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(known as DOL English)

Student’s name: TRAN GIA HUY

Intake: K56BFB
Index number: 1705025020

Assoc. Prof., PhD. Tran Quoc Trung


Assoc. Prof., PhD. Tran Quoc Trung


I. Introduction

DOL English, formerly known as IELTS Dinh Luc, is famous for its Linear
Thinking method (learning English with Mathematics Thinking). In 2019, DOL
will develop a set of 5 training applications integrated with Artificial Intelligence,
combined with Linear Thinking to form a Blended-Smart Learning Model - a
development model specifically for Asian students' thinking, helping students to
learn smarter and shorten the time to accumulate English. After 3 years, DOL
English has received over thounsands band 6.0+ hundred results with band 7.0+,
10 band 8.0, 1 band 8.5+. Along with that DOL also received lots of good feedback
and reviews from students
So far, DOL has achieved some recognizations in the industry:
- Top ten best Ielts center in Ho Chi Minh reported by 2018
- Academic Partner with Ielts Face-off 2019
- Recognition as “1 million dollars” center with top-notch facilities.
- Received review written by VNExpress, DANTRI, THANHNIEN,…
This introduction will introduce some of a few poitnts about a specific method of
learning new English name is Linearthinking - the method is mainly for Asian
students at low levels and has a limited vocabulary.

First, we address issues of English language learners at this level often suffer and
why traditional methods cannot help them overcome these obstacles. Next, we
explain how to solve the problems on by applying linearthinking (a smart learning
method) and illustrates this point with applying the method to three skills of
speaking, writing and reading.
For decades, it seems like no one has found any methods yet deals with differences
in thinking and thinking ideas of East Asians and Westerners and the impact of this
difference on the learning process and the English usage of Asia students. While
Westerners are inclined to specific thinking, getting to the point, Asians are leaning
back into a general, abstract and more implied way of thinking

These general ideas are often complicated and requires a large vocabulary to
describe - which most people learn at the low level often lack of and this causes
ones a big obstacle when students try to use words to express ideas in my head
.This problem does not just hinder the possibility to convey ideas in a logical way
but also causing them to lose the ability to communicate fluently, especially in
speaking and writing.

Besides, all those methods which help to improve reading comprehension ability in
English were mostly developed by native speakers. This is not really suitable for
learners at low level English, not much words vocabulary. Skimming and scanning
are two obvious examples for this. Skimming is defined as reading quickly over a
paragraph to determine the main idea, while scanning is reading quickly jump to
find a keyword
specified. Both methods are required learners must have a fairly large vocabulary.

More specifically, skimming requires possibilities distinguish between main

information and extra information, but this is extremely, really difficult if the low
level students even can't even understand that information, What does that
vocabulary mean. In terms of scanning, A lot of keyword cases that students
Trying to find paraphrase (rewrite otherwise) in the reading, yes be able to use
synonyms or other methods.
Therefore, if the student wants to identify correctly to be that keyword, they must
first understand which word is a synonym for which word. For example, students
want to search for the word "damaging" in reading text, but this word in post is
already paraphrased to "detrimental".

In this case, only if the student has a vocabulary large enough to know
‘Detrimental” and “damaging” are the same meaning they can successfully find
Get this keyword in the post.

When skimming and scanning were introduced to students, the problem of

common vocabulary ignored, resulting in students not It is possible to apply these
methods effectively fruit. This explains why study The birth often feels tangled,
even headache when having to read a post where there are too many strange
vocabulary. In short, traditional methods to improve Improving English reading
skills is not appropriate suitable for those who live in Asia, especially those lacking
rich vocabulary.

Part two of this paper outlines some of main activities that help control and
develop people when it comes to expanding businesses while trying to satisfy the
learners' individual needs, before mentioning a new blendedsmart learning model
can solve individual problems and personalize each student's learning path when
scaling up.

