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a depth of equivalen! rectangular stress block (={)¡e if ACI code)

a pararneter, distance, coefficient
A area in general
A used as subscript for age, anchorage set, additional weight
Ác area of concrete at the cross section considered in general (depending on the
particular case, it may be the net area, the gross area, or the transforrned area)
area of concrete composite section
area of concrete core of a spirally reinforced column measured to outside
diameter of spiral
Aes effective cross sectional area of strut
Ag gross area of concrete at the cross section considered
A¡ area offorms
A; area of part i of a section
A¡ total area of longitudinal reinforcement to resist torsion
A,, net area of concrete at the cross section considered; area of nodal zone
Ap¡ area of prestressed reinforcement required to develop the ultimate compressive
strength of the overhanging portions of the flan ge of a flanged section
cross-sectional area of ith tendon
area of prestressed reinforcement in tension zone
Aps -Ap¡, area of prestressed reinforcement associated with the web of a
flanged member at nominal moment resistance
gross area of concrete enclosed by the shear flow path; it can be taken as a first
approximation equal to 0.85Aoi,
area enclosed by centerline ofthe outermost closed transverse torsional
reinforcement, in2
area of non-prestressed tension reinforcement
area of reinforcement in strut
area of reinforcement in tie


A's area of compression reinforcement

Á¡,Á¡y transformed area of concrete at section considered ( depending on the particular
case it may represent a cracked or uncracked section)
A, area of one leg of closed stirrups used as torsion reinforcement within distance
area of shear reinforcement within a distance s
area of shear-friction reinforcement
used as a subscript to indicate "bottom fiber"
width of compression face of member
effective flange width
perimeter of critica! section for slabs or footings
transformed flange width
width of cross section at contact surface being investigated for horizontal shear
web width of a flanged member
used as a subscript to describe "concrete" or "composite" section
distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral axis
cohesion factor
C¡,Cz, ... ,C¡ various dimensions or distances
e resulting compressive force in the concrete section due to the prestressing force
and applied externa! forces, such as in the C-line; compression force in strut
e cross-sectional constant to define torsional properties
e used as a subscript to describe effect of creep
e force resultant of the compression block of concrete at ultimate
Cc(t) creep coefficient of concrete at time t
Ccu ultimate creep coefficient, or creep coefficient at end of service life
C-line geometric lieu of the compressive force in a member under service conditions
cm factor relating actual moment diagram to equivalent uniform moment diagram
e; nominal compression resistance of strut
de distance from extreme compression fiber to combined centroid of tensile force
when prestressed and nonprestressed tension reinforcement are used
nominal diameter of bar
diameter of core of spirally reinforced column
concrete cover measured from the extreme tension fiber to centro id of tensile
net concrete cover measured to extreme !ayer ofreinforcement
distance from extreme compression fiber to centro id of prestressing steel
distance from extreme compression fiber of cast-in-place slab to centroid of
prestressing steel, in a composite beam
distance from extreme compression fiber to centro id of nonprestressed tension
d's distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of compressive
distan ce from extreme compression fiber to extreme layer of tensile steel
rei n forcement
dead loads or their interna! moments and forces
distribution factor ofwheel loador concentrated load
live load distribution factor for moments
live load distribution factor for shear forces
base of napierian logarithms
Appendix A - LIST OF SYMBOLS 1019

eccentricity of the C force in the concrete section measured from the centro id of
the section
lower eccentricity limit ofthe C-line
upper eccentricity limit ofthe C-line
eccentricity of ith tendon, or eccentricity ofthe steel at section i
eccentricity ofthe prestressing force at the section considered measured from
the centro id of the section
e0(x) eccentricity of the prestressing force at section x
eoA,eoB Jeft and right support eccentricities of the prestressing steel in a typical span AB
eoc(x) eccentricity ofthe Zero-Load-C line at section x
eol lower eccentricity limit ofthe prestressing steel
eou upper eccentricity limit of the prestressing steel
( eº ),np maximum practically feasible eccentricity
E load effects of earthquakes or their related interna) moments and forces;
modulus of elasticity, in general; equivalent strip width of slab
Ec modulus of elasticity of concrete
Ece (t) effective or equivalent modulus of elasticity of concrete at time t
Eci modulus of elasticity of concrete at time of initial prestress
Ea tangent modulus of elasticity measured at the origin of the stress-strain curve
s; secant modulus measured at the maximum or peak stress
e; modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel
Es modulus of elasticity of nonprestressed steel or reinforcing steel bars
E,.h modulus of steel at onset of strain hardening
El flexura) stiffness or flexura) rigidity of compression members
ES elastic shortening
f used as stress in general, preferably for the steel and occasionally for concrete
when a symbol is widely used
fi, stress on bottom fiber of concrete section (also ab)
fcgs stress in the concrete at the centroid of prestressing steel
fcgs(t¡) stress in the concrete at the centroid of the prestressing steel at time t¡ at
section considered
stress range in the concrete
effective strength of concrete in strut-and-tie model
specified compressive strength of concrete
compressive strength of concrete at time of initial prestress
effective stress in the prestressing steel, after losses, at section considered
initial stress in the prestressing steel at section considered
stress in the prestressing steel at end of jacking
stress at jacking before seating ofthe chuck or anchor
stress at jacking after seating of the chuck or anchor
proportional limit stress of the prestressing steel
calculated stress in prestressing steel at section considered and loading
t; (t) stress in the prestressing steel at time t at section considered and for the Joading
specified tensile strength ofprestressing steel
specified yield strength ofprestressing steel
modulus of rupture of concrete
stress range in the steel

Ís stress in the nonprestressed tensile reinforcement

¡; stress in the compressive reinforcement
Ís allowable stress in the steel
t; direct tensile strength (stress) of concrete
r, specified yield strength of nonprestressed tensile reinforcement
r; specified yield strength of closed transverse torsional reinforcement
¡; specified yield strength of compressive reinforcement
F final or effective prestressing force (after all losses) at section considered
F u sed as a subscript to describe effect of friction
F¡ initial prestressing force at time of transfer at section considered
F; prestressing force at end of jacking
Fn tensile force in the prestressing steel at the nominal moment resistance ofthe
g used as a subscript for center of gravity
g(t) time function
G used as a subscript for gravity load or self-weight
GP gravity load due to precast girder or element
h overall thickness or depth of member
he overall depth of composite member
h¡ flange thickness of a flanged member
H relative humidity, percent; also used to describe loading dueto earth pressure
Hu total horizontal shear force at the interface between the precast section and the
cast-in-place slab of a composite beam
used as a subscript to describe "initial" conditions or ith element
effect of impact or impact coefficient; moment of inertia, in general
impact coefficient or its effect
moment of inertia of uncracked concrete section resisting extemally applied
load (it represents the inertia of either the net of the gross section depending on
the particular case)
moment of inertia of uncracked composite section
moment of inertia of cracked section (transformed to concrete)
effective or equivalent moment of inertia for computation of deflections after
moment of inertia of gross concrete section about the centroidal axis,
neglecting the reinforcement
gross moment of inertia of composite section
polar moment of inertia
effective length factor for compression members
calibration factor used to predict the stress in prestressing steel at ultimate
distance from centroid of concrete section to the lower (bottom) limit of central
k; reduction factor of additional long-term deflection due to the presence of
nonprestressed reinforcement
distance from centroid of concrete section to the upper (top) limit of central
distance from centroid of concrete section to the lower (bottom) limit ofthe
limit kem
k'1 distance from centroid of concrete section to the upper (top) limit ofthe limit
Appendíx A - LIST OF SYMBOLS 1021

K wobble friction coefficient per unit length of prestressing steel

K flexura! stiffness of member; moment per unit rotation
Kc flexura! stiffness of column
Kec flexura! stiffness of equivalent column (above and below)
K1 flexura! stiffness of attached torsional member
KcA age at loading factor for creep
KcH humidity correction factor for creep
Kcs shape and size factor for creep
KsH humidity correction factor for shrinkage
Kss shape and size factor for shrinkage
1 span length of member generally center-to-center of supports; also f.
1 used as a subscript for lifetime, or lower
la,lb longer and shorter span of a slab panel
fe height of column center-to-center of floors or roofs
{d development length
t, ith span of a continuous beam or one-way slab
In clear span measured face to face of supports
t, transfer length
lu unbraced length of column or column length between hinges
lx,ly spans in the x and y direction for a two-way slab system
11,12 respectively span in the direction being analyzed for bending, and span or width
transverse to /1 (used in the equivalent-frame method for two-way slabs),
measured center to center of supports
live loads or their interna! moments and forces
span length
effective tendon length
sum oflengths ofspan loaded with live load and containing tendon(s)
L2 total length oftendon(s) between anchorages
mA,mB fixed end moments at ends A and B of a typical beam,
M,M(x) moment in general at section considered or at section x
Mª maximum absolute moment in member at stage deflection is computed
Mb moment due to balanced load
Me maximum moment on section while acting as composite section
Mc,- cracking moment
MD moment due to dead load
MF,MF(x) total moment due to prestressing at section considered or at section x
MFA,MFB total moment due to prestressing at supports A and B of a typical span AB
Me bending moment due to self-weight of member
M¿ moment due to live load
M1ane maximum moment due to a single live loading lane at section considered
ML+l moment dueto live load plus impact at section considered
Mmax maximum bending moment at section considered under service load conditions
(M)max maximum absolute moment in a span due to truck loading
Mmin mínimum bending moment at section considered under service load conditions
Mn nominal moment resistance
Mnb moment due to unbalanced load
Mn,b nominal moment resistance of a compression member (section) at balanced

nominal moment capacity leading to zero tension on extreme fiber of column or

wall section
nominal moment resistance dueto the overhanging portian ofthe tlange ofa T
nominal moment resistance of compression member (section) subjected to pure
Mnw nominal moment resistance of the web of a T or tlanged section
MP maximum moment on the precast prestressed section of a composite member
Ms moment due to cast-in-place slab in a composite member at section considered
MsD moment due to superimposed dead load at section considered
Mu strength design moment or factored moment at section considered
Mue magnified factored moment to account for slendemess in compression member
Muw strength design moment for the web of a T section
Mu1 value of smaller factored end moment on compression member, positive if
member is bent in single curvature, negative ifbent in double curvature
value of larger factored end moment on compressive member, assumed always
M1,M1(x) primary moment due to prestressing in a continuous structure at section
considered or at section x
secondary moment due to prestressing in a continuous structure at section
considered or at section x
secondary moments due to prestressing at supports A and B or at sections A
n used as a subscript for nominal
modular ratio of concrete of cast-in-place slab to concrete of precast section of
a composite beam
np modular ratio E ps I E¿
npi initial modular ratio E ps I Eci
ns modular ratio Es / E¿
N axial load acting on member, preferably used for tension
Nb number of beams in a bridge deck
Ne tensile force in concrete section due to unfactored dead load and live load
Ncr tensile load leading to cracking of prestressed member
Ndee tensile load leading to decompression ofprestressed member
Nn nominal resistance of prestressed member under axial tension; nominal
resistance of nodal zone
number ofdesign loading lanes
used as a subscript for prestressing; also used for pressure or percentage
perimeter of centerline of outermost closed transverse torsional
reinforcement, in
p concentrated externa! load in general
p axial load acting on member, preferably used for compression
Pcr critica! buckling load
Pm maximum cut-off compressive force on column allowed by code
r; nominal axial load capacity, in general, ata given eccentricity
Pn,b nominal axial load capacity at balanced conditions
Pn,o nominal axial load capacity of compression member subject to pure
Appendix A - LIST OF SYMBOLS 1023

nominal axial load capacity leading to zero tension on extreme fiber of column
or wall
Pu factored axial compressive load at given eccentricity
PPR partial prestressing ratio
Q first static moment with respect to centroid ofthe portion of section above the
shear plane considered
Q stability index
Q concentrated externa! load
Q,Q¡ loading or load effect in general, and loading i
r radius of gyration of cross section = ~ I / A
R used as a subscript to describe effect of steel relaxation
R radius of circular, cylindrical, or curved element
Rn nominal resistance in general
s curvilinear abscissa; also used as a subscript for "steel" reinforcement
s spacing to stirrups, or ties, or bent-up bars in direction parallel to longitudinal
s pitch of spiral reinforcement
s length of side element
s effect of cast-in-place slab in a composite beam
s used as a subscript to describe effect of shrinkage
s transverse spacing center-to-center ofbeams or girders in a deck or slab
effective span of slab
transverse clear spacing ofbeams or girders
superimposed dead load or its related interna! moments and forces
safety factor
torsional shear stress
used as a subscript to indicate "top fiber" or "tensión"
wall thickness
age at loading
torsional shear stress contributed by concrete after cracking; also used when
member is subjected to torsion alone
torsional strength (stress) of concrete under combined torsion and flexura! shear
torsional shear stress at cracking
particular values of time, mostly used to define the beginning and the end of a
time interval
design lifetime of member
time at transfer or at release of prestress
time at jacking of prestressing steel
factored design torsional strength (stress)
tensile force in the steel; also used as subscript for total to describe cumulative
effects; for temperature loading; for torque or torsional moment; for T section
nominal torsional moment resistance contributed by concrete after cracking
torsional shear strength of concrete under combined torsion and flexura! shear
torsional cracking moment
tensile force in the ith !ayer of prestressing steel
tensile or compressive force in the ith !ayer of reinforcing steel
nominal torsional moment resistance of section

