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Course: Environmental Planning & Practice


Assignment: 02 Semester:
Spring,2021 M.Sc Sustainable Environmental Design
Submitted To: Prof Dr.Farooq Sb .
Submitted By: Muhammad Khuram Ishaq
Roll Number:CE535140
ASSIGNMENT No. 2 has two parts.

Part 1 comprising of Community Service.

Part 2 consists of a practical activity which students have to perform during the
workshop session.

I am going to discuss Part-1 Community service

 Community service is a great way to help others and improve your

community, and it can also help you gain skills and experience.
Community service is work done by a person or group of people that
benefits others. It is often done near the area where you live, so your
own community reaps the benefits of your work.

 Awareness rising at school/college level about local environmental

problems. Review school practices in waste reduction and energy use.
Reach out to a school and provide them with assistance and advice on
how to green their school.

Following are the guidelines for community work at school/college level:

a) Select a school/college.
b) Get permission from authorities/Principal
c) Chalk out the work plan (how the community work would be structured)
d) Identify the objectives
e) A short description of the chosen community work
f) Target audience and learning outcomes
g) Interviews to review the existing practices regarding resource
conservation and waste reduction
h) Develop some activities for staff
i) Develop some activities for students
j) Photographs to be taken to support step by step the community work
k) Final report submission
a). Select a school/college.

First step was to select a School/College for community work in area. So I have selected
because I use to live at mangla so this school/ college is best for my community work and
stay update from day to day activities regarding betterment of environment and resources
Location Of Selected School

Selected school/ IC is located at left bank of river Jhelum on downstream of Mangla dam in
Wapda Colony Mangla, located at 12 km drive from city dina, Jhelum on dina mirpur road.

This is Google map image of location showing location of the Selected

b).Get permission from authorities/Principal

2nd step was to get permission from Authorities/ Principal of selected college, so I
approached him and arranged a meeting with respected principal and discussed about my
community work in detail and discussed few objectives including outcomes of community
work and finally he agreed to give permission for community work.
After briefing he was satisfied and happy about my community work plan.
c).Chalk out the work plan
(how the community work would be structured)
Next step was to make a work plan about community work and how to do that community
work, so I have structured it out in following sequence

 First of all I will visit school and talk to principal about my community work and get
their views regarding my proposed community work

 Then I will thoroughly visit all areas of school to get review of their practice about
waste /garbage production, Collection , disposal , conservation of resources and
environment protection

 Then I will try to figure out flaws and loop holes in existing practice of waste
/garbage Collection, disposal , conservation of resources i/c environment protection.

 Then I will try to convince/ motivate teachers for resource conservation,

environmental protection less production of waste and proper disposal of generated
waste by talking to them and discussing environmental issues in detail including
solution of all these issues.

 After that I will start work on students , teach them how to produce less waste,
reuse , proper collection of waste generated, proper disposal of waste, how to
preserve and improve mother nature by giving them awareness lectures and starting
awareness complain in school for students. Awareness of students is very necessary
because these students are our future generation and few years they are going to
lead, so that they can play a positive part in betterment of our mother nature and

 Then we will do some plantation for motivation of students to make our mother land
more clean and green.

 Then I will pursue whether my work have done a good impact on environment or
not. And I will try to adopt better solution to tackle with all environmental issues.

