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What is True Motion of Radar

A display in which own ship's position can appear at any point on the screen. All moving
targets appear on the screen with true speeds and directions and all fixed objects as
stationary echoes.
The position of the own ship moves with true speed and course across the radar display
area. Land masses and other stationary targets do not move and only targets in motion
move with true speed and course. When this mode is selected, the own ship position will
be offset to a position of about 65% of the radar display area in the opposite direction of
the course. The own ship will start moving from the position in accordance with its speed
and course. When the own ship arrives at a position of about 65% of the radar display
radius on the opposite side, the own ship will automatically be set to the position where it
was when the true motion display mode was selected.

What is Relative Motion of Radar

The basic method of solution of relative motion problems utilizes the maneuvering board,
and it is therefore required that all personnel should be capable of using it and applying
its solutions.
What is meant by relative motion? It is the resultant of two actual motions, but let us break
this down further. The word motion implies direction, speed, and distance; relative motion,
then, would imply relative direction, relative speed, and relative distance,

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