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Objective Questions

I. Consider a power system with three identical generators. The transmission losses are
negligible. One generator (GI) has a speed governor which maintains its speed constant
at the rated value, while the other generators (G2 and G3) have governors with a droop
of 5%. If the load of the system is increased, then in steady state []

(a) generation of G2 & G3 is increased equally while generation of G I is unchanged.

(b) generation ofGI alone is increased while generation ofG2 & G3 is unchanged
(c) generation of G I, G2 and G3 is increased equally
(d) generation ofGI, G2 and G3 is increased in the ratio 0.5:0.25:0.25
2. Gausss - Seidel iterative method can be used for solving a set of
(a) linear differential equations only
(b) linear algebraic equations on Iy
(c) both linear and nonlinear algebraic equations
(d) both linear and nonlinear differential equations
3. A power station consists oftwo synchronous generators A and B of ratings 250 MVA and
500 MVA with inertia 1.6 p.u. and 1 p.u., respectively on their own base MVA ratings.
The equivalent p.u. inertia constant for the system on 100 MVA common base is
(a) 2.6 (b) 0.615 (c) 1.625 (d) 9.0
4. The incremental cost characteristics of two generators delivering 200MW are as follows

_I = 2.0 + O.OIPI

For economic operation, the generations PI and P2 should be:

(a) PI = P 2 = 100 Mw (b) PI = 80MW, P2 = 120Mw
(c) PI = 200MW, P2 = OMw (d) PI = 120MW, P2 = 80Mw
388 Objective Questions

5. A power system has two synchronous generators. The Governer - turbine characteristics
corresponding to the generators are
P J = 50(50 - f), P2 = 100(51 - f)
Where f denotes the system frequency in Hz, and P J and P2 are respectively, the power
outputs (in MW) of turbines 1 and 2. Assuming the generators and transmission network
to be lossless, the system frequency for a total load of 400MW is []
(a) 4705Hz (b) 48.0Hz (c) 4805Hz (d) 49.0Hz
6. The bus impedance matrix of a 4-bus power system is given by

jO.3435 jO.2860 jO.2723 jo.2277]

jO.2860 j0.3408 jO.2586 jO.2414
Z -
BUS - jO.2723 jO.2586 jO.2791 jO.2209
jO.2277 jO.2414 jO.2209 jO.2791

A branch having an impedance ofjO.2 ohm is connected between bus 1 and the reference.
Then the values of Z22,new and Z 23,new of the bus impedance matrix of the modified
network are respectively [ ]
(a) jO.5408 ohm and j0.4586 ohm (b) jO.1260 ohm and jO.0956 ohm
(c) jO.5408 ohm andjO.0956 ohm (d) jO.1260 ohm andjO.1630 ohm
7. A power system consists of 300 buses out of which 20 buses are generator buses, 25
buses are the ones with reactive power support and 15 buses are the ones with fixed
shunt capacitors. All the other buses are load buses. It is proposed to perform a load
flow analysis for the system using Newton - Raphson method. The size of the
Newton - Raphson Jacobian matrix is [ ]
(a) 553 x 553 (b) 540 x 540 (c) 555 x 555 (d) 554 x 554
8. Ifa generator of250 MVA rating has an inertia constant of6MJIMVA, its inertia constant
on lOOMVA base is [ ]
(a) 15MJIMVA (b) lOo5MJ/MVA (c) 6MJ/MVA (d) 2.4MJ/MVA
9. In load - flow analysis, the load at a bus is represented as [
(a) a constant current drawn from the bus
(b) a constant impedance connected at the bus
(c) constant real and reactive powers drawn from the bus
(d) a voltage - dependent impedance at the bus
Objective Questions 389