tensile force in the steel balancing the compression force in the overhanging
portian of the flange of a T section at nominal moment capacity
nominal resistance of tie
nominal tensile force in the steel balancing the compressive force in the web of
a T section at nominal moment capacity
nominal torsional moment resistance contributed by torsion reinforcement
factored design torsional moment at section considered; factored tensile force
used as subscript for "factored effects" or design specified values at ultimate
u required strength to resist factored loads or related interna! moments and forces
u unit cost; subscript e holds for concrete,/ for forms, p for prestressing steel, and
s for reinforcing steel
u,v shear stress in general
permissible shear stress carried by concrete
shear strength (stress) of concrete in presence of torsion
nominal shear strength (stress) provided by concrete when diagonal cracking
results from combined shear and moment
nominal shear strength (stress) provided by concrete when diagonal cracking
results from excessive principal tensile stresses in the web
Un nominal shear strength (stress) at section considered
Unh nominal horizontal shear strength (stress)
Us nominal shear strength (stress) provided by shear reinforcement
Uu factored design shear strength (stress) at section considered
Uuh factored horizontal shear strength (stress)
V,V(x) shear force in general at section considered or at section x
VD shear force due to unfactored dead load at section considered
Viane maximum shear force due to a single live loading lane at section considered
VL+I shear force due to unfactored live load plus impact at section considered
vn nominal shear strength (force) at section considered
r; nominal horizontal shear force resistance
vP vertical component of effective prestressing force at section considered
VsD unfactored shear force due to superimposed dead load
Vu factored design shear force at section considered
Vuh factored design horizontal shear force
w unfactored load per unit length of beam or per unit area of slab; width in
balanced load; width ofbearing plate
dead load per unit length ofbeam or per unit area of slab; it includes self
weight and superimposed dead load if any
self-weight ofmember per unit length or per unit area, or gravity load
live load per unit length of beam or per unit area of slab
nonbalanced load or unbalanced load
superimposed dead load per unit length ofbeam or unit area of slab
factored load per unit length of beam or per unit area of slab
weight; wind load or related interna! moments and forces; crack width
wedge to wedge width ofbridge deck
X abscissa along the x axis; also x represents, in general, an unknown
X shorter overall dimension of rectangular part of cross section
X¡ shorter center-to-center dimension of closed rectangular stirrup
Appendix A - UST OF SYMBOLS 1025

X abscissa of section of tendon beyond which the stress loss due to anchorage set
is zero
y ordinate along the y axis
y longer overall dimension of rectangular part of cross section
Yb distance from centroidal axis of section to extreme bottom fiber
Ybc distance from centroidal axis of composite section to extreme bottom fiber
Yt distance from centroidal axis of section to extreme top fiber
Ytc distance from centroidal axis of composite section to extreme top fiber
Y;c distance from centroidal axis of composite section to extreme top fiber of the
precast member
y¡ longer center-to-center dimension of closed rectangular stirrup
z ordinate along the z axis; number used in general
z loss in stress in prestressing tendon along span length l
z objective function in an optimization problem
z factor that defines the slope of a line simulating the descending branch of the
stress-strain curve of concrete
section modulus with respect to extreme bottom fiber =le! Yb
section modulus with respect to extreme bottom fiber for a composite section
= lec I Ybc
section modulus with respect to extreme top fiber =le! y1
section modulus with respect to extreme top fiber for a composite section
= lec I Ytc
section modulus with respect to extreme top fiber of precast elements of a
composite section = Ice I Y;c


a angle in general or factor in general

a total angular change of prestressing steel profile in radians between two points
a angle between inclined stirrups and longitudinal axis of member
/J factor that indicate the ability of diagonally cracked concrete to transmit tension
between cracks
ratio of long side to short side of concentrated load, reaction or column
ratio ofmaximum factored dead load (sustained) to maximum factored total
load, always positive
effective strength coefficient for nodal zone
effective strength coefficient ~ strut
coefficient or multiplier of ..J in psi, expressing the cracking resistance of
concrete under shear stresses induced by the combination of shear forces and
torsional moment.
/J¡ factor used to define the depth ofthe equivalent rectangular stress block at
ultimate as a function of the location of the neutral axis (Eqs. 5 .12 and 5 .13)
r geometric efficiency; unit weight in general; factor in general
Ye unit weight of concrete
Y; load factor for load i
r. unit weight of steel
Yu fraction of unbalanced moment transferred by eccentricity of shear at slab-
column connections

s differential change (increase or decrease) in variable considered

s moment magnification factor for columns
s anchorage set, or slippage
s.s, sag in span considered or in span i
«;», moment magnification factor for non-sway and sway column, respectively
LI deflection in general, positive for detlection and negative for camber
LI difference or differential amount between two values ofvariable that follows
the LI
Ll(t) deflection at time t
Lladd additional long-term deflection
Lln deflection due to dead load
Lla deflection due to self-weight
LI L deflection due to live load
LI i initial, instantaneous elastic deflection
z, life deflection for the sustained loading considered
Ll1, Ll2, L'.13 deflections at different times or loading stages
Llfcr stress range limit in concrete in compression under fatigue
LlfpA total stress loss in the prestressing steel due to anchorage set at section
Llfpc,Llfpc(t;,t1) respectively total stress loss in the prestressing steel during service life due to
creep of concrete, and stress loss during a time interval (t¡, t.i) at section
LlfpES total stress loss in the prestressing steel due to elastic shortening at time of
transfer or release
LlfpF total stress loss in the prestressing steel due to friction at section considered
Llfpr stress range in prestressing steel under cyclic load
LlfpR, LlfpR (t;,tJ) respectively total stress loss in the prestressing steel during service life dueto
relaxation ofthe tendons, and stress loss during a time interval (t¡,t1) at
section considered
LlfpR1 stress loss in prestressing steel due to relaxation between time at end of jacking
and time of stress transfer
LlfpR2 stress loss in prestressing steel due to relaxation between time of transfer and
service life
respectively total stress loss in the prestressing steel during service life dut to
shrinkage of concrete, and stress loss during a time interval (t¡, t J) at section
respectively total stress loss in the prestressing steel during service life due to
ali sources of loss, and stress loss during a time interval (t¡ .t J) at section
average stress loss in the prestressing steel
moment amplitude = M max - M min at section considered
moment in excess of self-weight moment, causing flexura! cracking in the
precompressed tensile fiber at section considered
factored bending moment due to superimposed dead load plus live load at
section considered
factored shear force due to superimposed dead load plus live load at section
differences between two stresses, or stress amplitude
permissible stress amplitude
Appendix A - LIST OF SYMBOLS 1027

s strain in general
Ce (t) creep in strain at time t
lich strain in concrete bottom fiber
6ce concrete strain at the centroid of prestressing steel due to effective prestress
lici initial elastic instantaneous strain in concrete
lict strain in concrete top fiber; also used for tensile strain in concrete
6cu strain in extreme compression fiber of concrete at nominal resistance of the
«cu ultimate creep strain or creep strain at end of life of member
E:m strain at maximum or peak stress of the stress-strain curve
¡:;pe strain in prestressing steel under effective stress Ípe
E:ps strain in prestressing steel at section considered and loading considered
&pu ultimate faiture strain of prestressing steel
E:py yield strain of prestressing steel
6su ultimate shrinkage strain or shrinkage strain at end of life of member
es (t) shrinkage strain at time t
E:¡ net tensile strain in extreme !ayer of steel at nominal bending resistance
E:y strain at onset ofyielding ofreinforcing steel
r¡ F I F¡ ratio offinal prestressing force to initial prestressing force or ratio of
corresponding stresses
r¡ torsional coefficient; coefficient in general
r¡ load multiplier or load modification factor used in AASHTO LRFD code
e torsional constant
e angle in general
A, coefficient in general; coefficient used in prestress losses; multiplier used in
deflection computation; rnultiplier used to differentiate lightweight from
normal weight concrete
ith constant or parameter
multiple presence factor for lane loading in bridges
curvature friction coefficient; also coefficient of friction or simply coefficient;
ratio of curvatures, rotations, or deflections
V Po is son' s ratio
7r 3.14159
p' A; I bde, ratio of compression reinforcement
Pb reinforcernent ratio producing balanced condition
Pp A ps I bd P, ratio of prestressed reinforcement
Ps A5 I bd5, ratio of non-prestressed tension reinforcement
A· ratio of volume of spiral reinforcement to total volurne of core of spirally
reinforced compression member
Psmin mínimum specified reinforcernent ratio for reinforced concrete member
Psmax maximum specified reinforcement ratio for reinforced concrete beam
o stress in general; preferably used for concrete unless another symbol is widely
accepted such as f
stress on bottom fiber; bearing stress
respectively actual extreme fiber compressive stress in the concrete
immediately after prestress transfer, and code allowable limit
respectively actual extreme fiber compressive stress in the concrete at service
loads, and code allowable limit

( Cíes )stab, ( ªes )stab respectively actual extreme fiber compressive stress in computer slab if any at
service loads, and code allowable limit
stress at the centro id of the concrete section due to the final or effective
prestressing force after losses
a gi stress at the centro id of the concrete section due to the initial prestressing force
CJ'm maximum or peak stress
O'¡ stress on top fiber; tension stress in general
o«. a,¡ respectively actual extreme fiber (initial) tensile stress in the concrete
immediately after transfer, and code allowable limit
respectively actual extreme fiber tensile stress in the concrete at service loads,
and code allowable limit
(]' X axial stress in the x direction
ay axial stress in the y direction
principal tensile stress; also used for hoop stress
CY2 principal compressive stress; also used for meridian stress
t: bond stress in general
r allowable bond or shear stress
y torsional constant
(() curvature of section
ifJ strength reduction factor
f// end-restraint coefficient; factor describing fraction of live load
f//m average value of restraint coefficient of column considered
f//¡, f// 2 restraint coefficients at extreme ends of column considered
o/ p'J; / fd
OJe = OJP + OJ5 - w' = effective reinforcing index or global reinforcing index
OJP PpÍps I fd
OJS PsÍy I fd
OJsw, OJpw, OJ~ reinforcement indices for flanged sections computed as for OJ5, OJ P, and to'
except that b shall be the web width, and the steel area shall be that required to
develop the compressive strength of the web only
reinforcing index corresponding to balanced conditions in reinforced concrete
minimum value of the effective reinforcing index
minimum recommended value of the reinforcing index


cf cubic foot
cgc centro id of concrete section ( center of gravity of concrete)
cgs centro id of the prestressing tendons or of the steel
cm centimeter
ft foot
in inch
kips kilopounds
kip-ft kip x foot (unit ofmoment)
kip-in kip x inch (unit ofmoment)
klf kips per linear foot
kN/mm2 kilonewtons per square meter
ksi kips per square inch
Appendix A - LIST OF SYMBOLS 1029

lb pound (pounds)
m meter
mm millimeter
MPa megapascal
N/mm2 newtons per square millimeter
pcf pounds per cubic foot
plf pounds per linear foot
psi pounds per square inch
psf pounds per square foot


AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

ACI American Concrete Institute
ANSI American National Standard Jnstitute
ASCE American Society ofCivil Engineers
ASTM American Society ofTesting and Materials
CEB Comite European du Beton (has become part of FIB)
CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
FIB Federation lntemationale du Beton
PCA Portland Cement Association
PCJ Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute
PTI Post-Tensioning Institute


US Customary Unit SI - Metric Unit

ft m
yard m
in mm
in2 mm2
psi MPa
lb N

.Jl! psi 0.083.Jl! ~ .Jl!


2.JJ: psi 0.17 ft ~ Jl:


j, = 1 .s.Jl! psi 0.62.Jl: MPa

Conversion from US to SI Units

1 in = 25.4 mm
Length: I ft = 0.3048 m

f I in 2 = 6.452 cm2 = 645.2 mm2

l I ft 2 = 0.0929 m2

I in3 = 16.39 cm3 = 16390 mm3

I ft3 = 0.0283 m3
Volume: 1 yd3 = 0.765 m3
I oz = 29.57 mi
I gal= 3.785 litres

Appendix B - UNIT CONVERSIONS 1031

f 1 in 4 = 41.62 cm4 = 416,200 mm4

h ft 4 =863,032 cm4 =0.00863032 m4

Density: I lb/ft3 = 16.03 kg/m3

Unit Weight: l lb/ft3 = 1 pcf= 0.1575 kN/m3

Stress and Modulus:

f 1 lb/in2 = 1 psi ,,, 0.006895 N/mm2
11 kip/in2 = 1 ksi ,,, 6.895 N/mm2 = 6.895 MPa

¡ l lb = 0.454 kg
I oz = 28.35 gr
1 ton (short) = 907.2 kg

1 lb= 4.448 N
I kip = 4.448 kN
Loads: 1 kip/ft = 1 klf ,,, 14.59 kN/m
I lb/ft2 = 1 psf ,,, 0.0479 kN/m2 = 47.9 Pa
1 kip/ft2 = 1 ksf ,,, 47.9 kN/m2

1 lb-ft = 1.356 N-m

1 lb-in= 0.113 N-m
Moment or torque:
1 kip-in = 0.113 kN-m
1 kip-ft = 1.356 kN-m

ºC = (ºF - 32)

1 mph = 1.609 kilometer/hour

1 mph = 0.4470 meter/second (mis)

Energy: 1 Btu = 1056 joule U)

Power: 1 horsepower (hp) = 745.7 Watt (W)

Specific surface:

Unit weight of concrete: 150 pcf = 2400 kg/m '

Unit weight ofmortar: 130 pcf= 2080 kg/m3


Unit weight of steel: 490 pcf= 7850kg/m3

1 / .J¡ 000 = 0.0316 to convert .JJ: from psi to ksi

SI Metric Equivalent of Sorne Design Equations

U.S. Customary SI Metric

Units: in Units: mm
in2 mm2
psi MPa
lb N
.¡¡: 0.083.Jl:
Ve= 2.Jl: 0.17.JJ:
Ír = 7.5.Jl: 0.62.Jl:

Íps = Ípe + 10,000+--

fd f pe + 69. + __!;___

(A ) . = 50bws 0.35bws
u mm Íy J,

o.os{ 2 + ;J.¡¡:
v. d
o.os.JJ: + 4.8 ~ P

Replace "400" with "2.76"



The following inforrnation is taken from brochures and literature by manufacturers of prestressing
systerns. Their pennission to include this information in this book is gratefully ack:nowledged. The
reader should consult with the local representative of each systern to ascertain details and availability
and/or the existence of any change or update.


