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11th English – Study Material

British English_ American English:
1.Biscuits cookies 18.Ground floor First floor.
2.Chemist druggist. 19.Annual holiday Vacation.
3.Chips French fries. 20.Taxi cab.
4.Lift elevator. 21.Luggage baggage.
5.Goods freight. 22.Mobile phone cell phone.
6.Flat apartment. 23.Nappy diaper.
7.Lorry truck. 24.Petrol gasoline.
8.Maize corn. 25.Post mail.
9.Terminus depot. 26.Tap Faucet
10.Porridge oat meal. 27.Tin can.
11.Sweet candy. 28.Underground subway.
12.Terminus depot. 29.Railway railroad.
13.Lawyer attorney. 30.Pavement side walk.
14.Wardrobe closet. 31.Aerial antenna.
15.Autumn fall. 32.Postal code zip code.
16.Crisps potato chips. 33.Football soccer.
17.Film movie. 34.Airplane aeroplane

Clipped Word:
1.Spectacles Specs. 19.Handkerchief Kerchief
2.Telephone phone. 20.Helicopter copter.
3.Examination Exam 21.Mathematics maths.
4.Influenza flu. 22.Television tele.
5.Advertisement Ad 23.University varsity.
6.Demonstration Demo 24.Fanatic fan.
7.Laboratory Lab 25.Hamburger burger.
8.Aeroplane plane. 26.Signature sign.

9.Microphone mike. 27.Caravan van.

10.Refrigerator fridge. 28.Market mart.
11.Automobile Auto 29.Representative rep.
12.Omnibus bus. 30.Cellular phone Cell.
13.Memorandum Memo 31.Kilogram kilo.
14.Photograph Photo 32Discotheque disco.
15.Gentlemen gents. 33.Suitcase case.
16.Demarcate mark. 34.Viva-voce viva.
17.Fountain pen pen. 35.Perambulator pram.
18.Gymnasium Gym. 36.Taxicab Taxi.
Blended Word:
1.Motel motorway + hotel 12.Infomercial information+commercial
2.Telecast television+broadcast 13.Netizen internet+citizen
3.Interpol international + police 14.Infotainment information+entertainment
4.Electrocute electro + execute. 15.Blog web + log
5.Moped motor + pedal cycle. 16.Docudrama documentary + drama.
6.Mobike motor +bike. 17.Edutainment education + entertainment
7.Travelogue travel + catalogue. 18.Edusat education + satellite.
8.Telex teleprinter+ exchange 19.Heliport helicopter + airport.
9.Bit binary + digit. 20.Lecdem lecture + demonstration.
10.Newscast news + broadcast. 21.Internet international + network.
11.Brunch breakfast + lunch 22.Medicare medical + care.
23.Smog smoke + fog.
Foreign Word:
1.Bona fide genuine.
2.In Toto totally.
3.En masse as a whole group.
4.resume summary
5.Adieu Good bye

6.Sine die without a date being fixed.

7.Status quo the situation or state of affairs as it is now
8.rapport a close relationship in which people understand each other very well.
9.liasion coordination of activities
10.Viva-voce Spoken examination
11.Ad hoc for a particular purpose only.
12.Prima facie at first sight;as it seems at first.
13.In camera in a private;secret session;not in public.
14.Via media middle course; a compromise between two extremes.
15.Bon voyage saying good bye and wishing good luck.
16.Ex Gratia given as a favor though there is no legal obligation.

Phrasal Verb:
1.Put up with tolerate. 9.Engage in be busy with.
2.Quarrel with oppose. 10.Hunt down seize after a chase.
3.Broke out started suddenly. 11.Melt away disappear.
4.Cope with adjust. 12.Hand down give; delivered.
5.Figure out find out. 13.Nose around interfere unnecessarily
6.Counting on depend. 14.Revert to to go back to.
7.Bag off pack in to a bag. 15.Hang around move with no aim; loiter near.
8.Cave in collapse 16.Argue into persuade someone to agree.
Compound word
1.dream world Noun + Noun 19.easy going Adjective + gerund
2.bed time Noun + Noun 20.sports man Noun + Noun
3.rabbit hole Noun + Noun 21.out patient Adverb + Noun
4.chess men Noun + Noun script Adverb +Noun
5.cork screw Noun + Noun 23.upset Adverb + Verb
6.sun dial Noun + Noun 24.sea food Noun + Noun
7.wonder land Adjective + Noun 25.wash out Verb + Adverb

