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Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


Absenteeism. In the context of the school it is the habitual or intentional failure

from going to school. It cannot be denied that every now and then, students may miss some

school activities and lessons. But it becomes a problem if the student will be away from

school for many days. Chronic absentee students are placed at a disadvantage both socially

and academically. They miss out on critical stages of social interaction and development

with their peers and at the same time impacts negatively on their academic progress. This

can result to low self-esteem, social isolation, and dissatisfaction that could well have

precipitated non-attendance in the first place.

A student’s attendance may be the grounds of the results of his or her learning

performance. School administration and faculty may also affect the absenteeism rate of

their student, and so as the population of those who practice absenteeism affect the

administration and the school itself. Absenteeism in students affects their school

performances especially when they are in a group or teamwork for their assignments and

projects. Since grouping will help develops the students’ cooperative and ability to share

and gain knowledge from their group mates will also miss the opportunity of gaining

knowledge from the absent student (Koppernhaver, 2015). According to Schmidt in

1983, absenteeism affects the students’ ability to get high scores in examinations which

can cause the decreasing of grades or the student may fail and will cause him/her to repeat

the same year level.

According to the United States’ Department of Education, Chronic absenteeism is

a primary cause of low academic achievement and a powerful predictor of those students

who may eventually drop out of school. An estimated five to seven and a half million

students miss 18 or more days of school each year, or nearly an entire month or more of

school, which puts them at significant risk of falling behind academically and failing to

graduate from high school. Because they miss so much school, millions of young people

miss out on opportunities in post-secondary education and good careers.

Absenteeism can lead to depression and result in poor quality of education because

of time lost while being away from school (Kelly Lovett, Brookings Institute, 2017). It

could also lead to moral degradation that leads to drug abuse, early pregnancies and unruly

behavior. It can be remedied by providing adequate co-curricular activities to students. It

could be curbed by creating of clubs and societies to keep students busy when they are out

of class. Schools should strive to have up to date learning facilities like libraries as well as

sporting facilities to make students enhance student retention.

Chronic absenteeism is associated with a host of adverse academic outcomes

(Brian A. Jacob, 2017). A 2014 study of graduation patterns in Chicago Public Schools,

for example, found that the number of days students were absent in eighth grade was eight

times more predictive of freshman year course failure than eighth grade test scores. The

same study found that freshman year absences were nearly as predictive of graduation rates

as grade point average (GPA) and course failures, two more commonly used metrics for

identifying students at risk of not graduating. Similarly, a study of Baltimore City Public

Schools found that chronic absenteeism was the strongest sixth grade predictor of not

graduating high school. For younger students, research has shown that chronic

absenteeism in kindergarten is associated with lower achievement in reading and math in

later grades, even when controlling for a child’s family income, race, disability status,

attitudes toward school, socioemotional development, age at kindergarten entry, type of

kindergarten program, and preschool experience. Chronic absenteeism has also been linked

to poor socioemotional outcomes, even after controlling for a rich set of student factors

including lagged socioemotional measure.

A number of studies and statistics in the Philippines, especially in urban areas

aimed to explore the process by which the phenomenon of school absenteeism evolves or

is experienced by the college students. Ederleen Genteroy’s (2016) In-depth interviews

of ten absentee students and the use of editing style analysis and a method described by the

three category schemes of experience of school absenteeism: (a) disempowering

circumstances - feeling of helplessness; (b) misguided value system - mixed up priorities;

and (c) pedagogical dilemmas- unappealing academic environments. And Sharie

Laxamana Miguel (2017) added, the desire of the teacher to produce learning and

understanding of the teacher and other school personnel. among his students can never be

realized due to poor attendance. In addition, Shaun Killian, an experienced teacher and

principal with passion for helping the frequent and consecutive absences of the students

can lead to drop-out. students to excel, the following are the strategies that have a proven

and positive.

