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The ability of prehabilitation to

influence postoperative outcome
after intra-abdominal operation:
A systematic review and
Jonathan Moran, BS,a Emer Guinan, PhD,a Paul McCormick, MD,b John Larkin, MD,b
David Mockler, BS,c Juliette Hussey, PhD,a Jeanne Moriarty, FFARCSI,d and Fiona Wilson, PhD,a
Dublin, Ireland

Background. Preoperative physical fitness is predictive of postoperative outcome. Patients with lesser
aerobic capacity are at greater risk of postoperative complications, longer hospital stays, and mortality.
Prehabilitation may improve physical fitness, but it is unknown whether enhanced fitness translates to
an improvement in postoperative outcome.
Methods. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to assess the ability of prehabilitation to
influence postoperative outcome after intra-abdominal operations. Randomized controlled trials with at
least 1 group undergoing a preoperative exercise intervention/prehabilitation were included. The
following databases were searched: AMED, CINAHL, EMBASE, PubMed/Medline, and The Cochrane
Library. Data extracted from 9 full-articles included author(s), population demographics, type of
operation, postoperative measures of outcome, and type of treatment of the prehabilitation and control
groups. Methodologic quality was assessed using GRADEpro, and the Cochrane risk of bias tool was
used to measure study bias.
Results. Prehabilitation consisting of inspiratory muscle training, aerobic exercise, and/or resistance
training can decrease all types of postoperative complications after intra-abdominal operations (odds
ratio: 0.59, 95% confidence interval: 0.38–0.91, P = .03). It is unclear from our meta-analysis
whether prehabilitation can decrease postoperative length of stay, because the number of studies that
examined length of stay was small (n = 4). No postoperative mortality was reported in any study, and
conclusions could not be drawn on the ability of exercise to influence operative mortality. The
methodologic quality of studies was, however, “very low.”
Conclusion. Prehabilitation appears to be beneficial in decreasing the incidence of postoperative
complications; however, more high-quality studies are needed to validate its use in the preoperative
setting. (Surgery 2016;j:j-j.)

From the Discipline of Physiotherapy,a School of Medicine, and the John Strearne Medical Library,c Trinity
College Dublin, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences; the Department of Colorectal Surgeryb and the Department
of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care,d St. James’s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

GLOBALLY, an estimated 230 million operative pro-

Supported by a studentship grant from Trinity College Dublin
(J. Moran). cedures are performed annually.1 Operative inter-
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
vention carries substantial postoperative risk, and
Accepted for publication May 5, 2016.
the number of patients undergoing elective opera-
tions is increasing.2 After major abdominal opera-
Reprint requests: Jonathan Moran, BS, Discipline of Physio-
therapy, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, Trinity tions, the overall, 30-day postoperative mortality
Centre for Health Sciences, Dublin, Ireland, D08 HD53. averages 3.7% for all patients but varies with the
E-mail: operation.3 Postoperative complications are more
0039-6060/$ - see front matter common than mortality with a rate of about 35%
Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. after an abdominal operation.4 Postoperative morbidity is a substantial burden on health systems

