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My Personal Experience with Oxford Institute, And My Thanks

After one year of learning, studying and practicing I’m finally here: about to
graduate from Oxford Institute. I’m very happy for completing this stage, but
at the same time it’s kind of sad, because I really enjoyed attending to the
classes, speaking with my classmates, having that helpful feedback with my
teachers –they said what I had been doing properly and where I could
improve– and all those things that make every learning process an amusing
experience. For me, learning new things in general is a very enjoyable

In the past, I had never had the opportunity to get in touch with a new
language. Oxford got me to begin this journey, and thanks to it I found a
matter out I’m incredibly passionate about.

I always look back –one year ago– and I remember when I signed up to
Oxford. I had this goal of being able to speak in English and communicate my
ideas, at least. To be honest, I used to think I wasn’t going to be able to do so.
Before Oxford, I had a very basic English knowledge: I could understand
simple things, but I couldn’t write anything, and even less speak. Now, I am
satisfied with myself, and can say that I accomplished my goals—even
surpassed them.

I also remember seeing the English-speaking skill as an enormous barrier, as

something that only a few chosen ones achieved. In addition to that, I used
to think that if somebody wanted to speak any foreign language, they would
have to spend years of studying, and travel to the target-language country.
However, I realized that was a misconception.

The English learning process showed me that most goals are pretty attainable
as long as you put enough effort and dedication to them. It could sound a
little dramatic, but it was kind of a life lesson: just set yourself a goal, design a
plan, work hard for it and with full commitment, and sooner or later you’ll
reach it, even when it seems unattainable.
I’m truly grateful with all the teachers I met here: people engaged with their
pupils, who had enough patience to ensure our proper learning process. I
appreciate Oriana’s job, whom I met in basic level; Lisbith’s teachings, with
whom I shared in basic and intermediate level; the instructions given by
Josué, a very dedicated guy whom I met in advanced level; and the chats I
had with Sara and Jesús, with whom I never attended class, but I had the
privilege to speak and debate with in Conversation Club.

I also thank all the classmates I met, shared and practiced my English with in
Oxford Institute. I know that without them this wouldn’t have been possible,
because the English learning process requires feedback, and thanks to all
those classmates I had it. I feel grateful for having known people as
interested in learning and practicing English as me.

Another important factor in my learning process was the digital technology.

Thanks to electronic devices, to the internet, to social networks such as
Youtube and Instagram, and to apps focused on learning English; I was able
to learn and step my English up thanks to these.

These all are very useful and profitable tools, since thanks to them I could see
how English is really spoken by native speakers, how they express their ideas
in the natural way, how the original pronunciation is, which words they use in
their daily basis, and many other details which people that learn English as
second language miss normally.

We must take full advantage of these tools. Only 20 years ago it was
unthinkable to have a tiny little screen in our hands that allows us to have
access to any information, in any topic, at any moment. Nowadays, we do
have it. Right now, I may proudly say that I’ve taken full advantage of this

However, by having finished this course I’ll just have completed a little step in
my project. I still need keep on the track with English: learn new vocabulary,
internalize structures, get more fluency, and improve my accent, among
other things.
For me, learning a new language is magical because that process not only
implies learning new words, pronunciation or structures, but learning a new
way to contemplate the world, a new manner of thinking and expressing
yourself, and –for me– that’s just fascinating. Therefore, one of my goals is
learning a third language, maybe Portuguese, French or German. Surely I’ll
get a lot of fun, and in addition to that I’ll have been working in a useful skill.

Hopefully I’ve spread my energy, my positivism and my eagerness to learn to

every person who heard me. Having the opportunity to learn another
language isn’t anything that everybody has, so if we do, we must make the
most of it. Thank you very much everyone, and let’s continue accomplishing
our goals!

Oswaldo González. ID: 25.060.117. Advanced level

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