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The Overall Convective Heat Transfer

from Smooth Circular Cylinders


A'olzo~rlMeasctreinent Lnbolrrlory,' C S f RO, Chippendale, Spine?), A ustralin

I. Int,roduct.ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
11. Natural Convect,ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
A. Horizont,al Cy1indc.r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
B. Inclined Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
111. Forccd Convect,ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
A. Cylinder ait,h Crossflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
B. Yawed Cylindrr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
IV. Conhined Nat,rir:d and Forced C'onvcction . . . . . . . . . . 244
V. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Nonlcnclat,ure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
R.rferrnces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Note Added in Profif . . . . 264

I. Iiitroduction

Accurate knowledge of the ovrrall convective heat transfer from circular

cylinders is of importance in a number of fields, such a s boiler design, hot-
wire anrmometry, and the rating of clcctrical conductors. Although a
great amount of cxperiincntal work has been done during the past sixty
years, anyone who has recourse to thc literature soon becomes aware of
large dispersions in the puhlishrd results for both natural convection and
crossflow forced convrction, and notices that the various correlations which
have brrn published only partially ch iin ate these variations. Possible
reasons for these differences arc' rxnminrd, and improved correlations are
proposed. The correlation for forccd convection is given for the special case
of air, but it can be extendcd to ot,her fluids by multiplying the function of

* Fornirrly National Standards Lnhratory.


the Reynolds number by the appropriate function of the ratio of the

Prandtl numbers.
Inclination t o the horizontal, in the case of natural convection, and yaw,
with forced convection, both introduce an axial component of flow, which
causes a thickening of the boundary layer and a consequent reduction in
the convective heat transfer. The magnitude of this reduction is examined.
One field which has not received as much attention as it deserves is that
of heat transfer by mixed natural and forced convection. Previous work is
reviewed, and improved correlations are proposed. These take into account
the angle of the forced flow, with reference to the natural convective flow,
and also the variations in the heat transfer equations over various ranges
of the Reynolds and Grashof numbers.
Only smooth cylinders are considered here: it is well known that rough-
ening of the surface can considerably enhance heat transfer especially with
forced convection [63]. The convective heat transfer is found by sub-
tracting the radiativc heat transfer from the total heat transfer. The heat
transfer by radiation is equal to ?rDl~a(T,4 - Ta4)where u is the Stefan-
Boltzmann constant and E is the effective emissivity. The latter depends on
the material and the nature of the surface of thc cylinder and also on the
nature and proximity of other bodies. It is assumed that the correct value
of the radiation tcrni has been used in calculating the convective heat
transfer. Any error in using an incorrect value for the radiative loss will
usually be negligible for forced flow with higher values of Reynolds number,
but may be considerable with high surface temperatures with natural
The convective heat transfer can be expressed in general form by the
Nu = jl(Gr, Pr, Re, TJT,, Ma, Kn) (1)
The Mach number, Ma, and the Knudsen number, Kn, are only applic-
able in high velocity, compressible, and rarefied flows, which will not be
considered here, hence

Nu = ji(Gr, Pr, Re, T,/T.) (2)

11. Natural Convection


It may be shown from dimensional analysis [l-31 that the heat transfer
from horizontal cylinders varies with the Grashof and Prandtl numbers.

It is seen from Table I that scvcral correlations have been proposed, the
simplest having the form [4],
( N u ) D %=~A I + &(Gr. Pr)2;tf (3)
where A1, B,,and m1 are constants and the subscripts D and f denote that
the Nusselt and Grashof numbcrs are based on the diamcter, and
the thcrmophysical properticis are taken a t the film temprrature
Tr = +(Ts TS).Values found by various workers for AI, B1, and the
exponent m lare givcn in Table I. The nondimensional grouping (Gr. Pr)D,f
is also known as th r Itayleigh number (Ra)D,f,but this symbol will not be
used hrrc, because it may hc confused uith the Reynolds number (Re)D,t.
A comparative measure of tht: disprrsion of the Nusselt numbcr for tl given
Rayleigh number is the prrccnt coefficient of variation Ti equal to
100 x Etd dev/mcan. For th r rxperimental results, V varirs from 37, to
357,, dcpcnding on thc Raylcigh numbcr; whereas for the corrrlations given
in the litcrature, 17 vnrirs from 5 7 , to 26%. Thus, the corrdatiuns do not
reduce the uncertainty in thc rchtion bttween the Nusselt numbcr and the
Rayleigh number.
The wide dispersion in the published rxperimental results can be attri-
buted to one or more of the following factors: heat conduction to the
supports and t hr teinpcraturr mrasurcment locations; distortion of the
teniperaturp and vclocity fields by hulk fluid movements, thc use of under-
sized containing chambers or thch prcserice of the temperature mrasurement
system and supports; and temprraturc loading effects.
For axial conduction losses to b t i ncgligible, the aspect ratio Z/D should
be sufficiently large. Champagnr et al. [Gl] have shown that, for a cylinder
without heated end-guard sections, the temperature is uniform over at
least the center third of the cylinder whrn Z/D > 200, but it may be seen
from Table I that this ratio was sometinies < 10. Also, it may bc seen from
Fig. 1 that, when both the heat dissipated and the cylinder temperature are
calculated from the voltage drop across the cylinder, as in hot-wire meas-
uremcnts, then Z/D should exrccd lo5for negligible conduction error, but it
may be seen from Table I that the aspect ratio was rarely >104. The
apparent increase in heat transfer with hot-wire measurcments can be
calculated from the cmpirical equations


Ayrton and Kilgour Air 0.031-0.356 143-1640 790-9000 1.51

Pet,avel Air 1.1 18.5 403 2.84
Kennelly et al. Air 26.2 25-500 4540 1.13
Wamsler Air 20.5-89 24-102 34-147 1.41
Langmuir Air 0.04-0.51 59&7430 1960-24,700 4.84
Davis Air, gases, liquids 0.083-0.155 647-1 2 10 236-7 17 1.34
Rice Air - - - -
Rice Air 42.8-113.5 16-42 13-29 1.46
Nelson Water 0.33 313 512 1.07
Koch Air 14-100 38-286 20-152 1.28
Nusselt Air, liquids - - -
Schurig and Frick Air 11.7-72.7 63-475 45-286 1.10
Ackermann Water 50 - 2.8 1.08 M
King Air, liquids
- - - - 2
Jodl bauer 20-90 -40 - 180 55-140 1.22 l+
Jakob and Linke
- -
4.3 1.06
- z
Martinelli and Boelter Water 9.5-31.8 48 17 1.04
Mason and Boelter 19.1 - - 1.05
Lander Gases,liquids - - - -
Elenbaas Air, gases, liquids - - - -
Elenbaas Gases, liquids - - - -
Jakob Air, liquids - - - -
Gordon Air 0.203, 0.254 -350, 440 386, 483 1.09
Senftleben Air, gases, liquids - - - 1.07
Bosworth Air, liquids - - - -
Kyte et al. Rarified air, gases 0.078 5900 1910 -
Merk and Prins General - - - -
Cheng Air 6.5 -5000 466 1.15
McAdams Air, gases, liquids - - - -
Collis and Williams Air 0.003-0.041 - 1000-20,000 1.57
Etemad [a31 Air 60.4, 63.5 - 7 . 1 , 7.5 1.15
Lemlich c341 Air 1.01 I
917 1.34
van der Hegge Zijnen [35] Air, liquids 0.1041.9 9.5-4000 93-6.55 -
hlikheyev C361 Air, gases, liquids 0.015-245 - - -
Mikheyeva [36] Hot and cold air, water - - - -
and oils
Fischer and Dosch [37] Air 0.0022-0.114 5260-27,300 807-12,800 2.02
Beckers el al. c381 Air, liquids 0.023-0.66 - - 1.02
Kays and Bjorklund C2291 Air 57.4 - 8.1 1.07
Tsubouchi and Sato [39] Air 0 0049-0.061 ~6000-80,000 2460-8200 3.27
Fand and &ye c40 1 Air 19 159 21 I .23
Fand and Kaye c411 Air 22.2 -23 5.7 1.17
liehrov [42] Iiarified air 1.31-9.9 52-400 61-458 1.23
Zhukauskas et al. l43 1 Water, oil S 2.14 -20 -1.1
Deaver el al. C441 Water 0.178 -2000 860 1.13
Knudsen and Pan [4.i] .4ir 3.i 23 G .9 1.07
Chiang et al. c 4 1~ General - - - -
Winkler C47l Air - - - -
Lemlich and Rao c48 I Water, glycerine 1 .2.5 490 367 1.08
Fand c49 1 Water 11.1 7.8 7.8 1.09
Dyer c501 Air 77.2 - - -
Tsubouchi and Masuda [51] Air 21.5 -10,000 1600-6500 1.20
Saville and Churchill c521 General - - - -
Mabuchi and Tanakn [537 Air, liquids 0.03-0.20 1250-8000 737-4790 -1
Li and Parker ~ 2 3 0 1 Water 0.20 750 - 1.13
Tsubouchi and Masuda [54] Toluene, oils 0.015-0.063 -2500-10,000 N 1600-6600 1.26
Penney and Jefferson [.5.5] Water, ethylene glycol 0.20 1493 752 1.28
IIatton el (11. p e l Air 0.10-1.26 52r~6.500 96-1190 1.34
Weder C.571 Sodium hydroxide 26.2 5.8 4.0 -
Gebhart and Pera [5S] Air - - - -
Kravtsov and Polnitskii [:is] Air 1.98 400 500 1.93
Bansal and Chandna CG0l Gases, liquids - - - -
Pomfret [ZlS] Air 0.81, 1.26 - - -
Engineering Sciences [231] Air, liquids - - - I

TABLE I-Continued E3
Range of (Gr * Pr)o. f From Eq. (1)

Author Ref. From To -4 I B1 ml Remarksa

Ayrton and Kilgour 10-4 3 x 10-2 0 1.61 0.141

Petavel 0.1 3 x 102 0 1.or) 0.14
3 x 102 2 x 105 0 0.562 0.25
Kennelly €2 nl. 10-2 0.3 0 0.945 0.118
Wamsler 3 x 104 3.5 x 106 0 0.480 0.25
Langmuir 4.5 x 1 0 - 6 10-2 0 0.81 0.065
10-2 0.6 0 1.12 0.125
Davis 10-4 106 0 0.47 0.25
Rice 10-2 104 E c c

Rice 4 x 103 6 X lo6 0 0.97 0.203

Nelson 1.4 66 0 1.32 0.102
Koch 4 x 103 4 x 105 0 0.412 0.25
4 x 105 6 X lo6 0 0.286 0.28
Nusselt 104 108 0 0.502 0.25
Schurig and Frick 2 . 7 x 103 8 . 2 x 105 0 0.57 0.24
Ackermann 107 4.5 x 108 0 0.14 0.32
King 103 106 0 0.53 0.25
106 10'2 0 0.13 0.33
Jodlbauer 3.9 x 104 3.6 X lo6 0 0.480 0.25
Jakob and Linke 104 108 0 0.555 0.25
108 10'2 0 0.129 0.333
Hermann 104 5 x 108 0 0.424 0.25
L* Ld 0 0.402 0.25
Martinelli and Boelter 1 . 3 X lo6 4 . 3 x 106 0 0.59 0.233
Mason and Boelter 5 x 104 5 x 106 0 0.74 0.225
Lander 103 107 0 0.49 0.25
108 109 0 0.12 0.333
Elen baas I - 0 0.49 0.25
Elen bans - - e d *
Jakob 10-7 10-2 0 1.0 0.10
104 108 0 0.52 0.2.;
108 1012 0 0.126 0.333
Gordon 7 x 10-5 3 x 10-2 I / J
Senftleben 10s 108 I P 0

Large 0 0.41 0.25

Bosworth 10-4 109 h h A

Kyte et al. 10-7 101.5 I

10’ 5 109 1 f 1

Merk and Prins Ld I, d 0 0.491 0.2.;

Ld Ld 0 0.436 0.25
Cheng 2.7 x 102 1 . 2 x 103 0 0.70 0.23
Mc Adams 10-4 10-2 0 0 948 0.0768
10-2 1 0 1.08 0.104
1 5 x 102 0 1.08 0.145
104 109 0 0.525 0.25
109 1012 0 0.129 0.333
Collis and Williams 10-10 10-3 0 0.675 0.0,58
Etemad 1 . 2 x 106 1 . 3 X lo6 0 0.456 0.25
Lemlich 6 X lo2 6 X lo3 0 0.45 0.22
van der Hegge Zijnen 10-6 109 k k k