2 Moran et al Surgery
j 2016

and patients and can prolong hospital length of Intervention groups consisted of patients sched-
stay (LOS) and may lead to repeated hospital ad- uled for major, noncardiopulmonary, intra-
missions, chronic ill health, and a decrease in func- abdominal operations who received a preoperative
tional capacity and quality of life.5-8 exercise program. Patients scheduled for intra-
Physical fitness is an overall term encompassing abdominal operations who received standard treat-
aerobic capacity, muscular strength and endur- ment and no prehabilitation were considered a
ance, body composition, and flexibility. Preopera- control group. Patients prescribed an exercise
tive physical fitness (an individual’s level of intervention with a lesser volume/intensity
physical fitness prior to an operation) is predictive compared with the intervention group were also
of postoperative outcome.9-14 Optimizing preoper- considered a control group. Incentive spirometry
ative physical fitness through prehabilitation may was considered a control treatment, because it has
improve postoperative outcome and decrease ulti- been reported not to influence postoperative
mately the associated hospital costs of operative outcome;17 similarly, the exclusive use of breathing
intervention and enhance patient quality of life. exercises and incentive spirometry was not consid-
Prehabilitation is defined as the course of ered an exercise intervention. Interventions pre-
improving the functional capacity of an individual scribing pelvic floor exercises were also excluded.
to withstand a stressful event.15,16 Usual care consisted of no specific prehabilitative
A previous review by Pouwels et al4 concluded treatment18-21 or breathing exercises, such as dia-
that preoperative exercise therapy may improve phragmatic breathing, deep inspirations with
physical fitness of patients prior to a major abdom- incentive spirometry, coughing, and forced expira-
inal operation. This review, however, concluded tion techniques.22
that the ability of prehabilitation to improve post- The primary outcomes included (1) postopera-
operative outcomes is unclear and that further ran- tive mortality: all-cause mortality in the postoper-
domized controlled trials (RCTs) are needed to ative period; (2) LOS: general LOS in hospital and
determine its effect. Since the publication of Pou- intensive care unit (ICU)/critical care unit/high
wels’ review, the number of trials has increased; dependency unit and hospital readmission; and
therefore, we not only updated this review, but (3) morbidity: all postoperative complications, as
we also completed a meta-analysis. defined by study authors (listed in Supplementary
The primary objective of our work was to assess Table I, online version only) but preferably
the ability of preoperative exercise therapy/preha- measured objectively using the Postoperative
bilitation to improve postoperative outcome (mor- Morbidity Survey, Clavien-Dindo Classification
tality, morbidity, and LOS). The secondary objectives Score, or the Comprehensive Classifications Index.
were to assess the influence of prehabilitation on all The databases CINAHL, AMED, PEDro, EM-
postoperative complications compared with no BASE, The Cochrane Library, and PubMed/MED-
intervention, to assess the ability of prehabilitation LINE were searched from April 2013 to August
to influence postoperative pulmonary complications 2015. A search strategy was defined with all
compared with control treatments, and to assess the keywords and subject headings included (Online
ability of prehabilitation to influence preoperative Appendix), and a search of relevant gray literature
physical fitness measured through aerobic capacity, was performed. The abstracts from the annual
muscular strength and endurance, and respiratory European Anaesthesiology Congress (2004–2014),
muscle strength. the Anaesthetic Research Society (2007–2015),
the Society of Academic & Research Surgery
(2012–2015), the Vascular Society (2005–2012),
METHODS the International Anesthesia Research Society
Patients scheduled for intra-abdominal opera- (2003–2015), the World Federation of Societies
tions undergoing prehabilitation were included in of Anaesthesiologists (2008–2012), and the Amer-
the study. We included RCTs examining exercise ican Society of Anesthesiologists (2000–2014) were
modalities, such as aerobic or strength training, reviewed for eligibility. A hand search of reference
including inspiratory muscle training aimed at lists of the studies of interest was conducted to
increasing musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, or res- identify extra articles.
piratory muscle function. All causes for operative Two review authors (J. Moran and FW) selected
intervention were included (eg, cancerous or in- trials for inclusion independently based on the
flammatory conditions). Patients undergoing any titles, keywords, and abstracts (generated from the
nonabdominal or orthopedic operations were search strategy) to determine eligibility in terms of
excluded. intervention, participants, and design. The full-text
Surgery Moran et al 3
Volume j, Number j

versions of all relevant trials were retrieved. If a full- used to assess the methodologic quality of
text version could not be retrieved, then the study included studies (Fig 1). The GRADEpro high-
was excluded due to the lack of a detailed method- lights key information concerning the quality of ev-
ology and the possibility of a high risk of bias. idence, the magnitude of effect of the
Data extraction was performed independently interventions examined, and the sum of available
by the lead author (J. Moran). All data were data on important outcomes in a summary of find-
reviewed blindly by another author (FW). Ex- ings table.
tracted data included details of methods, operative
interventions, exercise interventions, control RESULTS
group, and measures of outcome. The data extrac- The database search was completed in August
tion form was piloted on 2, randomly selected 2015. The search strategy yielded 906 articles
studies. After completion, the form was deemed including AMED (n = 24), CINAHL (n = 142),
appropriate for data extraction. Any disagreements The Cochrane Library (n = 153), EMBASE
were discussed; if a conclusion could not be (n = 325), and PubMed/MEDLINE (n = 262).
reached after discussion, a third party was asked Three additional articles were identified through
to intervene (JH). searching conference abstracts, as well as 6 more ar-
Two review authors (J. Moran and FW) assessed ticles by searching the reference lists of key studies.
the risk of bias in included studies independently, Of these results, 204 duplicates were removed,
using The Cochrane Collaboration’s “Risk of bias” and 687 articles were excluded based on title and
tool.23 Studies were graded for risk of bias in each of abstract. Fifteen studies were excluded because they
the following domains: sequence generation, alloca- did not meet the inclusion criteria: 3 were not RCTs;
tion concealment, blinding (participants, personnel, 4 were excluded because participants had no
and outcome assessment), incomplete outcome operative intervention; 2 were excluded because
data, selective outcome reporting, and other source there was no preoperative intervention; 3 abstracts
of bias. Any disagreements were discussed; if a were excluded because there was no full-text version
conclusion could not be reached, an independent available; 1 study was excluded because there was no
third reviewer was asked to intervene (JH). postoperative follow-up; 1 study did not include
Measures of treatment effect. Dichotomous participants undergoing a laparotomy incision of
data were reported as odds ratios (ORs) and 95% the abdomen; and 1 was a reanalysis of previously
confidence intervals (CIs). For continuous data, included data. Overall, a total of 9 studies met the
the mean difference and standard deviation with inclusion criteria (Fig 2).
95% CI were calculated using RevMan software Included studies. Participants. A total of 435
(Version 5.3), (Review Manager (RevMan) Version operative patients were included. Operations
5.3, Copenhagen: The Nordic Cochrane Centre, included colorectal,19,25,26 abdominal,20-22 upper
The Cochrane Collaboration, 2014). gastrointestinal,27 hepatectomy,28 and open bariatric
Dealing with missing data. Authors were con- operations.18 The mean age of participants between
tacted via e-mail about missing data. All relevant groups ranged from 34.8–71.3 years. One study re-
data were reviewed. cruited women only.18 The remaining 8 studies re-
Assessment of heterogeneity. Clinical heteroge- cruited men and women (Supplementary Table I).
neity was based on information from the partici- Interventions. Exercise interventions consisted of
pants of each study, interventions, and outcome a variety of methods, such as aerobic training,
measurements. Statistical heterogeneity was as- resistance training, inspiratory muscle training, or
sessed by visual inspection of the overlap of the a combination of all. The frequency, intensity,
CI on the Forest plots and consideration of the v2 time, and type of prehabilitative interventions
test (P < .1 was interpreted as significant heteroge- were recorded (Supplementary Table I). Six
neity) and the I2 statistic. I2 results were inter- studies compared exercise interventions with no
preted as follows: 0–40% might not be important, treatment or usual care. Here, usual care consists
30–60% may represent moderate heterogeneity, of no treatment18-21 or preoperative breathing ex-
50–90% may represent substantial heterogeneity, ercises, such as deep breathing exercises, incentive
and 75–100% may represent considerable hetero- spirometry, and forced expiration techniques.22
geneity.24 The results of comparable groups were Four studies compared prehabilitation with a
pooled using random-effects models. lesser impact intervention group considered a con-
Assessment of methodologic quality. The trol group. The lesser impact interventions con-
GRADEpro software ( sisted of walking,25,26 endurance-based inspiratory
revman/other-resources/gradepro/download) was muscle training,27 and a diet-based intervention.28
4 Moran et al Surgery
j 2016

