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(We are driven to serve you).


Founder – Mr. Ankit kumar

Co- founder - Mr. Ankit mishra

Co- founder- Mr jatin saini

INTRODUCTION: is a E-commerce business module which is going to provide the services of
repairing , electrical appliances, plumbing, contract of construction, and other types of
services. It is the first company which is going to serve this types of services in the market. It
is the e-commerce business founded by MR ankit kumar, Mr ankit mishra and Mr jatin saini
we hope that it will succeed in future.
The basic function of our business is provide a place to meet the customer and the service
provider. Both have to create their account on the website or our application from they will
get a I’d login and the password. At the time they can choose that what they want to be a
consumer or a service provider. If a customer choose to be a service provider then they
should have to provide in which category they want to provide their services.



Target market
In this we are going to target that group of people who are busy in their daily
activities and they don’t have enough time make a meeting with the person who is repairing
their machines. Through this platform they don’t have to go anywhere only thing they have to
is ‘register their problem on our website and timing their accordingly’ we will make all
arrangement to complete their requests .

 Urban areas.
 Well developed city.
 Mature age group.
 Cyber cities.

Service will be offer on the website

 Electricity issues
 Plumbing
 Carpentering
 Painting
 Construction

Estimated cost of this project

Domain Name and Hosting:
The URL of your website or the domain name is the unique internet fingerprint that can be
used only by you. Other companies can take similar names but your .com (or .in, .org, etc)
belongs to your company. To ensure rights to this domain name, the name has to be
registered annually and factors as a cost. This cost is generally accounted for in the
maintenance cost.

The cost of domain name varies from $5 to anywhere. A keyword containing domain name
may cost even a $1000! Hosting allows your website a space on the server of the “host”
making your website accessible to internet users from around the globe. Depending on the
traffic and the features enabled, hosting can range from being free to a few hundred dollars.

Although, free hosting is not advised due to lack of quality of tech support, if it is provided at
all. The quality of the website, the loading time, site crash support, expansion plans in the
future depends on the quality of the host.

Website Design:
Again for design too, the cost can range anywhere from $250 to $20,000 depending on how
you want your website to look. A skin or a theme can be used and will cost less than a
designed custom-made for your websites’ need. However, they might not look impressive
and provide the same customer retention and engagement as a custom-made design.

Your made-from-scratch website design although expensive is an expression of you and your
business and is the most effective way to capture customers.

Content Management System:

Coding is a tedious work consuming huge amounts of time and effort. If we were to do all
edits on the websites, even the small ones through codes it would cost a lot of time. Content
Management Systems (CMS) ease the process of editing information on the website as and
when required. A CMS such as Magento or WordPress can be accessed for free; others might
need monthly or yearly subscriptions.

Magento is a good platform although it may not efficiently suffice the specific business needs
of your business for website creation.

Content & SEO:

The amount of content that needs to be generated for the website is equivalent to the number
of pages the website has. An effective website needs to place the right words into the users
head compelling them to buy the product or service.

You may choose to write your own content or hire a copywriter Copywriters can charge from
$50 to $500 for the website content. Content is king and good content pays off. Content ties
to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Good content needs to contain keywords that are
relevant to the business to attract more visitors, when you seek inputs on how to build a

SEO is an ongoing service and at EB, SEO includes content creation and optimization,
keyword research, targeted reach and more.

An effective SEO increases the ranking and visibility of the website and can cost $200 to
$1500 per month.

E-commerce Integration:

Including E-commerce on the website is a major factor that can include the overall cost of the
web development project. Integrating payment gateways on the website and
shipping/tracking systems is a visible cost addition directly through e-commerce
functionality. The major cost contributor is the time it takes to build individual product pages
and ensuring that these perform seamlessly and display the correct information.

There is also extensive testing of shopping carts, location-based technology and payment
gateways that needs to be done.

Most websites handle a hell load of data and need an effective mechanism to deal with it. The
database management systems can be really costly but they can facilitate some really cool
additions to the website.
The actual cost of database integration depends on the time and extent of the integration.

A rising concern with regards to databases is privacy and with so many data leaks, security is
also a huge concern. The average cost of database integration is $15,000, although prices
vary as per need.

Websites need to be maintained and regularly update to enable them to perform efficiently.
Website maintenance will form an essential part of your cost especially since it is recurring.

The maintenance cost falls between $300 and $1000 unless there are major updates that will
result in redesign and redevelopment.

Regular support and maintenance ensure that the software and hardware on the website are in
place and that the website is updated with new business developments. This results in a better
SEO ranking and higher visibility.
Blueprint of the above described module: Sign in with their Choose the service

login password type
(Open website)

And provide the

required details
On stage

We will find our Inform the Provider will go to

nearest service provider and note them and solve their
provider to their him the details problem


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