10. A transmission line has equal voltages at the two ends, maintained constant by two
sources. A third source is to be provided to maintain constant voltage (equal to end
voltages) at either the midpoint of the line or at 75% of the distance from the sending
end. Then the maximum power transfer capabilities of the line in the original case and
the other two cases respectively will be, in the following ration. []
(a) 1 : 1 : 1 (b) I : 2 : 1/0.75 (c)I:2:4 (d) I : 4: 16
11. The inertia constant ofa I OOMVA, 50Hz, 4-pole generator is 10MJ/MVA. If the mechanical
input to the machine is suddenly raised from 50MW to 75MW, the rotor acceleration
will be equal to [ ]
(a) 400kV (b) 260kV (c) 80kV (d) 40kV
12. Economic scheduling of generation is performed for a period of
(a) Y:z hr (b) 24 hr (c) I sec (d) I week
13. The input - output characteristic is plotted
(a) Fuel input Vs power output (b) Fuel input Vs time
(c) Fuel rate V s power output (d) Fuel rate Vs energy output
14. Hear rate curve is plotted in
(a) k-cal/kwhr Vs KW (b) K-cal/hr Vs KW
(c) k-callKW Vs Kw (d) K-cal Vs KW
15. Incremental production cost and incremental fuel cost are
(a) both the same (b) IPC > IFC
(c) IPC < IFC (d) They are not related
16. The incremental transmission loss for a 2-plant system is given by

17. Consider the following constraints

(i) Pa-Po-P=O (ii) Qa - Q O- Q = 0
(iii) p2 + Q2 :s; (S rated? (iv) pmm :s; P :s; pmax

The equality constraints are

(a) (i) only (b) (i) (ii) and (iii) (c) (i), (iii) and (iv) (d) (i) and (ii)
390 Objective Questions

18. Penalty factor is given by ]

(a) -dF ( 1 +
OPL-) (b) -dF ( 1 OPL
- -)
dPj oPi dP j oPI (c) (
(d) (1- oP OPL )

19. IfR = 0.04 HzJMw by how much will the turbine power decrease, iffrequency rises by
O.IHZ [ ]
(a) 0.024Mw (b) 1I0.024MW (c) 0.0024Mw (d) 4.17MW
20. What is the load damping factor D for an area operated at 1000Mw, 50Hz
(a) 100 (b) 50 (c) 25 (d) 20
21. If the power system has a transfer function and given that the load damping
1 +STp
D = 25MW/Hz. What is the value of Kp
(a) 0.04HzJMW (b) OAHzJMW (c) 0.25HzJMW (d) 25HzJMW
22. Area frequency response characteristic is [

1 I D D
(a) D+- (b) R +- (c) - (d) - -
23. A speed governing system has D = 20MWlHz. What is the frequency drop for 1% load
increase if the area is rated for 2000MW [ ]
(a) 1 Hz (b) 1.5 Hz (c) 0.5 Hz (d) 0.2Hz
24. Steady state frequency error in a single control area can be eliminated by
(a) proportional control (b) derivative control
(c) integral control (d) proportional plus derivative centro I
25. In a single uncontrolled area, area control error is defined by

(a) fddt (b) -M (c) df (d) - .!:df
dt R
26. When integral control is applied, if the control gain Kr is greater than critical gain, the
response is // [ ]
(a) over damped (b) damped oscillatory
(c) un damped oscillatory . I( d) unstable operation
Objective Questions 391
27. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) primary load frequency control is performed by integral control
(b) secondary load frequency control is performed by integral control
Cc)- speed governor action always keeps the speed constant with load changes
Cd) economic load scheduling is always required to be performed before load frequency
28. Turbine generator dynamics and speed governor actions affect the performance of the
frequency response with load [ ]
(a) seriously
(b) only negligible action at t = 0+
(c) may cause trouble if governor is fast in action
(d) may cause trouble if the rating of the turbine is very high
29. The time constant of the power system Tp is defined by

