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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Lipa City National High School
B. Morada Ave., Lipa City



An Action Research



Student absenteeism (McCluskey et. al., 2005) is a strong predictor of

undesirable outcomes in adolescence, including academic failure, dropping out of

school, substance abuse, gang involvement, and criminal activity. However,

absenteeism is increasingly identified as an important “early warning sign” that a

student is at risk for school failure and early dropout.

Absenteeism is a very alarming problem for administrators, teachers, parents

and the society in general, as well as for the students in particular. As a result, students

who are not able to finish their studies may end up as a liability of the community and

the country as a whole.

In Lipa City National High School, about 6.34 percent or 60 out of 946 fourth year

students are habitually absent during the month of August, September and October. As

shown by the Guidance office records, a recorded number of absences everyday range

to a total of 25 to 35 students. This is alarming on the part of the teachers and

administrators since they are graduating students. The frequent absences of the

students affect their academic performance therefore, in order to identify the possible

causes of absences among fourth year students and to minimize truancy, the

researcher conducts an investigation.

Conceptual Framework

The study was anchored on the concept that attendance is an important factor in

school success among children and youth (Ready, 2010). Attending the school

religiously is very significant for the students’ education and social skills. Social

interaction and peer developments among students can have a positive impact on their

academic progress. Therefore, truancy may result to low self- esteem, social isolation

and dissatisfaction on their life as a student.

Drawing from the mentioned concept, a conceptual framework was formulated

for the present study.

Figure 1 illustrates the model of the study which serves as the basis of

developing an action plan to minimize absenteeism among students of Lipa City

National High School.

Causes of Absenteeism in
terms of:
Extent of Absenteeism * physical factors
Among Fourth Year * financial factors
Students * health factors
* personal factors
* home related factors
* school related factors
* environmental factors


Research Paradigm
Figure 1

Box 1 shows the extent of absenteeism among fourth year students of Lipa City

National High School while the next box presents the causes of absenteeism in terms of

physical, financial, health, personal, home related, school related and environmental

factors. Both arrows are pointed to the end product of making an action plan to minimize

truancy among fourth year students of Lipa City National High School.

Statement of the problem

The study aimed to determine the causes of absenteeism among fourth year

students and proposed an action plan to minimize truancy in the Lipa City National High


Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the extent of absenteeism among fourth year students of Lipa City

National High School?

2. What are the common causes of absenteeism among fourth year students in

terms of:

2.1 physical factors?

2.2 financial factors?

2.3 health factors?

2.4 personal factors?

2.5 home- related factors?

2.6 school- related factors?

2.7 peer factors?

3. Are there significant differences among the response of the research

participants on the causes of absenteeism?

4. Based on the results, what action plan can be proposed to minimize



Based on the problems on this study, the null hypothesis was formulated.

1. There is no significant difference among the response of the research

participants on the causes of absenteeism.

Significance of the Study

The study is significant to the following:

School Administrators. It will give a clearer view of the situations in their school

and the problem faced regarding student’s absenteeism. Thus, it helps in redesigning

school policies towards absenteeism among students. Moreover, the administration can

also provide an atmosphere conducive to learning that students would be happy in their

stay in school.

Teachers. It will give them an opportunity to facilitate effective and efficient

classroom situation that will enhance learning for the students. This will lessen the

problem inside their classroom since all students are always present.

Parents. This study will help them understand their children and guide them to

achieve their goals in life. Making their children responsible in all aspects in life will

ensure that someday it will help improve their family.

Society. It will help to identify the students with problem of not attending their

classes and to correct them by giving them advises. Thus, it will minimize problems in

the community such involving to substance abuse and some criminal activity. Doing all

these will ensure that today’s children are tomorrow’s future of the community and


Students. They will find the positive results of being in the classroom such as

they will become more responsible and disciplined to attend their classes. The

encouragement and rewards in terms of good grades will improve their self- esteem and

social interaction that lead to become good citizen in the future.

Scope, Delimitation, and Limitation of the Study

The study was conducted at Lipa City National High School during the School

Year 2014 - 2015.

The respondents were composed of 25 fourth year students who have records of

truancy in the guidance office.