d). Identify the objectives

Objectives of community works are awareness of Teachers, students and staff about
following issues and problems and ways to resolve these issues and problems and to protect
human being and animals including plants from adverse effects of pollution, De forestation,
resources conservation etc.
1. To aware the people. 
The main objective of community work is working to make the people aware
from various problems in a community. It helps them to provide knowledge and to
know about the main causes affects their social life.
2. All sided development. 
Community program is interested in all aspects of a community. The
development is necessary in these places as a whole in education, health, recreation
and employment. It seeks the opportunities for the better living standard of the
community people. Development is required in all sectors of the community.
3. To motivate people. 
Programs are working for the motivation of community people. Social
organizers are employed in various sectors for their arousal and working for
community welfare and betterment of humanity.
4. Provide equality.
It gives equality to all people living in a territory. It gives equal chances and
opportunities to bring the resources for their utility. So it provides equality in
education, health and also other facilities provided to them.
5. Help the people to motivate their selves. 
Such programs are interested in the people to enable them to help one
another and of their own. It makes them to stand on their own feet. They have to
use their resources and make their lives comfortable.
6. Change thinking. 
One of the objectives of community development programs are changing of
pattern and style of community people. It gives new directions to the changing life
style. It helps to create the acquaintances among them, to following the positive
thinking about the people.
7. To bring reforms. 
Such programs aim to bring social reforms in a community. It helps them in
eradication of social evils which are the gross roots of bring social disorder in
community. So one of them aim of community development provide them better
opportunities to solve the problematic situation through reforms.
8. Social Justice. 
Social justice is another objective of community development. It provides
justice to all types of people. There would be no concept of rich and poor but the
programs would be for the utilization of all.
9. Solve community problems. 
Different problems faced by community people may be solved due to the
start of such programs in the affected areas. The community also give hand to
government for help them in development and growth.
10. To create interest. 
These programs are working to create the interest of community welfare
among the people. It mobilizes the attitude of people to participate in the collective
work for the community development. The motivation of these people is the skill of
social organizer working in the areas.

In short objectives of my community work are as below,

 Protection of environment in all aspects
 Conservation of natural resources
 What methods should be adopted to generate less waste
 Reuse of useful things to reduce generated waste
 Proper collection and disposal of waste
 Benefits of plantation on naturel environment
 How to make our school look aesthetically pleasing by plantation and cleaning

e).A short description of the chosen community work

Our Mother Earth is currently facing a lot of environmental concerns. The environmental
problems like global warming, acid rain, air pollution, urban sprawl, waste disposal, ozone
layer depletion, water pollution, climate change and many more affect every human,
animal, and nation on this planet.
Over the last few decades, the exploitation of our planet and the degradation of our
environment has gone up at an alarming rate. As our actions have been not in favor of
protecting this planet, we have seen natural disasters striking us more often in the form of
flash floods, earthquakes, blizzards, tsunamis, and cyclones.
There are Top 25 Brutal Environmental Issues everyone should be aware about;

1. Air Pollution

2. Water Pollution

3. Soil and Land Pollution

4. Climate Change

5. Global Warming

6. Deforestation & Logging

7. Increased Carbon Footprint

8. Genetic Modification

9. Effect on Marine Life

10. Public Health Issues

11. Overpopulation

12. Loss of Biodiversity

13. Household and Industrial Waste

14. Ozone Layer Depletion

15. Mining

16. Natural Resource Depletion

17. Natural Disasters

18. Nuclear Issues

19. Loss of Endangered Species

20. Acid Rain

21. Agricultural Pollution

22. Light and Noise Pollution

23. Urban Sprawl

24. Disposal of Medical Waste

25. Littering and Landfills

My chosen community work is purely focused on awareness about importance of

environment and strategies that may be adopted for
 Protection and conservation of environment.
 Control of all kinds of pollution.
 Waste reduction and proper disposal
 Conservation of resources
 Awareness about plantation

f).Target audience and learning outcomes

In my community work I have targeted two types of audience

1st one are teachers and 2nd one was the students
Both of them are very suitable for awareness and motivation because one teacher can
change whole class and one class can change whole Pakistan .
A public awareness campaign is the element of social marketing techniques , and in
accordance with the popular definition it is "a set of different activities planned for a specific
time, addressed to a specific target group, whose aim is to increase knowledge, lead to
change in thinking and in behaviour towards a specific social problem"
The quality of a social campaign is determined mostly on the basis of its effectiveness which
is evaluated basing on impact it has had on the audience. Due to the complexity of the
problem, the evaluation is most commonly made at five different levels
 Awareness,
 Engagement,
 Change in behavior,
 Social norm,
 Wellbeing.
At each of these levels different indicators confirming the success reached by the authors of
the campaign can be distinguished. In order to obtain the relevant data at each stage
different methods are also used, summary of commonly used indicators, with appropriate ways
of collecting the data, is presented in Table