(Courtesy Freyssinet lntemational,

The new Freyssinel C Range post-tensioning system has been developed as an answer to modem civil
engineering requirements. The prime characteristic ofthe C range is compactness.
The C range is the outcome of more than fifty years of experience in post-tensioning systems.
Tendon sizes ranging from 3 to 55 15 mm diameter strands are available.
The following section provides a very brief summary of the Freyssinet C multistrand system.
However, changes may be made to the information contained here at any time as new techniques
and/or materials are developed. Users are encouraged to check witb Freyssinet on updates and if to
check if substantial changes have been made to the specified products.
A large amount of other detailed technical literature - such as specific data sheets, speciaJ
applications for 13 mm diameter strand, or smaller units - are avaiJable from Freyssinet.

l. Descriptioo

Thc C range multistrand system possesses the following main features and characteristics (Fig. C l ):

• Versatility
The system is designed for a large range of applications with the same type of anchorages:
• use of al! intemationally available sizes and grades of 15 mm strands, including galvaoized
and unbonded strand;
• application to interna! and external prestressing:
•:• bonded


•:• removable,
•:• removable and adjustable
•:• removable, adjustable and detensionable

Table Cl Typical properties of strands compatible with the C range system.

Nominal Nominal Nominal Nominal Minimum Proof
Tensile Diameter Steel Mass Breaking Stress
Standard Strength are a strength at 0.1 %
N/mm2 mm mrrr' kz/m kN kN
1 770 16 150 1.170 265 228
pr EN 10138-3 1 860 16 150 1.170 279 240
BS 1 770 15.7 150 1.180 265 225
5896 1980 1 820* 15.2 165 1.295 300 255
ASTM 1 860 15.24 140 1.102 260.7 234.6
A 416-96a (270 ksi) (0.6 in) (0.217 in") (0.74 lb/ft) (58 600 lb) (52 740 lb)
*Drawn strand
Note: The maximum initial force in the strand should be as recommended by local codes.

Table C2 Typical properties of tendons used for the Freyssinet C range system.

Type of Strand
of pr EN 10138-3 BS 5896-80 ASTM A-416-96
strands 1860 grade 1820 grade, drawn strand 0.6 in 270 grade
per steel steel steel
ten don a rea mass UTS a rea mass UTS are a mass UTS
mm2 kg/m kN mm2 kg/rn kN mm2 kg/m kN
3 450 3.54 837 495 3.89 900 420 3.306 782
4 600 4.72 1116 660 5.18 1200 560 4.41 1043
7 1 050 8.26 1953 1155 9.07 2100 980 7.71 1825
9 1350 10.62 2511 1485 11.66 2700 1260 9.92 346
12 1800 14.16 3348 980 15.54 3600 1680 13.22 3128
13 1950 15.34 3627 2145 16.84 3900 1820 14.33 3389
19 2850 22.42 5301 3135 24.61 5700 2660 20.94 4953
22 3300 25.96 6138 3630 28.49 6600 3080 24.24 5735
25 3750 29.5 6975 4125 32.38 7500 3500 27.55 6518
27 4050 31.86 7533 4455 34.97 8100 3780 29.75 7039
31 4650 36.58 8649 5115 40.15 9300 4340 34.16 8082
37 5550 43.66 10 323 6105 47.92 11100 5180 40.77 9646
55 8250 64.9 15 345 9075 71.23 16500 7700 60.61 14339
*Masses given correspond to BS 5896-80. For pr EN multiply by 0.991.

• Ronge of onchoroges

@ 3c15·

@ 4ClS

~ 7(15

@ 9C15•



nC 15 anchorage



(IJ 25Cl5P·

Size A 8 e D H 01· 02"

27Cl5• 3(15 150 110 120 85 50 40 45

~ 4(15 1 150 120 125 95 50 45 50
7(15 180 150 186 110 SS 60 65
9(15 : 225 185 260 150 SS 65 70
12(15 240 200 165 150 65 80 85

13(15 250 210 246 160 70 80 85
19(15 1 300 250 256 185 80 95 100
37(15 22C15 330 275 430 220 90 105 110
25(15 360 300 .tOO 230 95 110 115

25Cl5P 350 290 360 220 95 110 115
27(15 350 290 360 220 100 115 120
55Cl5 31Cl5 385 320 346 230 105 120 125
37(15 420 350 1 A66 255 110 130 135
55Cl5 510 420 516 300 145 160 165
•o;s1r,bution o/ slrondi ,n the onchoroge
with no a,ntrol ,trond
See poge 18 far oelecting !he -....,g
jock occonl,ngly

Figure Cl Active anchorages for the C range system.


• Compactness
Very compact anchorages diffuse better the prestressing forces into the concrete, allowing for a more
efficient design by:
• reducing web thicknesses in beams and box girders, blisters and ribs;
• allowing for a concentration of anchorages at the end zones;
• a reduction ofthe dimensions ofprestressing anchor blocks, with minimum strand

• Lightweight jacking equipment

The lightweight compact and automatic C jacks allow for:
• a reduction of the prestressing anchorage reces ses thanks to the compact jack noses;
• reduced distances to walls leading to the reduction of the parasitic moments and therefore of
the required reinforcernent, enabling an easier placing of concrete;
• improving the site conditions, such as handling and stressing.

2. Strand and Tendon Characteristics

Tables Cl and C2 give the main characteristics ofthe most common strands which may be used with
the C range system and the corresponding values for tendons with a given number of strands. The
maximum initial force in the strand at jacking should be as recommended by local codes.

3. Active Anchorages for the C Range System

They are described in Fig. C 1 and u sed for:

• Interna! prestressing with grout, grease, or wax protection
• Partially bonded externa! prestressing with grout protection (non-replaceable)
• Unbonded externa! prestressing, grease or was injected.

4. Ducts for the C Range System

The following main types of ducts are used for the Freyssinet C range tendons:

• For interna! prestressing:

• Corrugated sheath made up of rolled steel sheet strip having a recomrnended rninimurn
thickness of 0.3 mm. The recommended duct diameters are specified for each anchorage.
However, the applicable regulations must be checked against the proposed dimensions.
Generally, cement grout is used for corrosion protection, sometirnes wax or grease (i.e. in
nuclear reactor containment buildings). For certain applications, galvanized steel strip is
• Plastic corrugated Plyduct® sheath, recently developed and patented by Freyssinet to comply
with international standards such asfib and British TR47. It is perfectly air and watertight.
• None, with the patented Ductless Freyssinet system using individually sheathed and greased
strands directly embedded in the concrete.

• For externa! prestressing:

• For partially bonded systerns (grouted)
- corrugated steel sheath or steel tube in the concrete zones (diaphragms and deviators);
- high density polyethylene (HDPE) or steel tubes (rarely) in the zones outside the
concrete. HOPE tubes are standardized in most countries. Ducting with a pressure
rating of0.63 N/mrn2 (6.3 bar) is recornrnended.

• For unbonded System Nºl (double ducting, grouted most often)

- steel tube for the outer casing in the concrete zones;
- HDPE for the inner casing in ali zones.
• For unbonded System N°2 (single ducting, patented system using sheathed and greased
strands in a duct which is grouted before stressing)
- steel tubes in the concrete zones;
- HDPE for zones outside the concrete (0.4 N/mm2 series may be used).

5. Replaceable Active R Anchorages

These ancborages have a special guide and are used for:

• Interna! prestressing without duct (Patented Ductless System), with sheathed and greased
strands. For replaceable tendons, it is recommended to use a longer cap with strand length as
required to allow distressing the tendon (the tendon is then also adjustable). lt may also be
stressed with a monostrand jack.
• Externa! replaceable unbonded prestressing with bare strands, generally grour injected
(Extemal Prestressing System NºI).
• Externa! (replaceable or not) prestressing with sheathed and greased strands grouted before
stressing (ExtemaJ Prestressing System N°2). With longer cap as above, the tendon is
adjustable. Jt may also be stressed with a monostrand jack.

. , • .. · ¡.r .
."'°':. • . ~·.- .
·º . ; . o .•

·- .. ,.
;:- .•
.·_ . .. ..

Figure C2 Typical Freyssinet replaceable active R aochorage.


6. Active Flat F Anchorage

Flat anchorages are generally recommeoded for slabs, foundation mats, shells and other thin structural

• Ronge of onchoroges

~ JF15

cRf H15

ºcfoO 5 F 15

.. ,
g,OIA ..... (8 .. cpr,coaiJ

I· "

o( ©©
©© )° t~
e Rotdoo,,,

8 e i GI" G2"
Size A 1

3FIS 190 85 l 163 58 .. 1 20··

AflS 230 90 1 163 75 20
SF15 270 95 1ó3 90 1 20
AD di!T'llr1s.ons,n rrwn
• f'at duct dr.ion,b,s.
• • 75 • 20 11ot duct mar be dndly c:onn«lld

• Notes:
• The F anchoroges ore ~igned lor o minimum concrele
strength 1<111,n = 30 N/mm' (cylinder strength).
• The prelerred method of tendon instollotion is by threoding the
stronds in the ducts (Rot shopeJ belore concreting. Howeveí, il
required, il is olso ponible lo thread the stronds alter concrete
hordening; in thot cose, pleose, conlod the local Freyssinel
• The Ovctlen System (see poge 6) moy be used with the F
• Primorydistribution burning remlon:ementis shown on poge 14.

Figure C3 Freyssinet active fiat F ancborages.

7. lnstallation - Placing
The installarion ofthe C range post-tensioning system includes the following main steps:

• duct placing
• cable placing
• stressing
• grouting ( or other corros ion protection method)
For internal prestressing, the ducts are placed befare the concrete is poured. Corrugated steel or
plastic ducts are the most common.
For external prestressing, the most commonly used ducts are steel tubes inside the concrete and
HOPE pipes outside the concrete .
The cable is generally placed by pushing each strand into the duct from one end. Freyssinet was
a pioneer in promoting and developing this technique in the early 70's, and can provide advanced
pushing equipment and fittings. A patented high speed, 4 head pushing machine has been developed
for use in large projects. With this machine, it is possible to thread 1, 2, 3 or 4 strands ata time. The
operation of the machi ne may be controlled from the two ends of the tendon being placed.

8. lnstallation - Corrosion Protection

The C range tendons can be protected with any of the known systems: cement grout, grease, and wax
being the most common. Freyssinet can supply ali the necessary equipment to ensure thorough
corrosion protection is achieved. Sorne special cases require special attention:

• Externa! prestressing with cement grout.

The pressure resistance of the ducts must be checked befare grouting. This is achieved using
compressed air. Checking the tightness with water is prohibited.

• Grouting of System Nº2 tendons

In this case, the role of the grout is to constitute a spacer to prevent the plastic sheath surrounding the
strand from being damaged in the contact zones between strands, due to curvature reactions. Sorne
properties of the grout such as mechanical strength (1 O N/mm2 is sufficient for the spacing role
required) and shrinkage play only a secondary role. The grouting takes place befare stressing.

• Yacuum grouting
Freyssinet was a pioneer of the vacuum grouting technique. This has been used and perfected by
Freyssinet for more than twenty years. It is especially suitable for Iarge projects with difficult

• Ductless System
In this system, tendons consisting of sheathed and greased strands embedded in the concrete of the
structure, do not require grouting.

• Wax injection
The tendons may also be injected with petroleum wax when specified by the consultant (for example,
to check the tension after a number ofyears orto protect temporary ties).

9. Jacks

The Freyssinet jacks are designed to provide tension to a number of strands simultaneously or to one
strand and a time. The C range tendons are stressed with high performance CC type hydraulic jacks.
They are front pull with automatic dewedging and hydraulic Iocking-off of jaws. Examples are
shown in Figs. C4 and C5.
A range of high pressure hydraulic pumps to operate the stressing jacks is available.

Figure C4 Freyssinet CC 350 stressing jack.

dosed: 710 mm·


Figure CS Freyssinet M23 monostrand stressing jack.