The study was limited to the causes of absenteeism in terms of physical,

financial, health, personal, home- related and school- related factors and the extent of

truancy among fourth year students of Lipa City National High School. The significant

difference among the response of the research participants on the causes of

absenteeism will be given emphasis in the study in order to come up with an action plan

that will minimize truancy in the Lipa City National High School.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined for further understanding.

Absenteeism. It is the habitual or intentional failure from going to school.

Financial factors. It is the factors related to earning money and giving monetary

supports of the parents to their students.

Health factors. In the study, it is the physical condition of the students before

going to school.

Home- related factors. These are some of the circumstances of the students at

home before going to school.

Peer factors. It is the influence of the friends or surroundings towards the

studies of the students.

Personal factors. In the study, it is the peculiar condition towards the studies of

the fourth year students.

Physical factors. In this research study, these are the factors related to the

location of the house of the respondents and their situations in going to the school.

Research Participants. In the study, it refers to subjects of the study such as

the fourth year students in the Lipa City National High school.

School- related factors. In the study, it is the state of affairs of the students

towards their peers, teachers and school.

Related Literature and Studies

Absenteeism in school is the habit of staying away from school without providing

a genuine or any reason for not attending classes. Absenteeism is a truant behavior that

negatively affects the performance among students (Keter, 2012). There are several

factors that caused absenteeism such as phobic adolescence, lack of interest, teacher

approach, pamperness form the family, private couching, diseases, school

infrastructural facilities, and entertainment. Absenteeism can lead to depression and

also result in poor quality of education. It could also lead to moral degradation that leads

to drug abuse, early pregnancies and unruly behavior.


Absenteeism disturbed the dynamic teaching- learning environment and

adversely affects the over-all well- being of classes (Segal, 2008). In quality terms,

absenteeism is a waste of educational resources, time and lessons potential.

The problem of absenteeism is becoming the concern of every member of

society since it has negative consequences at both the individual and social level. For

instance, studies carried by Bowen (2005) about improving the quality and quantity of

attendance data on enhance student retention have established that students who

attend classes more regularly seem to be more successful in their studies than those

who frequently absent.

Reid (2005) postulated that when students are absent from schooling, there are a

wide range of short term educational consequences that they face. First and foremost,

students miss out an assignments, recitation, and quizzes. Missing those important

requirements in school more likely to underachieve or perform poorly in different

subjects. An obvious negative impact on student achievement and social outcomes was

the result of absenteeism. Students who skip classes tend to perform badly thereby

severely limiting their chances of economic and social well -being throughout their adult


On the other hand, according to the study conducted by Teasley (2004) asserted

that students that have poor on conflicting relationships with teachers will avoid school

in order to avoid their teachers.

Furthermore, factors pertaining to the lifestyles of students outside of the school

may be correlated with repeated absences of various types, and possibly with a

dropping out process. These include lack of parental supervision on schooling, wage-

earning (odd jobs), responsibilities within the family (taking care of younger brothers and

sisters, especially for girls), peer groups geared to entertainment or other, possible use

of legal or illegal drugs, delinquency, and so on. In some places youths claim to stay out

late and sometimes go to bed at two or three in the morning, or stay outside near their

home, with their buddies, chat or exchange mails on Internet, etc. Students’ lack of

sleep along with an unbalanced diet makes it impossible to get up early and it shorten

the attention span to learning (Esterie and Douat, 2010).

In order to minimize absenteeism among students, Wadegango and Machigambi

(2011) recommended that lectures should be responded to the problem of student

absenteeism by exploring creative techniques to increase class attendance. Obviously,

one of operationalizing idea is through the use of innovative teaching methods, the use

of better equipped classrooms and a change of attitude. They further recommend three

general strategies that will aide in reducing student absenteeism: “taking a

comprehensive approach to attendance with activities that involve students, families,

and the community; using more positive involvement activities than negative or

punishing activities; and sustaining a focus on improving attendance over time”

Further, Tejada (2011) on her study about absenteeism of the Grade VI pupils of

Habitat Elementary School postulated the following recommendation. First, seek

support from the stakeholders to address the need of the identified disadvantage

students. Second, impose reward or merit system on students’ attendance like the

perfect attendance for a certain month. Third, create an agreement with the PTA for a

classroom policy to address the problem of absenteeism. And lastly, conduct seminar

on responsible parenthood.