Mikheyev 10-3 5 x 102 0 1.18 0.125

5 x 102 2 x 107 0 0.54 0.25
2 x 107 1013 0 0 . 133 0.333
Mikheyeva 0.4 108 0 0 .1i 0.25
Fischer and Dosch 3 x 10-5 8 x 10-3 0 I).8(i2 0.0678
Beckers et al. 2 x 10-8 1 0 0.9s 0.08
0 0.912 0.0767
TABLE I-Continued N

Range of (Gr Pr)D. f From Eq. (1)

Author Ref. From TO AI B1 ml Remarks

Kays and Bjorklund P 2 91 2.8 x 105 7.5 x 105 0 0.53 0.25 E

Tsubouchi and Sat0 c391 7 x 10-9 7x 10-2 0 0.812 0.0667 E
Fand and Kaye ~401 104 4x 104 0 0.485 0.2.; Eb
Fand and Kaye ~411 2 x 104 6x 104 0 0.495 0.26 Eb
Itebrov c421 10-7 108 1 t 1 C, E
Zhukauskas et a2. C431 1.5 x 104 2.5 X lo6 0 0.50 0.25 E, dJ
Deaver et al. C44 1 0.2 20 0 1.15 0.15 E
Knudsen and Pan c45 1 7 x 104 1.3 x 105 0 0. ri6 0.25 E
Chiang et al. C46 I Ld Ld 0 0.532 0.25 T s
Winkler C47I 10 108 0.7 0.42 0.25 C d
Lemlich and Rao
C49 1
1.8 X lo2
1.6 X lob
103 0
E z
Dyer C50l 105 4 x 106 0 0.55 0.233 Eb, U z
Tsubouchi and Masuda [5l] 1 . 6 x 104 5 . 3 x 104 0 0.48 0.2.5 E
Saville and Churchill [52] Ld Ld 0 0.548 0.25 T
Mabuchi and Tanaka [53] 5 x 10-3 3 0 1.02 0.10 E
Li and Parker 12301 5 61 0 0.35 0.32 Eb
Tsubouchi and Masuda C54 1 10-6 10 0.36 0.56 0.23 E
Penney and Jefferson C551 0.25 30 0 1.08 0.213 E b
Hatton et al. C56l 4 x 10-3 10 0.525 0.422 0.315 E, t
Weder [57] 6 X 10a 6 X lo6 0 0.858 0.22 E
Gebhart and Pera [58] 3 x 10-7 4 x 10-6 0 0.676 0.058 Eb
Kravtsov and Polnitskii [S9] 2 45 0 0.94 0.171 Eb
Bansal and Chandna C601 10-4 109 m m C
Pomfret C2181 0.5 10 0 0.94 0.162 E
Engineering Sciences C2311 - - 7l
Footnotes lo Table I
a C, correlation; E, experiment; T, theory; U, uniform heat flux; t, multiply by (7'f/Ta)oJs4; 6,multiply by ((Pr)J(Pr).)'J.*5. All
properties at ambient (fluid) temperature.
') I.:quation derived by present :tut hor to f i t published dat.a.
c = 2/lnll + 2/0.47(Gr * Pr);;,;].
d L, laminar boundary layer.
- - -
Pr)D,,. For (Gr * Pr)D,,< lo4, + ( G r Pr)D,, = 1 .
(Nu);,$ e x p ( - G / ( N u ) ~ , r ] = (Gr P r ) D , 8 / 2 3 6 1 #(Gr
< (Gr ' Pr)E,of39(Bs/Tf)0.061
<5 X -
and (NU)o,f= l.O5O(Gr Pr)k,y'-
1 ( N u ) D , f= 0.685(Gr Pr)~,of39(03/7'f)o.061 for
(e,/TfjO for .j x 10-4 < ( ( i r Pr):).,":2(e,/Tl)o ~8 < I .


i N u ) ~ = (T./T.)O expC0.0545 + 0.0922 In(Pr). - 0.0147(ln(Pr).jz+ 0.118 I n ( G r - Prjr) + 0.00485(ln(Gr - P ~ ) B . . ) ~ ] .


1 -
1 I I I I , 1 I l l , , I I I I I I ' I J

- '\, 0 -
- -

- 0


- --
6 :
L j j Collis and Williams (.207), (Re),,, 24

0 0 Gosse (/I.?!, (Re),,, = I

- 0

Collis and Williams (32),(Gr, Prl,,,

Gsbkart and Pero (581. LGr, Pr),,, = 3 x 10.'


- A Gebhort and Pera (58), (Gr, Prl0,' = 3 ~ 1 0 . ~ -

- EO (4al -- EQ. (4b)

0.01 - 1 1 I I l l I I 1 I I ,,,I I I I I 1 1 1 ,

10 10 lo4 105

in the range 300 5 I,fD 5 105. Various methods have been given to cal-
culate the error due to conduction [79, 112, 121, 205-2071. Lowell [205]
and Gosse [112] derived the approximate expression

G(Nu)D,r = g {
(Nu)D,r 1 XaRT(NU)D,r

where X, and A. are the respective thermal conductivities of the wire a t its
I 'I2

midlength temperature and the ambient fluid; and R , and RT are the
resistances of the wire at the ambient temperature and the operating
temperature respectively. This assumes that the convection loss is uniform
along the wire and, hence, gives too low a value for the conduction loss.
Betchov [206], Collis and Williams [207], and Baille [251] have dealt
with the case of nonlinear convection loss.
For minimum error in measuring the surface temperature of the cylinder
with thermocouples, the junction should be small, and the wires should
have small diameter, be well insulated, and be run in contact with a n
isothermal for a reasonable distance before leaving the surface [31]. There
is insufficient detail in many papers to enable the possible thermocouple
error or any error due to movements of the bulk fluid to be estimated.

One would anticipate that too small a space ratio D J D , between the
height of the test chamber and the cylinder diameter, would lead to dis-
tortion of the velocity and tempwature fields, but no determination of the
effect of the space ratio on t h r (.onvrctive heat transfer appears to have
been undertaken. It is impossihlv to dcducc this from the cxprrimcntal
results given in Tablr I, bccausti low values of D J D are invariably asso-
ciated with low values of the aspcirt ratio l/D. Beckmarin [24i] found that
the incrcase in heat trttnsfcr proportional t o 1n(De/B)* * for 1.19 5
D e / D 5 8.1 for air and carbon dioxide. Crawford [247) deduced from
theoretical considerations that t hcre is insignificant distortion of the iso-
therms and streamlines in air M ith D,iD = 57 and ( G r ) o = 8, but until
the effrct of the space ratio is fully determined, it would probably be
advisable to use as high a value a s is practicable, say D J D 2 100.
It will be noted from Table I that somr authors have given nonz(w) values
for thc constant A , in Eq. ( 3 ) , :tnd it is found that the rewlts with low
Raylcigh numbers givrn by o t h c ~authors can also br corrclntcd quite
satisfactorily with nonzero v a l u c ~for .4,. This has led saint' writers to
concludc that the convective hvat transfer remains finite as the Iiaylcigh
number approaches zvro. Howlvrr, Ohman [GZ] has shown that the
Nussrlt number at zwo Rayhigh numhcr, ( N u ) D , f ,should o be1 zcro for an
infinitely long, infinitely rcmiotci cbvlindcr but, for finite valurs of the aspect
ratio / / I > and the sp:irc' ratio I)</ D , it should have the limiting value
2/ln(21/'D) or 2/ln(DJD), rcywctively. So far as is known, i n none of the
expcrimrnts did eithw ratio rxccwl loJ, so that ( NU)^,^,^ should h a v ~the
limiting value of 0.164. In fact, five \vorliers [28, 38, 30, 42, 581 have
measured ( S U ) D , ~ a t ((:I-. €'r)D,, = lo-' and three of them [38,
= 0.27
39, 581 have measured ( S u ) o , f= 0.23 at (Gr. Pr)D,f= lWq. C'ollis and
Williams [32] nicasurrd (Ni1)D.f = 0.18 a t (Gr. Pr)D f = 3.8 X
which is approaching the limiting vnluc.
Nussclt [l] postulated from thv diffcrcntial equation of natural con-
vection that the Nussclt numbvr bascd on surface temperaturcl, ( Nu) I).*,
should vary with a trmperaturc loading factor. Hcrmann [l8] latw showed
that the experimental results of cwlirr workers C5-91 cxhibitcd such a
temperature loading effrct with small Grashof numbers. Thc Nusselt
numbrr ( N U ) D ,was ~ shonn to dvcwase by 22% with increasc in the factor
( T , / T , - 1) from 0 to 1 in th(1r:tiigr 10-4 < (Gr)D,, < 10. The thcorctical
reduction in Nussrlt numhrr was givtw as 19%. On the othcr hand, the
present author has aimlyzed thv cyx.rirncmta1 results of Davis [S], Rice
[4], Ayrton and Iiilgour [5], Wamslvr [S], Langmuir [9], lioch [ll],
Jodlbauw [lG], Lrmlich [34], anti Fischrr and Dosch [37] on thc. basis of
the film tcniperaturc, and thew appcars to be no systematic c>ffrct of
temperature loading on NU)^,, for 5 (Gr Pr)D f 5 lo8 and

1.01 5 Tr/T, 5 3.39. A typical analysis is shown in Fig. 2. There appears

to be no other published assessment of the effect of temperature on the
Nusselt number. Hatton et al. [56] assumed that NU)^,^ was increased by
the same loading factor as they found with forced convection, i.e.,
(Tr/T.) 0.154.
After a careful analysis of all the published experimental data, together
with possible errors, the author proposes the correlation between Nusselt
and Rayleigh numbers for horizontal smooth circular cylinders given in
Table 11. It is believed that the proposed correlation has a maximum un-
certainty of f 5 % ovcr the whole given range of Rayleigh numbers, except
possibly in the transition regions a t (Gr. Pr)o,fvalues of lop2,lo2, lo4, and
lo7,since it is improbable that there will be abrupt changes in the gradient
of the curve in these regions.


When a heated circular cylinder is inclined a t a n angle a to the horizontal

in still conditions, there is an axial component of flow and a thickening of

Airton and Kdgour I51 Rssu(ts for 0 74 mrn wire
Tf1Ta I08
- o
Tf/la = 125
Tf /Ta = I 50

02 I I 1 I I I l l 1 I I I I I I l l I 1 1

I G r . P r ) D,

FIG.2. Effect of temperature loading on the heat transfer by natural convection from
wires in air.


Range of (Cr €'l)n,r (NrliD,r = &(Gr - Pr)"uf
Frnm TO €3 1 ,?a1

10-10 10-2 0.67.5 0.0.58

10-2 102 1.02 0.148
102 104 0.8.50 0.188
104 107 0.480 0.2.50
107 10'2 0.123 0.333

10 1.43
I0-'0 0 178 102 2.02
10-9 0 20.% 103 3.11
10-8 0 2:<2 104 4.80
10-7 0 2fi5 I 05 8.54
10-6 0 30:3 106 15.2
10-5 0 34ti 107 27.0
10-4 0.39fi 10s 33.0
10-3 0.4*;2 109 12.5
10-2 0 . .1i
ti 10'0 269
10-1 0 . 726 10" 5x0
1 1.02 10'2 12.50

the boundary layrr, leading to a drcrcnse in the convective heat transfer, as

seen in Fig. 3. This effcct is small for small inclinations, and ( N u ) D , ~
decreasw by only 8% as CY incwaschs from 0" to 45", but as thc axis of the
cylinder approaches t h r vertical, thr heat transfer falls rapidly. Howcver,
if we hasc the Nussrlt and Grashof numbers on the vertical dimtmsion, i.c.,
diametcr D for a horizontal cylinder, D/cos CY for an inclincid cylinder and
height H for a vertical cylindcr, then the Nussclt numbrr can hr success-
fully correlated with the Grashof numbrr. It can be shown that, except as
a + 90", the ratio of ( N u ) D , with
~ inclination a to that with CY = 0' is
equal to (cos a)1-3mlwhew ml is the exponent of (Gr. 1'r)D,f in Eq. (3) .
It is seen from Fig. 3 that this agrcrs quite well with the author's [63]
results and thosc of I h c h [l l ] for air. However, Bosworth [27] found that
in glycerine the hcat transfer d(.creascd by 20% when CY incrrasrd from 0"
to 45".