8.knee deep Noun + Adjective light Noun + Noun

9.crafts man Noun + Noun Adjective + Noun
10.insight Adverb + Noun print Adjective + Noun
11.looking glass Adjective + Noun 29.home work Noun + Verb
12.pale blue Adjective + Adjective 30.over take Adverb + Verb man Noun + Noun 31.afternoon Preposition + Noun
14.motor cycle Noun + Noun 32.out sourcing Adverb + gerund
15.dreamy eyed Adjective + Participle 33.good looking Adjective + Gerund
16.honey bee Noun + Noun 34.shabby looking Adjective + Gerund dream Adverb + Noun 35washingmachine Gerund + Noun
18.long awaited Adjective + participle 36.curious looking Adjective + Gerund

Synonyms: 13.region domain

1.preferred Chose 14.enough sufficient
2.brilliant Outstanding 15.firmly emphatically
3.obvious apparent 16.affected grieved
4.grit determination 17.knack ability
5.immense great 18.superficial depthless
6.plea request 19.quaint old-fashioned / strange
7.forfeit to lose 20.congenial friendly / pleasant
8.suffice be enough 21.toils hardwork
9.beseech implore/ beg 22.prosperity affluence
10.confiscate take away 23.laurels rewards
11.jostle push 24.initiate begin
12.angry irritated 25.evolve develop
1.capture free 15.shirks toils
2.majestic humble 16.advance outstanding
3.awe disrespect 17.abominable desirable / pleasant

4.sudden gradual 18.stimulate discourage

5.reluctant eager 19.controversies agreement
6.temporal spiritual 20.admiration contempt
7.mitigate increase 21.horrified delighted.
8.strict lenient 22.abundant scarce
9.alter fix 23.enhanced reduced
10.impugn acquit 24.ignited extinguished
11.claimed countered 25.initiate end
12.soaked parched 26.resent welcome
13.cemented breached 27.retaliation submission
14.innocent culprit
Explain the following with reference to the context:
Poem:Sonnet No.116 marriage,love,alters,remove,mark,shaken,bark,height,
Poet :William Shakespeare

Poem: Is life but a dream boat,dreamily,July,three,eye,tale,sunny,die,phantom,Alice,

Poet :Lewis Carroll merry,end
Poem : Be the best pine,scrub,bush,highway,bass,crew,something,bigwork,
Poet :Douglas Malloch
Poem :o captain my captain trip,prize,bells,vessel,heart,red,deck,dead,flag,ribbon,father,fffa
Poet :Walt Whitmen
Poem :Off to outer space countdown,helmet,telephone,space,clock,switch,sleepy,
tomorrow morning letters,friend,gaol,teacups,television,telescope,damn,
Poet :Norman Nicholson
Poem :Solitary Reaper field,lass,singing,pass,cuts,sings,listen,sound,nightingale,
Poet :William Wordsworth numbers,unhappy,lay,todaypain,sang,song,mounted,music,
Idioms: a big way on a large scale
2.thick and fast in large numbers

3.make ends meet manage with the money

4.matter of concern something to worry about
5.a clean slate a past record without discredit close quarters very near the helm in charge
8.break even making no profit or loss
9.fair and square in a fair way
10.loud and clear very clearly and by as time goes by short supply scarce
13.once and for all finally
14.a drop in the ocean a small contribution
15.a stone's throw a short distance away (or ) close by deep waters in serious trouble.
17.the burning question the most important problem of the momenby


1.ATM Automated Teller Machine.

2.CLRI Central Leather Research Institute.
3.IIT Indian Institute Of Technology.
4.CVRDE Combat Vehicle Research And Development Establishments.
5.USA United States of America.
6.UK United Kingdom.
7.ISRO Indian Space Research Organization.
8.GATT General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs.
9.CPU Central Processing Unit.
10.UPS Uninterrupted power supply.
11.CD Compact Disc.