This presents the method used in gathering data. It includes research design, the

respondent of the study, the research instruments used, data gathering procedures and

statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study used the descriptive survey method of research. The design went

beyond gathering and tabulating data. It consists of analyzing and interpreting the

significance of findings, hence the action plan to minimize absenteeism will be the end

product of this study.

Respondent of the Study

The respondent of the study were composed of 25 selected fourth year students

who had records of truancy in the guidance office during the school year 2014 – 2015.

Research Instruments Used

To draw pertinent data and information needed to answer the specific question of

the study, the researcher utilized the questionnaire as the main instrument for the data


Data Gathering Procedure

Before administering the instruments, the researcher first sought permission from

the Schools Division Superintendent of the Division of Lipa City and the school principal

for the conduct of the study. In order to facilitate retrieval of the questionnaire, the

researcher asked the advisers of the students to retrieve the gathered data.

Statistical Treatment Data

The data gathered in the questionnaire were classified, organized, presented in

tabulated forms and was interpreted using the following statistical techniques and

procedures. To treat the perception of the respondents in question 1 and question 2, the

weighted mean were utilized.

T – test was applied to determine the significant differences among the response

of the participants on the causes of absenteeism .

The following guide was used to interpret the result of the study.


Scale Interpretation

4.50 – 5.00 Always

3.50 – 4.49 Very Often

2.50 – 3.49 Sometimes

1.50 – 2.49 Rarely

1.00 – 1.49 Never

Results and Discussions

The following are the data obtained from the distributed and retrieved

questionnaire which were tabulated and analyzed and given interpretation in relation to

the specific problems to be responded to.


1. Extent of Absenteeism Among Fourth Year Students

Table 1 presents the degree of assessment of the research participants on the

extent of absenteeism among fourth year students of Lipa City National High School.

Table 1
Extent of Absenteeism Among
Fourth Year Students

Weighed Verbal
Extent of Absenteeism Mean Interpretation Ran
Do you make absences? 3.32 Sometimes 2
How often you make absences? 3.24 Sometimes 3
1. Do you worry about your studies when you are Very Often 1
absent? 4.40
2. Do you send excuse letter whenever you are absent? 2.68 Sometimes 4
Composite Mean 3.41 Sometimes

As listed in the table, the item do you worry about your studies when you are

absent was interpreted as very often by the respondents got the highest weighted

mean of 4.40. Next to it, the items which were interpreted as sometimes such as do

you make absences, how often you make absences and do you send excuse

letter whenever you are absent were obtained a weighted means of 3.32, 3.24 and

2.68, respectively.

The results show that students have cared about their studies despite the fact

students made habitual absences. These only shows that students were concerned on

what would be the results their absences. Further, the respondents said that they made

absences without sending excuse letter to their advisers or to their subject teachers. It is

very important to let the teachers know the reason why they are absent. These would

make the teachers understand the physical conditions or the whereabouts of the

students. The excuse letters should be done by the parents or guardians of the students

to insure the reliability of the reasons.


Summing up all the collected data, the respondents said that sometimes

absenteeism among fourth year students were became habitual with a composite mean

of 3.41. Based on the results of the findings, the extent of absenteeism was threatening

and persistent among fourth year students which gave a negative effect in the student’s

performance. Therefore, the need to minimize truancy, if not totally eradicate it was


2. Common Causes of Absenteeism among Fourth Year Students

The assessments of the fourth year students regarding the common causes of

absenteeism were presented in table 2.1 to 2.7.

2.1 Physical Factors

Table 2.1 reflects the common causes of absenteeism among fourth year

students in terms of physical factors.. The physical factors were classified into five


Table 2.1
Common Causes of Absenteeism
in terms of Physical Factors

Weighed Verbal
Physical Factors Mean Interpretation Rank
1. Is your house (the place where you live) far from the
school? 2.80 Sometimes 4
Is it safe to go to school from your house? 4.52 Always 1
1. Did anybody accompany you in going to school since
it is far? 2.84 Sometimes 3
Are you walking from your house to school every
day? 2.36 Rarely 5
Did your parents give you money for your
transportation? 3.88 Very Often 2
Composite Mean 3.28 Sometimes

As shown in the table, the item is it safe to go to school from your house was

interpreted as always by the respondents and garnered the highest weighted mean

score of 4.52. Followed by did your parents give you money for your transportation

got a weighed mean of 3.88 and was interpreted as very often. There are two items

rated as sometimes by the respondents such as did anybody accompany you in

going to school since it is far and is your house (the place where you live) far

from the school having a weighted mean of 2.84 and 2.80, respectively. The lowest

weighted of 2.36 and translated as rarely was the item are you walking from your

house to school every day.