The Department of Education through its D.O no. 74, s. 2010 challenged the public

impact on school attendance: secondary teachers to reduce drop-out rate. In adherence to

the said order, the teachers should be passionate about teaching and learning conduct Home

Visit for those students who irregularly attend their class especially, Show students they

are important to you absences not due to illness so to prevent the possible drop-out of the

students. However, pressing students to excel though Home Visit has been observed to be

effective, it is deemed necessary to have Encourage extra-curricular participation an in-

depth analysis of why some students miss too much school. Adopt socio-emotional

learning programs Students are far likely to have poor attendance if they are anxious when

at school, 6. Implement behavior support programs are performing poorly, have social

issues and lack of drive to do well in the school. Utilize adventure program Another factor

affects school attendance include: socio-economic status and school environment.

In Las Pinas City and other southern cities of Metro Manila Many factors affect the

student performance in academic areas and one of these is absenteeism. It takes place when

students are already uneasy with the pressures coming in from their daily school activities

in Metro Manila, the lack of mobility and pollution can cause severe health sickness among

students, and notorious traffic jams along EDSA, Roxas Boulevard, Taft Avenue and

Alabang-Zapote Road, disrupts the flow of movement of people especially students that

may lead to chronic truancy or absences, another point factor for causing chronic

absenteeism among students. Health is also a major factor for chronic absenteeism among

senior high school students, due to the unattended or unexpected health sickness there are

students who occur chronic absences due to their health, but even though students, have

these kinds of absences they still intend to catch up what they have missed during their

respective days of absences.

Theoretical Framework

In Clayton Alderfer’s Organizational Theory on Chronic Absenteeism (1969) that

the students and employees have certain lacking needs that can be attributed to chronic

absenteeism, the lowest level is that a student has a lack of assurance that can dramatically

affect one’s personality, we consider our social needs. Most people are affected by the

relations with other people and what they think of them, thus having a social disconnection

which could lead to someone being alone or depressed.

Conceptual Framework

In Clayton Alderfer’s Theory states that students and employees have a certain lack of

need that can lead to absenteeism. For students, who commit absenteeism often have lack

of assurance that affects their personality.

Profile Cause and Effects of Absenteeism
 GENDER  Numerous Pile of work
- Male Long school hours
- Female  Subject Matter
 SECTION  Stress
- STEM 1  Traffic
- STEM 2  Mental health
 Poor Academic
 Discourage to have a
healthy academic
 Deterioration of proper
attention issues

Figure 1: Research Paradigm

This diagram explains the causes and effects of absenteeism to students.

Respondents were grouped accordingly to its profile to know what are the causes and the

effect of Absenteeism. It shows above that the causes of absenteeism to students is

Numerous Pile of work, Long school hours, Subject Matter, Stress, Traffic, Mental health,

and the effect of absenteeism to students is Poor Academic Performance, discourage to

have a healthy academic relationship and a Deterioration of proper attention issues.

Statement of the Problem

The research is entitled as " Causes and Effects of Absenteeism among Senior High

School Students". The researcher chose this title because absences is common to Senior

High School Students since their attendance is check per subject not per day, and it focuses

on the issues or reasons on what occurs continuous absences among students and why is it

important to determine these core factors or elements contributing to a student’s

underperforming attendance

It seeks to answer the following question:

1.) What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Gender

1.2 Section

2.) What are the causes and effects of absenteeism to Senior High School Students?

3.) Does the causes and effects of absenteeism differ when the respondents are grouped

accordingly in terms of the profile?


There is no significant difference in the causes and effect of Absenteeism when the

respondents are grouped accordingly to profile.

Scope and Limitations

The scope of this study is about absenteeism being a factor to Senior Highschool

students. It tackles about the causes of absenteeism and how to lessen it. The study is only

limited to absenteeism, and it only encompasses Grade 12 Senior High School students in

Westfield Science-Oriented School within BF Resort Village

Significance of the Study


- It will be significant to them because students will have a better future and

students will be secured


- It will be significant to them because they will try to reduce the impact of their



- It will be significant to them because they will know and help their children to

lessen their absences in school

Future Researchers

- It will be significant to them because they will help them improve or create other

ways to lessen absences in school.