Preoperative exercise in the prevention of postoperative morbidity

Patient or population: patients with postoperative morbidity
Intervention: preoperative exercise

Outcomes Illustrative comparative risks* (95% CI) Relative No of Quality Comments

Assumed risk Corresponding risk effect Participants of the
(95% (studies) evidence
Control Preoperative
Morbidity Study population OR 0.59 435 ⊕⊝⊝⊝
359 per 1000 249 per 1000 (0.38 to (9 studies) very
(176 to 338) 0.91) low1,2,3,4,5

400 per 1000 282 per 1000
(202 to 378)
*The basis for the assumed risk (e.g. the median control group risk across studies) is provided in footnotes. The
corresponding risk (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the relative
effect of the intervention (and its 95% CI).

CI: Confidence interval; OR: Odds ratio;

GRADE Working Group grades of evidence

High quality: Further research is very unlikely to change our confidence in the estimate of effect.
Moderate quality: Further research is likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and may
change the estimate.
Low quality: Further research is very likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and is likely
to change the estimate.
Very low quality: We are very uncertain about the estimate.

Risk of bias (Fig. 2).
2 2
I =43%, p=0.02
There was a wide variety of surgeries included
Most studies had small sample sizes. Only Barbalho-Moulim et al. (2011) and Carli et al. (2010) performed sample size
Unable to detect publication bias due to small number of studies

Preoperative exercise to reduce postoperative length of stay

Patient or population: patients with to reduce postoperative length of stay


Intervention: preoperative exercise

Preoperative exercise to decrease postoperative length of stay

Patient or population: patients with to reduce postoperative length of stay
Intervention: preoperative exercise

Outcomes Illustrative comparative risks* (95% Relative No of Quality Comments

CI) effect Participants of the
Assumed risk Corresponding (95% (studies) evidence
risk CI) (GRADE)
Control Preoperative
Length of The mean length of The mean length 232 ⊕⊝⊝⊝
Surgery Moran et al 5
Volume j, Number j

Stay stay ranged across of stay in the (4 studies) very

Scale control groups from intervention low1,2,3,4,5
from: 0 to 2.1-21.6 Days groups was
45. 1.6 lower
(7.6 lower to 4.3
*The basis for the assumed risk (e.g. the median control group risk across studies) is provided in footnotes. The
corresponding risk (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the relative
effect of the intervention (and its 95% CI).

CI: Confidence interval;

GRADE Working Group grades of evidence

High quality: Further research is very unlikely to change our confidence in the estimate of effect.
Moderate quality: Further research is likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and may
change the estimate.
Low quality: Further research is very likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and is likely
to change the estimate.
Very low quality: We are very uncertain about the estimate.

Risk of bias (Fig. 2).
2 2
I =53%, p=0.59
There was a wide variety of surgeries included
Most studies had small sample sizes. Only Barbalho-Moulim et al. (2011) and Carli et al. (2010) performed sample size
Unable to detect publication bias due to small number of studies

Fig 1. GRADEpro assessment of methodologic quality of included studies examining the ability of preoperative exercise
interventions to decrease morbidity and length of stay. (Color version of this figure is available online.)