12.AVADI Armed Vehicles and Ammunition Depot of India.

13.LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissions of Radiation.
14.RADAR Radio Detection and Ranging.
15.NASA National Aeronautics and Space Admit istration. Goods and service Tax
16.GST Goods and Service Tax.


1.-mania mental illness.

2.Kleptomania strong desire to steal.
3.Bibliomania craze for books.
4.Fratricide killing of brother.
5.Pyromania a strong desire to set fire to things.
6.Squandermania a craze to spend money wastefully.
7.-phobia unknown fear of something.
8.Hydrophobia fear of water.
9.Claustrophobia fear of enclosed space.
10.Acrophobia fear of heights.
11.Xenophobia fear of strangers.
12.Agaraphobia fear of being in public places where there are many other people.
13.Pessimist always expects bad things to happen.
14.Optimist one who is always hopeful.
15.Insecticide something used to kill insects.
16.Regicide killing a member of royal family.
17.Anglophobia fear of using English.
18.Dipsomania strong desire of alcoholic dri nks.
19.Ornithologist one who studies birds.

20.Entomologist one who studies insects

21.Archeologist one who studies ancient cultures by analyzing the physical remains.
22.Pathologist one who studies diseases.
23.Musicologist one who studies music.
24.Sinologist one who studies China.
25.Teetotaller one who abstains from alchohol.
26.Philanthropist one who performs charitable actions.
27.Misanthrope one who dislikes mankind.
28.Octogenarian one who is between80 and 90 years.
29.Polyglot one who speaks many languages.
30.Hedonist one who goes in pursuit of pleasure.
31.Misogynist one who hates women
32.Pugilist one who is fond of fighting.
33._cide killing.
34.Suicide killing of self.
35.Homicide killing of another person.
36.Genocide. killing of people.
37.Patricide killing of father.
38.Matricide killing of mother.
39.Infanticide killing of infants.
40.Megalomania one has exaggerated belief in ones importance.

Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer the questions given below:
1.What is the ever fixed mark mentioned here? True Love
2.Which is the star referred to here? Pole star
3.What is Time compared to here? Harvester
4.What happens to rosy lips and cheeks? Turn pale and become wrinkled
5.Whom does the word 'his' refer to? Time

6.What is the edge of doom? Last judgment

7.What is the poets vow?
8.What is the reaper doing? Cutting and binding the grain.
9.What is melancholy strain? Sad song
10.Whose song is compared to the nightingales song? Reaper's song.
11/What does shady haunt mean? Oasis in the desert
12.What is Hebrides? Group of islands
13.What breaks the silence of the seas? Voice of the cuckoo bird
14.What was the reapers song probably about? About some old wars
15.What is the music referred to? Reapers song
16.Explain Highland lass. Scotland, lass__girl
17.Whose voice was thrilling? Reapers voice.
18.How does the boat move? Very gently and slowly
19.When did the boat ride take place? July evening.
20.Who are the children mentioned here? Alice ,Lorina,Edith
21.Which was the simple tale they were eager to hear? Alice Adventures In Wonderland
22/Who haunts the poet? Alice
23.What is a phantom? Ghost
24.What does the poet say about our life? Only a dream
25.What is time compared to? Drifting stream that flows on and on.
26.What is meant by mans little day? Mans short life.
27.What is the silent end? Death
28.What is a pine? Tall forest tree.
29.What is a scrub? Small bush
30.What is a highway?
31.What is a muskie? Large game fish.
32.What is a bass? Edible Fish.
33.Who is the captain referred to? Abraham Lincoln
34.What is the prize won?

35.What does ship stands for in this poem? United States of America.
36.What happened to its captain? Assassinated.
37.Who is the dear father referred to here? Abraham Lincoln
38.Whose arm is beneath the captains head? The poet's arm
39.What does 'ship is anchor's safe and sound' signify? United States of America is safe and
40.What is the fearful trip? American Civil War.
41.Why is the poet mournful? Because the President lies dead before him.
42.What do the words "the bleeding drops o red" represent?Lincoln's bleeding wound and the
poet's wounded heart.

Class:11(study materials)

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