20 f~
(a) Tp = -o- ( b) T = 2fo (c) Tp =-o- (d) 2HD
f D p HO f H
30. Which of the following correct? ]
(a) load frequency control has serious affect on voltage profile
(b) if a generator is connected to an infinite bus the frequency change with load is
(c) turbine power increment for load change does not depend upon the response
characteristic of the turbine
(d) all the generating stations in any country can be treated as belonging to a single
control area
31. Given til = 50Hz, 0 = 20Mw/Hz, area rated- power = 2000Mw and H =- 5 sec the area
time constant Tp is [ ]
(a) 5 sec (b) 10 sec (c) 15 sec (d) 20 sec
32. Unit commitment is
(a) Economic schedule among different units
(b) Planning of generating units for future load increase
Cc) Optimal combination of units for operation at anyone time
Cd) To choose proper units from thermal, hydro and nuclear plants
392 Objective Questions

33. Which of the following is valid constraint for unit commItment

( c) I. pI-< pmax
pmlO :os;
I I -J I
(d) Vmtn < pm3x 2 + Qmax 2
34. Which of the following is a valid dynamic programming equation I
(b) Fn(~Pi)-fn(Pn)+Fn_{~PI)

(d) F,(t,P} m+N(PN)+ F,_.(~P,)]

35. Dual variables are [ ]
(a) Lagrange multipliers
(b) Kuhn - Tucker multipliers
(c) both Lagrange and Kuhn - Tucker multipliers
(d) the problem variables
36. The dependent variables in optimal load flow studies are ]
(a) P and Q (b) IVI and 0 (c) P and IVI (d) P,Q, IVI and 0
37. Given Bll = 0.02, B22 = 0.04; B12 - B21 = 0.001

2 tv


What are the transmission loss when lOMw is supplied by plant 2 to the load [ ]
(a) 2Mw (b) 4Mw (c) O.OOIMW (d) zero
38. 0.04 regulation in speed for a 100Mw rated generator means [ ]
(i) 2.0Hz drop in frequency
(ii) 40Hz drop in frequency
(iii) R = 0.02 HZ/Mw
(a) (i) is only correct (b) (i) and (ii) are both correct
(c) (ii) and (iii) are both correct (d) (i) and (iii) are both correct
Objective Questions 393

39. In a power system during load flow studies

(i) there are four variables at each bus
(ii) the voltage magnitude at one bus is specified and this bus is called voltage controlled
(iii) at all the load buses P and Q are specified for the loads
(iv) power losses are 'assigned to swing bus.
Which of the above is I are correct?
(a) '(i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) (iii) and (iv) (d) (i) (ii) (iii) and (iv)
40. In load flow studies
(i) convergence of iterative method depends upon the diagonal dominance in YBUS
(ii) sparsity of Z - bus matrix is well exploited
(iii) for large well conditioned system with n-buses the number of iteration required is
approximately n2 •
(iv) Z - matrix methods is very sensitive to choice of slack bus. Which of the above is
I are true, [ ]
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iv)
(c) (iii) and (iv) (d) (i) and (iii)
41. In load flow solution by N-R method
(i) the rectangular coordinates method is slower compared to polar - coordinates method
(ii) the Jacobian in case of rectangular coordinates is not symmetric
(iii) the Jacobian with usual formulation in polar coordinates is symmetric
(iv) the N-R method converges in 2-5 iterations
which of the following is correct
(a) (i) and (iv) are true (b) (ii) and (iv) are true
(c) (i), (ii) and (iv) are true (d) (i), (ii) and (iii) are true
42. Economic dispatch problem is related to
(i) selection of generating units for loading
(ii) planning for generating system expansion
(iii) determine profit from energy sales
(iv) ascertain cost of energy production
(a) (i) and (iii) (b) (i) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iii) , (d) (iii) and (iv)
394 Objective Questions

43. In the emergency mode of operation

(a) only system frequency is maintained
(b) only maximal load demand is being met
(c) both Ca) and (b) are maintained
(d) only system frequency and voltage are maintained
44. Electrical stiffness of the transmission line is given by


