs.

Small groups may be needed if the demonstration requires more than two students working
together. However, small groups should be formed with care.

 Instructor-created groups are best so that groups are heterogeneous and friends don't
work together.

 If time permits, consider base groups, designated by the instructor, in which students sit
together and work together for more than one class session.
 If such a long-term arrangement is not possible, use a randomizing technique to form
groups each class meeting.

 The cooperative learning module has further advice on small group work.

Managing group work

 Provide each group with written instructions.

 Let students know how long they will be given to complete each step in the activity.

 Structure group work carefully so that all students participate equally. For example, if
students are sharing their predictions, ask one student to present first for a designated
time, then reverse roles. Similarly, during the demonstration, make certain that all
students are involved by rotating roles. Students can take turns using the apparatus,
looking up data, or whatever activity the demonstration requires. In addition, roles can be
assigned so that students take turns as note taker, timekeeper, or reporting results to the
entire class.

Reporting out

 Make certain that each individual is accountable for each step in the Interactive Lecture
Demonstration. For example, after students share predictions, call on individuals at
random for their answers or require each individual to submit an answer through a
classroom response system.

 If group work is graded, count it as only a small portion of the total grade. For example,
groups may be required to submit a collaborative report on a demonstration. However,
after the demonstration, encourage individual accountability by calling on students at
random or by requiring a written report from each student.


 Make certain that students know how they will be assessed during and after the
Interactive Lecture Demonstration.

 Consider a mixture of formative assessment, usually low-stakes feedback that helps

students identify shortcomings in their work, and summative assessment, in which
students are accountable for extended and correct analysis. Such high-stakes assessment
may be a follow-up activity such as a written assignment or test. During the Interactive
Lecture Demonstration, most work collected will be formative, counting only a small
portion of the total grade and scored based on effort and growth.

 If small group work is used, make certain that there is equal participation by all group
members and count such work only a small portion of an individual's grade.
The Reflection Step
Why it matters

In the rush to end a class meeting, it may be tempting to skip the reflection step. However
research on learning shows that it is important for students to think explicitly about what they
have learned, making connections to what they knew before, and identifying what specifically
has changed in their thinking.More on research about metacognition-thinking about thinking

It is also important for students to practice newly learned concepts in a variety of contexts.
Otherwise students may connect the concept with one specific situation, missing its general
applicability. See National Research Council, How People Learn for more information.

Activities to promote reflection

1. Think-pair-share is a useful technique that promotes reflection. Before calling on

students, allow each student to think about what was learned and to explain this
understanding to at least one other student.

2. Ask students to complete a short essay beginning with: "Before I completed today's
activity, I thought ..." and "After completing the activity, my understanding has changed/
not changed because..." (Graff and Birkenstein 2009)

3. Ask students to complete an classroom assessment technique such as: "The most
important thing I learned today is... " and "What remains unclear to me is ..." (Angelo and
Cross 1993)

4. Show a short video in which an educated individual (perhaps a college administrator or

faculty member) answers a question incorrectly about the concept under study. Ask
students to write a short essay explaining why that individual believes as she/he does and
why that belief is incorrect.
5. If time permits and the concept is important, ask students to make a short
video interview with an educated college staff person about the concept under study.

Activities to promote transfer to new contexts

1. Change one or more variables in the demonstration. Then repeat the "Predict,
Experience, Reflect" steps.

2. Sequence Interactive Lecture Demonstrations so that the next activity uses the same
concept, but in a more complex context. For example, begin with a simple, one-variable
demonstration before asking students analyze a multi-variable situation.

3. Apply the concept in new situation. Use a context-rich problem beginning with "You
are...," putting the student in a novel situation that will require use of the concept under
study. In addition, the problem may not include information that the student is expected
to know, may include additional unneeded information, or may not specify the target

4. Ask students to write a variation on the problem. Students could do so in small groups
and then send the problem to another group to be solved, a technique called send a

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