Inclination to h o r u o n t a l , a:

FIG.3. Effect of inclination to the horizontal on the natural convective heat transfer
from cylinders in air.

I n the case where 1 >> D,it is possible to correlate (Nu)D,r for a vertical
cylinder wit,h (Gr. Pr. D / H ) D , ~I.f the diameter is large, and hence the
curvature small, the vertical cylinder can be approximated to the vertical
plate, and the correlation for the cylinder is then similar to that for the
plate [31]. With very fine wires, the boundary layer is large in relation t o
the diameter, and it has been found [64] that ( N u ) D ,is ~ independent of
height. One can also use the height H as the reference dimension instead
of the diameter D. It is seen from Table I11 that various correlations have
been proposed, the simplest having the form
(Nu)lr,r = A + &(Gr. Pr)?:, (5)
Experimental values for the constants Az, B2, and m2 are given in Table
111.It is considered that, for lo4 5 (Gr. Pr)H,f 5 10l2,the correlation given
in Table I1 may be used, provided that the diameter D is replaced by the
height H .

111. Forced Convection


For a cylinder in crossflow, dimensional analysis [l, 771 suggests that

the convective heat transfer varies with the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers,


Author Ref. Fluid D (mni) IID Max T r / T ,

Griffiths and 1)avia [65] Air 174 0.87-1.7.2 1.17

Koch Clll Air 14-100 20- 1.52 1.28
King [15] Air, liquids - - -
Jakob and Linke c171 Air 3.5 4.3 1.06
Carne C66l iiir 4.7-76.2 8-127 1.22
e50-140 -
Eigenson c67 1 Air 2.4-.58
3Iueller c64 1 Air 0.11-0.69 1480-2720 1.14
Clenbaas p.1 Air, gases - - -
Touloukian ct al t68l Water, ethylene glycol 69.7 2.2-13.2 1.16
Benftleben [26] Liquids - - -
Kyte et al C28l Air, gases 0.078 5430 1.28
McAdams Air, liquids - - -
Sparrow and Gregg C69 1 Gases .- - -

Le Fevre and Ede c701 General - - -

Millsaps and Pohlhausen General - - -
Kreith Air - - -
- - -
Eshghy 173 1 Air
Nagendra et u2 c74 1 Water 0 . w 3.0 9.5-3050 1 .06
Fujii e l nl [75] Water, oils 82 12.2 1.19
Hanes:tn and Kalish c76 1 Air, fluorocarbon gases 2.5.4 3.12 1.34
Bot teriianne [216] Air - - 1.05
Engineering Sciences [231] Air, liquids - - -

TABLE 111-Continued

Range of (Gr Pr)H. f From Eq. (2)

Author Ref. From To -4 2 B* 1112 Remarks0

Griffiths and Davis 107 109 0 0.67 0.23 E b

109 10" 0 0.0782 0.357 Eb
Koch C c E*
King 104 3.3 x 107 0 0.5.5 0.23
3.5x 107 10'2 0 0.13 0.33
Jakob and Linke 104 108 0 0.555 0.25
108 10'2 0 0.129 0.333
Carne 2 x 10' 2 x 10s 0 1.07 0.28
2 x 108 2 x 10" 0 0.152 0.38
Eigenson < 10s 109 0 0.48 0.26

Elenbaas 104 109 B c C 0
Touloukian et al. 2 x 108 4 x 10'0 0 0.726 0.26 E $
4 x 10'0 9 x 10" f f f E
Senftleben - - 0 0 0 E
Kyte et al. 10-11 10-5 h h h E
McAdams 104 109 0 0.59 0.25 C
109 1012 0 0.129 0.333 C
Sparrow and Gregg L a L T
Le Fevre and Ede L L 1 i i T
Millsaps and Pohlhausen L L k k k T
Kreith 105 109 0 0.555 0.25 C
109 10'2 0 0.021 0.40 C
Eshghy 107 5 x 107 0 0.56 0.25 E
Nagendra et al. 1 1 I 1 1
c, E
Fujii et al. C7-51 10'0 2 x 10'2 E
Hanesian and Kalish C76 1 106 108 0 0.48 0.23 Eb
Bo ttemanne C2161 8 X lo4 4 x 107 0 0.56 0.25 E
Engineering Sciences P311 - - C

a C, correlation; E, experimental; T, theoretical; L, laminar boundary layer.

6 Eqmtion derived by present aut,hor t'o fit) experimental results.
c ( N u ) D ,= -
~ 0.00562(Cr Pr * H / D ) $ ' , l ' 2 ; lo9 < (Gr Pr H / D ) D , f< 1011.
(Nu)D,f = I.O(Gr Prj;.:'; < (Gr P r ) D , f < 10-2.
NU)^.^ e x p ( - 2 / N u j ~ , f= 0.6(Gr Pr * D/H)))',;. x
f ( N u ) H , f = 0.0674(Gr~(Pr)' "]::'3 *em


X=ln l+-
i D+
3.34 H
(Gr * Pr):;.:

( N u ) ~ ,=
r 2/ln(l 4.47/(Gr
- -

j NUH =3 -{
4 7 G r H ' (pr)z
5 ( 2 0 + 21 Pr) }

4(273 f 315 Pr) H
%(64+63Pr) D

' N U ~ =
4.22 (Pr)'I2
[Gre(4 7 Pr) +
. HD-
- -- - --

( N u ) D ,= ~ 0.87(Gr Pr D/H)L,','; -
1W4 < ( G r Pr * D1ff)o.f < 5 X lop1;
(Nu)D,= ~ 1.3(Gr Pr D/H);,i6; 5 X lo-* < (Gr Pr D / H ) o , r < lo4;-
( N t 1 ) D . f = 0.67(Cr Pr D/H)Yi,:5; lo4 < (GI * Pr D / H ) D , <
~ lo6. -
- -
'* NUH = 0.017(Gr Pr)~',~(va/v,)O-2l.
(Nu)H,*= (T,/T,)0.'75 exp[-2.95 + 1.02 In(Gr PrjD,, - 0.0829(ln(Gr Pr)D.,)* 0.00267(ln(Gr P ~ ) D , ~ ) ~ ] . -

a commonly used relation being

( N u ) o , f= {CI + D~(Re)$,fl(Pr)fP (6)
where C1, D1, nl,and p are constants. It has been found experimentally that
the exponent p lies between 0.3 and 0.4, the lower value being more com-
monly used, although Zhukauskas [225] prefers the value 0.37. For air,
(Pr) is approximately constant for moderate temperature rises and has
the value 0.7; hence
(n'u)o,f = +
CZ Dz(Re)E,f (7)
Values obtained by various workers for the constants Cz, Dz, and n1 are
tabulated in Table IV, and published correlations are given in Table V. The
percent coefficient of variation of the Nusselt number for a given Reynolds
number for the experimental data varies from 10% to 29%, depending on
the Reynolds numbcr, whereas that for the various correlations varies from
lOy0to 46%. Hence, the correlations do not help to reduce the uncertainty
in the relation between Nusselt and Reynolds numbers.
It is also seen from Table IV that some authors give nonzero values for
the constant Cz, as in the case of natural convection. As the Reynolds
number approaches zero, the Nusselt number for an infinitely long, in-
finitely remote cylinder should also approach zero, but Cole and Roshko
11411 have suggested that the heat transfer from fine wires should be given
by the solution of thr heat conduction equation for an ellipsoidal surface a t
constant temperature. For finite values of the aspect ratio and the space
ratio, (Nu)D,f,,, would have the limiting value 2/ln(2Z/D) or 2/ln D,/D,
respectively [62). Since the aspect ratio 1/D did not exceed lo4 in any of
the published experimental results, ( Nu)D,f,oshould have the theoretical
limiting value 0.20, whereas the lowest value reported [58, 1151 is 0.30 a t
(Re)D,f = after correction for axial conduction to the end supports.
This discrepancy may be due to weak natural convection currents: Mahony
[208] concluded from a theoretical analysis that two-dimensional natural
convection prevails when (Gr) g,fZ/D >> 1, whereas three-dimensional
conduction prevails when (Gr)g,fl/D << 1.The effcct of the aspect ratio on
the heat transfer a t small Reynolds and Grashof numbers is shown in Fig. 1.
Apart from the effect of aspect ratio, other possible reasons for the large
variations in Table I V arc wake and blockage effects due to the wind tunnel,
and turbulence in the flow and temperature loading.
Several methods for correcting for solid and wake blockages have been
given. Lock [154] used the method of images to calculate the increase in
stream velocity due to solid blockage, and Thorn [219] that due to wake
blockage. Combining these corrections, the free-stream velocity U , for a

closed-throat wind t u n n d is givcw by

Urn= U T ( ~ 0.25 C'D(D/DT) + 0.822(D/D~)*) (Sa)
whcrc UT is the mcwwcd vdocity of the flow in the tunncl, DT is the tunnel
diameter, and CD is t h r drag coc.f€icic.nt. Vincenti and Graham [153] used
thc method of superposition to dvrivca a similar equation:
Urn= U T {1 + 0.321 C"D(D/DT)+ 1 . 3 5 6 ( D / D ~ ) ~ } (8b)
The drag coefficient varics with the Reynolds number, as shown in Fig. 4,
and with blockagc ratio, D/L)T, turbulcnce intensity, Tu,and aspect ratio,
Z/D [ 2 5 2 ] . For 10' 5 ( R c ) n , r5 lo", Z/D > 10, D/D,<< 1, and T u << 1,
C D 'v 1.2, hence Eq. (811)bwoiric~s

+ O.~%(D/DT)
Urn'V l i r ( 1 + 1.356(D/D~)'} (9)
Ihudscm and Katz [155] suggvsted that Urn= UT(1 + D / D T ) 1 / 2and

1 10 10' m3 10' 10' Id
(Re',. f

FIG.4. Variation of drag coeficimt with Reynolds number. (Mean dat,a of Relf
[220], Von Wieselbergpr [221], Tril(o11[222] and Humphreys [223] )

100 D/DT 100Tu Max

Author Ref. Fluid D (mm) 1/D (%I (%I TdTe

Kennelly et al. [7] Air 0.02 197C-3970 - - 1.18

Kennelly and Sanborn [78] Air 0.114 2810 - - 1.67
King [79] Air 0.028-0.153 1290-1 520 - - 2.73
Hughes [SO] Air 4.3-155 1 .3-233 0.47-1.1 - 1.15
1.1-17 - 1.15
Gibson [Sl] Air 9.25, 95.2 12.8, 132 0.51, 5 . 2 - 1.14 5
Davis [82] Water, oils 0.10-0.20 247471 - - 1.10 2
Reiher [83] Hot air 4.6-28 14.3-87 2.9-17.5 - 0.76 M
Lohrisch [84] Air - -
6.2 - - 3
Ulsamer [85] Air - - - - .e
46.0 z
McIntyre [86] Air 6.2, 10.3 9.8, 16.4 7.6, 12.7 - 1.08
Hilpert [87] Air 0.02 5120 0.0079 - 1.14
0.02-0.10 1625-5120 0.0079-0.04
0.05-25 2&3 170 0.02-10
2; -90 5.6-20 10-60
44-180 0.95-11.4 17.6-60
Klein [88] Hot air - - - - 0.87
Griffiths and Awbery [89] Hot and cold air 32-76 8-19.2 5.2-12.5 - 1.14
Goukhman et al. [90] Air 35 17.2 2.5 - I

Small [91] Air 114 5.3 18.8 - 1.12

Krujilin and Schwab [92] Air 44 7.6 14.7 - 1.14
Benke [93] Air 7, 9 -100 3 . 2 , 4.1 - 1.8
Kruj ilin [94] Air 23.6-300 2.7-42.4 1.7-21.5 - 1.14
Schmidt and Wenner [95] Air 50-230 1-12 16.741.7 - 1.14
Piret et al. [96] Water 0.025-0.07 350-1000 0.067, 0.19 - 1.15
Comings et al. Air 9.5, 31.8 14 3, 40 3 . 3 , 11.3 1-3 1.13
Winding and Cheney Air 38 8 24 - -1
Zapp Air 60.2 5 .9 13.2 0.9 1.12
Billman et 01. Air 4.82 64 3.i. 3 - 1.23
hlaisel and Sherwood Air, gases 13.5, 14.2 2.3-4 0 1 3 . 3 , 13.9 -4 -