Indicators Means of measurement

Awareness percentage of recipients aware of audience surveys
the issue
Engagement percentage of recipients involved audience surveys -
in the deliberations and behavioural data (i.e.
discussions about the problem - website hits)
percentage of recipients taking
action in order to gain additional
Change in behaviour percentage of recipients that self- audience surveys -
report behaviour change - behavioural data (depending
percentage of recipients, for on the type of campaign, i.e.
whom changes were observed increase in the number of
people undergoing medical

Social norm Percentage of recipients audience surveys

presenting a positive attitude to Observations.
the problem. Anecdotal feedback.
Percentage of newspaper articles Media and policy tracking.
and opinions favourable to the
Introduced legislation on the
promoted issue.
Wellbeing percentage increase in social epidemiological data
outcome environmental data
percentage increase in
environmental outcome
Indicators and methods of measurement used in five-level evaluation of social campaigns

Outcomes of my community work

 Outcome of the awareness lecture is that teachers and
students are well aware of environmental issues and motivated
for clean and green Pakistan.
 They promised plantation and waste reduction and I will be the
part of this plantation and resource conservation campaign.
 They promised environment protection and adopt strategies
for betterment of environment.
g).Interviews to review the existing practices regarding resource
conservation and waste reduction

Interviews of staff and teachers is done for checking previous practice of waste disposal,
waste reduction, environmental protection and resources conservation and found that
there are only single dust bin used for waste collection and there are very few plants and
trees are planted causing more heat during summer and grounds are not use able for
sitting and playing during hot summer.

Pictures are attached below to show existing condition of ground and waste collection bins
Ground of school

Very few plants/trees are planted out side due to which this area is very hot in summer
hence students have to stay inside during break causing more use of electricity and also
ground look ugly and aesthetically un pleasing.
Single dustbin is used due to which all type of waste is mixed and at disposal site bio
degradable and plastic waste are dumped at same site causing too much pollution.
h).Develop some activities for staff

This campaign encompasses actions that promote awareness for the altered conditions
under climate change and adaptation. However, not all stakeholders are aware and
informed about their vulnerability and the measures they can take to pro-actively adapt to
climate change. Awareness rising is therefore an important component of the adaptation
process to manage the impacts of climate change, enhance adaptive capacity, and reduce
overall vulnerability.

Teacher’s awareness is important to increase enthusiasm and support, stimulate self-

mobilization and action, and mobilize local knowledge and resources. Raising political
awareness is important as policy makers and politicians are key actors in the policy process
of adaptation. Awareness rising requires strategies of effective communication to reach the
desired outcome. The combination of these communication strategies for a targeted
audience for a given period can broadly be described as ‘awareness raising campaign’. The
aim of awareness raising campaigns most often differs between contexts but generally
includes increase concern, informing the targeted audience, creating a positive image, and
attempts to change their behavior
i). Develop some activities for students.

Activity 1: Outdoor Scavenger Hunt

Take your class out into the playground, playing field or local park and get them to locate
various environmental sights. Who can collect 5 different leaves? Who can spot the biggest
tree? How many ladybirds can they see?

A scavenger hunt will get children thinking about the world around them and encourage
them to pay attention to the different plants and beasts that live on their doorstep. Use this
online picture scavenger hunt as a template.

Activity 2: Make a Leaf Collage

Younger students will love this fun art activity. You could choose to go and collect fallen
leaves as a mini class field trip or ask them to bring some in from home.
Identify all of the leaves that your class have found and then challenge your students to
make a picture using only paper, leaves, pens and glue. Maybe you could make leaf-
monsters for Halloween? Try the Natural History Museum’s ‘Tree Identification Key’ for
more help.

Activity 3: Growing Cress Seeds

Teach your students about germination and photosynthesis by setting them a little science

Divide your class into groups: get one group to plant their seeds in a dark cupboard, another
with no water and one on the windowsill with both light and water.

Which seeds grow the best? Why is this the case?

Activity 4: Recycled Robots

Ask your students to bring in a few bits of waste packaging from home that were going to be
thrown away – think cardboard boxes, plastic bottles and tin foil.

Collate all the waste items on a table and then get your class to re-use and recycle the
materials and make rubbish robots!

This is a fun craft activity that will educate children about the amount of rubbish that gets
thrown away and could be recycled.