Included studies are described in detail in Risk of bias in included studies. Risk of bias was
Supplementary Table I. Four studies prescribed assessed for all studies using the Cochrane “Risk of
inspiratory muscle training only in the preopera- bias” tool (Fig 3).23 Due to the nature of exercise
tive period.18,20,22,27 Two studies prescribed a com- interventions, it was difficult for studies to blind
bination of inspiratory muscle training and aerobic participants and personnel, which led to a high
exercise.21,26 Two studies prescribed a combined risk of bias in 6 studies. It was unclear if blinding
intervention of aerobic and resistance exer- was attempted in the remaining studies.
cise.19,25 One study prescribed a walking-based Allocation (selection bias). Allocation concealment
intervention.28 Six studies delivered a mix of super- was often “unclear,” because many studies did not
vised and unsupervised programs.18,21,22,25,26,28 report if the envelopes used were opaque. The
Unsupervised sessions were expected to be randomization process was unclear, because many
completed at home. In 2 studies, participants studies did not report on the method of random-
were educated about the exercise protocol during ization. Three studies reported the method em-
the initial session and then completed the remain- ployed, of which 2 were a sufficient method
ing sessions unsupervised.19,20 (computer-generated randomization) deemed
Outcomes. The primary outcome measures of the low risk. One study reported using an independent
review were mortality, morbidity, and LOS. Only 1 research assistant to stratify patients into 2 groups;
study reported on postoperative mortality.28 LOS this was deemed high risk.22
was regarded as time of operation to discharge Blinding (performance bias and detection bias).
from hospital, LOS of ICU admission, and hospital Overall performance bias was high, because it is
readmission rates, and was assessed in 8 studies. difficult to blind participants and personnel to
Morbidity was assessed using the Clavien-Dindo exercise-based interventions. The risk of detection
Classification Score,29 postoperative pulmonary bias was less than performance bias, with 4 studies
complications by Kroenke et al,30 and self- scoring a low risk of bias19,22,26,27; however, 3
defined complications. Morbidity was measured studies scored unclear,21,25,28 and 2 scored
in 9 studies. high.18,20
6 Moran et al Surgery
j 2016

Fig 2. PRISMA flow diagram. (Color version of this figure is available online.)

Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias). Attrition with a decrease in overall postoperative complica-
bias was low generally, with 7 studies receiving a tions (OR: 0.59, 95% CI: 0.38–0.91, P = .03). Inter-
low risk of bias. ventions consisted of a mixture of inspiratory
Selective reporting (reporting bias). Reporting bias muscle training, aerobic exercise, and resistance
was unclear mostly, because many trials did not training. Control groups consisted of no treat-
report the protocols in which to check the original ment, breathing exercises, lower intensity inspira-
outcomes intended for study. One study scored a tory muscle training, and walking. Moderate
high risk of bias, because there were certain heterogeneity existed between studies (I2 = 43%),
outcomes not presented in the articles.28 and the level of evidence was very low, as measured
Other potential sources of bias. We were unclear if using the GRADEpro.
studies were free of potential sources of bias in 4 Exercise versus usual care. Five of the 9 studies
cases. Four studies scored a high risk, while only 1 reviewed compared preoperative interventions to
study scored a low risk of bias. Potential sources of control groups receiving “usual care.” Usual care
bias included significant differences in baseline consisted of no treatment18-21 or standard preoper-
between intervention and control groups18,22,26 ative breathing exercises, and exercise interven-
and walking interventions that were not well moni- tions consisted of inspiratory muscle training,
tored.21,25 One author had a royalty share in the walking, and aerobic and resistance exercise
Powerbreathe inspiratory muscle trainer, a device (Supplementary Table I).22 In contrast, 3 studies
used by the intervention group.20 included a control group, which received an
Morbidity. All included studies examined the exercise-based intervention. These exercise inter-
impact of preoperative interventions on all post- ventions prescribed lower intensity activities such
operative complications and were included in the as walking for 30 minutes a day and endurance-
Forest plot (Fig 4). Prehabilitation was associated based, inspiratory muscle training (7 sessions of
Surgery Moran et al 7
Volume j, Number j

training only, while 2 studies prescribed multi-

Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias)

modal interventions involving a combination of

Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)

inspiratory muscle training, aerobic exercise, and

Random sequence generation (selection bias)

resistance training of the lower limbs.21,26 On
meta-analysis, a significant decrease in postopera-

Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)

Allocation concealment (selection bias)
tive pulmonary complications in favor of preopera-

Selective reporting (reporting bias)

tive training (OR: 0.27, 95% CI: 0.13–0.57) was
observed (Fig 6).
Exercise and other complications. Four studies
measured all types of complications (eg, anasto-
motic leak and wound infection) and reported no