Eckert and Soehngren Air 12.7-38.1 6-18 10.8-32.3 - -

Scadron and Warshawsky Air 0.22-1.41 - 2-6 - -

Laurence and Landes Air 0.00.5 400-2300 0.0033 Low 1.24

Berry el al. Air 0.81 330 4 .5 3.8 1 .23
Snyder Air 31.8 12.8 9. 3 - 1.19
Cheng Air 6 ..i 186 3.2 - 1.09
Franklin Air 50.8 8 12,.i - 1.15
Kazakevit ch Air -
22 11 4
--8.8 -

Churchill and Brier Hot nitrogen 2.5.4 3 .)I Y:! 0.62

Brim et nl. rZir ;. , s 37 .i, GO 1.7, 2 7 - -
van der Hegge Zijnen ,4ir 0 . 1 , 9.04 37 G-.i.i.i 0.02.5, 22 G 0.24.3 1.17
Glawe and Johnson Hot gas 0 . .70-1.14 30 - - -

Gosse Air 0,026-0.49 102-2430 0.032-0.98 - 2.00

Broer et al. Air 0.004, 0.007 713, 1230 - - -1.15
Chung and Algren Air 28.6 21 4 11.2 1-3 0.94
Kays and Bjorklund Air 57.4 8.1 11.3 - 1.07
Collis and Williams Air 0.003-0.054 2070-8660 8.6 X 0.08 1.50
Shchitnikov Hot air - - 10 2.4 -
Shchitnikov Air I - - 2.4 1.20
Srenivasan and Raninchandran Air 8.73 17.5 4.3 - 1.14
Perkins and Leppert Water, el hylerle glycol 3.2-9.5 21 3-64 10-39 2.9 -

van Meel Air 23.2 6 9 4.6 0.2 1.07

Ilavies and Fisher Air 0.0025-0 003
I 400-1 200 - LOW 1 38
Parnas Air 0.03 1000 0.5 - 2.27
Delleur Air 0.004 100 0.0033 0.2 1.32

TABLE IV-Continued

Fand Water 11.1 7.8 0.128 - 1.01

Tsubouchi and Masuda Toluene, oils 0.031, 0.065 485, 910 0.031, 0.079 - 1.20
Hodgson et al. Air 76 1.3 25 2.6 1.05
Ahmed Hot gases - - - - -
Fairclough and Schaetzle Air 0.079 - Low - 2.87
Oosthuizen and Madan Air 19-38 8-16 4.7-9.4 <0.7 1.22
Hatton et al. Air 0.10-1 .26 96-1190 0.2-2.5 - 1.34
Johnson and Joubert Air 152 2 9.1 -1 1.14
Lewis Air 76 6 5 - -
KostiE and Oka Air 100 5 0.2 2-8 -
Koch and Gartshore Air 0.005 230 0.0016 - 1.40
Martin Air 35-55 - 10 0.3 -
Fand and Keswani Water 11.5 2.2 13.3 Low 1.14
Petrie and Simpson Air 19 5.7 6.3 5.78 -
Andrews et al. Air, N2-CH4 0.0038, 0.005 24-1300 6 . 2 x 10-4, Low 2.30
8 . 2 x 10-4
Wylie and Lalas Air 9 -10 2.4 - -1.00
Galloway and Sage Air 38.1 8 50 1.3 1.10
Zhukauskas Air, water, transf. oil 12 8.3 24 <I 1.18
Bradbury and Castro Air 0.0053-0.011 270-2000 - Low 2.05
Krall and Eckert Air 4.73 6.3 15.8 - -
Saito and Kishinami Air 10 14 6.7 3.2 -
Nishioka Air 0.0038 650 0.019 0.5 1.32
Dahlen Hot air 14.6 13.9 7.2 - 0.63
Isaji and Tajima Humid air 3-80 3.8-100 1-26.7 -2 <1
Baille Air 0 . OO,? 120-800 0.0007 Low 1.44
TABLE IV-Continued
Range of (Iie)u,f From Eq. (.i)

Aii t hor Ref. From TO (12 D2 nl Remarks0

Kennelly et aE. c7 1 10 40 0 0.82 0.36

40 180 0 0.473 0.51
Kennelly and Sanborn c781 .0i 1.i0 0 0.64 0.50
C79 1 6 x
Hughes C80l 700
4 x 103
4 x 103
4 x 104 0 0,223 0.393 c3
Gibson C81l 102 2 . 3 x 103 0 0.187 0.63
Davis [82] 18 170 0 0.56 0.49
Reiher cfi3 1 4 x 102 6 x 103 0 0.33 0.36
Lohrihch C841 3 x 109 4 x 104 0 0,282 0.58.5
Ulsanier C833 0 1 4 0 0.875 0.303
30 -3
4 0 0.764 0.41 a
.0i 1W 0 0.536 0.50
7 x 102 3 . 5 x 104
McIn tyre C86l 0 0.313 0.60
Hilpert c871 1 4 0 0.891 0.330
4 40 0 0.821 0.385 2
40 4 x 103 0 0.615 0.466 U
4 x 103
4 x 104
4 x 104
4 x 105
Klein 1 8 x 103 105 0 0.328 0.56
Griffiths and .4wbery [89] .-) x 103 2 . 3 x 104 0 0.18 0 67
Goukhmxn el al. [SO] 1 5 x 104 6 . 3 X lo‘ 0 0.161 0.64
Small “311 7 x 102 G x 104 0 0.299 0.638
Krujilin and Schwab [92] :3 x 103 8 x 104 0 0.35 0.57
Belike [93] 2 5 x 102 8 x 102 0 1. 15 0.38
8 x 102 3 x 103 0 0.219 0.629
TABLE IV-Continu.ed h3

Range of (Re)n.f From Eq. (5)

Author Ref. From To c2 Dz n1 Remarksa

Krujilin 6 X lo3 1 . 3 x 105 0 0.27 0.60 b

Schmidt and Wenner 5 x 103 4 . 2 x 105 0 0.1.57 0.64 Ob
Piret et al. 0.1 10 0 0.86F 0.28 0
Comings et al. 4 x 102 2x 104 0 0.232 0.63
Winding and Cheney 6 X lo3 3.5 x 104 0 0.16 0.67 M
ZaPP 3.9 x 104 1.1 x 105 0 0.50 0.54 b

Billman et at. 7.5 x 102 2.8 x 103 0 1.13 0.38 b

2 . 8 x 103 5 x 103 0 0.040 0.81 b

Maisel and Sherwood 6 X lo2 3x 104 0 0.322 0.57 M

Eckert and Soehngren 20 6 X lo2 0.43 0.48 0.50
0 0.57 0.473 b
Scadron and Warshawsky 2.5 X loz 3 x 104 0 0.385 0.515 06
Laurence and Landes 1.5 70 0.19 0.51 0.50
BerFy et al. 1.5 x 102 1.5 x 103 0 1.13 0.38 b

Snyder 8 X lo3 2 x 104 0 0.278 0. g.5 b

Cheng 1.3 x 103 104 0 0.161 0.65

Franklin 104 4 x 104 0 0.174 0.65
Kazakevi tch 5 x 103 3.5 x 104 0 0.246 0.60
Churchill and Brier 6 . 4 X lo2 5.1 x 103 0 0.535 0.50 Of
0 0.66 0.48 b

Brun et al. 6 X lo3 1.5 x 104 0 0.136 0.65

van der Hegge Zijnen .5 50 0 0.68 0.41
20 80 0.35 0.43 0.50
Glawe and Johnson 450 3 x 103 0 0.428 0.50
0.2 3 0 0.920 0.276
3 40 0 0.841 0.384
40 700 0 0.592 0.482
Broer et al. ~1131 0.01 1 0 0.89 0.21
1 4 0 0.89 0.35
Chung and Algren ~1141 2 . 5 X lo3 1.1 x 1 0 4 0 0.482 0 33
Kays and Bjorklund P291 3 X lo3 2 x 104 0 0.31 0.56
Collis and Williams ~1151 2 x 10-2 44 0.24 0.56 0.45
44 140 0 0.48 0.51
Shchitnikov Cl161 104 ri x 104 0 0.118 0.67
Shrhitnikov ~1171 2 x 104 1.2 x 105 0 0.143 0.67
Srenivawn and I~amachandrwi [118] 2 . 3 X lo3 1 ..jX lo4 0 0.226 0 60
Perkins and Leppert [119] 40 105 0 0.26 0.30
van Meel c1201 3 X 103 3 . 7 x 104 0.35 0.50 0. .50
0 0,332 0.36.5 b

Davies and Fisher c1211 1 30 0 0.33 0 3.57 b. c

Parnas [I221 10 60 0 0.823 0.50 Ok

Delleur ~1231 1 3 1.148 0.726 0 50
Fand ~1241 1 . 1 x 104 6 . 3 X lo4 0.32 0.50.5 0.52
0 0.455 0.53 b

Tsubouchi and Masuda [125] 3 x 10-2 200 0.36 0.38 0.50 f 0 . 2 3 (Re);’,:, F
0.36 0.61 0.45
Hodgson et al. C1261 3 x 104 1.2 x 105 0 0.15 0.67 b

Ahmed ~1271 4 40 0.207 0.497 0.46 1

Fairclough and Schaetzle C1281 2 8 0 0.57 0.50 b

Oosthuiaen and Madan ~1291 103 3 x 103 0 0.464 0.50 +0.0004 (Re)o,r
Hatton el al. [56] 0.6 45 0.384 0.581 0.439 @
0.6 4 0 0.95 0.30 b

4 40 0 0.81 0.38 b

16 45 0 0.786 0.392 b

Johnson and Joubert, ~1301 4 x 104 1 . 3 x 105 0 0.38 0.56 b

1.3 x 105 3 x 105 0 0.063 0.72 b

TABLE IV-Continued
From Eq. (5) p3
Author Ref. From To c
2 D2 n1 Remarks"
Lewis 5 . 7 x 104 1.2 x 105 0 0.36 0. .58 M*
KostiE and Okn 1 . 2 x 104 4 x 104 0 0.286 0.60
Koch and Gartshore 1.2 4.1 0.72 0.80 0.4.5
Martin 1.8 x 104 4 . 8 x 104 0 0.48 0.50 +0.0096 (Re)%,?
Fand and Keswani 4 x 102 3 . 7 x 103 0.231 0.633 0.50
0 0.665 0.494 b

Petrie and Simpson 4 . 0 x 103 3 . 3 x 104 0 0.042 0.76 Ob

Andrews et al. 1.5 x 10-2 20 0.34 0.65 0.45
Wylie and Lalas 102 2.5 x 103 0 0.61 0.471
Galloway and Sage 2 . 7 X 109 3.8 x 104 0 0.167 0.637
Zhukauskas 8 103 0 0.52 0.47
103 2 x 105 0 0.185 0.62
Bradbury and Castro 0.5 12 0.24 0.56 0.45
Krall and Eckert 5 50 0 0.93 0.37
50 5 x 103 0 0.64 0.46
Saito and Kishinami 2.5 x 102 s x 103 0 0.64.5 0.551
Nishioka 2 x 102 0.2 0 0.692 0.155
Dahlen 7.6 X lo2 8.4 x 103 0 0.260 0.633
Isaji and Tajima 10 7 x 102 0.14 0.53 0.50
7 x 102 1 x 105 0 0.51 0.50
Baille 1 . 5 x 101 0.6 0 0 0.45

a F, whirling fork; M, mass transfer; 0, open-jet tunnel; U, a Multiply by ( T r / T a ) .I7.

uniform heat flux; X, linear-motion wire. i Multiply by ( p J ~ ~ ) l / ~ ,

Equation derived by present author to fit experimental results. h Multiply by (T./T,)0J85.
c a t surface temperature. Multiply by (vt/v,)OJ5.
Multiply by (T./T,) m Multiply by (Tr/T.)0.154.

