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Test Paper 3 – Marketing

1. Which of the following are the key functions of CMO?

a. Strengthening of brands
b. Gathering customer insights
c. Utilizing marketing technology
d. All the above

2. Which is not a part of holistic marketing:

a. Internal marketing
b. External Marketing
c. Integrated Marketing
d. Performance Marketing

3. Performance marketing involves:

a. Financial Accountability
b. Social responsibility Marketing
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

4. Select the correct answer

a. Market Share > Market Size
b. Market Size > Market Potential
c. Market Penetration > Market potential
d. Market Penetration > Market Share

5. What would likely yield highest market potential for a product, if it meets the :
a. Physiological needs
b. Safety Needs
c. Social Needs
d. Esteem needs

6. Segments are not:

a. Homogenous
b. Heterogeneous
c. Large
d. Targetable
7. Which are the bases of segmenting “Business Markets”
a. Geographic
b. Psychographic
c. Behavioral
d. Operating Variables

8. Which is not a multi segment strategy

a. Selective specialization
b. Product Specialization
c. Market Specialization
d. Full market coverage

9. Market follower strategies include:

a. Counterfeiting, Cloning, Imitation
b. Innovation
c. Cost leadership
d. Wait and watch

10. Positioning is:

a. Brand Salience
b. Value proposition
c. Occupying distinctive place in the minds of the consumer
d. Competitive advantage

11. Customer Value Hierarchy includes:

a. Basic Product, Core Benefit, Expected Product, Augmented product, Potential Product
b. Core Benefit, Basic Product, Expected Product, Potential Product Augmented product,
c. Basic Product, Expected Product, Augmented product, Potential Product , Core Benefit
d. Core Benefit, Basic Product, Expected Product, Augmented product, Potential Product

12. Service failure is

a. Very bad for the company
b. Can be quite good for the company in case there is a very good service recovery
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of (a), (b), (c)

13. Which of the following is true:

a. Price paid is less than or same as the perceived value of the customer
b. Price has to have a direct relation with cost
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of (a), (b), (c)
14. Which is not necessarily true in case of multichannel marketing
a. More target segments can be reached
b. There is chance of channel conflict
c. Greater sale
d. More than one channel is used

15. The reasons for pursuing alliances include

a. Enduring competitive advantage
b. Profits
c. Enduring competitive advantage, leading to profit
d. None of the above

16. Channel flows does not normally include

a. Physical possession
b. After sales service
c. Negotiation
d. Promotion

17. Which is not a common method of pricing the performance of channel flows
a. Margin (selling price less cost price)
b. Commission (fraction of resale price)
c. Time value (the amount of time devoted in the business)
d. Royalty (a percentage of the turnover)

18. Which is not one of the benefits of sales promotion for a company includes
a. Quick Attention getting
b. Quick results
c. Brand building
d. Greater sales

19. Which of the following is not correct

a. A continuous replenishment program helps end the bullwhip effect.
b. Excessively generous promotions create demand spikes but degrade brand equity.
c. Efficient consumer response calls for individual market research dedicated for the need
of each intermediary.
d. ECR produced radical results in US grocery market and is a landmark in marketing

20. The effect of audience awareness depend on

a. Reach, Frequency and Impact of media
b. Exposure and Impact of media
c. Bothe the above
d. None of the above
21. Which is one of the key disadvantages of online marketing
a. Consumer involvement
b. Customer feedback
c. Focused advertising
d. Consumer privacy

22. Which is not a form of sales representative

a. Deliverer
b. Order taker
c. Missionary
d. Visionary

23. Conjoint analysis helps us in

a. Selecting the right product attributes for a new product
b. Figuring out which products are perceived as similar by customers
c. Decide on the price
d. None of the above

24. Product invention has the following

a. Backward invention
b. Forward inventions
c. Lateral Invention
d. (a) and (b)

25. The following are the sequentially the stages of internationalization process:
a. Sporadic export followed by use of agents, establishing of sales subsidiaries and then
establishing production facility
b. Use of agents followed by sporadic export, establishing of Sales subsidiaries and then
establishing production facility
c. Sporadic export followed by use of agents, establishing of production facility and then
establishing sales subsidiaries
d. Use of agents followed by sporadic export, establishing of production facility and then
establishing sales subsidiaries

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