Other bias
significant difference between intervention and
control groups. Two of these studies assessed
– – –
complications with the Clavien-Dindo Classifica-
Barbalho-Moulim 2011 ? ? + ?
tion Score,19,25 while Kaibori et al28 did not report
Carli 2010 ? ? ? ? – ? –
how complications were measured. Dronkers
Dronkers 2008 – ? – + + ? + et al22 reported no difference between the inter-
Dronkers 2010 ? ? – + + ? – vention and control group in terms of self-
Gillis 2014 + ? – + + + ?
defined complications (9 vs 8, P = .65).22
Gillis et al19 had a control group who received
Kaibori 2013 ? ? ? ? + – ?
no treatment, while 2 studies prescribed an exer-
Kulkarni 2010 + ? – – + + –
cise program with a lower volume/intensity for
Soares 2013 ? ? ? ? – + ? the control group as opposed to no treatment or
van Adrichem 2014 ? ? – + + ? ? usual care. This approach may have confounded
results by increasing the physical fitness of the con-
Fig 3. Risk of bias assessment. (Color version of this trol group and decreasing the incidence of compli-
figure is available online.) cations. Another potential reason for these studies
not reporting a significant difference in all-cause
inspiratory muscle training at 30% maximal inspi- complications is that the sample size calculations
ratory pressure).25-27 One study compared exercise for these studies were not powered effectively. Carli
with preoperative dietary advice.28 Patients were re- et al25 and Gillis et al19 powered their sample sizes
ported to have a daily energy intake of 25–30 kcal/ to detect differences in postoperative fitness
kg of body weight (BW) with a daily protein intake instead of in postoperative complications, while
of 1.0–1.2 g/kg BW and a daily sodium intake of Dronkers et al26 performed a pilot study and did
5–7 g/kg BW. These studies were not considered not provide a sample size calculation.
usual care. Length of stay. A total of 8 studies examined the
When studies were examined that compared influence of preoperative exercise therapy on
prehabilitation with usual care only, there was a general LOS. Of these, 4 studies were pooled for
significant decrease in the number of postopera- meta-analysis (Fig 7). Prehabilitation consisted of
tive complications in favor of prehabilitation inspiratory muscle training and aerobic exercise
(Fig 5). There was low heterogeneity between and resistance training (Supplementary Table I).
studies (I2 = 5%). When compared with usual It was not possible to estimate the results by
care only, exercise training had a much stronger ef- Barbalho-Moulim et al18 due to the standard devi-
fect on postoperative complications (OR: 0.35, ation of zero; therefore, only 3 studies were
95% CI: 0.17–0.71; Fig 5) than when exercise inter- weighted in the meta-analysis. There were no sig-
ventions were compared with a mix of usual care nificant differences in LOS between exercise and
and active control groups (OR: 0.59, 95% CI: control groups (Mean: 1.62, 95% CI: 7.57,
0.38–0.91; Fig 4). 4.33) (Fig 7).
Exercise and postoperative pulmonary compli- Four studies were unable to be pooled in the
cations. Six studies examined the effect of exercise meta-analysis, because LOS was non-normally
training on the incidence of postoperative pulmo- distributed. Van Adrichem et al27 reported that pa-
nary complications only. All interventions were tients who completed high-intensity inspiratory
compared with a control group involving lower muscle training (3 sessions a week of inspiratory
intensity training or usual care. Of these, 4 studies muscle training at 60–80% maximal inspiratory
prescribed preoperative inspiratory muscle pressure), as opposed to lower intensity,
8 Moran et al Surgery
j 2016

Exercise Control Odds Ratio Odds Ratio

Study or Subgroup Events Total Events Total Weight M-H, Fixed, 95% CI M-H, Fixed, 95% CI
Barbalho-Moulim 2011 0 15 0 17 Not estimable
Carli 2010 22 56 18 54 20.3% 1.29 [0.59, 2.82]
Dronkers 2008 3 10 8 10 10.2% 0.11 [0.01, 0.84]
Dronkers 2010 9 22 8 20 9.0% 1.04 [0.30, 3.57]
Gillis 2014 12 38 17 39 20.9% 0.60 [0.24, 1.52]
Kaibori 2013 2 23 3 23 5.0% 0.63 [0.10, 4.21]
Kulkarni 2010 0 18 2 19 4.3% 0.19 [0.01, 4.22]
Soares 2013 5 16 11 16 13.8% 0.21 [0.05, 0.92]
van Adrichem 2014 4 20 11 19 16.5% 0.18 [0.04, 0.76]

Total (95% CI) 218 217 100.0% 0.59 [0.38, 0.91]

Total events 57 78
Heterogeneity: Chi² = 12.38, df = 7 (P = 0.09); I² = 43%
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Test for overall effect: Z = 2.41 (P = 0.02) Favours Exercise Favours Control

Fig 4. Exercise versus control: Morbidity. (Color version of this figure is available online.)