Definition of Terms

Alderfer’s Theory- a theoretical concept that states the urge for someone to feel secured

and connected with other people.

Chronic- reoccurrence of a certain activity or habit.

Curbed- keeping in a certain record or activity, like a record or data

Extra-curricular Activity (EAA)- Activities that helps student boost their learning

through fun way. It also helps students feel relax from school activity done inside the


Grade Point Average- an indication of a student's academic achievement at a college or

university, calculated as the total number of grade points and awards given to a certain


Normal Curriculum- The basic curriculum that students follow inside the school, where

there is a teacher that teaches a specific topic.

Socio-emotional development- it includes the child's experience, expression, and

management of emotions and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships

with others

Review of Related Literature and Studies
In this chapter, it will tackle the related and interconnected studies and literatures and

from various local and foreign sources, the contents of this chapter may help the research

in expanding and correlating various issues and problems that may gradually help

reinforcing the study. Nowadays absenteeism is common to the youth, specifically to senior

high school students. The study is conducted to know what are the reason of absenteeism.

This part tackles about the related aspects and statistics of absenteeism, and it is also stated

here about the relativity of absenteeism among students.

According to P. Kaiser (2018) A report released in September 2017 by Johns Hopkins

University and Attendance Works, using data from the U.S Department of Education,

shows that Oregon and Washington share the designation of states with among the highest

chronic absence rates in the country, due to the lack of interactive facilitates.

P. Kaiser’s work, supports our study because it shows the fundamental data that schools

and institutions that has a lack of educational facilities and instruments are one of the

factors contributing to Absenteeism among students.

James Courtney (2017) reports that “Chronic absenteeism isn’t about ‘skipping school’

or the occasional sick day,” said Colt Gill, deputy superintendent of public instruction for

the state of Oregon. “There are many root causes, like physical and behavioral health

issues, institutional inequities and housing and food insecurity.

This study by James Courtney shows that food and housing insecurity, physical and

behavioral health issues and social inequalities contribute to the rising rate of chronic

absenteeism among students. It is a beneficial information for us from James Courtney,

because it supports the fact that economical and financial incapability serves as a major

factor for students to occur absenteeism

Theodore Woodstone (2015) wrote that one common denominator linking these cities

is the “nearly 100 years of historical actions that aimed to segregate African American

populations in sections of the city with the poorest housing, greatest proximity to industrial

pollutants, greatest exposure to violence, and highest unemployment rates, resulting in

widespread inter-generational poverty.” which leads to a great factor in having chronic

absenteeism among African-Americans in particular schools and university. Theodore

Woodstone (2015) explains that students living poor urban condition are the ones who

occur the greatest number of chronic absenteeism due to the poor accessibility of basic


It supports our present study because it exhibits a common factor that discrimination and

inequality among students contributes the thought about absenteeism in school.

According to Thomas Jenison (2016) keeping track of data about the student’s record of

absences can systematically help what are the reasons or factors that may contribute to the

student’s frequent absenteeism based on statistical facts, this relationship between

Jenison’s (2016) statistical gathering and our study is correlated to our wanted solution and

objective which is to record the overall rate of absenteeism in a particular school

Tolan P.H. (2014) says that Beyond academics, students who frequently miss school

are less likely to adopt the behaviors and social norms that employers, colleges and law

enforcement may expect, experts say. “Absence is often associated with low supervision

… and alienation or detachment from conventional institutions,” Tolan P.H states that

absenteeism is associated with low supervision and alienation of oneself from social

institutions. This article by Tolan P.H. (2014) states that adopting social behaviors and

norms are the keys to reducing the overall absenteeism,

This article by Tolan P.H. serves as a reinforcement to our study due to the fact that it

connects the relationship between the social and behavioral aspects of students to chronic


Camille Farrington’s (2016) statements related to our study by which it shows how

students should be encouraged to have a good connection with their peers and friends so

they could be encouraged to study and improve their social skills along with the people

they want, to mitigate the effects of chronic absenteeism.