Based on the results of the study, the respondents confirmed that it safe to go to

school even some of their houses was far from the location. It was also noted that

parents gave them enough money for transportation so there is no need to accompany

the students even their house is far from the school. Further, only few students who

made absences were near or within the vicinity of the school.

The composite mean of 3.28 and interpreted as sometimes by the student-

respondents lies on the causes of absenteeism among fourth year students in terms of

physical factors. It can be inferred from result of the findings that location or physical

influence would be not a factor why students became truant in their schooling. Although,

most of the absentees student were coming from a distant place it can’t stand that

physical factors was the reason for absenteeism.


2.2 Financial Factors

Table 2.2 reflects the degree of the assessment of the respondents of the

common causes of absenteeism among fourth year students in terms of financial


Table 2.2
Common Causes of Absenteeism
In terms of Financial Factors

Weighed Verbal
Financial Factors Mean Interpretation Rank
Are you working to earn a living to sustain your basic
needs and finance your education? 2.56 Sometimes 5
Do you prefer to be absent if somebody hire you to
work during school days? 2.52 Sometimes 6
Do your parents provide you with daily allowance or
baon? 4.00 Very Often 2
Do you still go to school even you do not have
allowance? 2.96 Sometimes 4
Do your parents provide financial needs to support
your education? 4.36 Very Often 1
Is the daily allowance given to you enough to meet
your needs in school? 3.12 Sometimes 3
Composite Mean 3.25 Sometimes

As presented in the table, two categories were interpreted as very often such as

do your parents provide financial needs to support your education and do your

parents provide you with daily allowance or baon got the highest weighted mean of

4.36 and 4.00, respectively. On the other hand, four items were rated as sometimes by

the respondents namely is the daily allowance given to you enough to meet your

needs in school, do you still go to school even you do not have allowance, are

you working to earn a living to sustain your basic needs and finance your

education and do you prefer to be absent if somebody hire you to work during

school days obtained the weighted means of 3.12, 2.96, 2.56 and 2.52, respectively.

The result shows that parents provide financial support for the education like

giving them daily allowance or baon. On the other hand, the respondents said that the

allowance was enough to meet all the school needs. It was observed also on the

findings that some of the students engage to find work in order to earn a living to sustain

the family needs and support their education. As a result, students were choose to be

absent from their class just to earn money. The education of those students would be

suffered like missing important requirements in the school that may end up with failing

their grades or dropping out.

The respondents confirmed that sometimes financial factors became a problem

during their schooling with an over- all weighted mean of 3.25. It denotes that financial

status of the family is one of the reasons why students failed to attend their classes.

Some students need to earned money to continue their education so the support of the

government as well as the school should be focused on those kinds of students.

Financial support and scholarship should be provided to those deserving students

working for their education.

2.3 Health Factors

Table 2.3 presents the assessment of the respondents on the common causes of

absenteeism among fourth year students in terms of health factors.

Table 2.3
Common Causes of Absenteeism
in terms of Health Factors

Weighed Verbal
Health Factors Mean Interpretation Rank
How often do you feel sick? 2.88 Sometimes 2
Do you visit the doctor when not feeling well? 2.16 Rarely 3
Are you absent when not feeling well? 3.00 Sometimes 1
Composite Mean 2.68 Sometimes

Two items in the table were inferred as sometimes by the respondents such as

are your absent when not feeling well and how often do you feel sick got a

weighted mean of 3.00 and 2.88, respectively. Conversely, the lowest weighted mean of

2.16 and rated as rarely was the item do you visit the doctor when not feeling well.

The result indicates that majority of the students suffered from sickness tend to

be absent from their schooling and seldom see their doctors for health advises. It was

also noticed that students frequently suffered from sickness because the lifestyles of the

youth outside the schools. According to the study conducted by Esterie and Douat,

(2010), students stay out late and sometimes go to bed at two or three in the morning,

or stay outside near their home, with their buddies, chat or exchange mails on internet.

