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REC 280 After School Activity Plan

Week: 4 Date: Oct 15-17 Day of week: Tuesday Afterschool Site: Liberty Resources

Group Number: ____ Leader Names: Taylor Hawkins, Ryley Rasmussen

Theme/Trait: Communication

Goals and Objectives: (specific and measurable; at least 3; same for T and R)

1. Participants will improve communication skills by actively engaging with each other and the
instructions without being prompted. (Cognitive)

2. Participants will gain an understanding for each other’s differences and be able to share
something that makes someone unique through a series of activities and social interactions.

3. Participants will improve cognitive skills through activities, participants will demonstrate an
improvement by listing 2-4 names of other people in group. (Cognitive)

Reflective Learning Techniques/Debrief Questions/Format: (at least 3; different for T and R)

 Did you have fun?

 What type of activity did you like best? Why?
 Are there other types of activities you would want to do next time?
o How did group participation shift as we moved throughout activities?
 What were some things you guys learned about each other?
o In what ways did we see an increase in communication and social interaction?
 Were there activities that pushed you outside of your comfort zones? Explain
o Do you think that being outside of your comfort zone can be a positive thing? If not,

In addition, attach 5 “back pocket” activities/games as an appendix. Provide the name and a
brief description of each activity.


Time Activity Desired Outcome (i.e., Supplies Lead Notes (i.e.,

icebreaker, trust, etc.) Used Facilitator concerns, risk
management, etc.)
3:00- Name Circle
3:05- Where The Wind Ice breaker: Participants are Place holders Ryley -Give certain topics that
3:20 Blows sharing about themselves, the statements must be
connection maker because related to. (Ex: Sports,
you see similarities within the movies, travel)
group. -Play sitting down and
have participants
“whoosh” with
3:20- Stinger Communication interaction N/A Taylor -When shaking hands
3:35 and introduction with each introduce yourself
other, problem solving -Walk to side when
because participants must dead do not fall
figure out who the stinger is. -3 handshakes later
3:35-45 2 Truths and a Tale Ice breaker because you’re Place holders Taylor -2 tales and 1 truth, find
sharing information about the truth.
yourself, Cognitive thinking
about your tale to make up
and trying to figure out others.

Activity Title: Where The Wind Blows

Purpose of the Game: An ice breaker game to allow participants to share things about them and see
who else has those things in common.
Ideal Group Size: Works for all group sizes but the best size would be 10-15
Ideal Population: All ages and populations
Equipment and Materials: None or if any just place holders
Space Requirements: Big enough space for a circle where everyone can change places
Preparation: None
Time Required: It’s a round game so as many as you want to play or as long as people are interested.
How to Play: Everyone finds a spot in the circle except for one person. The person that is not in the
circle is in the middle. The person in the middle says “the wind blows for….” And finishes with
something that they have done or relates to them. Example: The wind blows for anyone who has a dog.
Anyone who owns a dog would then have to go find a new spot in the circle. The last person is now in
the middle and the game repeats.
Variation: You can set a certain category they must relate the statement to.
Adaptations: You can have the participants sit down and “whoosh” and raise their arms if they are
similar. First person to whoosh goes next.

Activity Title: Stinger
Purpose of the Game: Figure out who the stinger is after people are “killed” off.
Group Size: This game works best in a smaller group of 10-20 people, but it works with all group sizes.
Ideal Population: Children or Adults 10+
Equipment and Materials: None
Space Requirements: A good-sized space for the group to walk around in.
Preparation: 2 practice rounds
Time Required: 10-15 minutes, depending on how long you want to play.
How to play: The group will circle up and each person will close their eyes. The host (me) will go
around the circle and tap someone on their shoulder choosing who the stinger is. Then, everyone will
open their eyes and walk around shaking everyone’s hands. The stinger must begin stinging everyone
that they interact with. The people who they sting, has to do a dramatic death and walk over.
Variation: The host then picks a person to guess who the stinger is. If they are right they win and a new
round begins. If not, they continue until they do.
Adaptations: As everyone goes around and shake hands everyone’s hand each individual must
introduce themselves. - Die after shaking three more hands.
Two Truths and a Lie
Activity Title: Two Truths and a Lie
Purpose of the Game: Allow for participants to think thoroughly on what they want to share with
people and get a sense of other individuals.
Group Size: This game can work very well in a large group but can work well in smaller groups as
well. Ideal Population: Children or Adults 10+
Equipment and Materials: None
Space Requirements: Any space provided.
Preparation: 1 example.
Time required: 5-10 minutes.
How to play: Each individual is seated in a circle and within the circle, they go around one by one
telling two things that are true about them and one lie. The people who are not speaking at that time, the
rest of the group, has to guess which statement is the false statement.
Adaptations: Instead of saying two truths and a lie, say two lies and a truth allowing for people to guess
what you're not lying about.