This article by Farrington is associated with our research due to the fact that

interpersonal and social relationships can be a factor in reducing chronic absenteeism, and

can also improve the ability of the student to create connections between peers and

collaborations to

Henry Hundburg (2013) declared that “Chronic absence is an important public health

issue in our community,” said Ruth Williams-Brinkley, president of Kaiser Foundation

Health Plan and Hospitals of the Northwest. “Children who are chronically absent are more

likely to drop out of school, and we know that the number of years a person attends school

is a leading predictor of long-term health. For children in our community, long-term health

is the foundation for a happy and healthy life.

This statement made by Henry Hundburg relates to our topic by explaining that chronic

absences is a public health issue in the community, this article is related to our study

because it shows that medium to long-term health issues is a major factor in the case of

student absenteeism

School absenteeism is a potent predictor of academic failure. Maltreated adolescents

have been found to be more absent from school compared to their peers. According to

Kristina Berglund (2018) there is a significant relationship between academic decline and

abusive and maltreatment attitude towards children which can also decrease their stimulus

in schooling Kristina Berglund, Child Abuse & Neglect, Volume 75, January 2018, Pages


The relationship between Berglund’s article and our research is that maltreatment and

poor educational handling of instructors and teachers towards students can lead to chronic

absenteeism among students due to trauma and mental infringements.

Excess body weight has been reported to be associated with excessive school

absenteeism (ESA), but less is known about the association with perceived body weight.

The study objective was to weigh the relative influence of perceived and measured weight

status on school attendance. And the results show that Perceived overweight rather than

actual overweight is significantly associated with Excessive School Absenteeism among

adolescents. Dustin T. Duncan Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, Volume 11, Issue 4,

July–August 2017, Pages 398-405

This related literature of Dustin T. Duncan explains that students with actual

overweightness has a higher chance of having a chronic absenteeism than people with

perceived overweightness, thus having a relationship and connection with our study, that

health is a major factor among chronic absenteeism

According to S.J Linton (2015) Sleep has important consequences for a person's

daytime functioning. S.J Linton explains that insomnia or lack of sleep can have a negative

on students because of the lack of attentiveness and disabilities. That can underperform a

student’s capability to receive and digest new skills and information The American

Educational Times, accepted manuscript, Available online 7 November 2017.

This research is related by which means that insomnia among students can heavily affect

their performance in school which can also lead to excessive school absenteeism due to the

lack of potential learning among students

According to Suzanne F. Beaver (2015) Asthma is a leading cause of chronic disease–

related school absenteeism. Few data exist on how information on absenteeism might be

used to identify children for interventions to improve asthma control. American Journal of

Preventive Medicine, Volume 51, Issue 1, July 2016, Pages 23-3 2.

This study by Suzanne F. Beaver relates to our study because it explains that asthma, a

medical complication, can affect the student’s performance on attendance, and relating to

our study that sleep deprivation can lead to a poor performance in academics thus

prompting students to be discourage from participating in various school activities

According to Michael P. Marshal (2014) Adolescent school absenteeism is associated

with negative outcomes such as conduct disorders, substance abuse, and dropping out of

school. Mental health factors, such as depression and anxiety, have been found to be

associated with increased absenteeism from school. Sexual minority youth (youth who are

attracted to the same sex or endorse a gay, lesbian, or bisexual identity) are a group at risk

for increased absenteeism due to fear, avoidance, and higher rates of depression and anxiety

than their heterosexual peers. Journal of School Psychology, Volume 52, Issue 1, February

2014, Pages 37-4

This is related to our topic because it tackles one of the most common factors of

absenteeism in school and that is social environment and displacement that can deteriorate

the overall mental health of the student

According to Katie Finning (2017) Depression in young people may lead to reduced

school attendance through social withdrawal, loss of motivation, sleep disturbance and low

energy. We systematically reviewed the evidence for an association between depression

and poor school attendance, and can cause the loss of mental retention and can disrupt

cognitive functioning . Findings suggest associations between depression and poor school

attendance, particularly absenteeism and unexcused absences/truancy, and school staff

should be alert to the possibility of depression Journal of Affective Disorders, In press,

accepted manuscript, Available online 7 November 2017.

