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Value of Human Life

– a few ignored truths

Kongu Engg. College
“Human Life is a rare Boon. Spiritual
Advancements are possible only through
this human body”.

To understand and realise this, know

about the essence of spiritual power

Absolute Truth can be attained by

means of only this spiritual power.

Our body and mind are functioning only

through the help of the Spiritual Power
Do you know,

Whether the baby in the mother’s womb

has soul?

when Atma (soul) enters into the

newborn baby?
During the child birth, this Spiritual current is
entering in to the human body and seated at Agna
Chakra ( where two eyes meet).

From there, it gradually descends to interact

with the outer world through the five sense organs
and mind, to develop physical and mental
When physical development occurs, the
body gets strengthened and the intellectual
power grows through the mental

This kind of intellectual growth gained

is not an absolute one.
The knowledge derived in this physical
plane through the five senses and mind, has
got limitations.

With eye,we can perceive only between the

red and violet of the spectrum and we can see
nothing which is infra red or ultra violet.

The tympanum of our ear is capable of

receiving only a certain frequencies of sound
Our senses are merely windows through
which vibrations from the external world
are transmitted to the brain.

Each sense organ has a definite function

Assigned to it.
If any information is conveyed with filtered
contents, we never accept the information as a
truthful one.

In the same way, how the knowledge

gathered through the sense organs with
limitations will lead to Absolute Truth?
Entity leads to Absolute Truth
Arrangement in our human body apart
from sense organs and mind, called as
Spirit centers(or Nerve Centers).
The human-being is endowed with three
distinct forms, viz, the sthul, sukshuma and
karana sarirs (the gross, the subtle and the causal

The subtle and causal bodies are connected

with the gross body at several points, called as
knots or centers.

In these centers, the subtle body and causal

body are connected to the physical nerves
through which they receive perception of the
sense organs and communicate to the body.
There are eighteen main nerve centers in the

Six - in the white matter of the brain (Padmams)

Six- in the grey matter of the brain (Kamals)
Six– located lower down in the body (Chakras).

Each set of six centers are related to each planes

corresponding to Spiritual, Mental and Physical.
Spiritual Power can be awakened by performing
Spiritual practices through these nerve centers
and one can achieve Absolute Truth.

What is a Spiritual Practice? and How to do it?

Search .. Search… Search…………..

One day (this birth or next…….) ,

You will Reach.

Thank you for the Patience Listening.

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