Those lifestyles of the youths today would affect the good physical shape of the

students. Furthermore, the physical condition of the students is essential to sustain and

became an active participants in every school activities. Thus, healthy students

lengthen the span of understanding to the subjects taught by their teachers.

The respondents said that sometimes health factors can be the cause of

absenteeism as noted with an average weighted mean of 2.68. The data signifies that

parental supervision was needed to monitor the well- being of the students. The parents should

not allowed their children to stay out late and sleep late-night since it is impossible to get up

early that may result to absenteeism among students.

2.4 Personal Factors

The next table demonstrates the common causes of absenteeism among fourth year

students in terms of personal factors.

As shown in table 2.4, the item are you interested in your studies was rated as

always by the respondents and got the highest weighted mean score of 4.72. Next to it,

two categories were interpreted as very often namely do you wake up early to

prepare yourself in going to school and do you mind failing your grades in school

gained a weighted means of 4.40 and 3.68, respectively. Furthermore, two items were

noted as sometimes by the students such as do you study/make assignments the

night before schooling got a mean score of 3.40 and do you feel lazy going to

school received the lowest weighted mean of 2.64.

Table 2.4
Common Causes of Absenteeism
in terms of Personal Factors

Weighed Verbal
Personal Factors Mean Interpretation Rank
Are you interested in your studies? 4.72 Always 1
Do you feel lazy going to school? 2.64 Sometimes 5
Do you wake up early to prepare yourself in going to
school? 4.40 Very Often 2
Do you study/make assignments the night before
schooling? 3.40 Sometimes 4
Do you mind failing your grades in school? 3.68 Very Often 3
Composite Mean 3.77 Very Often

As reflected in the table, most of the students said that they want to finish their high

school by waking up early to prepare themselves going to school. Although, some of the

respondents made a habitual absences they would like to finish their studies so they were also

bothered failing in school. On the contrary, students also confirmed that they don’t study the

lessons or make assignments the night before schooling and they feel idle going to school. It

was inferred from the results of the study that students have a tendency to be absent rather

than to attend their schooling. The two contradicting concepts of the respondents were viewed

on these findings such as students aspired to finish their education without accomplishing


The respondents believed that very often personal factors were the common

causes of absenteeism among fourth year students as confirmed with high over- all

mean of 3.77. Laziness and not performing their school obligation were the causes of

absenteeism among students. According to Wadegango and Machigambi (2011), the

need to explored creative techniques or strategies to increase class attendance must be

the first priority of the teachers. Change of attitude towards schoolwork is possible if

teachers can respond to the problem of students’ absenteeism by providing innovative

teaching techniques and activities that students would appreciate.

2.5 Home- Related Factors

Table 2.5 shows the common causes of absenteeism among fourth year

students in terms of home- related factors.

Table 2.5
Common Causes of Absenteeism
in terms of Home – Related Factors

Weighed Verbal
Home – Related Factors Mean Interpretation Rank
Do your parents ask you to absent in your class? 2.68 Sometimes 4
Do your parents quarrel? 2.00 Rarely 5
Do your parents care about your studies? 4.24 Very Often 1
Do you work at home before going to school? 3.36 Sometimes 3
Do your parents ask you about your studies? 3.92 Very Often 2
Composite Mean 3.24 Sometimes

Two categories were noted as very often such as do your parents care about your

studies got the highest weighted men of 4.24 and do your parents ask you about your

studies obtained a mean score of 3.92. The next two items were inferred as sometimes by the

students namely do you work at home before going to school and do your parents ask you

to absent in your class acquired the weighted means of 3.36 and 2.68, respectively, The

lowest mean of 2.00 and rated as rarely was the item do your parents quarrel.

The result indicates that the parents look after the studies of their children in school by

asking them about their education. Respondents confirmed that their parents want them to do

some household chore before going to school and sometimes requiring them to absent in their

class to take care of younger siblings. Problems like parents quarrel was seldom happened in

their house so it can be inferred from the results of study that disagreement between their

parents was not the cause of student’s absenteeism.

To sum up table 2.5, the student- respondents said that sometimes home-

related factors were the causes of absenteeism among fourth year students having a

composite mean of 3.24. The data connotes that parents should encouraged their

children to go to school rather than allowing them to make absences in doing household

chore or taking care of their younger brother or sister. Children can help their parents to

do those things during their free time or during weekends not to suffer their chance for

schooling. The parents must understand that every absent that made by their children in

school would have a negative impact or unsatisfied results to their grades.