II. Activities manage and develop people

1. Motivation
1. Make your employees available
A role as a school administrator is to make your teachers’ lives easier so that they
can teach and your students can learn. Help your teachers as much as possible
when they have a heavier workload. Consider asking your teachers what they need
help with before jumping in, so that they do not feel like you are micromanaging.

Make sure to also help your teachers through monotonous tasks with software

2. Publicly praise teachers

If a teacher feels valued, you won’t need to worry about motivating them. These
teachers will know how to stay motivated. Making each teacher feel valued can be
as simple as including an announcement in the morning thanking the teacher for
something that they have done recently. Dol also makes this a larger gesture by
organizing a staff lunch in which you personally thank teachers for outstanding
contributions to the school. Each teachers of Dol English is given a blog on Dol’s
website outlining his her achievement in the academic field in order to build trust
amongst students

3. Encourage teachers to reward each other

Create a teaching trophy that is given out at the end of each day, week, or month.
This can be awarded for excellent teaching, or going above and beyond in activities
outside the classroom. Have the last winner select the winner of the next award.
This provides your teachers with an incentive to excel and also gets them used to
accepting feedback from each other.

4. Leave some room in the budget for small gifts
Dol considers purchasing something small, like coffee shop gift cards, that you can
give to teachers who go above and beyond. For example, If a teacher volunteers to
take an extra supervisory shift, make sure that they know that their work is
appreciated with a small gift. Your teachers will appreciate the extra coffee!

5. Encourage teachers to seek out professional development opportunities

DOL offer professional development for the teachers within your school, but also
provide opportunities for each teacher to learn outside the school. This could
include sending them to conferences, workshops, or specialized professional
development offered at the national level. Approve all reasonable requests. Make
sure that you are also keeping an eye out for new opportunities, and presenting
these to all teachers at staff meetings.

6. Provide opportunities to take breaks

Consider giving each teacher a form that can be used for a morning or afternoon
off, no questions asked. This can be given out once a semester but must be given to
you in advance, so that someone can be found to cover the class. This is a small
action that doesn’t cost you much but lets teachers know that DOL care about them
and will go out of the way to make sure that they are happy.

7. Give teachers a voice

Being left out of an important decision that affects them is the easiest way for a
teacher to lose motivation. DOL knows that many teachers would love to be
involved in these decisions so DOL gave them the opportunity. DOL invited a
teacher from each grade to be a representative during board meetings to get their
opinion and learn about their proposed strategies. Also consider holding “open-
door” meetings, where every teacher has the option to attend and listen during
meetings, even if they are not directly involved.

8. Empower each teacher’s strengths

Every teacher has strengths and weaknesses. When teachers are able to use that
strength in the classroom, it’s easy to see how much more engaged and inspired
students become. It may be difficult for some teachers to recognize their own
strengths, especially while trying to keep up with curriculum standards. To help
them figure out what works in their classroom, have each teacher think about any
particular lessons that worked really well, and any tools or techniques that the
teacher likes to use, such as incorporating music into a lesson.

9. Recognize key stress times

DOL doesn’t overload teachers with professional development during report card
season! Avoid new initiatives and stresses during the end of the term, report-
writing periods, or while teachers are marking exams. If there’s any way you can
lend a hand during these times, whether it’s taking on some of the work yourself,
or covering a teacher’s lunch supervision shift, make sure to do so!

10. Encourage collaboration

Having your teachers work together can significantly impact their motivation.
More experienced teachers will be recognized for their best teaching strategies.
Younger teachers will be given validation that they things that they are trying are
actually working. Consider creating professional learning communities within your
school to create a more formal structure for collaboration.

