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Asian Regionalism

 Differentiate between regionalization and globalization

 Identify the factors leading to a greater integration of the Asian Regionalism

 Analyze how different Asian states confront the challenges of globalization and regionalization

What is Regionalization?
 It is the process of dividing an area into smaller segments called Regions.

 Ex: Division of nation into states or provinces.

 Business also use regionalization as management tool.

What is Globalization?
 It is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views,
products, ideas and other aspects such as technology etc.

Difference between Regionalization and Globalization

 Nature:
Globalization promotes the integration of economies across state borders all around the
world but, regionalization is precisely the opposite because it is dividing an area into smaller SEGMENTS.

 Market:
Globalization allows many Co. to trade on international level so it allows free market but
in regionalized system, monopolies are more likely to develop.

 Cultural & Societal Relations:

Globalization acceleration to multiculturalism by free and inexpensive movement of ppl.
But, regionalization does not support this.

 Aid:
Globalized international community is also more wiling to come to the aid of a country
stricken by a natural disaster but a regionalized system not get involved in the affairs of other areas.

 Technological Advances:
Globalization has driven great advances in technology but advanced technology is rarely
available in one country or region.
Factors leading to a greater integration of the Asian Regionalism
 Mutual Benefit- when it comes to trade, these nations can readily supply each other’s needs.
 Common Goals- the Asian region recognizes the mutual benefit of a slow integration. The
territories involved are not far from each other and the industriousness of its population can
work as a powerful negotiating block against those from other parts of the world.

 Similar Culture- the people of this region are generally alike in appearance, temperament
which is seemingly peaceful. They tend to get along quite well even on an individual level.

 Similar Security Needs- aside from small localized rebels, this association needs only to
contend with foreign-supported terrorist groups which are usually handled well.

Facing the challenges of Globalization and Regional Integration: Problems and

Prospects for Africa at the Dawn of the Third Millennium
-John W. Forje
How different Asian states confront the challenges of Globalization and
 Globalization is an unstoppable phenomenon to which different states need to adjust to, not
only those from Asia. However Asian countries should as much as possible, create a kind of
economic block to look out for each other, especially the ASEAN members which are composed
of nations that get along quite well compared to the northern Asians. I’m sure that most
countries have gradually prepared their institutions for the future such as well defined tariffs on
incoming goods, adjusting their infrastructures in order to accommodate the increased level of
shipping activities. Communication lines would have been updated by now to meet the
requirements of global trade. Most of the changes caused by globalization will happen
organically and you just can’t prepare for it.
Asian Regionalism

Alecs Regin M. Conti

Richelle Rose A. Concordia

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