Experimental Control Odds Ratio Odds Ratio

Study or Subgroup Events Total Events Total Weight M-H, Fixed, 95% CI M-H, Fixed, 95% CI
Barbalho-Moulim 2011 0 15 0 17 Not estimable
Dronkers 2008 3 10 8 10 20.7% 0.11 [0.01, 0.84]
Gillis 2014 12 38 17 39 42.5% 0.60 [0.24, 1.52]
Kulkarni 2010 0 18 2 19 8.8% 0.19 [0.01, 4.22]
Soares 2013 5 16 11 16 28.0% 0.21 [0.05, 0.92]

Total (95% CI) 97 101 100.0% 0.35 [0.17, 0.71]

Total events 20 38
Heterogeneity: Chi² = 3.16, df = 3 (P = 0.37); I² = 5%
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Test for overall effect: Z = 2.94 (P = 0.003) Favours [experimental] Favours [control]

Fig 5. Exercise versus usual care: Morbidity. (Color version of this figure is available online.)

endurance-based inspiratory muscle training (7 physical fitness (Supplementary Table II, online
sessions a week of inspiratory muscle training at version only). Two studies reported conflicting re-
30% maximal inspiratory pressure), had a shorter sults in improvements in preoperative aerobic ca-
LOS (13.5 vs 18 days, P = .01). Furthermore, the pacity as measured by the 6-minute walk test
high-intensity inspiratory muscle training group (distance). Gillis et al19 reported a difference in
showed a trend toward a shorter stay in the ICU the improvement of the 6-minute walk test
(0.5 vs 1.5 days, P = .07). In contrast, Kulkarni (25.2 ± 50.2 m) in the intervention group
et al,20 Soares et al,21 and Gillis et al19 reported compared to the deterioration in the control
no difference in LOS between intervention and group ( 16.4 ± 46.0 m, P < .001). In comparison,
control groups. The exercise interventions pre- Carli et al25 reported no changes in 6-minute walk
scribed in these 4 studies included inspiratory mus- test distance in the intervention group preopera-
cle training and aerobic exercise and resistance tively (494.1 ± 15.5 m preintervention versus
training (Supplementary Table I). The GRADEpro 502.8 ± 15.8 m postintervention, P = .203); howev-
lists the methodologic quality of these studies as er, there was a difference in VO2peak (mL/min)
very low (Fig 1), and the overall risk of bias of these measured by cardiopulmonary exercise testing
studies is presented in Fig 3. Gillis et al19 reported in both the intervention (1,395 ± 76 versus
there was no difference in readmission rates be- 1,529 ± 88, P = .003) and the control groups
tween the prehabilitation group and the control (1,400 ± 71 versus 1,511 ± 84, P = .007) during a
group (6 [15%] vs 5 [13%], respectively, mean period of 40 days (SD: 30). Gillis et al19 pre-
P = .780). No other study reported readmission scribed an exercise intervention with a median
rates. duration of 24.5 days (interquartile range [IQR]:
Mortality. There was no reported mortality in 20–35); however, the authors did not report if
any of the studies reviewed, and therefore, this there was an increase in VO2peak. Dronkers
analysis was not completed. et al26 reported no differences in physical fitness
Preoperative physical fitness. Due to the het- measured by functional exercise tests, such as the
erogeneity of data, a meta-analysis was deemed timed up-and-go test and the chair rise time test
inappropriate to assess changes in preoperative in either the intervention or control groups.
Surgery Moran et al 9
Volume j, Number j

Experimental Control Odds Ratio Odds Ratio

Study or Subgroup Events Total Events Total Weight M-H, Fixed, 95% CI M-H, Fixed, 95% CI
Barbalho-Moulim 2011 0 15 0 17 Not estimable
Dronkers 2008 3 10 8 10 19.6% 0.11 [0.01, 0.84]
Dronkers 2010 5 22 5 20 14.1% 0.88 [0.21, 3.65]
Kulkarni 2010 0 18 2 19 8.3% 0.19 [0.01, 4.22]
Soares 2013 5 16 11 16 26.4% 0.21 [0.05, 0.92]
van Adrichem 2014 4 20 11 19 31.5% 0.18 [0.04, 0.76]

Total (95% CI) 101 101 100.0% 0.27 [0.13, 0.57]

Total events 17 37
Heterogeneity: Chi² = 3.91, df = 4 (P = 0.42); I² = 0%
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Test for overall effect: Z = 3.50 (P = 0.0005) Favours [experimental] Favours [control]

Fig 6. Exercise versus control: Postoperative pulmonary complications. (Color version of this figure is available online.)

Exercise Control Mean Difference Mean Difference

Study or Subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Random, 95% CI IV, Random, 95% CI
Barbalho-Moulim 2011 2 0 15 2.11 0.33 17 Not estimable
Carli 2010 11.9 34.6 55 6.5 3.6 52 27.2% 5.40 [-3.80, 14.60]
Dronkers 2010 16.2 11.5 22 21.6 23.7 20 20.0% -5.40 [-16.84, 6.04]
Kaibori 2013 13.7 4 25 17.5 11.3 26 52.8% -3.80 [-8.42, 0.82]

Total (95% CI) 117 115 100.0% -1.62 [-7.57, 4.33]

Heterogeneity: Tau² = 11.88; Chi² = 3.38, df = 2 (P = 0.18); I² = 41%
-20 -10 0 10 20
Test for overall effect: Z = 0.53 (P = 0.59) Favours Exercise Favours Control

Fig 7. Exercise versus control: Length of stay. (Color version of this figure is available online.)