(Courtesy VSL Corporation,

1. VSL Multistraod Post-Tensioning

The YSL Multistrand System is characterized by the following fearures:

• standardized tendon units using up to fifty-five OS' ( l3mm) or 0.6'º ( I Smm) diameter
• wide selection of anchorage types;
• steel or plastic PT-PLUS™ ducts;
• high-performance cernent or other types of grouting;
• tendons manufactured on-site or in the plant;
• no need to determine tendon length in advance;
• simultaneous stressing of all strands in a tendon;
• stressing carried out in any number of phases;
• simple and reliable equípment for installation, stressing and grouting.

2. VSL Multistrand System Components

Groutlube Vent -·
1i--------~-~-- Groutlube-

,m·~~ ==~:==::::::~~~~~--=,=
Stresslng anchorage f _ Dnlln Om1 - Oead-endanchorage

Figure C6

Figure C6 VSL multistrand anchorage.


3. VSL Ancborages
Technical data and dimensions are provided in the manufacturer brochure. For clarity and simplicity,
spirals are not shown in the picrures, However, they fonn an integral part of the anchorage. For more
detailed information, see VSL 's Report Series on "Detailing for Post-Tensioning."
The SO, SA and VSLAB+~ are VSL standard anchorages for bonded slab post-tensioning. They
are also often used for bridges, buildings. tanks and otber structures.

Stressing Anchorage: VSL Type ES

This revolutionary anchorage has a composite bearing plate (rnetal-high performance concrete) and is
lighter, smaller and easier to handle. lt comes in 3 different configurations: ES-STANDARD for
normal applications, ES-PLUS using VSL's PT-PLUS™ duct system for enhanced corrosion
protection or improved fatigue resistance, and ES-SUPER to provide an electrically isolated tendon.
Equipped with an additional retainer plate, the ES anchorage can also be used as a dead-end


Beanng plate

Anchor head

Permanent Strands
grout cap (opoon>J)

Figure C8 VSL type ES anchorage.

Stressing Anchorage: VSL Type EC

This compact and easy to handle anchorage system allows prestressing force to be transferred through
two flanges. lf equipped with an additional retainer plate, the EC anchorage can also be used as a
dead-end anchorage.

Grout conneccion Duct

Anchor head Bearlng plate


Figure C9 VSL type EC anchorage.


Stressing Anchorage: VSL Type E

The prestressing force is transferred to the concrete by a mild steel-bearing plate. lf equipped with an
additional retainer plate, the E ancborage can also be used as a dead-end anchorage.

Grout tube

Bearing plate (steel)


Anchor head Sleeve



Figure CJO VSL type E anchorage.

4. Sheathing and Corrosion Protection

Generally, corrugated steel ducts witb a mínimum wall thickness of26 gauge are used.
However, the VSL PT-PLUS™ System with its corrugated duct and plastic coupler can provide a
number of important advantages wben compared with conventional ducts, such as:
• greatly enhanced tendon corrosion protection;
• irnproved tendon fatigue resistance;
• reduced sensitivity to stray electric currents;
• reduced tendon friction:
• electrical isolation wben used with special ES anchorages.

The PT-PLUS™ Systern is suitable for ali applications but, given its specific cbaracteristics, is
best adapted to:
• transverse tendons in bridge deck slabs;
• tendons that are close to the concrete surface;
• railway bridges and otber structures that are subject to fatigue loadings or stray electric
• structures where a severe corrosive environment may be expected;
• tendons that need to be electrically rnonitored throughout the structure's service life.

5. Multistrand Post-Tensioning
The unique features of the VSL Post-Tensioning Systern lies in its special wedge locking procedure.
The wedges always remain in contact with the strands during the stressing operation. As tbe pressure
in the jack is released, the wedges automatically lock in the conical holes of the anchor head.

Plaong oí anchor head and wedges

Figure Cll Steps in stressing operation.

The objectives ofthe VSL Grouting System are to prevent corrosion ofthe prestressing steel by filling
of all voids and cavities in tbe tendon and to fully encapsulate tbe steel in an alkaline environrnent, as
well as achieve an effective bond between the prestressing steel and tbe surrounding concrete
member. Tbis is achieved througb:
• Careful selection of cement, water, and admixtures;
• Continuous quality assurance and quality control processes and measurement;
• Selection of mix design and procedures adapted to the selected materials. environment and
• Performance ofthe grouting by t:rained VSL GroutingTecbnicians.

Externa! Post-Tensioning
Externa! post-tensioning is well adapted to bridges due to the resulting savings in construction costs
and the high degree if corrosion resistance provided by the system. Externa! tendons are easy to
inspect and, if necessary, replace. They are ideal for strengthening existing structures and, apart from
their uses in bridges, can be used for a wide range of other applications, including buildings, silos and

VSL Externa! Tendons:

• strand bundle;

• polyelhylene ducts;
• standard multistrand anchorages, or special anchorages permitting easy tendon replacement;
• grout

Strand bundle and sheathing Stressing anchorage

Figure CJ 2 VSL externa! post-tensíoníng system components

6. Monostraod Post-Tensioning

The VSL Monostrand System has advantages similar to those of the VSL Bonded Slab Post-
Tensioning Systern. The VSL Monostrand System uses 0.5'' (l3mm) and 0.6" (15mm) diameter
strands. The strands are given a coating of permanent corrosion-inhibiting coating aod are enclosed in
an extruded plastic sheath. The grease and plastic provide double corrosion protection, as well as
preventing any bonding between the strands and the surrounding concrete. The plastic sheath is
polyethylene with approximately 50 mil wall thickness. To ensure continuous corrosion protection in
aggressive environments, special sleeves are used to join the sbeaths lo the ancborages and each
anchorage is provided with a protective cap. Tbe VSL Monostrand System features factory-applied
corrosion protection very low friction losses, and fulJ utilization of the structural depth. These light,
flexible mooostrands can be easily and rapidly installed, leading to economical solutions. Detailed
information is giveo in VSL's "Post-Tensioned Slabs" publication. With modifications, tbe VSL
Monostrand System can also be used for post-tensioning masonry walls,

Monostrand Specifications:
• 0.5'' ( l 3mm) and 0.6"( l 5mm) diameter strand in accordance with ASTM A4 l6.
• permanent corrosioo-inhibiting coating and plastic sheath in accordance witb PTI


Recess former

lnscallation nur
Figure Cl3 VSL type 86 monostrand ancborage.

Twin ram jaclc

Figure Cl4 VSL twin ram stressing jack.

Reinforcement of the Anchorage Zone

ln addition to the slab reinforcement required by the design, additional reinforcement is necessary in
tbe force distribution zone behind each anchorage. Details should be established by the project

VStrandTM Heat Resistive Tendon

YSL's innovative heat-resistive post-tensioning tendons bave been developed to miugate the
detrimental thennal effects of a fire on the strength of the prestressing steel. Each tendon consists of
one or more steel prestressing strands coated with a proprietary intumescent material. This coating
provides a significantly greater degree of protection to tbe strand in the event of a fire. These tendons
are particularly well suited for strengthening of parking garages and other structures that are exposed
to vehicular tires.

Dywidag posttensioning bars in place. (Courtesy Dywidag-Systems-Jnternational).



(Courtesy Dywidag-Systems-International,

Dywidag-Systems-International (OSI) offers severa! steel reinforcing products for use in constructioa.
They include:
• Multistrand post-tensioning system
• Bar post-tensioning system
• Rock and soil anchors
• Tie rods
• Threadbar reinforcing system
• Threadbar resin anchored rock bolts
• Soil nails

Next only tbe Dywidag bar post-tensioning system is brietly described. The reader is referred to
OSI for literature on Lhe other products and latest updates.

l. Bar Post-Tensioning System Details

The components of the DYWIDAG Bar System are manufactured in the United States exclusively by
Dywidag Systems Intemational. Used worldwide since 1965, the system provides a simple, rugged
method of efficiently applying prestress force to a wide variety of structural application including
post-tensioned concrete, rock and soil anchor systems.
A vailable in I in (26 mm), l V. in(32 mm) and 1 3/8 in (36 mm) THREADBARS® are hot rolled
and proof stressed alloy steel conforming to ASTM A722 CAN/CSA (G279-M 1982). The Y.. in
nominal diameter bar is cold drawn, stress relived alloy steel which after cold threadiag also conforms
to the same ASTM specification as the Threadbar.
The Dywidag Threadbar prestressing steel has a continuous rolled-in pattem of thread-Iike
deformations along its entire length. More durable than machined threads, the defonnations allow
anchorages and couplers to thread onto the threadbar at any point. The 1 W' (46 mm) bar can be
continuously cold threaded for its entice length or if enhanced bond is not required, the bars can be
supplied with threaded ends only.


Figure CJ4 Dywidag Threadbar

The strength ofthe Dywidag anchorages and couplers exceeds the requirements of ACJ 318. Test
reports are available for the main compoaents ofthe system.

Conforming to the requirements of ASTM A615, the deformations develop an effective bond
with cement or resin grout. The continuous thread simplifies stressing. Lift off readings may be
taken at any time prior to grouting and the prestress force increased or decreased as required without
causing any damage.
The Dywidag System is primarily used for grouted construction. Ali components of the system
are designed to be fully integrated for quick and simple field assernbly. Sheathing, sheathing
transitions, grout tubes ali feature thread type connections.
Placing Dywidag Threadbar tendons is simplified through the use of reusable plastic pocket
formers. Used at each stressing end, the truncated, cone-shaped pocket former can extend through, or
butt up against, the form bulkhead.
Threadbars are available in mili lengths to 60 ft ( 18.3 m), and may be cut to specified lengths
before shipment to the job site. Or, where circumstances warrant, the threadbars may be shipped to
the job site in mili lengths for field cutting with a portable friction or band saw. Threadbars may be
coupled to ease handling or to extend a previously stressed bar. Cold threaded 1 % in (46 mm)
diameter bars are available in lengths up to 24 ft (7.3 m).
Bars may be ordered with epoxy coating over their entire length. Coating process conforms to
ASTM A775.

2. Prestressing Steel Properties

Nominal Ultima te Cross Ultimate Prestressing Force, kips Weight Minimum*

Bar Stress Section Strength KN (lbs./ft.) Elastic
Diameter hu AreaAps huÁps (kg/rn) Bending
(in.) (ksi) (in.') (kips) 0.8/p,,Ap, O. 7(p,,A ps 0.6/r,u Áps Radius (ft.)
(mm) (MPa) (mrrr') (KN) (m)
I in. 150 0.85 127.5 102.0 89.3 76.5 3.01 52
26mm 1030 548 567 454 397 340 4.48 15.9
1 in. 160** 1.25 200.0 160.0 140.0 120.0 4.39 60
26mm 1100 806 890 707 623 534 6.54 18.3
1 Y. in. 150 1.25 187.5 150.0 131.3 112.5 4.39 64
32mm 1030 806 834 662 584 500 6.54 19.5
1 Y. in. 160** 1.25 200.0 160.0 140.0 120.0 4.39 60
32 mm 1100 806 890 707 623 534 6.54 18.3
1 3/8 in. 150 1.58 237.0 189.6 165.9 142.2 5.56 72
36mm 1030 1018 1055 839 738 633 8.28 22.0
1 3/8 in. 160** 1.58 252.8 202.3 177.0 151.7 5.56 67
36mm 1100 1018 1125 899 787 675 8.28 20.4
1 %in. 150 2.62 400 320 280 240 9.23 92
46mm 1030 1690 1779 1423 1245 1068 13.74 28.0
*Prebent bars are required for radii less than the minimum elastic radius.
**Grade 160 bar is available only on special order.

3. Steel Stress Levels

Dywidag bars may be stressed to the allowable limits of ACI 318. The maximum jacking stress
(temporary) shall not exceed 0.80 !pu, and the transfer stress (lockoft) shall not exceed 0.70 !pu. ACI
318 does not stipulate the magnitude of prestress losses or the maximum final effective (working)
prestress leve!. Prestress losses due to shrinkage, elastic shortening and creep of concrete, as well as
steel relaxation and friction, must be considered.
The final effective (working) prestress leve! depends on the specific application. In the absence
of a detailed analysis of the structural system, 0.60 !pu may be used as an approximation of the

effective (working) prestress level. Actual long term loss calculations require structural design
information not nonnally present on contract documents.
Following are sorne importan! notes conceming the safe handling of the high strength steel for
prestressed concrete:
1. Do not damage surface of bar.
2. Do not weld or bum so that sparks or hot slag will touch any portion of bar which will be under
3. Do not use any part ofbar as a ground connection for welding.
4. Do not use bar that has been kinked or contains a sbarp bend.
Disregard of these instructions may cause failure of material during stress.

b a

Pocket Former Detail

S:ress.ig Er,o

Figure ClS Details ofDywidag plate anchorage, coupler and pocket former.