This study is related to our research because it explains the relationship of mental

depression and excessive school absences among the youth, that can lead to the loss of

mental retention and can derail normal cognitive functioning

A study by Frank D. Fincham (2017) shows how the students regulate emotions and

the effects of emotion regulation (ER) on academic outcomes is gaining attention in

educational psychology research. However, little is known about factors that explain their

relationship and inform intervention. Two studies therefore examined the role of school

burnout in explaining the relationship between ER strategies Learning and Individual

Differences, Volume 60, December 2017, Pages 1-9

In this article by Frank D. Fincham shows that regulation in student’s emotion can be

helped by moral and mental support, to stimulate self-confidence and personal optimism

and not by suppression or punishment, that can cause social deterioration

According to Volker Reissner (2018) Problematic school absenteeism is defined as

absence from school occurring with a clinical-level mental disorder. It represents a higher-

order term for school refusal, school truancy, and the combination thereof and is associated

with an increased risk for school dropout, prolonged mental disorders, and unemployment.

This article describes the manualized modular treatment of problematic school absenteeism

Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, In press, 31 July 2018. Pages 204-209.

Reissner’s article correlates to our study that personal upliftment to a certain problematic

student can help lessen the urge to skip classes and increase the rate of chronic absenteeism,

on which can be closely related to our research

M.C McCormack declares that School facility conditions, environment, and perceptions

of safety and learning have been investigated for their impact on child development.

However, it is important to consider how the environment separately influences academic

performance and attendance after controlling for school and community factors.

Characteristics of the environment included school facility conditions, density of nearby

roads, and an index industrial air pollution International Journal of Hygiene and

Environmental Health, Volume 221, Issue 5, June 2018, Pages 800-808.

This study by M.C. McCormack states that environmental factors can defiantly affect the

attendance of students due to the discouraging external factors which can further benefit

our study in pertaining which kind of environment suites the student


The overall related literature talks about the broad spectrum of factors and

conditions like physical, social, environmental, and even the mental wholeness of the

student is tackled in these related works of various authors and researchers, in which they

conclude that the school and the student’s parents should have a strong support so their

children wouldn’t have any major personal breakdown that may lead to chronic


From statistical analysis and a major overhaul in handling the social connections of

students towards their peers and friends are being considered as a solution to reducing

absenteeism in school, another solution being handled is personal upliftment of students,

some experts believe that rewarding merit can increase the interest among students to go

to school.

In conclusion, chronic absenteeism is caused by numerous factors and it is

commonly done across different countries. Schools and parents must do something for their

child in order to lessen absenteeism in schools. Adolescent period in teenagers is a stage

where they slowly get to know the reality of life, and some treats it in a way that they do

not even care, thus creating absenteeism.

Studies and literature show how to avoid absenteeism and what are the causes of it.

Professors and school representatives should have a different approach to teenagers’

students, especially Senior High school Students.

Chapter III

This chapter contains the Research Design, Population and Sampling,

Respondents of The Study, and Data Gathering.

Research Design

The research uses descriptive, because the study verifies the causes and the effects

of absenteeism among senior high school students, and the researchers interviewed the

participants in person and the data that has been retrieved from this study are heavily relied

from the perspective and insight of the participants.

Population and Sampling

In this study the population is an estimate of 70 Grade 12 senior high school

students of Westfield Science-Oriented School located in Las Pinas City,

This study will use a probability sampling due to the sample size of Students in

Westfield Science-Oriented School.