(a) L\cS (b) -
M (c) L\cS (d) M
45. Transmission capacity can be increased by
(i) reducing the effective reactance of the line
(ii) increasing the voltage levels
(iii) by suing bundled conductors
(iv) by increasing the load angle d to some extent
(a) (i) and (iii) are the same
(b) (i) (ii) and (iii) increase the power transfer
(c) (i) and (iv) do not mean the same control
(d) bundled conductors infact decrease the transmission capacity
46. The natural load of a transmission line can be expressed by ]
(a)B.X\'- (b)B/X (c)X/B (d)B+X
where B is the line susceptance and X is the line reactance of the line being considered
47. The transmission losses in a line are
(a) directly proportional to voltage Y
,(b) inversely proportional to voltage Y
(c) directly proportional to y2
(d) inversely proportional toy2
48. Rapid changes in system voltage cause
(a) Flicker (b) Yoltage dips
(c) corona (d) loss of synchronism
Objective Questions 395

49. Shunt connected controllable var compensators will

(i) improve power transfer capability
(ii) improve stability
(iii) improve power transfer but deteriorate stability
(iv) improve stability but reduced power transfer capacity
(a) (iii) is correct (b) (iv) is correct
(c) (i) and (ii) both are correct (d) (i) is only correct all other are wrong.
50. Voltage response of an exciter expressed as
(a) Volts / sec
(b) volts / ampere
(c) field amperes per output amperes
(d) change in field voltage to change in output voltage
51. The exciter voltage for a 100MVA set is about
(a) IOOV (b) 440V (c) IKV (d) 250V
52. As per IEEE standard, the exciter block is represented by

~ (b)
(a) 1+ STe I +STe
53. The voltage regulator block diagram shows an ]
(i) inherent phase lag (ii) inherent phase lead
(iii) inherent steady state error (iv) inherent instability at larger gains
(a) (i) and (ii) are correct (b) (ii) and (iii) are correct
(c) (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct (d) (i) iii) and (iv) are correct
54. Under sterdy state condition, if K is the over all forwar~ path gain. Then, the steady
state error .1ess is [ ]

(a).1e =-- (b).1e ss =K-
ss 1+ K

(c) .1e ss is independent ofk (d) .:1e ss =1+ K
396 Objective Questions

55. A stabilizing transformer

(i) introduces phase lead
(ii) introduces phase lag
(iii) increases stability margin
(iv) has its secondary drawing negligible current in a voltage regulator
(a) (ii) is correct (b) (i) and (ii) are both correct
(c) (ii) and (iv) are correct (d) (ii) (iii) and (iv) are correct
56. A power system stabilizer improves
(i) phase lag
(ii) improves damping
(iii) produces torque in phase with speed
(a) (i) and (ii) only are correct (b) (ii) and (iii) only are correct
(c) (i) and (iii) only are correct (d) (i) (ii) and (iii) are correct
57. Which of the following is false [
(a) synchronous motors operate with adjustable excitation
(b) synchronous compensators cannot given dynamic reactive power compensation
(c) by supplying a synchronous compensator from a tertiary winding, need for separate
transformer can be avoided.
(d) A synchronous compensator can even improve stability
58. Per unit change in vol.tage magnitUde is equal to

~Q S
(a) - (b) J£. (d) l:!.Q + Sse
·Sse ~Q

where ~Q is the change in reactive-power and Sse is the short circuit capacity.
59. Which of the following are true?
(i) the quadrature voltage compensator would control active power flow in the system
(ii) an in-phase voltage booster would control the reactive power flow in the system
(iii) the natural loading limit is the lowest limit for power transfer
(iv) thermal limit is the highest limit for power .transfer
(a) (i) and (ii) are only correct (b) (ii) only is correct
(c) (i) (ii) and (iii) only are correct (d) all are correct
Objective Questions 397