Week: 4 Date: Oct 15-17 Day of week: Thursday After School Site: Liberty Resources

Group Number: ____ Leader Names: Taylor Hawkins, Ryley Rasmussen

Theme/Trait: Communication

Goals and Objectives: (specific and measurable; at least 3; same for T and R)

4. Participants will improve communication skills by actively engaging with each other and the
instructions without being prompted. (Cognitive)

5. Participants will gain an understanding for each other’s differences and be able to share
something that makes someone unique through a series of activities and social interactions.

6. Participants will improve cognitive skills through activities, participants will demonstrate an
improvement by listing 2-4 names of other people in group. (Cognitive)

Reflective Learning Techniques/Debrief Questions/Format: (at least 3; different for T and R)

 In what ways did we see an increase in communication and social interaction?

o How do the participants feel about being in a larger social group?

 How did group participation shift as we moved throughout activities?

o Which activities did you feel were your favorites and why?

 What are some things you learned anything today?

o Did individuals take away skills or lessons that would overall benefit their overall day to
day lives?

Time Activity Desired Outcome (i.e., Supplies Lead Notes (i.e.,

icebreaker, trust, etc.) Used Facilitator concerns, risk
management, etc.)
3:00- Tarp Ice breaker because it is a Tarp Ryley -Make it last names
3:10 Drop fun name game, cognitive -Set time limit on
because participants are how long they have
pushed to remember to react
names, communication
because participants must
introduce themselves.
3:10- Math off Cognitive N/A Ryley
3:20 Because participants must -Switch to RPS where
think about their answer you move up by
rather quickl. Communication winning
because as people dropout -Evolution version
you must find your next where you go from egg,
opponent. chicken, trex, ultimate
3:20- Honey, do you love Communication interaction N/A Taylor -Change words to
3:30 me? and introduction with each make it friendlier
other. Humor because it
allows participants to be silly
and goofy in safe place.
3:30-45 Pictionary Cognitive participants must Drawing Taylor -Set a theme
think come up with ideas of boards and -Set limit for guesses
image. Communication by markers
working together and sharing
ideas to come up with final

Activity Title: Tarp Drop

Purpose of the Game: To get participants familiar with each other’s names.
Group Size: Works with all group size. The more the better!
Ideal Population: All ages
Equipment and Materials: Tarp
Space Requirements: Enough room for people to hide on each side of the tarp
Preparation: Demonstrate one round.
Time Required: 5-10 minutes.
How to Play: Separate into two teams each team hiding on either side of a tarp the instructors hold up.
Each team sends one person up to the tarp. On the count of 3 the tarp will then drop. The first person to
say the others name wins the round and the loser goes to the other side.
Variation: Say the color of the persons shirt first.

Activity Title: Math Off

Purpose of the Game: This game helps improve cognitive function through creative play.
Group Size: Works with all group size.
Ideal Population: 8+
Equipment and Materials: None
Space Requirements: A good-sized space for individuals to move around each other
Preparation: A few examples is recommended.
Time Required: 5-10 minutes.
How to Play: Players play like rock paper scissors but throw out a number 1-5. First one to add them up
and say it aloud wins and moves on. Play until there is a winner. Can be multiple rounds.
Variation: Evolution/Rock paper scissors
Adaptations: Players play rock paper scissors starting as an egg. If they win they become a chicken,
then a t rex then, an ultimate being.

Activity Title: Honey, do you love me?

Purpose of the Game: The purpose of this game is to be able to interact with other individuals in your
own creative way.
Group Size: Works with all group size.
Ideal Population: Adults 16+
Equipment and Materials: None
Space Requirements: A good-sized space for individuals to get into a circle.
Preparation: A few examples is recommended.
Time Required: 5-10 minutes.
How to Play: The participants will gather in a circle, one person is chosen to start off the game. That
person must go to a random person and say “Honey, do you love me? May I please get a smile?” and
that person has to do everything they can to get the other individual to smile without touching them. The
person must respond, “Honey I do love you but I cannot smile.” If the person does not smile, the
participant who started the game must move on to the next person until they can get them to smile. This
will repeat until a new person is in the middle.
Adaptations: Emphasize no touching - n/a.