Validation of Instrument

The question will be distributed through the use of questionnaires. The

questionnaires will be validated and formalized to a sample population to test the difficulty

in answering the questions before distributing them to the intended respondent

Respondents of the Study

The participants of the study are from Grade 12 STEM and ABM only, from

Westfield Science-Oriented School

Data Gathering

The data gathered was done by giving out the questionnaires as a survey

Statistical Tools

The study made use of the following:

1) Frequency count is used to determine the profile of the respondents

2) Mean and Std. Deviation are used to describe the causes and the effect of

Absenteeism among Senior High School Students.

3) T-Test for independent is used to determine the significant difference on the causes

and the effect of Absenteeism when the respondents were grouped accordingly to


4) One-way Anova is used to determine the significant difference on the causes and

the effect of absenteeism when the respondents were grouped accordingly to


Figure 2


The diagram above shows the profile of the respondents in terms of gender. The pie chart

shows the population of the respondents.


Figure 3

Sections of the Respondents

The diagram shows the population of the respondents in terms of sections. The Pie chart

shows the ratio of population of respondents in terms of the 3 sections


Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Table 1: Number of Respondents according to Gender.

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Male 12 60.0 60.0 60.0
Female 8 40.0 40.0 100.0
Total 20 100.0 100.0

The table shows the frequency of respondents according to Gender. There are 12 males
nad 8 females, making in a total of 20 respondents.

Table 2: Number of Respondents according to Section.

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid STEM 5 25.0 25.0 25.0
STEM 9 45.0 45.0 70.0
ABM 6 30.0 30.0 100.0
Total 20 100.0 100.0

The table above shows the frequency of respondents in terms of sections. There are 5
respondents from Stem 1, 9 respondents from Stem 2, and 6 respondents from ABM,
making a total of 20 respondents.

Table 3: One-way Anova Statistics

Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
Absenteeism is Between .078 2 .039 .068 .935
common among Groups
Senior high school Within Groups 9.722 17 .572
students Total 9.800 19
Subject matter affects Between 1.111 2 .556 .690 .515
student absenteeism Groups
Within Groups 13.689 17 .805
Total 14.800 19
Numerous pile-up of Between .611 2 .306 .302 .743
home works and Groups
school activities Within Groups 17.189 17 1.011
increases the Total 17.800 19
possibility of a student
being absent
Long school hours Between 2.594 2 1.297 1.785 .198
discourage the Groups
students to attend Within Groups 12.356 17 .727
class Total 14.950 19
Stress is a factor of Between .017 2 .008 .017 .984
Absenteeism Groups
Within Groups 8.533 17 .502
Total 8.550 19
Traffic is a factor of Between 1.167 2 .583 2.729 .094
Absenteeism Groups
Within Groups 3.633 17 .214
Total 4.800 19
Having a mental Between 1.494 2 .747 1.239 .315
disorder/emotional Groups
breakdown gives the Within Groups 10.256 17 .603
higher possibility of a Total 11.750 19
student to be absent

Total 10.550 19

The result above show the result of the Causes of Absenteeism that were grouped
according to Section. The sig value of each question is above 0.05 therefore there is no
Absenteeism lowers Between .161 2 .081 .143 .868
the academic Groups
performance of a Within Groups 9.589 17 .564
student Total 9.750 19
Absenteeism Between 1.128 2
.564 .714 .504
discourage studen to Groups
have a healthy social Within Groups 13.422 17 .790
relationship among Total 14.550 19
their peer
Absenteeism can lead Between .917 2 .458 .809 .462
to deteriation of Groups
proper attention issues Within Groups 9.633 17 .567
among student
differences when the respondents were grouped accordingly to Section.
The results above show the results of the Effect of Absenteeism that were grouped
according to Section.
Table 4: Independent T-Test Statistics

