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Project Scope Statement: Friends and Family Party

Project Scope Statement

Friends and Family Party

Jane Doe, Project Manager

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Project Scope Statement: Friends and Family Party

Project Scope
Scope Description
The purpose of this project is to plan, implement and evaluate a Friends and Family outdoor summer
party for 200 friends, business colleagues, and neighbors. The sponsoring family has numerous friends,
neighbors, and business contacts whom they wish to thank for their support, business, and friendship
over the years. A successful picnic will help cement and maintain good relationships for future

Project Objectives
 Ensure guests feel valued and enjoy the food and entertainment resulting in all guests remaining at
the party for 2 hours or more.
 Guests make at least 25 positive comments to the hosts about the party and their time spent at the
 Enhanced relationships generate a minimum of 5 prospective sales orders including specific follow-
up appointments.

Acceptance Criteria for the Project Objectives

 All planned party activities proceed on time with no late delivery of materials or food.
 Provide food, tables and chairs for a maximum of 200 invited guests.
 Ensure that less than 10% of invitees are no-shows.
 The budget for the party does not exceed $10000.
 There is no need to utilize emergency funds for a party accident or for an unexpected event.
 Caterer provides ample food for 200 and sponsoring family has only 2 days of left-overs.
 No accidents or illnesses as a cause of attendance.
 Ensure party can proceed regardless of weather conditions.

Project Deliverables
 Project Plan is documented and approved by the Family Sponsor by April 1, 2016.
o The Project Plan must include the following components:
 Project Organization Chart
 Project Scope Statement
 Project WBS
 Project Budget
 Project Schedule
 Project Risk Plan
 Project Communications Plan
 Project Quality Management Plan
 Project Procurement Plan
 Project Stakeholder Management Plan
 Prepare guest list by April 15, 2016.
o Family sponsor must provide the names, addresses and phone numbers for all guests on the
guest list. Additional names can be added up until June 15.
o The guest list must include a balanced representation of neighbors, friends and colleagues.

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Project Scope Statement: Friends and Family Party
 Supplier contracts are negotiated by May 1, 2016.
o Document a complete list of all supplies that will be required for the party and confirm with
the Family Sponsor.
o Document which suppliers will provide which supplies.
o Include a full meal with multiple entrée options from the food caterer.
o Ensure a licensed bartender is contracted in order to monitor alcoholic beverage
consumption and to ensure legal age is validated via photo identification.
o Ensure trash receptacles and collection / cleanup are included in the contracts.
o Request price quotes from at least 2 suppliers for all supplies in order to ensure the best
price can be achieved.
o Confirm all supplier contract conditions and costs are reviewed with the Family Sponsor.
o Confirm that the suppliers have included all provisions for liability insurance to cover the
event and any accidents during or after the party.
 Supplier contracts are approved by May 15, 2016 by the project manager and Family Sponsor.
o Family sponsor signs supplier contracts.
 Supplier deposits are paid by May 31, 2016.
o Family sponsor provides contract deposits as per contract.
 Invitations are mailed by July 1, 2016.
 Confirm RSVPs by July 20, 2016.
 Rental equipment and supplies are delivered and set up by close of business (COB) the Friday before
the picnic.
 Remaining set up (including food) is complete by noon, Sunday, August 7, 2016.
o Confirm that contractors complete all setup as specified in the contract.
o Perform a walk-through of the premises to ensure all setup is complete following a standard
 Clean up and tear-down are complete by COB Monday following the picnic.
o Confirm that contractors complete all tear down and clean up as specified in the contract.
o Perform a walk-through of the premises after all clean up and tear down are complete to
confirm no damage or left over tasks to complete.
 Pay all suppliers per contract specification by COB Monday following the picnic.
o Confirm that contractors completed all contractual obligations to specification in the
o Dispute any lack or gap of service/product from a contractor.
o Obtain payment from the Family Sponsor for each contractor to pay off remaining balance.

 No additional insurance needs to be procured in order to hold this party.
 A photographer will not be included in scope.
 No floral arrangements will be included.

 Not all invited guests will attend – assume a 10% reject rate on invitations.
 Some guests may want to bring others not initially included in the original guest list. Assume 10%
additional guests that may not have been initially considered.
 Neighbors will be invited so it is assumed that they will not complain about noise, traffic or cars.
 It is assumed that any deposit paid to a supplier is non-refundable.

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Project Scope Statement: Friends and Family Party

 A maximum of 200 guests can be accommodated.
 Alcoholic beverages will be limited during the event and monitored by a licensed bartender.
 The budget for the party is constrained to $10000 and cannot be exceeded.

Change Management Plan: Change Control Process

Scope will be managed, monitored and controlled by means of the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
created for this project, which is a hierarchical representation of all activities required in order to meet
the project objectives, deliverables and performance requirements. Any changes required, whether
externally initiated by the client, or internally initiated by the project team, will require a Change Order
to be completed (see Appendix A). Once the Change Order is submitted, the Change Order will be
logged in the Change Control Log and the Project Manager and Change Control Board will be responsible
to review, approve, reject or defer any order. For any Change Order that is accepted, the project team
must determine its impact to the overall project schedule, budget, performance requirements and risks.

Change Control Board

The change control board is responsible for reviewing any Change Orders raised during the course of the
project. Below is the list of Change Control Board members and their authority to approve or reject
Change Orders.

Change Control Board Member Authority

Project Manager Create, review, approve, reject or defer any Change Order
Family Sponsor Create, review, approve, reject or defer any Change Order
Project External Stakeholders / Create and review Change Orders

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Project Scope Statement: Friends and Family Party

Appendix A – Change Order Form

The following document will be used as a Change Order for any required changes to the project.

Project Name: Friends and Family Party Date:

Project Manager: Jane Doe
Person Requesting the Change:
Requester Email: Requester Phone:
Description of Proposed Change:
Reason for Proposed Change:
Impact if Change is not made:

To be completed by the Change Control Board & Project Manager

Change Order #: Review Date:

Analysis Required? Yes or no
Analysis Estimate:
Analysis Findings:
Change Status: Approved Rejected Deferred
Project Manager
Change Control Board
Project Impact:

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Project Scope Statement: Friends and Family Party

Version Control

Document Approval Date Modified By Section, Page(s)and Text Revised

Version #

1.0 April 1, 2016 J. Doe Original Scope Statement Approved by Sponsor

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