Activity Title: Pictionary

Purpose of the Game: The purpose of the game is to be able to communicate with your other
teammates to gain a higher advantage and win against the opposing team.
Group Size: Works better in bigger teams, but a minimum of four people.
Ideal Population: Children and adults 10+
Equipment and Materials: White boards and markers
Space Requirements: Any space provided.
Preparation: 2 practice rounds.
Time Required: 10-20 minutes.
How to Play: The group of individuals with be split into two teams. Each team will pick a person to do
the drawing of each figure that they have to get their teammates to guess. The teammates must then
come together to figure out what exactly was being drawn.
Preparations: Prep out cards with what they have to write on them.
Adaptations: Give each team a set time to guess or a set number of chances. - Give them themes to
draw, allow it to become a little easier to guess.
Appendix Back Pocket Games

Activity Title: Pulse

Purpose of the Game: It’s a fun game to help with motor skills. Hand-eye coordination.
Group Size: Works well with larger groups.
Ideal Population: Children and Adults 10+
Equipment and Materials: None.
Space Requirements: A good- sized place for individuals to sit in a circle.
Preparation: Two practice rounds.
Time Required: 5-10 minutes.
How to Play: All participants will sit in a circle and within the circle you will lay your hands flat on the
ground, but will go over the arms of each person on both ends of yourself. Then one person will slap
their hand on the ground and that will continue in the order of where the hand is placed. If you mess up
you must remove the hand that ruined the cycle. This will continue until there are essentially no more
Adaptations: Include fun things to add to the game to make it harder and more exciting.

Activity Title: Charades

Purpose of the Game: To give each individual a chance to come up with a series of words and find a
good conclusion. Cognitive skills are tested.
Group Size: This game works best with a maximum of 6 people.
Ideal Population: Children and Adult 10+
Equipment and Materials: Paper and Markers
Space Requirements: A big enough space for individuals to sit in two separate groups.
Preparation: Two practice rounds are recommended.
Time Required: 10-20 minutes.
Preparations: Demonstrate one round
How to Play: The participants will be split into two teams. Each team will then decide on a person who
needs to act out what their team needs to figure out. As the game progresses, the team that guesses the
most correct answers wins the game.
Adaptations: Themes will be given. Set a time limit on how long they can guess and number of

Activity Title: Poison Dart Frog

Purpose of the Game: Problem solving to find the poison dart frog.
Group Size: This game works best with 8 or more people.
Ideal Population: Children and Adult 6+
Equipment and Materials: None
Space Requirements: Big enough for group to make the circle.
Time Required:10 minutes.
Preparations: Good idea to do a couple practice rounds.
How to Play: Group is in a circle one person in circle is the poison dart frog. The poison dart frog is
hidden among the circle and kills people by sticking their tongue out. The detectives job is to find out
who the person is.
Adaptations: Head Hancho/ Follow the leader
Activity Title: G’day Bruce
Purpose of the Game: tongue twister that helps with cognitive skills.
Group Size: This game works best with 5 or more people.
Ideal Population: Children and Adult 6+
Equipment and Materials: None
Space Requirements: Big enough for group to make the circle.
Time Required:10 minutes.
How to Play: Turn to the person to your left and say "G'day Bruce". They reply "G'day Bruce"
to You then say "Say g'day to Bruce, Bruce". Repeat this going around in a circle. At some point
someone will mess up. So they go down a rank to Sheela, and the lines you have to say change also! So
when you are talking to the person that is the sheela you say: "G'day Sheela" "G'day Bruce" "Say g'day
to Bruce, Sheela" "G'day Bruce" So someone that is a sheela messes up again! They go down a rank to
woof, in which their only reply is woof "G'day woof" "woof” "say g'day to Bruce, woof" "woof"

Adaptations: Can change the words or add in new names to make game longer or funnier.

Activity Title: Blind Man Walk

Purpose of the Game: Trust and team building activity.
Group Size: You need at least 2 people and an even number works best.
Ideal Population: Children and Adult 6+
Equipment and Materials: Blindfolds
Space Requirements: Big enough for group to walk around blind folded.
Time Required: 5 minutes.
Preparations: Need time to set up obstacles, if outside use trees to walk people around.
How to Play: One partner is blindfolded the other one’s job is to guide them through obstacles or
around an area.

Variation: Add obstacles to make it harder or have the partners not allowed to talk.
Adaptations: Can change the words or add in new names to make game longer or funnier.

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