Dronkers et al26 used a pedometer to monitor the intervention and the control groups (88
members of the control group who were advised cmH2O versus 64 cmH2O, respectively, P = .049).
to walk for a minimum of 30 minutes a day. This
group reported no significant difference in the
number of steps performed by the intervention DISCUSSION
(4,980 steps per day) and the control groups Prehabilitation consisting of inspiratory muscle
(5,003 steps per day). The walking intervention training, aerobic exercise, and resistance training
performed by Carli et al25 was monitored poorly; appears to decrease the incidence of all postoper-
patients were visited once at home and contacted ative complications in patients undergoing
via telephone weekly prior to the operation. In intra-abdominal operations (OR: 0.59, 95% CI:
the walking group, VO2peak increased (1,400– 0.38–0.91). This effect was strongest when prehabi-
1,511 mL/min, P = .007), but there was no signifi- litation was compared with usual care or breathing
cant difference in VO2peak between the bike/ exercises only (OR: 0.35, 95% CI: 0.17–0.71).
strengthening and walking/breathing group Furthermore, prehabilitation significantly decre-
(1,529 mL/min versus 1,511 mL/min, ased the incidence of postoperative pulmonary
respectively). complications (OR: 0.27, 95% CI: 0.13–0.57), which
Five studies prescribed inspiratory muscle were measured as the primary complication of
training to increase respiratory muscle strength interest in the majority of studies reviewed.
as assessed by maximal inspiratory pressure. With Prehabilitation also significantly improved pre-
the exception of Dronkers et al26 who reported no operative physical fitness as measured by inspiratory
change in postintervention, maximal inspiratory muscle strength, cardiopulmonary exercise testing,
pressure, all studies reported improvements in and functional exercise tests (Supplementary Table
maximal inspiratory pressure.22 Three studies II). Prehabilitation did not influence postoperative
reported a significant difference in maximal LOS after an intra-abdominal operation; however,
inspiratory pressure between baseline and preoper- the number of studies contributing to the Forest
ation.18,20,26 Soares et al21 reported a nonsignifi- plot was low (n = 4). Due to the low readmission
cant improvement in maximal inspiratory rates and no reported mortality, this review cannot
pressure during the preoperative period in the conclude if prehabilitation influences these impor-
intervention group (62 cmH2O versus 88 cmH2O tant postoperative outcomes.
P > .05); however, there was a difference in postin- This review demonstrates that prehabilitation
tervention maximal inspiratory pressure between decreases the risk of postoperative complications;
10 Moran et al Surgery
j 2016

however, this effect was strongest when examining Forest plot exercise versus usual care (Fig 5). The
postoperative pulmonary complications only. Pre- ability of walking interventions to increase fitness
operative inspiratory muscle training is an effective in the preoperative setting is underexplored and
form of decreasing postoperative pulmonary com- warrants further investigation.
plications31; however, it remains unclear whether The results of this meta-analysis do not suggest
the combination of inspiratory muscle training that prehabilitation influences LOS after intra-
and aerobic and resistance exercise (n = 3) pro- abdominal operations (P = .24). Theoretically, a
duces greater decreases in postoperative pulmo- decrease in overall postoperative complications
nary complications compared with inspiratory may translate to a decrease in LOS, and even small
muscle training alone (n = 3). decreases in LOS may translate to cost savings.
Three studies reported no effect of prehabilita- Among the studies reviewed, a mean decrease of
tion on medical or operative complications.19,25,26 1.6 days was observed (Fig 7). In the United States,
It is likely that exercise exerts a stronger effect the average cost of 1 inpatient day is $2,157,36 and
on pulmonary and general medical complications therefore, a mean decrease of 1.6 days would
than on operative complications, such as ileus, create a cost savings of $3,451.20 per intra-
due to the effect of exercise on the oxygen trans- abdominal operative procedure.
port pathway. The oxygen transport pathway is a se- Three studies in this review included patients
ries of integrated steps, including ventilation of the undergoing neoadjuvant chemo(radio)ther-
alveoli and pumping of the oxygenated blood by apy.19,25,27 There were no differences in postopera-
the heart to metabolically active tissue, designed tive complication rates between patients who did
to deliver oxygen to the necessary metabolic sys- or did not undergo neoadjuvant chemo(radio)
tems. Cardiopulmonary dysfunction arising from therapy, and no adverse events were reported.
impairment of 1 or more steps in this pathway Van Adrichem et al27 delayed commencing preha-
can be caused by intra-abdominal operations. bilitation by 1–2 weeks to allow for completion of
Therefore, it is unlikely that exercise can influence neoadjuvant chemo(radio)therapy, while 2 studies
operative complications, such as ileus, which can did not report if prehabilitation was performed
arise due to mechanical factors.32 during or after neoadjuvant chemo(radio)
Greater levels of physical fitness are associated therapy.19,25
with a decreased risk of postoperative complica- Neoadjuvant chemo(radio)therapy often leads
tions, mortality, and increased LOS.9-14 It is beyond to some element of cardiopulmonary toxicity and
the scope of this review to analyze the theories that decreases in aerobic capacity.37 West et al37 re-
contribute to the protective mechanism of ported a mean decrease in aerobic capacity of
increased fitness; however, these mechanisms are 1.4 mL/kg/min (95% CI: 3.1, 1.0) after neoad-
discussed comprehensively elsewhere.9,33 juvant chemo(radio)therapy in 25 patients sched-
In 2 of the studies reviewed, control groups uled for operations for rectal cancer, and
performing low intensity walking preoperatively therefore, the need for prehabilitation in cohorts
for 30 minutes a day demonstrated greater post- receiving neoadjuvant therapies may be greater
operative outcomes compared with intervention than for those treated with an operation alone.
groups consisting of aerobic exercise, resistance The studies in this review are consistent with cur-
training, and/or inspiratory muscle training.25,26 rent literature, and report that prehabilitation af-
Walking is often prescribed preoperatively; howev- ter neoadjuvant chemo(radio)therapy is safe and
er, its ability to increase aerobic capacity is not well can increase aerobic capacity.38
reported.34 For example, Englesbe et al34 pre- Current standards in cancer care demand min-
scribed a preoperative walking program to 500 par- imal delay between cancer diagnosis and
ticipants scheduled for various operative commencement of treatment. As operative inter-
procedures with the goal of increasing walking dis- vention/treatment is often the first line interven-
tance. Levels of physical activity increased by 85%; tion in cancer treatment, this intervention poses a
however, it is unclear if this improved preoperative challenge to incorporating prehabilitation into the
aerobic capacity. Walking can increase aerobic ca- time-restricted clinical pathway. For example, the
pacity,35 and while the walking interventions in median time between colorectal diagnosis and an
the studies included in this review were designed operation is 30 days (IQR: 18–42),39 and the mean
to serve as control groups; they may have acted duration of prehabilitaion in the study by Carli
as effective preoperative interventions, which may et al25 was 40 days (SD: 30).
explain why the effect size generated by the Forest The potential for interventions that achieve
plot (Fig 4) decreased when compared with the maximum results over short periods should be
Surgery Moran et al 11
Volume j, Number j

