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Dionne-Danielle Smith

Dr. Legacy

EDT 180

1 December 2019

Reflection Paper Assignment

When I first enrolled in EDT 180, I had the all the basic computer skills down. Using

word, saving files, backing up files, uploading videos on YouTube, watching videos cute animal

videos until my eyes bleed, etc. However, throughout the course of this semester I have come to

comprehend just how powerful a computer can really be. Which brings me to my first course

objective, which according to the syllabus, is to demonstrate an understanding of fundamental

programming concepts using block programing. Before this course I always thought a subject

like programming was way out of my league. I thought to be a programmer you had to be a super

genius that works for the government, or you had to be Tony Stark or something. To my surprise

programming is not too complicated after all, and the way that programming was introduced to

me in this course programming is fun, and most definitely one of my most favorite parts of this


Next up, becoming more familiar with Google based apps. When it came to Google apps,

I know the usual, Google drive, YouTube, Gmail, Duo, and Hangouts, but Google goes far

beyond that, and google is much more helpful for schoolwork than I thought and will be utilize

much more in the future. Using Word, e-mail, PowerPoint and other basic functions, I always

thought I was using them to their fullest potential and extent, but to my surprise again there are

features to these applications that I had idea I could use. Overall, the objectives that I focused on
in my evaluation all have one thing in common, that there is more to them than meets the eye. I

always thought that I was using all these features to their fullest potential. I though all the feature

that came with them, but I guess not. Now after of a semester of this course I am much more

empowered to use technology and all the bells and whistles that come with it. I am excited to use

these newfound features as well as their abilities more in the future as I continue into my

academic career and go into my career, as well into my personal life. When I would start a new

module every week for the course, I would find difficulty, but with some practice, the learning

activities and plenty of caffeine, I found a way to get the job done. I am thankful to this course

for giving me this new confidence to use technology to help me my future endeavors both

personal and professional.

What have I learned in this course? I have learned that I can add more flair to my

assignments and make them more me, and personally that is my favorite part of making

presentations and doing schoolwork. Making my work stand out has always been my thing

growing up throughout school. I enjoy making them more me, adding my own personal stamps

on my assignments, that way my professors know, “oh yeah, Dionne did that”.

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