Keeping your teachers motivated can be a challenge. But it is an essential part of

your students’ overall success. Great teachers are those that are motivated to excel
and take pride in their students’ success both inside and outside the classroom.
Take the time to experiment with some of these tips to find what works best in
your school!
2. Leadership
Building vision and setting directions
This category of practices carries the bulk of the effort to motivate leaders’
colleagues. It is about the establishment of shared purpose as a basic stimulant for
one’s work. The more specific practices in this category are building a shared
vision, fostering the acceptance of group goals and demonstrating high
performance expectations. These specific practices reflect, but also add to, three
functions of managerial taxonomy derived from non-educational organisations:
motivating and inspiring, clarifying roles and objectives, and planning and
organising. Direction-setting practices of principals significantly influence
teachers’ stress, individual sense of efficacy and organisational commitment.
One of these practices, helping the staff develop and inspiring a shared sense of
purpose, enhances teachers’ work, whereas holding (and expressing) unreasonable
expectations has quite negative effects.
Understanding and developing people
While practices in this category make a significant contribution to motivation, their
primary aim is building not only the knowledge and skills that teachers and other
staff need in order to accomplish organisational goals but also the dispositions
(commitment, capacity and resilience) to persist in applying the knowledge and
skills. The more specific practices in this category are providing individualised
support and consideration, fostering intellectual stimulation, and modelling
appropriate values and behaviours. These specific practices not only reflect
managerial behaviours in the managerial taxonomy (supporting, developing and
mentoring, recognising, and rewarding) but, as more recent research has
demonstrated, are central to the ways in which successful leaders integrate the
functional and the personal. Included among these practices are being collegial,
considerate and supportive, listening to teachers’ ideas, and generally looking out
for teachers’ personal and professional welfare. Acknowledging and rewarding
good work and providing feedback to teachers about their work also mean positive
working conditions for teachers. Headteachers assist the work of teachers, in
addition, when they provide them with discretionary space, promote regular access
to a range of professional learning and development opportunities, distribute
leadership across the school and ‘practise what they preach’ (model appropriate
values and practices).
Redesigning the organisation
The specific practices included in this category are concerned with establishing
work conditions which, for example, allow teachers to make the most of their
motivations, commitments and capacities. School leadership practices explain
significant variations in teachers’ beliefs about and responses to their working
conditions. Specific practices are building collaborative cultures, restructuring and
reculturing the organisation, building productive relations with parents and the
community, and connecting the school with its wider environment. Comparable
practices in the managerial taxonomy include managing conflict and team building,
delegating, consulting, and networking.
Managing the teaching and learning programme
As with the last category, the specific practices included in this category aim to
create productive working conditions for teachers, in this case by fostering
organisational stability and strengthening the school’s infrastructure. Specific
practices are staffing the teaching programmes, providing teaching support,
monitoring school activity, and buffering staff against distractions from their work.
The taxonomy includes monitoring as a key part of successful leaders’ behaviours.
Providing resources for teachers and minimising student misbehaviour or disorder
in the school are highly valued conditions of work which headteachers are also in a
position to provide.
Other practices
Four influential practices by headteachers emerged from the review which could
not readily be classified among the four sets of core leadership practices. Positive
effects on teachers’ individual and collective efficacy, organisational commitment
and stress were reported for headteachers who were able to influence the decisions
of senior leadership colleagues to the benefit of the school, communicate
effectively and act in a friendly manner. By contrast, it was found that excessive
stress and loss of trust on the part of teachers resulted from inconsistent behaviour
on the part of headteachers and frequent failure to follow through on decisions.
While some studies have suggested that transformational leadership practices
primarily emphasise relationships, it is clear from this body of literature that
effective transformational leaders also place an emphasis upon promoting better
student outcomes through the use of pedagogical/instructional leadership, also
sometimes referred to as ‘leading for learning’.
Pedagogical/instructional leadership
While transformational leadership has traditionally emphasised vision and
inspiration, pedagogical leadership has emphasised the importance of establishing
clear educational goals, planning the curriculum and evaluating teachers and
teaching. It sees the leader’s prime focus as responsible for promoting better
outcomes for students, emphasising the importance of teaching and learning and
enhancing their quality.
The more leaders focus their influence, their learning and their relationships with
teachers on the core business of teaching and learning, the greater their influence
on student outcomes.
This has its origins in a work which itself has been criticised on the grounds that it
is an unrealistic expectation that headteachers should have expert knowledge in all
areas of teaching and learning,particularly at the secondary level. Yet, in order to
exercise leadership of learning, headteachers need to be knowledgeable about it.
Without an understanding of the knowledge necessary for teachers to teach well –
content knowledge, general pedagogical knowledge, contentspecific pedagogical
knowledge, curricular knowledge and knowledge of learners – school leaders will
be unable to perform essential school improvement functions such as monitoring
instruction and supporting teacher development.
While this would seem to be an impossible task for one person, it provides a sound
justification for the distribution of leadership responsibilities. It also links closely
with the leadership functions of setting directions and developing people.
A meta-analysis of leadership identified five key dimensions which influence
success in promoting better student outcomes. These are not entirely dissimilar to
those identified in the earlier review of empirical studies on transformational
leadership. Associated with each of these dimensions is leaders’ enthusiasm,
optimism,willingness and ability to ‘walk the talk’.
Establishing goals and expectations
• establish the importance of the goals
• ensure that the goals are clear
• develop staff commitment to the goals.
Resourcing strategically
• use clear criteria that are aligned to pedagogical and philosophical purposes
• ensure sustained funding for pedagogical priorities.
• Planning, coordinating, and evaluating teaching and the curriculum
• promote collegial discussions of teaching and how it impacts on student
• provide active oversight and coordination of the teaching programme
• observe in classrooms and provide feedback that teachers describe as useful
• ensure systematic monitoring of student progress and use of assessment results
for programme improvement.
Promoting and participating in teacher learning and development
• ensure an intensive focus on the teaching-learning relationships
• promote collective responsibility and accountability for student achievement and
• provide useful advice about how to solve teaching problems.
Ensuring an orderly and supportive environment
• protect teacher time
• ensure consistent discipline routines
• identify and resolve conflicts quickly and effectively.
The meta-analysis also identified three dimensions of effective pedagogical
leadership drawn from indirect evidence. These are:
Creating educationally powerful connections by:
• establishing continuities between student identities and school practices
• developing continuities and coherence across teaching programmes
• ensuring effective transitions from one educational setting to another
• building and enhancing home-school connections.
Engaging in constructive problem talk by:
• discovering the reasons why teachers do the things they seek to change
• leading discussions of the merits of current and alternative practices.
Selecting, developing and using smart tools by:
• ensuring they are based on valid theories
• ensuring they are well designed.