explored. A recent meta-analysis concluded that however, Dronkers et al26 reported participants
interval training was more effective than contin- were 60% less active compared with normative
uous training at increasing both VO2peak and data.
anaerobic threshold (AT) (P < .01 each) and Inconsistencies in the definitions of postopera-
demonstrated a similar safety profile for tive complications across the studies reviewed
moderate-intensity training.40 A preoperative, su- made comparison between studies challenging.44
pervised, high-intensity program of interval We suggest that future studies use a combination
training may increase a patient’s aerobic capacity of the Clavien-Dindo classification scoring system,
prior to an operation within a short time frame. the Postoperative Morbidity Survey, and the
An easier alternative is a walking-based interven- Comprehensive Complications Index to measure
tion, which can be performed by patients at objectively postoperative morbidity.29,45,46 The
home; however, this type of moderate-intensity ex- methodologic quality of included studies was
ercise may not create the improvements necessary very low and driven largely by lack of blinding
within a short time frame. The ability of these pro- and ambiguity regarding allocation concealment.
grams to improve aerobic fitness should be One of the limitations of exercise-based interven-
compared in future research. tions is the inability to blind participants and
Prehabilitation and programs of Enhanced Re- personnel to the true intervention; however,
covery After Surgery (ERAS) aim to minimize sham inspiratory muscle training can be used in
operative stress and complications; however, the 2 future research to blind participants and improve
programs are not often combined.41 Only 1 study methodologic quality. The results of this meta-
in this review reported administering an ERAS pro- analysis should be considered with caution; howev-
gram with prehabilitation, and a recent review er the meta-analysis shows that underpowered, pilot
found that the literature specific to ERAS and pre- RCT’s can produce favorable results toward exer-
habilitation is limited.19,42 ERAS preoperative cise interventions.
management includes counseling, preoperative In conclusion, prehabilitation can improve post-
nutrition, and optimization of blood hemoglobin, operative outcome by decreasing all-cause and
and the potential to include exercise prehabilita- pulmonary complications. The effect of prehabili-
tion as part of ERAS to further decrease postoper- tation is strongest when compared with no treat-
ative complications should be explored. ment or breathing exercises. The ability of
This review is unable to recommend a specific prehabilitation to decrease postoperative mortality
type of preoperative exercise therapy intervention and LOS is inconclusive due to the low rate of
that produces the greatest improvement in post- mortality and the low number of studies reporting
operative outcome; however, any exercise interven- postoperative LOS. Although prehabilitation can
tion consisting of inspiratory muscle training, decrease postoperative complications, the results
aerobic, and/or resistance training is superior of this meta-analysis should be considered with
when compared with no treatment or breathing caution due to the relatively low methodologic
exercises (usual care). Further high-quality RCTs quality of the included studies. Further RCTs are
such as the PREPARE trial are needed to find the needed to validate the protective effects of
optimal frequency and intensity for these preop- prehabilitation.
erative interventions for a range of operative pro-
cedures.43 Clinicians looking to prescribe SUPPLEMENTARY DATA
prehabilitation can prescribe the interventions Supplementary data related to this article can be found
included in this meta-analysis (Supplementary online at
Table I).
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