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After doing the tourist brouchure, answer individually:

1. which are the abiotic factors of your ecosystem? Be specific.

The main abiotic factors are: temperature, light and humidity.
2. Which are the biotic factors of your ecosystem? Be specific

3. How do you say the group of abiotic factors? And biotic factors?

4. Do your ecosystem have diversity of species?

The fauna of the Amazon is very varied and in it we can find approximately a total
of 643 species.

5. Do your ecosystem have abundance of species?

They have , 326 are birds, 185 are fish, 67 are mammals, 37 are amphibians and 28
are reptiles

6. What is the dominant species? The most dominant species in the

Amazon rainforest are trees
7. Find an example of the next intraspecific relationships in your
a. Family: the monkey and Dolphyn

Society: how can the amazon parrot be

hummingbirds and hippos

8. Find an example of the next interspecific relationships in your

Mutualism: insects and birds (hummingbirds for example), which in exchange for
spreading the pollen from flower to flower, feed on the nectar they produce

Commensalism: The woodpecker, which bores certain trees to build its nest
Competitive relationship: the cheetah and the hyena compete for the
same prey.

Predation: The anaconda with rats and birds

9. Create a food chain with arrows showing the trophic levels of your
ecosystem, with concretes examples.

The butterfly eats the grass, the frog the butterfly, the serpent the frog, the eagle the
serpent and the jaguar eats the Eagle

10. Give two examples of your ecosystem of

Producers: the trees that make photosynthesis and manufacture their own
food and lianas

Primary consumers: buffalo and gorilla

Secondary consumers: jaguar and raccoon

Tertiary consumers: tiger and cougar

11. What are the main adaptations of the animals and plants of your
ecosystem? Explain 5 examples of every kingdom.

Kingdom monera: bacteria acinetobacter

Reino protista: amoeba este microorganismo tiene una gran adaptabilidad al agua
y el hecho de vivir en diferentes climas se ha mantenido vivo

Reino de los hongos: oudemansiella

Reinio de las plantas:h.brasiliensuis: se desarrolla en bosques con altas
temperaturaturas y un gradio de humedad muy elevado se encuentra debajo
del dorser forestar

Reino de los animales:kaiman latirostris se encuentra en la selva ya que

esta tiene un ambiente cálido y húmedo, lleno de presas de las cuales se

12. What is the most important natural environmental impact in

your ecosystem?

The most important impact of the Amazon rainforest is the felling of trees

13. What is the most important anthropic enviromental impact in your


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