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islandia is an sovereign country located in the extreme northwestern europe, whose territory cover
the island homonymous and some small islands and adjacent ilotes in the Atlantic.

Some customs of the islendeces are to leave the heating on (even in August) and regulate the
temperature by opening the windows. Seen as scandalous, but heating is very cheap, other very
common customs are to take off your shoes before entering the house, school or even the

The traditional Icelandic costume is similar to that found in Denmark, Norway, Sweden or Finland,
as it is entirely about Viking cultures. Since 2001, the traditional dress, called Þjon búningurinn, has
been regulated by the National Costume Authority, which retains the techniques and the proper
way of making them.


The territory of the Republic of Colombia is located in the northwestern

corner of South America and has a continental area of 1,141,748 km²

plus a maritime area of 928,660 km². Colombia is the twenty-sixth

largest country in the world and the fourth in South America, after Brazil,

Argentina and Peru.

Here you drink red everywhere and at all times


During parties like those of San Pacho, held in Quibdó, the

costumes are made with bright colored silks, among them, yellow,

blue and red, the famous tricolor of the Colombian flag

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