4. Detalls

Anchorage Details - Threadbar

Bar Diameter I in 26mm 1 Y. in 32mm 1 3/8 in 36mm
Anchor Plate 5x5xl Y. 127xl40x32 6x7x1Yi 152xl78x38 7x7YixlY. 178xl9lx44
Anchor Plate 4x6 Vi xi Y. l02xl65x32 5x8x1Yi 127x203x38 5x9- l/2x I Y. 127x241x44
Nut Extension a 1-7/8 48 2 Vi 64 2 y. 70
Min. Bar 3 76 2 !h 89 4 l02
*Othcrplate sizes available on special order. **To accommodatesrressmg

Anchorage Details - Cold Threaded Bar

Bar Diameter 1-3/4 in 46mm
Anchor Plate 9x9x2-l/4 230x230x57
Anchor Plate ----- -----
Nut Extension a 2-7/8 74
Min. Bar 3-5/8 92
Protrusion * *b
*Other plate sizes available on special order.
**To accommodate stressing

Coupler Details - Length C

in mm in mm in mm in mm
For plain bars 6-1/4 159 6-3/4* 171* 8-3/4 219 6-3/4 171
For epoxy coated 7-3/4 197 8-1/4 210 10-1/8 267 8-3/4 222
Diameter d 2 51 2-3/8 60 2-3/4 67 3-1/8 79
*7-1/2" (190 mm) long coupler available on special orders.

Sheathing Details (galvanized steel)

in mm in mm in mm in mm
Bar Sheathing O.O. 1-7/8 47 2 51 2-1/8 55 2-3/4 70
Bar Sheathing I.O. 1-5/8 43 1-7/8 48 2 51 2-5/8 67
Coupler Sheathing O.O. 2-3/4 70 3 76 3-1/2 87 4 101'
Coupler Sheathinz I.O. 2-5/8 67 2-7/8 72 3-1/4 83 3-3/4 95

Pocket Former Details

in mm in mm in mm in mm
Depth 7-1/8 178 8 203 8-5/8 219 N/A N/A
Maximum Diameter 5-1/8 130 6-1/2 165 6-1/2 165 N/A N/A

5. Modulus of Elasticity

The modulus of elasticity "E" is an intrinsic property of steel whose magnitude remains basically
constant and is little affected by normal variations in mili processes. For Threadbars, this value has
been determined to be 29700 ksi (205000 MPa).

6. Relaxation

Relaxation is defined as the loss of prestress load in a post-tensioning steel subjected to a specified
initial stress while maintaining the length and the temperature constant. Relaxation tests usually refer
to 0.7 actual ultimate as initial stress (see chart below). The tension loss after 1000 hrs for a
Threadbar initially stressed to 70% of guaranteed ultimate strength can be assumed between 1.5 and
2%. Tests indicate that the relaxation losses in cold drawn, cold threaded bars are significantly

7. Stress-strain characteristics

A typical stress-strain curve for a stretched and stress relieved bar is substantially different form a
typical curve produced for a cold drawn, cold threaded bar. Samples of each are illustrated below.
The most notable feature is the lack of a definite yield point characteristic of cold drawn bars.

relaxation % remaining







hours 001 0.1 10

Figure C16 Stress relaxation curve.

99.6 ,_..I -+-+--+-+-.-+-+-<--+-+-+--t--t,,-+--+-4--+-,1-+-.... -l·· . . .

~ 85.37 -i--- -- - .... -+-··+·+·+·+-..;G)1'gr150hot-rolledThreadbár 1
1__ c.........

~ ® 1·314' gr150 cold·rolled Threadbar ··· ········· ····•···

f= 71.14 -+--+-+-1-l 46 mm bar ICTL Feb 19981 ---
1,,,M-+-+--+-+- ... -,--+- --~··· ··1 1 1
56.91 H+--+-++-+--H--+-++-+-H-1--+

42.68 H-f-+--+-+-+-l-+-+·····l····++··+--··l·-+·+-+-+--Hc...+-+-l-+--+-1


14.23 IJ...j,-..J.--i-..+--l--HH--i-++-.¡.....l-!-~--1-....j...... _ ....

O 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 24 ,8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.4 4 . .8 5.2 5.6 60 5.4 6.8 72 7.6 8.0 84 8.8 9.2 9.6100
Strain [%] 25 = 10

Figure Ct 7 Experimental stress-strain curves.

8. Fatigue resistance

Under normal circumstances fatigue is not a primary design consideration for prestressing steels.
However, al! Dywidag bars and accessories have been tested and proven to exceed the fatigue
requirements specified by the Post-Tensioning lnstitute.

9. Temperature Characteristics

Tests have demonstrated that no significant loss of strength occurs when bars are subjected to elevated
temperatures up to 1, 100 degrees F. Except that the yield strength is reduced when tempera tu res
exceed approximately 750 degrees F. Bar ductility is not significantly affected by temperatures down
to -60 degrees F.

10. Susceptibilityto Stress Corrosion and Hydrogen Embrittlement

All prestressing steel is susceptible to stress corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement in aggressive
environments and therefore must be properly protected. However, accelerated tests have
demonstrated that while A 416 strand failed after 5 to 7 hours, bars still held their load when testing
was discontinued at 200 hours.

11. Bond

The deformations on the DYWIDAG Threadbar exceed the deformation requirements of A 615.
Consequently bond strength is at least equivalent to A 615 reinforcing bars.

12. Shear

High strength bars are not usually used to resist transverse shear loads. However, their untensioned
shear strength is similar to that of any other steel.


13. Stressing

Dywidag Threadbars are stressed using compact light-weight electric powered hydraulic jacks. In
most cases handled by one person, the jack fits over a pull rod designed to thread over the threadbar
protruding from the anchor nut. The jack nose contains a socket wrench and ratchet device which
allow the nut to be tightened as the threadbar elongates. Equipment for the 1 3/., in (46 mm) bar varíes
from standard equipment.
The magnitude of the prestress force applied is monitored by reading the hydraulic gauge
pressure and by measuring the threadbar elongation. The elongation can be measured directly by
noting the change in threadbar extension.

14. Grouting

Grouting completes the installation process for post-tensioned concrete construction. The grout is
important in protecting the steel from corrosion and contributes significantly to the ultimate strength
ofthe structure.
A portable grout mixer is used to flush out the tendon sheathing to remove debris. Then cernent
and water grout is pumped into the grout tube at one end ofthe tendon using a grout tube at the other
end as a vent. An admixture is used to control expansion and pumpability.


Prolem No.:

1.1 Examples include: Umbrella. tent, musical drum. trampoline, tempered glass, carriage wheels

1.3 J. As = 5.51 in 2: M;= 562.54 kips-ft; q., = 5.071x10-5 (l/in): qJII = 1.82 x 10-3 (1/in).
2. As= 3.20 in2; M = 330.64 kips-ft;
11 tp = 0.0031 ()/in)
3. F = 154.50 kips: Aps = 1.03 in2; 9'(a) = -7.804 x lO-ó ( 1/in): q.,(b) = 5.225 x 10-ó ( 1/in)

2.3 (Ccu Jmcmber = KcHKcAKcs(Ccu)materiaJ

= 3 x l.25t¡l.l IS (1.27 -0.0067 H)

I~ 7



28 2.54 2.20 1.86
90 2.21 1.91 1.62

2.5 Normal weight Ligbtweight

¡¡, psi 5000 7000 9000 5000 7000 9000
Ir~. psi -212 -251 -285 -141 -167 -190
f,., psi -530 -627 -712 -398 -471 -534
Ec, 106psi 4.287 5.072 5.751 2.511 2.971 3.368

4.1 (a) a= ±1203 psi. Failure will occur dueto excess tension.
(b) F = 259.85 kips.
(e) F = 129.92 kips.
(d) F = 86.62 kips.


4.2 WL = 420 plf.

4.3 (l)F == 182.18 kips; e0 = 12.55 in. (4) Mcr == 331.05 kips-ft. However, if6 strands are draped,
then 9 strands are needed with: F == 206.55 kips; e0 = 11.88 in.
(5) (q:i) .. d.
101 1. ia 11 oa mg
=-2.12xl0-5 (1/in); (q:i)fima 11 oa =0.606xl0-5 (1/in)for9strands.

(6) Wmax = 869.86 plf; F = 250.72 kips; e0 = 13.06 in

4.4 F = 143.2 kips;F¡ == 179 kips; k; = -3 in; k~ = 3.68 in

4.5 F¡ = 187.5 kips; e0 = 1.35 in

4.7 (a) Minimum required F = 51.9 kips; actual F = 69.3 kips (3 strands) at e0 = 10.64 in
(e) F == 123.6 kips. (controlled by stress condition 11)
(d) Maximum live load= 193 psf
(e) k; = -6.54 in; k~ = 8.67 in
X o 4 8 12 16 20 ft

eou -6.54 -1.58 2.29 5.05 6.71 7.26 in

ea/ 8.67 10.64 10.64 10.64 10.64 10.64 in

4.8 (a) F¡ == 143.44 kips (5 strands) at e0 = 10.64 in

5.1 CY¡¡ = 635.5 psi; CYc; = 796.4 psi; c,cs = 1216 psi; c,1s = -70.6 psi; Mu= 1161.67 kips-ft;
r/¡M11 == 1448 kips-ft

5.3 Prestressed reinforcement only: Me,. = 409.54 kips-ft; rpM11 == 575.82 kips-ft. Prestressed and
nonprestressed reinforcement: rpM11 = 682.36 kips-ft

5.4 (a) Mu= 122.45 kips-ft; Mcr = 104.77 kips-ft; r/¡M11 = 559.5 kips-ft; rpM11 > l.2Mcr
(b) Íps = 211 ksi; rpM11 = 121.56 kips-ft < l.2Mc, = 125.7 kips-ft (add sorne nonprestressed
5.6 (a)F = 631.13 kips(22 strands); e0 = 10.67 in
(b) rpM11 =1217 kips-ft; Me,. =802.9 kips-ft; r/¡Mf' >l.2Mc,.; Mu =1044 kips-ft; r/!M11 >M11
(e) Use2#9 As=2.00in2>(As) . =l.35in
reqwre •
5.8 Aps =0.986 in2;dp =21 in
6.1 For c,1 = O, e,Y = 228.6 psi; for c,1 = -100, e,Y = 100 psi
6.2 Mínimum shear reinforcement is adequate for the beam. It can be waived if the beam is part of a
joist slab.
6.3 Mínimum shear reinforcement is sufficient throughout.
6.4 F = 367 .2 kips ( 16 strands ); choose profile with two draping points at about 25 and 50 ft from
support A; e0 = 5.98 in at A; e0 = 17 .98 in at B; e0 = -6.02 in at C; e0 = O at D.

7.3 (la) !J.; =-1.19 in

(1 b) Method t.,,.add (in)

Rule ofthumb -1.908
Martin's -1.752
Branson's -1.872

7.5 (a) 14 strands with F¡ = 374.85 kips, e0 = 17.01 in at midspan, and e0 = 10.73 in at support.
Single draping point at midspan.
(b) </JMn = 12, 751 kips-in >Mu= 11,205 kips-in
(e) Shear reinforcement: #3 U stirrups at s = 22 in
(d) t.,,.add = -1.58 in
(e) Using incremental step method: !J.add:::: -1.95 in

7.7 (la.) !J.;:::: -0.078 in

(1 b.)
Method t.,,.add(in)
Rule of 0.137
thumb -0.116
Martin's 0.104

t, da s 7 30 90 365 da s 50 rs
!J.(in) -0.160 -0.157 -0.139 -0.109 -0.064 -0.019

7.8 (l)
Method of t.,,.add !_,,.Total lt.,,.LLI lt.,,.LL + t.,,.addl
m in in in in
Rule of thumb -0.396 -0.621 -1.017 0.64 0.019 Smallest
Martin's -0.396 -0.665 -1.061 0.64 0.025
Branson's -0.396 -0.675 -1.071 0.64 0.035
AC/ 1983 -0.396 -0.792 -1.188 0.64 0.152 Larzest
l l
ACI Limitation ::;- = 1.33 :S-=1 O.K.
360 480

t, days 1 3 7 30 60 365 days 5 yrs 40 yrs
"i!J.fpT (t¡,tj )(ksi) 14.87 17.82 20.62 26.70 29.97 37.1 40.41 42.61

t, days 1 3 7 30 60 365 1214 days
"i!J.fpr (t;,tJ )(ksi) 11.81 19.05 21.37 23.71 25.76 30.93 34.48

8.3 F = 234.32 kips

8.5 (a) t
(!pi = 136.37 ksi
(b) (!p¡)B = 77.92 ksi
(e) Recommend prestressing from both ends.

9.1 h (in) N Fi (kips)

8 12 334.8
10 10 279.0
12 8 223.2
15 6 167.4

9.2 F=l37.7kips(6strands); e0=9.25in.

9.3 l. F¡ = 359.50 kips (13 strands) at e0 = 23.22 in

2. r/JMn =1503kips-ft; Mcr =993.5kips-ft; r/JMn >l.2Mcr; Mu =1319kips-ft;
r/JMn > Mu; shored construction: F¡ = 359.50 kips (13 strands) at e0 = 23.22 in
3. No. 3 U stirrups at 24 in spacing
6. Same answer as in 1.
10.1 The ZLC line coincides with the neutral axis ofthe member.
10.2 Fig. P 10.2a. The ZLC line is a straight line with eccentricity -0.15h at the left support and
0.30h at the right support.
Fig. P10.2b. The ZLC line is a segmented line with eccentricity -0.3375h at the left support,
0.28125h at midspan and O at the right support.
Fig. P10.2c. The ZLC line is a parabola with eccentricity -0.3689h at the left support,
0.1656h at midspan and O at the right support.
Fig. PI 0.2d The profile is concordant.