Activity 5: Have a Paper-Free Day!

Can you challenge your class or your school to go an entire day without using any paper?
Use the challenge to raise awareness of the amount of paper that gets used and goes to
waste every day in your school.

Do the children miss the paper? Do they find it hard not to use any?

Think about everything from worksheets to text books and posters on the wall. How would
they recommend the school saves paper in future? This can be quite a difficult challenge
and so is better suited for older KS2/KS3 students!

Activity 6: Eco-Friendly Classroom

Challenge your students to make the classroom more environmentally friendly – what
would they change?

Encourage the children to reuse old carrier bags, recycle their paper, turn the lights off, turn
the computers off at night and wear an extra jumper to keep warm.
How difficult are their suggestions to put into practice? Could some of their ideas be used in
the classroom from now on?

Activity 7: Lunch Without Waste

This is a simple activity that gets your class thinking about how much rubbish they create
every day. Ask your students to bring in their lunch the next day as normal and keep all the
packaging they’ve used, including cling film, tin foil, yoghurt pots and chocolate bar
wrappers etc.

How much rubbish has each pupil created just from one meal? How would this multiply over
a week, a month and a year? If you want to take this idea a step further, challenge your
students to try and bring in their lunch the day after without any packaging at all!

Activity 8: Walk to School Week

Take part in the yearly Walk to School Week event and encourage each of your students to
walk the whole way, or part of the way, to school every day for a whole week! The
campaign aims to encourage parents and children to leave the car at home and get fit by
walking to and from school.

It’s also a great way to educate your pupils about the impact that cars can have on the
environment. You can find out more about the event below.

Why is Environmental Awareness Important?

There is no doubt that human activity is hugely responsible for damaging the
environment. The fact that concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased by
more than a third since the industrial revolution highlights our impact. Therefore, it is
our responsibility to improve our environmental awareness and change our behavior.

The rise in greenhouse gas emissions contributes to the enhanced greenhouse

effect, which has caused global temperatures to rise. These gases also cause air,
land and water pollution. Pollution affects the quality of food, which might cause the
ingestion of toxic substances. Poorer air quality also poses severe risks to human

Deforestation is another example of how human activity is impacting the

environment. Forests provide us with raw materials such as food and medicine.
Trees are also an important 'carbon sink', which means they help to balance out the
concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by absorbing it during
photosynthesis. With less trees, we are enhancing the greenhouse effect which
means global temperatures are rising. This causes drastic climate changes such as
hurricanes, droughts and floods.

Who needs to be aware and why?

As we are all responsible for damaging the environment, it is important for everyone
to improve their environmental awareness. It is especially imperative to teach
children about the importance of environmental awareness, to ensure that the lives
of future generations are secure. As things stand, it's the future generations that will
be most affected by our actions. Therefore, we must equip our children with the tools
necessary to behave in a responsible and informed way towards the environment.