2.6 School- Related Factors

Table 2.6 discusses the common causes of absenteeism among fourth year

students in terms of school- related factors.

Table 2.6
Common Causes of Absenteeism
in terms of School – Related Factors

Weighed Verbal
School – Related Factors Mean Interpretation Rank
Are your classmates makes bully you? 1.84 Rarely 5
Do you feel comfortable when you are in your
classroom? 3.92 Very Often 3
Do you have friends inside the classroom? 4.52 Always 1
Do your teachers always scolded you? 3.08 Sometimes 4
Do you feel happy when you are in school? 4.16 Very Often 2
Composite Mean 3.50 Very Often

As presented in the table, the item do you have friends inside the classroom

was perceived by the respondents as always got a highest weighted mean of 4.52.

Followed by two categories which were rated as very often namely do you feel happy

when you are in school made a weighted mean of 4.16 and do you feel comfortable

when you are in your classroom gained a mean score of 3.92. Furthermore, the item

do your teachers always scolded you was rated as sometimes by the students got a

weighted mean of 3.08. The lowest weighted mean of 1.84 and confirmed as rarely was

the item are your classmates makes bully you.

The data in the table revealed that the respondents have many friends inside the

classroom so they feel happy and comfortable whenever in school. It was also

confirmed that sometimes teachers disciplined their students. Most the reasons why

teachers scolded them was being tardy and noisy inside the classroom. If only teachers

can explore different strategies that would minimize tardiness and undisciplined

behavior then absenteeism would not be a problem in school. Motivate students to

attend the class regularly and for those who woke up late, encourage them to have an

alarm clock. Do not scold students who came late instead give them a time – table to

change their sleeping habit. In this sense, children would be able to study their lesson

before retiring to bed instead watching TV, texting, using internet, and etc. On the other

hand, bullying seldom happened inside the classroom since they have many friends in

the school. So, it could be inferred from results that bullying was not the cause of

student’s absenteeism.

The over- all weighted mean of 3.50 and interpreted as very often by the

student- respondents was on the school- related factors. The finding indicates that can

be a cause of absenteeism among students which according to Teasley (200) students

school in order to avoid their teachers. These conflicting relationships with teachers

would results to an uncomfortable behavior to the students. Therefore, instead of giving


them a punishing activities or scolding them the teachers must see to it that there would

be a class rapport especially during discussion. A good relationship with students can

be achieved by showing concerns to the students about their studies.

2.7 Peer Factors

The table below reflects the common causes of absenteeism among fourth year

students in terms of peer factors.

Table 2.7
Common Causes of Absenteeism
in terms of Peer factors

Weighed Verbal
Peer Factors Mean Interpretation Rank
Do you play computer games during class hour? 1.56 Rarely 3
Do you like to go with your friends than to attend your
classes? 2.16 Rarely 1
Do you feel happier when you are outside the
classroom than sitting in your class? 2.08 Rarely 2
Do you go to your friend’s house before attending
your classes? 1.48 Never 4
When you are not attending your classes, do you like
to go in the mall? 1.20 Never 5
Composite Mean 1.70 Rarely

Three categories were confirmed as rarely by the respondents such as do you

like to go with your friends than to attend your classes, do you feel happier when

you are outside the classroom than sitting in your class, and do you play

computer games during class hour obtained a weighted means of 2.16, 2.08 and

1.56, respectively. Next to it, two items were rated never namely do you go to your

friend’s house before attending your classes got a weighted mean score of 1.48 and

the lowest mean score of 1.20 for the item when you are not attending your classes,

do you like to go in the mall.

It was deduced from the result of the findings that students like to join their

friends rather than to attend classes and feel happier when they were away from the

school. Only few said that they played computer games during class hour or went to

their friend’s house before going to school. Playing computer games and meeting with

friends would end up not attending their classes which sometimes they forgot the time

of schooling. On the other hand, students confirmed that going to the mall was not the

first option when they were absent due to financial limitation.

Summing up all the collected data, the respondents confirmed that rarely peer

factors were the causes of absenteeism among fourth year students received the lowest

composite mean of 1.70. It signifies that factors related to peer groups or friends were

not cause of student’s absenteeism.

