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Not much is known about aryabhatta's family.
No authentic information is available about the chronological history of Aryabha
tta s life, such as his parentage, education and other aspects of personal life. I
t is only from the writings of Bhaskara I, who was one of his students, that it
is known that Aryabhatta took up the profession of a teacher.
Aryabhatta s contributions in the field of algebra, particularly equations and the
ir solutions cannot be underestimated. He taught for the first time the theory o
f indeterminate equation of first degree in algebra, the value of pi correct to
four decimal places, trigonometrical tables and the theory of the earth s rotation
in Astronomy. It was Aryabhata who started Siddhantic astronomy and equipped it w
ith correct techniques, incorporating better methods of observation and computat
ion. The Aryabhatta-Siddhanta became a popular work and was not only used as a t
ext book for astronomy but also in day to day calculations, pertaining to social
functions and religious rituals. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
named its first space satellite as "Aryabhatta" in honour of this great scientis
t, who had launched India as major civilization with superior intellectual power
Wrote his famous work The Aryabhattiya in 499A.D at the age of 23. In addition t
o the other contributions of Aryabhatta this voluminous work is enough to place
him among the first ranking astronomers and the mathematicians of the world.Arya
bhatta's contribution to the field of mathematics is extremely significant. He g
ave a systematic approach to Arithmetic, Algebra and Trigonometry. He was the 1s
t mathematician who gave the value of pi correct upto four decimal places.Aryabh
atta gave a method to find the cube root of numbers and dealt with arithmetic,ge
ometric and indeterminate equations in algebra. He dealt with square,cube,triang
le,trapezium,circle and sphere in geometry.
Aryabhatta occupies the 1st position among the astronomers of not only India but
the whole world by telling that Earth is moving around the Sun. This knowledge
about the Earth given by Aryabhatta was much beyond the imagination of scholars
even after 1000 years of Aryabhatta.

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