A and Y a t surface temperature. n Multiply by ( T f / T . )--0.6'.

f Multiply by (T,/T,)OJ2; and v a t fluid temperature. 0 Cz = 0.24[1 +$ exp ( (300 - 1/D)/80 + 0.341/D]] X [1 -
g X and v a t fluid temperature. +
0.068 exp((250 - l / D ) / 1 2 0 ) R ~ / R J ; n , = 0.56[1 0.28exp((-
Multiply by (T./T,)0J24. 1/300D) 1 1.


Range of ( R e ) u . f From Eq. ( 5 )

Author lief. From TO ('2 D2 n: Remarks4

ClOl 0.3 70
70 105 0 0.466 0.50 e
King, L. V. - <<o. 1 b D b T
>>o. 1 - 0.32 0.67 0.50
King, W. J . [15] 3 300 0 0.764 0.41
300 4 x 104 0 0.282 0.585
Ulsamer [X;,] 0.1 30 0 0.794 0.38.5
.0i 104 0 0.523 0.50
Krarners 5 1000 0.39 0.510 0 . rio
Sailer and Drake >300 0.5 0.435 0.50 T
Mc Adams 0.1 1000
5 x 104
0.32 0.43 0.52 2
103 0 0.24 0.60
Franklin 103 104 0 0.468 0.504 U
104 106 0 0.109 0.662 m
Cole and Roshko LOW Low c
Engineering Sciences 2.6 1 . 6 x 105 d d d Gases
10.5 6 . 2 x 103 c e
van der Hegge Zijnen [S5] 10-2 5 x 105 0.35 0.50 0.50 +0.001 (1te)D.r
l>oughs and Churrhill [ 1421 .i00 106 o 0.46 0.30 i-0.00128 ( R e ) D , (
Beckers el nl. C38 1 10-2 26 f f r
Kutateladze [143] > 80 0 0.81 0.40
80 5 x 103 0 0.695 0.46
5 x 103 5 x 104 0 0.197 0.60
>5 x 104 0 0.023 0.80

TABLE V-Continued

Range of (He)o.f From Eq. ( 5 )

Author Ref. From To c

2 0 2 nl Remarks.

Baldwin el al. 10-2 3 x 105 0 0.431 0.50

Hsu - <500 0.43 0.48 0.50
Richardson 100 105 0 0.37 0.50 +0.057 (Re);'.: =:

+0.057 (Re);',;
T 33
Tsubouchi and Masuda 103 0.48
Kassoy Low Low h h h T .e
Hieber and Gebhart Low Low ' T
Dennis et al. 10-2 40 i i i T
Fand and Keswani 10-2 2 x 105 k k k

Ototake 10 2 5 x 103 1 1 I T
5 x 103 5 x 105 m I
Zhukauskas [a251 1 40 0 0.66 0.40
40 103 0 0.45 0.50
103 2 x 105 0 0.23 0.60
2 x 106 106 0 0.067 0.70
Piercy and Winny 4 x 10-2 1 .o 0.44 0.59 0.50
n T
Kibaud and b u n Low Low 0 0.474 0.50 T
Footnotes to Table V
a T, theoretical; y, Euler’s ronstant = 0.577; L, laminar boundary layer.
( N u ) D , f = 2/11 - y - 111 2 ( R e P r ) o , f ) .
c -
2 / ( N u ) n . f = l n ( S / ( I l e P r ) n , f }- y.
(Nu)D,, = (Ts/T,)0.L75 exp[-0.179+ +
0.252 ln(lte)o.n 0 . 0 5 2 8 { h ( I < e ) ~ ,- +
, ) 0~ . 0 0 6 6 6 ( l n ( I t e ) ~ , , ) ~0.000335(In(Ite)~,,)~].
(Nu)D,,= ( p 8 / p 8 ) 0 . * 3exp[-0.186
7 + +
0.338 ln(Re)D,, 0.362 ln(Pr), + 0 . 0 1 3 1 ( l n ( I t e ) ~ , .-
) ~ 0.00926(ln(Pr),Jz].
f + +
( N u ) D ,=~ 0.1“ (1.25 0.19log D ) log Prf - log D } Iog(Ile)D,f]*.~ O.%(Gr)L’,?’. +

and t = D (Ite)o,,/4

- Pr) + O ( ( l n Re,,t.l] 2
2 1.38
In(S/y(Re * Pr)DlSJ[l - Inl8/r(Re E:
for Pr 0.72.
( N i i ) ~ .=
, -2g0’(0), where go’(0) is the first derivative of the Fourier cosine transformation of the function defining the surface
( N u ) Df = (0.184 0.324(Ile)L,:+ 0.291(Re)Z,,}(Tr/T,)017
where x = 0.247 0.0407 (lle) ,ya.

’“ (Nu)u,r = 0.5 O.253(Re Pr)h’,i+ 0 . 0 2 1 4 ( R e ) ~ , ~ ( P r ) : / 3 .
+ - +
0.123(lte P r ) i , , { l n ( l t e Pr)D,,/8 + I ] i (In(He Pr)D,./8 - + y) -
(Ice Pr)D,, << I , and
( N i i ) ~ = -2[1 for
, 0.7183(Re Pi-);‘,: for (Re Pr)o.B>> 1.
( N i i ) ~ ,=

Robinson et al. [156] that Urn= UT( 1 ( D / D T ) ~ ' ~Perkins }. + and

Leppert [119] proposed the use of a mean flow area, giving U , =
uT/[1 - (s/~)D/DT]. Mikheyev [36] used the equation U , =
UT/ (1 - D/DT) , whereas Akilbayev et al. [226] derived the expression
Urn= U T { ~ 1 . 1 8 ( D / D ~ ) ~All
} ~ . these proposed corrections are com-
pared with each other and with the experimental results of Oosthuizen and
Madan [129] and Akilbayev et al. [226] in Fig. 5, where it is seen that
there are appreciable differences in the corrections given by the various
methods. The method due to Vincenti and Graham is used here.
If CZis zero in Eq. ( 7 ) , the increase in the Nusselt number due to solid

Exprrimenlal resulls 01 Oorlhuizen and Madan (/29)

X Exprrimrntal r e s u l t s 01 Akilbavev et 01 I2261

10'' I . ( I t 1 I 1 I I I I I I , ,

lo-' loo

FIG. 5. Comparison between various methods for correcting for solid and wake

and wake blockages is found from

D , (~1
~ ( N u ) D , ~ / ( N u )= + 0 . 3 8 5 ( D / D ~+) 1.356(D/D~)')"'- 1 (10)
I n the case of an open-jet tunnel, if the flow is essentially two-dimen-
sional, wake blockage is usually taken t o be zero. When the solid blockage
correction [154] is applied, the frce-stream velocity is given by
U, = V,( 1 - 0.411(D/D~)'} (11)
The decrease in the Nusselt number is then found from
6(Nu)D,f/(NU)D,f= ( 1 - 0 . 4 1 1 ( D / D ~ ) ' } -
~l 1 (1%
The effect of free-stream turbulcnce has been studied by a number of
workers, as seen in Table VI. Both the intensity Tu and the scale A can
affcct the laminar boundary layw, and hence the heat transfer. I n the usual
range, say 0.2 mm < A < 60 min [171], the effect of the scale appears to
be negligible [164, 1661. van dcr Hcggc. Zijnen [159] reported a n optimum
increase in heat transfcr a t about A / D = 1.6 and attributrd this t o a
resonance between the frtqumcy of the frrc-stream eddies and the frc-
quency of the eddies shed from the cylinder. However, Mujumdar and
Douglas [209] and Hinze [253] found 110 such systematic effect. On the
other hand, the intcmity has a profound dfert. The increase in heat transfer
due to th(1 intensity of turbultwc- i n the direction of flow can be expressed
6 ( Nu), , I / ( Nil) D , f = C3 (Re)5,dTu)* (13)
where C3, a, and 6 arv constants. With turbulent flow, the dependence of
the in(-reasc in local hcst trailsfor on the Reynolds number appears to be
proven for the stagnation point and, possibly, the front surface of the
cylinder [167, 2091. However, the scattchr in thc experimental results is so
large that the exact form of t h c x d(ymidcnce is still in doubt, a variation
with (Re)& being most favorcd [167, 172, 1731. Some authors correlate
the increase in heat, t ransfer :qainst a so-called turbulence Reynolds
number [(Re),,,. Tu], but this swms rather restrictive. For the overall
heat transfcr from a cylind(.r, t h(*cixistcwce and form of any depc'ndence on
( I < c ) ~cannot
,f be vstablished, lwrsusr of insufficient rcwlts. For a value of
( R c \ ~ , fin the rvgion o f 1 0 4 , it has been found [97, 1591 that
G(NU)D.,/(NU)D,I / ~ 0.01 5 T u < 0.03, and
is equal t o 1 . 2 1 ) ( T ~ ) 'for
~ 0.03 5 T u 5 0.12. Thc discontinuity a t T u = 0.03 may
2 . 4 2 ( T ~ ) ' 'for
be due to increasing span\\isc. vffvcts i n the flow [248]. (Scc Note Added
in Proof on p. 264.)
Thc c~dculated combined cffvcts of closed-jet tunnel blockages and
free-strcam turbulenw arc. shown in Fig. 6. To compare measured increases
in heat transfer duc. to these affects with the calculatcd curvrs, it is neccs-

- 100 Tu -
12 ( 99/.) 12% I
L 9 -

FIG.6. Combined effects of tunnel blockagcs and stream turbulence on the convective
heat transfer from cylinders in crossflowing air. For the cxperiment,al points, the first
number is the percent turbulence intensit.y, and the number in parentheses is the refcr-

sary to know the absolute value of the Nusselt number for a specific
Reynolds number with zero intensity of turbulence and negligible blockage
error. Possibly some of the results obtained by Hilpert [87 J with an open
jet were obtained with conditions coming closest to these requirements.
For his tests on wires, in the range 1.14 I (Re)D,f5 1550, the ratio
D/DT varied from 7.9 X to 4 X so that blockage errors were
negligible. However, for his tests on tubes, in the range 507 I (Re)D7fI
207 000, D/DTvaried from 0.012 to 0.36, so that the error in (Re)D,fdue
to blockage varied from +0.025% to +2.19%.
There is another error in Hilpert’s data which partly compensates the
blockage error. He, and probably most of the workers up to about 1955,
used the Landolt-Bornstein [174] values for the thermal conductivity of
air. These values are 2-3y0 lower than those now generally accepted
[175-1771; hence the values Hilpert gave for (Nu)D,f are %3% high. It
should be noted that Hilpert used the integrated mean values for the
thermophysical properties, e.g., A, = {I/(T.- T,)] j’E X dT,but the

Iieiher - 14.3-87 2 ..i -

Comings el a2. 0.9.52, 3 . 17 14.3, 40 2.41, 11.3 -30a
Maisel and Sherwood 1.42 2. .5-4.0 13.9 40-70
ZaPP 6 .03 -5 . 9 13.2 -11"
Giedt 10.2 5 .2 9 2.4-4.7a
van der Hegge Zijnen 1.63 93-3.5.5 4.1 176
1.63 93-5% 4.1 11.3
1.63 93-555 4.1 80
Gosae 0.00.5 102-2430 0.1 440- 1060
Kestin and hlaeder 10.6 7.6 19.1 1 ,6-d , 4
Schnautz 6.2-8.9 1.55-15.6 44.3-63.8 16-238
Seban 3.16 4.8 13.9 5Q
Sogin and Subramanian 10.7 1.4 13.1 4.56
Kestin et al. 10.7 4.7 13.1 3.0.
Morishita arid Nornura 5 .0 - s.3 0.6-2.2
Smith 20.4 8, 10.5 13.3 3.10
Kestin and Wood 7.62 7.3 9.4 -
7.3 9.4 -
hZizrishina et nl. 1 .0 8 6.3 -
nlujrnndar and Douglas 1.27-3.18 8.8-20 4 . <5-11.4 0.6-8
Errdoh et d. 1.0 2.0 7.7 -