3. Significant Differences among the Responses of the Fourth Year Students on

the Causes of Absenteeism

The table presents the summary of statistical results showing the significant

difference among the responses of the respondents on the causes of absenteeism.

Using t - test, the responses was compared and the hypothesis was tested at five

percent level of significance.

Table 3
Significant Differences among the Responses
of the Participants on the Causes of

t- test
Variables df α Critical Computed Remarks Decision
Value Value
Physical Factors 4 0.05 2.132 8.241 Significant Reject Ho
Financial Factors 5 0.05 2.015 10.445 Significant Reject Ho
Health Factors 2 0.05 2.920 10.217 Significant Reject Ho
Personal Factors 4 0.05 2.132 10.220 Significant Reject Ho
Home Related Factors 4 0.05 2.132 7.942 Significant Reject Ho
School Related Factors 4 0.05 2.132 7.310 Significant Reject Ho
Peer Factors 4 0.05 2.132 9.261 Significant Reject Ho

Table 3 posted significant differences among the responses of the student-

respondents on the causes of absenteeism such as physical, personal, home related,


school related and peer factors in four degrees of freedom at five percent level of

significance. In line with the physical factors, the computed value of 8.241 exceeded

the critical value of 2.132 which indicated significant difference. Therefore, null

hypothesis associated with such area of comparison was rejected. It was also revealed

that significant difference was observed on the physical factors with a computed value

of 10.220 above the critical or probability value of 2.132. Thus, the null hypothesis

related to personal factors was rejected. Furthermore, the significant difference was

identified on the common causes of absenteeism among fourth year students in terms

of home related factors. The computed value of 7.942 exceeded the probability value of

2.132 which indicated that the null hypothesis on this comparison was rejected. On the

other hand, significant difference was confirmed by the respondents in terms of

school related factors. The null hypothesis associated with this was rejected since the

computed value of 7.310 goes beyond the expected value of 2.132. Similarly,

significant difference was noted on the common causes of absenteeism in terms of

peer factors since the t- test value of 9.261 exceeded the critical value of 2.132, so Ho

was rejected. At five degrees of freedom, significant difference was reflected on the

causes of absenteeism among fourth year students in terms of financial factors. The null

hypothesis associated with financial factors was rejected because the computed value

of 10.445 was more than the probability value of 2.015. Lastly, significant difference

was viewed on the common causes of absenteeism among fourth year students in

terms of health factors with a computed value of 10.217 which exceeded the critical

value of 2.920 at two degrees of freedom. Therefore, the null hypothesis related to

health factors was rejected.


Based on the assessed variables, the results indicate the need to address the

problem of truancy by determining the root cause of student’s absenteeism. Therefore,

teachers and administrators should work hand in hand and create strategies in order to

minimize absenteeism. Each factors should be considered in defining what approaches

was needed for a particular student. If only teachers would be able to do these then

problems like habitual absences could be solved. As a result, it will intensify academic

satisfaction and performance among students.

4. Proposed Action Plan

The findings suggested the need to create a plan that would lessen or reduced

absenteeism among students since it has a negative effect in both individual and

society as well.

The results of the investigation on the common causes of absenteeism among

students with respect to physical, financial, health, personal, home- related, school-

related and peer factors were used as basis for a proposed action plan to minimize

truancy behavior. It was revealed that different factors should be considered to ensure

the success of the programs. The following areas of concern that need to be answered

were personal, school related, financial and home related factors which obtained a high

weighted mean.


Youth’s today are the hopes of tomorrow’s future. An adage from our national

hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal, which entails the importance of youth in achieving the dreams of

our country to have an educated society. These would be possible if all the children are

in school performing their task as student.

Toward this end, the action plan to minimize truancy among students in Lipa City

National High School was proposed. Hopefully, this will help lessen student’s absenteeism and

risk of early droop out.

