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Last Wednesday— November 20, 2019—a seminar hosted by the ABM Department discussed

about 8 basic consumer rights and Fair trade law was conducted at the FWS multipurpose hall of Ateneo

de Zamboanga University, Salvador campus. The seminar’s purpose was to enlighten students as

consumers to the rights over the products and services that can be avail from businesses. The seminar

started with a prayer, followed by the singing of the National anthem and the Zamboanga Hermosa. The

speakers were from the Department of Trade and Industry. The first speaker, sir Vincent Jericho I.

Duncombe, discussed about the 8 basic consumer rights namely: The right to basic needs; the right to

safety; the right to information; the right to choice; the right of representation; the right to redress; the

right to consumer education; and the right to a healthy environment.

The second speaker, Engr. Isidro D. Eijansantos Jr., talked about the fair- trade law. This law

helps to prevent companies from monopolising and distorting the products that they sell. This protects the

consumers from purchasing products that are untested and could cause harm and danger to consumers.


As a consumer myself, I have had moments were I disregarded looking at the legitimacy of a

product that I purchased. Before, I used to only examine the quality and the price of the product and not

bother looking at the properties pasted on its label. Yes, I do look at the nutritional value and additional

information of food products that I buy, but that could only go as far as purchasing edible products. I am a

well informed consumer when it comes to food products, but electrical ones? Not really. There was a time

when I bought a light bulb for our kitchen and I just looked at the price and the brand of the product—not

even bothering to look if it was legit registered and approved by the DTI. The light bulb worked fine, but

that was a risky and reckless purchase.

The seminar was really helpful. It provided me ways and means on how to be wiser in purchasing

products. Before the seminar, all I thought that was important in purchasing is to look at the price, the

quality of the product (assessed through surface examination), the reviews if available, and the functions

of the product. Never did it cross my mind to check it if were legit products or not. I didn’t even care

about ICC stickers or BS markers. However, now that I am enlightened, I believe I just became more

mature in my purchases. Furthermore, the information about the 8 basic rights made me realized that

receipts are extremely important especially in products that are guaranteed with warranties. It will really

serve as a saving grace in times of products malfunctioning and one has a need to repair, replace or refund

such product.


To be a well informed consumer, I have to independently make wise purchase decisions. In order

do to that, I have to keep in mind the steps I have to take in order to avoid regrets and disappointments.

First, I have to thoroughly assess what I truly need. Impulsive buying is a common habit of mine, and to

eradicate this I have to deeply evaluate the whole situation upon deciding. Next is for me to look up for

reviews. It is a pivotal move to do such because reviews and feedbacks guarantee a strong information

about the product than the advertising itself because we may never know its legitimacy. Third is to

compare brands. This way my decision will be narrower and it would be easy for me to cross out brands

that is not in my favor. Fourth is to check the label and the quality of the product as well. Labels are

paramount in making smart decisions, and taking the time to read won’t hurt anyone right? Additionally, I

have to examine the quality of the product as well. I can’t just entirely base my decisions on the reviews,

so I need to check the materials of the product and estimate its longevity so I can be more satisfied with

my purchase. Lastly, evaluating the price. If the price doesn’t match the quality of the product, even if it’s

cheap, then I would look for other product that is on par with my standards.

Overall, the seminar was fruitful in a way that it gave students wholesome information about

determining a product’s legitimacy and rights of the consumers. Our knowledge just tripled in size, and

now that we were able to attend the seminar are we able to be smarter in our purchases. Though I would

have liked it better if the place was decorated more, and there were performances perhaps in between

sessions to liven up the atmosphere. However, I would say that I was satisfied with how it turned out

because I have learned so much.

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