60. Line compensation

(i) increases Ferranti effect
(ii) requires under excited operation of generators
(iii) reduces power transfer capabi Iity
(iv) is never used in power system operation
(a) (i) and (ii) are false (b) (ii) and (iii) are false
(c) (i) (iii) and (iv) are false (d) all are false
61. When sending voltage is equal to receiving end voltage, for maximum power at receiving
end . [ ]
(a) X = J'jR (b) R = J'jx (c) R = - (d) X = -
2 2
62. For a 400kv line the ratio R is about
(a) 1.5 (b) 6 (c) 10 (d) 16
63. In Var compensators using thyristors
(a) filters are not necessary
(b) the dominant harmonic is second
(c) filters are needed for 5th and 7th harmonic
(d) capacitors are switched on the h.v. side only
64. Static var compensators J
(i) reduce voltage swings at the rolling mills
(ii) improve power factor
(iii) compensate the unbalanced reactive load of arc furnace loads
(iv) can control the fundamental component of current flowing in an inductor
(a) (i) and (ii) are correct (b) (ii) and (iv) are correct
(c) (i), (ii) (iii) and (iv) are correct (d) all are correct
65. Series - capacitor compensation
(i) produces undamped or slightly damped oscillations
(ii) produces oscillations the frequency of which are of the order of 103 to 106 K.Hz. -
which causes serious problem
(iii) may produce electromechanical oscillations of frequency I to 2 Hz
(iv) will not produce any self excitation.
Which of the above is true?
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iv) (c) (iii) and (iv) (d) (i) and (iii)
398 Objective Questions

66. The power flow from area 1 to area 2 is giv~n by with usual notation

67. Synchronizing coefficient of a line is given by

(a) Ts = A8

(c) TsAP = [Ao l - Ao 2]

68. Which of the following is correct

(i) M = _I ~ A8 Hz (ii) M =21t fAfdt rad

21t dt

(iii) M = _I f Afdt (iv) M = 21t fMdt

(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) only (c) (i) and (iv) (d) (i) (iii) and (iv)
69. The inertia consists of two groups of machines which do not swing together are MI and
M2• The equivalent inertia constant of the system is : .[ ]
(a) MI + M2 (b) M, - M2 ifMI > M2
M,M 2 ~
(c) M +M (d) "M I M 2
, 2

70. If AP OJ = K\ and AP 02 = 0, in a two area system, the steady state frequency error is

71. What is the tie-I ine power deviation if AP D:! = Is and AP DI =0 for a two area system

72. For two equal areas, for a load disturbance of AP D in an area, the steady state frequency
error is [ ]
AP ~ 2~ (d) A~PD
(a) _D
(c) AP
(b) 2AP 2
Objective Questions 399

73. If two equal areas with tie line power interchange of P12 experience a load change f1P D
in one of the areas, the tie line power deviation is [ ]
L\PD • n. L\PD n. L\PD
(a) - (b) 1-'1 -2- (c) 1-'_1 ") (d) L\P o
2 ....
74. Which of the following is true
(i) A synchrono\ls generator at sub synchronous frequencies acts as an induction
(ii) At sub synchronous frequencies the rotor resistance viewed from the armature
ter.minals is negative.
(iii) At sub synchronous frequencies resonance may occur between electrical and
mechanical system
(iv) Series compensation causes sub synchronous resonance at very low frequencies
(a) (i) is true (b) (i) and (ii) are true
(c) (i), (ii) and (iii) are true (d) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) are true
Answers to Objective Questions

1. (b) 26. (b) 51. (d)

2. (b) 27. (b) 52. (e)
3. (b) 28. (b) 53. (d)
4. (d) "29. (a) 54. (a)
5. (b) 30. (b) 55. (d)
-6. (b) 31. (d) 56. (d)
7. (b) 32. (e) 57. (b)
8. (a) 33. (e) 58. (a)
9. (e) 34. (d) 59. (d).
10. (a) 35. (c) 60. (d)
11. (a) 36. (b) 61. (a)
12. (a) 37. (d) 62. (d)
13. (a) 38. (~) 63. (e)
14. (a) 39. (d) 64. (d)
15. (b) 40. (d) 65. {d)
16. (d) 41. (d) 66. (a)
17. (d) 42. (d) 67. (a)
18. (d) 43. (c) 68. (a)
19. (d) 44. (a) 69. (e)
20. Cd) 45. (d) 70. (a)
21. (a) 46. (b) 71. (a)
22. (a) 47. (d) 72. (a)
23. (a) 48. (a) 73. (a)
24. (e) 49. (e) 74. (d)
25. (e) 50. Ca)

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