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Nama : Daffa Dhiya Ulhaq

Nim : 41032122191054

Universitas Islam Nusantara

Printed Books vs Electronic Books. Which one is better ?

Hi!! I’m Daffa Today I’m gonna tell you about “printed books vs electronic book which
one is better?”, ok before we get started into the topic let me tell you about printed books and
electronic books, so printed books is a book is a physical book that has the text, images, etc.,
printed on paper. The pages are bound together, and the book has either a hardcover or soft cover
(paperback). and Electronic books is An ebook is a digital or electronic book that is formatted into
a file that can be read on an e-reader device or app.

So In my opinion they’re still same like a book that can be read and watch but it’s different
places the other one (printed books) was written on a paper or something and the other one is
placed on a software that you need like adobe pdf reader or something, so I’m gonna discuss which
one is better, is written one or the electronic one ?, this based on my opinion. let’s go talk about
positive (good) side and negative (bad) from the printed books in the next paragraphs.

First we’re gonna tell you about the positive (good) side of having or reading the printed
books. According to science benefit reading a printed books is : first (1) you absorb more
information, second (2) they help children become better readers. Third (3) you’re less likely get
distracted. Last (4) they can help you sleep better. From the first paragraph we can learn that
according to the science we have some benefit to read the printed books, so after this paragraph
we’re gonna talk about the negative side of printed books let’s go.

Second we’re gonna tell you about the negative (bad) side of having or reading the printed
books . According to the internet negative side the printed books are : first (1) if you carry some
printed book it can cause your back pain if you carry so many printed books, second (2) sometimes
the cost less efective than the e-books, third (3) sometimes printed books are very heavy than other
printed books, last (4) the availability of books and sometimes when you go to book store you’re
looking for “books” sometimes they’re ran out the stocks, you need to wait until it restocked again.
Hi you still here ? good, because we’re done about the printed books let’go change into the
positive (good ) side and the negative (bad) side on the electronic books on the third and fourth
paragraph let’s go!!!

Third ok now we’re at the ebooks but same we’re gonna talk about positive (good) side of
having or reading the ebooks, According to the benefit of having a ebbok is,
first (1) Saving money, second (2) instant gratification, third (3) save 8 million Trees each year,
last (4) No more books storage issues. Ok from the third paragraph we can learn that according to
the we have some benefit to having the ebook, and one of them is saving our
nature like point number three saving 8 million Trees each year isn’t that wonderful ? next we’re
gonna telling the negative (bad) side of the ebooks let’s go!!!

Fourth ok now we’re in the last paragraph to telling the negative (bad) side of having or
reading the ebooks, According to they tell us about the negative (bad) side
about having or reading the ebooks, first (1) Memory retention issue, second (2) intrusion into
privacy, third (3) loss of the real fell paper, last (4) you need a device if you don’t have you cannot
read it. So that’s it that the disadvantages or I call it the negative side of having or reading the

To sum up the topic basically the printed one nor the electronic one is always having the
pros and cons like in the printed they’re helping the children to become a better reader and the
other side saving 8 million Trees each year. So I after this discussion or this essay I’m gonna say
I’m on the ebooks side and I think e books is better one because it’s easy to carry too, but I dunno
where side you’re gonna choose the printed one or the electronic one because everone is having
their own reason..

So which side you’re gonna choose the printed one or the electronic one ?

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