What Strategies we can use to reduce waste

We will use Eight Ways to Reduce Waste

1. Use a reusable bottle/cup for beverages on-the-go
You might already have a reusable water bottle, but do you use it all the time? You can put
that reusable bottle to use, save money, and reduce waste. By taking your own water with
you, you’ll also reduce your chances of purchasing more expensive beverages on-the-go.
This will eliminate the one-time use containers they come in. While most cans and bottles
can be recycled, they require a lot of energy to be produced, shipped to the bottling facility
and then to the store for purchase. 
2. Use reusable grocery bags, and not just for groceries
Just like a reusable water bottle, you may already have a reusable grocery bag, though it’s
often forgotten at home. Try writing BAGS on the top of your grocery list to help you
remember, or keep them in the back seat where they aren’t as easy to forget. Many grocery
stores will provide a 5 cent per bag refund so you’ll save a few cents while reducing your
usage of one-time-use plastic bags.
3. Purchase wisely and recycle
You can reduce the amount of waste you produce by purchasing products that come with
less packaging and/or come in packaging that can be recycled. Not all plastics are recyclable
in Delaware, so check labels before your buy. According to Delaware’s Division of Waste and
Hazardous Substances website, “Containers labelled with a 1 or a 2 are almost always
accepted because they are the highest value resins. Resins 4, 5 and 7 are now accepted in
most programs in Delaware.”
4. Compost it!
Did you know as much as 25% of the items in your trash could potentially be removed from
the waste stream and composted in your back yard? Your fruit and vegetable scraps, egg
shells, coffee grounds, grass clippings, and leaves can all be composted. While composting
requires more effort than the previously mentioned lifestyle changes, it will provide you
with a beneficial return on your investment of time and effort. Depending on the conditions,
you may have compost in 3 to 12 months to use in your garden. You’ll save on fertilizers and
if you grow your own vegetables, you’ll likely see improved yields. The organic matter will
also act as a sponge to absorb more water, meaning you might not need to water your
plants as much, saving you money and time. 
5. Avoid single-use food and drink containers and utensils
Whenever possible, try to avoid single-use coffee cups, disposable utensils, straws and
napkins. Some businesses will even give you a discount on your coffee for bringing your own
mug. Keep a set of silverware at work along with a plate, bowl and cup that you can wash
and reuse. Skip the plastic straw altogether or buy reusable metal ones instead. Remember,
a lot of these items are made from plastic, had to be delivered by a truck, and will end up in
a landfill once we have used them one time. Anything we can do to reduce our use of these
products adds up to make a big impact. 
6. Buy second hand items and donate used goods
Before you go buy something new, consider buying it used which can also save you lots of
money. That can mean buying second hand clothes at Goodwill, used furniture and
repurposed construction materials at Habitat for Humanity’s Restore, or searching Craigslist
for a deal on a bicycle. By purchasing second hand items you’ll be supporting local charities
in addition to saving items from ending up in the dump. 
7. Shop local farmers markets and buy in bulk to reduce packaging
Shopping at your local farmers market is a win-win. First, you’ll be supporting local farmers
while also getting fresher ingredients than you might find in the big-box grocery store. Food
produced locally doesn’t have to be shipped as far or refrigerated in transit. Local farmers
often rely on less packaging and many are happy to have you return last week’s berry basket
or egg carton for use next week. You can also majorly reduce packaging waste by shopping
at stores that sell food in bulk, but you’ll need to come prepared with your own containers.
8. Curb your use of paper: mail, receipts, magazines
In today’s digital world, most companies offer bills by email, and some even offer incentives
to do so. More stores are offering e-receipts, too, which are great because they’re harder to
lose if you need to make a return. Consider digital subscriptions for your favorite magazines
that you can read on your tablet or computer. Digital subscriptions are often a little cheaper
than the hard-copy version, as well. 
What Strategies we can use to protect environment and conserve
natural resources

There are 12 ways you can start to protect the environment today:
1. Consume less.

Curbing consumption can have a huge impact on the environment. The three "R's"—reduce,
reuse and recycle, get a lot of attention, but the planet could benefit from some focus on
the most important and most underrepresented "R": refuse.

When you refuse, you say "no," which is not always easy. Freebies at events, cheap goods
on clearance, the hot new children's toys or the latest gadgets that promise to make your
life better, none of these are essential. And they almost always end up either in the trash or
forgotten in the back of a closet. Next time you’re tempted to purchase or accept a non-
essential item, think about whether it would truly improve your life. If not, it's ok to just say,
"No, thanks!"
Bonus: Refusing to allow unneeded items into your life can save you money and reduce the
amount of clutter in your home.

2. Compost.

Another “R” that doesn’t get much attention but has important environmental implications
is “rot.” As in, let your food and yard waste rot naturally in the soil instead of sending it to
the landfill. In other words: compost.

Composting your food scraps and yard waste offers double rewards: it keeps an incredible
amount of trash out of the waste stream, and it produces free, rich soil to use in your
garden. Some cities now pick up organic waste alongside regular trash and recycling pick up.
If your area doesn’t offer this service, no worries, you can set up a low-maintenance
compost pile in your backyard

3. Choose reusable over single-use.

Think about how many people you see each day drinking beverages from disposable cups or
disposable bottles, sipping from disposable straws, carrying disposable grocery bags, eating
from disposable plates or containers and using disposable utensils. All that single-use plastic
has to go somewhere, and it’s had a devastating effect on our soil, oceans and marine life.