10.4 M2c = Mw = 48 kips-ft; M2B = 19.2 kips-ft; ( Mmax )e = 255 kips-ft; ( Mmin )e= 128 kips-ft;
(Mmax)s =160 kips-ft; (Mmin)s =32 kips-ft;

11.2 Typical exterior span: 1 strand (0.6-in diameter) at 18-in spacing and 1 strand (0.5-in diameter)
at 36-in spacing. Typical interior span: 1 strand (0.6-in diameter) at 18-in spacing.

12.1 Ag = 271 in2; Aps = 2.67 in2; a rectangular section 15xl8 in will do.

12.3 From the feasible domain the least-weight section corresponds to: Ag = 102 in2; Aps = 1.80 in2

13.1 r/JPn,o = 576.55 kips; r/JPn,ot = 451.65 kips; r/JMn,ot = 646.52 kips-in; e01 = 143 in;
%t = 21.4 x 10-5; r/JPn,b = 27.36 kips; r/JMn,b = 672.87 kips-in; eh= 24.6 in; (f)b = 113.2 x 10-5;
r/JMn,f = 814.43 kips-in for (/¡ = 0.9; <p ¡ = 140.18 x 10-5.

13.2 Assume (/¡ = 0.65 for square spirals (safe side); r/JPn,o = 533.2 kips; r/JPn,ot = 402.57 kips;
r/JMn,ot = 686.68 kips-in; r/JPn,b = 136.30 kips; r/JMn,b = 1033.03 kips-in;

r/JMn,f = 891.30 kips-in, for (/¡ = 0.9.


14.2 (a) M l+I = 1747.32 kips-ft,

(b) Ml+I = 7310.96 kips-ft.

14.3 Maximum positive moment dueto one lane loading =1321.24 kips-ft, Maximum positive
moment dueto one truck loading == 1530.31 kips-ft. Truck position is given in Fig. 14.43.

14.9 The bridge utilizes the same beam and material properties as for the example beam of Section
4.9. l; the maximum service load is the same leading to the same prestressing force and
eccentricity. Design for nominal bending resistance is satisfied. Shear design according to
AASHTO leads to No. 3 U stirrups at 23 in spacing throughout.

14.10 The following results are obtained:

In span: M ll+IM = DFM x ( M laneJmax = 0.706x 2059.91 = 1454.30 kips-ft
First critica! section for shear taken at 3 ft from the center of support:
Vll+IM =DFvx(VLaneJmax =0.832xl04.68= 87.09kips
MLL+!M = DFM x( MLaneJmax = 0.706x316.91 = 223.74 kips-ft
The following results are obtained:
b1,. =u»; =99x0.756=74.84 in
F = 32.40 x 22 = 712.80 kips
N = 22 strands (0.6 in diameter)
Aps =0.216x22=4.752 in2
F¡ = F / 17 = F / 0.80 = 891.00 kips
e0 = 20.73 in at midspan
Ultimate strength requirements in bending are satisfactory.
Shear reinforcement at first critica! section: No. 3, U stirrups at 12 in spacing. The vertical
shear reinforcement is extended through the slab and is sufficient to satisfy horizontal shear

Ventabren viaduct in southern France for tbe high speed raíl project, built by the cast-in-place
cantilever construction method. (Counesy Freyssinet International.)


Through the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI), the prestressed concrete

industry bas developed a number of standard products for various construction
applications, mostly buildings and bridges. ln bridge applications, particularly short
and medium span bridges and highway overpasses, the most common application
involves composite decks constructed with precast-prestressed concrete AASHTO-
PCI girders topped by a cast-in-place reinforced concrete slab. Examples of girders
available from precast/prestressed concrete manufacturers in the U.S. are described
in Chapter 14, Figs. 14.4 to 14.6 and design examples are treated in Sections 14.10
and 14. J 1. However, tbe most widely used product by far in commercial and
residential buildings, is the double T. Double T is also the member of choice in
parking structures, because it offers the beoefits of long spans, large floor area,
efficiency, and relatively light weight. Moreover, double Ts can be used for floors as
well as externa! walls. Design aids have beeo developed by the Precast/Prestressed
Concrete lnstitute for many standard products, including single Ts, double Ts,
hollow cored slabs, columns, piles and poles. Design examples using double Ts and
bollow cored slabs can be found in Sections 4.11.3, 7.12, and 9.7.6 oftbis book.
Figures E I to ES are reproduced from the fifth edition of the PCI Design
Handbook. They show typical examples of double Ts aod hollow-cored slabs.
Assumptions used to develop these figures are explained in detail in the PCI
handbook. The figures can be used for preliminary dimensioning and design. Only a
small selection is given next. The PCI Handbook should be consulted for a mucb
larger selection. Note tbat for each beam made witb normal weight concrete, there is
an equivalent beam made with structural lightweight concrete, and, in each case, an
alternative with 2 in (50 mm) concrete topping is considered.


Slfand Pattem Deslgnatlon DOUBLE TEE

r-= Sectlon PropertlN

,, ~·t:~~-
No. of strand (10)
t t S = straight O = depressed 8'-0" X 24" Untopped Topped
Normal Weight Concrete
108-01 A 401 in'

t L 20,985 in4

r ¡: - 'I"
27,720 in•

No. of depression points y, 17.15 In. 19.27 in.
Oiameter of strand in 16ths 4'-0" 2' O"
2' O"
v. 6.85 in. 6.73 In.
Sale /oads shown include dead load of 1 O
s, 1,224 in:, 1,438 In•
psi for untopped members and 15 psf for s, 3,063 in:, 4,119 In•
topped members. Remalnder is live load. wt 418 plf 618 plf
Long-time cambers include superimposed 52 psi 77 psi
dead load but do not include live load. V/S 1.41 in.
Key ~!-3,;."
173-Safe superimposed service load, psi
0.5 -Estimated cambar al erection, in. f~ = 5,000 psi
0.7-Estimated long-time cambar, in. 10• = 270,000 psi

Table ol sale superimposed servlce load (psi) and cambers (In.) No Toppl11J
Strand ••,In. Span, n
Pattern ec,Jn, 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 48 50 52 54 58 58 80 82 84 88 88 70 72 74
88-S 11.15 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.5

9.15 o.e o.e o.e o.e o.e

88-S 9.15 0.7 0.7 0.9 o.e 0.7 0.5
0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 o.e 0.1
190 1 148 129 114 100 89 54 42
88-01 9.15 1.t 1.2 1.3 1.4 u 1.5 1.8
14.40 1.5 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.B
1.5 1.8
145 0129 116 1 32
108-01 7.15 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.t 1.5
14.15 2.2 2.3 2·.3 2.3 2.3
128-01 13.90

4.29 2.9 2.9 2.8 2.8

148-01 13.65 2.8 2.3 1.0 1.6

Table ol sale superimposed servlce load (psi) and cambera (In.) 'l!' Normal Weight Topplng
Strand ... In. Span, n
Pattem ... In. 28 28 30 32 34 38 38 40 42 44 48 48 50 52 54 88 58 80 82 84
14.15 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5
48-S 14.15
0.4 0.4
11.15 0.5 0.6 0.7
88-S 11.15
0.5 o.e
11.15 0.7 1.0 1.0
88-01 14.65 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0
0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.3

88-01 9.15

108-01 7.15 2.0 2.1 2.1

14.15 1.2 1.0 0.7
5.48 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
128-01 13.90 1.0 0.7 0.3 0.1
Strengfh basad on strain compatibility; boltom tension limitad to 12 /f;;; see pagas 2-2-2-{l for 9Xplanation.
Sheded values require ralease strengfhs higher thsn 3500 psi.

Figure El Standard double T: 8DT24 (normal weight concrete), reproduced from the PCI
Design Handbook. (Courtesy Precast/Prestressed Concrete lnstitute.)

Strand Pattern Daslgnatlon DOUBLE TEE Sectlon Propertles

!+ No. of strand (10)

S = s1raight O = depressed
8'·0" X 24"
Llghtwelght Concrete A

401 in2

108-01 = 20,985 in4 29,857 in4

+ +
Y• 17.15 in. 19.94 in.
No. of depression points 2'-0''
~ Oiameter ol strand in 161hs ~- y, 6.85 in. 6.06 in.
s. 1,224 in3 1,497 in3
Sale loads shOwn include dead load ol 1 O s, 3,063 in3 4,926 in3
psi lor untopped members and 15 psi lor wt 320 ptt 520 plf
topped members. Remainder is /ive load.
Long-time cambers inc/ude superimposed
dead load but do not inc/ude /ive load.
V__ 24"
65 psf

118-Safe superimposed service load, psi f~ = 5,000 psi
1.1 -Estima1ed camber at erection, in.
1.4-Estimated long-time cambar, in. Ípu = 270,000 psi

Table of safe superlmposed servlce load (psf) and cambers (In.) No Topplng
Slrand •.,In.
Pattern 80,ln. 38 38
88-S 11.15

88-S 9.15

88-01 14.40

106-01 14.15

128-01 13.9

148-01 13.85

Table of safe superlmposed service load (paf) and cambers (In.) 2" Normal Welght Topplng
Strand ••,In. Span, 11
Pattarn 80,ln. 28 28 32 34 38 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 80 82 84 88 68
48-S 14.15 0.6 0.6 0.7 o.a 0.9 1.0
0.6 0.6 0.6

11.15 5 4
88-S 11.15
0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4
o.a 0.5 0.3

91 68 58
88-01 14.85


108-01 14.15

128-01 13.90

Strangth basad on strain compatibillt¡,; bottom tension limitad to 12,/í;;; see pages 2-2-2-8 lorexp/anatlon.
S/IIKled values requira release strengths higher than 3500 psi.

Figure E2 Standard double T: 8DT24 (lightweight concrete), reproduced from the PCI Design
Handbook. (Courtesy Precast/Prestressed Concrete lnstitute.)

Strand Pattern Deslgnatlon DOUBLE TEE Sectlon Propertlea

í-:::= No. of strand (10)
10'·0" X 32"
+ , S = straight D = depressed Untopped T opped
Normal Welght Concrete A 615 in•

t L 10'-0" = 59,720 in• 77,131 in•

No. of depression polnts 21.98 in. 24.54 in.
Diameter of strand in 161hs 5'-0" • • 2'-6" : 1 y,
2" y, 10.02 in. 9.46 in.
73/," ---¡ i-- s, 2,717 in' 3,142 in•


Sale loads shown include dead load ot 1 O 5,960 in• 8,149 in•
psi tor untopped members and 15 psi lor 641 plf 891 ptt
topped members. Remainder is live load. 64 psf 89 psi
Long-time cembers inc/ude superimposed 1.69 In.
deed load but do not include líve load.

Key .....; l.-43/"411

182-Safe superimposed service load, psi
1.2 - Estimated cambar at erection, in.
f; = 5, 000 psi
1.6-Estimated long-time cambar, in. fpu = 270,000 psi

Table of safe superlmposed service load (paf) and cambara (In.) No Toppl'lJ
Strand ••,In. Span, 11
Pattern e., In. 48 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 84 66 88 70 72 74 78 78 80 82 84 88 88

128-01 1~:~~ 182¡¡163

12' 1.3
_,r,,:e. 1.6
146 131 118 106
1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4
1.6 1.1 1.1 1.1
62 55 49
1.4 1.3
1.4 1.2
44 39
1.1 1.0
o.e o.5


168-01 1:::
• 199 '180 163 148· ·134. 1Z! 111 101
1_.8:'.':'1.7. U 1:11 1.Q 2.0 2.0 2.0 .
~184 2.1

1~ 1:~ 1;_; 1g; -n : :i:.~

-, "'' 2,.1: 2.2 ··2.2 2:3 . 2,3. 2.3 ~-:Í 2,3· 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.2 0.9 0.5

188-01 7.59 . .,:. :.! :: i~ ¡~ ~

17.98 .. : ..•, -. 2.6 ~-s·
.2.6 2.6 :·2.5 2..- 2::1 .2.1.,.2.ól 1.8 1.5 1.2 o.8
8.48 ,::':: 110 101<·:·93 85 78.•.,12· 86 80 55 50
208-01 2.5 ae 2.6 2'.6 as 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.0
17.73 2.8 ~.1 2.e 2.+ 22 2.0 1.1 ·.1.~-,-.1,0 '"·

~a :.~ ;r~·~.::
2.1 2.e 2.2 1.9 u

Table of safe superimposed servlce load (psf) and cambara (In.) 2" Normal Weight Topping
Strancl ••,In. Span, ft
Pattern •1o1,ln.
16.08 179 157 138 121 106 92 81 70 60 52
108-01 18.98 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
o.9 1.0 1.0 o.9 o.9 o.s o.e 0.1 o.5 o.4
12.81 199 176.1156 138 122 108 96 85 74 65 57
128-01 1.1 ·· 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4
18.73 r.r .12. 12 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.4
10.48 .. ·,· 188 168 148' 13~ 118:11.5 94 83 74 65 57
148-01 U 1.5 1.6 i.e 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7
18.48 '.",1,.'4 1.4. 1.4 ·1.3 -:l.3 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.5 0.3
::- 194 174 156.140 126 64 113 101 . 91.,: 81172
168-01 8.98 ·1.6 1.7 Hl_.<1.9 1.92.0 2,0 2:0 2.0 2,1: 2.1
18.23 ', i.e :-1.e . ,.e 1.5 i i.s.o.5 u 1.3 .... ,.u . Q.11 0.1

7.59 145
9!1:..86 77 89 :. 131 ·1).8·107
188-01 · 21 . 71 2.2 21·._26· 2.3
2,3,: 2.3 2.3 2.3 . ·0.2'
17.98 - ,_;~·.:.· __ p _1.~ 1.3 1.1 o.a e.s
8.48 ,uu 1111 ·u;,e ,~ ""
208-01 17.73 .·. 2.5 2.6 a.e 2.e 2.5
·· u 1.2 .o.o o.e 0.2
Strength based on strain compatibility; bottom tension 1/mited to 12 /!;; see pages 2-2-2-6 lor exp/anation.
Shaded values require re/ease strengths higher than 3500 psi.

