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Kyndal Giddens, Ansley White

Comp 1


Narration Essay

Once upon a time, in a restaurant far away, worked a beautiful girl named

Anastasia who worked very hard for her mean stepfather, James. She devoted all of her

time and energy to this restaurant believing one day she would find favor in the eyes of

James and accept her as one of his own. In this story, Anastasia works her fingers to

the bone, only to be left with nothing but a handful of blisters, two empty pockets, and

an unrelenting feeling that things would never get better until that one magical day.

Day after day, Anastasia worked hard and did exactly what she was told, yet

received no pay or even a thank you. She was loved by all; co-workers and customers

alike. Even the fish and sea animals leaped for joy out of their tank when she fed them

each day. However, James, in all of his wickedness, was determined to make her life

miserable. If she made one mistake, she was punished with extra work, extra hours, no

pay, and humiliated in front of everyone. Meanwhile, his sons, Josh and Noah, were

treated like gold. Their mistakes were overlooked and their pay was prompt. Oddly

enough, they were the opposite from their father in that they showed Anastasia

kindness. One day Anastasia could hold it in no longer. It was too much to bear. She

became so frustrated, she demanded fairness from James. But, as always, it meant

nothing to him and he cast her aside with no regard for her feelings. She burst into tears

and ran outside to escape what felt so cruel and unfair.

As Anastasia sobbed on the steps, she felt a gentle hand touch her face in an

attempt to wipe away her tears. As she looked up, all she could see was his soft blue

eyes which seemed to smile at her and his strong arms outstretched towards her. Little

did she know, this handsome stranger had witnessed her outburst and her unfair

response from James. Her beauty overtook him and her humbleness captured his

heart. For this stranger was actually a prince. He had heard of Anastasia from others

on his journey and set out to find her in hopes he, being so noble, could help. To both

of their surprise, it was love at first sight.

As the handsome prince learned of all that Anastasia had been through, he was

overcome with anger and vowed to spend the rest of his life treating her like the

princess she would soon be. As for James, he now swims in a slimy fish tank in a run

down restaurant. For you see, when a prince has a fairy godmother with magic spells,

all ends as it should be!

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