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Organizational goals:

Goal 1:
The goal of the organization is to save and make better the environment of South Florida.
As the outreach company is mainly responsible for creating the awareness about the
environment in the region of South Florida and make efforts to preserve its environment and
make it sustainable.
Objective 1:
To seek the support of businesses and citizens of Dada and Broward counties
As the first objective of the organization is to seek support from the businesses overall
doing operations in the South Florida and the citizens or society members because the
preservation of environment Is not possible without them.
Measurable 1:
Number of businesses and citizens participating in preserving the environment.
The measurable for this objective is that we should measure that to how many businesses
and citizens we are reaching and seeking their support.
Objective 2:
To reach to maximum communities through outreach program.
The first goal of the organization can be achieved by initiating the outreach programs
which will reach to the local community to aware them about the environment and seek their
Measurable 2:
Number of communities we have reached through the outreach program
The impact of the second objective of the goal can be measured by counting the number
of local communities we have reached through the outreach program and made them aware about
the environment.
Goal 2:
Teach the partners i-e businesses, citizens and local communities about the environment
preservation methods.
The second goal of the organization is that they have to teach their partners that what
measures they should take in order to preserve the environment and make it sustainable.
Objective 1:
To teach how to utilize native plants and plant more of them.
The first objective is to teach them the methods to utilize the plants that are available and
also teach them the methods through which they can grow more plants.
Measurable 1:
Number of native plants planted in the area.
Objective 2:
To teach how to reduce the extra energy consumption in the area.
The second objective is to teach the partners that what measure they should take to
reduce the consumption of the energy which is not needed.
Measurable 2:
Measure the total energy consumption of the area.
The measure to this objective is to measure the total consumption of the area and to make
sure that the consumption has been reduced.
Objective 3:
To teach how the wastage of water could be prevented.
As water is one of the scarcest resources these days so to teach that how can the extra and
wasteful consumption of water can be reduced will be one of the important objective.
Measurable 3:
Calculate and measure the total water consumption of the area.
The measure to satisfy the objective would be to measure the total consumption of the
water and to make sure that the extra and wasteful consumption of water has been decreased.
Sally’s Goal and Objectives:

Goal 1:
To coordinate projects that go into low-income neighbourhoods that are aimed to save the
The first of sally does links to the first goal of organization which was to preserve the
natural environment.
Objective 1:
To buy back the abandoned buildings in the area of South Florida.
Measurable 1:
Number of abandoned buildings bought back in the area
Objective 2:
Turn the land into nature preserves and parks for local residents.
Measurable 2:
Number of land and buildings turned in to natural preserves and parks.

Goal 2:
Bring the organizational project to the life.
The second goal of sally is linked with the second goal of the organization in way that all
the projects that organization will like reaching to the people and communities sally will bring
them to the life.
Objective 1:
To get permit and approvals for all the projects.
Measurable 1:
Number of permits and approvals granted.
Objective 2:
Coordinating contractors to do the work for the projects.
Measurable 2:
Number of conflicts and issues arising from the contractors.
Performance review for Sally.

Sally is one of most efficient employee of the organization. She completes the tasks
which are assigned to her very efficiently like she is responsible for bringing different projects of
the organization to the life by seeking the permissions and grants for the projects, coordinating
the work of the contractors and purchasing the necessary equipment’s for the project. Sally’s
tasks, duties and responsibilities also support the organizations goal and missions like she buy
back the abandoned buildings and turn them in to the natural preserves and public parks.

There are also some areas of improvement in Sally like she does lacks the communication
skills which are very much critical for performing this job. She is not able to clearly
communicate to the local public and community about the organizational plans for the
environmental preservation and the initiative taken so the end result is that the community and
people are not participating in the whole process and they do not take the benefit from the
organization initiated projects like the natural preserves and parks. Sally needs to work on her
communication skills so that she could contribute more in making organizational projects and

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