Figure E3 Standard double T: IODT32 (normal weight concrete), reproduced from the PCI
Design Handbook. (Courtesy Precast/Prestressed Concrete Jnstitute.)

Strand Pattern Deslgnatlon DOUBLE TEE Sectlon Propertlea

i + No. ol strand (10)
S = straight O = depressed
12'·0" X 28"
Normal Welght Concrete A

640 in2

108-01 1 44,563 in" 57,323 in4

t t

C' t
12'-0" 20.21 in. 22.47 in.
12·,¡: L
~ No. ol depression points 3'-0" 6'-0" 3'-0":l 2"
Olameter ol strand in 16ths 'j' ...jj ;....._ 7'!," y, 7.79 in. 7.53 in.
s. 2,205 in3 2,551 in3

Sara 1oeds shown inctud« daad 1oad ot 10 s, 5,722 in3 7,611 in3
psf tor untopped members and 15 psf for I wt 667 ptt 967 ptt
topped members Remainder is /1ve load. 28"
Long-time cambers toctuae super,mposed 3" CHAMFER , 56 psi 81 psi
dead toad but do not 1nclude live load. __J L VIS 1.62 in.
137-Safe superlmposed service load, psi t; = 5, 000 psi
0.8 -Estlmated camber at erection, in.
1.1-Estlmated long-time camber, in. t.,., = 270, 000 psi

Table of safe superimposed servlce load (psf) and cambers (In.) NoTopplng
Strand e,, In. Span, 11
Pattern e,, In. 40 42 44 48 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 88 88 70 72 74 78 78 80 82 84
108-01 17.02

128-01 18.77

148-01 18.52

188-01 18.27

188-01 18.02

4.52 28
208-01 0.9

Table of safe superimposed servlce load (psf) and cambers (In.) 2" Normal Weight Topplng
Strand e,,ln. Span, 11
pau.n, 9c,ln. 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 80 82 64 88 88 70 72 74 78
10.02 o.e 0.9 0.9 o.a
108-01 17.02
0.9 0.4 0.3 O.O

8.35 164 60 51 43
128-01 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.2
18.77 1.1 o.e 0.7 0.5

7.18 196 77 67 58
148-01 1.1 .1,5 :1,.5' 1.5 1.5
18.52 1.2 1-.2, 1.1
1.3 0.9
108· 9!I 84 74 35
7.02 l.7 ·u 1:8 1.9
!.8 1.~ ·1.s u
5.83 33 27
188-01 18.02

208-01 15.77

Figure E4 Standard double T: 12DT28 (normal weight concrete), reproduced from the PCI
Design Handbook. (Courtesy Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute.)

Strand Pattem Deslgnatlon

HOLLOW-CORE Sectlon Propertlas
4'·0" X 8" umopped Topped
Normal Welght Concrete A 215 in2
1,666 in4 3,071 in•
y, 4.00 in. 5.29 in.
4'-0" y, 4.00 in. 4.71 in.
Sale loads shown include dead load of 1 O s, 416 in3 580 ins
psf for untopped members and 15 psf for
topped members. Remainder is live load. 1
Long-time cambers incfude superimposed
Ü0.] 8"

dead load but do not include live load.
56 psf 81 psf
Capacity of sections of other configura- V/S 1.92 in.
tions are similar. For precise valúes, see
local hollow-oore manufacturer. f~ = 5,000 psi
t;; = 3, 500 psi
335 -Safe superimposed service load, psf
0.2-Estimated cambar at erection, in.
0.3-Estimated long-time camber, In. 4HC8
Table of safe superimposed servlce load (psf) and cambers (In.) No Topplng
Strand Span, ll
Coda 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 38
335 286 246 213 185 162 141 124 109 96 85 75 66 58 50 44 38 33
66-S 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 o.o o.o -0.1 -0.2
0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 o.o -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.5 -0.7
375 337 291 252 220 193 170 150 133 118 105 93 83 73 65 58 51 45 39 34
76-S 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 o.o
-0.1 -0.2
0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 o.o -0.1 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8
372 342 317 296 275 255 225 200 179 160 143 128 115 104 93 84 76 68 61 55 49 44 39
58-S 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 o.o -0.1
0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 o.o -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.9
351 326 302 284 266 250 236 218 196 176 159 143 130 117 107 97 88 80 72 65 59 54
68-S 0.4 0.5 0.5 o.e 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 o.e o.e o.e o.a o.e o.e o.e o.a 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4
0.6 0.6 0.7 o.e o.e 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 o.e 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.2 o.o -0.2
360 335 311 290 272 256 242 229 215 205 188 170 154 141 128 117 106 97 89 81 74 67
78-S 0.5 0.6 o.e 0.7 0.7 o.e 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9
0.7 o.e o.e 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.5

Table of safe superlmposed servlce load (psf) and cambers (In.) 2" Normal Welght Topplng
d Span, ll
COCM 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 38 37 38
309 267 231 201 175 153 133 117 102 89 rr 67 55 44 33
68-S 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 o.o o.o -0.1
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 o.o -0.1 -0.2 -o.s -0.4 -o.e -0.1 -0.9
316 275 241 211 185 163 144 127 112 99 87 74 62 50 40 31
711-S 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 O.O -0.1
0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 o.o -0.1 -0.2 -0.4 -0.5 -0.7 -0.9 -1.2
352 317 279 248 220 196 174 156 139 124 111 98 84 71 60 50 40 32
58-S 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 o.o
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.9 -1.2 -1.5
337 316 297 268 239 215 193 173 156 141 127 114 100 87 75 64 54 45 36
68-S 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 o.s 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.2
0.6 o.e 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 o.o -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.9 -1.2 -1.6
346 325 306 286 271 252 '127 205 186 168 152 138 124 111 98 86 76 66 56 47
78-S 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.8
0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.1 -0.1 -0.3 -0.6 -0.9 -1.3

Strength besed on strain compatibility; bottom tension limfted to 6 /i;; see pages 2-2-2-6 far explanation.

Figure ES Standard hollow cored slab (normal weight concrete), reproduced from the PCl
Design Handbook. (Courtesy Precast/Prestressed Concrete Jnstitute.)

A Committee 343, 878

Committee 423, 654. 670, 675
AASHTO: Committee 435, 704
allowable stresses, 153, 883, 884 American NationaJ Standards Lnstitute
bridge girders, 859 (ANSI):
bridge loadings, 885 live loads, 108
deflection limits, 414, 891 American Railway Engineering Association
horizontal shear, 564
LRFD, 106. 251, 414. 455, 564, 878 specifications, 878
nominal bending resistance, 255
American Society for Testing and Materials
prestress losses, 455
shear design, 340
prestressing bars, 49, 51
standard specifications, 878
prestressing strands, 48, 51
strut-and-tie, 9, 84 prestressing wires, 48, 51
tie reinforcernent, 563 reinforcing bars, 42, 43
Abetes. P. W., 5 welded wire meshes, 43
ACI code, 105, 110. 113. 123, 223, 249, 318,
Analysis. 135
Admixtures. 65 zone design, 198
Alignmenl charts, 813 set or slip. 446. 498. 504
Allowable stresses:
by strut-and-tie, 985
bearing, 200
Anchorages, 1035, 1037, 1041, 1043, 1049
concrete, 11 O, 155, 884
design. 101
prestressing steel, 112, 883
reinforcing steel, J 13 Bars:
slabs, 685 alloy steel. 53
Al-khairi, 252 prestressing, 49
American Association of State and reinforcing, 42, 43
Transportation Officials (see Bazant, Z. P., 420
AASHTO) Beams:
American Concrete lnstitute (ACI): bridge, 859
allowable stresses, 109 composite, 515
building code, 109, 123 non-cornposite, 135
Cornrnittee 209, 71 Bearing stresses, 200
Commiuee 215, 61 Bearings pads, 760, 951


Biaxial bending, 840 Cost, minimum, 174, 754

Billington, D., 953 Corrosion, 62
Blanketed tendons, 195 Cracking:
Bond: control, 124
in pretensioning, 9, 193 flexure-shear, 312
nominal resistance, 249, 259 moment, 191, 539
tensile strain, 228 moment of inertia, 403
unbonded tendons, 249,-259, 293, 295, 655, torsion, 357, 360
656 web-shear,313
Bracing, 805 Creep:
Branson, D. E., 402, 410 coefficient, 78, 406, 41 O, 426, 479, 549
Bresler, B., 842 losses, 447, 453, 460, 479
Bridges, 5, 515-518, 851, 960 strain, 406, 480
Buckling, 802 Critical section:
Bums, N., 648 flexure, 290, 622
Bursting zone, 197, 985 shear, 325, 349, 688, 693
torsion, 371
e Curing, 80
Curvature, 120, 393, 397, 399, 405, 425, 807
C-line, 117, 142, 576
Camber, 390
Cantilever construction, 870
Chemical prestressing, 19 Dapped-end beams, 998
Circular prestressing, 23, 758 Decompression, 212, 751
CN Tower, 35 Deflection, 389
Codes, design, 105, 878 C line approach, 117, 423, 430
Collins, M. P., 340, 367, 962 composite beams, 548
Columns, 775 cracked members, 400, 418
Compatibility, 249, 656 flat plates, 684, 701
Composite: instantaneous, 390, 394
beams, 515, 289 limitations, 412, 414, 891
bridges, 910, 942, 944 long-term, 406, 415, 704
Compression field theory, 340, 367 slabs, 662, 684
Compression-controlled section, 125, 223, time step, 423
784 Deformation, 734, 743, 752
Concordant tendons, 583, 611 Design:
Concrete: aids, 173, 604, 639, 830, 901
composition, 64 charts, 136, 138, 139, 172,245,263,264,
creep, 75,406,410,411,446,460,479 265,266,285,328,348,377,415, 767,
fatigue, 79 831,905,948,975
lightweight, 69 codes, 105, 115, 134, 878, 966
mechanical properties, 68 limit state, 97
normal weight, 69 loads, 106, 885
shrinkage, 73, 446, 459, 475 minimum cost, 754
stress-strain curve, 65, 81 minimum weight, 174, 176
steam curing, 80 objectives, 96
temperature effects, 79 plastic, 105
Containment structures, 23, 759 probabilistic, 105
Continuous beams, 571, 639 ultimate strength, 102, 211, 545, 621, 879
Continuous beams, formulae, 639-642 what is?, 95
Corberls, 963 working stress, 101, 135
Core of column, 801 Development length, 193, 977, 983
INDEX 1067

Diagonal: Flange width:

shear cracking, 312 effective, 520
tension, 306 transformed, 522
Distribution: Flat jacks, 22
of live loads, 891, 900 Flat plates, 651
of moments, 290, 599, 609, 61 O, 611, 625, Flexura! analysis:
680, 709,909 beams, 154
of tendons, 681 composite beams, 533
ofwheel load, 891 continuous beams, 608
Domain, feasible, 158, 162, 166, 538, 554, slabs, 653
633, 749, 755, 757,918 Forecast, bridges, 952
Double T beams, 12, 134, 177, 430 Frames, indeterminate, 620, 677
Ducts, 16, 1036, 1043 Freyssinet, E., 4
Dywidag, l 04 7 Freyssinet Intemational, 1033
Future, prestressed concrete, 33
E Friction:
coefficients, 492, 530, 564
loss, 491
Cforce, 118, 142
shear, 529, 564
limits, 179, 183, 539, 612
FRP reinforcement, 877
maximum practica], 157, 156, 536
mínimum, 802
prestressing force, 30, 118, 142, 144,
Zero-Load-C line, 575, 576, 577 Gamble, W. L., 454
Edge-supported slabs, 616 Gergeley, P., 198
Effective length,803, 812 Grouting, 16
Effective modulus, 407, 421 Gurfinkel, G., 605
Effective prestress, 129, 144, 449 Guyon, Y., 5, 198, 582
Effective width, 520
Elastic shortening, 445, 463 H
Elastomeric bearing pads (see Bearings)
Harajli, M., 60
End block, 199
Hemandez, H. D., 454
Envelopes, steel, 183
Hinges, plastic, 625
End zone, 195
History, prestressed concrete, 4
Equivalent frame method:
for slab analysis, 675 Hollow cored slabs, 13, 543
Hoop stress, 764
for slab deflection, 703
Equivalent loads, 586, 588, 605 Horizontal shear, 525, 528, 564, 921
relative, 72
effects on shrinkage, 72, 475
Failure: effects on creep, 72, 480
flexura) types, 216 Hsu, T. T. C., 361, 362, 366, 368
shear, 313, 689
torsion, 358 I
concrete, 79 Impact factor, 890
prestressing steel, 59 Indeterminate structures, 571
reinforcing steel, 45 Index (see Reinforcement index)
FHWA, 954 Initial loading, 151
Finsterwalder, U., 732 Initial prestress, 129, 152, 450
FIP, 961 Interaction diagram, 831, 841
Interface shear, 525

