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ABC's of Anchor Bracelets

Since the dawn of time, man has made many advancements in his development from
technological, industrial and even fashion.
The advancements in fashion have led to the inventions of new wearables such as bracelets,
watches and necklaces. Some do more than just make you look good and presentable. For
example the watch, it makes the wearer look good and it also tells time. More sophisticated
watches can even be able to tell direction due to the compass integrated with it.
Further advancements have led to the modification of the invented wearables. From just
bracelets, we now have different types of bracelets such as the anchor bracelets.
Bracelets are jewelry that are worn around the wrist.

What are anchor bracelets?

Anchor bracelets are bracelets that have an anchor object held by the cords that make it. The
cords come in different materials, nylon being among the most used materials for the cords.
Anchor bracelets have gained a lot of popularity in modern fashion.
The reason for their popularity is nothing but obvious. There are several reasons why the
anchor bracelets have become very popular. If you haven't got one, I would suggest you get
one for you'll be amazed at how much you are really missing out.

Duality of the anchor bracelet.

Anchor bracelets can be worn by members of both genders. There are both male and female
anchor bracelets and isn't that thoughtful? That way, everyone gets to wear an anchor bracelet.
In fact, there are other anchor bracelets that can be said to be unisex. Unisex anchor bracelets
are not made for a specific gender. They can be worn by both male and female without
compromising the integrity of one's gender.

Reasons for the popularity and why you should get one an anchor bracelet.
Nylon anchor bracelets have unique characteristics that make people want to have them in their
possession. Different people are attracted and compelled with different unique characteristics of
the anchor bracelet. What would make you buy or make your own anchor bracelet ,yes you can
make your own, could be different to what would make another buy or make for themselves.
Some of the key unique characteristics of the nylon anchor bracelet that make them so
compelling are as follows:

1. The beauty
It is no secret that anchor bracelets are attractive to the human eye. The bright and
colourful colours they may possess will most definitely be the first thing you notice when
the wearer is walking your way.

2. The style
Style is subjective. Different people have different styles. Your style could be your
unique arrangement of your appearance. The design and appearance of the anchor
bracelet cannot be compared to other bracelets out there. The design is unique and you
can instantly recognise an anchor bracelet just by one quick glance due to the stylish
anchor that rests on your outer wrist.

Fashion vs Style
"Fashion fades, Style is eternal" ~ Yves Saint Laurent.
Style is the arrangement of your appearance. You can have your own unique style that
no one else uses.
Fashion is universal. Fashion is embraced by a large audience. Anchor bracelets are
both stylish and fashionable. The stylish nature is that they exhibit unique characteristics
that define and separate them from all those other types of bracelets. The fashion
property is that it is embraced by a large audience making it fashionable to own one.

3. The symbolism
The presence of the anchor in the bracelet can mean more than just an anchor shaped
piece of material. The anchor is symbolic. The symbol of an anchor can represent
stability, strength and hope. The association with strength comes in the sense that the
anchor can hold a massive ship or any other huge sea vessel in place and prevent it
from being pushed and displaced by raging water. Hope is in the sense that you could
as strong as the anchor and be able to withstand hard and difficult situations that you are
or might face. The anchor could symbolise something that only you know and can relate
with. Stability, strength and hope are just an example of many more.
You could also get your BFF (best friend) an anchor bracelet that is identical to yourself
and maybe have the word 'BFF' engraved on the anchor to symbolise your strong
friendship. Isn't that what millennials say to be cool? Because it sure is.

4. The gesture
Anchor bracelets can be given to our loved ones as gifts. You might want to know the
favourite colours of your intended recipient first to avoid any inconvenience. Having
bought the bracelet and being accepted with a wide smile by the recipient sure makes
one feel good and you will obviously appreciate every time you see it worn by the

5. The ultimate sophistication

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" ~ Leonardo da Vinci.
The simplicity of the anchor bracelet is simply amazing. It is so simple that you can opt
to make one for yourself rather than buying one. Of course you'll need the materials first.
All you need is a cord of your preferred colour, length and materials, the anchor part, the
clasps and some glue. For a nylon anchor bracelet the material of the cord would
obviously be made from nylon. Isn't it nice?

6. The Options
Everyone has different tastes of preference. What is appealing to you may not be as
appealing to me and vise versa. The availability of many choices such as colour,
material component and different sizes make them an option to many anchor bracelet
enthusiasts. You could choose a metallic anchor bracelet or nylon anchor bracelet. In
the metallic anchor bracelets, there's more choice on the preferred metal such as silver,
nickel, steel, etc.

7. The Superstition
If you are a superstitious kind of person, well, your favourite anchor bracelet could be
your lucky charm. You wear it and your day will be full of luck and excitement but just
don't forget to carry it with you on your wrist which isn't so difficult or is it?

8. The Icing on the Cake

Wearing an anchor bracelet can be a good conversation starter. Other than making you
look good and attractive, you can use it as an excuse to talk to someone you like or just
make small talk with someone you have just met on the street. A compliment is a good
way to start.

Things to consider before buying your anchor bracelet

There are things you should first look at before you take the step of buying an anchor bracelet.
You don't want to buy one and not wear it maybe because it doesn't fit or gives you rashes.
The things to consider are as follows:
1. Your gender or the one you are buying it for
2. Size of the bracelet and measurement of your wrist
3. Material of the components
4. Other personal preferences such as colour

You should should buy the bracelet that is made for the gender you identify yourself with or a
unisex one. Buying one that doesn't match your gender will make you feel embarrassed to wear

Size and measurement

How to properly measure the size of your wrist at home
You must get the appropriate measures of your wrist before buying one. The bracelet should not
end up being too small or too big for your wrist.
What you need to measure:
- String
- Ruler
You can measure the size of your wrist using a string and then hold the length of the string
against a ruler to get the measurement. This should give you the measurement of your wrist and
make you know the size of the bracelet you need.

It is also important to know the material components of the anchor and the clasps that make the
bracelet. It isn't unheard of that some unfortunate people have an allergic reaction to specific
metals especially the nickel metal. If wearing your anchor bracelet gives you the rash, you didn't
do your research properly.
Your choice of colour is not as important as the others but you should always get the colour you
want and that which brightens your day.

Guidelines to wearing your anchor bracelet

1. Choose the right wrist. This might sound ambiguous but the right wrist isn't always the
right wrist of hand.
Choose the wrist of your more dominant hand. This is usually the opposite wrist of the
one having your watch.
2. Balance off the colours if you wear more than one bracelet. Brighter colours should be
balanced with non colourful ones.
3. Suit the occasion. On official occasion it is always nice not to have bright colours on your
bracelet. Brighter colours are associated with casual occasions.

I am sure you will be getting an anchor bracelet for you or your loved ones after getting to know
all the beauty there is about them. Remember to follow this article every time you have to buy
an anchor bracelet so that you end up being disappointed with the whole experience.

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