Table 4
Proposed Action Plan

Key Time Expected

Objectives Strategies Persons Schedule Output
1. Make a seminar – Develop a Teacher- One Shall have
Home – workshop on training workshop adviser, Saturday developed
Related responsible on responsible parents, good
Factors parenthood. parenthood guidance relationship
counselor, with teachers,
2. Participate Encourage department parents and
actively during the participation of heads, and school
conduct of the the parents of the school administrators
training. students administrator
Shall have
3. Develop Invite conducted the
harmonious knowledgeable seminar-
relationship between resource speaker workshop on
teachers, parents responsible
and school Use models in parenthood.
administrator for the facilitating the
benefit of the training Shall have
students. recognized the
Involve parents in importance of
the pre and post helping each
evaluation of the other for the
training benefit of the

1. Develop good Encourage the Teacher- Whole year Shall have

Personal study habits like students to attend adviser, round developed a
Factors attending the class the class parents, good study
religiously and regularly. guidance habits.
studying their counselor
lessons regularly. Make the Shall have
students involve recognized the
2. Set a merit in the class students with
system or grade discussion complete
incentives for attendance.
complete Create a time
attendance. table for studying
and making

Proposed Action Plan continued……..

Key Persons Time
Objectives Strategies Involved Schedule Expected

School – 1. Instill the minds of Makes an Teacher- Whole year Shall have
Related the students the agreement to adviser, round developed the
Factors importance of parents about the parents, sense of
attending the absences of their guidance responsibility
classes religiously. children. counselor among
students in
2. Create an Conduct attending their
agreement to the meetings to classes.
parents and the PTA parents with the
about student PTA about Shall have
absenteeism. student’s developed
absenteeism techniques or
3. Insure teaching
cooperation of the Organize a strategies
parents by sending Committee of using
excuse letters and student’s computer
going to school to absenteeism that aided
visit whenever their would monitor the materials.
children were students.
absent. Shall have
Conduct a daily developed
4. Involve the attendance such cooperation
students in different as 1 or 2 days among
school activities that absences – teachers,
will enhance their excuse letter parents and
participation. from their parents school
3 or 5 days administrator
5. Design different absences – call
techniques that attention of their Shall have
would increase parents designed an
student’s 6 or more days agreement to
attendance through absences – make parents to
innovative teaching a home visitation reduce
strategies. absenteeism.
Device innovative
techniques like
using computer
to facilitate

Make the
discussion lively
and enjoyable to
all students

Avoid scolding
students for
being absent
rather involve
them to positive

Proposed Action Plan continued……..

Objectives Strategies Key Persons Time Expected

Involved Schedule Output
1. Support Seek the support Teacher- Whole year Shall have the
Financial financially the of the adviser, round support of the
Factors qualified students. stakeholders parents, stakeholders,
guidance the local
2. Recognize the Get the support counselor government
effort of the of the local School and NGO’s
teachers, parents government and administrator
and school NGO’s. Shall have
administrator to give develop the
them a good Conduct a fund importance of
education. raising campaign schooling
for an scholarship among
3. Develop among program for students.
students the qualified students
importance of going
and being in school. Monitor the
development of
the students by
insuring them to
have a regular
attendance to
their class


From the results of the findings, the following conclusions were drawn.

1. Most of the respondents made habitual absences despite of the negative effects in

their academic performance. Although students showed concern on their studies

they often made absences without sending notice to their teachers.

2. Majority of the respondents confirmed very often that personal and school- related

factors were the common causes of student’s absenteeism.

3. The respondents proved that sometimes physical, financial, home- related and

health factors were also the causes of absenteeism among fourth year students.

4. The respondents confirmed that there are significant differences among the

responses of the fourth year students on the causes of absenteeism.

5. An action plan was proposed to minimize truancy among students in Lipa City

National High School



From the drawn conclusions, the following recommendations are hereby


1. The students should continue their studies even many obstruction will come

to their life as youth. They should increase their involvement in different

school activities in order to avoid boredom and being absent in school.

2. The teachers should be aware and respond to the change of attitude of

students that lead to absenteeism. Thus, they should create different

strategies that will increase student’s attendance. Incentives or reward

system to the student’s attendance should be initiated by the teachers so that

it will lessen absenteeism.

3. The School Administrators, Department Head, Guidance Counselor and

teachers must work hand in hand in providing and giving all the opportunities

to the students for them to grow and learn during their stay in school.

4. Parents and teachers should have a harmonious relationship that will guide

students to achieve their goals in life. Involvement of parents in developing

school attendance policy is a necessity. Thus, creating an agreement to

parents on helping the teachers to encourage their child in attending the class

everyday should be highlighted.

5. The proposed action plan should be implemented for the benefit of the

students of Lipa City National High School.

6. Future researchers may conduct studies to determine the effectiveness of the

proposed action plan.



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