3. Control system
DOL strategies for controlling:
- Control academic background of teachers through a sufficient testing procedure
- Control students progression by AI application and occassional personal tuition
Blended-smart learning model
After being successful in creating a method that can improve the problem of
learning students in learning English (lack of vocabulary, general thinking, ...) and
thanks to that improve the quality of English learning and student results, DOL met
again a new difficulty. As we began to expand, satisfying individual needs of each
student becomes more difficult - the problem that not only DOL but also large
English language centers in Vietnam and around the world are also suffering. So
DOL has not only have to make the improvement in just methodology but creating
a innovative learning model. And we were fortunate to successfully create
blendedsmart learning, model borned with the purpose of personalizing the
learning path of each student, and solving problems separate on a large scale. This
model has been realized with the following efforts:
1. Individual studying programme for each students
All college students are required to do one entrance take a look at before beginning
the course. Based on this test, strength and weaknesses of each assigned student
from which a specific mastering direction will be designed for every trainee. This
route pulls 60 days long for the reason of improving only 1 that student's own
weaknesses apart joint classification curriculum. This is included in the app's study
route Example 1 you enter average 6.0, take classification with output 7.0 but your
writing is there degree 5.0, the purpose is that the basic grammar is too weak main
to writing challenging sentences and vocabulary for you Alright, how to increase
accurate ideas. For This case, in addition to the program in class, what you need is
greater own application to improve grammar this phrase basically improves the
writing abilit
2. Private appoitnment
Use the learning management application of we can make an appointment for you