TABLE VI-Continued
Increase in heat transfer h3

Reiher 180(t3400 1.2 -5 a 15 15

Comings et al. 5800 1 7 -25 24
3800 2.1 10.4 23 26
104 <3 >7 16 16
hfaisel and Sherwood 104 3.5 11 .o l i b 24
ZaPP 105 0.9 12.0 41 43
Giedt 105 1.2- 3.55 14 10
van der Hegge Zijnen 104
104 0.3 10.1 37 46 M
Gosse 102 1.1 4 12 12 3
Kestin and Maeder 1 . 5 x 105 0.8 2.6 -15 10 j
Schnautz 3 . 2 X 10'2.17 X lo5
50 z
Seban 1 . 5 x 105 -1 3" 17 10 !a
Sogin and Subramanian 2.18 x 105 0.8 2.4 36 10 ?1:
Kestin et al. 1 . 4 x 105 1 2 20 6
1 4.3a 20 13
Morishita and Nomura 5 x 104-2 x 105 0.24 5.8 30 * 31
Smith 6 X lo4 0.1 5.1 32 32
Kestin and Wood 105 0.15 7.3 52b 42
105 2.8 7.3 116 12
Mizushina et al. 104 0.8 2.3 22b 9
Mujumdar and Douglas 6 . 7 X lo3, 8.8 X lo3 2 10 23 30
Endoh et al. 5 x 103 -2.2 x 104 1 20 54 55

a Estimated from [169,170].

b Mass transfer. c Open-jet tunnel.
HEx'r TH.ZNSFEI~ 233

diff crciicvs betwecw t h ( w v:iluc\s : u i d tho mcan film temperature values are
nc.gligit)lv for Hilpwt's t,wt coritlitioris. The correctvd corrt4ation h c t w c n
Nussdt and Iteynolds nunibcw for Hilpcrt's results is givcw in Table VII.
It is intcwhsting that Fnnd mid Jiwwaiii [239] have also rcw.iitly noted
indcpcmdcntly that Hilpert u s d v:iluc~sf o r the thcrmophysical propertics of
air Q hic-h have sinw hwi supvrscdcd. They give new v a l u c ~for thv con-
stants II2 and n1 using n i o r ~niodorii, not the most r ( w n t , data for p and
A; t hyv do not considw hlorkagc. cwors. The correlation proposcd hv tho
prcwnt author for lic~yrioldsiiuriil)cw ranging from lop4t o 2 x lo" is set
out in Tahlr VIII. I t is thought that this correlation, which talws account
of all known probablr ('rrors, ha:, :I in:r.ximum uncertainty of *so;,, except
possibly in the vicinity of thv tr;insition points.
The rcwlts of 13 worlwrs bvho have given the intensity of turhulcnce in
the wind tunriel t hcy used h a w Imm analyzed. At the Itcynolds numher
2 X lo4, t h r mcasurvd Nussdt iiuinlwr varics from 65 to 119 mith the
mean valuca 100.8 :iiid the st;iiid:wd dcviation 12.3. After correcting for
blorkagc. and t u r h d m c c ~vrrors, t ti(. range becomes 68-93, the rncm 79.9
and thv standard dwiation 7.2. Ttic value calculated from Tablr VIII is
78.1. ICo tc.mpcraturtL loading cwrrwt ion has been app1ic.d' h ~ ~ a u of s e un-
certainty in its v a l u ~ ,particularly :Lt high Reynolds numbers; this is
discussd later. A t most, such :t (-orrrc.tioriwould amount to I(
T h r rv)rrcbctcd values for ( S u ) u , fat (12e)D,r = lo4 and 105arc' 50.4 and
244, rc y)clctively. IJsing t h ( w vnluw as reforcnce, the incrtmc.nta1 hcat
transfvr 6(Xu)D,f/( NU)^ I for t l i r b results of various worlwrs using mind

T A B L I ~ ;VII
FROM ( ' Y I ~ I N D E R S I N AIR"

1 4 0.891 o.:Ml I 4 d I

4 40 0.821 0.:1X.S 4 35 0.7'3.5 0.384

40 4 X lo3 0.61.; 0,466 35 5 X lo3 0.683 0.471
4 X lo3 4 X lo4 0. 174 0.lilX 5 X lo3 5 X lo4 0.148 0.633
4 x 104 4 x 1 0 6 0 . o ' ~ : ~o.~o:, 5 x 104 2 . 3 x 1 0 5 0.0208 0.814

a (Nu)a.f = D,(Re)$,. * Hilpert used the symbol c. Hilpert used the sym-
bol m. Too few data.


(1le)n.r (Nu1D.r = Dz(Re)&

From To DZ nl

10-4 4 x 10-3 0.437 0.089.5

4 x 10-3 9 x 10-2 0.56ii 0.136
9 x10-2 1 0.800 0.280
1 35 0.795 0.384
33 5 x 103 0.583 0.471
5 x 103 .5 x 104 0.148 0.633
5 x 104 2 x 105 0.0208 0.814

(1k)D. f (Nu)D.f

10-4 0.192 10 1.92

10-3 0.23.5 102 5.10
10-2 0.302 103 1.5.1
to-' 0.420 104 50.4
I 0.795 105 244

tunnels having ranges of blockage values and flows with differcnt intensities
of turbulcnce are shown in Tablc IX and Fig. 6. It is seen that, in general,
the agreement bttwctn measured and caIculated values is reasonably
good, except for values of D / D , in excess of 0.2, when calculated values
are too low, becausc the drag coefficient increases with increasing DIDT
[252]; hence Eq. (8) underestimates the free-stream velocity. The effect
of increasing the intensity of turbulence in a wind tunnel is shown in Table
VI, and herc again measured and computed incremental heat transfers
agree quite well in most cases.
Hilpcrt [87] recognized that the tcmperature of the surface of the
cylinder can affcct the h tat transfcr coefficient by altering the fluid propcr-
ties. Most of his mcasuremcnts were madc with the surface a t 100"C, but
he also studied the effcct on heat transfer of increasing the surface tempcra-
ture to 1014°C in the range 33.8 5 ( R C ) ~ , 186.~ He concludcd that the
heat transfer coefficient was increased by thc factor (T,/T,) n1/4 where T,
and T , arc the absolute surface and ambient temperatures respectively,
and n1 is his value of the exponent in Table VII. For his tests, n1/4 equalled

Although his own results spanned only a limited range of Reynolds

number, Hilpert also used thc rrsults of King [79] for surface temperatures
up to 1200°C and for 0.06 5 ( I t f ’ ) D , ( 5 49 to support this relationship. On
the other hand, Gosse [112] gave thc temperature loading factor as
(T,/T,)0.’24 for surface tc>mpcraturwup to 725°C and for 40 5 ( R e ) D , r 5
300, while Parnas [I221 gavc flit, factor ( T,/Ta)0.085 for surface tempera-
tures up t(J 800°C and for 5.4 5 ( I t r )f~5 24.3. Churchill and Brier [l09],
who uwd a stream of hot nitrogen, gave the factor as (T,/T,)O l2 for
570 5 5 5070, but their derivation of the value 0.12 fur the
exponent is not convincing and thc aspect ratio they used was only 3. The
results given in t h t w four papvrs have been reanalyzed in tcrms of the film
tempcraturc, T f= f ( T , T , ) , hy the present author and are given,
togrthcr with thosch of othcr w o r h s , in Table X. The temperature loading
factor is here equal to ( Tr/Ta)( 1 , and it is seen from Table X and Fig. 7 that
the exponent q is not ronstant, but appears to decrease with increasing
Reynolds number, as proposed by Parnas [l22], and with decreasing aspect
ratio, as noted by A n d r w s et (11. [137]. Equally disconcerting is the fact




I , I I 1 I , I 1 ,

(Re)D, f

FIG.7. Effrrt of I?cynold- niunhrr on cxponent of tempernturr IoiLdinR f:irtor with

forced coiivcctiori.

G(Nu)D.r 100 T u
100 -
100 D/DT ( N u ) ~ , f Calc. Mew.
Author Ref. (Re)D.f (9%) LID (%) (%) (%) Remarkso

Hughes 104 2.1, 5..5 19.6, 50.8 0 <0.2

Gibson 103 13.3 12.8 14 1.5
Reiher 103 2.9 87 16 1.2
McIntyre 104 12.7 9.8 51 8.5
Klein 104 -10 - 9 -0.4
Griffiths and Awbery 104 5.2-12.5 8-19.2 62 12.5
Goukhman et al. 104 2.5 17.2 14 0.9
Small 104 18.8 -5 . 3 213 > 1.5
Krujilin and Schwab 104 14.7 7.6 28 2.9
Benke 103 3.2, 4 . 1 -100 14 0.9
Krujilin 104 1.7-21.5 2.7-42.4 15 1.2
Schmidt and Wenner C95l 104 16.7-41 .7 1-12 9.6 <0.2 -
Comings et al. C97 1 103 3.3 40 21 2.0 <3
104 11.3 14.3 26 2.7 <3
104 11.3 14.3 48 8.0 >7
Winding and Cheney 104 24 8.0 47 6.2 -
Giedt 105 9 5.2 31 3.9c 3.8 0
ZaPP 105 13.2 5.9 18 1.1 0.9
105 13.2 5 .9 66 12.5 12
Billman et al. 103 25.3 64 7 <0.2 -

hlaisel and Sherwood 104 13.3 2.5 17 1 .o 3 .5 M

Berry et al. 103 4.5 3.50 .5 0.3 3.8
Cheng 104 3.2 186 22 2.1 -
Franklin [lo71 104 12.5 8.0 30 3.5 -
Kazakevitrh Cl0f31 104 8.8 11.4 18 1.3 -

Zhuknuskas [224] 104 24 8.5 11 <0.2 <I

Churcliill arid Brier [109 1 103 .>7 3.0 21 k . 1 -2
Brun et 01. CllOl 104 2.7 37.3 3 ..i <0.2 -

van der Hegge Zijnen [I591 104 4.1 24.5 6 0.3 0.2
Gosse [I121 lo2 0.31, 0.61 164, 318 5 0.3 -
Chung and Algren ~1141 10' 11.2 21.4 24 2..> 1-3
Collis and LViIlianis [I133 102 0. 1 2070 -2.3 <0.2 0.0x
Schnaut z [lrjl] 104 I3 13 . ti 8 0 .3 0 .5 31
10' 1:i 2.1 63 ll..i 11 . 0 3f $
Shchit nikov CllSl 104 23 2.4 2.4
Srenivasan and Iiamac.handran [l 181 104
17.3 8 . .> 0.4 - 2
Perkins and Leppert [llO] 10' 30 21.1 40 6.0 2.9 $

van 3Ieel [I201 10' 4.6 .9
(i 13 0.8 0.2 9
Hodgson ef al. [12fj] 10' 2.j 1.3 37 3 ..5 2.6
Jtshnson and Jouhert [13OJ 103 9.1 2 j: <0.2 -1 -3
Oosthuizen and 11adari [l%Y] 10' 9.4 8 4.6 <0.2 <0.7
Morishita and Noiii~ira

Kestin and Wood



6 ..i
0.15 M
Kosti6 and Oka [132]
M 3M
Martin [134] 104 10 - 16 0.9 0.3-0.6 E
Mujunidar and Uouglas

Galloway and Sage

c209 1

4 . -5-1 1 . 4

1.3 0
I y a j i arid Tajiina [2443] 10' 6.:< 1.;. R 1% 1 ..i -2 M

'1 11, mass ti,:msfer; 0, opeii-jet tunnel. * Scliniidt. aiid Wenner used Hilpert'h [87] opeii jet. Using Dryderi ef a!.[IGB] and
Bnines and Pet.erson [170]. t3

Range of (Re)o,f Range of T r / T ,

Author Ref. I/D From To From To Exponent q

King [79] 1290-1520 0.06 49 1.36 3.03 0.14-0.21

Hilpert c871 714 33.8 186 1.07 2.74 b

Churchill and Brier ~1091 3 570 5070 0.63 0.75 -0 5 2M

Gosse [112] 102-2430 0.2 655 1.02 2.22 0.126 2
Collis and Williams 0.02 140 1.05 1.50 H
[115] 2070-8660 0.17
Kays and Nicoll P331 4.1 4.2x 103 2 x 104 1.04 1.96 0.2ga -4
Hassan and Dent
c1221 1000
5 .3 24.3 1.06 2.27 0.12a z
~1781 5 50 1.15 2.29 0.17 z00
Hatton et al. C561 96-1190 0.6 45 1.05 1.35 0.154
Davis and Davies c2041 380 0.1 3.4 1.25
0.25. 5
Koch and Gartshore C1331 230 1.2 4.1 -0.67
Andrews et al. El371 -200 0.2 4.6 1.06 1.54 --0.5a
-300 0.2 4.6 1.06 1.54 w-0.1a
>400 0.2 14.7 1.09 2.28 0
Ahmed ~1271 6.7 4 40 0.61 0.83 0.15

a Value deduced by present author from published data.