Group Statistics
Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation
Absenteeism is common Male 12 3.8333 .83485 Not Significant
among Senior highschool Female 8 4.0000 .53452
Subject matter affects Male 12 3.7500 .86603 Not Significant
student absenteeism Female 8 3.3750 .91613
Numerous pile-up of Male 12 4.0833 .99620 Not Significant
homeworks and school Female 8 3.6250 .91613
activities increases the
possibility of a student being
Long school hours Male 12 4.0000 .85280 Not Significant
discourage the students to Female 8 3.8750 .99103
attend class
Stress is a factor of Male 12 4.5000 .67420 Not Significant
Absenteeism Female 8 4.1250 .64087
Male 12 4.5000 .52223

Traffic is a factor of Female 8 4.2500 .46291 Not Significant
Having a mental Male 12 4.5000 .67420 Not Significant.
disorder/emotional Female 8 3.8750 .83452
breakdown gives the higher
popssibility of a student to be

The table above shows the frequency of answer of what the causes of absenteeism that
were grouped accordingly to gender.

Absenteeism lowers the Male 12 4.4167 .66856 Not Significant

academic performance of a Female 8 4.0000 .75593
Absenteeism discourage Male 12 3.6667 .65134 Not Significant
studen to have a healthy Female 8 3.6250 1.18773
social relationship among
their peer
Absenteeism can lead to Male 12 4.2500 .62158 Not Significant
deteriation of proper Female 8 4.0000 .92582
attention issues among

The table above shows the frequency of answer of answer of what is the effect of
absenteeism that were grouped according to gender.


Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

Summary of Findings

In the data acquired from the survey done, it shows that absenteeism is common
among senior high school students and the subject matter in a certain class can affect
absenteeism among senior high school students.

And the data also shows that long school hours, traffic, and stress from school
works can discourage students from being present in school, that can affect the daily
attendance of students to their respective classes and required school days.

The data also shows that absenteeism can have a great impact on the performance
of the students, and which can lead to further deterioration and decline of a numerous
academic performance and attention span of students, and another finding that the data
provided is that absenteeism can reduce the social interaction of students to their fellow
peers, due to the lack of personal communication and reciprocity to the people they tend to
talk and have interpersonal relationships


Through the data gathered from the survey a statistical treatment was given. The
researcher concluded the following

1. Giving a lot of school activities is a major factor increasing absenteeism among

2. Stress is a major cause of absenteeism among senior high school students from all
section and gender

3. The effect of absenteeism is they have poor academic performance. In terms of
male and female, the male respondents agreed on the causes of absenteeism and
both agreed the effect, and in terms of section, they agreed on both the causes and
effect of absenteeism.


With the following research and conclusions from this study the researchers would
like to recommend the following for future studies

1) It is recommended to grouped the respondents accordingly to gender and age.

2) It is recommended to widen the population.
3) It is recommended to know the intervention of the population.


Appendix A:

Good day respondents,

Our group wishes you to give you 2-3 minutes of your time in

answering our survey, please take it seriously and answer honestly. It

would be a great help for us. The survey talks about absenteeism in

Senior High school Students. Our objective is to find what is the main

reason or cause of Absenteeism to our school.

Likert Scale:

5- Strongly Agree

4- Agree



1- Strongly Disagree


5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1. Absenteeism is
common among senior
highs school students

2. Subject matter affects

student absenteeism
Causes of Absenteeism towards students
3. Numerous Pile-up of
Homework and school
activities increases the
possibility of a student
being absent
4. Long school hours
discourage the
students attend classes
5. Stress a factor of
6. Traffic is a factor of
7. Having a mental
breakdown gives the
higher possibility of a
student to be absent
Effects of Absenteeism towards Students
8. Absenteeism lowers
the academic
performance of the
9. Absenteeism
discourage students to
have a healthy social
relationship among
their peers
10. Absenteeism can lead
to deterioration of
proper attention issues
among students


Kristina Berglund, Child Abuse & Neglect, Volume 75, January 2018, Pages 41-49

Dustin T. Duncan Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, Volume 11, Issue 4, July–August

2017, Pages 398-405

Journal of School Psychology, Volume 52, Issue 1, February 2014, Pages 37-4

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