be it with a tutor or their teacher. In case one student has his or her own inquiries,
this might be the opportunity for students or tutors to receive support from your
own teacher. Thanks to that, teachers or tutors can also build a closer relationship
with students and also encourage them when needed and closely track the learning
development of their students
Specifically, a course lasts 48 hours, students have 2 hours to talk privately with
tutors or their teachers. To ensure adequate the demand of students are satisfied,
what DOL has built a large, qualified, well-mannered tutors team and their
teaching styles must be the same as the teacher. DOL confidently can do this. With
above mentioned booking system and team teachers as well as tutors, DOL
believes that no matter how big our busines grows, when teaching, we still taking
care, monitoring the process of progress and address individual needs of each
3. Online personalized practice system
For the DOL Online Tests app, from the Reading Listening task of students, the
system,our AI (artificial intelligence) collects data about these types of questions
which types of topics frequently cause confusion to students, and thus suggesting
specific sets of exercises to help students focus on exercises that contained those
question and topic types. All Reading Listening exercises have answers and
detailed explanations.

In addition, every time students complete 1 Reading, Listening, DOL Online app
Tests will predict the words that the student does not know based on the given
wrong answer of students in the lesson. From this data the DOL Vocabulary app
will create a separate vocabulary set for students to learn, do exercises and play
games to remember words better. In other words, DOL improvisation AI
vocabulary learning app collects data via students' online homework to prepare a
list of vocabulary that they haven’t known yet, along with detailed definition of
words, word types, pronunciation as well as examples. This saves students a lot of
time when you don't have to study and look up every word themselves.

About pronunciation skills, we have designed the Pronunciation application with a
public pronunciation with modern technology for speech recognition can clearly
identify each student's pronunciation errors and give them excercises and provide
advice for students to specifically improve those errors.

- Control learning quality and ultilize students results for marketing (samples
library and mock test)

III. Conclusion
What DOL know?
Two problems have persisted in the English teaching market in the world. The first
concerns how English has been taught to generations of students. In fact,
conventional English methods require long-term exposure to the language
environment and exhausting accumulation of vocabulary. Yet, for most non-native
students, this approach is costly and time-consuming. The second problem
concerns how businesses yield profits from providing English courses. English
institutions, when scaling up, often compromise quality to serve more students and
it is obvious that they are no longer able to address personal needs and distinct
weaknesses of each student.
What DOL do?
We are making every effort to solve these two problems and have successfully
created The Blended Smart Learning Model. “Blended” means, first, the
combination of both offline and online learning, and second, the integration
between mass and personalised study experience. The idea of “smart" lies in our
math-based English teaching method and the AI-powered practicing system. With
this model, we put high confidence in solving the two aforementioned problems.
To be more specific, our math-based method and an all-in-one practice platform
help shorten the non-native students’ learning curve. The AI recommendation
technology and personal booking system embedded within can personalise learning
programs, which promises to transform the whole English teaching market.
What DOL aim for?
We are never satisfied with what we’ve got and always challenge the status quo in
whatever we do. With this in mind, we believe that we can usher the English
teaching market into novel development, drifting away from the long-established
model of language learning and growing for the good of language learners. This
philosophy has become a powerful force that pushes us to better ourselves every
day and deliver our promise of ultramodern efficacious learning methods that
tackle not only problems in English teaching but also those in education.

 Chalk. (2019). 10 Tips for Keeping Your Teachers Motivated | Chalk. [online]
Available at:
[Accessed 11 Oct. 2019].
 (2019). Trung Tâm Luyện thi IELTS DOL English - IELTS Đình Lực.
[online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Oct. 2019].


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