See Fig. 8.
HEATT H . 4 N S F E R FROM C Y L I N D E R S 239

that Hilpert's results [S7] and some of those of King [79] indicate that q
increascs with increasing values of Tf/T,, as seen in Fig. 8. It is clear from
the preceding discussion that more experimental work is essential before
these interesting effects can be separated and quantified. It should be
noted, however, that the majority of the tests reported in the literature
(see Table IV) were made with values of T f / T , < 1.2, so that corrections
for temperature loading are less than 37,,.


It is found that the convc4vc heat transfer is reduced as the yaw

increascs, i.e., as the angle betwren the fluid stream and the longitudinal
axis of the cylinder is reduced from 90". Most of the published experimental
results have been obtained with fine wires in anemometric studies, see Table
XI. Scars [197] and Jones [I1981have shown that the components of the
flow vdocity normal to and pnmllcl with the cylinder axis are independent

125 1 I I I

1 20






10 12 15 2.0 25 30

Tf 1a'
FIG.8 Variation of trmpmxturc. londtng Fartor with Tr/T. for forced convection.

of each other, and it has been suggested that the normal component of
velocity should be used to calculate the heat transfer. If this is correct, the
ratio (Nu)+/(Nu)+=w should vary only with some function of sin$.
However, this is only true for laminar flow past yawed infinitely long
cylinders; for wires of finit,e length, the effective velocity U is given by:
U2 = Ux2(sinzI) + F2 cos2I)) (14)
where U , is the free-stream velocity and F depends on the aspect ratio
Z/D. Bullock and Bremhorst [196], using the results of Friehe and Schwarz
[193], have proposed the relationship:
F = 0.29 - 0.0045 Z/D (15)
for 200 5 Z/D 5 600. Substituting for U from Eq. (14) into Eq. (7),
(Nu)+ = Cz + Dz{UxD(sin2I) + F2 cos2I))1/2yJpClr)nl (16)

When Cz = 0,

It is seen from Table X I that, when the aspect ratio exceeds 400, the heat
transfer varies with the sine of the angle of attack I), as theory predicts,
except as I) -+ 0, when only the experimental results of Friehe and Schwarz
[193], \vith a free-stream turbulence intensity of O.l%, indicate that this
relationship is still maintained. A11 other experiments have yielded values
for the heat transfer with axial flow equal to approximately 40% of those
with crossflow. Assuming that there were no significant errors in measuring
I), this could be explained by heat conduction to supports; or three-dimen-
sionality in the flow, due to turbulence caused by the supports, vortex
shedding, or turbulence in the free stream. The asymmetry in the axial
temperature distribution [Sl, 121, 2041 and the longitudinal turbulence in
the flow around the yawed cylinder [210, 2381 are of particular importance
in this respect. Bruun [227] has shown that for Z/D > 400, the value of the
yaw factor F is approximately 0.25 with perpendicular supports, but
F -+0 with parallel supports. For Z/D < 400, F decreases with both
increasing aspect ratio and increasing Reynolds number. Ciray [192],
Nishioka C2-191, and Baille [251] also found that F decreases as the Rey-
nolds number increases.


;2I I t hor Ilef. n (In x 10-4) (11e)D.f 1/11

Sine law - - -

King c79 1 1-50 1780

Grimison [I791 - -
Yaglou [IS01 80-7400 -3
Lokshin L-1811 - -
Ornatski [182] - -

Mueller [ti41 2-1 16 j000-2‘2,OOO

Weske [1x31 15-41 2.50
16-49 4 20
Siinmoris ~1x41 1-6 -100
Newman and Leary [IS51 2.9 390
Kronauer [IXO] - -

Kazakevitch [ I OX] 500-3 X 10‘ 11.4

Cherig [:lo] 1300-9400 187
Sandborn and ~1x71 8-190 100
Laurence 270
Zhukauskas - -
Anantari:trayanan and 198-580 3200
Shchitni kov lo4-6 X lo4 -
Webster O(1) 86-14.56
Delleur 1-5 100
Hama - -400
Chu - -
Ciray 2-3 200
Davies and Fisher 10-50 400
Chainpagiie el n l . 5-30 200
Friehe and Srhwarz [I!,:S] 3-150 100
Bruun [194] 0.03-25 400
Kjellstrcm arid Hedberg [ l!$.j] - -
Dickinan [21 I ] - -

Sawatzki p121 - -

J6rgensen p1:31 - ia
Bruun p”] -1-12 200
4 00
Nishioka [249] 1.5-15 600
Baille [a511 0.01-0.3 160-343
TABLE XI-Continued

100 Nu+/Nu+w for given $ (70) From Eq. (18)

Author Ref. 0 10 20 30 40 45 50 cjo 70 75 80 F n1

Sine law 0 70.7 80.2 84.1 87.5 93.1 !Mi. 9 99.2 0 -

King 53 64 - 81 - 91 - - - 0.5
Grimison 50 - - 75 - - - - - -
Taglou 44-53 52-77 - 80-100 - - - - - -
Lokshin - 60 - 81 - 91 96 99 - ~

Ornatski - 60 - 81 - 91 96 99 - -
Mueller 40 - - - - - - - - 0.5
Weske 3345 75 82 - 89 93 97 99 0.1 0.5
35-45 72 82 - 89 94 97 99 0.3 0 5
Simmons 54-60 - - - - - - - - 0.5
Newman and Leary - 72 81 86 88 03 - - 0 0.457
Kronauer - - - - - - - - a 0.5
Kazakevitch - 72 - 86 - 91 - 98 b 0.5
Cheng 48 76 - 88 - -98 - - - -
Sandborn and Laurence 44 73 81 86 87 93 96 98 e

42 77 85 - 90 92 97 98 c c

59 84 a9 - 92 96 97 99 c c

Zhukauskas - 66 78 83 88 93 98 99 - -
Anantanarayanan and 35-45 - - - - - - - 0.729
- - - - - -
Shchitnikov 115 98 98 103
Webster - - - - - - - 0.2 0.5
Delleur 36-45 - - 85 - - 97 - d 0.5
Hama - 73 82 85 89 93 97 99 -
- -
Chu 71 80 84 87 93 97 0 0.5
Ciray - - - - - - - 0.14- -
Davies and Fisher 63 79 - - - 94 - - 0 0.5
Champagne et al. - 73.2 81.5 85.1 88.3 93.4 97.1 99.3 0.22 0.45
70.8 80.4 84.3 87.7 93.2 97.0 99.3 0.1 0.45
70.7 80.2 84.1 87.5 93.1 97.0 99.3 0 0.45
Friehe and Schwars 26 78.4 85.3 88.2 90.7 94.5 97.7 99.4 e 0.45
7 72.7 81.5 85.1 88.3 93.5 97.1 99.3 c 0.45
1 71 .O 80.3 84.2 87.5 93.1 96.9 99.2 e 0.45
Bruun I 0.57.5-0.51
Kjellstronr and Hedberg - - a 0.371-0.57G
Dicknian 37 61 0.4g5
Sawatzkl 64 79 - -
Jergensen - - A-j -
k-m 0.5
Nlshioka 0.155
Raille 0.45

where .4 = 0.42, > - 0 . 2 , c 2 0.21, and D .Y0.14.

d + <20", F = 0.14; "0" _< + 5 900, F = 0.
fsin?++ F 2 ros2 = 1 - ( 1 - sirl1:?+i@(/:D);hence F = 0.29 - O.O043(Z/D) for 200 < 1,/D < 600. [See Billlock and €hem-
horst [1961].
F = 0.44 - 0.035 +.
F = (0,0505 - 0.000 415 y l j ) i ' 2for 36" 5 $ 5 90".
h P = 0.17 + +
0.0043 $ for 20 _< _< 90" and 1/D = 18 (deduced by present author). ti
i F = 0.14 + 0.0042 $ for 15 5 $ 5 90" and 1/D = 250 (deduced by present author). $
i F = 0.08 + 0.0021 $ for 1 5 _< $ _< 90" and Z/D = 600 (deduced by present author).
k F = 0.22, 0.20, 0.17 for ( R e ) ~ ,rr f 1, 2, 6, respectively (parallel supports); F = 0.43, 0.40, 0.35, 0.31 for (Re)D,('v 1, 2, 6, 12,
respectively (perpendicular supports) ; 1/D = 200.
F = 0.18, 0.13, 0.05, 0 for (1le)o.r5 1, 2 , fi, 12, respectively iparallel suppork); F = 0.26, 0.28, 0.27, 0.25 for ( I l e ) D . f 'u 1, 2, (i,
12, respectively (perperidic'ular supports) ; 1/1) = 400.
"'F = 0.03, 0.03, 0 f ( ~ r( I l e ~ , , A 1, 2, ti, 12, reipertively (parallel supports); F = 0.25, 0.26, 0.24, 0.28 for (1te)u.r 5 I , 2, 6, 12,
respectively (perpendirulnr siippnrts) ; 1/13= (i00.
n F = 0.94 - 0.8 log (Ite),j,f(deduced by present author).
F = 0.3 exp( -//400L>) + + {1

-0.3exp(-Z/4000) + + 11

22(Iie)D,rJ-'. *

IV. Combined Natural and Forced Convection

At high Reynolds numbers, the heat transfer occurs mainly by the

process of forced convection but, as the Reynolds number decreases, the
contribution due to natural convection becomes significant.
I n the past, there has been confusion over how to calculate the Nusselt
number when both natural and forced modes of convection are prcsent. For
examplc, McAdams [31] suggested that the heat transfers be calculatcd
separately and the higher value used. On the other hand, van der Heggc
Zijncn [ 3 5 ] proposed that the vectorial sum of thc Nusselt numbers with
thc two modcs bc used. However, both these methods can result in con-
siderable error, and approaches based on thc resultant flow vclocity, e.g.,
those by Hatton et al. [SS] and Borner [199], have led to greater success.
Following these workws, wc consider that an equivalent Reynolds number
(Rc*) for natural convection is found by equating the Nussclt numbers for
natural and forced flows; from Eqs. (3) and (6),

wherek = { ( B 1 / D 1(l’r)T-p]l’nl
) = { (B,/D,) (Pr)r’)l!nl (for air, Pr = 0.7).
Values for B1,D2,ml,and nl arc given in Tables I1 and VIII. The exponcnt
p for the I’randtl number is usually taken as 0.3. For simplicity, we now
omit the subscripts D and f. Let the direction of forced flow be a t a n angle 4
with the vertical dirc\ction of thc natural flow. The lattcr will be upward
when thc cylinder is warmer than its surroundings, and downward when it
is cooler. The effectivcl Reynolds number for the combincd flow is given by
(Re)& = {Re* + R c c 0 s 4 ) ~+ (20)
= (Re*)2+ 2(Ite*) (Rc) cos9 + ( R C ) ~ (21)
Thc total heat transfer is now found by using (Re),ff in place of
in Table VIII.
Wc first considcr the boundary between pure natural convection and
mixed convection. WP define thc limiting Grashof number (Gr) lim as that
valuc of the Grashof number at which the total effcctivc Nusselt number
NU)^^^ is 100 8% grvatcr than the Nussclt number corresponding to pure

natural convection alonc~,( N u ) N ;100 6 is usually taken t o be 5 5 . Then


W h m the forced flow aids t h r b natural flow.,d, = 0", hence,

I<(%*= I<(./[ ( 1 + 6 ) l ' n - 11 (24)

( G r ) llrn = [li(~/li((1 + S)l/n I
- 1 lnlm (25)
When the forced Ao\v opposcs thc natural flow, d, = 180", hence,
It(.* = Itrx/[ (1 ++ 11
6)lin (26)
(Gr),,,,, = [Irtb/lk{ (I + + l)]n/m (27)
With rrossflow, d, = 90", so that
RP* = Ii(h/j ( I + S)?'" - 1I (28)
( G r )I,,,, = [licb/k( ( I + 6)?ln - I 1 1 l/* n/m (29)
It can be seen that the liiniting Grashof number for d, = 90" is the
harmonic mean of the limiting Cirashof numbers for d, = 0" and d, = 180".
Equations for t h r limiting Gr:ishof numhclrs for various ranges of Rayleigh
and Reynolds numbers are givcri in Table XII.
We now considm t hc boundary Iwtween pure forced convection and
mixed convwtion. Wc d&ne t l i lirniting
~ Reynolds number (Re)I , , ~ ,as that
value of the Reynolds numbcr for which the total effective Nussr:lt number
is 100 6% greater than the Nusselt number corresponding to pure forced
convection alone, (Nu)F; 100 6 is usiially given the value 576. Then