J McGree, D., 359

Menn, C., 953
Jacks,22, 1040, 1046
Mesh, welded wire, 43
Jacking, stress at, 449, 451
Metric conversions (see SI unit converstions)
Jackson, 813
Mikhailov, V. V., 5
Joist beams, 325
Mitchell, D., 340, 366, 367
Modified compression field theory, 340, 367
Modulus of elasticity:
Khachaturian, N., 605 age adjusted, 420
Kem, of section: effective, 407
central, 179 equivalent, 422
limit, 179, 611 concrete,69, 70
Kripanarayanan, K. M., 71 prestressing steel, 53
Modulus of rupture, 69, 191, 322
L Moment:
nominal, 220, 235, 243, 270, 545, 661, 686,
Lane loading, 885
781, 788, 792,882
Lateral distribution of moments, 672 prestress, 148, 401, 405, 577, 596, 598
Lateral reinforcement: 799
primary, 577, 589, 596
Leonhardt, F., 5
secondary, 577, 579, 583,596
Lift slabs, 653 strength design, 220, 279, 557
Lightweight concrete, 321, 350 transfer, 691
Limit analysis, 622 Moment-area theorems, 394
Limit kern (see Kem) Moment distribution, 596, 599, 609, 61 O, 709,
Limit state design, 97
Limitzon~ 183,611 Moment magnification factor, 816, 819, 827
Lin, T. Y., 5, 674 Moment of inertia:
Linear transformation, 582 computation, 146
Liquid pressure, 759, 764 cracked, 402, 403
Load balancing: effective, 402
beams, 121, 613 gross, 402
frames, 620 transformed, 392, 524
slabs, 616, 674 Moment redistribution, 290, 627
Load combinations, 113, 887 Morandi, 732
Load contour method, 841 Multipliers, detlection, 41 O, 411
Load factors, 113, 880, 881
Loading stages:
beams, 151
composite beams, 519 Nawy, E. G.,, 210
Loads, 106, 885 Nilson, A. H., 972
Losses of prestress, 129, 445 Nonlinear design, 81, 105
Lossier, H., 19 Nuclear containment vessels, 33, 758
LNG tloating structure, 34
One-way slabs, 651, 657
M Openings, 1011, 1012
MacGregor, J. G., 336, 368, 807, 962 Optimum design:
Magnel, G., 5, 198 beams, 174
Magura, D. D., 56 tension members, 745
Martín, L., 411
Mattock, A. H., 998
INDEX 1069

p losses, 55, 44 7, 460, 4 73

of steel, 53
Partía! prestressing:
.columns, 789
detlection, 417, 437
details of, 128
layout, 682, 725, 924, 935
losses, 457
transverse, 799, 979
shear and torsion, 381
Reinforcement ratio: 218
technique, 24
balanced, 225
Piles, 778
maximum, 225
Plastic hinges (see Hinges)
mínimum, 222, 273
Poisson's ratio, 69, 702
spiral, 800
Poles, 779, 791
temperature, 660, 937
Portland Cement Association (PCA), 388, 514
Reinforcing index:
concept, 267
anchorages, 15, 17
limit, 271
end zone, 196
minimum, 273
bridges, 862
T section, 270, 271
friction, 491
Ring stresses, 963
methods, 16
Rotation, 394, 627
prestress losses, 851
slabs, 654
systems, 1033
Post-Tensioning Institute, PTI, 198, 655, 985 Safety, 96
Preload Inc., 24 Secondary:
Pressure line (see C-line) moments, 577, 579, 583, 596
Precast/Prestressed Concrete lnstitute (PCI), reactions, 576, 581
8, 37, 411, 1059 Section:
Prestressing methods, 9 cornpression-controlled, 125, 223
Pretensioning: overreinforced, 220, 225, 230, 261
bridges, 854 tension-controlled, 125, 223
end zone, 193, 195 underreinforced, 220, 225, 230, 233, 255
method, 9 Section modulus, required, 168, 539
prestress los ses, 454, 4 71 Section properties:
Principal tension, 307, 341 of beams, 146
Probabilistic design, 105 of composite beams, 524
Profile oftendons: oftensile members, 740
beams, 185 Segmenta] construction, 869
continuous beams, 605-607 Serviceability, 97, 123, 389, 879
for equivalent load, 122 Set (see Anchorage set)
for deflection, 398, 399 Shear design:
friction,495 in beams, 303, 961
slabs, 617, 659 in composite beams, 547
Punching shear, 327, 683, 689, 717 in slabs, 667, 688
Shear friction, 529, 564
R Shearhead reinforcement, 700
Radial deflection, 766 Shear moment transfer, 693
Radius ofgyration, 144, 805, 824 Shear reinforcement, 323, 330, 347, 699
Reaction, secondary, 576, 581 Sheath, 654
Redistribution ofmoments, 221, 290, 625 Sheet piles, 778
Relaxation: Shored bearns, 519, 520, 535, 542

loss dueto, 445, 459, 475 T

of concrete, 73
T section behavior, 239
reinforcement, 660, 937
Tadros 78, 412
strain, 72, 74, 475
Tan 1007, 1012
Siess, C. P., 336
Tanks,24, 758
Sign convention:
Temperature effects:
Beams, 146
on concrete, 79
continuous beams, 575
on prestressing steel, 57, 58
deflection, 390
Temperature reinforcement, 660, 937
Sign convention:
Tendons, types of, 16, 1033
shear, 305
Tendon profile (see Profile oftendons)
tension members, 739
Tensile strength:
WSD, 146
of concrete, 69
SI unit conversions, l 030
ofprestressing steel, 48
ofreinforcing steel, 42
Slender columns, 802, 824
Tension-controlled section, 125, 223, 784
Slendemess ratio, 809
Tension members, 731
Sozen, M. A., 336
Spalling crack, 197, 985
lateral, 799
Span-depth ratio:
tensile members, 967
bridge decks, 950
vertical, 528, 529, 564
one-way slabs, 653
Time-dependent deflection, 390, 408, 423
two-way slabs, 653
Time-dependen! losses, 447, 451, 458, 473,
Spiral reinforcement, 800
Split-cylinder strength, 69
Time-step method:
Splitting crack, 197, 985
deflection, 423
Stage stressing, 24
prestress losses, 484
Standard sections, 859
Timoshenko, S. P., 702
Steam curing,80
in beams, 354
prestressing, 45
in slabs, 677
reinforcing, 41
Transfer length, 193
Stirrups, 317, 528
Transformation (see Linear transformation)
Strain compatibility analysis, 245, 249
Transformed sections (see Section area)
Transverse reinforcement, 349, 373
low relaxation, 53
Truck loading, 886
stress relieved, 50, 51
Truss analogy model, 366
Trusses, 733
design, 98, l 00, l 02, 211
nominal, 103
Strength reduction factor, 115, 882
Stress block, rectangular, 234 Ultimate strength design (USO), 100, 102,
Stress ribbon bridge, 868, 873, 875 211,545,625
Stress-strain properties: Unbonded, 759
ofconcrete, 65, 81 Underreinforced (see Section)
of prestressing steel, 51, 87
of reinforcing steel, 44, 84 V
Stresses (see Allowable stresses)
Vessels, 58
Strut-and-tie modeling, 367, 961
Vertical prestressing, 309
Superposition, 583
VSL Corporation, 1041
Suspension bridges, inverted, 873
INDEX 1071

w y
Watcharaumnuay, 412 Yield strength, 43, 51
Water tanks (see Tanks)
Web-shear cracking, 322, 339 z
Welded wire meshes, 43
Zia, P., 359, 360, 454
Wheen, R. J., 738
Zero-Load-C line, 576
Wires, prestressing, 43
Zone, limit (see Limit zone)
Wheel load distribution, 898
Wobble coefficient, 393
Wollmann, G.P., 986
Woinowsky-Krieger, 702
Working Stress Design (WSD), 101, 135


The author has devoted utmost care and effort in preparing the material contained in
this book and in verifying its accuracy. However, he would be grateful to be
informed of any typographical errors the reader may encounter in using this book.
Notification can be sent to the following address:

Antoine E. Naaman
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University ofMichigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125, USA
O{.. 1 UJ .JU'-"..__,

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Dr. Antoine E. Naaman is Professor of Civil Engineering in

the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at
the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. He obtained
his Engineering Diploma from Ecole Centrale in Paris,
France, in 1964, a specialty degree in reinforced and
prestressed concrete frorn the CH EC in París. in 1965. and
then his MS (1970) and Ph.D. (1972) degrees in Civil
Engineering from the Massachusetts lnstitute of
Technology, Cambridge, USA. Following four years of
structural engineering practice, from 1965 to 1969. he has
devoted bis career to teaching and research sincc 1969.

Dr. Naarnan's research studies have been published in technical journals worldwide (over 250
technical papers) and cover topics ranging from constitutive modeling of materials to structural
performance and optimization. He is the aulhor. editor or ~o,-edit,or of ten books, including,
Prestressed Concrete Analysis and Design: Fundamentals ( 1982, 2004}J..Fligh Performance Fiher
Reinforced Cement Composites (four proceedings, 1992, 1996, 1999. and 2003, co-edited with H.W.
Reinhardt), Externa/ Prestressing in Bridges (1990, co-edited with J. Breen). and Ferrocement and
Laminated Cementitious Composites (2000). Professor aaman has received several major awards,
including the ASCE T.Y. Lin Award rwice (1980, 1993), the PCI Martín P. Korn Award twice (1979.
1986), Germany's Alexander von Humboldt Award (1989). and a fellowsbip from the Hwa Ying
Foundation for Culture and Education, P.R. China. (2000). 1-Je is a Fellow of the American Concrete
lnstitute, Fellow of the American Society of
Civil Engineers, Fellow of the Precast/Prestressed
Concrete lnstitute, Member of the lnternational Associarion for Bridge and Structural Engincering,
and Fellow and founding member ofthe lntemational ferrocement Society. ofwhich he was president
from 1998 to 2001. ··

Professor Naaman is or was an active member of severa! technical committees of the American
Concrete lnstitute (ACI), the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). and the
Precast/Prestressed Concrete lnstitute (PCI), including joint ACI-ASCE Committees on Prestressed
Concrete and Concrete Bridges, and Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcements. He also served as
Chairman of ACI Committee 549 on Ferrocement. is a long-term member of ACl Committee 544 on
Fiber Reinforced Concrete, and is current Chairman of the Committee on Ferrocement Model Code of
U1e lntemational Ferrocement Society (IFS).

Prior to joining the University of Micb.igan in 1983, Professor Naaman was a faculty mernber at the
University of lllinois in Chicago ( 1973-1983). He has lectured at universities and symposia venues
worldwide, including teaching sbort courses in Mexico, Colombia. Thailand, Singapore, China and
Brazil. During sabbatical leaves from the University of Michigan. he was visiting Professor at
Technische Hocbscbule in Darmstadt, Gerrnany, Technische Unversitat in Stuttgart, Germany, the
CNSA (lnstitut National des Sciences Appliquées ) in Lyon, France, the Asian lnstitute of Technology
in Bangkok, Thailand, the ational University of Singapore. Singapore. and Souiheast University in
Nanjing, China.
Antaine E. Naaman Second Edition


This book was written to serve as a thorough teaching text, a comprehensive source
of information, anda basic reference. lt is intended for advanced students, professional
engineers, and researchers. lt emphasizes the fundamental concepts of analysis and
design of prestressed concrete structures, providing the use,, with the essential
knowledge and tools to deal with everyday design problems, while encouraging the
necessary critica! thinking to tackle more complex problems with confidence.

This completely updated and expanded edition:

lntegrates the provisions of the 2002 ACI building code in text and examples
Offers an extensive treatment of bridge analysis and design according to the
AASHTOLRFD specifications (1998-2002 interim)
Covers shear and torsion according to the 2002 ACI code and the compression
field theory adopted in the AASHTOLRFDcode
Presents a new chapter on strut-and-tie modeling
Covers slenderness effects in prestressed concrete columns, and provides load-
moment interaction diagrams for prestressed columns and poles
Offers a comprehensive treatment of two-way slab systems
Covers the time-step procedure to compute prestress losses and long-term
Presents a unique treatment of prestressed tensile members by optimum design
Offers a rigorous treatment of continuous prestressed members
Offers a rigorous treatment of fundamentals as applied to serviceability and
ultimate strength limit states for bending, shear,compression and tension
Presents a general treatment of prestressed composite beams
Presents a large number of logical design flow charts and design examples
Contains more than four hundreds illustrations and photographs
Contains sufficient material for a two-semester course on the subject
Contains a large number of examples, an extensive updated bibliography, andan
appendix with answers to study problems
Uses consistent notation and consistent sign convention
Uses dual units (US and SI) throughout for key equations and reference data

ISBN D-9674939-1-9

ll l ll 111111111111111
9 78096 7 493916

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