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Name :Kalisna Latifa Dewi

NIM : 1611200004

1. What types of hotels would suit a family of four - two adults and two young children?

In my opinionls Chain Hotels and Resort Hotels are types of hotels that suit
for a family of four-two adults and two young children, because both of Chain and
Resor Hotels provide various kinds of facilities, entertainment and comfort of the
desired home. As for some of the facilities found in both hotels, such as swimming
pools, restaurants, beauty care centers. all these facilities are provided by the hotel
with the aim that visitors feel comfortable with the facilities available.

2. How might working in a chain hotel be different from working in a business or

conference hotel?
The difference is if the hotel chain is a well-known hotel that could be in or
outside the country, the hotels are one name but can be in several countries but with
the same service, so if working in a hotel chain must have an international level of
professionalism because the hotel the chain is not only in one country. while business
hotels or conference hotels are often located in designated business areas of major
cities, with easy access to the exhibition center and the city's transportation network.
the hotel workers must provide all services and facilities related to conducting
'business as usual', while the executives of the main companies and their staff are far
from their regular workplaces. The rooms in this type of hotel are designed with the
attention of business people and women and always provide, along with all the
expected comfort, a work area with office equipment and Wi-Fi connection. Common
areas in these hotels may include large meeting rooms, with all the latest audio-visual
technology installed, staff office space for sending and receiving faxes, or for
photocopying and document distribution, and access to external courier services, such
as FedEx, UPS or DHL. so business hotel or conference workers more or less they
understand about business.
3. What advantages to guests have when they stay in apartment hotels? Can you think of
any disadvantages?
There are some advantages when someone stay in a apartment:
1) Adjacent to the work location
The developers usually choose the location of the construction of apartments in
strategic places close to office centers, education, and government centers.
2) Prices are relatively lower
Apartment prices are relatively lower compared to landed houses. Because
apartment consumers only buy buildings. While landed house consumers buy
buildings and their land or land.
3) Maximum security
Living in an apartment so far is indeed quite safe. Because, security personnel are
practically maximal for 24 hours. In addition, apartment managers usually also
install CCTV in each area.
4) Pretty much facilities
Living in an apartment also has advantages in terms of facilities including
swimming pools, lobbies, tennis courts, parks to children's playgrounds.
But there are some disadvantages when someone stay in a apartment, they are:
1) Do not have their own land
However, in addition to the many advantages that can be enjoyed when living in
an apartment, you will also experience some of the shortcomings that you do not
have your own land.
2) Rarely interact socially
For those of you who are used to living in a community or interacting with
neighbors, it is certain that if you live in an apartment you will rarely
communicate with neighbors.
3) Maintenance costs are somewhat higher
The shortcomings of this apartment also impose on residents to spend more on
maintenance costs such as electricity, water, cleaning and parking subscription
4) Limited room
As said above, living in an apartment is limited. The space occupied is the entire
building. The only thing left is space for drying clothes.

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