(Gr Pr)o, t (Relo r 0" 90 O 180"

From To From TO k m/ri n/m A4 Rc A4 B4 '4 4 B*

10-10 10-2 10- 4 x 10-3 102 0.648 1.54 1.30 X low3 141 4.69 X 72.7 1.69 X 37.5
4 X 9 X 10-2 3.18 0.426 2.34 0.477 7.36 0.0629 3.10 8.28 X 1.31
9 x 10-2 1 0.506 0.207 4.83 8.04 X lo4 2.66 221 0.784 0.607 0.231 2
4 x 10-3 9 x 10-2 52.2 1.09 0.919 0.0571 121 0.0258 51.0 0.0117 21.5
10-2 102
9 x 10-2 1 1.97 0.529 1.89 6.38 10.4 0.633 3 .05 0.0628 0.900
1 35 1.67 0.385 2.59 47.4 12.3 1.33 3.10 0.0370 0.781
102 104 9 x 10-2 1 0.977 0.671 1.49 12.2 5.13 1.99 1..51 0.322 0.446
1 35 1.00 0.490 2.04 59.4 7.38 3.55 1.86 0.212 0.468 a
35 5 X lo3 1.93 0.399 2.51 49.4 17.7 1.21 4.03 0.0296 0.916
104 107 1 35 0.213 0.651 1.54 232 1.57 27.9 0.396 3.35 0,0998
35 5 X lo3 0.548 0.531 1.88 202 5.02 12.4 1.14 0.762 0.260
5 x 103 5 x 104 .5.57 0.395 2.53 7.70 69.5 0.125 13.6 2.02 X 2.68
107 1012 3,s 5 X lo3 0.0296 0.707 1.41 3330 0.271 411 0.0616 50.6 0.0140
5 X lo3 5 X lo4 0.635 0.526 1.90 288 7.92 13.0 1.55 0.590 0.305
5 X lo4 2 X 105 7.82 0.409 2.44 5.91 127 0.0813 21.9 1.12X 3.79

a (Gr)o,f.lim= Ad(Re)g'T [see Eqs. (25), (27), and (29), 6 = 0.051; (Re)D,f,lim= &(Gr);!; [see Eqs. (33), (35), and (37), 6 =

When thc forced flow aids the natural flow, 4 = O", hence,

(Re) = Re*/[ ( 1 + 6)1'n - 11

( R v ) ~ , , ,=, [k((:r)m/n]/[(l + 6)1'n - 11
When the forced flow opposcs the. natural flow, 4 = 180";hence,

Re = lCP"/[( 1 + 6 ) l / n + 11

(1Ic)llln= [ l , ( t ~ r ) m / ~ ~ ] / [ ( l6)1'n + 11
With crossflow, 4 = 90") so that

(I<(.) = RP*/{(l + 6)2/" - I)"'

( 1 1 ~I,,,,) = [ A ( ( :r) m/7L]/ { ( 1 + 6)z/n - 1 ]I/?

Theoretical and expcrimc~ntalva1uc.s of thc limiting I t c y ~ d d snumber

with 6 = 0.05 arr comp:irrd in 14g, !I for 4 = O", 90") and 180". Thcrc is
secn t o bc good agrctc\mciit for 4 = 90", but poorer agreemait for 4 = 0"
and 4 = 180". It is clrar that t l w quadratic relationship brtwwn (Re)llm
and G r proposcd by Sparrow n i i d Grrgg [203] is only an approximation.
This fact has also l i w n notcd b y Sharni:t and Sukhatnic [201].
An iiitcwsting CBSP is that of n horizontal circular cylindcr vibrating in a
vertical plane. Thcx cquivalvnt Itc.ynolds number due to thv vibration,
(R(3)v31,)then acts altcmmtcly in the dirclctions 4 = 0" and 4 = 180" with
resprct to thr cqiiivalcnt Rcbyriolcls niiinbcr for pure natural convection,
He*. Thr rffcctivci I<c.ynoldsiiunilwr is givm by

Thc limiting valuc. of thc~vihrat ion Rcyiolds number is given by Eq. ( 3 7 ) .

This rrsult could RISO h a v ~
l m k i t o1)tainrd by taking thc 1i:irmonic niean of
the liniiting valuvs with 4 = 0" mid 4 = 180" from Eqs. ( 3 3 ) and ( 3 5 ) ,
rcspcictivcly. It is swn from Pig. !Id that there is rrasonablt. agreement
bctw(w thcwetir:il :md cxpc.riiricnta1 rvsults for this caw. Equations for
the limiting Reynolds numbrr for various rangcs of Raylrigh and Reynolds
nunibrr arc given i n Tahlc XII.

Iheorelical / R e ) ,,T theoretical

it1 (dl

FIG.9. Comparison M w e e n experimental and calculated values of the limiting Rey-

nolds number with mixed convection:
x Martinclli and Boeltcr [19], water 0 Collis and JVilliams [115], air
V Mason and Boelter [ZO], air Oosthuieen and Madan [129], air
v Deavrr et al. [44], n a k r 0 Shine [ZOO], air
A Penney and Jeffrrsori [55], water A Sharma and Sukhatme [201], air
and ethylene glycol
0 Hatton el al. [56], sir # Oosthuizen and Madan [202], air
+ Gebhart and Pera [SS], air and (3 Fand and Keswani [236], water

The ratio between the effective Nusselt number with mixed convection
t o that with forced convection alone is as follows:

FIG.10. Coinparison bet,wcen eup~~riinrrital

and calculated effectivr Nrisselt numbers
for mixed convection, 9 = 90":

1 Eq. (41), stir

2 1)ata of Sharmn and Siikhatiric [20l], air.
3 1)nt:z of Oosthuiatm and M ~ d , i i i[202], air.
4 Eq. (41), watw
5 Fand and Keswani'b [236] 15q (17) (ZOIW 2), water.
6 F:md and Keswaiii's [236] rkl (25) (zone 4), water.
0 Laminar bouiidary l q w , data of Fnnd and Keswani [236], water.
0 Srparated boundary layer, datn of Fnnd and Keswani [236], water.

Experimental results for crossflow of air and water, i.e., with 4 = go”,
are compared with curves derived from Eq. (41) in Fig. 10. It is seen that
agrecment is fairly good. It is interesting to note that the two flow regimes
noted by Fand and Iicswani [236], which they called the “laminar bound-
ary layer” and the “separated boundary layer,” do not produce very
different effective heat transfers for equal values of G r / ( n ~ ) ~ .
There is poorer agrecment between measured and calculated values of
heat transfer with parallel flow ( 4 = 0”) and even worse agreement with
counterflow ( 4 = 180”). Fand and Keswani [236] suggest that this may
be due to the complcx secondary flows caused by the walls of the wind

V. Conclusions

It has been shown that the wide dispersion in the published experimental
data for tht. heat transfrr from smooth circular cylinders by natural and
forced convection can be attributed to various factors associatrd with the
experiments. The error due to heat conduction to the supports is particu-
larly important with natural convection, especially where the heat loss and
the temperature rise of the cylinder are calculated from the voltage drop
across it. This error can be corrected with the use of Eq. ( 4 ) .
There is insufficient information in many papers to estimate the possible
error in measuring the trmperaturc of the surface of the cylinder. Hou-evcr,
the precautions requircid when thermocouples are used ought to be \wll
A common cause of (wor is the use of too small a space ratio, so that the
temperature and velocity fields are distorted. To reduce this error to less
than lx, the space ratio D c / D for natural convection or D T / D for forced
convection, should c.xceed 100. The error caused by blockage with wind-
tunnrl measurements can be calculated from Eq. (10) or Eq. (12) de-
pending on the type of tunnel.
One of the greatest sources of error with forced convection is the failure
to allow for the effect of stream turbulence, as seen from Table IX. This
error can be computed from Eq. (13) or Fig. 6.
The effect of temperature loading depends on the type of Convection.
With natural convection, and when the Nusselt number is based on the
mean film temperature, there is no evidence for its variation with tempera-
ture for constant Rayleigh number. On the other hand, with forced con-
vection, the Nusselt number increases with (Tf/T,) for constant Reynolds

number. The exponent q is not known precisely, but is about 0.17. However
q appears to decrease with increasing Reynolds number and may increase
H E A T T R A N S F E R FROM C Y L I N D E R S 25 1

with increasing T J T , . It also pussib1y dccrcascs with dccreasing aspect

ratio, 1/D. I n most of the cxprrimrntal work described in th r literature,
T r / T ,did not exccrd 1.2, so that the correction for temppraturc loading is
less than 37,. Th r rffrcts of drafts with natural convcction tests, and
natural convcction during forccd ronvwtion tests a t low Reynolds numbers,
arc often overlookrd. Equations arc' givrn in Section I V for calculating the
total heat transfer in both caws. The limiting Grashof and Reynolds
numbers, which depend on thc rcllativc ranges of the two numbers, may be
determined from Table XI1 for horizontal smooth circular cylinders in air.
Inclination t o thc horizontal, in th r case of natural convection, or yaw,
in tho case of forcrd eonvwtion, introduces an axial component of flow,
leading t o thickening of tho boundary layer and a decrease in heat transfer.
With natural convcction, thc Nussrlt and Rayleigh numbers can be corre-
lated on thr basis of the vertical dirnrnsion, i.e., diameter D for a horizontal
cylinder, D/cos a for a cylindvr inclinrd a t angle a and height H for a
vertical cylindcr. With forccd convcction, the Nussclt numbrr is only
proportional t o the sinc of thr anglc of attack 9 for sufficiently large values
of the aspect ratio Z/D. For loww values of Z/D, turbulcnce and vorticity
caused by the supports upset this proportionality by introducing three-
dimensionality into the flow.
Improved correlations arc givcln for the variation of the Nusselt number
with t h r Rayleigh and Reynolds numbers for natural and crossflow forced
convection respectively in air.


Constmtq (with nurncwcd 1 Length (m)

subsrript) m, n Constants (nitlh numerical
Constants subscript)
Specifir hrat capacity nt con- Nu Nusselt number, hDX?
stant pressure (joulcs kg-' P Constant
K-1) Pr Prandtl number, cpX-'
CD I h g corfiricnt Q Exponent (see Figs. 7 and 8)
D 1)iarnetc.r (m) Iln Rayleigh number, D388gcy2.
e Base of natural logarit hnis
Reynolds number, UDyc(-'
F See Eq. (14) Effective Reynolds number
9 Acceleration due to gravity [see Eq. (19b) 1
(msec-a) T Thermodynamic temperature
Grashof number, DJfIBgy2c(-2
Heat transfrr corffiricnt Tu
Turbulence intensity, u / U
(watts m-* K-1) U Root-mean-square velocity
H Height (m) fluctuation in direction of
k See Eq. (19c) flow (msec-l)

U Mean velocity in direction of

flow (msec-1)
+ Anglc relative to direction of
natural flow (degrees)
1c. Angle of attack (degrees)

(1 Angle of inclinat,ion relative
to horizont,al (degrees) a Ambient
P Temperatmure coefficient of C Chamber
volumetric expansion crit Critical
(K-1) D 1)iamctcr
Y I)ensity (kgm-3) eff EfIective
6 Defined in Eqs. (22)and (30) f Film
e Temperat#urerise (OK) H Height
x Thermal contluctivity (watts lim Limiting
m-l K-I
1 m Mean
A Scale of turbulrnce (m) S Surface
1 Ilynamic viscosity (Nsrnp2) T Tunnel
V Kinemat,ic viscosity (m2 vib Vibration
scc-1) m Free stream

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It should be noted lhat Boulos and Pei [234] found that the overall heat transfer in
turbulent flow was 10-20:; higher with the constant heat flux condition than with the
constant wall temperature condition for 3 x lo3 5 (Re)o,r 5 lo4and 0.01 5 T u 5 0.06.
Most of the experimental data in the literature have been obtained using the constant
wall temperature condition

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