4. Upcycle more.

Get creative with your useless or unwanted items by upcycling—basically, turning trash into
treasure. Creating something new such as artwork, toys or jewelry is both satisfying and one
of the best ways to protect the environment. Not only does it keep items out of the trash, it
can prevent having to purchase new items, which require lots of resources to produce.
Children love making things; so instead of heading to the craft store, check out your recycle
bin first and let their imaginations soar!

5. Recycle properly.

If you can’t refuse it…and you can’t rot it…and you can’t reduce it…and you can’t upcycle or
reuse it…then it’s time to turn to the final “R”—recycling. Educate yourself on what can and
cannot be recycled in your bins at home. Throwing the wrong items in the recycle bin can
result in an entire load being rejected, which means … back to the landfill.

You can also easily find out how to recycle special items such as electronics, batteries and
appliances. Check with your local municipality for drop-off sites, and make an effort to get
your items to the proper disposal sites.
6. Shop secondhand.

Did you know it takes over 700 gallons of water to grow enough cotton to make just one
plain t-shirt?

Instead of heading to the mall to buy new clothes, consider looking first in a thrift store or
vintage shop, or trading clothes with friends. You can breathe new life into your wardrobe
without wasting the precious resources needed to produce new clothing.

Shopping secondhand also applies for many other categories of consumer goods: children’s
games and toys, shoes, appliances, furniture, cars and more.

7. Buy local.

While we’re on the topic of shopping, it’s important to think about the path your stuff takes
just to get to you. All that packaging, combined with the fuel needed for delivery, really
takes a toll on the environment. Instead, check out your local farmers market for fresh,
package-free food; try eating at a farm-to-table restaurant; and buy from local artists,
clothing makers, and retailers before you click for that two-day shipping.

8. Use fewer chemicals.

Want to protect the environment? Use fewer harmful chemicals and you’ll be on the right
track. It’s hard to be sure about the long-term negative effects chemicals can have, both on
our bodies and on the planet, so it’s best to avoid them if possible. Opt for chemical-free
lawn and garden care; all-natural beauty and hygiene items; natural household cleaners;
and organic food. The Earth will thank you!

9. Walk, bike or carpool.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a typical passenger vehicle
emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. 1 Any amount of that we can cut back
on will help. For short trips, try walking or biking—you’ll also get a healthy dose of exercise
in, without setting foot in a gym. If travelling on foot or two wheels isn’t feasible, try
carpooling with a friend, neighbor or coworker to a mutual destination. And if all else fails
and you need to drive your car, line up errands in the most efficient route to save time and
miles driven.
10. Use less water.

Conserving water at home is one of the easiest ways to protect the environment. Think of all
the times you consume water, both inside and outside your home; then, make adjustments
as you can. For example:

 Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth.

 Fix leaky faucets.
 Make your water use more efficient by aerating faucets, using sprinklers that reduce
runoff and installing low-flow toilets and efficient shower heads.
 Collect and use rainwater for watering plants.
 Shorten your shower by a few minutes—or skip it altogether if you don't really need
one that day.
 Only run your dishwasher or washing machine when it's full

11. Use your purchasing power for good.

The positive thing about being a consumer is that we have the power to choose where we
spend our hard-earned dollars. Think of your money as your voice and your vote for a
cleaner planet. Spend it wisely on goods, services and experiences that leave a smaller
carbon footprint. Choose to do business with companies that support sustainability efforts,
utilize renewable energy sources and walk the walk when it comes to protecting the

Money talks—if enough people use their purchasing power for the good of the Earth, it will
create a demand for sustainable practices. Businesses will either have to comply … or be left

12. Conserve electricity.

As you can guess, we’re quite fond of this method of protecting the environment! Anytime
you can use less electricity, it’s a win for the planet. Try some of these quick ways to
conserve energy around your home:

 Trade incandescent bulbs for more energy-efficient CFLs or LEDs.

 Use a programmable or smart thermostat.
 Maintain your heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system.
 When it’s time to buy a new appliance, choose an Energy Star-certified model.
 Seal air leaks around doors and windows.
 Make sure your home is properly insulated to the recommended level of heat resistance (“R-
value”) for where you live.

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